The Secret of Hoyt's Farm : Chapter 18

Story by Wormsworth on SoFurry

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#18 of The Secret of Hoyt's Farm

Chapter 18 :


Penelope led Eli into the barn some time after one in the morning. She moved the way she always moved, with a practiced grace so smooth and confident that she almost seemed to float across the concrete floor. Eli on the other hand took short, broken and somewhat awkward steps behind her as his eyes darted around the room nervously.

"Are you sure I should be in here, Miss Penelope?" He asked quietly, as if someone else might hear, "Mr. Hoyt has rules against the children going into the barn."

"You aren't one of the children anymore, Eli." Penelope turned to face him. She took notice of his hesitation to follow her further, and came back to take his hand to lead him inside, "And Mr. Hoyt is aware of the situation. We decided long ago that, once you were ready, you would need to know what we do here. We believe it will help you feel less isolated."

"I don't understand." He allowed her to lead him over to the tables where the glass cups were kept, which he examined closely for a moment before realizing their purpose and turning away, "Why are we here in the middle of the night?"

"Look at me, Eli." She reached out to turn him toward her, letting her hands rest on his arms once he had. She looked up at him like that for the length of a long sigh and a smile, "You really have grown into a fine young man, you know. Kind, compassionate, responsible... Everything we have ever hoped you would become."

He didn't know how to reply to that, so he didn't. He just stood there looking at her uncomfortably as she stroked his massive arms a little, her eyes looking him over appraisingly.

"It seems like only yesterday you were sitting in Daisy's lap, laughing at stories about caterpillars." She chuckled silently to herself at the memory, the smile fading a bit once it was done into something wistful and slightly sad, "Now look at you. You've grown so fast. You're all growing up so fast."

"Are you... Alright, Miss Penelope?" He asked, somewhat concerned now.

"I have a confession to make, Eli." She turned away to make her way slowly to her station, letting her hands rest upon the rail now, "I remember when you stopped playing with the girls. I remember I used to catch you staring at Clairibelle and Muffin and... Sometimes even me."

"I... Didn't mean to do anything improper." He started to stammer.

"We raised you to be a good man. It's what Daisy wants for you. She's proud of you. We both are. But I had another, more selfish motive as well." She let her eyes drop, smiling shyly, "I realized that you might one day father my children, so I raised you... To be the kind of man that I would want that to be with."

Eli tried to swallow the lump in his throat, "Miss Penelope..."

"How many times have you and Cassidy made love, Eli?" She asked quietly.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously. This wasn't the sort of thing a person was supposed to talk about in polite company, but he wasn't in the habit of being dishonest either, "We, uh... Four."

"That's four times more than I have." There was something in her voice that surprised him. A sadness and longing that he had never seen before, "I've had three children, but I have never made love."

Again he had no words that formed any kind of reply that felt right, so he stood silently watching as she let her eyes close, taking a sigh to steady herself before speaking again.

"This is my station here. Rosie and Annabelle stand to my right. Your mother and Elsie to my left." She motioned with her hands with each name mentioned, "We are milked twice a day. It takes about an hour and a half for milking and cleaning up and showering, and every other dairy farm in the world wonders how we produce so much more milk than they can."

He was slightly relieved that she had seemingly changed the topic, "Truth be told, it's hard not to be awfully curious about what goes on in here."

"Would you like to know the secret?" She asked, then waited for him to nod after a short hesitation. She then made a motion toward the cabinet behind her, "This locker is for my things. Open it."

He watched her curiously for a moment. Something about the way she said it felt like a trap, but his curiosity won out and eventually he came around the rail to stand before the cabinet. He opened it cautiously, as if expecting snakes to come lunging out at him, and then he just... Stared.

"Are those... Is that a..." His hands fell to his sides, eyes wide and confused.

"They're called vibrators, Eli." She said, moving to his side to put her hand on his arm, "That's the secret. We masturbate."

The touch on his arm felt like an electric shock, causing him to jump a bit, "You what? But how would... What does that..."

"It happened by accident at first, and then Jasmine did some experiments." She tried to keep her voice as calm and soothing as possible, but it wasn't working, "They discovered that sexual stimulation during the milking process causes us to produce more milk in response. We're not entirely sure why it works, but it works."

