The Loneliest Place In The Galaxy

Story by thehopelessheathen on SoFurry

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#1 of The Loneliest Place in the Galaxy Series

A fairly long erotic human m x furry f story

I apologize in advance for the extreme length. If you just want to skip to the porn stuff, just search for the word "naughty"

Also, if you have any suggestions for stories let me know in the comments.

Quantine-63 is probably the loneliest place in the galaxy. It's a frozen rock orbiting a blue star, with a terraformed atmosphere and perpetual snowfall. The Alliance has a listening post there, which is supposed to be an early warning station if something attacks from deep space. I'm Sam, the unlucky bastard that the alliance stuck there to man the place.

As caretaker of this outpost in the middle of nowhere, my day mainly consists of lounging around doing nothing of any value. I send a report or two to the brass every week, just so they know I haven't died of boredom. The outpost has just about all the comforts of home, like a kitchen, a bed, a TV, and even a gaming console. I get supply shipments of basic stuff every month or so, with the occasional piece of experimental hardware getting tossed in for "testing". I'm not sure how much thought goes into it, since one time I got a surgical laser in a shipment. Me, a glorified lookout, with no medical experience whatsoever, got a goddamn medical grade laser with so many buttons learning to use it must take a decade. I think "testing" is just making sure whatever it is doesn't explode without risking anyone important.

Another piece of experimental hardware was due today, but I didn't know what exactly it was going to be. Judging by what the brass had sent before, it probably wasn't too lethal. Probably. I sat by one of the windows, gazing out into the perpetual snowstorm as I ate some "chicken". I checked my data tablet for the time. 2:13 Earth Standard. Right on queue I heard the faint roaring of entry thrusters. A few seconds later, I got a visual on the beetle shaped ship, thrusters on each side slowly bringing it to rest. I walked over to the door, shrugged on a heavy coat, laced on some boots, and pulled on some goggles.

By the time I got out there, Vic was already striding towards the door with a cart full of crates. He had a full mask on, as always. I never saw his face, or any part of his body to be honest. All I knew was that he was a bit on the short side and he didn't ask questions.

"Got any idea what the new hardware is?" I shouted over the wailing winds.

"Nope. The box looks like an android if you ask me, but I've never seen that kind of serial number before." Vic shouted back.

"Oh crap, a murderbot?" There had been incidents of androids doing all sorts of weird stuff, most prominently attempting to murder the nearest human.

"Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is it's been shipped from the Alliance's genetic engineering division."

"Great. A murder-abomination. Way better than a murderbot."

We spent the next 20 minutes hauling crates into the outpost. Vic finished up by bringing out what looked like some kind of metal storage case, about 7 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Like Vic said, the markings said it was an android storage unit, but from what little I knew about cryogenic engineering it seemed like some sort of stasis pod. It barely fit through the door. After parking it in front of the other supplies, Vic walked over and handed me a tablet. On the screen were a shipping manifest, various agreements, and other paperwork nobody in the history of the universe has read through. I scrawled my messy initials on the first page and tapped the "sign all" button.

"See you next month, Vic."

"Yeah, you too, Sam."

With his task complete, Vic strode off back to his ship. I got back inside and sealed the door before the thrusters knocked me on my ass. I returned to my meal, and after that watched a few recorded episodes of "Russian Space Marines".

My focus shifted back to the mysterious shipment after a particularly dreary episode, and I decided it was at least worth a closer look. As I walked over, I noticed a small viewing port on the front, which at the time was completely obscured by ice. There was a control panel on the front as well, with a 10-digit keypad and a glowing green button reading "OPEN". The closer I got, the more I could make out the two line serial code on the top-right corner. The first line was the standard jumble of characters for date of manufacture and such, but the bottom line simply read "Lucy". I thought maybe that was the name of the model, but on most of the crates I'd seen the models were something like "A45F-6NKP".

I reached for the button, but before I pushed it a thought ran through my head: What exactly was this Lucy? Was it human? Monstrous? Artificial? Would it obey my every command or would it rip my face off the second I saw it? I contemplated all this for a second, before pushing the button anyway. There was a slight hiss as the door came unsealed. As misty, frosted air escaped from around the edge of the door, I eased the case open to reveal its contents.

When I saw the creature inside, my first thought was that it looked like a husky. It was covered in black and white fur, standing a bit over 5 feet tall. It had two pointed ears sticking up from its head, and its snout was elongated. My gaze drifted down a bit, and I discovered that the it was a she. She had breasts, not large by human standards, but noticeable enough to draw attention. I looked down toward her feet, and only just glimpsed her canine paws when she fell on me.

