Jeremy 051; Initiation

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Jeremy sees his first scheduled client at The Thirteenth Floor

Okay you lot, I've teased this for long enough, so without further ado...

Jeremy finished the week at the Thirteenth Floor and his training. It had been more of a learning experience than he'd anticipated. The other staff members of The Floor now rated his massage as average. It seemed a harsh critique but he had resolved to improve as quickly as he could. As it was his arms and fingers hadn't been as sore as they felt after the full week of constantly kneading the muscles of his fellow staff members.

More surprising was everything he'd learned in regard to self grooming. He now understood why he'd been forced to purchase so many massage oils and other products. Between each session and especially after the post session clean up he was expected to use more grooming products than he'd ever heard of. Once he'd gotten several pieces of advice on their use Jeremy began using a good portion of them on a regular basis.

After only a few days he noticed the difference. His skin no longer itched. He hadn't known the random itches was from his pelt being dried out from the daily showers. Just a slight bit of unscented oils on his brush was enough. Even in his distracted state he had noticed his fur looking healthier. The advice he was given on laundering his clothes and other linens helped just as much. He'd never have thought a simple scented swatch of cloth added at the end of the drying cycle would do so much to reduce unpleasant odors.

Jenna talked with him at the end of the day on Friday. He was welcome to come in for some last minute details in his studio. His first client was already booked for Monday but Jenna was not divulging who it was.

The weekend went normally. Sam was in and out of the apartment much as he always was. Jeremy spent most of his free time reading. The television seemed even more boring and predictable than before. Sunday night came and Jeremy felt on edge and more than ready for his first active night on the Thirteenth floor.

Monday afternoon he went to the Thirteenth Floor after finishing his day at Nicholson. Jeremy had been run through the routine during training sessions so many times it was already a familiar routine. He first went to his studio to give it a final look over and also check his messages. He still had a single appointment for the night, scheduled to start in just under an hour. There were also two booked for the rest of the week. One in two days and one Friday night. His training would continue between appointments. He'd been told his schedule would start slow but pick up as word of the new male dominant got around certain circles.

Jeremy shook his head again at the thought. While true in its own way it also made him feel like a slab of meat in the market. He'd been advised that there were some that just wanted to be able to boast of having been with a dominant. He'd gone through the same at his job at the gym so wasn't really surprised. He finally had to admit that it was the sexual aspect of being up for bid that made him a little uncomfortable.

Jeremy waited in his studio until it was time to go out to reception and greet his first client. The time dragged by so slowly he was relieved that it was finally time but also stressed that it was time for him to perform. The walk through the hallways of what the staff called backstage suddenly felt strangely awkward. Jeremy had rarely felt as on edge as he did making his way to his first session at The Floor.

Stepping out to reception he looked around but only saw Jenna sitting on the couch across the room. Sandra sat behind the desk and watched him with her head tilted slightly and an odd expression on her face. He stood just inside the door unsure if he should go back to his studio for a few minutes or wait for his appointment to show up. Sandra stood after a few seconds and with a smile said "Jenna, please allow me to introduce your host for the evening, Jeremy. He'll escort you back to his studio."

He looked at the cougar to see she was smiling at him from where she lounged on the couch. Jeremy relaxed understanding it was to be another training session. He smiled and walked over to stand next to Jenna and offered his paw to help her stand. "It's good to meet you Miss Sandoval. What will it be for the night?"

"Oh, I'm here for the deluxe treatment, Jeffery." Jenna replied with a smirk on her face as she took his paw.

Helping her up from the couch Jeremy smiled and gently corrected her. "Wonderful my new friend, and my friends call me Jeremy. Shall we go to my studio and get started?" As he settled her paw on his arm and deftly turned her in the direction of the door.

Jenna replied "Yes, Jeremy, sorry I got the name wrong, lets get stated." as she was led out of the reception room.

Jeremy stated chatting with her, still roleplaying through another training session. After more than a week of similar run throughs he no longer felt self conscious about acting as he'd been taught. He led Jenna to his studio and started on her slowly. He was sure to make the effort to comfort her and allow her to adjust to new surroundings. The deluxe package started with a full body massage.

The table was on the far side of the room from the bed. He instructed her to lay on the cushioned table face down and slipped out of his shirt as she settled herself. He started with her footpads and worked up her legs. Jenna moaned lightly and even started purring as Jeremy moved up her body. This was the first time he'd done a full run through with her. The cougar was fit and lean much like all the staff. He kept his paws well oiled as her fur quickly soaked up the lubricant as he worked on her. It was subtly changing her scent, and again making him eager for more than a simple run through.

