Finding the Alpha Wolf: Chapter Eight

Story by SnakeCHTW on SoFurry

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#8 of Finding the Alpha Wolf

There will be another claustrophobic warning for this chapter, viewers beware as the bunny will be under a lot of pressure here. Events have left Snake spending some more intimate time with Sam but far different then he had hoped for. Hopefully the little bunny can survive the day at the mercy of the lean wolfs rear.

Chapter 8

The morning came with the digital screaming of an alarm. Sam swiped a paw over to silence the device with the snooze button and then remained motionless. Five more minutes, this ritual continued, even the small rabbit trapped beneath her was doing his best to ignore it's consecutive 5 minute barks.

Behind the layer of muscle and fur, the noise was kept muffled. Snuggled up warmly between her taunt cheeks and able to tune out the musky scent of her tailhole he was partly against, the rabbit found sleep in the back of Sam's thong. He had not slept as well as she did so he was harder to rouse from his slumber. It wasn't until the fifth time that alarm went off that Snake's whole world began to shift and move.

Sam finally woke, turning off the alarm for good this time as she pulled herself to the edge of the bed and sat up. The motion was a rude awakening for Snake, suddenly a bunch of weight came baring down on him as the walls around him squeezed tighter.

Sam got up out of the bed, and began her morning ritual. The poor rabbit was stirring awake from the sudden squeeze as he felt the walls around him begin to shift with her strides. He found he still had a decent matting of her essence all over him and even on her fur but at least he wasn't drowning in it. Once the shifting in her cheeks had subsided for a moment, his lack of sleep was catching up to him in such a warm environment. Laying back against the strip of cloth that cradled him against her, Snake began to drift off again.

Moment's later Sam finally peeled the soiled thong from her hips, the aftermath of last night smeared all over them and her. Thanks to her left over nectar, Snake was rather stuck in place when the support of her thong left him. He even manage to sleep through that until he heard the sharp bark from Sam as she realized she had slept in far later than she thought.

In a rush, Sam quickly wet a cloth, and cleaned her matted fur between her legs before grabbing some clothes for the day. She picked out a clean black thong, and stepped into them, the rabbit would find a new strip of cloth soon hug against him, carrying a fresh clean scent to contrast her natural scent.

Snake began to wonder in his groggy state if Sam perhaps forgot about him, but couldn't understand how as she had a small rabbit literally up her hind quarters. He gave a push against the fur around him, stretching out to try and alert her which did cause her form to suddenly stop for a moment. Snake even heard a soft yelp of surprise come out of her lean wolfess.

"Squirm if you're alright." She commanded after a moment.

Snake heard the large wolfess loud and clear, so he once again pushed his form outward, slipping across the sides of her cheeks and even against her tailhole. This elicited a bit of a shiver from the slightly regretful wolfess.

"Ok ok. I'm running late, I don't know what to do with you so you're coming with." She simply stated.

Snake had to take the time to confirm what he just heard. He was trapped in here all night and she was just leaving him here? His thoughts were confirmed when he felt her form rustle for a second, and yet more pressure was suddenly added to him, smashing his form against her anus. Denim hugged tightly against her curves as she pulled on a pair of shorts. The loud metal clang of a zipper drawing up filled Snake's ears as he was definitely sealed away under two layers of tight clothing deep inside her cheeks.

Now fully dressed, the wolfess darted out the door, her fast walking movements only served to grind the small rabbit against her more. The motions caused Snake to squirm against this idea of spending the rest of the day inside her underwear, however he was met with Sam purposefully clenching her tone cheeks to stop him. With a sharp squeak against the crushing walls, the rabbit quickly learned his lesson, he was at her mercy and along for the ride.

What was worst for the rabbit is that Sam worked at a gym as a personal trainer. Laying at the bottom of her thong without room to much move, he could only bare it but he did get to peak into her daily routine by listening. After the warning, she got into her car and began to drive off. The rabbit's ears drown out in the sound of the car engines rumble, he had to endure the ten minute drive being sat on.

When she finally arrived at the gym, there was a great relief coming over the small rabbit, being mercilessly pressed into her anus wasn't much of a treat for him. Yet her quick strides into the building, only served to grind his face back and forth on that wrinkled muscle. Snake couldn't even push against her as his arms were worked to his sides and held in place by those taunt cheeks around him. When she finally got in, her pucker was looking pretty clean, his face however was not.

"Running late today Sam?" A male voice asked passingly.

"Ya what about it?" Sam returned just as passively as she strode with authority to her station.

"It's just not normal for you to be late is all." The male tried to recover but failed to captivate her.

"You want to talk about me or do you wanna get to work." She returned sternly.

Listening to Sam interact with others was something new to Snake, her personality was layered in thorns. She constantly pushed for more out of who she worked with and never strayed from the task at hand, it was even making him uncomfortable. How could someone who took such an interest with him be so cold. There was even a brief conversation that had more tension in the air then there was fluff in the rump he was surrounded in.

