A Fox's Prerogative

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#12 of Commissions

Continuation of the commission for Basque from a year ago. Fun story about sex, desire and the fallout from causing an orgy at your graduation.

If you want to support me and everything I do here, then please go over to https://www.patreon.com/kergiby

Patrick hadn't dreamed since this started. It wasn't that he couldn't dream, it was just that his life had taken on such a surreal aspect over the past year that to wake was to live a dream and to sleep was to return to a normal that never existed.

So, in a way, Patrick did dream. He found himself living a normal life again, going to college, meeting a girl and, more than just fuck her like so many of the girls and women he'd had since this time had started, Patrick found himself thinking about what it was like to not be stared and gawked at. Patrick loved the attention of all the women around him. What young man wouldn't? But the fox hated that he couldn't even go to the store without getting stopped by a frustrated housewife. It wasn't unwelcome. He never said no. He was a horny teenage boy. Why would he say no?

But he wasn't the one under the influence. The fox had strong musk that made him all but irresistible to any woman or man he came in contact with it. He'd fucked couples on their wedding night, a divorced couple at the same time... anything--any_one_--he wanted was his!

So, Patrick didn't know what to make of his life anymore. He just wanted to feel normal again. If only just for a day.

The sound of a door opening stirred the fox from his sleep. The fox opened his eyes, bleary and looking over his room. He passed the body of Mrs. Winters, her nude body in his arms as it seemed to so often lay. There was another girl spread out on the floor, her muzzle and ass matted with what had happened last night. He glanced up to see his Dad in the doorway. The older fox shook his head at the scene and the mess made in the carpet and spoke in a clear voice.

"Get dressed. We need to talk."

Patrick's family was, needless to say, mortified at the results of the graduation. His whole family had watched as he not only fucked his teacher in front of them, but started off a massive orgy. The town was shaken by it and the family received so many angry calls and letters that they very nearly moved. But, Patrick was most bothered by his sister's silence. She was younger than him by a couple years and she had seen her brother do that. It was no surprise then that she was the butt of a lot of jokes at school.

His home life was falling apart, and Patrick's condition was causing other families to rip apart. Mr. Winters was mortified at first, aroused second. He couldn't believe what the two had done. They tried to work through it, but the spell of the fox's potent musk had changed her needs. All desire between the couple had been eradicated. She couldn't teach anymore either! The fox's actions had stripped that from her as well. It was a small miracle that Patrick and the others at the graduation hadn't been put on the sex offender's registry. But somehow, that particular fact was swept under the rug.

Slipping free of the confines of Mrs. Winter, the fox slipped a pair of shorts on. Grabbing a shirt off the ground, he padded downstairs, following in the wake of his father. At the table, the older fox looked at his son. He nodded to the empty chair across from him and waited. The two stared at each other, sizing the other up and deciding what to say. Who speaks first when no one speaks because what's left to be said is too much?

"Patrick, your mother and I have been talking." His father took a sip from his coffee. "It's been a few months since you've graduated. You were supposed to be going off to school but something seems to have made you lose sight of that. So we're trying to figure out what to... What we're supposed to do with you."

"Do with me?" Patrick laughed. "What's that mean?"

"It means that you're not healthy for us to be around anymore."

The words were a blow to the gut. The fox looked straight ahead and blinked. Cocking his head, he tried to force a smile.

"Dad, c'mon--"

"Patrick, we may have to move. We're trying to figure out how to survive as a family--"


"You're sleeping with half the town. You're bringing home floozies home every night and poor Mrs. Winter has her head all torn up over you. I don't know what's going one with you. But we can't live like this. I love you, son, but with your... condition, with what you've done... You need to do something. Either you go off to college and maybe figure out how to handle this or you just... Or you just move out and move away. That's the only thing I can think of."

The fox didn't speak. He took a long moment to mull the words over, weighing them. His dad was right in some ways. He looked back up and frowned.

"You're kicking me out?"

"Your sister has been trying to join you and your whores the past few nights!" the older fox hissed. "I will not let you do that to her."

The words crashed over him like a wave knocking him off his feet. He breathed slow, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair.

"Alright... Alright. Point taken. I managed to defer enrollment when this stuff started to happen," Patrick mumbled to himself. "I have two schools I was considering; I just need to decide."

"Alright then," his father said. "How can I help?"

Patrick leaned forward and spoke, the plan flowing out of him before he knew it was there.


