Denver Chapter 2 - Spencer

Story by LuccaTheOtter on SoFurry

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#2 of Denver

Is it ever too early to love someone? Spencer just met the most amazing guy in a place you wouldn't have expected, but the night isn't over. What does Jaxon have planned? Drinking? Sex? Both?

If a friend offered you twenty bucks to go and get absolutely uncomfortable in a room with at least thirty others all jacking off and watching two or three or more guys in the middle banging would you do it? Being a college student, where money doesn't come easy, causes you to disobey your conscience and say yes. That's what I did. Spencer Willow, twenty-one, virgin, and afraid of everything that has to do with other people being involved, but hey, twenty dollars is twenty dollars. So I got my cash and went and was only there for ten whole minutes before I watched a Rabbit try and feel up an Equine. I bet you can guess it didn't go over well. Words were thrown, thankfully no punches, and out of it, I am in the Equine's car, head resting against his bicep and both arms wrapped around his right arm. If I would have known I would be in this situation, hell, I would've come here for free. But again, here I sit, in this cold-ass car with the heaters blasted, wearing my favorite CU hoodie nuzzled up against this Donkey I just met not even an hour ago, and all I can do is smile.

Jaxon hummed softly to the music, barely registering on the speakers though still loud enough I could tell it was country. We passed street light after street light, each one lighting up the inside for a brief second before fading back out to black. We continued down Colfax for a few miles before Jaxon stopped humming his tunes.

"So I know an amazing bar a few blocks down close to my apartment. If you were up for it I would love to treat you to some drinks while we chit chat, maybe get to know each other more." He shared glancing down at me.

"Sure! Why not." I exclaimed, tail wagging at a slow pace.

Some time to get to know Jaxon is what I could use. Have some drinks; talk about our lives; share some laughs.

Jaxon went back to humming his music. After a few minutes of driving into LoDo, Jaxon pulled to the side, parallel parking in front of a building that read 'Thirsty Elk'. Only a few cars sat outside as well, though the weather is probably the cause of that.

I sat up reaching for the door handle before the Donkey spoke.

"Let me get the door for you, just wait one second," he said, shutting off the car, grabbing his few necessary items and exiting the driver's side. He rushed around the front of the Subaru and gripped the door handle pulling the door open. "Here you go, my good sir."

"Thank you, mister gentleman." I snickered.

I took a step out of the vehicle as he shut the door behind me, the cool air brushing through my jacket and gliding against my fur. With a quick shiver I sped up my pace and opened the door allowing Jaxon to enter first and I following behind him. We found two empty seats at the bar, making a home at the counter.

Behind the bar stood a tall and scrawny Greyhound with no name tag who couldn't be much older than I am. She wore a black polo with an Elks face printed on the upper right corner and a pair of blue acid washed skinny jeans, perfectly fit to her legs.

"Welcome to the Thirsty Elk, my name is Melody, anything I can get started for you tonight?" She spoke with a tone that could brighten any day like today.

"Get anything you want, it's on me." Jaxon started. "I'll have a Ten FIDY Bourbon Barrel please."

"Surprise me with something sweet and fruity," I said quietly unsure of what to get. We handed her our identification and as soon as she got the information, she set the cards down and began tending to our beverages.

He glanced over looking at the large logo pasted on my hoodie, then up to me. "So, I'm guessing by your hoodie you either are still in college or just graduated."

"That is correct! I have one more year left. I'm getting my degree in teaching so I can be an elementary school teacher."

He chuckled softly as the waitress presented our drinks to us. I received a strawberry mango margarita as my surprise.

"You sure you can handle being around that many people every day?" He questioned

I bobbed my head taking a sip of the drink as a sweetness explosion erupted in my muzzle.

The flavors engulfed my taste buds like a fire sweeping a forest. The strong mango taste and the slight hint of Strawberry made it seem as though there was not a single drop of alcohol.

"Fuck this is good."

"I told you," Jaxon stated.

"Anyways," I started, taking another swallow, "You'd actually be surprised how great I am around kids. They are just so much fun to be around."

Jaxon taking a few chugs from his tap, he added, "You obviously didn't grow up with siblings."

"Actually, I practically raised my little sister. My parents weren't really home ever from them always having the money to leave town and such that I got to be the motherly figure my sister grew up to know. I would walk her to school every day and then attend high school for half the day and then be waiting for her to get out every day. I'd read her bedtime stories and watch movies. It was-" I stopped mid-sentence feeling a rush of emotions hit me like a train or maybe it was just the alcohol. An expressionless look sat placed on my face.