Jenna was still purring as he finished her backside and encouraged her to flip to lay on her back. Again he started low and worked up her body. This time she lifted her head and watched his progress. He often met her eyes and smiled. It had become easy after all the other practice sessions. As every training session had taught him he skipped her private area until later. The smile she gave at his verbal promise to save the best for later seemed a bit of a break of character for her.

Jeremy finished the full body massage by spending some time kneading the small muscles of Jenna's skull. Prompted by her lifting her head to him and the look in her eyes Jeremy leaned down and kissed her. The cougar's tongue entered his mouth as his gently probed into her own. Her sharp teeth parted wider after just a brief pause. As Jeremy pulled back from the kiss he felt her sandpaper tongue slide back against his own.

"Oh, Jeremy, thats great so far. Keep it up."

His paws gently slid over her chest giving one last brief massage before moving down to her taut belly. Jenna lifted herself up on her elbows to watch as Jeremy positioned himself over her crotch. He glanced up at her. None of the training sessions had gone past this point. They shared eye contact.

Jenna's eyes were full of need. Her slight eager smile let him know he was to continue even before her head gave one brief short nod. He was already half hard, he always had been at this point. If it were not for the table the cougar would have seen how ready he was. Instead he lowered his muzzle to her sex.

Extending his tongue to lick lightly across the soft fur of her crotch Jeremy groomed her. For almost a full minute he parted her fur in preparation. He could hear her purr strengthen. He didn't need to glance at the cougar to know she was staring at him. He kept his focus on the task at hand. His tongue slowly lapped at the folds of her sex. He was fully hard and straining in his pants.

Jeremy tilted his head to better align himself with her sex and slowly probed into her. He stopped at the gasp and turned his eyes to her. About four inches of his tongue had entered in a slow thrust. Jenna was staring at him eyes wide in surprise.

"Don't stop Jeremy."

Turning back to his work he probed deeper. He could taste her. His tongue felt the inner structures of the cougar. Unlike her tongue she was soft and supple. Warm, hot even, her sex was much hotter than her mouth had been. He could feel the soft vibrations of her purr transmitted to his tongue. Her taste was much stronger than her scent, salty and with hints of olives and garlic he wondered at how the oils had heightened her scent instead of changing it.

With more than six inches of his tongue in the cougar Jeremy could feel her thrusting up against him.

"Oh, Jeremy, you're going to so popular."

His heart was racing in his chest. His mind was throwing irrelevant thoughts at him. It was the first time he'd been allowed to go this far, would he be allowed to satisfy himself? Was Jenna really enjoying his work or was this more roleplaying? What did she really mean by her comment? He forced himself to focus on the task as he'd been instructed.

Every female had a spot where sensitive nerve endings clustered. He'd heard that well before coming to work on The Floor but finding that spot was now part of his training. If he could find where they were located he could provide his partner with an orgasm whenever he wished. He searched for Jenna's feather spot but she wasn't making it easy for him. Being instructed in the subtle clues on how close one was to finding the spot was far different from conducting the search oneself. The cougar was also likely able to suppress her reactions to his endeavorers. He searched on regardless.

His erection had reached a hard steady state of fullness. He could almost ignore it if not for the purring feline under him. The situation was forcing short groans and more than a few growls from him. In exploring Jenna he finally hit her tender spot almost by accident. She arched her back thrusting herself up into him and growling her passion. Jeremy felt his tongue loosen within her as fluids filled her sex. He couldn't help but lap up the excess. He hadn't thought he could get any harder but was proven wrong as her stronger taste filled his mouth.

Jeremy could hear their mutual groans and grunts underpinned by Jenna's loud purring. Jeremy kept at Jenna for several seconds. When she'd crested he pulled back out and slowly cleaned the last of her fluids from her. Finally looking up he saw she was still on her elbows watching him. Her look wasn't appraising as he'd expected. She stared at him with half lidded eyes and a satisfied look on her face.

As he stood Jenna said "That was exceptional. Please continue, I want to know what else you have to offer."

He smiled at the praise. He also held out his arm. "Then we should move to the bed."

Jenna took his offered paw. "Excellent." She replied.

Jeremy could see she had slipped back into her role-play character. Thinking back she'd slipped out of role-play perhaps seconds after he'd begun exploring her depths. It helped his self-confidence immensely. He smiled as he escorted her to the bed. She sat on the edge staring up at him. Her paws rested on either side of her. Her eyes were looking him over. He could see she had slipped out of her role-play again.

"Damn, Jeremy, thats impressive. Let me see."

Jeremy remained in character. "In time." he said as he leaned down to kiss her. Breaking away he stood again and said "Perhaps you could do the honors?"

