Lola's Reeducation Pt6
#6 of Writings-Lola's Reeducation (current, ongoing)
The council meets. Trip to the doctors. Lola gets a roommate... and a bed!
CH 25
He held the door open as the others filed into the room for their meeting. As the junior member at these events, most of the ceremonial duties fell to him. He watched the members filed in, some together, some alone, others typing on their phones even though this far inside the mountains really screwed reception. Every week the leadership got together to go over the past week's events and strategize the upcoming ones.
Most of the teachers were there, but not all. You had to show up at least once a month to give progress and some did only that, preferring to remain secluded. This month was no exception and he counted only five of them, including himself. Then there were the mandatory attendees, those that were of critical importance to the day to day sustainability of the island. Doctor Wayland was sitting next to Alan the harbormaster. Biggles tended to the electrical systems including their servers, along with Chen, their banker. He looked down the hall, and finding there were no more stragglers, he closed the door.
The meeting started like all the others- what went wrong was reported before they moved on to future plans. Biggles complained about corroding along some of the backup battery heads that was concerning if there was an emergency. Wayland and Alan brought up the brawl of three crewmen on the Ambuscade. One broken hand and a concussion among other minor injuries. Disciplines were issued and the matter tabled. For the most part, the island had been going about its business fairly peacefully. Ronald, who was in charge of security, was asked to follow up about the matter of the woman in the van.
"All accounted for." he said smoothly.
"I'm surprised we never find the bodies." marveled one of the teachers.
"That's because Don eats them." Ronald replied.
"Moving on!" Sart cut in quickly. "I think now is as good as any to discuss our next entertainment opportunity." Sart was their publicity coordinator- the public face for the islands clients. He had a taste for tailored suits and wore them to every public function he could attend. Everyone else would be in a t-shirt and shorts but Sart would have his suit pressed and creased. He wondered if Sart ever sweated or if he ever did anything with this hair other than part it to the side. Sart was a man of habit and it bled into all aspects of his life.
Everyone shifted their attention to him and Sart continued. "As we know, next month we're going to be entertaining a factory manager from the mainland and a good amount of personal entourage. Exact numbers to follow shortly. Apparently he's taking them on a holiday, here. I think we can handle this through the regular set up but I'd like to go over it again to make sure we are all on the same page." he poked the table.
There were some groans and Sart ignored them.
"First is the deal. We will be transporting goods, materials and workers to our client's factories regardless of the local customs regulations. We will be transporting finished goods and contraband to other markets, and giving expired workers burials at sea. In return we will be receiving funding in finished goods, currency and increased island recreational visits from senior factory staff members. All in all, a pretty standard terms, but the size and consistency makes this an above average contract. First impressions are important here, we need to show them a good time."
"Do we have a shipping schedule yet?" asked Alan.
"Not till we finalize an agreement." replied Sart.
"Due to the size of our guest list, I suggest we use the Chili Hall. We will need all of it on this one- the stage, the floor area and the VIP lounge." That stage hall was filled with overstuffed red velvet chairs that looked something like chili peppers and had inspired the name.
"That is going to be a large event." Ronald mused. "I'll start getting it cleaned up."
"Mr. Ferris? Can we provide the standard refreshments at the event?" Sart turned toward the thin quartermaster.
"I believe so. We'll will need restock the cheap liquor we will give out free on the main floor. We have enough of the top shelf brands to cover several events."
Sart turned toward Chen and he simply nodded.
That was how their parties operated- the VIP and the rest. Cheap drinks were available for free to the nonessential attendees, but they had to pay if they wanted something nice and the bar was always busy at these events. Quality was, of course, provided to the important guests free of charge.
Sart turned toward the teachers. "And our entertainment?"
Now it was his turn to speak. "We have seven set for the stage show, ones that have consistently practiced their routines. I will make some calls so we can have four Stars available for our manager. On the floor I think we can count on twenty-two CGs...."
The door burst open and a hefty man came puffing in with several rectangular boxes held in his hands.
"Sorry I'm late!" Oswald said between breaths. He was their airplane chief and he was late flying in from the mainland.