"But that's not..." His mind was spinning as a hundred different thoughts all tried to come to him at once, but after a few seconds only one stuck. His head turned to look at the locker next to Penelope's. The one behind the station next to hers that she had motioned to earlier. The one where his mother stood.

"Even her, Eli." She couldn't help but laugh a little despite herself, opening Daisy's locker and pulling out the toy with the little rabbit at the base and turning to show it to him, "This is her favorite."

"I don't need to know that!" He shook his head, taking a couple steps back. She might as well have been brandishing a knife at him, for the reaction it caused, "You all stand around in here... Doing... Doing that?"

"Masturbating, dear. Your mother is a young, healthy and vibrant woman. She enjoys it, just as much as we all do." She said, smiling more proudly than he felt she had any right to be as she put the toy back on its shelf, "Surely you've done it too."

"No!" The word burst out of him, before he was able to collect himself, "I mean... A couple times when I was younger, but it... I always thought about what I'm supposed to do, and I'd feel powerful guilty about it!"

"Oh Eli." A look of concern crossed her face, "It's perfectly natural. Here... Let me show you."

She stepped carefully out of her shoes, and then before he could so much as blink twice, her hand had come up and a single flick of the wrist seemed to cause her dress to fall to the floor around her. She had worn nothing else at all, and just that quickly he was staring at the very nude body of the woman he considered a second mother. For a woman with three kids, she was quite well preserved. She had ample hips befitting her role as one of the farm's matrons, but not as chubby as Muffin. There was a nice nice curve to her waist to give her a lovely feminine silhouette, with just a touch of plump from carrying her children. Her breasts were full and shapely, the nipples slightly more roughed up than most of the other girls, but that just couldn't be helped. There wasn't a baby on the farm that she hadn't cradled and fed at some point, and she wouldn't have had it any other way.

She giggled a little, which wasn't really like her but she liked the way he was mesmerized. She gave him a slow spin so he could see all of her, then moved to her cabinet to collect a toy, "I'll never be as skinny and cute as your girlfriend, but I can see the appeal. I bet you really like how tiny she seems when you make love, don't you?"

"It's not like... It's not..." He wanted to deny it, but it was true. He loved the feel of towering over the girl. He loved it the way he could carry her so easily. He loved it when she would climb all over his body when they fooled around. In fact, he loved it almost as much as Cassidy did, "Is it... Wrong of me?"

"Of course not, dear." She replied, turning to face him once she had made her way back to the rail, leaning back on and letting her legs spread slightly. All he could do was gasp as she took the toy, twisted the base to make it hum to life, looked him directly in the eye, and pressed it against her sex. She let out a soft moan almost immediately, never breaking eye contact as her smile faded and the pleasure set in.

"Miss Penelope, you don't have to..." His voice cracked, but she cut him off.

"I want to." She rubbed the device back and forth, working it deeper up against herself as if she was about to slide it in sideways if she could, "I want you to watch me, Eli. I want it to excite you as much as it does me."

It was definitely doing that. His pants had gotten more than a little snug as stiffness had set in, and the source of that stiffness was struggling to find a place to go. He shifted uncomfortably, causing it to move down the left leg of his jeans, which did help relieve the pressure somewhat, but not his embarrassment as the woman before him took note of the bulge.

"Oh my... You have grown, Eli." She smiled slyly, then let her eyes close. She leaned back further, spreading her legs out and drawing the little toy back to reveal her pussy to him completely and let it tickle her just above the crease. She let him have a good long look, then slid it back downward again against herself. This time he could see as her labia parted to frame the vibrator between them, and as she reached the lowest point of her stroke a long string of her fluids dribbled off the tip of it and onto the floor.

She was breathing heavy now. He was breathing heavy now. She started working the device against herself in faster strokes, never bothering with penetration as the muted buzzing had its way with her. She had already been plotting this for most of the night, and within just a few minutes the combination of anticipation and application sent her over the edge. Eli watched rapt as her chest started to heave, evenly at first, and then in spasms. Her sex pulsed around the edges of toy, labia now contracting and expanding around it as if they were another set of lips trying to suckle it in.

She came down slowly, sagging limp against the rail to gather herself for a long, silent moment before she finally spoke again, breathless and smiling, "Tell me, dear... Did that seem wrong to you? Should I feel powerful guilty about it?"

He shook his head. He'd never seen anything like that before, and it certainly didn't look anything short of beautiful to him, "No... It..."