"I heard you had a run in with Beth yesterday." The male grunted while he was lifting weights under Sam's supervision.

"Good for you." Sam waved off with drips of venom in her words.

"I'm just saying Sam, that cat is unstable. What if she tries something?" He showed a little concern for the situation but it wasn't shared.

"Well if you really want to drop the weights and gossip, I'll be more than happy to leave this barbell on your chest." She offered, but the male understood the point and stopped asking.

With that conversation being shut down she went back to work, the wolf was constantly helping others, leaning over and pulling on weights. This left Snake being mashed into her anus each time her butt stuck out and it only got worst. It was hard physical work, causing her to build up a soft sheen of sweat, along with the natural oils her body produced. His hot confines were growing damp with each hour.

Still, Snake couldn't complain. He was getting to spend the day with someone he admired, however demeaning it was. He also wasn't in any real trouble, his kind only ate once every couple of days, and while he did need to drink, he had to settle for the ample amount of sweat for water around him. Tasting her salty excretions wasn't as pleasant as a cold drink, especially with how hot it had become inside her shorts but it was better then nothing.

It wasn't until the last hour that things really got hectic. This is when Sam stopped training others, and did her own personal workout. Snake wasn't prepared for the abuse he was about to be put through, and it all started with a warm up.

Sam did a number of stretches to warm up her muscles and loosen up, anything that involved legs or hips would twist him around and smear him against her. Snake tried to wrestle against her but anytime she stretched he was robbed of movement, helplessly squished between her cheeks. Then a surprise of pressure against his back from a firm object, she had sat down at an exercise bike and began peddling.

Then it dawned on Snake, why Sam was in such top physical shape. Perhaps it was just from being at ground zero, but she pushed herself hard like she was channeling all the frustrations of working with others into her workout. Snake felt these muscles under such strain, pulling and stretching around him, he couldn't help but appreciate with how much power was going through them. Then after twenty minutes being crushed underneath her against a rubber seat, she got up and moved to the next exercise.

Snake was constantly being sat on as she moved from one activity to the next. What little air was with him between her cheeks was growing even hotter, and incredibly moist. The amount of old essence that was on him was being washed away with how much salty sweat that bathed over him, he was beginning to feel a lot like a sponge for her rump. It wasn't pleasant to swim in but worst was her now wet pucker he was being pushed against, it was slowly accepting more and more of his muzzle into it. He did anything he could to warn her but he couldn't even move in the tight confines of her clothes.

In the heat of her workout she continued on until it finally happen. A certain jerk mashed him even harder then before against her anus, and with the sweat around him he was helpless to stop his head from pushing between those wrinkles. Even Sam froze for a moment as she could feel the rabbit's head popped inside her.

Snake's nose was met with a far worst smell then he had been enduring earlier. The smell inside her made him instantly recoil but all of his strength couldn't get him free from her anal ring. Sam groaned for a moment, a mix of pleasure and dread. She'd have to rescue the rabbit from herself but decided to finish up her reps first.

Snake was left buried inside her sphincter far longer than he would've liked, it was musky, hot and slimy. In the long ten minutes he was stuck he began to feel like his shoulders were about to join him inside, but finally the pressure was relieved. Sam had stood up and began walking off, rubbing his body back and forth once more but still he remained stuck inside her.

After stepping into a bathroom stall, Sam undid her shorts and pulled them as well as the thong down her thighs. With thumb and finger, she reached back to take the rabbit by the chest and gently tug him free of her tailhole.

Snake slipped free from her rear, and blinded by the light of the bathroom he quickly gasped for clean air. Sam put the rabbit into the palm of her hand and looked him over. He was certainly a mess, matted fur, drenched and didn't smell that great.

"Here." Sam offered, bringing up her water bottle and tipping it enough that a small stream of it would fall to her palm. Snake greedily pushed his face into that flowing waterfall and rubbed his paws about his fur and even taking a few sips while he could.. He only got enough to wash off his face when she stopped. Snake gave a soft whimper wanting more but Sam's dagger gaze refuted him.

"We're headed home right now, we'll wash up then less you want me to dunk you in a public toilet." She firmly noted.

"No no no that's ok, I'll wait... but, maybe I could ride somewhere else? Your um... back side is a bit... swampy." He pleaded.

"No where else going to be much better, but fine." She thought for a moment before a smile slipped past her steely exterior. "What's your favorite color?" She asked with clearly alternative motives.

"Oh, um..." Snake thought suspiciously but Sam had already got what she wanted, his mouth stuck open.

In a swift movement, Sam pulled up her top and pushed that open maw into her breast. Snake squeaked in surprise as his stunned expression was met with a nipple in his maw. Sam merely shook her head as she put her sports bra and shirt back down.

"Too easy rabbit." She commented, and left out of the stall to pack up and head home.