Sart looked at him disapprovingly. "Again?" was all he said.
"Had to take my time, can't rush things or people start looking at you." Oswald panted and put down the boxes on the table. "It did give me enough time to pick up these."
Chen leaned forward. "Are those..."
"Yep!" Oswald said and opened a box.
The round shapes of Krispy Kreme donuts came into view as the thin lid was raised up.
Gunther picked one out. It was still warm. He looked up at Oswald, "All is forgiven."
The meeting was suspended while the group divvied up the spoils on the table. Fresh treats like these were a luxury item so they took their time savoring the surprise. For a while there was nothing but the sounds of savoring to be heard in the room.
"So... " Gunther continued after wiping his fingers and mouth clean. "You were saying?"
He sucked the last bits of sugary treats out of his teeth, cleared his voice and started again. "We can count on twenty-two CGs to walk the floor. Outside of all that, two additional initiates for background entertainment." The women were like the booze- the cheap stuff was free to use, but the quality items were for rent. The well trained girls were on stage, but could be in your lap for a price.
"I take it your newest trainee will not be on the floor by that time?" Gunther followed up.
"Ahhh... no. She won't be ready for that yet. I believe she'll be ready for one of the cages."
There were a few disappointed looks. Apparently others had hopes of getting to know Lola better.
"Are you sure that's wise?" Gunther asked. "She's not exactly sociable yet." Ronald looked at Gunther and then back at him.
"She will be by the event. A cage is safe enough, especially over the bar. This will give her incentive to move forward."
"The music is going to be pretty loud, they're not going to be able to hear her unless she starts yelling." Biggles added in.
"Not to mention that cage is easily retracted. We're not risking much." The back of his neck was beginning to perspire, unused to being grilled. "Once she gets a taste of what she once had there's going to be a lot of desire to get it back.
"I don't want to have to tell one of the VIPS they can't spend time with her." said Sart. "I really don't want to be saying no that evening."
"If they do, then she's a preview of things that will be available soon. They're welcome to come back and enjoy our hospitality again."
A small smile creased Gunther's lips. "We put this to a vote."
The motion passed ten to seven and Lola was going to party.
After the meeting Doctor Wayland caught up with him in the hall.
"I still haven't had a chance to look over your charge yet. Any chance of swinging her by the office for a checkup?"
CH 26
Lola sat in a small medical room on a reclining chair. The place seemed cramped due to the amount of books, jars and boxes piled up along the walls. They spilled over on top of the filing cabinets and the computer table. Some surfaces were kept empty and the sink was spotless, a small oasis of calm set in the midst of a vast jockeying for position of the room's objects. She remembered back to the house her captor had brought her to, and wondered if he had taken a notes on how to live from Wayland.
The doctor had been meticulous in studying her. Lola wasn't sure if it was out of curiosity or if was his habit. It was demeaning at times. Her ears had been checked for mites, teeth for cavities, arms and legs for lesions, heart rate, breath capacity, eye site, reflexes and a very through pelvic exam at bordered on un-nerving. She didn't think she had ever had someone spend such close proximity with her pussy in her life. All the prodding and exploring had left her feeling violated and she sat with her legs crossed as the men talked to each other. She shifted over to her side, since sitting on her butt was still uncomfortable after her public discipline couple days ago.
"Well, I can't seem to find anything wrong with her other than her rectum's irritated. I'm pretty sure that's natural due to her training; nothing outside the ordinary here. Otherwise she seems to be in good health." Wayland said looking over his notes. "Although, you might want to get a second opinion from a vet."
Lola was furious at... THAT... she... wasn't an animal. She stared daggers at the doctor, glaring at him. Nobody noticed.
"That's good news. She's fit to be exercised now?"
"Depends on the exercise but I'd say she's already fit. Wasn't she on the television? I thought I've seen her before."
"I'm on a basketball team." She said in a little pride at being noticed. "You've probably seen my shoe commercial." A smug self-assured smile played across her face and she leaned forward a bit. She wasn't going to be signing any autographs today, not for these fans.
"WERE on a basketball team." he corrected her and Lola's smile faltered a bit. He went back to talking to the doctor.
