
Story by Kaijou on SoFurry

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A gift story for Mintmonkey to try and get my creative juices flowing.

The unnamed world and city houses arena styled battles for survival, and often other lands will come together for a tournament for glory.

How will Mint fare in a one on one battle with the champion of the north lands?

Sportsmanship © Tsumi Moogle '16 Characters Themselves.

Sunlight glowed off the domed rooves of the city in the early morning hour. Birds chirped as they flew in formation from their nests amidst the thick veridian foliage. The streets were abustle, with trade, and eager anticipation, as droves of people followed the carved stone roadways towards the tall and proud heart of the city. The arena. Standing higher than most all of the buildings in the city, outclassed only by the emperor's palace which watched over the grand entrance arches of the great city's prized spectacle from across a long grassy esplanade, decorated with a handsomely maintained pond.

The palace today though, stood empty, in contrast to the arena, whose numerous stands filled with so many bodies, that soon guards were forced to deny late stragglers, their tickets forfeited. Anger and outcry was silenced with an easy warning: 'Return home, or face the champion himself.' It was not an uncommon threat. It wasn't an empty one, either.

The city, for its majesty, and well-kept looks still unbiddingly nurtured a darker element in a fringe host of its populace. Crime while not rampant, was not unfamiliar, which, to the city's benefit, gave them the opportunity to admire and enjoy pit matches between criminals, and city guards, or fierce beasts that were brought in from exotic lands. On the rare occasion a criminal survived, they were often made an arena combatant. Fight on behalf of the throne's amusement, survive 10 fights, and earn your freedom. There was money in it for them too. A number had become common names among households for their skill in dispatching common criminals.

But none of the combatants stood out as much as the champion. One who had lorded over the arena for several years. Few knew his history, and fewer still spoke of it. He had simply appeared in the ring, and dominated it. It was common knowledge that the emperor had a personal connection to him. Granting him near anything he desired on a whim, in lieu of taking a more personal, if unofficial title of the emperor's pet.

It was not an uncommon form of amusement, or of justice. Many states held such tournaments. And boasted of their own champions. Though few held such notoriety as the emperor's personal champion. His greed for battle and gluttony for victory were nigh unparalleled. Not that other states didn't question it.

For that purpose, the arena's spectactors swelled, every seat and then some filled. Not only with townsfolk, but emissaries, dignitaries from other states. The fifth grand melee drew fighters from all over the world. Those who fought for fame, for money, for a simple chance to test their skills, or even simply to bring glory to their lands.

The moogle smiled as he stood from his seat. Settled at the center of the crowd, his seat alone, settled on a small mezzanine, flanked by two sizeable figures: A hyena and a kangaroo, both clad in studded leather and sectioned plate, with large spears to hand. Those closest to the short figure fell silent and still as the emperor lifted his arms. Silence fell rapidly, until all in the arena could hear the barest whispers of wind licking through the arched view-points of the outer walls of the grand arena.

'To my people, and our most esteemed guests, I bid a warm welcome, Kupo!' The moogle spoke with a bright voice, putting force behind it that all might hear him. 'The fifth grand melee is to us all a grand occasion, bringing us together, in battles of strength and wit, for entertainment and understanding! That we might know one another, and greater strengthen our bonds, we bring our warriors to the fore, kupo! All know what is at stake, and all accept in humble appreciation, their defeat. Humbly, we begin this years festivities with one of our own, the champion of the arena himself, Mint!'

The final word scarcely escaped the young moogle's lips before the arena nearly exploded with noise. The crowds cheered, and roared, and hooted for their champion, feet stomping as one of the heavy-barred doors from the depths of the feast-pits rose, and out stepped a tall, proud figure.

The monkey was a sight to behold: his body a vibrant mix of green and cream, off set by a snug, but revealing mix of black studded leather, much like the emperor's guards. A Y-cross harness held the metallic shoulder guard over his right arm. A snug cloth jock hugged about the bulge of his groin, whilst strips of leather swayed about his thighs in a partial war skirt. His feet lay tightly laced in calf-high sandals, steps rising up small plumes of dust as he lifted his trident in recognition to the almost deafening cheers he was getting. A grin lay etched on his face, his hair a rough mess, his sideburns leading into a thick jaw-line tacing beard. Behind him swayed a long, sinuous tail, that softly jingled wth a half dozen dark-leather rings. Each one etched numerous times.

