I Want It All

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A dad finds his son being screwed by the teenager next door, and acts upon his anger-fuelled lusts.

Another quickie story I wrote in a couple hours this morning. Literally just finished it now so I can go off to work. :p I don't usually do rape stories, but that's where the story went. The ending's a bit weak, but I really wanted to finish so I wouldn't be too late for work again. Plus, there will likely be a follow-on story, in a much lighter vein.

I can polish it later, if I get some appropriate feedback on doing so. Unless folks are happy with it as it is.

It was quiet.

Dan, a middle-aged German Shepherd, looked up from the murder mystery book he was halfway through, and twitched his ears as he listened to his surroundings. Sparrows twittered outside in the trees and on the lawn. Two cars drove past. Someone walked past with their cellphone's volume turned up to the max, belting out a hip-hop song.

It was too quiet.

Dan mentally noted the page he was up to, and put the book aside as he stood up and went to see what his son was doing. Todd wasn't normally this quiet. Usually the nine-year-old would be playing music, or a game, on his computer, but the lack of sound concerned him.

The door to Todd's room was closed. Dan put his hand on the doorknob, and was about to turn it when he paused, and put his ear up against the door. He could hear panting, moaning, the occasional whimper. Then his eyes widened in shock when he heard his son say, "Unh! Shove it all in me! I can take it!"

For a moment, a small rational part of Dan's mind mused that it was a good thing that the doors had no locks on them, as he grabbed the knob, twisted it hard and burst through the door. He took two steps and and stared at the tableau before him.

His son was lying on his back on the bed, legs spread wide. Between them, hunched over Todd, was Brian, the golden-furred teenage Labrador from next door. From their position, Dan could see that the Lab was plainly screwing Todd. Both boys lifted or turned their heads to stare with consternation at the adult standing with a shocked expression on his face. "What the HELL are you two doing?" he raged. He reached forward and grabbed Brian by the scruff of the neck, hauling him backwards. The Lab's cock jerked out of the younger Shepherd's tailhole, leaving it with a nearly two-inch-wide gape as it tried to clench around nothingness.

"Get out! Get out before I call the cops on your arse!" Dan leaned down to pick up Brian's clothes, and tossed them to the teenager. "Don't ever show your face here again, you hear me!" His chest heaved, and his fingers flexed as if they'd like to close around the Lab's neck.

"Y-yessir!" Brian fled, his footsteps pounding down the hallway briefly, stopping as he presumably tried to put his clothes on.

Dan turned back to his errant son. Despite his anger, he could feel the stirrings of arousal as he stared at Todd, looking up and down his relatively skinny frame. The boy's cock was fully out, about five inches long, red-purple and veins that striated it, much like his own. His anus was reddened, and glistened with globs of lube, the bottle of which was lying on the floor. He bent down to retrieve it, turning it over in his hands to read the label. "XtraGlide -- 'When you really want it all!'" he said aloud.

Todd stared at his father, unsure of what to do. He started to close his legs and sit up. "Dad, I--"

"Shut up, and don't move!" Dan barked. "Spread your legs. Let me see what a real boycunt looks like."

The pup whimpered and quickly did as his father said. He panted rapidly, his heart beating so fast if felt as if it would explode and burst from his chest, like those things in that alien movie that Brian showed him last month. His anus still felt sore -- but a good sore -- from the fucking it had received, even if it had been only for a couple minutes before it was so rudely interrupted. He felt a burbling in his bowels, and a small wet fart escaped. Todd groaned and wished he could sink into the ground.

Dan stood looking down at his son for a long while, trying to ignore the pressure in his trousers as his cock strained to escape. He crouched down to get a better look at Todd's arsehole. It flexed, squeezing out another dollop of lube. "So, Todd. You think you're a big boy? Ready to take a cock up your puppy arse?" After several seconds with no answer, he barked, "Are you?"

"Uh... I dunno," Todd murmured. "He... he only fucked me twice."

"Twice, eh? Well, you know what they say... third time's the charm." Dan stood up again, and yanked down his trousers. "I heard you say that you can take it all." He pulled down his underwear then, revealing a male staff nearly nine inches long, dribbling precum from the pointed tip. "Well, you're gonna get it all." He grabbed the lube bottle again, and squirted a generous amount onto his hand, to slather it all over his cock.

Todd's eyes were wide, as he saw his dad's enormous shaft for the first time. It was a good two inches longer than Brian's, and a lot thicker. The mottled purples and reds made it look angry. "But that's too big!"

