Help Wanted: Ranch Hands

Story by Rajan Wolffang on SoFurry

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Help Wanted: Ranch Hands

By Rajan Wolffang

Contents: Wolves, Pig, Oral, Nudity, Age-Play, Bar Fight, Blood, Spooge, M/M/F

Copy-Rights: All characters and story are (c) Rajan Wolffang 2010

Allester E. Darkflame is (c) Allester

The sound of an alarm clock blasted into the ear of Sarah Thomson as she started to toss and turn in her sleep. Slowly her eyes opened to the morning light of the new day. Giving out a frustrated groan she smacked the "alarm off" button of her alarm clock and slowly shifted herself to the edge of the bed. Her feet slipped into her red slippers and she stood up to strecth the sleep out of her curvy body. She stood in front of the mirror as she eyed herself with her messy curly red hair and football jersey of her favorite pro football team. "Mmm... another day. Wonderful. Well... atleast things can't get any worse." She said eyeing herself abit.

Long curly red shoulder length hair, a cute face and snout with lovely blue eyes, with a pair of perky breasts, this pig gal at the age of thirty-nine stood nicely at a decent height of 5' 7" with a set of hips just as wide as her breasts. A cute but somewhat plush belly, long legs, a lovely rounded bottom with a small yet noticable red heart shaped tattoo on her right cheek of her pale pink sink that caress her entire body.

Looking to her bedroom door, she reached for her bed robe to keep warm while she headed down stairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast and to turn on the television to catch up on the local news and weather. As usual, nothing new to the events nor the weather. It was the middle of the summer and the hot days were hitting them hard with no sign of rain for days.

She looked out the window to take a peak at the struggling farm land her unfaithful husband left behind. "Oh, what am I gonna do?" she said as her eyes filled with tears at the fact the crop wasn't giving out anything despite her best efforts. "Roy, you bastard!"

Robert "Roy" Thomson was the name of her bastard ex-husband. He was a good male pig at first. Strong, smart, charming with a natural green thumb even. He had known Sarah ever since Middle school and started dating right when they went into high school. Their relationship blossomed when he proposed to her on graduation day. Her parents were against the idea at first, but grew to accept Roy and vice versa with his folks. They even had what some would call a story book wedding. Their gifts included a beautiful home with enough room to house two families and enough land to grow crops.

Sadly, not every story ends with a good ending. About a year into the marriage, Roy started taking up habits from crooked business men like drinking and smoking expensive cigars and beers. To make matters worse, their parents were the type not used to taking medicines for illness and going to the doctor.

First it was Sarah's parents, who passed away in their sleep sadly. Then Roy's parents followed suit weeks later. The money needed to cover both funerals was unreal. It nearly brought the couples savings down to nothing. Luckily with the harvest, most of the worry was over, but Roy's habits got worse. Sarah stayed home taking care of household chores while Roy worked on the farm from dawn to dusk. Although, he didn't come straight home, he would go to the local bar to drink his worries and problems away.

Sarah would get worried and upset at his late night fun time and kick Roy out of the bedroom, telling him to sleep on the couch. One night Sarah decided to surprise him at the bar, hoping to put some spark in their relationship. But things only got worse. She caught him feeling up and making out with one of the, clearly-too-young-to-be-working, bar girls serving drinks.

After that, she then kicked him out of the house along with everything he owned and with the ring he gave her years ago. To make matters worse, he left her with all the bills, payments from what seemed to be gambling debts and his picked up habits of drinking at the bar. She had no choice but to find a part time job at a local tavern serving food and drinks paying off whatever she could at minimal payments.

How did she end up with such troubles? During their time together Sarah was the brains of the operation while Roy was the muscle. In other words, whatever paperwork their was to fill out and send, her name was on it while Roy worked in the fields.

Having finished eating a small breakfast, she put on her usual work clothes: A white tee shirt that showed off abit of her cleavage, jean over-alls, gloves and a hat to keep her cool. Her first stop was to the pepper and tomato patch. The sight surprised her abit as the vegetables were coming around nicely. "Mmm, that's a shock. Didn't think these would turn out." A few tomatoes had the dreaded, yet dead tomato worms on them thanks to its natural enemy, the Bracnoid Wasp. She picked out the best of the patch and seperated them into two different buckets.

Next were the watermelons. Despite the drought, a few melons were doing well but the rest of the crop was lacking. "Well atleast I'll be able to make something out of the peppers and tomatoes at Fred's." She took the two baskets to her pick-up truck and covered them up with a blanket to protect them for the sun and whatever annoying crows that were waiting to make her a bad one.

The day slowly turned to dusk while she worked around the house and garden. "This is almost too much for me. I need some help is what I need. Too bad I can't afford it. Can't a girl get a break?" she said to herself as she took off her hat and went back inside to clean up and change. Soon her clothes were off and as she stepped into the shower. A pleasured sigh escaped her lips as the warm water flowed down her body.

For the next thiry minutes she washed her red curly locks and body. Slowly she stepped out of the shower to look at herself. "Hmm...all that work and its slowly paying off." She said eyeing her hips and her legs. For months, she was doing all she could to atleast trim down her hips and ass but was unsuccessful. The last time she checked her measurements, she was looking at a forty-eight inch bust, thirty-five inch tummy and a forty-eight inch waist.

Taking her measurements again, she got the same results. A soft sigh escaped her knowing that those other girls would make whatever remarks about her figure. But a smile spreads on her lips as she was pleased with her legs as dries off her body and hair. All that lifting and carrying paid off nicely. With her hair and body dry she slipped into her work clothes that consist of pair of white undies, matching white bra, a tight fitting red tee shirt and tight fitting jean shorts.

The shorts were the worse part of the tavern attire. They showed off the roundness of her butt as she wiggled into them. Of course she went to her boss for a bigger size but sadly they didn't come in a bigger size. What's more from then on out, the drunk assholes at the tavern would call her Red and would spank her whenever she bent down to pick up say a beer bottle. She hated it but still she needed the money and tips to make ends meet.

