Serenity Base - Episode 1 Part 1

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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The long awaited Serenity Base Episode 1 is up and running with a new team of four up to face the gauntlet of Cobalt's tricky maze and games. New games, new places and new adventures await. So dip and join the ride. It's gonna be wild. For us as much as the brave team I hope. Yes, chapter one might be a bit of a slow start and not very messy but chapter two is going to fix that.

Well..been a long time coming if not in the writing. I think a bit of distance and time has cleared up my issues over this. Certainly if this chapter is anything to go by. I'm really getting my swing back with this. Hopefully something that will continue as this series does.

Credit for the logo goes to akidarkstar Creations. She took my basic brief and smashed it out. Totally. I'm loving the work she did. Do go and chevk her out. You won't be disappointed. Trust me.

Want to see more from me? Please do check out my Patreon where I'm writing messy fan driven stories where you can direct the action with one simple pledge. Okay, it's not furry stuff but still a lot of fun.

'Oh, well. Guess I'm early.' Bonni shrugged, that gesture which might have seemed casual upon the surface was really anything but. It was, like her entrance, pure bravado all wrapped up in a cute package. For despite the air of almost brash confidence the grey furred mammal had displayed right from the moment she stepped out of her car, her stomach had still squirmed during the long walk past the reception desk towards where the young badger had directed her to wait for the rest of her teammates.

Still, she had come this far and she wasn't going to back out now. That was Bonni all over really. Once she had decided to do something she saw it through to the end. Others might have called it stubborn, and often did. But to her it was pure determination.

'Well...I suppose this is what we are supposed to wear.' Bonni pushed down her doubts, almost forcefully focusing on the racks of clothing that had caught her eye as a timely distraction. 'Could be worse I suppose. Certainly better than doing it naked I suppose.'

The jumpsuit in her paws while clearly meant to be functional did at least have a little style to it, high cut on the hips, the bottom of the outfit styled after a pair of shorts more than the trousers she would have expected. Obviously tailored to be form fitting rather than baggy and loose which could have been to aid movement but was more likely for aesthetic reasons, it did have a few nice touches like the moon logo on the breast, the military styled epaulets on the shoulders and the low slung belt that was pure decoration as far as she could see but could have a purpose.

'Then again, I could wear this and be practically naked.'

That comment came as Bonni replaced the red jumpsuit with the matching bikini hanging on the rack opposite it. 'I suppose we are supposed to wear this under the other. Makes sense I guess. I...'

'Oh. Hey there. Just arrived?'

Bonni fought back a frown as she turned towards the source of that voice tinged with a light northern accent that added a natural relaxed tone to it. It wasn't the grey furred kitten who greeted her with a slightly bashful smile that was the source of that brief frown. No, it was the sloth standing beside her with his arms crossed over his chest lightly, his brown fur offset by the white streak of the close cut Mohawk cutting across his head. A look that would have gone perfectly with a few earrings but the only concession to his looks was his bare muscled arms.

'Uhuh. Just got here.' Bonni said to cover her surprise. But maybe she shouldn't have been surprised to see a guy here. It wasn't like anyone had said the show was only open to girls. Maybe the pilot had just purely by chance fielded an all female team. 'Guess that makes me the leader hmm? And I've already picked out the perfect colour too. Nothing says leadership like red, yes?'

'You want to be the leader?' The kitten asked, clearly not as bashful and shy as she first appeared. Which she did look with her long wavy brown hair that completed the chaste cut of her outfit, the buttoned shirt and loose skirt seeming more like a school uniform if the latter hadn't been a sky blue that lifted the plain black skirt. At least she wasn't afraid to speak up. 'I'm not sure they are doing that this year. They did say a lot of things had changed. Not that I mind. Better you then me.'

'That's the spirit.' Bonni nodded with a smile, her eyes flicking towards the sloth to see if he disagreed. The only response she received was a non committal shrug. 'Guess we should know each other. I'm Bonni.'

'Makes no bones to me. I'm Adam and she's Uma.' The sloth replied with a nod to the kitten. 'As I say, I don't mind. But we aren't all here, are we? There should be four of us. She might not go along with that.'

'What makes you say 'she'?' Bonni asked.