"I was wondering." he continued "Is there something you can give her to enlarge her tits? They're a little small."
Lola blanched, her mouth well on its way to falling open. What the hell did he just say?
"Hhhhmmmmm.... possibly. Are you sure you need that?" Wayland asked.
"I think so, just... something to give them a little more weight. Not huge, you know, a nice handful would be nice."
The doctor nodded, listening. Lola just stared at them, not believing what she was hearing. It was like she was on the other side of a window watching two people talk, oblivious to anyone outside.
"I'm thinking of her profile; we could spruce it up a bit. When she turns, we could catch the swell of her chest nicely."
Lola had never had listened to her tits be the center of conversation before, let alone openly insulted. There was nothing wrong with her! She looked down at them, trying to see what they were complaining about and began to feel inadequate as her body was casually critiqued.
"Well, if you want to change her silhouette you don't need an injection, just knock her up." said the doctor matter-of-factly. "That will fill out her hips too, keep her from looking like a stick. Her breasts will fill out naturally."
"Oh come on, she's not THAT bad. Besides, I don't think we're ready for that yet." he waved his hands around a little. "Sure, later on in her career, but I think it would get in the way of..."
"HEEEEYYYY!" she yelled out, red faced. "I'm HERE! In the room with YOU. It's my body! I get to choose how I look like and damn well get some say in the matter of when I have kids or not!" she kept looking back and forth at them, searching for some contrition, anything really.
"She's.... a work in progress." he said apologetically.
"Apparently." Wayland said after giving Lola a casual look. He turned and rummaged through a couple of cabinets.
He walked over to the fuming rabbit and looked down at her. Lola held his gaze for a moment before looking away. She was breathing rapidly.
"There's nothing wrong with the way I look." she huffed.
"True, nothing is distorted or out of shape but it can definitely be improved."
"And I don't get any say in this? You just get to play dress up with my body?" she was fuming at him. "Oh today, lets screw with her reproductive cycle! Tomorrow lets add some more ears." she was being sarcastic. It roiled her that she wanted was trying to have an argument with someone she couldn't look in the face. "After that we..."
Something stung her in the neck and she instinctively bringing her hand to it. Looking up she saw the doctor pulling back a hand held medical injector, it's small black body, and brass air tank made it look slightly sinister.
"Whaa..." Lola asked, looking up at him uncertainly. The side of her neck started to feel thick.
"Estrogen and a few other hormones." Wayland replied.
"They did it. They just went ahead and did it" she thought. What she wanted didn't enter into the conversation, she felt she had no control over her body at all.
Wayland unscrewed a small glass vail off the top of the injector and popped in another.
"This is some vaccinations and some vitamins. Mosquito season is coming up, and you'll want to avoid Island Fever. That's what we call it anyways, it's pretty much just Malaria."
This time he reached down and popped her in the shoulder with the injector. It stung and her bicep felt hot. She sat there, flexing her jaw to shake off the strange feeling on the side of her neck.
"Well, that's about it." Wayland said. "Drink lots of fluids and you'll be fine." he went over to the sink and started disassembling his device, signaling an end to the office visit.
"Come on" he said to her. "Let's hit the beach."
CH 27
He unclipped her lead and took off her collar when got their feet in the sand. Lola wasn't sure if it was some sort of unspoken rule that she be paraded around on the end of dog leash while they were in the complex, but it still humiliated her. It was bad enough having to do it nude, blushing heavily every time someone craned their neck to look at her, but the collar was insult to injury, especially now that her neck was sore.
He stopped to stretch his legs and she stood waiting for him, looking out over the water. She kept trying to pop her jaw to release the buildup she was feeling but it didn't help. Even if she could pop the pressure out of her ears, she couldn't stop her body from absorbing whatever the good doctor has given her.
"Today, we go to the beach house." he said, getting her attention. Lola shaded her eyes from the sun to look at him. "Now might be a good time to blow off some steam, so if you want to run, go right ahead. You'll know it when you see it. If you get there before I do, turn around and come back to me."
