IWSC: Flying and Crashing

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#6 of It Was Supposed to be a Costume

Dash was in a ravine on Sunset's property with Spits, Lisa, and Dust. It was a bright and sunny day and Dash loved it.

"Okay Spits, why are we out here?" Spits looked over her shoulder with a smirk and gleam in her eyes.

"Because Dash, we are going to learn how to fly." Dash blinked and blinked again.

"Um how? I know we got wings but they are too small to lift us."

"Magic," Lisa interjected. "Even in the show the pegasus wings are too small to lift them. Fans guess that the wings are used to focus the magic pegasi and alicorns have to allow flight."

"Great, magic." Dash snorted. "Well what do we do first?"

"Well don't want to ruin Sunny's shirts so..." Spits said and Dash rolled her eyes and took her shirt off. Dash had to admit the feel of air on her bared breasts felt real nice. She observed the others do the same and notice that they all had generous breasts with slight variance with Lisa having the biggest out of those here but the rest of us were not even remotely flat. She had to compare to Sunset and Jaz later. Dash stretched her wings and boy did that feel good. Dash notice smiles from the others as they did the same. Dash looked at her wings thoughtfully, trying to remember how birds used their wings. She lifted her wings and stroked down and felt herself be lifted a bit. She landed unsteadily and waited a couple of seconds before doing it again with a jump. She almost reaching the top of the ravine before she started falling back. She readied her legs and had a better landing. She lsunched into the air again with the flap but kept up the flapping and soon she was hovering in the air and she heard the cheers from her friends. They soon followed her and they were all hovering.

"Now let's see if we can move?" Dash stated and tried to move to the right and she started to and then spun out of control and crashed into the ground. She heard the others crash to. She got back and tried again.

She met the ground again.

With a groan she got back up. 'This may take longer then we thought.'

**** **** ****

Jasmine was lounging on a lawn chair taking in the sun totally nude since Sunset didn't have any bikinis and every one has seen each other naked already. Well every body but Sunset. They haven't seen her nude yet. She also wondered where Fash and the other girls went when Sunset came outside. Jasmine eyed her and though the mare wore clothes Jasmine got a good idea on the form beneath and it wasn't bad. Getting g back on point though.

"Have you seen the others?" She asked Sunset.

"Went out to the ravine this morning." The firery mare replied.


"To the north there is a decent ravine. Since it's on my property it's safe. Spitfire has a walkie tuned to it in case of breech."

"And why are they out there?" Sunset shrugged.

"Spitfire had an idea and took the others. Why I don't know. But they have been gone for hours so should be back. Going g to make lunch for us."

"Need any help?" Jasmine asked. Sunset waved her off.

"Nah I got it. You keep tanning yourself." Sunset started walking back in but paused and looked back. "Can you even get a tan with fur?" Jasmine just shrugged in response and Sunset headed back in. Jasmine enjoyed the sun for another half hour when she heard movement. She looked for the source and found the others emerging from from the woods. Besides their shirts the looked battered. Jasmine got up and ran to them.

"What happen!!?" She asked. Fearing they were attacked.

"We tried to fly and was harder then we thought." Spitfire said.

"But we did it." Dash said with a smile. And Jasmine roles her eyes at them.

"Well you four get cleaned up. Sunset is making lunch."

"Aw yeah!" lighting shouted. everyone looked at her with a smile. this is the most energetic they have seen her since the rape. flying did her some good it seems. jasmine followed them in and relaxed on the couch as the other girls took there turns in the bathroom. dash sat next to jasmine and jasmine leaned against her. dash smiled and held her. the two just enjoying the moment and each other. some of the others saw and smiled. soon sunset called out lunch and the group grabbed it before finding places to eat it. lisa turned on the tv to see what was going on with the world outside. there kind was still the topic of the day. some good had happen to there fellow ponies. the national guards have took over the compounds. while not what they wanted, new management was a start. there were debates on what to do with them. while some wanted to keep them in the compounds there was a growing call to free them. especially after many ponies were interviewed. the sad thing was lightning was not the only one raped. many ponies were not happy being imprisoned and baring cure want to resume their lives. A wish this group agreed with.

**** **** ****

It was late evening when Dash's lawyer called.

"Hey Tom."

"Yo Paul, what's up?"

"Still got to get use to that voice. Well got some good news. Congress wants you to address it." Dash had a shocked look on her face.

"Me, address Congress!?"

"Yeah, you have become the face of this issue and they want to hear from you."

"But, I'm in hiding and have nothing to wear to that!"

"No need to hide anymore buddy. And your gonna have to find something."

"Okay when does this need to be done?"

"A few days would be good, but they do have some flexibility." Dash looked at Jasmine with a look that clearly said 'help me.' The unicorn mare took the phone.

"Paul, it's Jasmine, give us a week and we will be ready."

"Alright I will let the details....." They worked out pick up details before Jasmine hanged up.

"Sunset can we borrow your car?" Jasmine asked

"Yeah, she's all gassed up. Just refill if it gets low." Sunset tossed her the keys. Jasmine nodded and started for the garage.

"Um Jaz, you may want to put some clothes on." Dash stated. Jasmine looked down to she she was naked she blushed and raced to get clothes on to the chuckles of everyone.

**** **** ****

A couple hours later Jasmine and Dash were on the road and heading into town. It was the town they had lived in. Wearing hoodies to hide their forms. Soon they were at their apartment and went to the manager's office. The manager looked at them.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Need to get replacement keys for apartment 33B." Jasmine replies. The manager grunted and turned away. And then faced them to place a clipboard and a pen to Jasmine.

"Sign here." She did so and he took it and compared it to another then grabbed a key and handed it over.

"Thank you." The two mares headed up to their apartment. Jasmine turned the key and the door opened it. The were silent as they looked into there home. It was surreal, just weeks ago they were just living a fairly normal life. Now they were a completely different species and one a different gender. They both looked over and touched items they haven't touched in weeks. "Come on, let's find you a dress." Dash sighed at that and followed into her room. The next couple hours Jasmine worked on Dash to see what would work. Once they did they ordered pizza and slept in their beds.

**** **** ****

Dash was looking at a mirror. She was in a red dress Jasmine magically altered to fit her body. It was slim and hugged her body and had a hole for her tail. Her hair and tail brushed into a nice and stylized. Jasmine came up behind her in a light blue dress and smiled at Dash's reflection. "You look hot Dash." She commented.

"Thanks, if I have to be a girl I better be a hot one." Dash replied and Jasmine kissed her cheek. A door opened and a suited man poked in.

"We're ready for you Miss Dash." Dash nodded and he left. Dash took a deep breath and let it out.

"Show time." Dash stated.

"You'll do fine. Speak from your heart and you won't go wrong." Jasmine replied. Dash nodded and headed for the door and opened it.