Looking at the clock she had more than enough spare time to pay Fred a visit and sell the bell peppers and tomatoes to him. His place was fortantely right next to the traven she worked at. Fred was like a second father to Sarah when her father died. Remarkably, he was handy with not just cooking but was also the best handy-man and macanic in town. So naturally she would go to him if their was something wrong with plumbing, her truck or anything too complex for her to deal with, she would call Fred. In return he would do it for free and gave her any kind of insperation and help whenever she asked.

She drove to his small, yet profitable, diner after a short drive. Parking her truck in the back parking lot she set the gears to park and killed the engine. She stepped out of the truck and knocked on the back door of the diner. Once opened, it was none other than Fred there to greet her. "Hey Sarah!" he said arms wide open in a greetful manner. Sarah happily smiled and hugged the male pig.

"Hey Freddy. How's business?" she asked.

"Oh not too bad tonight really. Usuals showing up of course and a few new faces. I reckon you got something good for me to buy from ya?" he said with a bit of glee in his eyes.

Sarah nodded and went to the back of her truck and showed off the bell peppers and tomatoes she picked later in the day. "That I do. Some freshly picked bell peppers and tomatoes for you."

Fred quietly checked out the vegetables she was offering and nodded in approval. "I'll take 'em sugah. What ya say too, how's about... two-hundred dollars?"

Sarah's heart skipped a beat as she heard the offer. "Whoa...I mean yes. That's really good. Thank you Freddy."

He laughed heartily at her words as he carried both baskets into the kitchen stock room. "Oh my pleasure sugah bee. You just keep on bringin goods like this in and I'll take 'em in best I can now. By the way, you want might wanna be careful tonight at the tavern. Wild bunch tonight."

Sarah smiled at his advanced warning and gave a loving hug and kiss to his cheek. "Thanks Freddy. What would I do without you? You take care tonight okay?" she said as he then slipped the payment into her hand.

"I'd rather not think about it. You get on to work now ok? Have a good one." He said.

With a sigh, she nodded her head yes and went on her way. Her ears perked up at the sound of what sounded like someone laughing and arguing parked just outside the tavern. Her eyes spotted two unusual wolves as one of them seemed to be mouthing off something in the car while one was talking on a pay phone in a calm manner. The one in the car looked alot like the one on the pay phone except he had a head of white hair and was well groomed while the other one had black hair and longer then the others, abit wild but kept nicely. She stepped up closer to them to see what was wrong.

"Yeah Allester. You heard me right. Melody took home like...five awards. Poor girl was at a loss for words. Not everyday that a new girl wins awards for best new girl, best performance, busty babe of the year just to name afew. But uh... funny story, true story. After the party, autographs and pictures with fan boys and girls we got lost. Turns out the bloody directions we got from the award show in Sinvilla sent us clear across to some town called Countrytown. I've never heard of it either. Hehe you should see Rajah though. He's trying to get the GPS to work but that damn thing never worked." he said trying to hold in his laughter.

Allester on the other hand was back at the infamous 'Arabin Nights' club tending to party goers. "Indeed. Well atleast I can tell the girls you two are okay. Some of the other girls refused to step on stage and dance til they heard from you. But I talked them into it with no problem. Sides you two need a vacation anyway. How does a month sound? I have a feeling you'll enjoy yourselves."

Rajan smirked at the thought and started thinking. "Well... I don't know. I mean..." he said finally noticing the red headed pig girl as she stood looking at him. "Actually that doesn't sound too bad. I'll tell you about that tiger-stripped skunkette babe I hooked up with later alright? Keep the girls in line man. Oh yea, Melody should be on the plane back now. Should be arriving in the morning to pick up. Okay bye and thanks dude." He hung up the phone and walked up to the red headed pig. "Evening miss. Something I can do for you?"

Sarah shook her head, but couldn't help but point out Rajah's barking at his attempts to fix the GPS. "Is... your friend gonna be okay?" Rajan laughed as he knocked on the driver side window. "Yeah he'll be fine. The GPS has been giving us trouble all day." Looking to see the window roll down, Rajah leaned over making his face visible for both to see.

"What?!" he barked. Rajan smirked and pointed to Sarah as she waved at him. "Oh. Uh hello there miss. Uh... sorry if my ranting caused a stir of any kind." he said as the white fur on his face turned a light shade of pink.

Sarah gave out a cute giggle and smiled. "Oh don't worry about it. Just wanted to know if you were okay. Listen, I gotta go and head to work. If you boys wanna talk some more, just step into the tavern. I'll fix y'all up a drink."

The brothers could do nothing but eye her body as she spoke up and listened to her offer. They looked at each other and back at her. "Sounds good to us." The two brothers spoke at the same time.

Her ears perked up, abit surprised how they managed to pull that off. She smiled at them and waved bye to them. "Great. See you inside boys." The brothers watched her as she walked inside. Their eyes fixed on her butt as she had abit of perk and sway in her hips.

Rajan opened the car door causing Rajah to fall and tumble as he was still eyeballing the pig gal even after she stepped inside. "Easy there brother. She could be taken already." he said while helping up Rajah.

"So what? That hasn't stopped us before now has it?"

Rajan blushed abit thinking how he and Melody first met. "Point taken. Might as well accept her invite. Hope they got something good to drink in there."

Both boys walked into the tavern to welcome the stop and stare of almost every drunk sitting either at a table or at the bar. Of course that didn't bother them seeing they weren't regulars and dressed up in black dress pants, shoes and jacket. Their shirts were colored differently. Rajan dawned a red dress shirt while Rajah sported a gold colored shirt.

After a moment of looking for Sarah, they were approached by two very young bunny girls. "You two need our help wit anything?" They said carrying the smell of cigarette smoke. Rajan hacked at the smell while Rajah held his composure and shook his head no.

"No thanks. Were just looking for a certain someone that invited us in. A red head pig gal to be correct."

"Oh... You mean Sarah. Fine. We'll get her fo you." One of them saying in disgust while the other bunny took a puff on her cigarette and walked away trying to look sexy and look back at Rajah.

Rajah coldly made a motion with his hand telling her to buzz off. She took the hint with her pride hurt while a drunk by-stander pulled her into his booth copping a feel off her.

"Geez... this place is something else. How the hell could anyone work here is beyond me." Rajah said as he saw more and more of the place. A well stocked bar with solid looking bar chairs and tables all around but the residents looked drunker than a skunk. Which was funny caused a male skunk just fell face first to the ground.

