Family Journal Chapter 2

Story by DarkBlade51224 on SoFurry

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#2 of Family Journal

Chestnut the Red Squirrel makes her appearance once again. :3

Chapter 2

Archer awoke that morning, and went to check on the kids, opening the door he first noticed Jade was missing, He looked around and suddenly noticed Jade and Justin curled up in one crib. he pulled out his phone and took a picture before leaving. Meanwhile, Judy and Nick's car pulls up on the driveway. Jade stirred as the sun flashed in his eyes, he looked up at Justin his paci had fallen from his mouth and he'd taken to sucking pikachu's ear "my pikachu", Jade whispered, pouty. Justin murmurs, waking up a little when he notices the pikachu ear. He then gurgles, drooling a little, before he picks up his pacifier again. Jade Pulled his pikachu back, he hugged Justin as the door opened and Archer strolled in. "How do you manage to be so adorable all the time?" Archer said happily "Might start leaving that bar down more often just to see you being cute!" Justin sucked on his pacifier as he looks up at Archer, tail wagging. Archer lowered the bar, and lifted Jade up, "buddy you want some Ice cream." he glanced, at Justin, "wanna come" Justin then perked up, giggling as he clapped his paws. "Ga-goo!" He held up his paws, wanting to come. Archer picked up Justin and carried them out the room.

Justin looked around, tail wagging. In the living room, Nick idly settled on the couch with a sleeping Judy. "Thanks for allowing me to get them Ice-cream." Archer whispered. "It's been awhile since I had some alone time" Nick gently strokes Judy's head, smiling a little. "Bring them back in an hour" Archer strapped the kids in their car seats, jumped in the driver seat and drove to the Ice cream store. Justin curiously peered out the window, tail wagging.

"Here we are, anybody got suggestions?" Archer said, turning to look at the kids. Jade sat up, cookie! "Cookie doe for the kitten" Archer replied Justin squeaked, pointing to some strawberry ice cream. "Bah!" Archer leaned out the window I'll take Cookie dough and Strawberry. Justin smiles, tail happily wagging. Within a couple of minutes the Icecream was there, Archer handed the two cups, to Jade,

"help your brother." Archer replied. Jade held up a spoonful of strawberry ice cream to Justin and he opened his mouth, tail wagging. "Ah~" Jade slipped the spoon into Justin's mouth, before getting himself a bite of cookie doe. Justin swallowed the spoonful of ice cream, before licking his lips.

Archer pulls onto the road again* "How's the park sound?" Justin noded, his tail wagging. "Great!" Jade's diaper crinkled as he struggled in the car seat. "Pawk!"

Archer pulled into the park. "We're here." Justin peered out the window, diaper crinkling as his tail's wagging. Outside, it was Autumn. Archer, stepped out of the car, unbuckled Justin and Jade. Jade hugged Archer "Thank wu," Archer made sure not to forget the diaper bag as he closed the trunk. Justin looked around as Archer held him, curious about how there were so many leaves lying around. Archer carried Justin to the playground followed by a waddling Jade. Archer placed Justin in one of the swings, "Want me to push you?" Jade wandered off, "Hi what's your name?" a 2 year old squirrel asked walking up to Jade.

"Jade."The kitten replied, looking at his paws shyly. Chestnut giggled, bushy tail sticking straight up. "You funny. I's Chessnah." "I'ma call wu chessy," Jade said, poking Chestnut in the chest as he said wu. Chessy giggled as she got poked, she then nuzzled Jade. "Wanna pway?" she asked

Justin held on as Archer pushed him on the swing, giggling a little. Archer Glanced at his watch, "It's almost lunch time anyone hungry or do you wanna play longer?" Justin gurgled, swinging as Archer pushed him. He was enjoying himself, making sure not to drop his pacifier. Chessy nodded, before she looked down at the ground.

"Okie! Buh how 'bout we find a boat?"she asked Jade who looked around, on one side of the playground was a prop car, "There!" Jade called pointing at the car shaped playground equipment, "we'll have a car boat." Chessy toddled over to the car-boat.

"Yay!" Chessy called, climbing onto the prop car, as she waited for her friend to catch up. Jade Scrambled onto the metal seat. "Arg, treasure awaits!" Jade told her. Chessy nodded, saluting a little. "Uh-huh!" She squeaked. "Incomin' kwaken!" "What's a kwaken, a new twype of kwaker" Jade looked rather confused. Chessy replies, ears folded. "Big octee-puss." Archer suddenly appeared, grabbing Jade "Gaa, the kraken has you!" "Nooo!" Jade called "Not the dweaded sea cwaker." Chessy squeaks, giggling a little. She then toddles over to Archer, tail wagging. "I's comin, cappy!"

Jade struggled, suddenly grabbing a stick and tossing it to Chessy, "Deafeat da cwaker." Cheesy picks up the sick, before she meeps she turned around and saw Justin looking up at her, tilting his head. Jade licked Archer's paw, causing him to let go

"you little stinker, you licked me." Archer wiped his paw off before reaching out and grabing Jade once more. "NUU" Jade cried, struggling. Justin then squeaks, covering his nose. "Someone need a change?" Archer asked, getting to his paws as Justin innocently murmured, looking up at Archie. He didn't think he needed a change, but the yellowing in his diaper suggests otherwise. Archer sighed, anyone else, Jade kicked his paw, "me" he said shyly. Archer lifted Justin to his hip, the crinkle replaced with a squish, Jade followed Archer as he walked over to a picknick table where he quickly set up the changing mat. Archer quickly and expertly cleaned the young puppy before diapering him once again.

"There buddy, all clean." Jade allowed Archer to lift him onto the table. Archer rediapered,Jade with the same speed and expertise. Archer then set Jade back on the ground. "Hungry?" Archer asked. Jade looked up at Archer "I'm not hungwy," he dashed off to the waiting Chestnut her ears flickering a little.

Curious, Justin crawled along the picnic table, wandering off as he chased a leaf. Archer grabbed Justin right before he fell off. "Careful." Archer told him, Setting him in the sandbox. Justin murmured, twiddling his paws a little.

Family Journal Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Chessy bounced a little on her car-boat. Jade, leaped onto the car-boat, "You didn't save me fwom the dweaded sea cwaker." Chessy twiddled her paws. "Sowwy, Cappy." Jade leaped at her wrapping her in a hug. "It's ok." Chessy hugged him...

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Baby Archer's Origin Story

Archer awoke, struggling he realized he was strapped down, the second thing he noticed was that someone had stripped him of his clothes. He looked around but couldn't see much, suddenly an artic fox walked into his view. "you're a perfect specimen."...

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# Chapter 4 Whitestorm and Firestar watched them from a higher rock. "I guess he still having trouble fitting in." Whitestorm meowed "You think?" Firestar replied, glancing at the older cat. " Scourge reminds me of a young ginger cat who had also...

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