'Well..the last team was all girls.' Adam continued. 'Honestly, I'm surprised they let me in. Let's face it, I bet most of their audience tuned in to see cute girls getting completely gunged as much as for the game itself. You did know about that right?'

'I've seen the trailers if that is what you mean.' Bonni replied. 'And the gunge. Couldn't help seeing it since they started splashing around clips of the first show. I'm amazed those four managed to get through it really. I'm sure we can all do better.'

'I don't think they did too bad.' Adam replied, careful not to mention how he thought they didn't look too bad either, especially the pictures and clips of them all slathered in gunge which had taken centre stage in his fantasies recently. Especially the one where the cute gerbil tried to squirm her way through the sensor bars, getting slathered in gunge despite her best efforts. That one he had enjoyed watching a lot of times. There was just something about the way she giggled through the gungings that made it all the more endearing.

'Oh, hey. Everyone's here hmm?' Once again the locker room was filled with the voice of a newcomer, this one belonging to a lithe female kangaroo rather casually dressed in tight jeans and stomach baring white tank top that showed off a muscled physique to match Adam's toned arms. If Bonni was any judge, she must work out for a living. Either way, she certainly wasn't the shy retiring type as she wasted no time introducing herself. 'Cool. I'm Lucci. You guys done anything like this before? I haven't but always wanted too. I thought I'd missed out on all the cool shows but looks like I didn't.

'Well....if by cool...' Uma replied slowly. ' mean ones that get us drenched in gallons of icky goo and slime, then this is gonna be cool. By the look of the pilot games, none of us can expect to get away clean. That's kinda the point I think, to make sure we all end up covered in gallons of something disgusting before this is over.'

'Ahhh...don't worry about it.' Bonni hoped the casual wave of her paw disguised the shudder of mixed revulsion and almost curiosity at such a thought that she couldn't completely hide. 'I'm sure you guys will do great at the games you play.'

'Don't you mean we play?'

'O..of course.' Bonni half stammered at the slightly suspicious gaze Lucci fixed her with before she recovered. 'I know I'm going to do great. I'm just trying to pep you guys up a bit. That's what a leader does.'

If anything, Lucci's frown deepened, although at least the emotion behind it had obviously changed. Changed with mild suspicion replaced with almost indignation. 'Who said you are the leader here?

'Stands to reason.' Bonni said firmly. 'I've done stuff like this before. Team building. Corporate adventure days. Comes with the job.'

'Really?' Lucci replied.

Come on. Does it really matter? We are all a team after all. Uma tried to defuse the conflict before it started.

'Well..I guess not. It's gonna be a blast either way. So why not.' Lucci shrugged, her peppy demeanour returning like she threw a switch. 'Well..I'm gonna grab a shower since we have time. Anyone else coming?'

'I will.' Bonnie said, apparently satisfied that the debate was sorted and done. Something Uma seemed relieved about as well if her soft sigh was any indication to Adam. 'See you guys in a few.'

'Maybe...I should too.' Uma practically whispered, her voice muffled even more by the way she dipped her head. 'If know...want to change alone.'

'I'm okay with it.' Adam said casually and earnestly. For him and lots of furs his age, coed changing facilities were common place from schools to gyms and swimming pools. So common that really Bonni and Lucci wouldn't have minded him being in the shower room as they showered. It was just an every day thing like coed classrooms. Which made him all the more curious as to why Uma seemed bashful about it. 'But if it makes you feel better, I'll stay over this side. I won't look. I promise.'

Uma just nodded, moving over to the rack on the other side of the room quickly. Perhaps too quickly. She didn't say that out loud but that was the thought in her head. Why did she just go along with it, with what he said, instead of being bolder like she always said she should. Or at least spoke her mind. She wouldn't have minded if Adam had looked, if only she could have been honest about that. Fighting down a sigh she turned her attention to the swimwear before her and her heart leapt.

The..these are all bikinis. That thought rushed into her head in a flash. Hastily and with a speed bordering on panic Uma glanced behind her. All the one pieces were beside Adam..who had just started to remove his shirt. Cheeks burning as hot as the Sun she span back to the rack before her. Well...she could just wear one of these..right? It wasn't like anyone would see it. Right? It's...

She trailed off that monologue with a shake of her head. Time to bite the bullet. At least there was a blue one with a more modest top than some of the others that would have barely covered the nipples of even her a-cup breasts.