She was as heavy as a human of the same size, and I barely managed to stay on my feet. I wrapped my arms around her, trying to hold her up as she awkwardly leaned into me. Looking down her back I could now see her tail, a bushy thing that almost reached the floor. It was then that I noticed how soft her fur was, like, well, like a husky. I began to lower her to the floor, when I noticed two blue eyes flick open.

She groaned a bit as she came to. I helped her to her feet, after which she blinked herself back to the waking world. Her eyes cleared, and focused on me with a small smile.

"Hello, I'm Lucy! Pleased to meet you!" I only half heard her peppy introduction, as I again looked up and down her body. Part of me was stunned out of shock, thinking "What the hell is this thing?" The other half was drooling like a highschooler.

"Hello? alright?" She waved one paw in front of my face, then followed my stunned stare down to her chest. "Oh, right! Uniform! Completely forgot!" She turned away from me, and slid open a panel in the back of the stasis pod. She took out a neatly folded grey uniform, laid it on the floor, and begun to change.

"I'm really sorry if I'm being too informal," She said as she slipped on her undergarments, "It's just that I wasn't really given a whole lot of instruction as to what life on base would be like." She stepped into a pair of plain grey pants, turning away and bending over to pull them up. With her tail lifted in the air, and her rump so prominently in view, I couldn't help as lewd thoughts wormed their way into my mind. "Am I being too informal?" She turned back towards me, and it took my muddled brain a few seconds to realize she was asking me a question.

"N-no, no, y-you're fine." I stammered out.

"Oh, good." She almost sounded surprised as she shrugged on the uniform jacket. She finally bent down and picked up the gold-trim hat, placing it atop her head.

"And you are...?"

"Ummm, I'm Sam." I replied.

"So, Sam, what are my duties?" A brief flash of things I did on a regular basis flashed through my mind, watching TV, a few maintenance checks, playing video games, writing reports, jacking off, that kind of stuff. "Should I go on patrol? Monitor equipment? Act as an assistant?"

"Uh, no..." I replied, as a bit of her enthusiasm seemed to fade. "This is a really small outpost, and it runs itself for the most part. The only reason I'm here is to do checkups on the equipment."

" want me to check the equipment?" Her eagerness returned. "I'm plenty qualified. I know my way around most Alliance systems."

"Sure, you go do that."

Lucy practically ran to the bank of terminals at the far end of the room, booting them up and getting to work. Since she probably wouldn't screw things up, I returned to the couch and turned the TV back on. Throughout the next episode, I only half watched it. Thoughts about Lucy swirled through my mind. Part of me wondered whether she could or would replace me. She seemed happy enough, and at least claimed to be able to be able to do my job. Another part of me was thinking far less decent thoughts. Could I convince her to have sex with me? It would certainly make things far less lonely. Would it be right to screw her? She wasn't human, but she was sentient, and she was humanoid, so it wouldn't be that wrong. And if I did have sex with her, could I get her pregnant? Was she human enough for that?

"Whatcha watching?" I jumped a bit as Lucy flopped onto the couch beside me.

"Uh..." The title card flashed on screen before I could answer.

"Russian Space Marines, huh? Never heard of it. Of course, I haven't exactly watched a whole lot of shows. It was pretty much all training for me." She looked over at me, expecting me to continue the conversation. When I didn't, she turned back toward the show.

A few hours of TV watching later, her face stretched into a yawn, revealing a mouth of sharp white teeth. She then stood up and walked a few steps before turning back towards me.

"Could you point me to the sleeping quarters? I'm getting a bit drowsy."

"Sure, sure." I turned of the TV and led her over to where my quarters were. As I opened the door, it finally dawned on me that the outpost only had one bed. Before I could object, she was already past me and had flopped onto my bed.

"Uh, that's actually my-"

"Could you turn the lights out? Thanks!"

Not willing to make things complicated, I just hit the switch and left. That night I slept on the couch, dreaming about the first interesting thing to happen in a long time.

I woke up to the sound of Lucy merrily humming, followed by the hiss of the refrigerator closing. I sat up to see her ripping open her own breakfast, indifferent to my groaning. I scratched my head a bit, blinked the sleep out of my eyes, and sluggishly shuffled over to the coffee machine. Once I had the thing set up to brew, she turned toward me with a smile and a bit of jelly on her face.