"Then why should you feel guilty, Eli?" She rose back up again, moving to put the toy back in her cabinet.

He didn't really have an answer for that, but then she hadn't intended on getting one.

"I will start ovulating in two days. The egg will only survive for a short time once it is released." She turned to walk slowly toward him now, "In order for me to give it the best chance of being fertilized, I need your gift already inside of me."

He nodded slightly, still in a daze.

"I want a baby. I want you to be the one that gives it to me, but I... Still need your permission, Eli." She reached up to put a hand on his arm once more, "Will you make love to me?"

The desperation in her eyes was so clear to him that it hurt to see. Desperation... And fear. Fear that he would say no. If he did, she would have accepted it. He could run back to the guest house and hide from all this, but he knew he could never hide from the memory of the way she was looking at him now. He knew he would never forgive himself for ignoring the hurt of someone who had done so much for him growing up, and for whom he cared so much about.

"I don't know how to go about it." He said finally, giving her a nervous smile, "Just... Here?"

"Bless you, Eli." She felt as if the weight of the world had just been lifted from her soul. She leaned in, pressing her body against his to give him a tight, motherly hug the way she had done so many times before. He always liked those hugs, sometimes for reasons that weren't entirely appropriate, but uncontrollable for a young man. He found he liked it for a whole new list of reasons while she was naked, and pressing slightly against the lump in his jeans.

Eventually she broke away, taking him by the hand to lead him to the center of the room. Silently she lowered herself into the fresh straw, raised up on her elbows as she lay on her back, "Let me see you. All of you."

Nervously he stripped down for her. Briefly wondering if he was expected to make a show of it, but quickly shooting that idea down as something that would be impossible for him to manage gracefully. He heard a sharp intake of breath once his pants came down and his member bounced free, and it reminded him that she had never actually seen one before. He stood up straight, and let her look. All eighteen inches of him, too big to stand out straight under it's own power, so angled down as if pointing at her. Thick as the rails around the room at the trunk, and sharp as a pinky finger at the tip. He let her look at it, not knowing that she only spared it a moment's glance before focusing at the sack behind it, hanging low and heavy with the weight of the two glands inside of it.

Her baby was in there. Maybe even... Her son.

"You're so beautiful, Eli."

It was her turned to be mesmerized, only really snapping out of it when he lowered his body down over her. The last time he'd been this excited, all it had taken was the touch of Cassidy's lips and he'd practically drowned the poor girl. He wasn't about to repeat that here. Even if he did go off right away, he knew it had to be inside of her. That's what she wanted.

"I... Don't think I'm going to last all that long, Miss Penelope." He was hovering over her now, and reached down to grasp his massive penis to lift it up toward her entrance, "I know it's your first time, and a man should endeavor to satisfy the woman who lies with him, but..."

She put a finger to his lips, a reassuring smile crossing her own, "It's all right, Eli. I just need you like this. That's all that matters."

He nodded slowly, edging his hips forward to press the point of his shaft against her. She was a fair share bigger than Cassidy, and he knew enough now from being with her that he found her opening easily and his first few inches slid quickly inside. Her eyes closed and she let out a gasp. He shifted himself a bit up on his knees, giving himself the angle and leverage he needed to then push deeper. Half of him on the first slow thrust. A little more on the next. Soon she had him inside her past the parts where Cassidy would have started to cringe. He started a slow, short rhythm now, every few strokes testing to see if he could push in a little farther until the tip of him finally pressed up against the last barricade.

Just two inches shy of all of him. He could hardly believe it, but even as he was marveling at Penelope's capacity, she wasn't satisfied. Her legs came up to wrap around him tightly, hands reaching out to grip him by his ass, and she, through force of determination and will, made those last two inches fit. She pulled him into her completely, until the flesh of their groins were pressed against one another.

"Oh yes..." The words came out of her like a whisper, barely caught up in the winds of her gasp, "Make me a woman, Eli... Make me a real woman... It's all I've ever wanted... Please."

She let him loose enough to start churning his hips against her once more, finding that each thrust was no longer stopped by any resistance save for the limits of his length. Her urgings made him braver, and he picked up the pace until soon the two of them were smacking together at an audible tempo. True to his fears, he didn't have long. Only three minutes inside of her and it started to crest, causing him to let out a sharp groan.