The flight attendant in his lap was a gorgeous, middle aged woman with a luxurious mink coat. Mink because, well, she was a mink. Her breasts weren't fully exposed but enough that the fox could kiss and lick them as she bounced on his lap in the back lavatory. Her moans muffled by the panties she'd shoved in there herself. The fox couldn't be sure if that was her own kinkiness or if that was because of him. He knew that he should care, but honestly, he was too busy letting her ride on the sixteen-inch beast that he hid in his pants at all times.

The funny thing about being turned into a sex object for any and all parties is that sex lost its luster. Even as a teenager who'd barely had anything prior to the awakening of sorts, Patrick found himself almost bored by it. Almost. It was still fantastic. Fucking a flight attendant, feeling her claws on the back of his head, it was wonderful but it felt... off. Just by a fraction. Something was missing and he couldn't tell what.

"Mmm. Harder, baby," she mumbled, trying to grind into his lap to get his attention. The fox broke off from thinking and got about to doing.

He pushed up against her. The closed space of the cabin was hot and they were rutting hard. He held her against the wall, slapping hips together as best he could when his shaft nearly split her in two! She squealed into the panties and the fox pushed her head into his chest.

"Quiet. I'm sure everyone knows, but we don't have to press our luck that much," he muttered, feeling his large balls throb as he came close to, what was likely, the first of many orgasms on this trip.

She stammered, feeling him throb. She gave soft whines when his cock pulsed, pressed so tight against her walls. She pushed at his chest, suddenly aware that in a confined space like this, filling her would be impossible to clean, but if he pulled out, it'd be all over her and she was pretty sure, judging by the balls she had lovingly sucked on before this started, that he would be too much to swallow. When a cock is as big as a pint glass, it takes a special kind of skill to work that in your mouth.

The mink pushed against his chest. She struggled, shaking her head. Her eyes bulged with fear even as her legs wrapped tighter around his hips.

"D-don't," she mumbled.

But Patrick couldn't stop it. He started to cum, filling her with the torrent of warm, gooey seed. It filled her up, seed pooling in her body and leaking down her thighs. She moaned through the panties, head leaned back to the wall. He wasn't sure at first if she came or not, until he felt the throbbing, pulsing around his length. She milked his seed from his shaft with each beat of her heart. Her body asked for more since she couldn't do it herself.

"Sorry," Patrick mumbled. His hands running down her thighs slowly, feeling the soft fur beneath his hand.

"Mmm. It's okay, handsome," she finally said, spitting her panties out of her mouth. Drool leaked out the corner of her lip. "I'll forgive you."

The fox smiled and started to pull out but she locked her legs behind his back.

"Will you be coming back this way again?"

Patrick pursed his lips and shrugged.

"I fly back on Thursday. Will you be there then?"

The mink stopped and thought for a moment.

"Flight 1138? Yeah. I'll be working that flight. Repeat performance?"

Patrick licked his lips and gave her a soft kiss to her cheek.

"It's a date," he grinned.


The representative from the first school had perfect tits. Patrick wasn't just thinking that, he was feeling it. Her perky breasts were large, D cups maybe? And they were pressed on either side of his large shaft as she rubbed his cock between them. Her eyes glinted, challenging him, wanting more from him. She ran black hands through the white of his fur on the side of the road. Cars passed by, seeing a Hyena's rear sticking up the window. Patrick was laid back his cock throbbing between her tits.

The hyena was shapely, body a little round in the middle, but she was clearly well-versed in this by the way she made his cock feel and the way she could work something as big as him.

"Normally I don't get to taste it and rub it quite at the same time with canines. But you..." She giggled, her tongue running up the bottom of his cock. Her tongue leaving a trail of slick saliva in its wake. His shaft twitched and he grabbed her ears when she took the tip in her mouth.

She giggled and spat him out, licking her lips, pre and spit both.

"You put horses to shame, little fox," she giggled.

Patrick blushed and was about to say something when the hyena started to suck him again. She bobbed slow, her head moving down far, but the size of his cock was such that she could still rub the base of his cock between her tits. She focused on the lewd act, getting into it. Patrick's head swam. He bucked up into her head, forcing light gagging noises from her head before she accepted it. Moving with him, she let him fuck her throat, tits working in tandem with her tongue.