With that he headed toward the surf where the sand was firmer, and began to run down the beach. She just stood there watching him go. She thought he was going to turn around and yell something at her, or react to her absence but he just continued on, leaving her behind. Lola fidgeted, and looked around... this was the first time she had been left alone outside of a room for weeks. It was also the first choice he had let her make in an open space. Shame faced, she realized that she had become used to following his commands. When had that happened? These... changes weren't sudden, and she wasn't good at spotting them until they had already taken root. She milled about in indecision. If she just stood there what was going to happen? If someone saw her would they be angry? Try and have their way with her?"
"Probably." her mind said. "I'd fuck you if I saw you naked on a beach."
The thought of a twin making advances on her gave Lola the creeps sending a shiver up her spine. UUUUGHHH!
"But seriously, what are you doing just standing there? If you're going to follow him, go do it. If you're going to misbehave then go do it. Standing, looking like an idiot is useless."
She felt her balance shift from under her and she took a step, then another, then she began to run down the beach after him. Great. now she was going to have try to chase after her captor. Wouldn't that be a strange sight.
"Do what you're supposed to next time and you'll stop looking like an idiot." her mind finished off.
She saw him in the distance, small enough for her to reach out and hide him behind one hand. It was slow at first, the sand shifting under her feet and she moved toward the water to compensate. The cool sand was refreshing and soon she found her stride. It was good to be moving again, for weeks she'd been cooped up, chained up or otherwise unable to wander more than 15 feet from any one point. It had been a weight she had to endure for a very long time.
Lola picked up speed, letting her powerful legs push her forward. She was gaining on him fast and the thrill of sudden competition only added to the exhilaration that freedom was already giving her. He was large and his strides longer but she was a runner, one of the benefits of her breed. This was something she could beat him at, something she could finally win at. A solid victory over him and she was going to take it.
She bolted past him. When she overtook him, she thought he was going to break stride. Most of the people she passed in a competition usually tried to push themselves faster, to match her if they realized they were losing. When she looked over her shoulder, she saw he kept his pace and was rapidly falling behind.
"Probably knows he's out of his league on this one." she smirked.
She tore down the beach, her frustrations adding the fuel she needed. All of the humiliation, the degrading treatment, the isolation she had endured, drove her legs to propel her onwards. She realized she was in virgin territory, the strip of beach unvisited by them on their walks. The jungle stretched the left, slowly encroaching on the beach as it tapered off in the distance. If there has been anyone else to see here she might have been mistaken for a streeker, running pell-mell through the sand. She laughed and breathed in the salt air.
When she finally saw their destination in the distance, the jungle had nearly come to the ocean's edge, crawling along some rocky outcroppings that jutted up over the beach. Small at first, but growing rapidly, a structure stuck out into the water, revealing it's self as she approached. Stairs rose up to long house that was built on a peer, it's concrete pylons disappearing into the waves.
She stopped short of the concrete steps leading up to the raised pier. A small bridge connected it it to the jungle encrusted rocks to her left, creating a choke point on the beach. She caught her breath, and looked at the building noticing all the windows and openings; it was closer to a gazeebo than an actual house. It was white, and the paint was peeling off in the corners. Her leg muscles were beginning to burn from her run, but it great to be active again. All that sitting around in a room hadn't done her much good even with her enforced exercises when she was in solitary- nothing beat being able to move around freely. She was tempted to go exploring, but thought better of it, unsure if something would happen if she did.
"He also told you to go back to him if you got here first." her mind nudged.
Lola shrugged- if it meant more running then she was all for it, even if it was back to him. She stretched her legs, then began to jog back, taking in the view of the jungle. Lush greens and purples fought for space amongst the taller trees. Darted down the beach, in and out of the edge of the surf, avoiding crabs as they weaved their little claws at her.
They reunited shortly after, two parties becoming one again without much ceremony. Lola slowed down to match him making a u turn back to the pier. By the time they had made it, both were out of breath. She let him take the lead, and followed up the concrete steps. She thought maybe there was an alarm he had to turn off or unlock a door, but he did neither, instead opening the door for her and ushered her in.