"Miss Penelope... It's... I'm gonna..." He felt her grip him tightly again, one hand slipping up to his back to pull their bodies together and hold him there, the other gripping one of his wide horns to pull his head down against hers just as the first thick ribbon of his seed was released inside. Just as it had been with Cassidy, that pointed apex of his manhood had pressed just barely through the narrow opening of her cervix to deliver it right where she needed it to be. Shot after shot fired out of his body into hers, and even she had to marvel in surprise at the volume. It felt to her almost like he could have filled the collection tanks right along side the rest of them at this rate, though the last thing the farm needed was complaints that the milk tasted funny.

He slowly came back down again, and she welcomed it as he gently let his weight rest upon her. She could feel it. The warmth of a man's love... On her and inside of her. Filled to the brim the the gift than only this one, singular, beautiful young man could possibly give her. The thought of it caused her heart to swell with excitement and pride and satisfaction... And her body reacted.

Penelope came.

Not from a motion... From a feeling and a thought.

She truly was a woman now, as well as a mother. It was all she ever wanted to be.

They stayed like that for a long time. He let himself shrink inside of her, knowing that she needed to stay this way until she was ready. Eventually she let him go, and he rolled off to her side.

"What happens now?" He asked. No more stuttering. It made sense to him more now than it had earlier. He felt like he understood her, at least a little better than before.

She leaned over to kiss him on the forehead, and smile.

"I have three more days to make sure, but... I need your permission, Eli." She said quietly, "Will you make love to me again tomorrow?"

He smiled back at her, then couldn't help but laugh. There was only one answer to that question...

"I'll have to ask my girlfriend."

It was almost two in the morning when Megan stirred from her sleep, finding herself alone and mighty thirsty. Clairibelle stayed up nights anyway, and must have snuck out at some point for her nightly watch. She yawned, pulling herself out of bed to throw on her pajama bottoms and a sleeveless white shirt that hugged her body nice and tight. It was comfortable, and she secretly liked the way she looked in it. Though normally she would have worn something underneath to keep the two pointy bits from showing through, but it was just a trip to the kitchen for some water, not to the market.

To her surprise the light in the main room was on, and soon she saw why. Cassidy was curled up on the couch under a blanket. She was awake, but the TV was off. She was just sitting there.

"You okay, honey?" Megan asked, wiping a little crust from her eye, "Couldn't sleep?"

The girl shook her head. There was a pause, and then she finally said, "I'm hungry, mom."

Megan stopped at the sink to fill a glass, taking a long drink and following it with a sigh, "Well, I guess you better eat something then. What do you want? I'll make..."

"It's all gone." Cassidy cut her off, "There's nothing left."

Megan raised her eyebrows in surprise, "What? All of it? But I just went shopping two days ago."

"And I ate all of it." Halfway through statement, the words started to crack and she started to cry, "I'm hungry, mom. All the time. I can't make it stop."

"Oh, Cassidy..." Megan set the glass aside and rushed to her daughter, sitting down to take her up in a tight hug, "It's all right honey. If the baby wants more food, we'll get more food. We'll do whatever it takes."

"I'm scared, mom." She said, burying her face in the wild frizz of her mother's hair, "What if it doesn't work? What if I can't..."

"I don't want to hear that kind of talk." Megan squeezed her tightly, "You are my daughter, and the toughest girl I know. This is nothing you can't handle."

It was what she needed to hear, and the crying reduced itself to sniffles fairly quickly. She was tough. She'd had to be, growing up with her unusual jaw and scrawny body. She had learned how to put the bullies in their place, and how to make sure they never saw how much it really hurt her. She was a fighter, even when she lost.

"Where is Eli?" Megan asked quietly, "I thought he was staying here tonight?"

"Miss Penelope is giving him a tour of the barn." She said. They both chewed on that for a bit in silence, before her daughter added with a giggle that was still stuffy from the tears, "Probably a tour of her vagina, as well."

Megan awkwardly sat there listening to her daughter giggle wildly at her own joke, before eventually relenting and joining in, "You really are taking this pretty well, Cassidy."

"I bet she is too!" Cassidy lost it at that one, laughing loudly and pulling away from the hug to fall back against the couch.

"You know, it's a good thing you're my daughter, because if I wasn't morally obligated to love you..." Megan rolled her eyes and stood back up off the couch, "I hope he's dealing with it as well as you are, though. There's a lot of conflict in that boy."

