The Horrors of Stonebury 9 - 10

Story by fredwirtz on SoFurry

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#10 of Stonebury Chronicles

Chapter 9: No good deed goes unpunished, and when Tandy goes to return the Tupperware that she borrowed from Tina, she lives out that very statement.

Chapter 10: The rest of his family has already fallen into corruption, but a steady diet of booze has kept Steven out of trouble, despite knowing what he does about the town and the fate of his friend. He's even drinking at the school, where Summer finds him alone once again, and this time, there's no one around to help him!

This is part of a longer commission written by Joshiah

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Chapter 9

It was only the next day that Tandy was already done using the Tupperware that she'd borrowed from Tina, and though she still didn't sleep well that night, partially because of the ranting and raving of her husband, and partially because of the odd, lewd thumping she heard coming from her daughter's room, Tandy fought off her yawns, put on her best smile, and decided to head next door to return what she'd borrowed.

She spent a few minutes at the mirror, staring into her own eyes and trying to come up with any number of excuses for why she looked so tired. She didn't want to say anything about the real reason that Steven had to move the family into Stonebury, and even if she were to admit that, she still didn't know the real reason that they were there, personally.

Deciding that the bags under her eyes were just a sign of dedication to her husband, Tandy brushed a few locks of hair down over her gaze and gathered up the Tupperware. She pulled the hem of her skirt down so that it sat a few inches below the knee with modesty, and adjusted her clean, white blouse so that it stayed firm to her body, tucked in to complete the look of a woman who knew that she was aging, but still believed she had a body worth showing off.

"I never did have a chance to ask her what she does for a living. Maybe she's just a stay-at-home mom?" Tandy thought, as she stepped out the front door of her own house and walked just a few slabs of concrete down the sidewalk. They lived so close to the Walton family that it was no surprise how quickly their families were becoming intertwined, and while the Richards always considered themselves to be a fairly close, tight-knit family, Tandy had no idea just how open the Walton's were with their own kin.

The front door of the Walton household was open, and Tandy could hear Tina speaking just inside of the living room, so she knocked a few times on the door frame to announce her presence, before walking in, adopting the "open-door" policy that the families now shared.

"Tina? I've got that Tupperware back for you; thank you for letting me use it!" Tandy called out as she stepped in the front door, and though she couldn't see Tina, she kept an ear perked for a reply.

"Oh! T-that's great!" Tina huffed, struggling to make it through just the three meager words of her reply. "Do me a f-favor and bring that into t-the kitchen, will you?"

Must be working out. I bet that's her real secret...probably gets to run on a treadmill or ride an elliptical all day, Tandy thought, as she made sure that the screen door was closed behind her before she politely stepped out of her slip-on shoes and headed for the kitchen.

She never even made it that far. The Tupperware fell from her hands, and her palms covered up her face in shock and embarrassment as she gazed down upon the couch and saw Tina's naked body, arched backward over her own son, bucking her hips up and down with all of the vigor of a beast in estrus. Perked nipples stood at attention, eager to be played with, while a full, thick pubic bush obscured only some of the details; Kyle's member was plenty impressive enough for Tandy to see it from her vantage point, and it spread Tina to the point that the penetration nearly looked uncomfortable.

" TINA! I'm so s-sorry, I didn't mean to...t-that...that's your son! Tina, for the love of all that's holy!"

"Sure is," Tina replied without so much as a pause in her gait, rolling her hips up and down so that her womanhood could feel every inch of her son beneath her. "Not like I can g-get pregnant anyway, right?"

The stammering words were uttered with such ease that it set Tandy into even more of a panic, and she bit down on the end of a finger as she tried to contain her nerves. "This...this isn't natural! What on earth is the matter with you?"

It was obvious that Kyle wasn't complaining about his position in life, and the tight, clenching grip of his palms around Tina's hips kept her from bouncing too far off of his cock as she rode it. There was already a few small, damp stains upon the cushions of the couch, leaving Tandy to wonder just how many times they'd made love already, and judging by the lack of a mess upon Tina's body, her son wasn't even pulling out.

The sight was depraved, and yet, like a tragedy that was too painful to ignore, Tandy felt that she couldn't look away from it.

"Nothing's wrong with me, Tandy. Actually, you're the one w-who seems high s-strung in all of this," she pointed out, as she gestured to her own relaxed, albeit sexually charged body. Her breasts heaved with a swollen weight each time that she bounced up, and they jiggled each time she settled, slamming her hips into her own child's body without a hint of remorse. "Ahhn... go d-deeper, Kyle...fuck your mommy deeper!"

