Coach's Boys - Chapter 9: The Trouble With Twins

Story by Linkin Monroe on SoFurry

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#9 of Coach's Boys

Hey everyone sorry again for the late upload. This week has been crazy, I ended up scrapping everything I had written and wrote everything today. This chapter involves incest, chastity, semi-pup play, perhaps some emotional manipulation, etc etc. Sometimes i get carried away.... -dreamy sigh- but let me know what you think, and what you'd like to see. Next up.... I think something involving stripes ;)

Chapter Nein - The Trouble With Twins

To say it had been a hard past two weeks for the Dietrich brothers would be ironic because neither of the Doberman twins could get hard. No matter what they tried, their dicks were under lock and key under the direction of the head coach of the football team, Coach Collins. The rottweiler had seen fit to punish the two horndogs after they had, admittedly, gotten a bit rowdy and broke one of the few rules the older dog had made when he first started their private sessions.

He had told them that they needed to learn restraint and that they only fucked when he gave them permission to do so. Which was easier said than done, since in their off-time when they weren't on the field practicing or playing football, their daily routine usually revolved around working out together and fucking--themselves or with a teammate. By keeping their dicks caged up, they couldn't go sticking it in anyone. Especially the German Shepherd, Kyle Weber, whom Coach Collins added to his group of boys at their own recommendation!

So it was understandable that Cory had those thoughts as he watched over his brother Rory who lay flat on a bench in the school gym doing skull crushers. As Rory extended his arms at the elbows, his muscles flexed. With the combination of Rory's short black fur and the fluorescent light over head, every rippling muscle could be seen and easily identified. A perfect specimen of their breed.

Cory's eyes took it all in, staring at his brother's body that was identical to his own, even down to the same typical black and tan markings. It was easy for others to mistaken them for their counterpart, even Cory had moments where it was like he was staring at himself in the mirror when he looked at Rory. He wondered briefly if he were just slightly vain.

His eyes wandered down the damp compression t-shirt that clung to his brother's well-toned chest and to those gym shorts that did little to hide the obvious bulge in his front. As impressive as it looked, Cory knew that the cock cage bulge didn't match his brother for his true size. He salivated at the thought of sucking on his brother's manhood, just for a taste of his salty cum.

Rory groaned happily as he felt Cory suddenly grab his junk through his workout shorts, causing the tight fabric to ride up between his sweaty ass cheeks and slide against his hole. He was just as pent-up as his twin, his balls plump with two weeks worth of cum stored inside. At this point they would do anything just to be free of those blasted cages.

"Br-bro... I'm so horny," Cory whimpered as he continued to massage the cage, knowing it wasn't helping their situation at all. His nose easily identified the scent of his brother's restricted arousal, even amongst the dozens of other smells of sweat and testosterone that polluted the gym. The smell was rich, chocolatey. He had it linked to so many fond memories of being behind his brother's muscular ass cheeks, licking up that mouth-watering sweat as Rory worked out.

There was a dull "thunk" as Rory dropped the curved barbell on the padded floor and sat up on the bench. He grabbed his water bottle and took a swig from it before he wiped his slim muzzle with the back of his paw. He looked up at Cory who stood in front of him, his eyes wandering down his brother's muscular body, licking his chops as he imagined dragging his tongue southward over his twin's toned abdominals before he would reach his prize.

His eyes wandered over his brother's groin, where a few weeks prior he would have gotten quite the eyeful of a semi-tumescent bulge, but now it was just as confined as he was. Rory reached out, grabbed his brother's amazing ass and squeezed it until Cory was straddling him and the bench, pressing his nose against his brother's chastity cage bulge and inhaled deeply. Both of their flaccid cocks ached for release, a dull throbbing anticipation for the day they'd be free and able to fuck like a pair of rabbits on Viagra.

Rory looked up at his brother with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he nudged his pointed snout against his brother's swollen balls through his shorts. Cory's face twisted into torment of being teased, his paws grasping Rory's ears as he smashed his hips against the welcome attention to his genitals. He didn't care if anyone saw them right now. He just wanted relief.