Rajan pointed out to an empty table after a moment of trying to ignore the smell of bad beer and cigarette smoke. "Their's a spot. Let's get it before someone else does." Both brothers quickly took the booth table and sat down waiting for Sarah to arrive.

A moment later she hurried over to them wanting to talk with them again. "Hi guys. Glad you both stopped by. First off, I should say I'm Sarah and welcome to the Rough-House. What can I get you?" she said with a smile while admiring them and handing them menus.

Both wolves took a look at the choices of beer and looked puzzled. "Uh do you have any full beers in stock?" Rajan continued to look as Rajah did the talking.

"Well... not sure. Most of the guys here like that watered down stuff. Says its for city folk only. I think we have something called... "

"Red Moon!? No way!? That will do nicely Sarah."

Sarah smirked at his sudden choice and nods happily. "Anything else boys? May I suggest the cheese fries?" She said leaning down abit showing off her cleavage innocently flirting with them.

Both wolves licked their chops at the sound of the cheese fries and at the sight of her cleavage. "Sounds good to us Sarah." they both said in unison while handing her the menus.

"Coming right up." Sarah then turned around and took their order to the cook only to have her butt smacked by a patron at the bar. She quickly turned around and smack the hand of the male who smacked her. "Randy! I've told you not to do that."

Randy Flint. Your average beer-belly country redneck pig. A regular at the tavern that stepped in whenever Sarah worked. He was the one who gave her the nickname 'Red' and started the only supposedly playful flirting with her. Of course Sarah complained about it to the boss but decided to look the other way when Randy started bribing him under the table.

"Oh come on Red. Forget those city boys and give me some sugah already." His big fat arms reaching around her for a hug. Sarah whacked his arms away but it only encouraged him more.

Watching this enraged the brothers alittle. Rajan took the first move by coming up behind the drunk pig and turning him around to face him with a fierce look in his eyes. "Hey buddy. If your done being a stupid romantic, leave the lady alone. She's trying to get our order ready."

Randy looked at him as if he just committed a crime while the rest of his buddies stopped their eating, drinking and flirting to make sure their supposed ring-leader was okay. Randy responded with a foul smelling burp to Rajan's face. "What's it to you city boy? *hic* She ain't nothing to you. Sides, if she hated it then why in sam hell she still working here?"

Rajan snorted out the smell of cheap beer from his nose. He wanted to punch the pig's face in but held back as he looked around seeing his would be buddies eye-balling him. He calmly got out of Randy's face eyeing every one of them. Rajan could only smirk as he moved back to his seat. "She means something to me asshole. Just don't get in her way when she brings out our order."

During Randy and Rajan's intervection, she went to the kitchen and handed the cook the order. It didn't take long to cook up the fries, set them on a plate and cover them with a number of different types of shredded cheese. With two beer bottles and a huge plate of cheese fries in her hands, she happily brought them to her brave wolves. "Here you go boys. And thank you for... standing up for me like that."

"No problem Sarah. Our pleasure really. Mmmm food smells wonderful." Rajah was busy taking a few gulps of the beer while Rajan smiled at her. However, Sarah didn't realize that Randy had came up behind her and smacked her ass so hard she squeeled in surprised and tumbled causing the beers to fall and pour on the boys. She prepared for the worse from the two wolves as she looked down about to cry.

"Hahaha! Enjoy your beer city boys. Fuckin' pups."

"You okay Sarah?" they both said in unison. Both of them holding back their anger. As they smirked to themselves about to take action.

She looked at them with tears in her eyes. "Your... your not mad at me?"

"Not at all. Wasn't your fault after all. But listen... we want you to go to the ladies room and dry your tears ok? Everything will be alright when you get back ok?" Rajan and Rajah smiled at her to comfort her some.

"Oh... okay. It might take me awhile though." she said as she made her way to the ladies room.

The brothers then got up and took off their dress jackets and unbuttoned afew buttons on their shirts. "You ready to do this?" Rajah said to his brother as he strecthed his arms.

"I was ready the moment that fat bastard burped in my face. Bold, I'll give him that, but stupid. Then their was the pup comment. Now that was uncalled for." he said cracking his knuckles.

"Good. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that. Shall we?"

Rajan nodded at his brother and in unison walked up to Randy's little group table. Randy and his five man crew consisted of two other male pigs of his same body type, a bull that might be the only real challenge, a skinny fox with a mumble speech disorder and rat that wore a pair of shades. Randy was carrying on how he smacked Sarah from behind and laughing like their was no tomorrow.

The brothers came up behind him and tapped his shoulder. "Hey Randy!"

"You boys don't..." As soon as he turned his head he met the force of Rajah's fist to his cheek. Randy nearly fell to his knees but not before Rajan gave him an uppercut to his jaw as he tumbled down. The blow caused him to fall back to his group's table and bring it crashing down to the ground.

"ANYONE ELSE?" The brothers growled and yelled in unison at the five remaining. The rat made a quick get away and ran out of their clearly scared out of his mind. The other two pigs struggled to help Randy up while the fox got up to his feet.

"Y'all picked the wrong guy to mess with." Like an idiot he was swinging his fist in every direction but at the wolves. Clearly he was intoxicated beyond the legal limit. Rajah blinked as he simply tripped him by sticking out his foot and causing him to fall and bang his head on a nearby table, knocking him out instantly.

The bull slowly got to his feet as he took a look at his buddies. "Told y'all not to mess with 'em. You boys have fun with 'em now ya hear? Oh." He reached into his pocket and handed Rajah a twenty dollar bill. "For the beer. I hate to see good beer wasted." And with that he exited the tavern.

"Huh... well that was unexpected." Rajan could only blink at his brother at what just happened. He looked back to find Randy and his two buddies trying to carry him out of the tavern. "Oh whoa hold on a minute boys! Where the hell do you think your going?"

The three pigs turned around scared out of their minds. "Uh... nowhere. We're just..." Quickly the two pigs, obiviously brothers, dropped Randy. One attempted to rush the wolves, the other caught Rajan by surprise hitting him in the face while Rajah caught the punch and growled showing his pearly white fangs as he grabbed the back of his messy mullet pulling him down to meet his knee right at his snout. Blood quickly leaked down to the floor as he fell over on his back wailing in pain.