The inside was mostly one big room with a couple of lavatories tucked into the far side. Lawn chairs, recliners and a few low tables were stacked along the walls waiting to be used. There were many doors and open windows, all with a protective layer of mosquito netting. Two large refrigerators hummed contentedly close to the entrance next to some cupboards. She was surprised to find them cold inside when she opened one up.
"Solar panels on the roof." he said. "Gives us some light, keeps the fridges cold and lets us plug a few things in."
A few beer bottles littered the ground, evidence that someone had been partying here earlier. She went to pick them up.
"No." he said so strongly it startled her. "Don't do that."
"I just wanted to clean up a little before..."
He shook his head no again. "Absolutely not."
"But... it's a mess." she said.
"That doesn't matter. You're not house cleaning. We're not going through a lot time and effort here to teach you to be a maid."
She blinked.
"Look, your potential world class. Picking up the trash isn't want people do in the circles you're going to visit."
That was the strangest compliment she'd ever had, and it make her feel awkward.
"If you're going to hit the big time, the REALLY big time, you're going acting the part. If you go around like the hired help, you're not going to get invited back; you'll lose clients. Dirty your hands and you'll never get out of the mud. I want you to start thinking like that- looking at the big picture."
With that he bent down with a little grunt, and started cleaning things up. His legs were still sore from the run.
"Wait! Now you're doing it?" Lola quipped, putting her hands on her hips. "You the master, or my owner, or whatever-it-is you and I are? Aren't you supposed to avoid doing... this?" She pointed at the trash.
"My job is to help you through your training and to remove as many obstacles from your path as I see appropriate. I am absolutely your master, let's be clear about that, but I'm serious about getting your head around what you should and shouldn't be doing. If that means conditioning you so that you don't even think about picking up the trash, then that's also my job." he dropped off the bottles in a basket, the sounds of colliding glass almost obscenely loud compared to the relative calm of the waves.
"Come over here with me. I'm going to say some things that aren't going to be easy to listen to."
He got into a large chaise lounge recliner, stretching out in it. He padded his side, indicating he wanted her to lay down with him. She stalled for a moment, but his look was insistent. Slowly she did, laying down stiffly next to him, and he wrapped his arm around her. Lola was horribly uncomfortable at this forced contact and she wanted to bolt, to get up and away. But she couldn't.
"Now, I'm going to be blunt about this because I don't want any misconceptions. You need to know that you're pretty bad at fucking."
"HHHHEEEEYYYYYYY!" she interjected angrily. No one had ever insulted her so directly.
"No, listen to me. You are absolutely great at GETTING fucked. If someone really wants to drill you, you're great. You climax like a banshee and you get absolutely wrecked. That's a great asset to have because your clients will know you're not faking it. That's the good part. The bad part is you just lay there and take it. You make your partner do all the work and give nothing back. Sure you do find a little rhythm to go along with it, but that's just nature taking over. You pretty much suck in the sack."
Lola's face was going crimson and she started wriggling around to punch him. She, LOLA, was shit in bed? No. Hell no. She had worked incredibly hard to be desirable and nobody was going take that away from her. She tried elbowing him in the ribs.
"Don't." he said with such chilling emphasis that she stopped dead in her tracks. That tone suggested there just might only be one person who returned to the compound that night. There was going to be insubordination tolerated. Robbed of her ability to lash out, her emotions turned inward and she started to shiver, a lump rising in her throat. She didn't look up.
"You've spent a whole lot of time getting people to look at you, to want you, but when you have them, you don't know what to do with them. You've had nest to no partners and you lack most of the basic terms. Do you know what airtight means?"
She nodded yes.
"As a sex term?" he pushed.
She paused and then shook her head no sniffling.
"What if I wanted to run a train on you?" he asked.
She winced, looking up at him worried, mopping the tears out of her eyes.
"No, not that kind of train." he gave her a squeeze. "See what I mean? You got a lot to learn, and A LOT to practice."
He hugged her for a while letting her figure out if she wanted to cry or not.
"I'm going to find someone to help you with that. Something of a teacher's assistant who will help bring a different perspective to this. I'm not removing myself from this, I think we just need different approaches."