Cory felt his brother's paws on his sweaty ass cheeks, kneading them and causing the fabric to get caught in the tight crevice and his index finger run along downward. Rory's claw dug down past his brother's wagging nub and pressed particularly hard in the spot he was all too familiar with, pushing the soft inner fur and wrinkled flesh of his brother's tailhole, eliciting a soft moan of approval from Cory.

Now that their hormones were kicking back up into gear, their craving for each other and release amplified. 'Fuck restraint,' Cory thought as he sat down on his brother's lap and planted his muzzle against twin's, moaning in unison as their tongues penetrated the other's lips. Rory's brief protest melted away as he wrapped his muscular arms around his brother's waist and gripped his nub with one paw and one of those ample cheeks with the other.

Closing his eyes, Cory tilt his head to one side and felt Rory do the same, his tongue rubbing over his brother's sharp teeth. Their moans and heavy pants passed back and forth into their maws as their tongues danced around each other. Drool was swapped between lips, and whatever wasn't swallowed, dribbled off their chins.

The moment was brief but felt like it lasted an eternity. They broke the intimate kiss and stared at each other, lost in the same brown colored eyes as they held their embrace. Saliva strands kept them connected as Rory rubbed his brother's lower back, and Cory rubbed his brother's buff, broad shoulders and the back of his head.

"I wish I could tear that cage off you right now," Rory panted as he looked dreamily into his brother's eyes. "I would make every single one of these cucks know that you belong to me." His left brow lifted in the middle of his sentence, implicating that those cucks were his fellow teammates that were using the equipment around them.

While most would blush at such a comment, Cory grinned goofily at his twin and pushed his big wet nose to his twin's. "And I would make you moan my name when I flip you over this bench and eat your ass out."

Rory growled in approval, wagging his nub tail as he thought about doing just that right then and there. Even if they didn't have access to their pricks, muzzles were free range. Until Coach Collins sees fit to muzzle them.

"Bro, I have an idea," Rory said as he licked his chops at the thought.

Cory's ears perked. "You usually don't have those," he teased playfully.

Rolling his eyes, Rory leaned into one of his brother's cropped ears and whispered. "After our follow-up with Coach today, let's have a little fun at home with a second work out. I would love for you to rim my ass as I do some squats..."

Cory felt his soft cock twitch and shuddered. He felt pre ooze and slick up his cage, allowing his arousal to fill any open area in the silicone. "Only if you do the same for my ass after that."

"That sounds like a challenge to me," Rory winked as he grinned wider. Being twins usually had them competing against each other, just to see who the toughest, biggest, strongest brother was. He usually won and gloated that it was because he was older than Cory by a few minutes.

"I'll get your little prick to cum, even with the cage on," Cory retorted, knowing his brother was far from small. He was quite the opposite. Rory's shaft for lack of a better definition was like Grade A German meat, that thick salami-like shaft at its full size could bring an average sized horse to tears.

"As long as it's on your face or your chest, I could care less if I came in this stupid thing," Rory winked and ground his hips against his brother's bubble butt, causing Cory's head to drop back as he moaned and pushed back, his sex-driven mind just wanted to feel his brother inside him again.

There was a very guttural and gruff grunt right next to them, to anyone it would have sounded like any typical noise you would hear while someone worked out. But the distance and familiar tone caught both of the dobies attention and their heads jerked to see Coach Collins standing right next to them. Their eyes went from the rottie's stern glare and down past his thick pectorals and muscle gut that filled out the black polo with the orange sleeves he always wore to the massive bulge in his pants.

"Like what you see, Coach?" Rory piqued, winking at him as he licked across his brother's tan muzzle seductively, tasting the salty sweat that had collected on his short whiskers.

Coach Collins didn't want to give the cocky Doberman the satisfaction of knowing that he had thoroughly enjoyed the show they were putting on, but the pitched tent in his shorts was the only answer Rory needed.