She still bashfully and quickly undresses, her socks seeming a safe place to start. Feet cold on the floor, she crossed her arms and lifted her shirt. Down to the floor it went and her skirt followed close behind. tossing her clothes on the floor to pile shirt on top of skirt with her socks beneath., swapping her bra for the top. She did hesitate to check Adam wasn't watching before the other half of the bikini replaced her hastily discarded panties. She adjusted it a few times before Adam's voice made her blush return.

'That is what you are wearing?' Surely Adam didn't mean that cruelly or out of any desire to humiliate her. In fact, Uma was certain the only emotion she could hear in his voice was surprised curiosity. None of which made her cheeks burn any less. Just for a second Uma was catapulted back to her first year of high school when her rather plain dress sense had earned her the mockery of the snide senior students almost on a daily basis. But surely Adam wasn't like that.

It was that thought and that thought alone that gave her the confidence to muster even her weak reply. 'Well..we are going to be playing games right? Quite active ones right? Makes sense to wear something that isn't going to be too constrictive right?' Honestly even if she was only being honest with herself, Uma was not so much clutching at straws as pulling them hastily out of thin air to form her flimsy excuse to cover her bashfully crippling shyness that wasn't exactly being helped by seeing Adam standing before her barely dressed. ''s not like anyone is going to see it.'

There. She had just finished with the lamest sentence of all, something so dorklike and pathetic that Adam couldn't help but think exactly that and more of her. So sure was Uma in that conviction that she was on the verge of running out of the room when Adam broke into a shy grin.

'Kinda a shame really. It looks very cute on you.' Adam said almost hesitantly but earnestly. As earnest as he was glad he had his shirt draped casually over his arm, thankfully hanging to obscure the prominent bulge in his trunks. Truth be told, he had already been a little worked before he had arrived here. Being surrounded by three such cute girls would have been enough by itself to push his hyper teen libido into overdrive. Couple that with his excitement with actually seeing them getting gunged and Adam was surprised he hadn't popped a boner before now.

Privately, since this was something he wouldn't dare admit to anyone, Adam's fantasies recently had also been filled with imaginings of his imagined teammates falling foul of one messy forfeit after another, most nights spent stroking himself to a gasping orgasm to such delicious fantasies.

Hoping she gets gunged in her bikini. Suddenly hyper aware of his straining erection made all the harder by the sudden thought of Uma squirming under a sticky deluge of pink gunge raining down upon her from one of the show's merciless machines, Adam turned to face the rack of jumpsuits again. Unbidden the thought of Uma trapped in the lift trap rose in his mind, his imagination conjuring the image of her squirming both under the vibrant gunge raining down on her shoulders and Cobalt's teasing laughter. 'Shame we only get black trunks to wear.' Adam said as casually as he could. 'Doesn't exactly match these jumpsuits. But like you say, no one is really going to see it. Still, at least we get to wear trousers. Shorts aren't really my thing.'

Silence followed that, an almost awkward gap in the halting conversation that Adam desperately tried to fill as he tugged his jumpsuit over his legs ' seems to fit. Doesn't look too bad. Kinda sci-fi, I guess. Which makes sense. It's not too tight. I guess I could go a size larger. How does yours fit?

'Mine is..okay.' Uma replied carefully. 'Only..I wonder..could me?

'Do you?' Adam fought hard for his fingers not to fumble as she adjusted his zip, her no doubt accidental phrase forcing a return to his aroused hardness.

'Could me up.' Adam didn't need to be looking at Uma to know she was blushing but he couldn't exactly help himself. 'I..can't reach mine.'

'Sure.' Adam wandered over as casually as he could, his hardness not exactly subsiding as his eyes roamed over the delicate swell of her ass. A sweet curve he had to fight the urge to reach for as he gently tugged the zip higher over her exposed back.

'Sorry if that know..rude.' Uma said suddenly. 'I..don't talk much with guys. Or at all really. My parents wanted me to go to an all girls school. Doesn't mean I'm any better at talking with girls either. Not really. I just get kinda shy and start rambling to have something to say and just keep going on and on and on and...see...I'm doing it now.'