She realized she had relaxed at the last part, where he said he wasn't leaving. Had she been worried that she was so bad that he would give up on her? Abandon her? Did she want him stay? Her abuser, her captor... would she miss him? Lola lay there letting him hold her, entirely conflicted about how that made her feel.
"Ok..." he said breaking the silence, shifting and letting go of her. "I'm going to catch a nap before we head back. Explore if you would like, or enjoy the beach. Just don't clean up, ok?"
"Ok." Lola replied, sitting up and stretching. She looked at the refrigerators wistfully. "Can I have something out of the fridge?" she asked hopefully.
"How are you going to earn it?" he asked settling in to his recliner.
Lola thought about it for a moment, and realized there really was only one currency she had. She lifted her leg up and put one foot on the side of his chaise lounge, leaning forward a little, putting the weight on the raised knee. Then she her hands on her hips, cocked her head to the side and exposing her pussy to him.
"I like it when you look at me." she said in a husky voice, looking down at him.
That earned her a big smile. "You know?" he said. "You're getting pretty good at that."
A compliment!
"Sure, help yourself." he said content at his unobstructed view of her slit. She was smaller than he enjoyed looking up at her for once.
Lola stayed there for a moment, letting his eyes take in the curves of her thighs, and roam over her most personal of feminine spaces. Then she took her foot down, and sashayed out of his sight, listening to him give a small chuckle as she did so. THIS she had practice with, the oh-so-casual sway of her hips as we walked, the slightly exaggerated tilt of her ass. She had turned that into an art form. It wasn't overt, but it was impossible to miss. Again, she thrilled at having a small victory. He hasn't said all that much today, but it had really bruised her pride and thrown her self-esteem overboard. Being told you weren't nearly as good as you thought you were wasn't easy to take.
"But you were fooling yourself if you thought you were actually good a fucking. I mean, you've done it... what... maybe three times in almost as many years?" Her mind was back and Lola rolled her eyes, not wanting to attract attention to herself.
"Seriously, you're a door that creeks loudly every time someone uses it." the brain continued.
"I'm not a door." she grumbled and walked to the humming refrigerator.
"You're going to be an open one when he's done with you. One anyone can come in."
Was that a pun? Oh goooooodddddd, as if her head wasn't bad enough with its degrading banter, now it was telling jokes at her expense.
She opened the fridge and looked inside, and gave a little shiver at the wave of cold that came rolling out. Someone had cranked the settings to the coldest possible and her nipples got hard as the chill air found them. There were plenty to choose from, and she had to think about it, balking at the stunning array, uncertain on what to have. She really had no choice in what she ate and drank for a long time now, either he made the choices for her, or there simply was only one option to take. Now that she was staring at what seemed an endless variety of things, Lola worried that she was going to make the wrong decision. Beer? No. She wasn't a beer person. Still, what if she was missing out? Water? Her hand hovered over it. No, she always drank that now. Almost out of compulsion she reached past the bottle water and took something from the back and closed the door quickly, as if to cut off any second guessing.
Orange juice. She sat down on the floor in front of the fridge and stared at the bottle. When was the last time she had a fruit drink? She couldn't remember. She rolled it over in her hands watching the condensation form on the surface and felt the crinkle of the plastic paper wrapper that was glued to the front. She twisted the white top, letting the plastic give, then break, and smelling the opening, the sweet odor underscored with an acid tang. Then, she drank.
She had to go outside after half a bottle- the sugar rush had caught her by surprise and it was making her giddy. Outside she splashed in the surf, and laughed. She almost fell over when a surge rolled up suddenly and caught her from behind. Lola whooped loudly, kicking at the waves and forgetting that he was taking a nap. Any other situation this would have been a dream vacation- a pristine empty beach, free drinks, blue waters, lounge chairs and a lush jungle.
"It's really nice here." listening to the waves. "Now, if I were free enough to actually enjoy it when I want..."
She finished off the bottle and contemplated throwing it into the surf, but thought better of it. This was the third item she owned and she had almost thrown it away.
"Its progress isn't it? You're off leash right?" her mind asked.