While not as hot and sweaty as her rear end, Snake found his form rather mercilessly mashed against the large breast. Her sports bra did well to keep them from moving around with a firm hold, it also did well keeping him tightly plastered to the fuzzy mound still damp in her sweat. With how roughly the sports bra pushed him into her, the silhouette of his form was barely seen, nearly flush with the curves of her breast.

Sam walked out of the gym without a word to anyone else, got in her car and started off back home. The very action of walking was bouncing the rabbit against her every so slightly, but his biggest despair was the nipple stuck in his maw. He couldn't move his head to get it free. Then to add fuel to the fire, it began to harden.

The nipple pressed against his tongue began to feel pleasurable to the wolf causing them to stiffen and fill the small rabbits maw further. Snake could only breathe through his nose at this point, taking in her natural scent after such a workout as he hugged tightly against this large moist mound that was her left breast. The seat belt Sam put on wasn't doing him any favors either.

The whole ride home was filled with pleasurable growls coming from beyond the breast. Snake could tell the subtle waves of pleasure running through her with how the nipple pulses in his maw that he was involuntarily squeezing.

Finally the rumble of the car died, she got out of the car and walked rather quickly back into the house. Snake had spent a solid eight hours stuck against her and he was simply relieved to get cleaned up and have a moment to recover. Sam however wasn't going to let him.

She pulled off her top, and then her sports bra. Snake was free to the air once more but he instinctively hugged against the large mound to not fall, his maw still caught on that nipple. The mere sight pulled a shiver through the wolfess.

"Now you're gonna finish what you started." She claimed, wrapping her hand around his form and softly pulling him free from both her breast and her nipple. Snake wondered for a moment what she was talking about when she brought her paw down across the white field of her stomach containing beads of sweat glistening in the light.

She drew him lower until he noticed the unbuttoned shorts coming fast at him. She didn't hesitate to shove him feet first down in her damp thong. She grinned with pleasure driving her as she stuffed him down against her sweat covered groin. Once more did heat envelope him as the strong scent of arousal filled his nose. With how tight her clothes were, his feet didn't have the option of sliding back towards her rear this time, he was instead pushed up into her.

He felt his foot paws press up into slick velvet walls, and soon his hips were next devoured by her swollen lips. Snake scrambled to fight back but her hold was too strong for him to do anything but slowly sink into her. Once he was shoved up to his chest in those lips, and hidden deep inside her thong, she let him go.

Sam's hand retracted, and any light from above faded as she sealed Snake's prison with a zip of her fly. The added pressure of her jeans once more pushed him roughly into her. His paws frantically tried to cling onto her lips as he sunk to his shoulders while his feet kicked against her walls. This was only pulling moans and pants from her as she walked to her bedroom stiffly, before collapsing on it.

"Wait wait, there's better ways to do this!" He squeaked in rebuttal as he tried to push his face into the stained crotch of her thong reinforced by the denim beyond it.

He was met with added force as her hand pulled tight against her groin. Snake went for the only thing he could grip, her engorged clit, but this encouraged her hips to rock and added pressure from her hand she ground against. The rabbit lost his hold and his head sunk beneath her folds.

"Ah, I didn't know it would be this good when you're unwilling." Sam moaned, pressing on as she fondled herself.

The heated cavern Snake was lost in squeezed at his squirming form as built up juices from the ride home slathered him. Everything was too slick to get a hold of and all he could do was push against walls, slipping and stretching around. It was all driving her wild. Her muscles clenched as she lost herself in the moment. Each wink of her depths pushed the building essence around the rabbit into him. Once again he was tasting her, coated in her and helpless to her cunt that dominated him.

She was releasing more tension on him, among other things. Lost in the sensations, Sam pushed harder and faster, panting more until finally her muscles bunched up tightly around him. She howled loudly as her blood was thumping hard all around the rabbit, the tight hug from her sex smashed her nectar into him. Her juices were freely oozing over her lips as her paw pulled against her heated groin to ride out the waves.

The spasms running through her muscles was not only pushing her essence out, but was forcing the rabbit back out as well. His face met with her thong and soon he was pushed out more until he was on his back facing her, his hips still inside those drenched lips and all around him was a pool of her sex he was swimming in.

Sam removed her hand from her groin giving Snake a little more room, but the rabbit made no movements. He had learned from last night not to spark another round out of her so he waited patiently, hoping to not get another ample helping of her nectar forced down his throat.

His patients were rewarded when the large wolfess shifted back up to standing, and walked off to the bathroom where the ringing of her fly being undone stung the rabbit's ears. Soon the cunt he was stuck in began to fall away as her shorts and thong was lowered with him in it.

Snake plummeted with her soiled clothes to the floor, his eyes adjusting to light once more as he looked up from the pool of cum he was in. The length of those tone legs went into the sky for him, leading to that well built rear and the damp sex he had just came from. Her dominating stance directly over him was more intimidating than words could muster but there was a great appreciation to this view of her.