Jeremy 048; Dominic

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Jeremy turns to dealing with the captured predators.

The sounds of Sam in the kitchen woke him the next morning. Jeremy went out to join his brother and shared the muffins he'd brought home.

"So you went back in early. I thought you would." Sam observed with a smile.

"What makes you say that?"

"I could tell you were getting bored. Thanks for the simple breakfast by the way." His brother said smiling around his latest bite.

Jeremy smiled back. The thought that his job was covering for his prowling for predators crossing his mind. "You're welcome. I've accepted that promotion, so I might not have to take so many trips out of the city any more. At least not on such short notice, which will be nice."

"Thats definitely a plus." Sam agreed. They shared a few seconds silence as they ate before his brother asked. "So, how much is the raise?"

Jeremy blinked for a second. "I didn't think to ask."

Sam rolled his eyes and commented. "Dumbass."

"Well, thanks." he said laughing with his brother. They chatted for a few more minutes before Sam had to leave for work.

With the apartment to himself Jeremy shifted the security lock on the door to keep Eric out just in case he decided to make a visit. He went to his room and changed to the body of Dominic. After changing to clothes that fit the rat body he pulled the spice container from his pack. Taking it to the kitchen he prepared for the intended experiment as the three cats watched from within their prison. Once ready Jeremy opened the spice container and stared at the three predators.

"You three deserve to be here because I know you're all predators. I'm not some comic book character so I'm not going to explain any more than that." Dominic said looking down at the three felines. "So, lets get started." He frowned as the lion sat and crossed his arms over his knees.

"Who wants to go first?" Dominic asked. "No takers? Okay, I'll choose."

He picked the panther out of the glass jar and dropped him on the counter to the right. Putting the large glass dome over the panther he looked at the cat for a second. He smiled at Sam's idea of buying the large cake display. To his knowledge this was going to be its first time in use. The black cat slowly walked to the side of the dome and put both paws on the glass to stare up at him.

Tapping the side of the dome he said "You have no chance to get back to your old life. But, obey me, obey every instruction I give you and if everything goes well I'll let you live."

"That goes for you two when its your time." He added looking at cats staring at him from the spice container.

"Ready everyone?" With PATOMES Dominic programmed and activated the changes to the panther. They all watched as the one inch cat grew and changed into a crow. To Dominic his actions seemed the same as any other bird.

"Do you understand me?"

The crow stared for a second then leaned down and pecked at the countertop once.

"Is that a yes? Peck once again if so."

One peck at the glass and the crow looked to him again.

"What's one plus three?"

Four pecks.

"Spread your wings open." Jeremy smiled at the bird's compliance. "Five minus two?"

Three pecks on the glass.

Dominic looked at the other cats. They were staring at their changed companion. It was hard to tell what their expressions should convey at their small size. He was pleased that his first experiment was such a success.

"Can you speak?"

The crow simply cawed at him from under the glass. In watching the one time cat turned bird it was clear he was trying his best. "Fine, thats a fine try. Will you behave if I open the dome?"

A fast peck at the counter. The crow looked up at Jeremy, waiting.

"Okay, but remember that I can do anything I want to you should you misbehave."

Another peck at the floor of his glass cage convinced him. He reached out and lifted the dome from the crow. He watched the crow as he set the dome to the side. He waited and watched as the crow stood looking back up at him. He shook his head and lifted a wing to half cover his face before ruffling his feathers. He stood still watching Dominic for several seconds.

Pointing to a few inches from his position Jeremy ordered "Stand over there."

Looking at the other two predators he asked "Who's next?"

The lion stood and stepped up to the glass.

"Interesting." Jeremy said. He placed dome over the spice container. He first added enough mass back to the lion that he could climb out of the spice container. Once he stood outside the container Dominic changed him to a crow, identical to the one standing outside the dome. Despite his interest in his experiment he found it amusing that the jaguar was now crouching low in the spice container as if he could hide from the much larger crow.

With a smirk Dominic added more mass to the crow. In seconds he was twice the size of the other crow, he now barely fit inside the glass dome. When done his profile resembled a bird of prey more than a crow. The crow standing outside the dome cawed softly once and stared back at Dominic when he looked at him.

"You want to be that size too?"

A peck on the counter answered him.

"Continue to behave and we'll see."

Turning back to the larger crow he took care in the programing the next change. Activating the change he watched the former lion carefully. Once PATOMES signaled completion he asked "Can you speak?"

A mangled caw was his answer. The crow shook his head and leaned down to peck at the plate. The jaguar in the container was clearly startled at the power in the bird's peck. Jeremy watched the interaction between the two as he sought to find a way to program his desired changes better. It was interesting that the one time lion was pacing around the small spice container. The behavior made Dominic even more curious. The other crow was standing as still as he could.

He tried another approach with PATOMES and watched was the crow turned to him after activating the changes. Asking again he watched as the bird tried unsuccessfully to speak to him. It was closer than the last effort, he now sounded more like a bird coughing up.

After a third try the crow wasn't any closer to speaking. "Okay, thats enough for you in that department. Lets see what else you can do. Pick up your companion."

The jaguar shot to his feet and tried his best to avoid the crow's beak. He had little room to maneuver and nowhere to hide. It still took the large crow a few seconds and half a dozen tries to finally catch his quarry. It was an impressive display. The inch long jaguar struggled in the beak of a seven inch tall crow. To Dominic's surprise he was getting excited at the show.