"For now." Lola said, crinkling the plastic paper on the bottle in her hands.
"Well, think of it as a taste of things to come. I bet he'd let you out here if you wanted. Once you started behaving that it."
The sugar got the best of her and she giggled. "Yea... there is that."
She stayed out there for a while, watching the clouds come in over the jungle and start to blot out the sun. With the daylight went her sugar rush and Lola found herself tiring quickly. Climbing the stairs, she shook out the sand from between her toes and went back inside. Inside she found a plastic lounge chair of her own and quickly fell asleep.
When she woke up she thought someone was throwing gravel around on the roof. Then she noticed how grey it had gotten outside and realized it was raining. The clouds had brought rain, and the noise of it hitting the building had woken her up.
He was where she left him, still snoozing away in his lounge chair with his shirt open. Lola stared at him for a while, watching him sleep. He wasn't going to be on the cover of any muscle magazines, but he had a leanness to him that she found rather attractive. She saw the small scar by the side of his nose, his unshaved stubble and short chest hair. She had the urge to touch it, to run her paw through it and maybe...
She yawned and stopped her daydreaming. A little flustered at drifting off into a fantasy at her jailor her blushed and looked out at the rain hit the ocean.
Then she looked back.
What was he to her now? Jailor? Owner?
"Master." her mind said.
She rolled her eyes at that bit of melodrama. Teacher?
"What? Like a dog? Woof woof." she said snarkily. Her eyes stayed on his lean stomach and the drawstrings on his pants.
"Coach then."
That analogy had an attractive ring to it. Coach. A person who tried to help her.
WHAT THE FUCK was she doing?
Lola shook her head clearing out the web of logic that had begun to spin it's self over her. Was she excusing away what was happening to to her? Pulling her knees up to her chest, she watched the rain, and tried not to look at him.
CH 28
Lola stood nervously in her room, looking out through the bars to see if she could see them coming up the walkway outside her window. He had told her today was the day he was bringing in the extra help, and that would mean she would be getting a roommate for a while.
"Whatever THAT means." she mumbled to herself. There were others that walked past her window, moving about their daily lives. She gave them a smile when they looked at her and tried to pay attention or at least look interested in what they said if they stopped to talk and enjoy her nudity. But honestly, her mind was somewhere else, and she was beginning to get used to them leering at her. She couldn't hide, and after what? Weeks? Of getting visually devoured there came a point where it stopped mattering.
"Oh let's be clear; you still don't like it." her mind smirked.
"NO. I don't. But I can't do anything about it either." It still made her nervous and uncomfortable, but she was learning how to hide that.
"Well, at least you stopped running around with your cheeks flushed red every time a shadow passed your window. That was getting old."
"Whatever." she mumbled, peeking out the side of the bars as far as she could. Nothing.
"UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!" she moaned in frustration. Being in limbo sucked! You could deal with the outcome one way or another, but not knowing what was going to happen was misery. She wrestled with the window bars to release her tension.
The key turning in her lock snapped her head around, and Lola wondered if she was about to get in trouble for rattling her cage. Guiltily she slipped her hands behind her back and watched the door open.
"Oh is this her?" a woman's voice came in before a tall blonde poked her head around the opening door. The woman was tall, almost as tall as he was. Her roundish face and broad grin enhanced her youthful appearance. She wasn't skinny, but toned and... she... uuuh she...
"Uhhhhhhhh..." Lola muttered nervously, unable to take her eyes off the new woman.
"Yep." he said from the door way as the woman entered the room with sound of stiletto heels. She brushed past and nonchalantly handed him her handbag as she went. Later Lola would notice that it looked expensive.
"OH you are just the cutest little thing!" the grinning woman said making a b-line for Lola. Lola's eyes got big.
"UUUH! About that... See its ok for a rabbit to call another rabbit cute but wh...." Lola couldn't help but stare at the naked woman.
"Whatever." the woman said and snapped her gum. The smell of spearmint wafted off of her and she scrunched her nose up in a wide grin as if she was talking to kid. "I'm Brandie, and we're goin' to be best friends."