Kyle was only able to manage a few deep, mindless grunts as his hands clenched onto his mother with a white-knuckle grip, and his sack began bouncing at the underside of Tina's ass as he pounded into her. She clenched her inner walls rapidly around his member to try and encourage another orgasm out of it, though she had a feeling he might not be able to muster too much else, after draining him all morning.

Tandy felt drained, as well, and her lack of energy came from the same source. Corrupting, sensual pheromones were radiating throughout the living room, and the formerly untainted Tandy couldn't help falling to her knees at the scent of them. With each breath she took, she was drawn closer and closer to the act, until she was literally crawling to the edge of the couch, able to watch up close each time that Kyle's cock disappeared inside of the passage that birthed him.

Why...why am I doing this? I need to be running away! I need to be getting the hell out of here! her mind panicked, but her body refused to listen, as it kept her right by the peak of the action. Her ears began drowning in the quiet, subtle pap pap pap of a mostly drained pair of balls slapping up against the bottom of Tina's womanhood, and visible streaks of her own arousal coated her son's length with such volume that Tandy found her mouth watering as she fantasized about the taste.

It wasn't her fault, and sadly, it was already too late for her to rise above the corrupted air of the moment. Sinking faster and faster with each passing second, Tandy quivered against the side of the furniture with a need that she didn't understand, and Tina wore a wide, terrible grin as she hopped up from her son's manhood and knelt next to Tandy.

"I know you want to taste it. You want to know how sweet our mingled bodies can be," she murmured, and Tandy nodded mindlessly as Tina gripped the base of her son's cock and guided it toward Tandy's partially opened, drooling mouth.

Her mind was screaming at her to leap up and run, but her body slumped further against the side of the couch as she wrapped her lips around the head of the throbbing flesh. Even if she wasn't corrupted, she could appreciate the sweet, slightly tangy flavor that spread across her tongue as she literally slurped Tina's juices right from the underside of the shaft, and her head began to bob just a little bit, imitating an act that she'd done for Steven so many times before.

If he knew what she was doing right then, their relationship might have been over, and yet, she couldn't seem to stop herself, as the cock worked deeper and deeper into her mouth, until she could feel it trying to reach into her throat.

"Go on, sweetie. Be nice to Mrs. Richards and blow your wad in her throat," Tina gave her son permission, keeping almost full control over his sexual destiny.

The pressure released in an instant, and Kyle let out a brainless howl as his sack tensed up around the twin orbs within and pushed a thick, heated load of cum right into Tandy's mouth. She began guzzling it as quickly as she could, and her eyes went wide as she had a mental realization of what she was doing, but still, the pheromones poisoned her judgment and kept her in place as she struggled to handle a yield of seed that was so great, she couldn't believe that a human was producing it.

Her suspicions weren't too far off, and though she wouldn't have guessed that the ejaculate she was drinking was actually canine in nature, she was able to tell a bit more when the substance became too much for her, and she watched as milky streams of the same spilled over her chin and down over her breasts, making a terrible mess of her outfit.

"You still had so much left! Poor weren't able to handle all of it, were you? And just look at your top! How awful...I've been a terrible hostess!" Tina's every word was dripping with sarcasm, and surely, she was just using the mess as an excuse to further her own agenda; she didn't feel bad in the least. "Allow me to make it up to you, dear..."

Tandy was so obsessed with swallowing the load that she had hardly noticed Tina squeezing her breasts through her top, or running her fingertips down along the length of her blouse, to the waistline of her skirt.

When the devious woman slipped her palm along Tandy's thigh, however, and pulled her panties aside from her slit, dipping just a single digit into the waiting folds, Tina had finally pushed her luck too far, and Tandy snapped awake, her lower lip quivering, and her eyes shaking as tears began to form.

"I...I don't know what the hell you just did to me-

"I unleashed you."

Tandy shot right up from the floor and marched for the door. "I don't care what you call stay far away from me, do you understand?!"

The distressed housewife ran for the door in her panic. "Whatever you say, my dear. Remember to keep using that mineral oil if you want to have a body like mine!" Tina called after her, showing an utter lack of remorse for her actions, or the way that Tandy replied to her introduction to the corrupted world of Stonebury.

Back at her house, Tandy slammed the door behind her and locked it, before rushing off to her bathroom to wash away the messy, slick cum that was still dripping down her neck. She scrubbed it all away with soap and water, drying out her skin...and for reasons she still didn't understand, she felt compelled to rub some of the thick, dark oil on her skin, as if she thought that the substance would wash away the memory of what she'd just done.