"Tough. You want to be a big boy, you're gonna learn to take big boys." Dan licked his lips and moved forward, crouching slightly to get on a level to press his cock to his boy's crinkled pucker. The head went in fairly easily, as the pup's hole had already been preloosened, but his cock widened, and the boy whimpered as his arsehole came under fresh assault, forced to open wider to accommodate his dad's prick.

"Fuck, you're a tight one," Dan said as he bore down, not letting up on the penetration at all. Three, four, five inches slowly disappeared into Todd's bottom.

The pup squirmed and moaned as he was opened up even further. "It hurts, Dad!"

"Of course it does. Your arse is for shitting, not for fucking!" Dan bucked his hips, suddenly burying another two inches into his son's rump. "Mmmph, you wanted it all, and now you're getting it. All fucking nine inches of it." He slipped his hands down grab Todd's thighs, and pulled the boy towards him, while thrusting forward.

Todd screamed as the rest of his dad's cock slammed into him. Pain erupted in his bowels as the tip of that monster cock tried to rip through his colon. "Ow! Stop it!"

"Nuh-uh. Not until I've blown my wad." Dan grinned lustily at his son's face, which was contorted in agony. "I'm gonna enjoy this tight butt of yours as long as I can." He pulled out a couple inches, then thrust in again, eliciting another gasp and clench.

All the pup could do was lie on his bed while his father raped him. His rear end felt as if it was on fire as the fat nine-incher tore into him repeatedly, the strokes lengthening until he was being piledriven into the bed, whose springs protested every time Dan plunged in.

Suddenly Dan pulled out, cock spitting precum over Todd's sheath and balls. "Get on your knees, boy. Gonna do ya properly." He slapped a large hand on a buttock when the pup wasn't fast enough to move. He quickly reinserted himself, sliding home with a satisfying squelch. "Oh, fuck yeah!" Gripping Todd's hips, he really went to town on his pup, driving his throbbing dick deep into the clutching rectum, heavy balls swinging crazily with every lustful lunge.

Todd sobbed quietly, his tears dribbling down his face and dropping onto the light blue duvet beneath him, wishing that his dad would finish up already.

A couple minutes later the feeling changed; there was something new to the fucking, slapping his agony-ridden tailhole. "Nggh... get ready, boy. I'm gonna knot ya something fierce!"

It took a few moments for Todd to realise what he meant. He'd seen Brian's knot, and that was pretty big, almost like a baseball in size. It had never gone inside him, though. "Nggh, no... don't, Dad!"

It was too late, and too little to stop Dan anyway. The knot swelled rapidly, and he kept pounding it through Todd's taut anus until the last moment, when he slammed all the way into the pup's bowels and stayed still, allowing the fleshy bulb at the base of his shaft to fully inflate.

Fresh pain spread through Todd's abdomen his dad's knot swelled and locked the huge cock inside his rump. Dimly, he could feel it pulsing through the waves of pain. A few jackhammered thrusts later, and the sensation was joined by a hot spurt, spreading slowly through his tortured bowels.

"Ohhhhhhh, fuuuuuuuck!" Dan growled as he released his load into Todd's guts. He leaned over his pup, panting hard as he delivered what seemed the biggest load of his life. His cock and knot ached exquisitely as they throbbed constantly, working to draw up what felt like several pints of scalding semen from his balls. The boy's clenching really did it for him, along with the moans of pain. Something about Todd's whimpers, moans and crying as he was fucked added to the pleasure Dan felt while he was pounding away.

Dan pushed Todd down to lie flat on the bed, lying atop him with his far larger bulk, until he rolled over and pulled the pup against him, his cock still firmly embedded in the young one's guts. "Mmm, you're a good fuck, pup. And you took it all." He stroked a hand over Todd's lower belly, feeling a slight bulge there from the meat and cum squirting into it.

Todd nodded and shivered, sniffling loudly. "I-- I'm sorry, Dad. We... we've been playing around for a while. Just having fun."

Dan's anger at finding his eight-year-old son being fucked the neighbour kid had cooled off, to be replaced by a strong lust for him instead. Maybe.... "I'll make you a deal. You can see Brian again, play around as much as you like. Let him fuck you, whatever... if you let me do the same with you. We can both do you. AND... I won't be so rough. I was just so mad at you, and then you looked so fuckable... I couldn't help myself."

"Well...." Todd definitely did want to play with Brian again. The Lab's cock had felt pretty awesome sliding in and out of his tailhole. And he liked to swallow Brian's cum, too. "Promise you won't be rough?"

"Pinky promise." Dan lowered his head and kissed his son's forehead. "We're gonna be tied for a while, so maybe... you can tell me how you got started with sex?"

Todd shifted position, wincing as his dad's cock shifted inside him. "It was a few months ago, in the boys' toilet at school...."