VI-X-Zen Show Pilot Second Draft

Story by Fluf Dustbunny on SoFurry

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#18 of VI-X-Zen

always tweak the story to make it better.

VI-X-Zen Pilot

EXT: Earth, outside a dance club.

O steps outside in back of the club to have a smoke on the steps, a dog guy walks up to her, seems like he wants to ask her to do something with her, she reads him and they immediately start kissing. In her sudden gaze, she sees a light in the sky seemingly getting closer. O, distracted pushes him away, he takes it as a rejection and walks off. The light, now seen attached to a ship that lands in a square, behind the lane. The landing gear crushes several dumpsters. A red cylindrical ramp lowers down and out of the end of it appears a tall vixen, she exits and sharply turns towards O, she walks calmly and confidently to talk to her.

Red: Soldier Sunset Orange?

O: Look! You can tell them I'm not into doing special missions for them anymore... Oh its you! That was your ship wasn't it. I recognize the shape now, get lost!

Red: Please, I can fix this! We can go back in time and we can get it right this time.

O: You saved my life when you hovered in the crossfire and threaten to blow away the enemy... and you didn't! I was able to take cover with your distraction but you didn't do anything! And all my team died, my friends, all of them... if I didn't take cover I would have been able to defend my ground.

Red: You were definitely going to die if I did nothing!

O: I should be dead today but at least I would have saved my troop.

Red: I could not shoot anyone with my ship I don't have such a device, I don't even have a single weapon.

O: Oh?

O looks to the side of Red's holster with some kind of strange gun in it.

Red: This?

A grungy bunny guy walks up to O while dragging an old discarded mattress.

O: Hey Rab.

Rab: Hey Orange, you said you needed a place to crash? Well I took care of it! Just have to keep your fur away from the spilled gravy on the corner of the mattress.

O: Ew! That's not gravy! Rab you are the best fuck I ever had but everything else about you needs work.

Rab: Who's your pretty friend?

Red: Captain Cherry Red! Can I give you a bath?

Rab: What?

Red: Sorry, I'm kinda new to this English talking thing. What I should say, you're dirty but not in the fun way. Now where was me? Oh yes, my gun.

Red points the weapon at the bunny and shoots a beam of light making the bunny glow and disappear.

O: Da fuck? You just disintegrated Rab! Are you out of your mind?

Red: Calm down O, I didn't disintegrate anybody.

O: Then where is he?

Red: The question is... WHEN is he?

O; When?

Red: I mean where, look down there, he is just a bit smaller.

Red: I don't believe in using guns or weapons as long as there are other ways.

O: So you don't have any cannons or phasers or proton torpedos on your ship?

Red: Just come with me, visit my ship, I'll show you, and we can go back in time and do it again! Maybe next time you could also return to enjoy your magnificent life.

Red does a chivalrous offer of passage.

Red: Please?

O: Alright! Alien vixen, I'll take the bait... Just remember you try anything suspicious, I'll leave, and you will be trying to breathe long after I'm gone.

Red: So cute when you're threatening, I do love it.

O and Red walks toward the ship.

O looks back and wonders about the tiny bunny.

O: What about Rab, is he gonna stay like that?

Red: No! In fact, it's a bit unhealthy to stay that small and dense, he'll be back to size and dense in a few seconds.

As they are about to enter the ramp. O looks up at this dog like vessel.

O: What's her name?

Red: Who?

O: This ship?

Red: Oh! You mean, him! He's a clever boy who got me out of quite a few perilous situations. His name is The Slitsnorter! He and me... or is that, I... we were a perfect match.

O turns to glance outside just before the ship's hatch closes to see Rab return to his full size.

Rab is faintly heard as he unshrinks.

Rab: What the fuuuu... (Hatch closes)

Red starts to explain various things on the ship. It is very stylish and color coordinated.

Red: ... and the Slitsnorter is called that for its famous ability to wedge through just about any shield. Behind you is Khan, our eel rat, she's our huntress and food gatherer. On this side is where we keep our android. And this is where we navigate Slitty. And here is our anti-time machine... We make drinks over here...

O: Anti-time?

Red: Well... yeah! To travel in time you need a machine to prevent you from normal time.

O: So everything you told me is true huh? OK! What do I have to lose at this point.

Red: Fantastic! Let's...

O: No really! What do I have to lose? Do I get stuck in the past? Or worse in a time loop? Anything?

Red: As far as I know, Earthlings, such as yourself, are the only creatures so advanced, yet have no clue about time travel. We Vixlings know all about it and are trained experts, or else, I wouldn't even be here.

Fast forward to the take off sequence. Red and O are in the navigation room in chairs that look sturdy but the padding is balloon like.

Red: Ready to take off? You peed? You dried from the parasite wash?

O: I didn't know I had that many blood sucking bugs in my fur. But yeah! I'm ready!

Red: We are on our way and ready for light speed.

O: Light speed? I though we were going back in time?

Red: Yes! But we have to go to the planet that has the time machine!

O: But what about the anti-time machine?

Red: Not the same thing cutie!

O: So how far is it?

Red: About 144 light years away from earth.

O Disconnects her safety belt and tries to lift her head.

O: No! No thanks! I'm not living in this ship for that long!

Red: I don't recommend you get out of your seat as the G forces are suppressed with the chair but out of the chair you'll be kissing the ground hard.

O: How long will it take for us to get there?

Red: It takes about a week to accelerate on our way to light speed, that's what takes the longest. Then we kick into anti-mass to hit near light speed then we use the anti-time and another week to decelerate when we arrive.

O: How long?

Red: A month, tops!

O: In this chair?

Red: No silly, after a week we can do what we want.

O: Can I smash you in the face?

Red: I had more of a drinks and nice romantic dinner idea in mind.

O: Every time I trusted you it has been the most regretful choices in my entire life!

Red: I got a great idea, let's stop over to my home world, it's on the way-ish. We are all Vixlings, you'll love it.

The ship navigates away from earth going further from view.