Lola's eyes got wider as the woman advanced on her., not realizing she had taken a step backwards, whiskers drooping. Brandie... she... uhh... Brandie...
Brandie had large breasts. There were small jade colored barbells pierced through each of her nipples which only made Lola stair harder.
Lola stood helplessly pressed against the back wall until the other woman scooped her up and held her close, wedging Lola's face between her tits in the process. Goose bumps ran all up and down Lola as the touch of another naked woman flesh pressed tight against her body; it gave Lola an extreme case of the heebie-jeebies. She squirmed and wriggled about trying to break free of the embrace, but it only made Brandie laugh. "You're just a little bag of wiggles, aren't you?" she giggled and let Lola go.
Lola tried to grin, but being touched by another woman had unnerved her, her skin still scrawling. She tried to back up but there was nowhere else to go. "Uhhh yea.. ha...hah...haaa." she stammered and hugged herself. She'd NEVER been this close to another naked female, not even in the showers in the gym. Sure she had glanced over, just to size up the competition and to see if she needed to up her game, but that was different. This... this was something else completely, the softness of the woman's chest against her cheeks..... Lola's eyes dropped down the woman's lithe body, past Brandie's belly half-moon button piercing, and found the woman's pussy was bald. She shivered and her face went red, looking away quickly. WHY did she notice these things? She could hear him chuckling to himself in the doorway.
Brandie looked about the room and stopped laughing. "Wait a minute." She said. "Oh no. NO!"
Brandie pointed to the mattress laying on the floor. She turned to him.
"NO way! I can't work with... with... THIS. You're kidding right?"
He shook his head. "Nope. You have to work with what you got, just like I have to." she put Brandie's purse down on the ground and crossed his arms.
"Ok, I'm going to call in one of my..." Brandie started.
"Nope." he cut her off. "This has to be on her shoulders. You benefit from what she earns. You can't use your credit outside of training purposes." He nodded in Lola's direction.
"You." Brandie turned on Lola making her jump. "Tell me you got something coming to you. Some favor or something."
Lola blinked.
Brandie took a step forward again. She wasn't smiling. "I'm not spending my time on the ground. So, what about it?" she was angrily chewing her gum now, mouth partly open. Lola guessed Brandie to be in her very late teens or early twenties, completely full of passion and energy; she wasn't going to be someone to be easily taken for granted. A distant part of her brain wondered if she was older than the menacing girl. Not buy that much but still...
Lola stammered and darted her eyes between the two of them. Then it hit her.
"Oh! YEA! Yes I do!" she said in panicked relief, her words falling all over themselves. "Sure I do!" she turned to face him.
The man cocked his head.
"You owe me a favor!" she said hurriedly.
"I do?" he asked skeptically.
"Yea! Remember? In your house? I made you laugh? The joke about the condom?" It wasn't a joke but she played it off as one.
The memory dawn on him and he smiled. "Huh! Well, you got me there. Are you going to call it in?"
Lola nodded her head vigorously. "I want a... "
"YOU WANT a real bed." Brandie spoke over her, interrupting Lola. She turned back and jumped when she found the taller woman had moved close, bending down to look her in the eyes, her breasts uncomfortably close to Lola's face again. Why couldn't they have gotten someone smaller? More her size? Lola gulped.
"You want a real bed, with a box spring and pillows. Several pillows." Brandie continued, holding Lola's gaze with her own.
"I... want a real... bed with a box spring and several pillows?" Lola said shying away.
The man looked at Brandie. Brandie just smiled and shrugged.
"Done." he said. "I'll leave you two alone for now." and closed the door behind him.
Lola stood there stunned. "I... could ask for _all_that?"
"You've been selling yourself short." her mind quipped.
"Maybe. Depends on the mood of the giver. Usually they'll be strings attached, but I think we'll get away with it because it's your training wheels." Brandie replied.
"Training wheels?" Lola asked, her eyes drawn again to the woman's nipple jewelry. It was hard NOT to compare herself to the woman and Lola began to feel inadequate about her own body.
Brandie snapped her gum and grinned. "Sure. Gotta have a bed if you're going to learn how to fuck."