"Hey, glad you're up! I was just wondering, why were you sleeping on the couch? I was thinking you just fell asleep watching TV, but the TV was off, and you had some blankets, so..." She kept on speculating while I waited for the pot to fill up. I turned back toward her with a fresh cup of coffee to find her looking at me with anticipation.

"The reason I slept on the couch was that there's only one bed in the outpost, and you were sleeping in it."

"Oh! Oh my, I'm so sorry! I should have asked, or figured, or something. I'm sorry!" I took a sip of my coffee as she scratched at her chin.

"I know! We could share!"

"You mean take turns?" My sleep clouded brain had trouble with thinking up anything else.

"No, I mean like sleep together." Her happy demeanor faltered a bit as I nearly spit out my drink. "Well, the bed's pretty big, and I don't move around too much, and I would think it would get kind of cold, you know, cause you don't have...fur."

I was about to respond with a firm "no", but I thought a bit more about it. The nights could be kinda cold, and having another body in bed (a furry warm body at that), would definitely help with that. And, on a filthier note, it couldn't hurt to see what sleeping with her would be like. At any rate, it was worth a shot.

"Sure. I'm cool with that."

I spent the first half of the day just watching TV and browsing on my personal tablet. I noticed that Lucy spent almost the entire time in the sleeping quarters, but I didn't want to pry. She eventually came out to grab a snack, and I joined her in the dining area.

"So, what are you doing in there?" I casually asked.

She almost jumped at the question, and her sideways glances told me she didn't want to answer.

"Uh...research. On...on the You know, for maintenance." She nervously chuckled a bit. "Don't want it breaking down on us, right?"

"Yeah, sure." What was making her so anxious? I had to find out. After the quick meal, she headed back into the sleeping quarters. I went back to watching TV for an hour or so, then left it on as I crept towards the door. I pressed my ear to the thin metal, and over the dialogue of the TV show I could hear...moaning? I didn't sound like Lucy, though, it sounded like...

I rushed over to one of the command terminals, flicking through the various menus until I got to data access records. She was accessing the local private drives, but for what? I clicked to expand the report, and found she was accessing my "personal files" folder. She was watching porn. That would certainly explain her anxiety about my questions. But why was she watching it? Curiosity? Arousal? Was she trying to learn more about me? Should I ask her about it? Would she ask me about it?

My train of thought was broken by the sound of a door sliding open. Lucy stepped out, walked over to the couch and flopped down. Looking closely, I could swear she seemed...out of breath. She was grinning a bit, but not with her usual sunny demeanor. Her grin almost struck me as...naughty. I walked over to join her, and sat down hesitantly.

"Oh, hi, Sam!"


Now that I was sitting beside her, I could see a small stain on the crotch of her pants. The fly was down too, almost as if...

"What've you been up to? Just watching shows?" I couldn't tell if this was actually a veiled accusation or just me being paranoid.

"Uh, yeah. Pretty much."

"Well, I think it's safe to say that the computer system won't be going down anytime soon. Memorized every inch of the fucker." That last word struck me as odd, I had never heard her swear before.

"Oh. Good." My mind raced. Should I ask her about it? If I did, would she-

"Hey Sam, do you ever get lonely out here?" The question jerked me out of thought.

"Lonely? What do you mean?"

"You know, wishing for someone else to talk to." She scooted a bit closer to me on the couch. "Someone to be with." She scooted even closer until she was up against my left arm. "Someone to hold." Her right forepaw came to rest on my knee.

"Uh...n-not really."

"Oh...hmmm..." Her forepaw snaked up my thigh. "Well, I think..." In one swift motion she swung her other leg over my lap, straddling my legs. "...You might be lying." She gripped my shoulders with her forepaws, looking straight into my eyes. "I think, that with all that stuff in your personal folder, you've been dying for some company." She slowly slipped the top of her uniform, showing off her white bra. Reaching behind her, she sensually unclasped the hooks, holding it to her chest for a moment. I felt an erection starting to take hold, growing further as she continued to strip. At last, she shrugged off the straps, pulled the bra off with one hand, and let it drop to the floor.

Lucy leaned in and whispered in my ear, "And I think I can help you."

I was too overcome with either lust or shock to do anything. She began pulling off my own clothes, starting with my shirt. As she reached down towards my zipper, any reservations I had evaporated, replaced by animalistic lust. I roughly grabbed the front of her pants, pulling apart the buttons and pushing them down her legs. Once her pants were off, I stopped for a moment, admiring her naked body. Her pink nipples stood out with arousal, and looking down I could see her nethers were inflamed as well. Her ice blue eyes burned with lust, and her mischievous grin foretold all the things we would do together.