"You okay?" Jaxon asked with a concerned gaze.

"Yeah, yeah. I just, I don't know. When I moved out to go to college three years ago, my sister got taken away by child protective services, since we lived in an abusive family. So I will never get to see her again. She is the reason I made my choice to be a teacher so that I can be that friendly face the kids look up too like she did to me."

I took a deep sighing breath, taking more of the margarita into my throat.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bum out the talk."

He cloaked his arms around me, embracing tightly as he spoke. "We are getting to know each other, the good and the bad." He inched back repositioning himself in the chair. "Sounds like you are the best brother anyone can hope for. You are sweet and caring and will be the best damn teacher for any kid."

I grinned. My heart began to flutter at the sight of the Donkey. A feeling as though butterflies sang and danced, tickling every inch of my body. The fur on my arms stood at attention.

We finished off our drinks and Jaxon paid the bartender.

"Hey Melody," Jaxon began, "could you tell Don I will be back for my car in the morning."

She nodded, waving us off. Jaxon held the door open allowing me to pass through. The harsh air and snowfall chilled me to the bone as a shiver commenced.

"I'm gonna grab my extra coats from the trunk. Go ahead and grab your stuff. We can walk to my place from here. It's about five minutes away."

He pulled his keys from his pocket, finding the key fob and clicking a button that rose the car from the dead. I skipped to the passenger side, grabbing a red Jansport backpack from the floorboard and shutting the door. Clopping his hooves on the concrete, he made his way to the trunk, opening it, and reaching in, pulling out two large fitted jackets. He surrounded me in one, which hung over me like a blanket and then covered himself up, shutting the back of the car and clicking his button twice sending the vehicle to a peaceful slumber. Jaxon offered his arm and without hesitation, I sprung up clinging to him. We started on our way down the lit up sidewalk towards a towering building in the distance talking some and laughing and enjoying each others company for the short amount of time.

We entered a door that led to a staircase, proceeding to the parking garage. We declined down and made our way to the elevator doors.

"So I know we never agreed on going to my place and that is perfectly okay if you don't want to, I get that, although I can pay for an Uber or a Lyft or something and can get you home," Jaxon stated, his eyes shining in the dimmed garage.

"Whatever you feel is the best," I suggested.

"...Or we can go to my apartment. I have some wine thereon can continue more about us and be classy."

I nodded and giggled. "Classy? I'll take that offer."

He chuckled in response, placing his hand into mine. Jaxon pressed the UP button as the gears from the elevator began to operate. A few seconds later, a ding sounded and the doors threw themselves open allowing us to step in. Jaxon reached out and hit floor 37 and the metal cage sealed itself tight.

The incline started quickly. Floor after floor, the elevator sat quiet, except the occasional breath being heard echoing.

Once we arrived at floor 37, another bell sounded and the door opened. Jaxon began to strut out with me shadowing close behind down the hallway. We came to an abrupt stop at a door on the right.

"Here we are! Hope you like it. It's not much, but it's perfect."

He reached into his front left pocket and whipped out the same set of keys, using the orange painted one to unlock his deadbolt. He reached for the knob and opened the front door stepping in. Still trailing close behind like a lost puppy, we came into the living room.

"Jaxon, Next time tell me you are on your way home!" A man's voice called out.

Straight ahead on the sofa, sat a Beagle, half dressed, and a fully erect, pulsing, and wet rocket. He sprung up and covered himself with a shirt that was laying on the coffee table.

"Bart, I'm ready!" another voice called out, this time the voice sounded female. "Who's here?"

"Bart I told you I'd be home around ten," Jaxon shouted.

"It's eleven-thirty!" Bart snapped back.

"Also, who is she?" Jaxon questioned

With a grieving sigh, Bart spoke. "That is Cassidy."

"Hello, I'm Cassidy, but please, call me Cass." A Tiger wondered out of the hallway and into my view.

I quickly covered my face, hiding away the embarrassment after noticing she lacked any clothing.

"You didn't tell me you invited some cute friends!" Cass exclaimed. She started towards Jaxon and I and placed her paw on to my cheek caressing it. "This one is too cute to resist!"

"The ass is my roommate Jaxon, The Dalmatian is new." Bart said, sounding more aggravated. He quickly walked over gripping her unused paw and drug her away to the hallway as a door shut, vibrating the walls in the kitchen to the right of me.

"Use a Condom!" Jaxon blurted out.

