A Thief's Reward

Story by Windthor on SoFurry

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Isaac Coughlan was the night sentry for a necromancer who quite preferred to be left well enough alone. One of his duties involved capturing and, of course, punishing those who decided that signs and locked doors are not warning enough. On this particular night, Isaac finds an especially brazen, yet strangely oblivious intruder has entered his mistress's domain. Well, it was a dirty job, but someone had to do it.

Isaac Coughlan and Garnette (C) to myself

Thieves certainly thought they were slicker than oil, but it was easy to get tunnel vision. This particular little thief hadn't so much as turned their head going down the straightaway. Granted, they had disabled most of the traps, and the ones they triggered were avoided. No alarms had been raised, but that was by choice. Isaac couldn't believe that he'd been following them for at least the last five minutes. While he couldn't tell species nor gender at the moment, he could tell they weren't inexperienced; Clearly, they'd broken into some places before.

Making rookie mistakes, the sneakthief hadn't peered into any corners, looked down any of the side passages, and didn't watch their back, when he was ten meters behind them at all times. Soon they would reach the main chamber, Isaac figured.

The thief paused, looking to their left, and so did he. He saw that their muzzle was long and somewhat pointed, covered by a dark mask, like his own. Still unable to tell species from the hood, he watched and waited as the thief reached out to touch the wall to their left. Isaac knew there was a false wall there, mostly for him to be able to return to the entrance at a quicker pace. The false wall also offered privacy for the short passage once it was closed, offering some great soundproofing.

The thief reached out, pressing their palm to the surface of the innocuous wall, and Isaac edged forward, keeping to the shadows. Given that he was over six feet tall, he had a hard time being stealthy. Despite this, the thief still hadn't noticed him, and they bent over, running their gloved fingers over the stone wall. Isaac paused, his head tilting at the view: They had a very round, very firm-looking rear, the form-fitting trousers being very flattering.

She - because Isaac was now close enough that he could see the thief's breasts - slid her fingers into a crack in the wall, letting out a soft "aha" of triumph as a large stone covering the entrance into the passage slid upwards with a soft rumble. The thief, resting her hand on the wall, stepped forward, ducking down to peer into the tunnel. Isaac stood still, waiting patiently for the thief to walk in. Finally, she stepped in, and Isaac followed, allowing her several steps' worth of a head start so that he didn't alert her.

In the smaller space, sounds didn't echo quite as much, but he was closer. Once he was in the passage, he stopped just inside the entrance, reaching out for a second crack. The passage rounded to the left, where a flickering light could be seen, and it likely had caught the thief's attention, as she was heading down the tunnel without looking back. Just as she disappeared around the corner, he pressed the false stone, and the stone door slid back into place.

Luckily the thief didn't seem to notice. Either she wasn't paying attention or she figured the door merely closed by itself after a short while. Either way, she was now trapped and officially at his mercy. Isaac hurried forward, taking advantage of the muffling effects of the narrow tunnel to close the distance between himself and the intruder, though he paused at the corner.

Peeking around, he watched the thief for just a few more moments. They had arrived at what was basically his office: A tall, simple stone table had been installed against one wall, and two chairs were sitting on either side. A single candle rested in the middle of the table, beside a leather-bound erotica novel Isaac had been reading before the thief had broken into the cave. She appeared to be a rodent of some sort; her tail was long and pale pinkish-white. Perhaps a mouse?

While he watched her, Isaac took that moment to start getting himself ready. His vest opened, and his belt unbuckled, he let his dick free. It was an unusual penis, but then again, he was also an unusual undead. Currently, the "ghost flesh" was only partially opaque, glowing solid green in spots. Looking back around the corner, he saw the thief had retrieved his book, opening it to the chapter he'd been reading before.

Remembering the particular scene that page had, he removed the glove on his left hand, revealing the skeleton underneath more of his glowing green flesh, which was becoming more opaque by the moment. Beads of a slick liquid were forming on his hand and dick, and he gripped the shaft as he watched the thief. She stiffened as she got to the good part, her breathing getting a little quicker.

Gently, she placed the book back on the table, and slowly moved the candlestick aside as she examined the surface, bending over the furniture just a little bit to run her fingers along the edges, perhaps searching for a switch for another secret passage or compartment. A thought came to Isaac, a theory, as his eye roved over the thief's body, but now wasn't the time for him to contemplate such things. His hand roamed up and down his firmed dick, the slime he was excreting offering some lubrication, which was exactly what he needed.