I kicked things off by slipping one hand between her legs. I could feel the heat radiating out, and she shuddered a bit as I touched her warm, supple vulva. With two fingers I began to press in, feeling her squeeze and contort around me. I enjoyed watching her expression change, as she urged me to go deeper. My fingers curved in a beckoning motion, rubbing across her insides and sending shudders through her body. She reached down and began rubbing her clit with one forepaw, adding to her pleasure. We sat like this for a while, rubbing and pushing, coaxing out lubricating fluids of her own making.

She then pushed my hand back, her grin telling me it was my turn to be pleasured. She slid down to the floor, torso between my legs, and began to fumble with my zipper. Her paws took a bit longer to get the job done, but when she pulled my pants back my cock sprung up in earnest. "Well aren't you excited." she purred

At first she licked at it, slathering it with warm saliva before rubbing up and down on the shaft with her paw. It felt amazing, her tongue was so warm and soft against my cock.

"Oh god. It feels so good. Keep going." I moaned as she continued to rub up and down my shaft with her forepaw.

As if remembering something, she pulled back and looked up mischievously at me. In response to my quizzical glance, she took my cock in one hand and guided it all the way into her mouth. My member was surrounded by warmth and wetness, made all the better by her exploring tongue. She took my balls and began to play with them, fondling them with a tender grip. In my moaning ecstasy, I put one hand on the back of her head and pushed her to bob faster and faster. She gladly obliged, and sped up on her own once my groans grew in volume.

I could feel pressure building up in my crotch, escalated by her wild suckling. I could hardly think, let alone speak, but I still tried to give her fair warning.

"Oh fuck...I'm...I'm gonna...urgh!" I came to climax as she kept going, hot white cum shooting into her mouth. She gradually went back to licking, swallowing cum with each flick of her tongue. After a minute she had cleaned it all off, and wiped her mouth with the back of one hand. She got back up on my lap, and to my suprise pulled me into a tender kiss. It was a bit strange, feeling her tongue rooting around in my own mouth, mixed with the salty taste of my own cum. She pulled away, looking into my eyes with mischievous satisfaction.

"I guess you like that, huh?"

"That...that was amazing." I paused a bit, my mind finally regaining higher function. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

She chuckled a bit. "Honey, your little "personal folder" had all the instruction I could need. Plus, watching your face told me what you liked best." She sat back a bit, stroking my now limp member in her hand. "So, how long until this little guy is back up and running?"

I looked down at my crotch, now slathered in saliva. "Uh, a few minutes, maybe? Why do you ask?"

She pushed me back into the couch, a forepaw on each shoulder. "Because I want to take this all the way. I want you," She poked one digit into the center of my chest. "Inside of me." She then pointed down to her own crotch.

"Well, I have an idea of what to do while we wait." The gears of my mind began to turn to more erotic gestures.

Her playful demeanor became mixed with genuine curiosity. "Oh? Like what?"

Without warning I grabbed her around the waist, hoisting her into the air. I turned as she kicked and squirmed, took a few steps back, then playfully tossed her onto the couch. As she looked at me with confusion and curiosity, I kneeled between her legs so our positions were reversed. Not sure what I was playing at, she hesitantly spread her legs apart, giving me a full view of her vagina. It wasn't too dissimilar to that of a human, with all the basic parts in the right place. The only difference was it was flanked on both sides by soft white fur.

I could see the wetness from my first fingering was still there, but I still wanted to warm her up a bit before continuing. Again I stuck two fingers inside, and again they were met with warm moistness. She squeezed down a bit as I moved my fingers back and forth, but didn't seem as enthralled as before. She began looking up toward the ceiling, and I sensed she was getting bored of fingering. I brought my mouth in above my fingers, and she almost yelped as I began to lick her clit. Confusion turned to pleasure as I continued licking and sucking, still rubbing on her insides with two fingers.

After a bit i switched tactics, spreading her wet lips apart with both hands. I licked as deep and as hard as I could, which was met with deep, sensual moaning. I continued to lick at her, tasting the juices flowing outward. To my surprise she put both of her thighs on my shoulders, crossing her legs behind my head and pulling me even deeper into her. Her moaning grew in intensity, and I could feel the muscles tensing around me with anticipation. In one explosive burst, she squeezed my head in her thighs and let out a guttural scream of ecstasy. My probing tongue could feel her insides pulsing and squeezing, and her forepaws joined her legs in forcing me deeper.