Rajan stepped back and watched as the pig that hit him swung in for a right hook. This time he saw it coming. Blocking it he quickly moved in and pushed him into a nearby wall and made use of his gut as a punch bag. After a flurry of punches the pig stood partically knocked out only to be pushed down hard to the floor as Rajan figured he had enough.

Randy saw it all as he crawled back to the exit only to be stopped by Sarah. He looked up and gulped as she slapped the taste out of his mouth. Both wolves could only feel for Randy as Sarah left a crimson hand print on his face. But that wasn't enough for Rajan. He punched him in the face again, pushed him toward his brother, who deliveried a knee right to his gut.

The drunk pig then tumbled back into a wall. Rajan picked him up with a look of pure rage in his eyes as he raised his fist to hit him. Randy's face was swelling up black and blue as he covered his face. "No... no more! I'm sorry ok?"

"Oh no buddy. It's not us you should be saying that too. Isn't that right Sarah?" Rajan smiled looking back at her as she walked up to him with her hands on her hips.

"I told you if you kept it up you'd be gettin whats comin to you." She then spat in his face and gave both wolves a kiss to their cheeks. Leaving a red lipstick marks on them.

"Now what do you say to the pretty lady Randy? Come on you can say it. Make me wanna hit you again. I dare you." Rajan grined wickedly as he wanted to hurt this guy. Rajah was smirking as he noticed everyone in the tavern watched the whole fight unfold.

"Alright, alright. I'm... sorry Sarah." Randy said as he started to choke up abit crying.

"For what Randy?" Sarah said innocently while pouting her lips.

"I'm sorry for smacking you and not treatin you like a lady. Can you please let me down now?" he blubbered as Rajan looked him in the eyes.

"Good boy. Now listen as hard as you fucking can. If you or anyone else gives this woman any kind of grief again I swear; I'll be eating my cereal out your fucking skull while I let the rest of you cook over an open flame! GOT IT?" Rajan growled out as he let him go to fall on his fat ass.

"Got it." Quickly Randy ran out of the tavern as if hell was coming for his soul.

Both brothers laughed as they went back to their booth to enjoy their still warm cheese fries as the rest of the crowd hooted and cheered for the two. A border collie male came up to them with their beers in hand. "That was the best bar fight I ever did see. Beers on the house boys."

Sarah then sat down with Rajan and wrapped her arm around his waist. Both wolves raised their bottles and tapped them together finishing them both off at once. "Get us another!"

"Thank you both soooo much. You have no idea how long I've waited to do that. Oh my gods did it feel good." she said partically squeezing Rajan.

"Our pleasure. But I think I have something that'll really make your night." Rajah grins as he pulled out a thick yet cheap looking wallet with Randy's initials on it.

"Oh you didn't do what I think you did?" he said laughing as Rajah handed Sarah whatever bills were in it.

"If you mean pick-pocket him then no. It slipped out of his pocket while he ran like a bat out of hell. Sides I think Sarah deserves a very nice tip for the all the trouble she's been through, yes?" He said winking at her.

Sarah was awestruck as she counted the bills handed to her. She already counted over three-hundred dollars. "Yeah. Gods you two are too much."

"We do what we can." the wolves spoke in unison as they started to dig into their meal. Sarah happily rested her head against Rajan's shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist. She even decided to eat up some of the cheese fries with her new friends.

Hours later the tavern had to close shop for the night. It was around two o'clock in the morning as the crowd started to head out. The wolf brothers finished up their meal hours ago and spent the remaning time talking with Sarah about various subjects. From her personal life and troubles, to talking and getting to know the twin brothers. In light of their recent actions, she offered them to follow her home to spend their vacation there.

"Well that's the best offer I've heard so far. Thank you Sarah. But... what's the catch?" Rajan said as he paid for the cheese fries. While Rajah stood up and remotely started up the car, warming it up.

"Oh there's no catch Rajan. I might ask you two for some help on my field but other than that you'll be keeping a lonely gal company and happy." she said giving the most adorable smile as she clocked out and collected her tips.

Rajan smiled and gladly offered his arm to her. "Well then, shall we ma'am?" Right beside her Rajah offered his arm as well. Sarah gladly took their arms and walked out with two handsome wolves out of the tavern. They walked her to her truck as she started up and told them to simply follow her.

The boys quickly got in their car and followed her to her place. Amazed it was a short ride, they looked in amazement at the sight of her place. "Whoa." They both said in awe driving into her garage. Rajah shut down the engine and stepped out followed by Rajan closing their respected car doors. The trunk opened up with a push of a button. Rajan reached into the trunk and picked up two medium sized luggage bags.

"You boys gonna keep a gal waiting or are you comming inside? It may be hot in the day time but it gets chilly out at night, and this outfut ain't keeping me warm." She said pulling Rajah's arm after he closed the trunk.

"Now that you mention it, yes. Let's get inside and warm up." All three went inside as Sarah unlocked the door letting them in through the back door. She rubbed her arms trying to warm up as she took off her shoes.

"Ah finally. Make yourselves at home boys. Have a seat on the couch while I go change into some thing more suitable. Just follow me and you can rest your tails on the couch til I get back ok?" Sarah then walked up to them kissing their cheeks again and ran off to her room blushing red hot.

"Thanks Sarah." The wolves said together as they sat down on what had to be the most comfortable couch ever.

Sarah rushed to her bathroom and checked herself in the mirror. She was blushed red enough to signal an airplane. Quickly she turned on her faucet and splashed some water on her face. "What is wrong with me? I have two handsome, young wolves in my house and I'm... I'm attracted to them both. What in the hell am I so nervous about?"

Sarah took a deep breath to calm herself. Doing so, she looked herself in the mirror again. The red in her cheeks and face vanished finally. Snapping back to reality she noticed how late it was. "Time certainly flew today. Might as well get ready for tomorrow." Sarah hummed to herself happily as she took off her work clothes and put on a pair of red undies that showed off her rounded asscheeks and a silk white teddy with spaggethi straps and fluffy hem.