"Seems that even in cages you two are insatiable," Collins grumbled defeatedly, rubbing his temples with his thumb and index fingers as if trying to come up with a different course of action. "To think pups like you would learn constraint if I locked you up." He chuckled to himself and shrugged. "Alright, let's take this to my office."

Both boys leaped to their feet, tails wagging like a couple of dogs following their owner. In fact, Collins had become something of a father figure to them and tried their best to make him proud. They had been born out of wedlock, growing up in a disgraced family, and all Rory and Cory had were each other while their mother worked hard to provide. Finding comfort in each other's arms in the bed they shared had eventually led to them discovering their sexuality and attraction to themselves, something no one in the world would truly understand.

And while Coach Collins knew of their situation, they didn't realize it, but he had specifically tailored their private training sessions over the past few years to help them grow up as studs, even though they had daddy issues and acted like pups around him. Not that he minded their eagerness and willingness to please him.

The two cockhounds quickly gathered their effects from the ground. Bending over to pick up their sweat rags and water bottles, whether they were purposely showing off their fine asses or not, Coach watched them with great interest. They were within arm's reach, just begging to be squeezed. The Dietrichs' asses almost reminded him of memory foam pillows--firm, but oh so squeezable. Those bubble cheeks would conform to any situation, whether being groped, spread, or fucked and afterward, look just as they had prior. Round, plush, and soft.

His cock throbbed fiercely in his shorts, aching to be out and rubbing against that soft puppy fur that remained under those docked tails, hotdogging those studs until they begged for him to be buried balls deep between those ass cheeks that they were so proud of and worked so diligently to keep them in best-in-show condition.

The three black and tan canines walked out of the locker room. Coach Collins lead the group, and much to the twins delight, they got front row seats to watch his massive ass bounce with each step, his wagging nub tantalizing them, testing their obedience to his command. It took a lot of constraint to not just pounce on the massive rottweiler. But they knew better than that, even if they were to work together to overpower the other canine, they weren't as thick or muscular as he was, they both knew he'd easily overpower them and put them in their place. A place they both were content to be in.

Walking through the mostly empty locker room, passing by a few jocks scattered throughout, chatting in between the lockers as they were either getting ready to work out or had just finished. No one paid them much attention as they passed by the aisles and stepped into the Coach's open office door, the rottweiler closing it behind him and completely deafened any outside sounds.

Coach Collins looked over at his two "boys", both were down on their haunches, paws resting on their knees, waiting for his instructions as they had for years. The rottie's jowls pulled up to show off his proud grin, stepping forward and rubbed them behind their cropped ears, hearing them murr happily as the leaned into his hands that could have easily encompassed their skulls. His paws move simultaneously to the backs of their heads and pulled them against his bulge.

"Good boys," he muttered as they wagged eagerly, sniffing his heavy alpha musk. They usually didn't do anything that they weren't told to do, so he basked in the moment of feeling their cold wet noses press against the tight fabric where his bulge was, damp with pre and sweat before he pulled them back by the nape of their sleek necks.

"Get me naked," Collins said to them as he looked them in the eye, his tone curt as if giving commands to a well-trained dog.

The two Doberman kept their paws down in front of them as they hunched slightly forward, their butts pushed back and nubs wagging as they very carefully worked together to remove Coach Collins's shorts down with their teeth. His shaft flopped free, wetly slapping one of the twins across the snout as he left precum in its trail. The eager cockhound licked his chops and wagged as they both eyed the pulsing red meat that hung in the open space between the ends of their muzzles.

Coach Collins paused a long moment and then growled. "Lick."

Instantly two pink tongues began to work around the veiny flesh of the rottie's knotted cock. He groaned happily as they expertly licked every inch, moving their mouths up and down the member, slickening it up with their excessive saliva. He shuddered when he felt the dark wet lips close around the side of his tapered tip, the tongue curling around the red flesh as the other twin seemed to focus around the base of his shaft where his musky sheath was pushed back.

