
Story by dfeyder on SoFurry

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PS. sorry about the editing notes, cant find out how to hide them.


By Dustin Feyder

For Crazyredfox

Some people call me Zander, and others call me [G1] Zandra. You can call me whichever one you like. I am a fox, just celebrated my 25th birthday. Or, marked the day of my adoption more appropriately. That part gets complicated to explain. I was told once, I was born in a church in Mississippi, my biological mother was a zeolites nut deemed unfit to care for young. I was taken by CPS and shipped to Florda. [G2] [G3] [G4] [G5] [G6] [G7]

By now I bet you are confused. "Zander, are you a boy or a girl?" I can hear you think. the answer is "yes." Most people take me for a boy, but that is how I present myself most of the time. I like to dress in la[G8] [G9] [G10] irs, and I like baggy clothes[G11] , I was into skating for a time and rock & roll. But if you were to lift my tail, you might see something to the contrary. But, let me not dwell on the smaller details for too long, that part isn't essential to the story yet.[G12] [G13] [G14] [G15] [G16] [G17] [G18]

I was adopted by a family of foxes not so unlike myself. I loved my mother and my father. If they hadn't told me the truth about my conception, I would never have asked. I feel like my young life was just like every other. Went to school, got pushed around, pushed back sometimes, scored a solid 2.56 GPA. My mother often seemed to be frustrated with my father, but once I walked in the room, they hid what was on there mind. [G19] [G20] [G21]

I am going to stop acting like Copperfield here and start working like a scatterbrained [G22] 14-year-old. [G23]

The point in my life when I feel things started getting worth talking about was when I turned 12. I like cheese. That being what it is, comes with some health benefits. I had my first heat the Monday before my 12[G24] th birthday. Also had a major growth spurt around the same time, I put on one foot and seventeen pounds in about a month. Mom and dad both took notice.

Mom many times asked me to tell her once I started showing signs of maturity. Clearly, she didn't remember her first time. Once it hit, I was shocked from a dead sleep, my stomach cramped, my mouth was dry, I couldn't stop sweating. I was acuity aware of my scent. For some resin, my smell got me hard. Seemingly it had the same effect on dad. I barked, I howled, I in large made a fool out of myself. In no time it seemed both parents were in my room petting me and holding me. I was inconsolable for a time.[G25] [G26] [G27] [G28] [G29] [G30] [G31]

Dad had served in the '108thAirborne Division' he flew with the "Eagles." He knew a trick to make someone pay attention to him. Dad grabbed me by the hand, he brought his head down and took my thumb in his mouth. His fangs sunk into the webbing of my hand, maybe if I hadn't fought back, it wouldn't have gone this way, but he ripped the web. That silenced me. [G32]

It was summer vacation when it happened, and that was the best time as far as my family was concerned. Gave them time to talk things over with me. Show me what was going on with my body, explain what the parts are and what they do. Mom set a hand on my lap; I shuttered, dad slid his hand under my tail, I whimpered. This was the first time it dawned on me that mom and dad were not like me. They were incomplete. Dad didn't have functional breast, and mom didn't have balls. Me on the other hand, I have it all.[G33] [G34] [G35]

Do I see myself as a monster? No, of course, I don't. I am me. I am just better than some. You see, from my point of view, everyone is both man and women, some people just show more of their man parts and other more of their girl part. I have equal amounts of both, and if my smell is any indicator, both parts work to optimum efficiency.[G36] [G37] [G38]

Dad tickles me; I fall on all fours. I quickly forget about my bleeding hand as I pick up one of my arms in my mouth biting it to quit my whining. I feel hot and cold, I feel wet, but my mouth is dry, I shake, I quiver. Mom runs her hands down my body, she feels at my undercarriage. I don't know if it was a minute or an hour that passed as my parents felt me up enjoying my virginal form but the tickling alone was more then I was ready for. I quickly fainted.[G39] [G40] [G41] [G42] [G43] [G44]

In the following days, I found I was hungry with lust. Mom was happy to play along. She took me to the corner store, she picked up a box of condoms, and she showed me how to put one on. She took me to the bathroom, she sat down and taught me what a mature women's body looks like, she encouraged me to slip my puppy meat in her and see what it feels like to play with a girl. She had fun with it to. She told me to be careful; she told me she would get as many condoms for me as I wanted, and that she would never ask me where they went if she isn't the one using them with me.[G45] [G46] [G47] [G48] [G49] [G50] [G51] [G52]

I compared my scent to my father's; I noticed something was wrong. After getting some of my juice in my mother's fur I worked it out for myself. Dad at some time must have suffered [G53] an injury; his body doesn't generate live sex fluid. Maybe that is why the t[G54] wo of them seemed to fight as much as they did.[G55] [G56]

About a year leader I got all but confirmation of that precisely. Dad showed me a hand full of useful tricks. My second heat followed my first way to fast, less then three weeks. But I was ready that time, Dad showed me how to take my temp, and check my juice. Not everyone knows this but forty-eight hours before heat sets in one's vaginal oil changes from clear to white, twenty-four hours before hand it becomes thick and creamy. But you need to check it first thing after waking up.

But I think I lost my train of thought. When I was thirteen I had a month where my heat and my moms started on the same day. This almost never happens. Mom pulled dad and me aside early in the day. We talked. Mom wanted to have kids of her own, and Dad would never be able to give them to her. So, what is one to do?[G57] [G58] [G59] [G60] [G61] [G62]

It took a long talk, more then some of it emotional charged. Mom wanted me to sleep with her. This time without protection. I would seed mom; dad claims responsibility. I know what you are thinking, this is getting weird. But why not? The three of us share no blood, and I have something mom needs. But, caveat, Dad wanted my tail. [G63] So. He gets it. I sleep with mom every night darning our shared heat. Dad, he gets to have his way with both of us. [G64]

The job was successful. I now have a baby brother and two sisters. I, of course, managed to avoid getting knocked up. That time. Four more years passed much the same way. Mom and I slept together a lot of times. Dad and I a few times as well.

Then, one day I found a stray white wolf. He was charming, filled with lust. He wanted a turn too. Once upon a time, the wolf came to my room in the middle of the night, he [G65] slides under the covers with me, I could taste his passion in the air as I stirred awake.[G66] [G67]

Oh... wait, look at the time. I need to log out. Log back in later if you want to know what happened next.[G68] [G69]