Mint came to a halt before the mezzanine where his emperor stood. The moogle grinned down to the monkey, fluttering his wings, his pompom glowing over his fine silver diadem. 'And facing our legendary warrior, the proud champion of our sister land of the north, I give you Teio!' The moogle called once more. The yells of excitement continued, whilst Mint's head turned to the opening doorway, curious to see his fellow champion.

The sunlight gleamed off the figure's snowy fur as he stepped from the shadows. A pair of scarlet eyes fixed on the monkey as the rabbit walked with an easy grace. Like Mint, Teio's form was heavily toned. He was muscular without being beefy, his abdominals firm pebbles and his pectorals solid slabs. The buck was garbed in am H-front harness, rounded leather spaulders, studded and scraped hugged over his shoulders, his arms snug in leather wraps from mid-wrist, with a pair of fingerless gloves over his hands, one holding a bronze shield, and the other, a curious, two-bladed sword. His hips were wrapped similar to mint's, the war skirt a bit thicker, and his feet enclosed not in sandals, but boots.

The rabbit's ears lay down his back. Several rings piercing near the base of them, marked like Mint's tail rings with a number of notches as well.

As he too came to a stop before the emperor, Tsumi smiled as he looked over the duo. 'For your lands, and your lives, give everything! May the gods watch your battle favourably, kupo!' The duo turned to one another, momentarily grasping each other's fore-arm, a simple glance between them, a smirk etched on both their faces as they sized one another up. Mint's tongue trailed his lips. 'Begin!' called the young emperor.

Sword and trident lashed up to meet one another, the sword catching the hilt of the trident between its split blade, glancing it up as Teio thrust his shield up. The crowd gave an echoing groan for the first strike, Mint's sandals pressing back several inches, before he smirked. Yanking the trident down and back, nearly pulling the rabbit's weapon from his hands, before turning to swipe the counter-weighted butt of his weapon after his opponent. Bending like a reed, Teio avoided the strike, only to take a firm kick to his torso, sending him sprawling back. Vaulting back to his feet before the trident slammed into the ground where he had been.

The crowd cheered all through. Roars of delight, screams of shock, and fright, deep gasps of awe from daring dodges, or strikes, or turn-backs from the two powerful fighters. Mint smirked as he fought. The rabbit was an agile creature, and definitely stronger than he appeared. The highly polished shield the buck wielded flashed in the rising sun, momentarily blinding the monkey. Blinking light from his eyes, he looked about, the rabbit had vanished. 'Above you!!' screamed a figure in the crowd. As if by instinct, the monkey threw himself backwards, moments before the rabbit landed, his heavy boots having cracked the ground where he'd landed. Through the cloud of dust he'd raised, he watched the monkey darting about one of the large pillars littering the arena, and vaulting out from the otherside at rapid speed, he caught the buck with a double-feeted kick, stooping over him with his trident poised. The buck's shield lashed once more, deflecting the prongs of the trident into the dirt, before his legs lifted. Catching the monkey in return with a brutal kick, Mint had the wind knocked from him as he was flung a number of feet, impacting the ground heavily, to a loud groan from his fans.

The duo got to their feet, brushing themselves off, before Mint raised a pierced eyebrow. His hand twisted on the trident he wielded, and lifting it, he took a great slash. Teio frowned with confusion, the monkey was far too far to strike him, what was he playing at- The pronged head of the trident launched out like a whip. A thick chain anchoring it to the hilt of the weapon, as the prongs sprung open like a trap, latching about the shocked lapine's torso, scraping at his back. With a powerful yank, Mint hauled the rabbit towards him, spreading his jaws wide, baring a thick, slimey cavern of flesh at his opponent as Teio hurtled towards him.