He almost swore aloud, though the two eager jocksluts probably would have taken it as an order and would have pulled off his cock and willingly bend over his desk. Not that he would mind fucking them, but he was very much enjoying their oral services on his genitals. Their tongues worked their magic, sending electric shocks up his spine as he gripped the dobie's head tighter that was working his tongue into his musky sheath, cleaning the inside of the fuzzy cock holster.

Cory felt Coach's cock twitch against the corner of his mouth as precum shot out in a long thin streak across his cheek and noticed Rory was tongue deep in Coach's sheath. Not to be outdone in pleasuring their alpha, he finally sealed the gap and closed his lips around the rottie's cock. He allowed the rottie buck a few times into his face as he tasted precum on his tongue, letting the fluid build up in his maw as he clambered on top of his brother's back and pinned him down with some playful dry humps.

Rory's ears pivoted when he felt Cory's weight on top of him, blushing wildly as he felt that cock cage push against the stretch fabric that covered his rear end. He couldn't help but wag and push back as he continued to lick the pre and sweat from Coach's sheath, savoring the taste the masculine gunk in his maw.


Doing as they were told, swallowing audibly as he rubbed over their throats, feeling their Adam's apple pull up to their chin and then drop back into place. Satisfied Coach Collins pet them on the head and then pushed them off his cock, hearing both cockhounds whine as they stared up at him, waiting for the next instruction.

He grinned as he looked at the dobie grinding on top of the other. They both were still wearing their sweaty work out clothes and looking quite needy.


Eagerly, they sat back up on their haunches, pulling their tight shirts off and inadvertently showed off their impressive bodies for their perverted Coach. Not a single muscle had ignored, they were modern-day Adonis', their bodies sculptured from the purest material, chiseled finely into perfection. And the best part of it was that they were both his.

Coach Collins stroked himself as he watched them wriggle their wide hips and shimmy out of those shorts that hid their perfect assets. Their cocks were still locked snug inside the matching silicone cages, the unforgiving prison swung between their legs as they settled back down into their sitting position. Precum oozed freely from the slit at the tip, making a small clear puddle between their muscular thighs.

He took a moment and looked at them cautiously. "Before I give one of you boys a treat, do you know why I told you to restrain yourselves?"

Both Doberman looked at him quizzically, their heads tilting in opposite directions toward each other as if to ask, "Hmm?"

Coach Collins reprimanded himself and metaphorically smacked himself on the forehead for forgetting briefly that they were under strict command they couldn't speak unless instructed. "Speak."

Rory sat up and looked down at his cage, able to see the pink flesh through the breathing holes near the head before he looked back up. "You wanted to teach us a lesson about self-restraint, alpha. Because we were being reckless and fucking Kyle?"

Cory went from looking at his older brother as he spoke to look up at the rottweiler's soft expression. It was incredibly difficult to do with the coach standing there pantless in front of them, his rock hard cock dripping and bobbing in the air. He found himself thinking less about his own cock and more on how he reveled in servicing Coach Collins, far more sexually gratifying to him than getting off.

Coach Collins nodded as he rubbed Rory behind his cropped ears, praising him and providing him that attentional support to further solidify the bond between alpha and pup.

"Not only that, but what do you think would happen if someone were to catch you screwing around at school, and traced it back to me? I like my job, and I very much enjoy my boys. I had a close call that I want you boys to investigate and find out who's been fucking in the janitorial closet. Do that and I'll give you both a reward. Would you like that?"

They both nodded eagerly, wagging their stub tails as they thought about what this reward could be. Gathering information was easy for them, they would find out who was responsible in no time at all. Coach Collins lifted a finger as he recognized that devious glint in the twins' eyes and chuckled to himself. "And be careful."

The dobies nodded feverishly this time before Coach Collins rubbed them behind the ears. They wagged their big rumps on the ground, nubs dusting the floor as they leaned like a pair of dogs against his paws. He knew he couldn't keep them punished any longer, boys like them needed to grow.

