The Trip Part 2

Story by Voredude25 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer, this story has vore

The Trip Part 2

I awoke on a cold and rough surface, I was covered in slime and since it was windy I shuttered. When I opened my eyes, I saw my torn up tent in the wilderness, along with my backpack. I was naked besides my underwear and tried to remember what happened before I blacked out. Recalling nothing, I continue the search for my car keys to see if I can finally escape this wilderness. After scavenging around, i found myself a pair of shorts, socks, boots, and a long sleeve shirt. I didn't hesitate to change, but the clothes would get ruined if I put them on with the slime on me. Not being able to locate the car keys I gathered what I could I headed towards the creek not so far from my camp. On my way there I thought to myself, what happened?, how long was I gone for?, did the ranger send a search team? All these questions filled my mind keeping me distracted from my surroundings. All I can recall was a big bear but that's it. It's been around 30 minutes of walking and smelling like raw berries until I finally reach the creek, I set my clothes aside hidden in a bush and touch the water. It was freezing cold, but I couldn't wait all day for it to warm up, I jump in and get a sudden chill on my back. When washing my face I heard a rustling in the bush, something small, probably a squirrel I thought to myself. After making sure the slime was off, I swam back to the shore and looked for my clothes. Nothing, no signs besides my socks and shoes. Looking around I see footprints in the dirt, large footprints. Although I didn't want to meet the bear face to face, I want my clothes for the night to stay warm, also my map was in the shirt pocket. Having the option of either having to face the bear, or die of hypothermia out in the woods, there was no other option. Just looking at the size of the footprints gave me shivers. Gathering up my courage, I follow the footprints. When tracing the steps, I felt as if I have been here before but in a hurry, just can't put my finger on it. It was around noonish that I arrived towards a big cave within a mountain side. A part of me was saying don't go in, but what other choice do I have. After a few minutes of thinking, I decided to climb a tree and wait for the bear to leave it's cave and that's when I get my stuff back. The nearest tree I could hide in was tall and steep, it was hard at first but then after I got on a thick branch around 20 ft high, I decided not to go higher. I got comfortable and waited, it was getting late and I was starving. I look up to see the beautiful sun setting over the horizon giving of orange waves of sunlight. That's when a twig cracking caught my attention, but it was coming from behind me and not the cave. I look back to see the same big bear walking with a branch full of berries in its mouth. I wanted to facepalm myself so hard, "How could I be such an idiot," I said to myself. I didn't check the cave to see if it was empty in the first place. Now I have to wait for the bear to go to sleep, wonder how long that would take. I look to see that the bear is at its entrance stopped, then it raises one of its paws to scratch its back. I was about to doze off when I heard it, the sound of snoring coming from the cave. "Now's my chance," I thought to myself. I climb down the tree and approach the cave when suddenly, CRACK. I stepped on a twinge, I stood in silence for what felt an eternity until the snoring continued.Once inside, the cave was warm but I'm still freezing due to the lack of clothes. I could barely see two feet in front of me, the cave was dark and a death trap. As I walk towards the back of the cave I hear the snoring getting louder and louder. There, I saw the outline of the Bear in the back right corner of the cave. Looking around I see my clothes right by the belly of the beast, "ohh my luck," I said in my head. When approaching the bear, I took off my boots and tried sneaking, feeling around the floor, I felt my shirt so i slowly began to tug on it. In a few seconds the shirt was free, but now the shorts. The shorts were under the belly more, and will be difficult to retrieve. As I tried tugging at the shorts, I felt the soft brown fur. It was as soft as sheep's wool, I could just lie on it and sleep I thought to myself. Slowly tugging at it I manage to get the shorts free, that's when my stomach grumbled. I was sure the bear would have heard me, but no, it didn't. Remembering the berries the bear possessed, I had a quick look for them until I was a berry glisten in the moonlight. "Time sure does pass when your life depends on it, ha," I tried to cheer me up. The berries were lodged in its mouth still. Debating the fact that I was Hungry, I decided to take a handful of berries and go. Picking off one at a time, I felt its warm breath hit the back of my hand. That's when my stomach grumbled, I looked at the bear to see its eyes opened and looking at me. Quickly I turn around and try to run for it but on the way out I tripped over a rock or something, it was too dark to see. That's when I look up and see the bear tower over me. I was shocked, I felt this before but can't remember where. The bear opened its maw wide, and fit my head inside. With my arms by my waist I couldn't move. The hot breath hit my face and smelled like berries and tree bark. It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. I felt my legs go up the the air and the Bear swallow. "Why, why does this have to happen to me," I say aloud. The bear ripped my shirt and shorts while i was sweating over the humid throat. After it swallowed i felt only my feet on the outside due to the cold breeze that swept. The bear licked my feet for a while until it made one final swallow. Now my whole body was in the Bear's stomach, i was surrounded my flesh and juices but something in my mind told me everything will be alright. I don't know if I was trying to cheer myself up, but I punched, kicked and screamed to no avail. The bear just walked around to it's den and laid down. The bear let out a belch and took a deep breath. I could breathe, but what good will that put me in this situation.

Part 3 coming soon(AKA Final.)

The Trip Part1

**Disclaimer, I wrote this back when I was 12. It has vore in it, and may not be good :( I'm trying to get back into writing so any feedback and suggestions would be great.** The Trip All I hear are the birds chirping, the wind rushing against my...