Eventually she came down from her orgasmic high, her legs falling limply on either side of me. I sat back on my haunches, admiring my handiwork. She was panting hard like she had just run a mile. I could still see a few twitches here and there, her body still coming to rest. I looked down and found I was fully erect again, spurred by the taste and scent of her juices.

"You still want to go all the way?"

"Heh...yeah. Oh yeah." She slowly nodded, still panting.

"Alright then." In a surge of strength, I pulled her hips towards me and flipped her over, resulting in her rump being ripe for the taking. It was hard not to admire the view, with her cute hips framing her pussy. Her tail was raised high and curled back, almost in invitation, and it wagged back and forth slightly. I moved in closer, positioning my cock right in front of her lips. I could still feel the heat, and rubbed my tip across her slick surface.

"C'mon, quit teasing me." Lucy whined.

Both of us gasped as our intimate bond commenced. I pressed in slowly, gently, feeling her hot insides envelop my member inch by inch. I could feel her juices making my entry as smooth as silk. I pressed further in, feeling her contracting against me. It was almost like a hand gripping me tight, begging for more. At last I went in to the hilt, feeling her heat and her wetness on my crotch.

I began pumping my cock into her pussy, back and forth, feeling the blissful friction all along the length of my shaft.

"Mmhh...damn you're tight." I groaned. She seemed a bit preoccupied though,with eyes rolled back in ecstasy. Her moaning was music to my ears, driving me to move faster and harder, bringing us both even closer to the edge. I reached around the front of her leg and began to rub at her clit in sync with my thrusts. She shivered and moaned, clenching down with both paw and pussy.

"S-Sam, wait." I could barely hear her whisper, but stopped nonetheless. Had I hurt her? Did I do something wrong? She got up off her knees and laid back on the couch, stretched out elegantly.

"I want it like this. To see your face..."

I nodded once, then gently laid on top of her. With care I pushed myself back in, seeing her face react with pleasure. We continued on, but this time looking into each other's eyes. It was something else entirely to watch her react, to see the lust and pleasure in her expression. I could feel her breasts against me as well, soft mounds with hardened tips. Playing with them only made things better, and when I suckled on her nipples I could see her face light up with delight.

Eventually I felt her tensing up around me again, and felt a similar tension in myself. I tried to control myself, holding back a bit in an effort to cum in tandem with her. She seemed to notice this, and as she neared her climax moaned, "I'm gonna...ah! I'm...mmph..." Feeling her start to convulse under me, I sped up in earnest, getting closer with each blissful thrust. Her legs clamped over my hips, and pulled me in to the hilt as I blew my load inside her. We writhed together in joined climax, her tight, convulsing pussy milking my cock of every drop of hot sticky cum. I looked into her eyes and saw pure lust, wanting everything I could give her. At last we came to a stop, panting and twitching from receding orgasms. I rolled over with her, leaving her lying atop my chest with her soft fur against my bare skin. I realized she had quickly fallen asleep, and with my lover laying atop me I too drifted into dreams.

The next morning, I woke with Lucy still lying on top of me. As gently as I could, I shifted myself off the couch, lifting her a bit as I went. She didn't wake up, and I headed off to the showers to get cleaned up.

The various fluids still on my junk took a bit of effort to wash off. As I continued to scrub and lather, I thought back to my time with Lucy. Would this be a regular thing? Would she be willing to do this again? Judging by her reactions, I certainly thought so. Was it wrong? Had I committed a crime against nature? No, no. We were both consenting adults, it didn't matter if we were different.

I finished up in the shower and grabbed a towel from off the rack. While drying off, I thought I heard...footsteps? It sounded like Lucy was pacing back and forth. I put on some clean clothes, and slid open the door to find Lucy standing just outside. She looked surprised for a moment, then seemed to steel herself for whatever came next.

"Sam, I...I'm sorry." Her eyes refused to meet mine like a guilty dog.

"Sorry about what?" Concern started to brew in my mind.

"I'm...sorry I...forced you. I...I don't know what came over me. It...I don't know." Genuine regret sounded in her voice, and she looked up to meet my gaze. "I just hope you forgive me."

"What's there to forgive?" Regret changed to confusion in her eyes, and she cocked her head to the side. "Last night was amazing, and if you wanted to I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

"R-really? I mean I-"

"Yes, really." I took her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers. As I pulled back, I could see her confusion had melted into joy.

"Well, I'm going to go get cleaned up, and after that we'll see where things go."

I returned to the couch and flopped down into it. With Lucy around, this outpost might be the coziest place in the galaxy,