Chapter 10

Despite the fact that he was always so proud of his ability to stay professional, regardless of how difficult things were on the job, Steven Richards couldn't help sneaking a little alcohol into the school with him before the week was over, and it was with shaky, sweating palms that he stuffed the bottle back into his desk and let out a heavy, bourbon-soaked sigh.

"She's acting so strange lately...I swear, it feels like my whole family is already being screwed up by being here. Why did I ever let the boss talk me into this?" he wondered aloud, and in the back of his mind, he couldn't help thinking that there was some kind of a fallacy in the thought process of his superiors.

Having my family around just gives them extra firepower and more to gamble with if I get discovered, Steven rationalized. It's too damned dangerous for them to be here, but it might already be too late to save them.

Steven didn't know for sure that his wife was already under the influence of the sinister forces of Stonebury, and in his concern for her, he was completely forgetting to think about his son and daughter, knowing that they could be infected with all of the same ease, regardless of his warnings.

The corruption of the small town was every bit as deep as it was vast, and Steven was soon to get another reminder of the fact, as he locked up the cabinets to his desk and began stepping out of his office.

"You're always here so late, Mr. Richards. It's like you know you have to wait around for me so that the coast is clear!"

Without looking up from his desk, Steven knew that it was Summer. Her voice was permanently engraved in his ears after their first encounter, and a sickness washed over his entire being as he stood up rapdily from his desk and tried to step through the door.

Her legs were spread wide, her feet pressed against the insides of the frame, and her arms were sneaking under her blouse to strip it off, over her head as she blocked the path.

"We talked about this, Summer! You can't be here this late after school hours! Put your shirt back and on go home this instant!"

A smirk that dripped with lust sat upon Summer's lips, and she slipped the very tip of her tongue past the plump, soft flesh and slipped it around, leaving a delicate glisten of saliva upon her flesh. "Cut the shit, Mr.'re not leaving here until you stick that cock inside of me and put a baby in my tummy..."

Trained to deal with even the most tempting levels of corruption, Steven rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to shove Summer out of the way only because getting fired would blow his cover. "I'm not putting anything inside of you, kid. Go. Home."

"I'm. Not. Moving."

The mocking tone wasn't enough to get to Steven, and Summer knew that her wiles simply wouldn't be enough to get to him. She wasn't sure what it was about the man that made him so resilient, but as was often the case, his resistance made him that much more enticing, and Summer wouldn't be denied.

" that...?"

Summer tossed her shirt aside, setting her breasts to bounce gently as she reached forward and grabbed at Steven's shirt. There was something under it, and just trying to touch it, she could feel an intense heat burning away at her flesh.

Recoiling and gripping her wrist, Summer clenched her teeth together as they elongated, quickly turning into fangs. "F-fine, Mr. want to do this the hard way?"

A thick coat of fur began spreading across Summer's entire body like the rolling of a wave upon the dry shore, soaking everything that it touched. Tufts of brown sprouted up from her skin until there was no flesh left uncovered, and her mouth rapidly grew away from the rest of her face, taking her nose with it to form a long, wide muzzle.

Human strength was no match for the magical corruption that ran through Summer's entire body, and with nothing left to lose, Steven threw a quick jab, hoping to nail the former student in the throat, giving himself an opportunity to escape.

His hand was caught, and Summer grinned as she continued growing larger, until she was standing over the impressively tall agent. With ease, she pushed back against him and tossed him to the floor, knocking the wind out of his body with a heavy, dull thud.

The leather of his belt was literally ripped apart as Summer knelt down over his defeated form, and her claws carefully dug into the crotch of his jeans, not wanting to damage the only part of his body that she truly cared about.

"Summer, y-you c-

"Stop resisting, Mr. Richards. I know you want this," Summer tried to whisper, but her voice was thick with lust and a deep, tempting growl. Her clothes were left in tatters upon the floor from her rapid transformation, and her bare, exposed cunt was already leaking plentiful juices; gathering up a small quantity in her palm, she collected the liquid arousal and pressed it right into Steven's face, forcing him to breathe in the corrupting musk as his head was pinned back to the floor.

Exposing his cock by tearing away all of the clothes around it, Summer could see just how quickly her juices worked, as his member began bouncing and growing upright with the flow of essence to it, and though he tried to resist, Steven could feel his mind melting inside of his skull, and his inhibitions fading away as the werewolf straddled his hips and began dropping her pouted folds upon the tip of his still growing cock.

It continued to throb, even as she settled her labia against the tip and dropped herself down, spearing her womanhood with a length that was deliciously filling, even to her larger, fuller body.

