Rey Bio

Story by Alixa on SoFurry

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just a bunch of stories

Rey Lionheart is the latest of his line. He had two loving parents, though one was an adoptive parent. It was 2893, when he was ten years old that he remembers seeing his first rocket and becoming enraptured them. It was when he was fifteen when he met his first mate, and his first love. She was a lovely wolfess named Zoe.

Rey was excellent in school, especially history and the more social studies, even going on to minor in diplomacy once he entered college. Unfortunately, he never finished his degree. The call of space had ensared the young vulpine and at the age of 21, he took off aboard his own (second hand) bought ship, dubbing it the Swiftpaw.

At the age of 28, he met for the first time The Doctor. She was a lovely vixen herself by this time, having regenerated quite a few times. Rey had helped her against the cybermen and left with the treasure of a life time--thousands of credits worth of gold. He sent some back to his parents, showing what a good kid he was. But he spent most of it on ship repairs.

When the Doctor came around two years later, still in the same body Rey thought for sure that he was Dalek fodder and was going to be either killed or converted. It seems that he and his crew had gotten caught in a final batte of the Time War. Thankfully the Doctor had gotten them out of it and quickly.

Now four years after that event, Rey has no life for battle but as earned a credit or ten thousand as a Terran pirate, going into areas that others won't. And he has a child on the way.


She had been saving for years. Through it all. Whether she lost her job, or when her parents abused her. Lou?no, Ashley she had to remind herself and not let her parents brainwashing get through, had seen no reason not to save her money. After all,...

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Llewellyn Bio

Llewellyn Lionheart was a simple black bear, living in the area of Fordisle, Colorado. He was born August 1, 1851 in Denver City, Colorado to Joseph and Nicole Lionheart. They moved to Fort Fordisle in 1859 when he was eight hoping to avoid the Civil...

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Lilavasi Biography

Lilavasi Lionheart was born November 14, 1989. She was born two loving parents, Nicholas and Alexis. The world had progressed enough that by the time Lil was eighteen in 2007 she?d be able to genetically manipulate herself so that her fur was purple on...

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