'Seemed to be doing okay from where I was standing.' Adam said truthfully. 'You weren't exactly hiding in a corner when the others were here, were you?'

'' Uma brightened even as her blush grew.

'And besides, I know a lot of guys who would love to talk with you.' Adam replied. 'Trust me, guys like the cute ones. And cute is very in right now. And don't even dare to say you aren't cute. I know cute when I see it.'

'I won't. But..I don't really know.' Uma sighed. 'No one has called me cute before. parents of course. Which doesn't really count I think. I'm not exactly popular. I mean...I've got friends. More friends than I expected to make but I'm not exactly with the in crowd. I've never seemed to fit in with the more popular students. I just kinda keep my head down and..sorry..I'm doing it again.'

'Don't be.' Adam replied. 'I like hearing you talk. Besides, we have our share of the ultra popular girls at my school as well. Surrounded by lots of people who want to be seen with them but without any real friends. Girls that won't even look at guys like me. Never mind that I'm on the baseball team, which is my only real claim to anything cool. No, they only want the football players or track stars. Or to get them to notice them anyway. It is a shame that no one has noticed you though. Are you sure there isn't a senior somewhere with a bit of a crush on their cute underclasswoman? That's a shame.'

'Silly.' Uma slapped his arm. 'This isn't a yuri manga. Life doesn't work like that.'

'Maybe not.' Adam conceded. 'Still..doesn't mean that we couldn't..when we are done here..'

'Jeez..get a room you two.'

'I think that's kinda what they had in mind.' Bonni teased with a good natured grin. 'Still got time if you pair of love birds want to take a quick shower together. Oh..wait. You are already dressed. Maybe when we are done? A nice little shared shower to wash away all that gunge you are soon to be covered in.

'There you go with the you again.' Lucci said with a definite hint of suspicion as she stripped out of her top and bra casually as you please, not hiding behind anything while she bent to slide her shorts down her legs. 'Again with this 'you' business.'

Lucci left that hanging in the air, her panties joining the rest of her clothes so she stood naked for a few seconds before slipping into a plain white bikini that she topped with a black jumpsuit.

'You mean there you go again.' Bonni hastily replied, in contrast to the more measured way she undressed, carefully folding her shirt and trousers on the bench behind her her. Even under Lucci's stare she didn't hurry, one arm held coyly over her suddenly loosened bra in time with a teasing smirk. 'You do love to jump to conclusions don't you? Maybe you have a problem with the gunge since you are acting so jumpy.'

'Oh please.' Lucci scoffed. 'If I was worried about that, I wouldn't be here. Why would anyone come on a show where they knew they would get drenched in gunge if they were scared of it.'

'Well..I know why I'm here. Cause this team needs a leader. And, Lucci sweetie, you won't find a better leader than me.' Bonni said flatly, quickly changing into her red bikini and slipping the matching jumpsuit over it with the same focused seriousness she slipped into her suits every a warrior dressing for battle.

'Yeah, because leading Corporate Events is really such a big thing. I'm sure you are quite good at whatever company you work for.' Lucci replied, carefully adjusting her jumpsuit. 'I do a team sport for a living. We wouldn't have made it as far as we did. My first year as captain we got to the national finals. That's the National Australian Surfing Championships. Could have gone all the way too. Next year we will and then the Pacific Cup will be our stomping ground. That beats some little corporate event any day.'

'It's not 'whatever company.'' Bonni replied. 'Westhouse Consultancy. Fortune500 company. Perhaps you've heard of it. As senior intern I'm very well respected.'

'Hey hey.' Adam said quickly. 'Let's all cool down. We are on the same team here. No reason to get nasty.'

'I guess.' Lucci admitted, quickly extending a paw which Bonni took earnestly. 'You want to be leader that's fine with me. You aren't better than me that's all.'

'Never said I was.' Bonni gratefully accepted the olive branch that had distracted from her second slip of the tongue, one she was thankful that Lucci hadn't followed to the conclusion she was afraid she was building up too. 'I'm not the most..athletic as you may have noticed. Nowhere near as good as you. I'm counting on that.'

Lucci frowned, not sure what to make of that. Either luckily or unluckily she didn't have time to work it out as a new voice attracted all of their attention at once.

'Ahh..good. You are all ready. If you will follow me, Ill take you to the set.'