At the same time, Rajan and Rajah were going through thier luggage bags making sure everything was in place. Spare clothing, money for food and gas, toothpaste, everything needed for their sudden vacation. "So Allester gave us a month to ourselves huh? That was generous of him." Rajah spoke as he went through his luggage bag.

"I know right? Anyway, at least were staying in what looks like a cozy place. Wonder if our hostess is ok. She's been gone a good while now." The brothers both smirked and picked out what clothing would be best to work in Sarah's field while staying with her. Their ears perked up at the sound of foot-steps as lovely Sarah came down stairs.

"Hey there she... " Rajan was at a lost for words as he looked up in her direction. Rajah looked at his brother wondering why he stopped mid-sentence.

"Hmm... there she what?" Looking to see what his brother was staring at a loss for, he too joined in gazing upon Sarah in her night clothes. She walked up to them with a sway in her walk, smiling cutely with her hands on her hips. Her breasts bounced with every step she took. Finally she stopped as she bent down looking at them.

"Are you boys ready for bed? I have a big day planned tomorrow and I would love the help of two very fine, young and strong wolves such as yourselves. Would you two do that for me?" She said as she rubbed Rajan's ear softly. Rajah happily nodded while Rajan smiled and whimpered like a puppy as she unknowingly found his weakspot.

Sarah could not help but grin at their reactions and kissed them both on their cheeks. She then beckoned them both up to their feet. "Let me show you both to where you boys will be staying. I think one of the spare rooms is big enough for you both." She then turned and walked slowly ahead of them to guide her guests to their room.

Both wolves were happy to oblige to Sarah's guidance while eyeing her from head to toe. Rajan slowly licked his maw as he caught sight of her round wiggling asscheeks. He wanted so bad to reach out and grab her and take her but thankfully Rajah gave him a quick jab to his shoulder and shook his head and whispered; "Easy there bro. I know she looks delicious but lets at least get some rest so we can really give her want she needs."

Rajan nodded and yawned loudly unaware of Sarah stopping infront of him, he bumped against her. "Oh~! Sorry there Sarah."

Sarah looked back over her shoulder and grinned as she gently grinded her ass against Rajan's crotch. "Mmm don't be." she said as she opened their bedroom door. It was just as big as her own room only without a bathroom and one bed, instead their were two seperate full queen sized beds with pillows and covers to keep them warm for the night.

"Make yourselves at home boys. Rest up and get ready for a big work day tomorrow. Gonna need your help removing some weeds and picking whatever watermelons and such before the crows get 'em. Think you two can handle that?"

Both wolves nodded happily at her needs as they faced her. "I'm sure we can do that for you Sarah. Seems only fair, seeing that your harboring us." Rajah said to her as he looks her in the eye.

Rajan stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. He stood dangerously close to her as he massaged her shoulders abit. "But for now its late. I'm sure you'll want us well rested and ready for what you have in store for us in the morning right?"

Sarah gasped softly and moaned at the feeling of Rajan's hands massaging her shoulders. She placed her hands on his and guided them off her shoulders and gave Rajah a kiss to his lips and did the same to Rajan. "That's right. Sleep well boys." She gave them a wink and walked back to her room giving them both a show as Rajan hiked up her teddy to show off her almost bare asscheeks.

Rajah smacked the back of Rajan's head and grinned. "Bad wolf, bad." Rajan gave a cheap grin as he sat on the edge of his bed. Both wolves took off their clothing and put on their night clothes, making themselves cozy drifting to sleep.

Sarah however was having the hardest time getting to sleep. Her dreams were filled with desire and need. She woke up afew times thinking the wolves were cuddling with her. An upset grunt soon followed as she attempted to go back to sleep only to find herself dreaming yet again of the wolves. Her hands snaked down to her undies.

A muffled moan filled the room as her fingers rubbed at her wetting sex. She saw herself on all fours while Rajan took her from behind while Rajah played and fondled with her breasts. Within minutes she teased herself into an orgasm, squeeled into her pillow and drifted into a deep sleep.

Hours later, the morning rays of sunlight beamed on her face. Slowly, she woke up, climbed out of bed and tossed her hair out of her face. She felt relaxed as she stripped off her teddy and into a white, short-sleeved shirt and jean suspender shorts. She then gave herself a quick glance in the mirror and fixed her hair.

Sarah walked downstairs to find both wolves up and in the kitchen cooking some breakfast. Rajan had a plate of biscuits in hand while Rajah prepared the scrambled eggs, oatmeal and pancakes. "Wow. So you boys can cook and start up bar fights. Is their anything you two can't do?" She said as she sat down at her kitchen table.

The wolves smiled at her words as Rajah served her a plate with biscuits, pancakes and eggs. "Haven't come across that "anything" just yet Sarah. Hope your hungry."

Sarah happily took her plate of food and started to devour it like no tomorrow. She couldn't remember the last time she had a good looking breakfast to start her day. The wolves happily smiled at her as she ate while they started to take part in eating their breakfast as well.

After a good twenty-five minutes of exchanged words and breakfast, all three were done and ready to start to work out in the field. Sarah handed the twins a set of gloves and pointed to the watermelon patch. "You boys are to pick out any weeds you see. But try to be careful with the weeds near the watermelon plant ok?" She then smacked both wolves on their asses and walked over to the pepper patch.

Rajan smirked at the smack while Rajah barked in surprise and looked back at her as she walked over to the pepper patch. Sarah gave him a flirty look and winked at him as she bent down giving him a good look at her ass.

Rajah growled playfully at her teasing but was pulled away from view as Rajan dragged him over to the watermelon patch. "Get your head out of the gutter bro. We gotta job to do first." He said putting on his gloves.

Rajah couldn't help but laugh as he put on his gloves and pulled out a tall weed. "What can I say bro? I like her. Plus she's begging for us to pounce her. What's more I think she needs it. Didn't you hear her last night? She was either having a really good dream or someone woke up and banged the hell out of her."

"I doubt that the second option is possible. If I did, you know I would've pulled you out of bed to give her what she wanted. Remember Melody?" Rajan said as he worked his way through the patch pulling weed after weed.

"Okay, you've made your point. But let's not take our time with her Rajan. She's calling for us whether she's aware of it or not." Rajah stated as he continued to pull out weeds and tossing them away from the field to dry out and die.