"Good, now set him down." he ordered and smiled as the bird complied. Perhaps it was the role reversal but Dominic's reaction continued. The jaguar remained motionless, apparently hoping not to arouse the crow's predatory instincts. The size disparity between the bird and cat was even clearer as the crow leaned over a bit to stare at the feline.

Dominic looked at the crow in the dome and asked "Would you like to eat your companion?"

With a glance at the cat, the crow leaned down and pecked on the floor of the dome right next to the jaguar.

Jeremy looked at the other crow. "And you?" he shook his head and ruffled his feathers.

"Really? Is that because he's a friend?"

A head shake.

"Because he's a person?"

A peck on the counter.

"Good." Dominic said as he activated the change he'd already programmed. He turned to watch as the trapped crow shrank down to about an inch tall. Tapping the glass dome again he asked "Can you still understand me?"

The crow looked at him and after a second pecked on the floor of the dome.

"Too bad." he said as he activated the next command. The jaguar grew slowly. The crow noticed almost instantly. The cat doubled in size within five seconds and continued growing larger. Soon he was eight inches tall, more than large enough to send the crow into fits trying to find his way out of the glass even though the cat made no move toward him.

Dominic turned to the crow standing a foot outside the dome. "Think he's lost himself to the crow?"

A peck on the countertop agreed with Jeremy's suspicion.

Turning to the jaguar he said "He's yours to do with as you wish."

He looked through the dome at Dominic and shook his head. "No. You'll have to kill him yourself."

He looked at the jaguar that was still staring back at him and activated his change. "Fine." Dominic answered. In moments he knew he was shrinking back down. The grim expression on the cat's face told him he knew what to expect.

Activating PATOMES he watched the crow to see how it reacted to its latest change. In a few seconds it stopped flying about inside the dome and settled on the side of the spice container. After a few more seconds of growth it was large enough that its weight upended the glass jar. It hopped about in its surprise until the container settled down.

"If you can understand me, I do not want you to harm your friend. Leave him alone." Dominic said to the crow. He kept repeating himself as the crow continued to gain size on the cat trapped inside the dome with him.

The cat was smart. Before it was too late considering his shrinking size he took to the spice container and pulled it over himself. Trapped inside the small glass gar the crow couldn't reach him.

When he was finished growing the bird towered over the now much smaller cat. He was eyeing him aggressively as any bird would. The crow was frustrated at the glass container that was keeping the cat from him. It was certain the mind of the lion was gone. Dominic guessed it was much like going feral. There'd be no coming back for the cat.

Looking at the crow standing and watching the show Dominic observed. "I think your friend is gone."

The crow slowly leaned down and pecked at the countertop.

"Just one last thing to try." Dominic added. With PATOMES he activated the reset for the lion. The crow began to shrink and change back to the feline. He watched with interest for any indication the lion's mentality was returning with the reset. When it was done the jaguar was standing at the side of the spice container with both paws on the glass staring at the inch long lion.

The lion sat up to rest on his haunches with both paws on his head. He hardly moved. Dominic gave him several seconds before asking. "Can you understand me?"

The lion lifted his head up and responded. "Yes."

Fascinated Dominic asked "What was it like?"

"Like loosing my mind, fuckhead. What did you think it would feel like?"

"Fine. On that note playtime is over." Dominic said. Lifting the dome he plucked the lion up and righted the spice container. Dropping the lion in he picked up the jaguar and added him as well. Turning he flipped the switch for the disposal and upended the container to let the two cats fall into the opening. He ran the water for a few seconds before shutting it off.

Setting the container on the counter he looked at the last predator. The crow stared back at him. "You've done well. Just one last test and you survive the day."

He watched as the crow wasted no time in pecking at the counter.

"When you're done shrinking fly back into the container. I have a task in mind for you. One that will extend your life for some time to come."

Dominic watched the crow shrink down to an inch tall. A few seconds after it was done he hopped off the counter and flew to the spice container. Landing on the edge he looked at the rat a moment before hopping in.

"It'll only be a short while." He comforted the crow as he screwed the lid on the container. Once he was stowed back in his pack he left the apartment. He would take the chance of being seen leaving the apartment as a rat just this once.

He headed to the nearest park. Finding an out of the way spot he pulled out the container and opened it. He held it in his paw as the crow started growing. Once he was a couple inches tall he flew out and settled on the back of the bench Dominic was sitting on. He stared at the rat as he continued to grow larger. Once he finished growing the crow looked around.

"You're large for a crow right now. Also smarter than any bird should be. Know that, and use it to your advantage. You're on your own for the most part so watch for other predators. Serve me well and I'l consider giving you the body of a bird of prey. Understand?"

He pecked the back of the bench.

"Good. Think you can find your cheetah friend, Allen?"

Another peck.

"He's now in my service as are you. If both of you serve me well you'll continue to live as you are. Find him, obey him as you would obey me. I'll let him know to expect you."

The crow pecked at the back of the bench and looked at the rat.


Dominic watched the crow fly from the bench. Once he was out of sight he pulled out the phone and dialed the only number saved in it.

It rang a number of times before transferring to voicemail. He could imagine the cheetah staring at his own phone in his paw too afraid to answer.

Dominic could hear the amusement in his own voice as he said "I'm sending one of your friends back to you. He'll be able to understand and obey you despite his appearance. Considering his condition he'll need your help in finding somewhere he'll be comfortable and safe. Look to the sky for him."

* * * *

So we're now in new territory for Jeremy. I can guess this brings up a few questions about PATOMES. Instead of trying to anticipate any questions I'll wait for them.

Jeremy 047; Karma Comes Knocking

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Jeremy 046; The Thirteenth Floor

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Jeremy 045; To Save The Day

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