Summer Bucks the Trend: Chapter 1

Story by xerox2 on SoFurry

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#1 of Summer Bucks The Trend

The most popular girl in a conservative school begins transforming into some sort of beast! Can she hide and adapt to her changes? How will she find a date for the big dance?!

Generously edited by Skies of Silver:

This is a story based in the LOB universe by Demon-Man:

Please leave comments if you have anything you'd like to ask or say!

Summer Bucks the Trend

By Xerox2

Chapter One

Summer was the living embodiment of the Academy's ideal student: clever, outgoing, ambitious, and not at all transformed in any way. Those four features, or so she told herself, were the reasons why she was the most popular girl in school.

Even now as she waited for the rest of her friends in the cafeteria, a stream of acquaintances dropped by to say hello. She knew her name, of course, and the fact that her half birthday was coming up, and how is her sister recovering from the flu, and did she hear her favorite band is making a new album? Good bye! See you later! I'll be sure to make the show! As exhausting as it was, she normally loved being the center of so much attention, but today she just wanted everyone to leave her alone.

She was relieved when Becky finally plopped down in the seat next to her. That was everyone. A small queue had gathered to say hello, but they got the hint and quickly dissipated. When Summer's core group of friends got together, it was business time.

"Ugh that wait was awful," Becky sneered at Summer, setting a smoothie down in front of her. "If I'm going to be fetching your lunch every day, you could at least choose a quicker restaurant."

"Great to see you too," Summer replied with a roll of her eyes. Becky had been the runner-up in the election for student body president this year, and was now Summer's vice president. She had been a devious opponent and still held a lot of influence. It was important to keep people like that close.

The four friends made their greetings and took a moment to compliment each other both sincerely and sarcastically. Summer received a few compliments on her choice of a yellow sun dress instead of the prevailing tights-and-tee look. Becky was not a fan, but Summer knew that all the girls would follow her lead and be wearing sun dresses by next week.

"Alright, alright," Summer said, quieting the chatter. "Enough pleasantries. Let's get down to it. The first thing on the agenda is Sasha. Her parents are suing the school for refusing to put her in class with the other students."

The group collectively snorted in disapproval. "It's not like the school turned her into a horrible mutant."

"It's more like no student wants to be in a class with her," scoffed Janet.

"That is so true," Gracy chimed in. "I was her TA in Introduction To Dance, and let me tell you it does not matter how many bed sheets she wraps around that udder, you have to look. It's disgusting."

"Not to mention those four nipples on each breast. You can see them bulging through her sweater."

"That's why the students stopped going to those classes. You can't force people to endure such an obscene sight. It's barbaric."

"The school is doing her a favor providing any sort of materials at all," Summer agreed.

"She should just drop out and become a mutant prostitute for perverts. That's how half of them end up anyway," added Becky.

"I heard that she's always late because she has to milk herself dry between each class."

"I heard if you tug on her nose ring, she'll do anything you want."

"I heard that all those giant nipples are actually dicks, and all her milk is half cum."

"Okay, we are seriously going to have to stop talking about this or I am going to throw up."

"She seemed like such a fantastic person before she turned," said Janet.

"You never can tell with people. Some people seem perfectly normal, but deep inside they're just a filthy mutant waiting to come out," Becky shrugged.

"You've been awful quiet, Summer. Thoughts?"

"There's a reason no mutant has ever graduated from the Academy."

"Or been accepted into it in the first place."

"Exactly. It's because they're obscene sex perverts. They're always jacking off and fucking and making a mess. I think it's a miracle that the rest of the Empire gets anything done at all considering how common they are down there."

"I bet she drops out within the week."

"I hope i get a chance to tug on that nose ring before then."

"Okay, on to something less gross and sad," Summer announced. "The summer solstice ball is coming up."

"I can't wait to try all the cakes."

"I can't wait to hear Summer's big speech."

It was a tradition for the student body president to address the school the day before the solstice.

Gracy turned to Summer. "Don't forget to plug the big dance recital."

That had been a part of the deal. Gracy had endorsed Summer during the election, securing most of the performing arts vote. In return, she would promote the dance department's events.

"I most certainly will," Summer reassured her.

"Does everyone have a date?" Janet asked. "I'm bringing Joe."



They paused.


"Oh, sorry. I don't know. Too many options."

"Spoiled for choices as always."

"You have really been out of it today huh?"

"Ugh totally. I slept like zero hours last night, studying for that Math midterm."

"Oh I can tell. Look at how big the bags under your eyes are."

"And look at how uneven your lipstick is."

"Okay, okay thats enough," she sighed. "I'm going to go take a nap."

Summer said goodbye to each of her friends, stood, and made her way back to her dormitory. At first she walked slowly, but she picked up pace as she got farther away from the center of campus. She waved and smiled at everyone, but she didn't stop until she had slammed the door to her room behind her. She walked over to her window, drew the curtains closed so not a single shaft of light got through. She flipped on the light and pulled her dress up over her head.

She wasn't really tired. In fact, she had slept like a log. The real reason she had been distracted at lunch was now staring her straight in the face.

She had woken up with a penis.

The offending dick and balls were hanging through one of her panty's leg holes. It was a perfectly normal penis. Average size, normal shape. The only thing odd about it was the fact that it was attached to her. That and it seemed to have grown a bit since that morning.