The three worked at a steady pace and teased each other with welcoming glances from time to time. Sarah could feel herself getting worked up more and more. She was about to say something until she noticed it was getting rather dark and suddenly felt a drop of water hit her cheek.

"What the... ?" Sarah looked up and gasped as the weather suddenly turned cloudly despite the weather prediction. She happily started to pick herself up from the ground and waved to the wolves just as the rain started to pour down.

"Pack it in boys!" she yelled as she started to run back into the house. The wolves were quick to their feet and followed suit. All three stepped inside completely soaked from head to toe. Without even thinking, Sarah started to strip down to just her undies and ring out her wet clothes. Both wolves were dumbfounded at her action as they looked at her and then each other. With a unified shrug of their shoulders, they started to take off their clothing as well.

Sarah looked at the two and realized what was going on. She was so use to working alone she forgot she should go to the nearest bathroom and dry off. But with the twin wolves, she didn't feel too embrassed. Her eyes ran up and down on them both. Eyeing their muscular frames, black and white fur patterns and finally their package.

The wolves smirked at her as they eyed her back. Her curly red hair, smooth pale pink skin, melon sized breasts and her trimmed little landing strip of red hair above her slit. Sarah's cheeks were blushing red hot as she loved the fact the two wolves were admiring her yet again. A smirk appeared on her lips as she turned around and gave them a view of her round ass as she bent down to pick up her wet clothing.

Rajah growled and licked his lips as he came up behind her and spanked her asscheeks. "What now boss lady? Surely you wouldn't wanna tease us here and now? Wet fur doesn't bond well with anyone really." Rajan laughed at his brother's joke as he couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Sarah squeeled abit at the spank as she then simply turned around to face and smile at them. "Then get your cute asses cleaned up and meet me in my room when your done. You boys still have work to do." She gave them a wink and slowly walked up the stairs with a sway of her hips in her walk.

Rajah growled at her teasing and quickly made his way upstairs to dry off. Rajan snapped out of his daydreaming gaze at Sarah and ran upstairs right behind his brother. Rajah quickly turned on the shower in their room and started washing off the smell of wet dog off his body.

Rajan grunted as his brother got to finish first. A few moments later Rajah stepped out clean and ready to go. He grinned at his brother and gestured that he may use the shower. "Your turn. Hurry up will you? We must not keep our lady waiting."

"Yeah yeah. Rub it in horn dog. Why don't you go ahead and keep Sarah company? I'll join you shortly." he winked at his brother as he stepped into the shower.

Rajah needed no other encouragement as he rushed down the hallway and stopped at Sarah's bedroom door. He raised his right hand and knocked on the door only to see it slowly open up. Rajah peeked inside only to hear a faint voice. "Come in."

The wolf slowly walked into Sarah's room and closed the door behind him. He spotted the lovely pig as she laid on her bed completely naked. She beckons him over with her pointer finger. Like a trained puppy, Rajah cuddled with her.

The feel of his soft fur against her skin made her feel alot warmer than any blanket could as she gently rubs his right ear. "Where's your other half?" she whispered to Rajah as her free hand moves to rub at his belly. Dangerously close to his sheath.

Rajah could only whimper softly as she rubbed his belly and ear. "Mmm he was getting in the shower when I came up to your door. Told me to keep you company until he gets done." he then smiled at her giving her a kiss to her lips.

Sarah smiled at his kiss and gave him a kiss back. "Well that was thoughtful of him." She said as guided him to lay on top of her. Her face started to blush more as she could feel his body heat and sheath rub against her slit. Rajah grinned wickedly at her as he starts to grind against her slit some teasing her.

"Mmm don't tease me like that puppy." she moaned out looking away from him feeling embarssed. Her eyes shot open as she noticed he stopped only to find Rajah kissing down her breasts, belly and finally her pussy. Before she could even get a word out, she felt his long tongue rub against her slit. She squeeled happily at the feeling as his tongue ravaged her folds.

Rajah easily pressed his nose against her clit as he started to wiggle his tongue into her folds. To him, her scent was becoming more and more intoxicating. He did not even notice Rajan walking into the room as he joined them finally. Sarah reached out to him, giving the wolf a deep kiss. Rajan easily slipped his tongue into the kiss brusing it against her tongue. During the kiss Rajan moved his hands to massage her breasts.

Sarah squeeled more as her body was being felt upon the wolf while his twin brother was eating her out with a purpose. Rajah gently guided her legs to spread out more as he curls his tongue in a U shape driving it deep into her passage while his right hand rubs at her clit. Rajan however became fully erect for thanks to the kiss they shared. Sarah's eyes widen at the size of his wolfhood. "Gods... he's much bigger than Roy." she thought as she softly strokes it with her right hand.

Rajan softly growled in pleasure at the feel of her soft hand on his cock. "Like what you see workin' gal?" he said as he fondles her breasts. Slowly he traced his claws around her nipples and twist them with his fingers.

Sarah flashed Rajan with a wicked grin as he guided his length closer to her lips, only to squeeze her breasts together with his cock inbetween them. "Does this answer your question?" she said looking up at him as started to massage his length with her breasts. Rajan gave out a whimper but smiled at her actions. Easily he started to thrust against her breasts while Sarah would lick at the tip of his cock as it poked out from her cleavage.

Rajah, not wanting to feel out classed by his brother, slipped two fingers into her pussy. His tongue stayed in her cunt though trying to add more pleasure to Sarah. His move worked as Sarah started to kick her feet in pleasure as her first orgasm rocked her body. Her juices coated Rajah's fingers and tongue as they squirted out.

Sarah started to pant as if she ran a marathon just now. Rajah smiled to himself as he made the lovely pig girl come. Slowly he took his tongue and fingers out of her wet pussy. Once out he started to savor the taste of her juices on his fingers as he licked them clean. "Mmm... she has quite a taste to her Rajan."

Rajan looked back at his brother as he spoke. Not messing a beat, he eyed her wet pussy and filled it back with two fingers of his own. The feeling immediately sprung Sarah back to life as she squeeled out in pleasure again. With his free hand, Rajan offer his cock to her lips, making her suck at the tip.