Jenna chuckled. They both knew his comment was spur of the moment. He'd not been this forward during any of his previous role plays. "Very well." She said and reached out and started unbuttoning his trousers. He watched her expression as he came into full view. Still hard and ready he stood out more than a foot long. Jenna slid a soft paw along his length.

"Oh, Jeremy, you're going to be amazingly popular if you can learn to use this as well as you did with your tongue."

"Lay back." he ordered. Jenna looked at him and made a visible effort to get back in character. She scooted back onto the bed and laid on her back. Her head lifted up to watch him as he followed her onto the bed. Again relying on previous verbal coaching he started massaging Jenna's chest with one paw and positioned himself over her. He watched her eyes.

She was staring at his cock as he loomed over her. He wondered if the lick of her lips were part of role-play. He was so eager to enter her but also followed the coaching of his fellow male and even female staff members. It would be Jenna to guide him to her entrance. It was almost policy. He knew as she looked him in the eye after his pausing for more than ten seconds she'd tested him in this. With a smile of satisfaction she took his length in hand and gently pulled him lower.

Jeremy felt the soft wet lips meet his tip. He paused feeling the cougar exert more pressure on him. Jeremy wanted her to know he was the one in control. Their eyes met again with the acceptance of his dominance clear in Jenna's. Her lips parted in a slight smile.

"You are a fast learner, but you should have known its for me to show you the best part of this job."

Jeremy had no time to wonder what she meant as she thrust up to devour him. His cock speared deep into her at the single fast thrust. He let out a verbalization somewhere between a grunt and sigh at the sudden enveloping of his member. Until then he'd always thought he'd had to take his entry slow. He realized that with a fellow dominant there was no such need for excess caution. She took almost all of him in her next thrust.

Jeremy thrust back filling her with his last inches. He knew he'd fallen out of character but in watching he saw that Jenna wasn't about to admonish him.

"Yes, Jeremy." Jenna said as their eyes met again.

With his teeth clenched Jeremy could only hiss his passion. While she was able to take his full length in only two thrusts and yet she was still tight. More than that her inner muscles were doing things he'd never felt from a partner before. He knew he'd lost control of the session but didn't care. His mind rationalized that she was far more practiced anyway, why would she expect him to be a match for her experience.

Jeremy felt free to enjoy the session. He also knew that he could almost be excused if he rut her with abandon. There was still the aspect of a job to preform. He watched the female as she reached up to kneed his chest muscles. He was amazed at how her massage technique only heightened his desire. He was so close. He was trying to hold out but he could feel himself begin to tip over the edge. Desperate to regain some control he pulled back and twisted his hips and thrust just a bit harder.

His aim was close enough. His cock chevrons against her suspected feather spot caused Jenna to climax just as Jeremy started cumming. He stared into her eyes seeing his own passion reflected back.

Together they finished each other. Jeremy felt her muscles clench around him and squeeze his seed from him mercilessly. He wondered if normal males could withstand such strength. He closed his eyes at the puff of breath from Jenna hitting his face. With the last of his strength he held himself above her watching as she caught her breath. It took him a few seconds to search through his memory and find the next step from his earlier training.

Back into character Jeremy said in all honesty. "That was fantastic, Jenna. Would you like any help in getting cleaned up?"

With a smile and affirmative nod she turned her eyes down to where she watched as he slowly pulled up. His length slid out of her, inch after inch until he came free. Soft thick and heavy Jeremy was still more than a foot long and hung down well past his balls.

"Damn," Jenna observed "you're almost the same size as Jake."

"Are we out of character now?"

"Sort of, you passed your finals as it were. Even as new to this as you are I can probably raise your rates fairly soon."

Jeremy stood and offered his paw to his feline boss. "So, I know this always gets asked, but how was that?"

Jenna stood with his help and brought him into a hug. "Jeremy, that was very good for someone so young. I came twice. It took Jake almost a month to accomplish that."

Jeremy couldn't suppress the smile that came to his face.

"Just remember," Jenna continued, her teaching mode back in full display "Your size is going to require you to be cautious with normal females. However, your technique is already far better than most males so, yes, you're going to be very popular."

"Thanks. I'll remember." Jeremy said as they both entered the small bathroom. They helped each other clean up in the shower. Jeremy was struck again at how much he'd grown since first meeting Jenna. He now stood just a few inches shorter than the cougar. He was also constantly being told he had a year or more of growth still ahead of him. Jenna had said on several occasions that one last surge of physical growth accompanied the time dominants entered the final stages of development. Jeremy was beginning to wonder just how much larger he was going to finally be.

* * * *

Those of you that saw the first run likely remember this one. Its been rewritten just a bit to change the tone to fit the story but otherwise its much the same. As a surprise and also to celebrate the one year mark I'll be posting the next chapter tomorrow.