Patrick wasn't even surprised. He knew that this would happen if he ever met hyenas. It wasn't that they were easy but... there was always a sense of need around them. He'd heard stories about them for years, and had met a couple but they never seemed interested in him. But Kelly, at least that's what he thought her name was, had barely gotten out of the terminal with him before she was feeling him up.

There was a way she held onto his balls, squeezing them, Patrick had to imagine she was used to horse cock. She didn't seem to be a stranger to well-endowed men. And the squeezing in tempo with the throb of his heartbeat moving through the hard cock made him ache for more. He was horny for her, wanting to breed her, to fuck her but she was intent on the mouth in the heat of the moment. So he let it go... for now.

She moved her lips down the length, kissing slow, each one a soft tickle on the sensitive underside of his cock. He ached for more, claws running through her hair.

"You're really liking that, huh?" Patrick said.

The hyena smiled. She licked her lips, running a hand up his stomach. She wiggled her hips, moving her panties off of strong thighs. The fox smiled at first but the hyena shook her head and turned around. She leaned her hips back and the fox suddenly found her sitting on his face!

She wiggled, grinding down slowly, trying to pacify the flailing fox. But he could hardly breathe. He opened his mouth, his tongue glancing out over her ass.

"Oooh! Naughty fox," she giggled, rubbing her butt back to his muzzle.

"Mmm!" the fox growled, trying to get her off.

"Now now. I've had a hankering for some anal for so long. And if anybody is going to get back there, they're going to have to lube up," Kelly said. Her lips moved over his cock again, she took the tip into her mouth, slurping on the length as best she could. The way she sucked had him ache. He wasn't sure if it was a good ache or not, but it was hurting him the more she did it.

"I'll take care of your end, if you take care of mine," she cooed, squeezing his balls. He shivered, his tongue moving across her pucker once. She laughed and bounced slowly on his face. "I'll take that as a yes!"

The fox could hardly protest. She rode his face hard. Submission to her whims was easier than trying to change her mind. It was weird to see that she didn't seem to listen to him like most women did when faced with his musk and cock. He would have thought more on that but the hyena's hand grabbed his head and shoved him in.

Her ass, thankfully, was clean. The heady taste of her ass was strong and made him ache more. He could smell the need on her, dripping onto his chest. He was going to smell like her after this! Now he would know how so many of his girls had felt following his turn at their backsides.

The Hyena pulled off and swung her legs over in the small space of the car. She grabbed the base of his cock, leaning her body back so that the tip poked at her tight ass. Taking his hands, she placed them on her breasts and licked her lips.

"Mmm. Just like that. Rub those nips now!"

Hyenas, from what he heard, were always sexually aggressive. They'd always had a shamelessness to their desires and needs. But this was beyond anything that he could have imagined. The fox felt his cock meet the spit-shined pucker and go past it.

Despite his size, Patrick was used to anal. But she was easier than he expected. He looked up at her, a question on his face.

"Nnn." He said, in lieu of whatever sentence he was going to say.

"I maaaaaay be a fan of anal," she giggled, rubbing her hips down his length bit by glorious bit!

"A-and you date a horse, I'm guessing," he managed, cock throbbing so hard it made his head ache and feel light.

"Exclusively," she grinned. Her body rocked back and forth, riding him down and pushing him farther into her snug passage. She squeezed him on the way, trying to get more of a response from him. Her body bounced, hips, tits and her chub flopping with each slam down. She was jiggling at the hard pace she found herself moving.

"That... Oh god... That would explain why your ass didn't rip open," he laughed, bucking his hips up. His thighs burned, his stomach screaming. His body was ready for it, for sweet relief to flood his system!

She bounced in his lap. She slid up, the generous size of his cock giving her plenty of room to maneuver. Her body was at his disposal, but she had full control and some part of Patrick seemed to enjoy it. He found himself okay with being used like he was. But, that might just have been the need for his release talking. It was hard to be certain when he was being ridden by a sex-crazed Hyena.

"Cum for me, little foxie. I know I gave you a hard time of it, but I'm going to give you such a reward if you do!"

Patrick growled. He grabbed her hips and thrust into her! He was wild, his cheeks bouncing him up, balls smacking her ass, leaving what may very well develop into bruises! He was battering her ass, most of his length inside her but the last few inches still out of reach. She moaned, her voice loud and the cars that were passing slowed, seeming to enjoy the view as they passed the tryst so obvious on the side of the road.