Sarah only moaned out in protest at first but went along with it after a moment. He was not rough with it at all she noticed. Her cheeks started to blush some as she looked up at the wolf as he whimpered and growled in pleasure clearly loving how she was sucked on his wolfhood.

Rajah however was getting more and more turned on at the sound of Sarah's muffled moans and the sound of her slurping and sucking on his brother's cock. His wolfhood finally became fully erect and stood attention for her. Sarah noticed the other wolf as he stood there and took Rajan's cock out of her mouth. "I think... mmm your brother deserves some attention too sugah."

Rajan chuckled as he unstraddled her chest and helped up to her knees. "Alright. Clearly, she wants us both at once bro. You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"That's a silly question. Of course I am. Sarah... would you kindly get... " Before Rajah could even finish his sentence, Sarah got down on all fours for the twins. Looking back over her shoulder, she gave them the sexiest look possible with a shake of her hips making her ass wiggle at them.

"Take me you big bad wolves." she said in sultry voice.

The two wolves blushed at the sight of her position and growled at her eagerned actions. Rajan moved to her front and offered his cock to her mouth again. She looked up at and gladly opened her mouth taking it down her throat. Rajah smiled at the sight her round ass and her little heart tattoo on her right asscheek.

"Mmm now this is just too much to pass up." Rajah said as he took hold of her hips and slowly slips his hard cock into her tight passage. He howled lightly at the feeling as Sarah moaned loudly on Rajan's cock. The feeling of being filled up by a man after so long felt all too much as she backed her hips against Rajah.

Rajah flashed a toothy grin at her as she was doing the work for him. He simply watched Sarah work her hips forward and back against his hips. Sarah was holding onto Rajan's waist as she continued to suck him off. She looked up at Rajan with an innocent look as she took in the pleasure of being taken by two handsome wolves.

Rajan looked down at her and started to thrust his cock in and out her mouth. The actions made Sarah gag abit on his cock. She began to slow down her actions, wanting to let the two wolves take control. It did not take the brothers long to notice. Rajah's hands rested on her asscheeks as he started to thrust in and out of her tight pussy. The force of his thrusts made Sarah move forward and take nearly all of Rajan's cock down her throat.

Sarah squeeled and moaned louder than before as another orgasm rocked her body from all the pleasure. Her juices splashed on Rajah's cock. Her pussy clenched at his length as if trying to milk him for his seed. The feeling made Rajah growl with desire as he spanked her asscheeks. The feeling of having her ass smacked turned her on more and more. Again she moved her hips back against Rajah's thrusts harder and faster.

Rajan growled in pleasure as well. He easily placed his right hand on the back of head and started to to thrust in and out her mouth. Sarah smiled to herself as she finally got both wolves going. She could encourage them now as she continued to push back against Rajah and hold onto her Rajan's firm ass and tighten her lips around his cock.

Rajah reached under and took hold of her bouncing breasts as he leans down and pressed his chest against her back. He started to growl and snarl in Sarah's ears as he continued to pummel her pussy with his cock. The hair on her back of her neck stood up at the sudden feel of fear when a threat was near but soon she relaxed knowing the two would never hurt her that way.

Rajan started to moan more as he loved the way she was sucking him off. Her tongue licked at the underside of his length as thrusted in and out her mouth. His tip started to squirt out drops of precum on her tongue. She welcomed the taste of his seed and moaned loudly to encourage him.

"I think... she wants it... brother. Give it to her." Rajah said as he teased her breasts by twisting at her nipples. Rajan could only grin at his brother's words as he fucked her mouth harder. Sarah's eyes bulged out in pleasure as another orgasm rocked her. Rajah growled at the feeling of her pussy squeezing his cock. It was all too much for him as he felt his climax about to take place. He quickly pulls out of her tight pussy and stroke himself as he lets out his load of cum onto her back.

A second later Rajan held Sarah's head tightly as he started to cum in her mouth. Her eyes rolled back as she was forced to deepthroat his length and drink down his load of cum. She squeeled happily at the feel of hot cum on her ass and back. Sarah happily gave Rajah a show of her ass wiggling happily for him while the sound of her gulps feeled the room.

Rajan easily pulled his cock out of her mouth and squirted the last of his seed on her breasts. Like a true whore, she cupped her breasts up to his cock as she received the last of his load. Rajah panted heavily with his tongue hanging out his muzzle. "Gods... she's... really something... isn't she?" Rajah spoke up as he sits down taking a moment to regain his composure.

"That she is. But I wonder if she's up for giving me the same experience you got brother. Well Sarah?" Rajan said flashing his pearly white fangs at her.

Sarah looked at Rajan with a cute smile and nodded at him. "Anything for you two. But I wanna be in control this go round. So lay down for me wolfy." she said as she sat their licking up Rajan's seed off her breasts.

With that said, Rajan laid down on his back following her instructions without question. Sarah smiled happily at Rajan and kissed him deeply as she straddled him. Braking the kiss, she reached underneath to hold on to his erect wolfhood and slip it into her wet pussy.

She happily squeeled at the feel of his length inside her. He felt just a big as Rajah when he took her from behind. Slowly she raised her hips up and back down on his cock slowly. She looked at Rajah as he sat their with his erection. "Now don't think I forgot about you handsome. Let me take care of that problem you got goin'."

Rajah stood up and came up to her as told. Sarah smiled at him as she slowly rode Rajan's cock and took hold of Rajah's cock. Easily she stroked him for abit and took him into her hot mouth sucking him off with a passion. She gave off a muffled moan as she tasted herself on his cock. Rajah growled happily as he did not bother to buck his hips. He simply stood their to enjoy the feel of her sucking him off while she rode his brother.

The house was filled with the sounds of pleasure as Sarah rode Rajan harder and faster. Her breasts started to bounce up and down with her actions while she looked up at Rajah as she sucked him off.

Rajan moved his hands to rest on her wiggling asscheeks while he enjoyed the feeling of being ridden by such a woman. He growled happily at the feeling and smacked her asscheeks to get her moving more. Sarah's muffled moans filled the room as well as the sound of wet squishy noises from her pussy.

The spanks Rajan gave her made the poor girl ride him his cock harder and faster. She did not stop her from giving Rajah pleasure though. She held onto him tightly with one arm wrapped around Rajah's waist while the other rested on Rajan's chest as she started to pummel Rajan's cock with her hips. She started to slam down on his cock harder and harder.