Cassidy nodded, rearranging the blanket back over herself again, "I think it'll be good for him. I've spent some time with her, and she's got this whole Mr. Rogers thing going on. I don't see any way he comes out of a night with her without feeling special."

"You may be right about that." Megan said, moving over to the kitchen to start looking through the cupboards, eventually letting out a sharp breath, "I'm actually kind of impressed. You really ate everything."

"Well. Not everything." The pair almost jumped, both turning to find Clairibelle leaning on the wall in the hallway, "You two are adorable together, by the way."

"Jesus... You about gave me a heart attack." Megan said, closing the last of the cupboards before coming around to meet CB halfway. Their relationship was still new enough that any time apart meant getting back together required touching, and they slipped into a loose hug, "What did you have in mind? I don't want to wake Muffin. She works hard enough as it is."

Cassidy watched them both. This was taking some getting used to for her, seeing her mom with another woman, but It didn't seem right for her of all people to question it.

Clairibelle leaned down to kiss her lover on the forehead, before speaking, "I think I told you once before that we could probably have a third shift. It would need to be in the middle of the night though, and the farm doesn't need the money that bad."

Megan took a few seconds to realize what she was talking about, and then pulled back to look up at CB, "Wait... You want to..."

"I'm good to go." Clairibelle said, reaching up to cup herself with one hand through her shirt, "Frankly I could use a little relief. We're all usually about to pop by morning."

"You want to breastfeed my adult daughter?" Megan said, as if saying it out loud would make CB see how odd is sounded.

Clairibelle nodded once, letting her tone become serious, "Megan, this isn't something... scandalous. I don't want you to think that."

"Well, no... I get that, but..." Megan started to stammer, not sure what her argument was supposed to be.

"I'm so hungry, mom." Cassidy was quiet. Embarrassed even, "I'll take whatever I can get."

They both watched Megan carefully for her reaction, as she looked back and forth between them. Strange seemed grow out of the ground around here, and this year had been a bumper crop.

"I guess... We could try it." She finally said quietly, "If it helps."

Clairibelle reached out to take Megan's arm, leading them both to the couch where she sat down, reaching her other hand over to offer it to Cassidy, "Lay your head in my lap, honey. You should be comfortable."

Cassidy nodded, hesitating only a little before her hunger insisted, rising up to spin around on the couch and lay back upon her mother's new girlfriend. She shifted a bit to settle herself. On her back like this the bump at her belly was becoming visible, but one had to wonder if it was the baby or all the food, "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"It's alright. There's nothing to be nervous about." CB had begun undoing the buttons of her top, doing her best to give the girl a comforting smile even as she slowly pulled back the left left lapel to expose her breast. Cassidy had never seen any of the dark skinned women like this before, and she stared openly at the thick black nipple that was before her, "Just close your eyes and relax. Everything else comes naturally."

Cassidy nodded, letting her eyes close as was asked. Clairibelle turned her torso a bit, not bothering to guide the breast with a hand. Cassidy felt the nipple touch her cheek and found that CB was right. Instinct turned her head toward it and she let her lips latch gently over the tip. Almost instantly a small but steady flow of white filled her mouth and it struck her that milk was something she hadn't tasted since the change. Even warm as it was, she was so hungry that it might as well have been the sweetest honey that had ever graced her tongue.

"Sit with me, Megan?" Clairibelle looked up at her. She was standing there and watching dumbfounded. Both by what she was witnessing, and the behavior of her lover. She'd never seen Clairibelle this earnest before, or this motherly, "Be a part of this with me? Please?"

Megan eased down next to her, settling slowly up against CB. She watched for a bit as her daughter suckled quietly from her lover's breast, surprised by how peaceful it was. A minute passed, and it didn't seem strange anymore. Another, and it felt normal.

"The times I spent nursing Mimi were the most special moments I've ever known." Clairibelle let her hand slowly stroke Cassidy's hair, "It was the first time I realized that the touch of another person could mean something... Something more. Loving her changed me. More than anything anyone else could have said or done to set me on the right path."

As Megan watched, a tear had started to form in Clairibelle's eye, and she gently wrapped her arm around her in response. Her other hand came up to rest on the the hand stroking her daughter, halting the movement as they shared this moment.