When Patrick finally did cum, it was a wave. Starting from his balls, the cum pulsed out. It shot into her, coating her walls in rope upon rope of fertile seed. He was filling her like a toy, goopy, virile seed marking his place. Vixens could mark things for later, was that what he was doing? Could this be some mutation of normal territorial behavior?

The thought was there, ever so briefly, before the fox was back to feeling light-headed. He leaned back, panting hard as his cock kept filling her up, pushing seed up the urethra and into her ass. He was still so hard. He ached, his stomach hurt, lips still tasting like her ass. He was sure she didn't cum though. He reached for her, trying to see if he could get to her too.

She snatched his wrist up and grinned.

"Not to worry, little fox," she grinned.

But his eyes were so very, very heavy. It was right. He'd had a long flight. What was the harm in closing his eyes and letting sleep take him?

Before going under, the fox heard her whisper.

"We're just getting started..."


Patrick stretched, his back creaking and popping. Joints releasing the pressure from a couple days of being used like a toy. The two schools he had trouble deciding between were naturally rivals. He should have felt weird about getting picked up by the representative of one school at the campus of its rival. But that's what seemed to make the most sense. So he waited, leaning against a tree as he waited.

Opening his phone, he tapped out a message to Mrs. Winters. Just seeing her name on his phone lead to a Pavlovian response of his shaft swelling down the leg of his jeans. He could picture her at every angle as he typed out a message.

"How are you doing?"

The reply was a moment later.

"I'm fine..."

The fox laughed, tapping out a reply.

"You sure? Sure you're not missing me? ;P"

"You know I am..."

"What's wrong?" he frowned as he typed it out.

"Nothing... I gotta go."

His phone buzzed again and Patrick tapped the screen. The message was from the student representative, Tyler.

"That you leaning up against a tree?"

The fox looked up at the parking lot. There were a handful of cars parked there, but only one was a recent arrival. He walked over, a spring in his step. He was kind of excited to see what the school would be like. He needed something going on. Something more than... cheap sex with people that would disappear when they were done with him? Was that what she had done. His stomach churned and he opened the car door.

"Patrick?" the voice said. He glanced down and saw a beautiful horse. She smiled at him, her chestnut hair tucked over one shoulder in a neat braid. She was dressed in a pair of slacks with a white shirt. There was a light gray vest over her body. She wore it well, her body not on display, but it wasn't difficult to notice the curves with the fitted outfit she wore.

"Yes? Are you Tyler?"

The horse nodded, smiling at him. Her smile was warm and bright. His tail went stiff for a moment before swaying slowly.

"Indeed I am. Ready to get going?"

Patrick nodded his head and opened the back door, putting his bag down on the seat before climbing into the sedan. She pulled out of the parking lot, taking them on their way.

"So Tyler, huh? Never met a woman with that name."

"Yeah, my parents decided that name before I was born. Said, they liked that name. And, I mean, it literally just means a person who makes or lays tiles. Not like that's gender-specific."

The fox's ears twitched. He wasn't expecting that response from her but she didn't seem to care one way or the other. She was just who she was. How great must that be?

"It's a great name," he smiled. "Just not what I expected is all."

"Not everything is what you expect," she winked.

With a touch of a button on the steering wheel, the mare picked up a song she was in the middle of. Patrick recognized it immediately. He grinned and looked over at her.

"Black Keys?"

"Oh yeah,"

The two started to sing along with the song. Patrick was a little surprised. This was beyond what he would normally do. This was so unlike him, but he was already enjoying this. He grinned and went for a harmony higher than the song really called for. His voice squeaked and Tyler giggled.

"Careful now," she said. "Don't want to embarrass yourself!"

"If I wanted to embarrass myself, I could do worse," the fox said.

The older horse shook her head. Her age was hard to nail down. She seemed close to his age, but maybe older? She was in that realm where age was more of a progression than a definable thing.

"You did plenty without even meaning to," the horse laughed.

Patrick froze. He stared at her for a moment, brow furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

Tyler shrugged.

"I mean, you're the fox that started an orgy at his high school graduation, aren't you?"

He sat up straight and narrowed his eyes.

"How the hell did you hear about that?" he said. He crossed his arms over his chest. "They never released my name."

"They didn't," Tyler conceded. "But something like that in public has cell phone videos. Stuff gets posted one way or the other."

Patrick's cheeks burned. He hadn't even considered that possibility. Of course there would be evidence, people who were there and recorded, for either posterity, or perversion. But he hadn't imagined that there would be any signs of what had happened put online. He stared at her, blinking for a moment.