"Stand." He ordered as he walked between them and to his desk. They got up onto their feet, curious what Coach was doing as he rummaged through his desk. "I figured it's time I got something for you two, hard enough as it is to tell you apart. An old buddy of mine sent these to me after I locked you both up." He held up two studded collars, red and blue. "Rory, you take the red one. Cory, you take the blue."

The twins obeyed, taking the offered collars and put them around their necks. They looked back up at him and wagged, their entire lower halves shaking back and forth as if they'd just been given the best present in the world.

"I'd like you both to wear those every time we have our sessions from now on. I'll keep them in my drawer for safekeeping so you don't lose them."

"Thank you, sir," the Dietrichs said at the same time, smiling as they admired their twin's collar.

Coach Collins smirked as the twins looked like they might start making out again. "Heh, the best way to thank me is with your muzzles on my dick. Bark!"

The instruction meant that talk-time was over and they were back to being pups again, and pups do not speak. Instead, they barked out playfully in acknowledgment.

"Good boys. Kneel."

They got back down on their knees, looking up at the Coach rounded the desk again and sat on the edge, leaning against it as he gave himself a few strokes before letting go and let it hang in front of their faces.

"Now... you boys like competing so much, how about the winner gets out of his cage first and decide what to do with the loser. Chop-chop cocksuckers!"

They both lunged at his bone like it was the last juicy hunk of meat in the world. Coach Collins groaned as they both fought up and down his length with their tongues, growling at each other as if telling the other one that they better be ready to be bitch dog. The rottweiler's head fell back as he put a paw on both of their foreheads, feeling them bob and push the other out of the way for a turn to work his drooling tip.

"Aaahh," Coach Collins sighed out loud as his knot began to swell. "That's it, work your daddy's bone," he praised and urged them on, bucking his hips against Rory's muzzle.

The Doberman had successfully closed his lips around the cockhead, sucking like his life depended on it as Cory's nose pushed up against his twin's chin, trying to nudge him away. Hearing Coach's gruff groans of approval only spurred the jock bobbing on his cock faster. He pushed his head forward, sealing the fat knot in his maw.

"Fuck!" Coach Collins swore, gritting his teeth as his fingers curled and gripped the back of the twins' heads. "Aaah getting close!" He warned as he pulled Rory's head into his groin, pushing deep into the canine's willing throat.

Not ready to accept defeat, Cory growled and body-checked his brother right in the ribs with his broad shoulders. Rory choked in surprise and was pushed out of the way. Cory barely had enough time to purse his lips to the rottie's cock when the first salty spurt of rottweiler pups shot over his taste buds.

Collins had watched Cory selfishly shove his twin out of the way, grinning as he let go of the falling dobie's head and gripped Cory's ears like handlebars and drove himself into the warm muzzle. A wet "glk" escaped the jock's lips as his throat was penetrated and flooded with rottie cum.

Rory winced as he crashed into a chair, hugging his sore ribs where his brother had rammed against. Sprawled out on the ground, he watched as his twin guzzled their coach's cum, whimpering as he realized he had just lost to his 'younger' brother. He licked his chops, wishing he could have had a taste, but not a single drop escaped Cory's tight lips.

When his orgasm came to an end, Coach Collins pulled out of Cory's muzzle, rubbing the good boy's ears, making him squirm slightly as his thumb and index teased the sensitive area that had been cropped.

"Good boy. Stand." He instructed to Cory, and then glanced at Rory. "Stay."

They did as they were told, Cory standing to his feet as Coach Collins retrieved his keys from the top of his desk, finding the two tiny keys that would unlock the chastity cages. He fondled Cory before the lock clicked open and carefully removed the cage. Instantly Cory's cock sprung to life. Blood flowed through the veins and swelled up in record time, pulsing as it stood up on its own and oozed precum.

Cory groaned and shuddered when he felt the sudden rush of blood to his shaft. It felt so good to be out, he growled somewhat dominantly as he looked down at this beaten twin who remained on the ground. He wasn't sure why he was feeling as domineering as he was, but the urge to fuck his brother was driving him crazy.