Replacing the glove on his left hand, since he needed a good grip, he rounded the corner. Holding his trousers up with his right hand, he stalked towards the thief. She was still bending over, reaching out to the opposite end of the table and running her fingers along that edge. Her tail was wrapped firmly around her waist like a belt, and there was a dagger hanging off one hip.

Quickly making decisions of the sequence of events, Isaac reached out, slapping his palm into the middle of the dog's back. She yelped, but his strength was greater as he held her chest into the table, locking his joints to prevent her from straightening up. His right hand released his waistband and instead grabbed hers, giving it a mighty yank. The trousers came down, but something metal flashed, and he grunted as a sharp pain pierced his side. She seemed to relax just a bit when she felt the dagger pierce flesh, figuring she'd won, but that was her mistake.

Using that momentary mistake, Isaac lifted his hand off of her back to instead grab the offending wrist, yanking her upper body up and locking his grip so that she couldn't twist out of it. In desperation, she kicked upwards, burying her heel between Isaac's legs. Had he been a normal man, this would have been sufficient, but then again, he didn't have lungs to pierce with a knife, either.

Her bare ass, white as the rest of her body, was now presented to him as her struggling slipped the waistband of her trousers to her ankles, preventing further resistance from there. Curiously, her tail remained wrapped about her own waist and out of the way, not that he was paying too much attention to that.

His free hand gripped his cock just behind the head, and he pulled back just as she reached out again to grab the opposite edge of the table with her free hand. Isaac figured she was trying to use leverage to get away, but all it succeeded in doing was pull her hips more flush with the table, which was also very convenient. He allowed her to move forward, his hips moving back, and the head of his dick angling downward. It spread her open, aided by the slime he'd excreted earlier and what appeared to be, surprisingly, her own juices.

Well, he thought, maybe she'd quite enjoyed the erotica novel. It was one of his own favorites, so he couldn't blame her.

She'd stiffened in surprise from the feeling of him pressing into her, and her legs pressed together, as if that would help. His grip on her wrist tightened just a little more and he yanked her back again, slamming his long, thick glowing penis deep into her. Her body flinched, her back arched involuntarily, and her grip on the table tightened as she let out a cry of shock.

Perhaps it was the shock of the sudden attack, or maybe she hadn't wanted to attract more undead sentries, but this was the first time she'd made a noise. Isaac pulled back, her body flexing from the void he'd just created from the first thrust. His free hand came to rest on her ass, thumb curling in to pull the cheek away from where he'd speared into her. Her pink pussy was quivering around him, almost as if it were straining from the pressure.

As his hips slammed back into her, she yelped again, her body jerking and flinching as his heavy, glowing testicles slapped over and over against her clit. The sounds were getting wetter by the moment, and it wasn't because of Isaac's slime. She pressed her face into her arm, giving up on trying to pull herself away as she muffled her cries, though Isaac couldn't help but consider other things.

A soft clatter of metal on stone caught his attention, and he looked down, something silver catching the light of the candle. Still holding the thief's wrist, he yanked her up and reached out with his other hand, grasping the pendant and lifting it up to look down at it. It was a round, silver pendant with a green stone fitted in the middle, and as Isaac recognized it, he rolled his eyes.

"I thought I recognized that pussy," he said, letting the pendant fall again. Reaching out, he grasped the back of the thief's hood and yanked it off, pulling her back so that he could see her face. A mane of brown hair, large round ears, and big green eyes, that were almost complete dry of tears. "Garnette, luv, how many times has it been this week?" asked the undead sentry almost casually, fixing his glowing green eye on her. "Four?"

Garnette, a resident of the village in the valley, reached up, grasping her own mask and pulling it down, her body still bouncing as he resumed his thrusts. "F-fiiive," she corrected him, looking quite unashamed as she took in a sharp gasp through her teeth and sucked her bottom lip into her maw.