"And you recognized me from that?"

The horse shrugged, staring ahead at the road. "It's what I do. I've got a good memory for faces."

The fox blinked and leaned back against the car, he looked her over and cocked his head.

"But then... why aren't you affected by me?"

She cocked a brow.

"Are most people that easy around you?"

He shrugged.

"Usually, yeah. I mean, the last representative spent the whole weekend using me like a sex toy."

Tyler smirked.

"Oh no," she deadpanned. "How horrible."

"I don't know that I really saw anything of the school."

She shook her head and poked a finger at his arm.

"Don't get any funny ideas. You're not going to impress me with whatever you have that makes people go crazy."

Patrick was about to ask her what she meant when he was assaulted with the smell of something foul. It stuck to the air, foul and surrounding them. He gagged, retching as the smell got worse. On the left, off the side of the highway, was a plant. The fox wanted to roll down the windows to get it out, but that wouldn't help anything either. He just had to bear it and let it pass. But Tyler...

She was entirely unaffected by it. The more that he reacted to it, the more she started to giggle. Her eyes crinkled in a very cute way as she laughed at his misfortune.

"First time passing a rendering plant?"

"Yes! That's awful!" the fox said, his mouth muffled by the sleeve to his shirt.

"I love driving people past here to experience that."

"Can't you smell that?" he said.

The mare shook her head, looking over at him.

"Not at all!"

"How?" he sputtered.

"I actually can't smell anything."

There was a brief pause before,


"It's absolutely true," she said. "I was born with anosmia."


"Anosmia," she repeated again. "It means I have no sense of smell."

"At all?" the fox said. He stared ahead at her, eyes searching her face.

"Nope!" she shrugged. "I don't really mind though. I mean, it's not a huge loss."

"Is your taste affected?"

"I wouldn't know," she said flatly. "Maybe? It's hard to tell the difference between two things when I only know one way. It might be, but it's not like food is entirely tasteless without olfaction."

The fox's brain was starting to work through what was happening. He started to speak when she opened her mouth.

"So, I think that whatever it is you have may be due to smell."

"But smell is particulate, right?"

Tyler nodded. "Yup. So you have bits of dead pig floating around in your nose right now."

Patrick retched again, and Tyler couldn't help but laugh harder.

"But if smell is particulate, why aren't you affected? You're still breathing it in. So there should be something to that, right?"

The horse was silent for a moment. She looked from him to the road and back again. She shook her head after a pause and shrugged.

"I don't know. If I had to guess, I'd say that maybe it has something to do with the processing of smell. I know that's part of what's wrong with me."

"I thought you said you didn't think you were missing anything," Patrick teased, his muzzle curling into a smile.

"You know what I meant, ass," she laughed. "Besides, if it means I can have a normal conversation with you and not have to talk about your dickspire, that's worth it!"

"Dickspire, eh?" he smirked.

"Hey, there were images going around. You're hardly small," Tyler said. She tried to keep her voice straight, but there was no denying at all the red burned into her cheeks.

The fox laughed, the grin filling him up from head to toe.

"So you hear about a massive orgy and the first thing you have to do is look up pictures, is that right?"

"Oh hush!" Tyler shook her head. "You'd be curious too!"

"Suuure," he drawled, poking her shoulder. "Admit it."

Tyler rolled her eyes and looked over at him.

"Make me."


Tyler led Patrick through campus, her hips swayed and she held onto his hand more than once. He tried to look at her, to get a feel of the situation but it wasn't what he was used to. Before, he'd been largely invisible. Girls ignored him, he barely even existed at school. Then the German shepherd girl told the school about his size. And he was seen as a bit of a freak. It hurt a lot. But when he fucked Mrs. Winters, it was a different kind of notoriety. He walked around the school and he was untouchable. He had anyone he wanted, more than a few guys who used to pick on him were happy to wrap their lips around him and swallow when told to.

So then why was Patrick so open here? It didn't make sense to him. He was vulnerable, truly vulnerable because this was a girl--a woman--who wasn't affected by his scent, who wasn't dropping on her knees in front of him but still staying close to him. And Patrick, the fox that he was, desperately wanted her to do that. But he wanted to keep her around because...

Because she saw him. Not what he was, what he had in his pants. She saw him and she still wanted to stay around. He flushed with color every time she took his hand and when she smiled at him, he felt exposed.