She gently picked up the shaft with her thumb and forefinger and let it flop down against her balls. Yup. It was definitely bigger. She hadn't examined it very closely this morning. It was just altogether too much for her to handle. After an initial freakout, she had just shoved it into her pants and into the back of her mind and gone off to class. She hadn't noticed the way the wrinkled skin holding her testicles crawled and churned without her even touching it. She hadn't noticed how smooth and almost feminine the skin on her shaft was, or how her foreskin tastefully covered most of the pink head. She experimentally pulled the extra skin down watched her glans pop free of its home.


She tried to gather it up into her panties, but the slim strip of lace was not at all up to the task of containing male genitalia. She could bend it back against her balls and pull up her panties to secure it, but it would just flop out to one side or the other as soon as she moved. Frustrated, she bent over and rummaged through her underwear drawer for something more suitable.

This was the last thing she needed. As if there wasn't already too much on her plate with midterms, choosing a date for the ball, and other social obligations, now she had to figure out how to deal with this cock. Despite the undeniable evidence to the contrary, she didn't think of herself as a mutant. Therefore, this wasn't the end of the her life as she knew it. Still, she didn't think that anyone else would feel the same if they caught a glimpse.

Summer didn't know very much about transformations and mutants, but she assumed it would clear up on its own in a couple weeks like a common cold. She was, after all, not a sex pervert like most mutants. The cock would probably realize that soon enough and disappear. In the case where it didn't, she could simply part with a few trinkets and hire a professional, mainstream alchemist to do something about it. In the meantime, it was at least easy enough to hide.

She grabbed a pair of spanks and walked over to the mirror. She looked completely normal other than the dick hanging between her legs. She did a turn and nodded in approval. Her ass was still just as plump and smooth as eve, hips still appealingly wide, and waist narrow. At least all that was still okay. She took deep breath and leaned forward so her bottom was directly facing the mirror. She used a trembling hand to spread her generous ass cheeks apart. It was just as she feared. The skin between her asshole and balls was completely smooth. A thin pink line was all that remained of her pussy.

So was she a man now? No that didn't seem right. She still felt like a woman. She still looked like a woman. She still had her fantastic figure, including the rear end that had bewitched all the men in her life since puberty. She never really understood why her ass was so appealing, but now, looking at it in the mirror, she was starting to get it. It was really sexy. She really couldn't put her finger on just what it was about it that was so damn perfect. Was it curve of her back as it led to her crack? The bulbous cheeks that jiggled a bit as she shifted her weight? Maybe her perfectly sculpted legs? She lifted her dick up, leaving an inviting gap between her thighs. Now THAT was sexy.

As Summer examined her own ass, she noticed that her dick was even bigger than a few minutes ago. She could barely fit it in her feminine hand, so she let it fall. Her plump cock throbbed in time with her ever increasing heart rate. it swelled and straightened with each pulse. Ogling at herself in the mirror was turning her on! Before long, she was sporting her first erection. Ew ew no! Wrong idea, dick. She groaned in frustration and tried to push it down, but the touch elicited a twinge of unwelcome pleasure. She jerked her hand away. The cock sprung right back up and stood proudly from her crotch.

She had to admit, it was a really great looking dick. It was straight, hairless, and perfectly smooth save a couple of lage throbbing veins. It was just the kind of dick she hoped to see when she brought a man home. She flexed her pelvic muscles and watched it jump and swell a bit before relaxing. The uniqueness of her situation began to sink in. Everyone has wondered about what it would be like to have the genitals of the opposite sex at one point or another. How many non-mutants have had the opportunity to actually experience it? Surely it wouldn't hurt to sample the goods, just this once.

Summer wrapped her hand around her dick and gave it a slight squeeze. It was a bit less sensitive than she had imagined. She tried a single stroke. That felt pretty good. A small droplet of sticky pre-cum glistened at the tip of her urethra. She slowly stroked her penis a few more times, closing her eyes and allowing herself to enjoy the alien pleasure. She experimented with other sorts of grips. She tried holding it near the bottom so her fingers touched her balls with each stroke, then up near the head so they brushed against her sensitive glans. She tried gripping backwards with her thumb facing her crotch and her pinky near the tip, and with both hands so that only the bright pink head of her penis was exposed. She expected to have to use lube, but found that her foreskin worked perfectly well in its place. She soon settled on a gentle, one-handed grip near the tip.

Her other hand wandered up to her breast and rubbed her nipple. She watched herself masturbating in the mirror and marvelled at how sexy she was. It wasn't just that she knew she looked attractive, she was actually attracted to herself. Her tits, her ass, her cock. If her reflection had stepped out of that mirror, she would fuck it. She pictured that encounter as she continued to masturbate. She pictured kissing those luscious lips, bringing her mouth down to one of her double's nipples and flicking it with her tongue. She would kneel on the ground, and cup her double's balls, wrap her lips around her flawless cock. . .

Her dick suddenly grew more and more sensitive. She stroked faster as her penis strained and hardened. Finally, she gasped as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over her. Her legs shook and almost buckled as she lost track of the world around her. Her cock's first few jets of cum splashed haphazardly onto her stomach, into her hair, on the mirror, the floor, and just about everywhere else.

Almost immediately a massive feeling of shame overtook Summer. She pulled her hand away from her dick and looked at the drops and puddles of cum around and on her with disgust. It didn't make any sense to her. Why had she done that? She couldn't believe she had lost control and jacked off like some pervert. She grabbed some nearby tissues and cleaned up the mess as best as she could. She rubbed her skin down until every last hint of cum was gone. Then she ran a very hot shower and sat under the water until her skin turned pink and wrinkly.

Once she had dried off and calmed down, she locked her pinkie fingers together and made herself a promise. She was not going to masturbate again until she was cured. No matter what.