"I know!" Bart yelled, his voice muffled through the door down the hall.

Jaxon trotted on the hardwood flooring to the counter of the kitchen setting his keys and wallet down. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out an unopened bottle of Roscato red wine out and reached above, removing two beautifully crafted wine glasses and dropped them off on the countertop.

"I apologize about that, I sometimes forget I have a roommate."

I swallowed what little courage I had left and uncovered my face. "That's quite alright. I didn't expect any of that so-" I trailed off.

He chuckled unscrewing the cap and pouring half a glass each. "Yeah, me either. Oh, please, make yourself at home. You can set your bag out here or in my room whichever you prefer."

"Where is your room?" I asked stepping further into the living room looking down the hallway.

"Oh, it's the door on the left. Here let me show you."

He placed the cap back on the bottle and hoisted up the two glasses of wine. He walked out of the kitchen, passed me a glass, and began towards the hall. We came to the halfway point; a door on the left, a door straight ahead, and another door at the end on the right where laughter and moans sounded. Jaxon reached out and twisted the doorknob on the door to the left of him, pushing open the door revealing his room. A burst of cold air rushed into the hallway like a recently fired bullet. The small corner of the apartment came to life. The light grey desk and dresser sitting on the left-hand side, Turquoise Curtains drew back revealing a balcony overlooking the heart of the city directly in front, and lastly, a queen sized bed with two oddly shaped hexagonal end tables cluttered with cups and other odds and ends.

He scampered to the bed and began to unbutton the dress shirt he had been wearing.

"Go ahead and set your stuff where ever you like. I'm going to get out of these clothes and get more comfortable." Jaxon stated, already done with his shirt and starting with his slacks.

I set my bookbag down next to the dresser along with the coat Jaxon lent me. My attention panned to the glass door. I strolled to it, stopping just before, staring out over the winter cloaked city, lights still shining vibrantly inside the massive structures. The streets alive with passing cars and little to few pedestrians taking a stroll down the long stretch of closed shops and open bars. A sight I never would have imagined seeing from such a high place this far into the city; A sight so magnificent, the lives being shared at this exact moment stood in perfect harmony.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Jaxons voiced rang in my ears.

I turned around snapping back into reality. The equine stood directly behind in only a pair of dark green boxer briefs. I didn't notice his shift on the flooring. I glanced over my left shoulder back to the cityscape.

"It is. Though I'd feel so lonely being up here and not down there."

Jaxon gave off a quiet sigh. "It is lonely up here, trust me. I've been up here alone for three long years without another person to share it with."

I felt his pain. I've never had a relationship in my entire life. I always took care of other business like tending to the needs of my sister and making sure I had a perfect education.

I embraced him, wrapping my arms around him as tight as I could. He placed his paws on my back and squeezed with a small bit of pressure.

"I'm glad you came. I'm sorry I didn't tidy up beforehand."

"That is alright. I think it is perfect the way it is." I said leaning my head back.

Our eyes connected. I reached up placing my lips onto his.

Without hesitancy, he slid his tongue in and out of my maw. The gentle kiss quickly dissolved into a messy; sloppy exchange of spit. Jaxon began sliding his hands down my body and up into my hoodie, pulling it off, breaking the smooch for a brief second before resuming the mouth brawl. He tossed it to the side and started at my skinny jeans; unbuttoning and unzipping; a violent, yet seductive scene. I reached to the front with my right paw, groping the underwear bulge feeling a pulsing; veiny flesh trapped behind the fabric. After a minute or two, he broke the kiss as both of us removed the last remaining garments we had left standing.

I moved to the bed laying on my back with my legs dangling off the edge. Jaxon stepped to his dresser pulling out a bottle of Astroglide and popping open the cap, squirting out a handful before applying to his cock, massaging it to its full length. He took a couple of steps setting the opened bottle onto the bed and sliding his body against mine, his thick member gliding between my thighs as placed his left hand around the side of my face embracing his lips with mine. His right paw moved down to my tail hole, his broad index finger brushing the rim before slipping in.

In the kiss, I let out a breathless moan as my face glowed a bright pink. Out and in, out and in. Hard to believe this was only his finger.

A second finger entered, again letting out another whimper, this time louder than the last.

Jaxon spoke with his breath, "You like that?"

"Mhmm," I hummed with a stutter.

A laugh caught sounded from him.

He slipped his fingers in and out a few more times before leaning up, pulling them out and gripping his beefy member in his right paw, prodding my orifice. He proceeded to push. The circumference of his cock initiated the entrance to expand. I tensed up beginning to catch a sickening pain striking me causing a yelp to fumble out of my muzzle.