"You're awfully quiet," Tyler giggled, leading him out of one of the dorms.

"I'm just... taking it all in," he sighed, looking out at the tree-lined campus. The brick buildings still slick from a morning rain.

"It's a lot to take in," she nodded her head. "But do you have anything you'd like to see?"

The fox paused for a moment. He thought for a silence that stretched just past a comfortable level before he managed to say,

"Can you show me your favorite spot on campus?"

Tyler laughed.

"That," she poked his nose, "is not part of the normal tour!"

"I know," he said, ears drooping. "But I've seen campuses before and everyone always tells me the same things, it's always so... impersonal. I want to see what makes you love being here."

The mare's cheeks flushed for a moment. She looked at her hooves, kicking at a pebble before leading them on.

"Okay. Let's go. We've got a lot of stairs to climb."

She wasn't lying.

She had lead him into the science building. They passed through a menagerie of posed bones at the zoology section, a room with very expensive-looking equipment with a few bleary-eyed student working on a summer research project and a student sleeping in a recliner in an office. Tyler grinned when they got to the stairs and that's when Patrick realized how bad the climb would be.

The stairs were numerous and each time that Patrick thought maybe, maybe the stairs would stop, there was another flight. He wasn't wheezing or gasping for breath, but even so it hurt. The saving grace was seeing her hips and ass sway. Her tail swished with every step. But he wasn't looking at her butt so much as he was seeing her tail. He was lost in her presence. Was this what girls caught up in his musk felt like?

When they reached the top of the stairs, Tyler stood in front of a door. She put a hand on his chest, smiling coyly before unlocking the door.

Inside the room was a lab. there were notes everywhere, a couch that was half-covered in papers with a blanket covering the other part. She grinned at him, but her ears started to droop the more she looked at him.

"So, uh. I know it's not much but this is the lab I was given permission to use for some of my classes. It's... It's not much but this is my haven where I can just study. But the best part about it is right over here." She gestured towards the window and the fox followed her. Out there, overlooking a small river, the sun was setting. He could see out for miles, the land stretched on and on, clusters of trees along the side of the road and cars driving on the highway. It was a vista, but not an incredible.

Patrick realized that it was her favorite place because no one else could see a view like this. The stairs they had climbed were a deterrent and this private view was worth it.

"Wow," he said. "I can see why you love this place," he smiled.

Tyler nodded her head and took his hand.

"That's not all though. I uh, I'm..." she frowned. "I'd really love you to come here."

"Is this some trick by the school? Did they send you here to seduce me?" he laughs, hands reaching for her hips. She didn't pull away. Her hands worked up his chest.

The mare shook her head. "No, it's not that... It's... I've been doing research on pheromones for years. When I got in, I wanted to look at that, but all of my examples have been feral animals. I was hoping that you would let me... Write a case study on you."

Her words started fast and blurred into a sound before slowing to an imperceptible crawl. She had to say them one at a time, and her face was twisted with worry. The fox wasn't sure how to feel. Of course, he understood her request but it was also dehumanizing. But he wanted to find out more about his condition.

And the way she bit her lip, with her chestnut mane on one shoulder, it was... she was stunning.

He leaned closer, face close to hers. Tyler bit her lip, grinning at him.

"I'll think about it," he said.

When their lips met, he felt something... Some spark, a recognition of desire and want but also... understanding. Arms wrapped around the back of his neck. She seemed to understand him on some level and after so many fleeting connections, after Mrs. Winters brushed him off, after he was used like a toy, it felt so amazing to feel a woman's arms wrap around him and not go right for the kill but to bask in a kiss, hand on hand.

Patrick felt good. He felt great.

This felt right. Even as he ached for her with need, he felt good clutching at her, holding her. It was what he needed, something more than just sex. She could see him as more than just a toy or a means to an end. He ached in his pants, straining the fabric the more the kiss went on. Her hand went down his back and around his sides. She moved her hands to his pants and started to undo the zipper but he grabbed her wrist.

"What's wrong?" she whispered.

He smiled at her and leaned his head into hers.

"Let's take it slow for now," he whispered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he swallowed. "We have plenty of time."


For the flight back, the mink must have pulled the flight details or something because Patrick found himself sitting up in first class on take-off. He leaned back, stretching his legs out on either side of the gorgeous, older mink.