"I knew you'd f-feel amazing!" Summer cheered for her teacher, as her hips crashed down against his own and bucked him with such force that the wind was knocked out of his lungs a second time. "You're so big...and so hard for me! Such a naughty teacher...w-wanting to fuck his own student!"

Steven couldn't have guessed the level of corruption that Summer was suffering from, but she was clearly past the point of saving, and she didn't show any desire to be rescued in the first place. She was determined to milk the cum right out of his body, as her inner muscles began gripping and contracting within seconds, denying Steven the ability to get used to the pace.

It was rapid, and Summer's thick, wide hips were beating Steven into a sense of submission as he was forced to suck in deep, heavy breaths whenever he could, and upon each one, he could smell nothing more than the pure, lustful essence of a wolfess in need.

He grew drunk upon the aroma as Summer rode his cock with caution thrown to the wind, knowing that she could bring him to orgasm in mere minutes if she kept her up pace. Her vigor was inhuman, and her aggression enticing as she rested her spare paw upon his chest and began kneading her pawtips into his flesh, treating him with more care than he would have expected from a terrifying creature.

"Su...Summer, we c-can't do this!"

"Can, and we are!" she argued, as claws poked and pressed into Steven's chest. His flesh turned deep, cherry red where the claws raked, and small tufts of fur began surrounding the wounds as Summer continued humping away at her poor teacher, taking him right to the brink of his climax...and worse still, to the brink of turning into one of the enemy.

The familiar delight of an orgasm was starting to build a bit too rapidly inside of Steven, and he tried to think about whatever else he could to distract himself from the reality of the moment. His guilt, his fears, and even thoughts of his own dead relatives weren't enough to set his member back to a flaccid state, and though he was trying to keep his eyes on himself, when they did flutter open, they gazed up at a wolfess that was attractive in a way that he didn't understand.

He'd never seen the draw in the werewolf genre, and didn't know just how amazing they could feel inside. Now that he was laying beneath one, watching her large, full breasts sway and bounce with each pump of her hips, and feeling her inhuman, squeezing passage around him, Steven was starting to understand the allure, and though it was something that he should never have imagined, the idea of sleeping with one of his own students was starting to turn him on, even beyond the reality that he was living.

He was able to recognize that his mind was too far gone, and he was too late to save himself. "T-that's it, Mr. Richards...gonna cum for me? Yeeeeeees... pump my cunt full of your puppies...knock me up!" Summer continued teasing his every sense, right down to the thin, sensitive flesh upon his ears, where he heard a temptation that no man could ever resist.

It was up to the amulet to save him, after all.

Clenching his stomach as tightly as he could to keep the seed inside of his own body, Steven reached up to the amulet under his shirt, and with a quick pinch, a glow began peering out from the hidden metal. It shined upon Summer, and her brilliant, golden eyes squinted shut as the enchanted jewelry began glowing with all of the intensity of the unbridled, morning sun.

"D-don't...don't you dare!" Summer tried to protest, able to feel her own wet, sticky orgasm building in the pits of her stomach.

She was too late to finish her corruption of her teacher, as a small burst of light and energy radiated from the amulet and knocked Summer off of her teacher's cock. Small trails of liquid arousal followed her body as she was tossed away, and Steven, still panting on the edge of a resisted orgasm, sprung up to his legs, trying to stand upright.

He leaned against the frame of his office door and stood on wobbling legs, and pressed a hand to his chest. "...Fur...g-gods no..." he groaned, knowing that he'd be racing time the entire way home.

Summer was unconscious on the floor before him, and though her clothes would certainly raise questions when the janitors came around that weekend, Steven would have to deal with those issues later. There was no time left to worry about a cover up.

There was only the panicked blur of the agent hobbling to his car, covering his manhood and his wound the best that he could as he drove home, and snuck in the back door to his house. He wasn't sure what excuse would keep his wife from asking questions or prying about his condition, but that could all wait.

He was more focused on the sight of a cool, blue and white mixture going from the tube of a syringe and spilling into his arm, like the waters of a tributary joining in with a mighty river. The medicine was working, and Steven was in time to stop the transformation from solidifying...

...But he couldn't get rid of the deep, painful claw marks on his chest.

"Need to wash all of this away..." he groaned, unsure of how he was able to make it back to his house in the first place. Though he'd only done so once before, he thought the experience akin to driving drunk, and as he stood in the shower and tried to wash away the overpowering smell of his own student upon his cock, he wondered how he would ever tell his wife what happened. "Tandy...would you even understand? Hell, would you even believe me?"

Steven was unaware of how far gone his wife already was, and when the two of them next sat down to talk, they'd have more to confess than either one of them could ever be comfortable with.