Lucky Husky 15 - Blackmail

Story by Experiment626 on SoFurry

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#15 of The Lucky Husky

After being discovered with the neighbor's daughter, Luke is given a proposition in exchange for Jon's silence on the matter.

It felt like years were passing by as Luke stared out the glass door at the roo morph that had just knocked. He knew Jon saw everything and he was at a complete loss for words as to what he would say. But he couldn't very well ignore him so Luke walked over and opened the door.

"So, um..." Luke started.

"Quiet, pup. James doesn't need to know about this. And in fact, we don't need to talk about it again. But first, you're going to do something for me." Jon said in a tone that was serious but with a hint of something else.

"And what is that?" Luke asked with both surprise and curiosity.

Jon grabbed Luke's hand and quickly forced it down his pants, where Luke instantly felt Jon's long, thing, slightly curled erection. Luke started to recoil and also instantly to growl but Jon interrupted with "Ah, ah, ah... play along and nobody finds out about this or what you did earlier."

Luke continued to snarl for a moment, but begrudgingly accepted the position Jon had him in. Once Jon realized that Luke wasn't going to fight him further, he fully undid his pants and let his erection loose. Luke slowly grabbed the member and with a firm grasp he started to masturbate the roo.

As he slid his hand across the slick member, Jon started to moan. He reached his hand around and started to grab Luke's bare rear. Luke growled again and with his free hand grabbed Jon's throat. He spun and pushed him against the wall. "Don't push it!" he spat out between clenched teeth.

Jon moaned again and Luke felt a twinge in the hard rod in his hand as he threatened his neighbor. "So you like it rough?" Luke teased. This still wasn't the situation he wanted, but any kind of sex was a turn on after a while and Luke did love to dominate.

Jon started to move and Luke forced him back against the wall as he continued to stroke him. Now that Luke could see him at least partially naked, he saw that Jon was as muscular and well-built as most roos, and knew that he could easily force his way out of Luke's grasp if he wanted.

Luke stepped closer and tightened his grip on Jon's shaft as he menacingly teased him "Rough enough?" Luke then dragged a couple claws across Jon's throat. Jon suddenly gasped, seemingly from excitement, and with another twinge, his member exploded as he came. He shot several strong, thick streams of seed over Luke's hand and groin area.

Luke was surprised momentarily, and then started to become annoyed at the mess - and also at the fact that the act he was starting to get into was so suddenly ended. His own erection was starting to grow, despite his previous endeavors.

"Don't worry pup, I'll clean the mess." Jon said as he looked down. "I'll take care of that too." he added with a grin.

Jon turned Luke around so that his back was against the wall and then he kneeled down in front of him. Jon first grabbed Luke's hand and licked the jizz from his handfur. Jon then leaned forward and meticulously started licking clean the rest of the mess on Luke's fur, paying extra attention to lick all the fur on Luke's sheath, teasing him by getting close to the growing erection but never actually touching it with his tongue.

Luke had a hand on Jon's shoulder and dug his claws in a little as the roo teased him with his tongue. Jon took that as a cue to move on and quickly took Luke's entire member in his mouth. Luke was fully hard and Jon's muzzle encompassed all of his large rod. His experienced showed as he swirled his tongue firmly around Luke's engorged red tip.

Luke grabbed Jon's head with his other hand and pushed his head down further, moaning slightly himself as he felt his dick rub against the warm tongue and the roof of the roo's mouth.

Luke never considered the roo, or any man, but he never felt as good before as the roo sucked him hard. For a moment he almost felt jealous of James, and then realized that he probably was just as skilled and was contemplating finding a way to give him a spin too when he felt Jon sneaking a hand up to his rear again.

Luke began to snarl but Jon pressed his tongue up and sucked hard, as he bobbed his head back. Luke forgot the stray hand as he fucked back into Jon's muzzle when he brought it forward. Luke suddenly remembered the hand again when Jon ran a claw along his tailhole. Jon took his mouth off Luke long enough to softly say "trust me" and then grabbed his sack with his free hand and hen licked it quickly before taking it into his mouth. Luke looked down and saw the roo sucking on his balls, his member currently resting atop his head, between his ears. He then felt an incredible sensation as Jon used his warm tongue to tease Luke's balls as he sucked on them.

Luke felt a familiar twinge in his own rod and could tell he was getting close to his own climax. Jon must have sensed it too because he took the husky's meat into his mouth again, and wrapped his tongue around it. Jon suddenly pushed a clawed digit inside Luke's tailhole and Luke let out a surprised gasp. Then Jon rubbed his on the inside in just the right spot and that new, and stimulating sensation, combined with the expert fellatio he was experienceing, Luke was powerless to stop himself. He came hard into the roo's muzzle. Jon let every ounce of the husky's seed down his throat. Luke couldn't stop himself from coming more and more into Jon's awaiting maw, and the finger in his ass continued to drive him over the edge.

As Luke's thick spurts finally started to subside, Jon looked up at him, removed the erection from his mouth, and said "why don't you let me try that other thing you did earlier? It obviously turns you on."

It took Luke a moment to realize what Jon meant, but then when it clicked it acted to help spurn one more spot of cum, landing along the top of Jon's muzzle.

Luke focused on getting his erection to partially subside while Jon licked the cream from his snout. Luke then used his hand to point himself at Jon's open mouth and let loose a stream of piss. The roo happily opened his mouth wide and the urine began to pool in his mouth. As it overflowed it trickled down his light brown facefur and down his neck and chest, soaking into his shirt. Jon closed his mouth quickly, just to swallow the mouthful he had, letting Luke's stream soak his face and ears. He then opened his mouth again and took Luke into his mouth once more, drinking from him and letting the stream run straight down into his stomach.

When the stream began to subside, Jon whimpered with disappointment. He continued to suckle the cock, licking and tasting every last drop of urine from the husky's shaft.

"Wow, now I see why you like that so much..." Jon said with a grin. He stood up and began to wipe away the mess on his headfur with the dry parts of his shirt. Then he took the finger that was previously inside Luke and slowly sucked it while Luke watched, constantly surprised by the roo's never-ending depravity and complete lack of embarrassment for it.

"Well, a deal's a deal" he said as Luke stood motionless, still partially in disbelief of the new and unexpected experience, and partially still recovering from an intense orgasm. "I didn't see, hear, or... taste... a thing tonight. No one will ever hear a word about it from me."

Jon then did up his pants and started to walk away.

"Oh, but if you're wondering - I'm always that good, and James is even better - you know, in case you ever want to come pay us a visit."

Luke sighed at the usual forward approach of the roo and headed back inside. He grabbed a towel to finish cleaning himself entirely and to wipe away the mess he and the girls left on the floor when he heard them turn off the shower.

They came out with freshly fluffed and dried fur, both completely nude, and had he not already spent himself multiple times, he'd be instantly ready to go again at the sight. "So, since you two both have alibis for the night anyway, shall we head to bed and rest up for some more fun in the morning?"

"Oh, yes!" Mia let out excitedly, and then blushed. Her friend simply grinned and nodded in the affirmative.

'If this night doesn't kill me'_Luke thought to himself _'This will be a whole lot of fun.'