"Pull out, pull out!" I cried.

Jaxon tugged his member as my hole shut itself.

"It's okay, I got ahead of myself. Just try and relax, tensing up restricts anything and everything going through. Deep breaths and calmed breathing." He spoke softly. "Ready to go again?"

I nodded as he took another attempt. The expansion began to pulse the pain again. I started to breathe slowly, in and holding, and following out all the way and repeating. Jaxon paused allowing my body to form around the meat waiting inside me. After a few more breathing attempts, I calmed down. He resumed and furthered his member deeper into me and before I knew it he reached the base. He started thrusting slowly, gradually picking up the pace. I clenched my jaw swinging my arms above my head grasping the sheets tightly as Jaxon began to bulldoze. My rocket protruded from my sheath twitching and throbbing. With my left paw, I released the chokehold on the sheet and lowered to my lipstick massaging it out of hiding to its small and full six inches, my knot tensing out from its warm furred covering. The bed creaked with every forceful push.

Jaxons breath grew heavier by the minute. Quickly he muttered, "Do you want it in or out?"

"In, f-fuck please fill me!" I wailed, groaning with his movements.

Jaxon sped up until finally he let out a cry and his thrusts slowed. I felt his cock flare. The heat from his sperm poured inside as I finally came. Spurt after spurt fell onto my chest, tensing with every shot that gushed from my urethra.

Jaxon stopped thrusting. He inched back until his member popped out and fell flaccid. For a moment the only sounds escaping our mouths was breathless pleasure.

He strutted to the Closet next to his door and reached in pulling out two towels and handed one to me for my chest and the other he placed near my gaping and leaky tail-hole before he laid down on his back resting his hands on his stomach.

"How long does a dog stay knotted?"

Catching my breath, I spoke. "Me, about twenty to twenty-five minutes. I've been told being inside of someone can take about forty to fifty minutes depending on size." I chortled.

"Good, that means we got the shower first since that hound still has some time to go."

Silence fell into the room. I gazed up at the ceiling closing my exhausted eyelids.

"Weird question," he started, "were you a virgin?"

My eyelids threw open. "Uhm, w-well, yes?"

"I'm so sorry!" Jaxon excited in a panic sitting up. "I hope I didn't like, ruin any of your sex plans. God, I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have come on to you like that."

I sat up.

"No no no, it is alright. Honestly. Really. It's okay. Actually, in all the years I held off for a dumb reason, it's a moment like this that I hoped for." I tried. "In fact, out of all the times I had the opportunity, I am happy it was with you Jaxon. I am known for being head over heels for guys but I've never had a relationship, and I think I fell hard for you."

His face turned red with embarrassment as his left ear twitched.

"I, uhh-" He swallowed the built up spit brewing in his mouth. "I haven't the had a guy that into me before. I always look for it but when I do it's a dead end."

Jaxon cackled nervously, unsure of how to put his sentence.

"I actually went to Spa tonight to meet a guy and see if he was the one and it was a dead end like always."

"And there-" I paused briefly tilting my head down gazing up into his eyes," you met me."

The smile on Jaxon's face grew and grew. He sprung up from his place on the bed, grappling me in a hug. Soft sniffles came from the donkey. I patted him on the back nuzzling my face against him feeling the radiating warmth from him shadow me.

He backed away releasing his hold and wiping the tear stream from his left eye with his palm.

"I'm a hopeless romantic. You made me feel something I could never have imagined I would feel. You are like a dream I've waited for, and Spencer, I want to be everything for you like you have become to me."

A sinking feeling hit my chest. Anxiety? Confidence? Excitement? Whatever it was, I felt alive. I've always wanted to start a family. One where the parents love their children; where the parent's love is like no other; where I can feel the affection and not fear entering a door where the grass couldn't be less green. I think I'm in love with him.

He pecked his lips against mine, then looked down.

"Hey, would you look at that. Your rocket is hiding again." He laughed.

I peered down noticing the enclosed sheath. "I guess I didn't notice with our talk," I joined him with laughter. "So much for twenty minutes."

"Let's go shower! And after, we can finish the wine we never drank." He said shifting off the bed to a stance before he made his way to the door, into the hallway and immediately taking a turn to the left.

I sat in silence for a moment with my thoughts, all of which sang beautifully.

"Jaxon," I spoke softly gazing into the hall. "Please don't break my heart."