The cheers of the crowed and the wind whipping in his ears roared about him, before falling promptly silent when his opponent's great, experienced jaws surged over his head. The buck scrambled, his legs lifting to impact the monkey's chest before his momentum hauled him to his hips in the monkey's expectant gullet. His sword dropped as he lunged a hand, grabbing the primate's throat, to impede that greedy gullet. He felt Mint's free hand lifting to try and pull him back, but his feet planted, and pushing powerfully, pulled his head free with a gasp and a pant as he skidded back, wiping saliva from his face.

Mint smacked his lips and grinned again. 'You're quite tasty for a champion. Let's see you get free next time, bunny.' he taunted, before pulling on his trident once more. Still latched about the rabbit, his grin widened as he threw the buck, impacting him against one of the pillars, intent on dazing him. It partially worked, but rather than collapse, Teio grabbed the chain, with an incensed look as he hauled on it in turn, pulling the monkey in against him. Wrapping his arms about his opponent, the buck gave a powerful headbutt that had the monkey seeing stars. A second one looming back, before Mint's jaws gaped, and expelled a thunderous belch that flecked the matted rabbit's face with several strings of saliva. The force, the sound, and the scent of the belch stopping the buck in his tracks. Leaping back, Mint panted, rubbing his aching ribs, as Teio shook his head, gripping the trident's prongs and wrestled them from his form.

The two eyed one another up once again, as the began to circle. Moving and regarding each other, before they charged in, weapons forgotten. Both the pinnacle of fitness from their regime and diet, their clash was all but unimpeded from their earlier bouts. strikes lashed, bodies dodged and deflected, grasps moving to grapples which were turned about and broken. More than once one threw the other, leaping atop them, to be thrown aside again.. But as they fought, it seemed to grow clear the rabbit was coming out on top. A little taller, a little lankier than the monkey, his strikes landed more often, and he dodged with greater ease. Pushing the monkey back, butting him up against a pillar with a smirk on his face.

The crowd screamed, roaring and cheering for the buck's incredible display. Mint's fans roared encouragement, leaping and gripping at the edge rail, knowing better than to throw themselves into the ring. Even the emperor had stood from his seat, watching with widening eyes as his champion was pressed back.

Mint took a solid swing, growling in consternation, only to find his opponent's jaws lunging wide at the same time. His arm surged down the rabbit's gullet, Teio smirking as he wrestled the monkey's other arm into submission, leaning his own gaping jaws before his opponent's face, thick heated breaths washing over the monkey.. Until a solid thunk had the rabbit yell in pain, head lurching aside and Mint's arm drawing free. Staggering aside, Teio held his head, a trickle of red drizzling down his cheek and neck. The monkey stared for a moment at the spot the rabbit's jaws had been, before down at the rock that clattered to a halt on the dusty floor. The emperor's eyes narrowed, glancing sharply at the figure in the crowds who had done it, cheering a wild cheer and laughing his success at upsetting the champion's victory. Snapping his fingers, the moogle pointed to the wildly dancing red panda. The large hyena by his side vanished into the crowd. The matches were to be uninterupted. Outside interference was seen as a grave slight on the other countries.

Panting and looking to the rabbit, the monkey narrowed his eyes. There was no stopping it at this point. The fights were what they were. One walked out. Licking his lips, he leaped, grappling the rabbit from behind, smirking as he wrangled his arms to his sides, grunting with the effort. The large buck's head lashed back, trying to slam against the monkey's head, only to find a set of jaws waiting after his third attempt. The primate's tongue mooshed against the back of his tongue, before Mint's maw lunged over his head once more. This time though, Teio lacked the leverage to pull himself free. The monkey never would have otherwise caught his back, if not for the rock-thrower, the misfortune making his legs kick brutally at air as the monkey steadily lifted, dragging his opponent up and back into the stiffling depths of his gullet.