Isaac shook his head, pulling off his own mask. His ghost-flesh was opaque, giving him the ability to frown at the repeat "customer". "And here I was thinkin' you'd like a break. No wonder you were makin' rookie mistakes. Ah, well." With that, he reached around and up, grasping the front of her tunic and yanking it apart. Her bare breasts gave a flop upon their reveal, pink nipples catching the light of the candle, which had managed not to get knocked over. Isaac pulled the tunic down, bunching it tightly around her arms, all the while still deep inside her.

Garnette was biting her lip, unable now to even pretend she wasn't enjoying herself, pushing back against the undead horse's hips and trying to entice him back into fucking her. Which he did, though not before yanking the knife out from his side and carefully sliding it back into its scabbard. "That was cute, by the way. If I had been one of my brothers, you'd be on a slab right about now, yeah?"

"W-worth the r--" A particularly strong thrust cut the little mouse off, and Isaac pushed her chest into the stone table. Her tongue started hanging out, her ears flopping in time with the wet slapping against her ass.

Isaac could only shake his head again. If he was honest with himself, he'd have liked to keep Garnette, but it would have only made discovering her by his mistress that much harder to prevent. At the moment, though, he stopped thinking about it. She was warm and soaked around him, and he quite enjoyed the warmth she was giving off. Garnette, as well, seemed to quite like it when he pushed her face upon his book she'd discovered, and when he grabbed the base of her tail to lift her feet just barely off of the floor.

Indeed, she was moaning more than ever when he gave an experimental slap to her bare ass, having not done that the previous four times he'd discovered her. Idly, he had to wonder what else he could do to her, but now wasn't the time for experimentation. After all, he didn't have all night.

So, gripping Garnette's hips with both hands, Isaac went to town. He watched as her eyes rolled back, flecks of saliva flying in all directions, her hair falling over her face. Garnette's muscles around his cock spasmed and she took in a sharp gasp as her body stiffened. "Fffuck!" she yelped suddenly, and Isaac smirked.

Not allowing her orgasm to ride itself out, he kept going, bending forward to brace his palms on the table and angling his hips slightly upward. Since he was much taller than her, he could pull back quite a bit and still be inside. So, he pulled back almost to the tip, then slammed back in. Over and over again, almost a single, deep thrust per second, he rutted into the little rodent, one hand actually coming up to grip into her long hair.

Finally, Isaac flinched, burying himself into Garnette and gripping her tightly to his hips as he deposited his load. Garnette also shuddered, a smaller orgasm sending a wave through her body at the feeling of the thick cum filling her. His dick was thick enough that it prevented the escape of the glowing liquid, at first. Garnette actually screwed up her face as it seemed her belly would expand from it, before the dam finally broke, and it spilled out onto the floor between their legs.

Her breath coming out in harsh gasps, Garnette's body collapsed against the table, Isaac taking just a few moments to savor her warmth, before pulling back. A wave of green slime came with it, still drooling thickly from within her as he looked down to watch it. Slowly, his dick's glow began to fade as it lost its firmness, his eye became dimmer, and he stooped to pick the waistband of his trousers back up. "C-can we go 'gain?" asked Garnette thickly. She sounded punch-drunk, her brain apparently still trying to play catch-up.

"'Fraid not, luv," said Isaac, fastening his trousers back on his hips and moving back in to loosen Garnette's tunic from her arms so that her hands could move to the table again. "And do me a favor, yeah? Hold off for a coupla weeks."


"Nah, gonna be firm on this one. You keep comin' round, you'll risk wakin' up the Mistress. And I don't need to tell ya what'll happen if she finds ya." Garnette grimaced, then let out a huff, nodding. "Thattagirl." Isaac gripped Garnette's tail with one hand, then a fold of the scruff of her neck with the other. "Now, then. I gotta perform the unfortunate duty of a night sentry, since you've broken into the Mistress's residence."

Outside, a large wooden door was fitted snugly into the mouth of a gave. Beside it was a sign that read, "Keep Out! Trespassers will be punished!" Suddenly, the door was flung open, and a partially-disrobed white mouse flew out of the doorway, landing heavily on the ground with a yelp.

"Catch ya later!" called Isaac, before the door slammed closed.

Laying in an unceremonious heap, her ass sticking up in the air and still dribbling glowing cum from her pussy, Garnette let out a grumpy, but not unsatisfied, huff, figuring that Isaac had a point; Looking up as the sun rose slowly over the mountains, she decided that a two week break would probably make her next adventure that much more fun and satisfying.


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