"Our children grow so fast. She was only a baby for a few months. I weened her when they told me to, but..." She sniffled a little, "I've always felt cheated. Like the time we should have had was stolen from me."

Megan couldn't help but mist over a bit herself at the thought. She knew the children of the changed grew quickly, but their mothers were still exactly that. They were mothers, and their babies didn't stay that way for long, "Penelope... Do you... You think that's why?"

Cassidy opened her eyes, letting the nipple fall from her lips and taking a few breaths.

"She loves her babies. She loves everyone's babies. More than anything." Clairibelle pushed the lapel back to reveal her other breast now, turning her torso again to let Cassidy suckle it in, "She cries when it's time to stop feeding them this way. The others don't see it. They just think she likes having lots of children around, but... I understand how she feels."

They sat in silence for a time, watching the girl gently drink from Clairibelle's body. Her lips tugging at the nipple, having forgotten about the hunger that had pained her so much just before. There was peace is this. It was something genuine that would bond them together as more than just people in each other's lives. Clairibelle wasn't just mom's girlfriend anymore. Cassidy wasn't her lover's daughter. Now...

They were a family.

"I'm here for you Cassidy." Clairibelle said softly, "I'm here."

It was three in morning before Cassidy was awoken by the light as Eli entered the room, looking a bit dazed as he tried to piece everything together in his mind. She had finally slept a little, and smiled up at him sleepily as he came over to sit on the edge of their new bed. It didn't have a proper sized mattress yet. That was beyond Henry's ability to craft, but he never seemed to run out of giant pillows to throw at problems like this in the meantime, and the frame was absolutely filled with them.

"Sorry, Miss Cassidy." He said as he sat carefully down on the edge of the bed, "I didn't mean to wake you."

She reached over to stroke his back without getting up, making a little humming noise before speaking, "How was it?"

He didn't say anything at first, merely mulling the oddness of that question over, "You're really okay with this? What I just did?"

"I told you to do it." She said, sitting up to scoot over and press herself against him, causing him to lean his head down against hers, "I'm okay, Eli. I love you."

"Why is it okay, though?" He asked.

She pulled back a bit with a sigh, drawing her knees up to wrap her arms around them the way she always did when she was nervous or shy, "Can I tell you a secret?"

He turned his head to look at her curiously, "Of course."

"I've never liked regular people much. They stare at my jaw. They make fun of me. They feel sorry for me." She tucked her head down, covering her face in her posture. It was a practiced move, one which didn't let people gawk at her features, "The only ones that ever looked at me like I was normal were... Like you. Changed."

He watched her in silence, sensing there was more.

"The first boy I ever kissed was a goat." She said, lifting her head to give him a little smile, "People used to make fun of his eyes. I thought they were beautiful."

His eyebrows went up in surprise.

"My first real boyfriend was a golden retriever." She continued, "He could be sweet sometimes, but he wanted more than I was ready for. He got a little too rough when we were fooling around and we broke up."

"Miss Cassidy..." Eli shook his head slowly, "Is it just because of what I am?"

"Of course not, Eli. Even if you were human, I would have fallen for someone like you." She said, pausing to let out a heavy sigh, "But if you were human... You wouldn't even look at a girl like me."

The answer stunned him back into silence, and she went on, "Penelope... She's kind of like me in that. She just wants to be loved, and she lives in a world where there's no one for her. No one except you."

It was something he understood now all too well.

"And besides..." She added, "I think if it was the other way around, she would have shared with me."

His eyes met hers, and then he smiled. Soon she was smiling back.

"Do you need to get cleaned up?" She asked, "I want you to come to bed with me."

"No, uh... Turns out they have showers in there." He replied, starting to take off his shirt and adding with a huff, "Turns out they have a lot of things in there."

"Do you think you could do it... One more time tonight?" She said quietly, as if fearing her mother might hear, "We haven't had sex since we found out I was pregnant. I want to."

He thought about it. She moved to lie back with her weight on her elbows almost just the way Penelope had earlier that night, cocking her head to the side and looking up at him through her lashes as seductively as she could muster. There was just the hint of a familiar twinge in his jeans. One that had started with her that first time he had seen her smoking a cigarette on the porch of the guest house and arching her back to give him a show.

"Yeah, Miss Cassidy." He said, crawling up into the pillows to move alongside her, "I think I've got one more in me tonight."