The angry-looking businessman to his left gave him a dirty look when he sat down, angry that he would dare defile the good graces of first class! Things were worse when Patrick was straddled by the mink. She ground her hips down into him, grinding hard. The man seemed even more annoyed by this! If this was first class service, then where was his lap dance?

The answer was made perfectly clear when the fox's pants were tugged down and a sixteen-inch shaft flopped onto her face. She didn't waste any time, licking it, her tongue running over it.

Patrick should have felt some guilt after the days with Tyler, after talking and flirting for so long. He wanted to, but when something was being offered, why not just take it? When it was there, wasn't that what he was supposed to do? It didn't help that the mink was so eager. He'd had a lot on his mind and had a choice to make. It was better to think with a clear head, and what better way to clear your head than to get your shaft swallowed by a mink in a cute skirt?

Her head bobbed, mouth slurping over it. Her hands squeezed his sack like she was testing a bag of oranges. Even the size was similar!

"So big," she mumbled, undoing her skirt. She stepped out of it, leaving her in just her blouse and hat, hair immaculately pinned in place. But when she straddled him, he could see that she must have ditched the panties some time ago. When? He couldn't say he cared.

What he did care about was the fact that she was letting his bare cock slip into her. She leaned her head back, sighing as his shaft disappeared into her. Her body rolled, squeezing hard around him. He was warm and big, making her throb the more he tugged on her hips--or was that gravity? Either force was too great to be ignored.

Patrick bounced her in his lap, panting as she got harder. She couldn't bottom out on him--few could--but she moved in such a way that it didn't matter. What mattered was that she was shivering and whimpering each time his cock flexed in her cunt. His cock ramming into her cervix like a battering ram! She was his little fucktoy. And whatever bit of resistance remained was gone when she was back with him. She didn't care that he was bare in her. She didn't protest when he put her legs on his shoulder. She didn't even protest when he took a video of the slut on his phone!

She was cumming, it was nearly constant. Her body twitching every few seconds as she rode through waves of blissful orgasmic endorphins. She was at his mercy, his control! The mink was in heaven as she was bounced and used like she hadn't been since her college days.

And Patrick couldn't help but think of Tyler. He couldn't help but picture her, kissing him, holding him, feeling her body on his. He was all but transposing her over the smaller mink. And the worst part was, he was throbbing so hard it hurt!

She whimpered, trying to push off of him but he bit down on her neck. She stayed there, submission forcing her to stay and take it like nature intended. She stayed still, rocking her body as she was flooding with roped of cum that made a mess of his lap and ruined the seat beneath him forever. She clutched him, head spinning, body aching. She was barely coherent as he filled her up til it leaked out over his lap.

When she finally managed to regain a semblance of composure, she panted into his neck.

"Nnn. You always make that much of a mess?"

Patrick thought for a moment, his mind tracing through women and going right up to Tyler when his mind went suddenly blank.

"No," he said. "I can't say I have."

When the plane landed, Patrick didn't waste any time getting off. It was awkward enough with the business man gawking at him and the mink trying to get his number. But he just needed to get away before he had another preteen ask their parents if they could play with him.

That was one bridge he had no intention of crossing.

Getting to the curb, he slung his backpack over his shoulder and waited for his dad. His phone buzzed saying he was on his way from the cell phone lot.

Since he had his phone out anyway, he figured he'd tap out a message to Mrs. Winters.

"Thinking of you, beautiful. Hope you're doing well."

The response was immediate and Patrick felt the words like a blow to his gut.

"Error: Invalid number."

Patrick looked at the contact and conversations, the lewd conversations and pictures shared over the months. And then... silence.

Did she block him? Did she change her number?

What happened?

His dad pulled up to the curb and the fox got in. He leaned into the window even as he clicked his seat belt into place.

Mrs. Winters was gone. She was gone from his life with no warning, no warning. She was just gone. His stomach dropped, feeling empty, like the lurch when you have a moment of freefall on those drop rides at amusement parks. Only this time, gravity wasn't coming back. He wasn't sure what he was doing anymore.

"So," his dad said. "Did you make your choice?"

His phone buzzed again and Patrick glanced down, seeing the message from Tyler.

"Thinking of you xoxo"

The picture attached was of the sunset from her lab and a smile spread over his face.

Tapping on his screen, he replied to her, sending him a picture of the sunset with the caption,

"See you again soon."

"Yeah," Patrick said at last. "I think I have."