The smooth leather spaulders were easy to claim over, the monkey's jaws worming down over the firm torso, tongue brushing as he made ready work of his powerful opponent. Eager swallows trailed the bunny down, delighting in the rich flavour of the snowy fur, worked up from the incredible fight, saliva dripping down over the bunny's legs. Mint's belly began to distend, when his jaws smoothly trailed the buck's abdominals. Standing proud, lifting the thrashing legs, Mint pushed those thick boots away when they tried to plant on his chest, and shoulders, trying to halt his ingestion. By this point, it was moot. There was no getting out. The crowd that had roared in divided voice between pride for their champion, and the north's fury at the interference died down as all watched, listening to those carrying swallows. Each wet undulation of muscle claiming more of the rabbit. His war skirt being plucked free by the monkey, before his maw muted the thrashing thighs, and claimed over the buck's knees.. Gulp. Inched those calves. Glurp. Began the slow eclipse of the bunny's writhing boots. Ulp. His maw slowly framed the bunny's shod feet, before with a final swallow, his maw sealed passed the thick soles of the bunny's boots, and Teio's bulges sluiced passed his opponent's throat.

His belly thrashed with a renewed fury, the bunny within still having plenty of fight. His bulges visible, his hands, his feet, his face all visible when they lashed out. Mint stumbled and staggered as he fought for balance, before he smirked, and with a firm tightening of his abdominals, let loose a long, wet, crass belch, compacting his foe into a struggling, hapless foetal position and releasing a slick boot to thud over the dusty ground. Raising a hand, Mint panted in recognition of his victory. The crowd bursting into cheers once again, with even the north clapping. Turning to look to the emperor, the primate smirked. The moogle was cheering. To his side, the hyena held a terrified red panda, one of his long time, and most fervant fans.

Slapping his gut, the monkey rubbed over the struggling bunny, hearing the thick, wet sounds of his stomach beginning to growl and gurgle about his meal. Bowing, he turned to walk towards the feast pits.


Mint groaned as he reclined amidst several large pillows, relaxing after his fight. His arena garb discarded, and an aching hardon grinding against the slightly softened mass of the former rabbit. His ears twitched to the sound of footsteps approaching, before the emperor's guard appeared with the red panda. The hyena was silent, but the steely stare he gave the monkey said everything. With a firm push, the red panda was sent sprawling against the monkey's belly, making it glorp wetly as the hyena turned to return to his duties.

The red panda shivered and panted, staring up to his hero, swallowing. He knew well he'd messed up. The emperor had told him just as much. He was as good as a traitor to the throne. He was as good as a pile of bones on the champion's floor. 'I should really thank you.' Mint started with a groan, as he rested a foot behind the red panda, pinning him against his stomach. 'Without your interference, it's entirely possible I might have been in his position, right now.' The monkey grinned, belching low and savoring the percolation of the rabbit's flavour. 'I know you've been an ardent fan for a long time now. I appreciate that. But you interfered with an incredible, and very important match.' He said, his smile darkening. 'You tainted my victory, and subsequently, my meal.'

The red panda's head shook, he whimpered nervously, panting desperately. He knew what was coming. 'Please..! Please sir..! I couldn't stand to see you lose..! Not to that rabb-Mmmph!' Mint had pressed his face into the softening mass of his broad belly. 'For being such an eager fan, I'll give you the greatest honour you could possibly hope to get from me. You're going to be a part of me, just like the rabbit.' He grinned, turning the smaller male around before he yawned wide over the whimpering wah's feet.


Far from immobile, but delightedly stuffed all the same, Mint slathered about the succulent head of the interferer. His tongue lashing lazily, slathering along cheeks and jawline as the red panda whimpered, crying out in fear as he sank deeper. Cringing as he sank down, feeling the remains of the former rabbit squidging about his form as he was swallowed deeper. Like a trash compactor, Mint's stomach cared little for the mass being pressed in, handling the adjustment easily. Laying his head back and swallowing, the monkey rested a hand on his throat as he felt the face of his former fan sinking down his neck, bulging it with a final, muted whimper until it vanished behind his chest.

Exhaling lazily, the primate groaned and licked his lips, smiling as he reclined under the considerable size of his stomach. Lifting a hand, the green monkey snapped his fingers, ushering several smaller monkey boys to him. Dressed in little more than silks and sheer finery, they followed his pointed directions, rubbing over the slowly squirming, sloshing stomach, hands tracing the former champion and red panda as the monkey's gut continued churning, and sloshing, grinding and flattening and roiling them about within, two more notches added to the monkey's tail rings.