Rory gulped when he saw the predatory look on his brother, feeling nervous but excited at the same time. He tucked his tail, a futile attempt to cover his wanting tailhole.

Coach Collins watched the two share the moment before he leaned into Cory's ear and whispered, "Go on pup, claim your prize."

Cory pounced on top of Rory, pinning his brother down to the floor and instantly began to grind his shaft against his brother's ass. Rory remained on his side as Cory yanked his open leg into the air, exposing his twin's caged junk and fat taint. Cory's hips bucked repeatedly against that bare rump, his cock trying to find its mark. Coach Collins watched from above as he watched the two sweaty horndogs grind against each other when Cory's firm cock found its mark and thrust into the tight recess of his brother's puckered anus.

Rory howled out as his brother's cock suddenly penetrated his tight tailhole, it hurt like hell as that thick member speared its way until it was hilted to the base. He grit his teeth and tried to lift up but Cory shoved him back down to the ground and growled in his ear as if testing him to try getting up again.

Certain that his brother knew his place at that moment, Cory put his paws on his brother's plush ass, spread it open and pulled back, watching his pink cock slip out of that tight orifice. He never felt so hard in his life, his shaft was throbbing and leaking so much inside his brother's warm once-tight hole, he didn't want to pull out. But he knew that if he wanted to cum, he would have to start breeding his bitch brother. Reluctantly, Cory pulled out, taking his time to let his long cock glide over his brother's prostate, causing the dobie to quiver beneath him.

Rory's entire body clenched, his eyes shut tight to fight the tears of pain and shame of losing, feeling his brother overpower him. How could he have been so carried away to let him get the upper hand? He yelped as he felt Cory angled his hips and thrust back in, a slick wet slurp escaped his stretched ring before pulling back out. Despite the uncomfortable feeling of pressure building up inside of his stuffed ass, he couldn't suppress the moan whenever his prostate was hit.

Cory got up to his knees, lifting Rory's ass to meet his carnal needs and began a brutal assault of rapid thrusts into his brother's upended rear. His paw gripped his twin's stubbed tail much like a saddle horn and yanked it up and back as he slammed his hips against those fat cheeks. While they had fucked many times in the past before, it had always seemed more intimate between them. But right now, all Cory wanted was to feel that hot, tight passage squeeze his cock every time he hilted into him, murring as the warm pleasure of a powerful climax built up in loins.

Despite losing to his brother, Rory felt a rush of excitement as his brother took control and didn't hold anything back. Pushing back to meet his brother's powerful thrusts, Rory groaned as he felt his brother's fat cock split him in two. On one hand, the sudden insertion hurt like hell without the aid of much lube. He would definitely be feeling that for a few days. On the other end, it felt amazing to have his brother hitting his prostate repeatedly and pulling his docked tail. Sparks of arousal shot up his arched spine as his brother fucked him good and hard, agonized moans escaped his throat filled the room of wet slaps of the two studly bodies colliding with each other.

Watching the two brothers fuck had aroused Coach Collins, the rottie cock throbbed hard as the room became stifling hot and steamy as the smell of sex grew. He stripped his shirt off and grabbed his meat, quickly jerking off. Normally he would have participated, but the scene playing out in front of him was too hot to interrupt. As good as a pup that Rory had been, he had underestimated the determination of his brother and had a very hard lesson to learn.

Their moans grew louder as Cory's swollen balls slapped against Rory's cinched off nuts. Cory's breathing grew more ragged by the second, his tongue hung out of his muzzle as he drooled on his brother's shoulder, pounding him with such ferocity. Cory couldn't hold back any longer.

"Take your loss like a man!" He growled into Rory's ear as he gave a final shove, his groin flush with his twin's stretched hole and howled victoriously as he flooded his anal canal with his hot cum.

Rory's head jerked back as he moaned loudly when he felt his brother's love seed fill his bowels, claiming him as his bitch. His own orgasm had been denied by the cage that held his aching cock and balls. He was still soft inside his prison, but very murky precum oozed from the slit and onto his thigh.

