Vampiress Part 2

Story by Black Minx on SoFurry


I woke up in a stranger's home. I was lying in a bed covered with rags you would find from a thrift store. I was cold. I was weak. I had no clue where I was. Who was the woman I saw? Was she a friend or a foe? I rubbed my hands carefully on the right side of my neck where I was bit. Two scabs have formed where fangs once were. I uncovered myself to find I was naked. I walked up to a mirror and examined damaged done to my fragile body. There was a note taped to the mirror stating that I must cover up and dress my wound. There were bandages and clothes on the other side of the room on a chair. The clothes were just my size though they were not mine. I slowly picked up the clothes and placed them over my head. It was a white dress with a white jacket. I then dressed my wound with the bandages.

I creped outside of the room to find a woman sitting in a chair waiting for me, I stared at her. I didn't know what to think. Should I walk up to her? She held out one hand for me to grab. I could not resist her. I grabbed her hand and then fell in her arms. I was still weak. She picked my up with one arm under my legs and the other supporting my spinning head. She placed me in her lap. The women stroked my hair.

"If I would not have come when I did you would have been in a lot of trouble dear."

She looked about 22. She had long black wavy hair that covered her fully grown breasts. He brown eyes stared into mine waiting for a response. Learning quickly she would not receive one, she put her hand on my cheek on turn my face towards hers. She was beautiful.

"My name is Angelina. I am protector and creator of man. You will not be harmed again for I have chosen you, Young one. Your new name will be Zoe, which means life. Do not be afraid, for in do time you will understand your purpose and what your true mission in this life is."

This woman named Angelina, she was beautiful. I began to think I knew her, but I honestly her elegance makes me want to believe I have known her all my life. I wanted her, but I had so many questions. I wanted to be one with her, but what are these feeling I have? These feeling were only to be between woman and man, not women and women.

"Kiss me." I demanded.

"As you wish Zoe, "Angelina responded.

She carried swiftly and gracefully to the bed I awoke in. She placed her hand on my cheek and kisses me. I wanted more. She then kisses me again. I take a deep breath and exchanged saliva with Angelina. She puts me on top her and takes her shirt off. I take my jacket off. She lifts up my dress and places one of her fingers up my vaginal walls. She goes in hard and fast, out and slow. She continues for the next five minutes as we kiss. She pulls out a toy and straps it on. The toy is a dildo. She flips over again and thrusts it in me deep, hard, and slow. Sweat falls down our neck and we wipe it off with our tongues. I bite her nipples as they reached my mouth as she makes love to me. I don't want her to stop. Please don't stop, I try to say, but am in too much pain and enjoyment. Angelina continues to thrust inside my body. She is taking my virginity. She then whispers in my ear. I suddenly have an emotion I can't control. What is happening to me? I can't fight it. I flipped her over and ripped the toy off her. I hold her down and bite her neck.

"Good girl," Angelina says. "You can have all you want because I will not die. You do not have to hold me down. I am yours and will be forever, willing."