Rajah held onto Sarah's head as he started to take control now. He was doing the same as Rajan did when she was sucking him off earlier. Rajan kept his hands on her asscheeks as he started to thrust up into her cunt. Sarah was welcomed with yet another hard orgasm that made her stop her actions but was not enough to make the two wolves stop with their actions. They rocked her through her orgasm without mercy.

Sarah needed a moment to catch her breath and took Rajah's cock out of her mouth. "Fuck yes! Oooo you two please cum for me! I want it!" she yelled in pleasure as Rajan continued to make her take his cock deeply as she stopped sucking off Rajah.

"We will Sarah. But if you don't get back to work." Rajah grinned wickedly as he forced her to deep throat his cock. He held onto her head again as he started to fuck her mouth. At the same time his cock started to throb in her mouth giving out hot precum for her to taste. He wasted no time giving her what she wanted and forced her take his cock again as he started to cum in her throat.

Sarah gagged hard around Rajah's cock but welcomed the taste and feel of cum down her throat as she swallowed around his length. She held down Rajan with her hands and grinned her hips against the wolf trying to get him to cum as well.

Rajan smacked her ass afew times and went back to buck his hips against her own. Sarah could only give out muffled moans as Rajah gave out the last of his load and pulls out her mouth. Like his brother, Rajah gave out the last bit of cum onto Sarah's bouncing breasts.

"Mmm thank you sweety." She spoke in a sweet yet naughty voice as she rode Rajan. Looking down at Rajan she smiled him innocently and leaned down against him. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she lifted her hips up and down faster. Her ass wiggled violently while she moaned loudly feeling a small orgasm rock her body.

Rajan nuzzled her neck as he snarled loudly. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled them around getting Sarah on her back. He pulled his swollen cock out of her pussy and howled as he squirted his load onto her breasts and face.

Sarah happily moaned and smiled at the feeling of being coated in wolf spunk and happily opened her mouth catching some of his load on her tongue. A moment later both Rajan and Rajah panted hard and laid down on the bed damn near exhausted. Their tongues hanged out their muzzles but had weak smiles on them as well.

Sarah was busy as she licked and cleaned her body and face of any cum she could lick up. She moaning like a true slut as she licked her breasts clean of any remaning cum. Feeling satisfied, she crawled up and rested herself between the two wolves kissing their noses. "You boys have no idea how much I needed that. Thank you... " she said as she slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

The brother smiled at her words and responded by cuddling with her. Sarah smiled happily in her sleep at the feel of warm fur at her front and back. The three finally fell asleep within seconds later as the sound of thunder and rain soothed them along with the afterglow of sex.

For the next month the boys helped Sarah with any and all chores that were need on the farm in exchange for staying at her place during their vacation. Her fields were filled with the most impressive produce ever farmed. Tomatoes, carrots, watermelons, and peppers were sold to numerous place around town.

They also helped her feel loved again and again some nights whenever she called them to her room. From then on, Sarah would wake up with a smile on her face everyday. Plus with all the successful sales with her produce, she happily quit her job at the tavern and pay off some of the most troubling bills. Still she had her main bill to pay, the loan the bank gave her for the house. Soon her smile faded away by the last day the brothers were staying.

"Hey what's wrong Sarah? Don't tell me after such a successful month your still down in the dumps." Rajan said as he hugged softly.

"Well... its two things really. One reason is that you two are leaving. I mean, you two are just... well amazing. You helped me in so many ways that I lost count. And the second reason is that I might lose this house and land tomorrow. The bank wants their money back now it seems."

The two brothers smiles disappeared as she told them what was troubling. Rajah simply nodded at his brother as he handed him his cell phone. "You know what to do right?"

"Damn right I do. Sarah, don't you go worrying your pretty little head now. After today you won't have to worry about a thing." Rajan said as he winked at her.

Sarah looked up with tears in her eyes wondering what he meant. "B... But what can you two do huh? It's not like you can just... " Her words came to a stop as Rajan gently placed a finger on her lips and smiled at her.

"Do you trust us Sarah?" Rajan spoke in a serious tone to her. Sarah simply nodded not sure what he was gonna do. So she simply sighed trying to cheer up. She couldn't bear it as she ran into a near by bathroom and fought back her tears. After a moment she stepped out the bathroom and went outside to see the wolves and say her farewells

"Well I appreciate everything you two have done for me. I suppose this is good-bye then huh?" Sarah spoke with abit of sadness in her voice trying to hold back her tears.

Both wolves smiled at her and shook their heads. "Sarah... trust us. Everything will be alright. Plus good-byes are not forever ok? Here take this." Rajah reached out the car window and handed her a business card.

"Arabin Nights Enterprises? What does this mean beside a way I can contact you two?" sarah said with abit of relief in her voice.

"Let's just say if you ever wanna make some extra money, hear from us or even work for us; just give us a call we will make something happen sweety. And do call us anytime ok?" Rajan smiled as he winks at her.

Sarah smiled and kissed both wolves on their noses. "You two... I'm so glad I bumped into y'all that night. Be safe driving home." she said giving them a soft smile.

Both wolves smiled and waved to her as they reved up the car. "Be seeing you soon Sarah. Be safe." the two said in unison and drove out onto the open road. Sarah waved back at them til they were out of sight.

Walking back to her home she heard the phone ring. Checking the caller I.D she grunted seeing it was the bank and answered ready to hear the bad news. "Yes this is she. Look I know... what?! My land and home has been bought?! By whom?"

Sarah's jaw dropped as her ears heard the name "Arabin Nights Enterprises." She fell down to her knees in shock. "No no I don't object. I'll sign the paperwork tomorrow as instructed. Thank you." She hung up the phone and immediately called the cell number given on the card only to hear a voice in the distance

"Ahem... We told you so." the wolves said behind with smiles on their faces.

Sarah nearly jumped out of her skin as they surprised her. She quickly got to her feet and tackle hugged the both of them while showering their faces with kisses. "Thank you!! Thank you both oh so very much!!!" Sarah said with tears of joy in her eyes. Her troubles were all gone and it was all thanks to two honest to goodness strangers that she loved very much.

The End....