The afterglow was brief for Cory, who was not sated with dumping several weeks worth of pent-up cum inside his brother. He flipped Rory onto his back, the jock groaning groggily as he was pulled from his loll. Cory pulled back, feeling cum slip past his shaft as he realigned himself with his twin and slammed in again.

"Ahh--oh god!" Rory screamed at the top of his lungs as he felt his brother hilt him again, stretching his tailhole wide open. Waves of ecstasy washed over him as his lower end was lifted off the ground and Cory jackhammered right down into him. He tried to move his arms, but Cory grabbed his wrists and held them over his head.

"Look at me when I'm breeding you, bro," Cory growled, glaring down at his twin as he slammed his cock deep into his brother's loosened hole, finding the going much easier the second time around as his cum made it easy to see-saw his shaft back and forth inside his brother's fuckhole.

Rory looked up, darkness forming at the corners as his prostate was pounded into puttie by his twin. He saw himself in those brown eyes, staring back at him as he was claimed. He was beginning to feel dizzy while his back was pushed onto the ground to support the crashing weight burrowing deep into his cum-filled ass.

It was something watching two brother's fuck it out, especially when they were so pent up. Coach Collins knew he shouldn't have been surprised at their stamina, with how much they worked out and played on the field, they were sex-gods. Their muscles flexed under the strain of vigorous sex, the way their asses flexed in tantum and their cute little tails wagged in excitement. The rottie grunted as he blew another load, shooting all over his muscle gut and huffed to himself.

Rory's stomach gurgled as cum was pushed deeper into him. He couldn't do anything but take it like a bitch, his cock unattended, his arms were held over his head by his brother as Cory loomed over him. Drool dripped over his face, Cory's long pink tongue lolled from his muzzle. Rory opened his mouth to try to catch some of that delicious saliva as his eyes rolled up into his skull when he felt his orgasm rise.

Cory felt his brother shudder beneath him, pausing a moment in alarm as his twin's muscles spasmed and squeezed tight like a vice on his shaft. He was concerned he may have accidentally harmed him when he saw that thick globs of jizz had managed to actually escape his brother's cage. He had somehow managed to make his brother cum soft. Pride swelled within him and he took a deep breath and continued to fuck his twin until he felt himself empty his balls once more into his beaten brother.

They lay in a collapsed heap on each other, heaving heavily, their sweaty bodies rubbing each other. Cory's balls were spent and he was exhausted, from working out and fucking two loads into his brother. Rory whimpered in and out of consciousness, his body wracked with indescribable pleasure as he felt his cum run along his hips and onto the floor.

Coach Collins smiled at his pups and squatted down on his haunches to look them over. "I think your brother has earned his freedom with his ass, don't you pup?" He asked Cory, who nodded quickly. As much as he loved his brother's ass, he loved his cock just the same.

Coach Collins unlocked Rory's cock cage, watching the member spring to its full length just as fast as Cory's had. It twitched and continued to ooze cum as Rory groaned happily to be free of his confines.

"I have something for you two to try when you're not in my office," Coach Collins grinned as he picked up Rory's phone and typed in the password. It unlocked and he was greeted with the sight of one of their rumps in the background before the apps filled the screen. He plugged the phone into his computer and started it up.

From their spot on the floor, the Dietrichs couldn't see what the Coach was doing as he dragged a folder specifically titled for Rory onto the phone's music folder.

"Don't worry," Coach Collins said as he confirmed the transfer and then did the same with Cory's phone. "It's just a playlist for your everyday needs. Showers, work out, breakfast... you'll want to be wearing headphones for it, but I think it will be rather productive and we'll pick this up next week."

"Yes, alpha!" Rory and Cory said at the same time, curious to get home and see what their coach had in store for them next. Whatever it was, they had learned their lesson and would do anything to stay free of the cages.

Cory leaned up and licked his twin lovingly across the face. "Still up for squats when we get home?"

Rory clenched on his brother's cock and grinned wide. "You bet your ass, I do."