End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 14

Story by DiceVolti on SoFurry

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#14 of EOOW? NT

Mickey finds himself beside Yen Sid, hidden behind an invisible spell, watching the gate from afar. Yen Sid is surprise how stressed his apprentice seems to be. He can nearly hear his heartbeat from here he is and his breathing is sharper then usual, just a little bit.

"Mickey, relax alright? I trained you and I chose you because I knew you were really smart." Yen Sid comments, trying to calm the mouse.

"But how can I relax when deep down, you know that everybody has high expectations from you? Especially in something of that scale? How do you remain so calm master?" Mickey speaks, keeping his gaze on the gate the whole time, his expression mixed between anxiety and excitement.

Yen Sid runs his fingers through his long beard for a few seconds before finally answering. "I'm always a bit scared of what may happen but I do know one thing, as long as I can control it, I'll do my best to keep it under control. If something is going rogue and is outside of my control? It's not my fault, I just accept it and deal with it. Even at my age, I still learn from my mistakes. I will always learn Mickey. So, go to the portal with confidence, I know that you believe in yourself, you can do it."

Mickey's ears twitches slightly as he takes in the words. It makes sense, it makes sense but it's hard to fully accept it. Can something be out of your control? Can something be out of control for Yen Sid? Surprisingly, Mickey couldn't say no, not everything can be controlled, there's always hazardous events happening and nobody can do anything about it.

"Never thought about this...under this perspective at least." Mickey smiles lightly, relaxing a bit.

"I have an important question for you Mickey." Yen Sid says as he notices the army arriving from the plains. "Do you trust your teammates? Do you trust your allies?"

"Yes, I do trust them. Why this question?"

"You are extremely powerful Mickey. Temptation is that you would not trust anybody because of that or you would watch people as inferior of you. You seem really down to earth and humble about it. I congratulate you for that."

"Thank you master." Mickey's eye beams with happiness.

Yen Sid notices the army stopping and a few squad dispatching, some on higher grounds and others going straight for the gate. "Alright, it's time to go Mickey. Go with strength and wisdom. We will always watch your back. I'll be here to keep an eye out on you but as I told you before, I cannot afford of being seen by Maleficent. Now, go, we will talk later."

Mickey nods and salutes his mentor before running of to the gate. There is still a bit of ground to cover before reaching the gate and traps are likely to be hidden. He halts to look behind were he left his master but there are no more signs of him. He lets out a small sigh to release some of his stress and runs on to the gate. Mickey desperately wants to fly straight to the gate but being on the ground would give them more time to close the door, assuming the foes are not alerted by their presence. The four squads chosen to cover Mickey quickly catches up with him and they are now running toward the gate.

Mickey notices green flames rising at the top of the gate and a figure comes out of them. 'Well, the element of surprise is a bust.' He thinks, almost frightened as he realizes who just appeared in front of them.

"Poor fools, you dare come and interfere with my plan? I will crush everybody, you and your worlds, one by one." Maleficent yells at the oncoming group, her voice filled by hatred. Her eyes start to glow green as she casts green fireballs and launches them on the group.

Mickey's first reaction is to cast an electric shield around the group and it's only now that he realizes that two members of the group are the teenagers they met, Sora and Riku. Sora is wielding a sword looking like a key with a long silver Keychain extending from the hilt, and a Hidden Mickey token on the end of the Keychain. The blade and teeth of the Keyblade are silver, the rain guard is blue, and the guard is bright gold. Riku has a sword with a red, purple and blue blade shaped like a demonic wing. the handle bears an eye and the handle itself consists of dark braids.

"interesting..." Mickey mutters, he looks straight ahead and notice that they are amazingly close to the gate but Maleficent does not look worried at all and that worries him.

"What the hell is she doing? She stopped attacking us." Riku yells.

"I do not know, let's be careful." Mickey answers calmly.

"How about I go and fight Maleficent and you guys go straight to the gate?" Sora grins.

"Heh how about no? Or we will be two to fight her." Riku answers back.

"That's fine by me, buy me as much time as you can but there's something not right. Where's the Horned King? They opened the gate together..." Mickey wonders.

"Who cares." Sora interrupts "We have Maleficent in front of us, let's take care of her and then..."

"He is no more." Maleficent growls and strikes the ground with her staff, making the ground shakes violently. A few seconds later, geysers of green flames start to pierce through the ground between them and the gate. Effectively stopping the group in their track.

"What?" Sora has a hard time believing this. "Liar."

"That idiot thought he could double cross me. He waited until I let my guard down to attack me with his army. I sure showed him not to mess with me. But that bastard still took down my army."

"Well...that's pretty anti-climactic..." Sora scratches his head, almost laughing and yet sounding disappointed.

Sora and Riku starts to hover slowly up to Maleficent.

"We will take care of her; you guys go for the gate." Riku yells back to the group.

"Come, please come, you are mere flies to me." Maleficent laughs, her voice changing to a lower pitch as green flames engulf her and transforms her in her dragon form. Sora and Riku takes the opportunity during her transformation to get as close as possible before attacking her straight after.

Mickey takes the opportunity to walk through the geysers with the group using his shield. "Awesome we are there and so far, no one's here. I'll start closing the gate, another wave of monsters can come anytime through the gate though."

"Don't worry, we got you covered Mickey." A gunner in the group says with a grin on his face as he subtly waves his dual guns toward the portal. "Go for it, we will watch out for Maleficent as well. She might come in full force."

Mickey concentrates on the artifact on the right side of the door, a blue aura surrounds the mouse and soon, the door is surrounded by the same aura. Without warning, a deafening sound is released from the gate, the sound is very similar to at least ten trumpets blasting at full force. Mickey and the others covers their ears and thankfully after a few seconds, the sound fades away, leaving everybody's ears ringing. The mouse manages to keep the mana transfer going and his hearing is coming back slowly.

The door's gate gives a faint red glow before a new wave of mobs comes out like a cascade. The whole group clearly is not ready for a good ninety-ish monsters coming their way, thirsty for blood and Mickey manages to fly away thinking he would be safe up in the air while taking care of the door. "Guys, this is getting ugly really quick here." He says before noticing a flare being shot in the sky.

"The whole army is coming man. This went south really fast." The guy from earlier says while backing away. "Stay up their Mickey we will...Look Out Mickey, on your left!"

Mickey looks just in time to see a massive cloud of bats rushing on him. Mickey do not have any other choice then cut his link with the gate to take care of the bats coming his way. "Vampires, great, that stinks. Alright, bring it on." As soon as he finishes the sentence, the cloud morphs in about twenty full fledged vampires. 'me and my big mouth'.

"You will regret saying this you rat. We will suck the life out of you for all it's worth." A vampire grins and licks his lips in anticipation.

"I do not think you will, and I for sure will not let you do it." Mickey expand his hands into the sky, letting shock charge flow through his body, creating static charge around him. His body is now covered with a thin layer of electric charge. Mickey gives a glance to his allies and he let a small sigh of relieve as he sees the army running straight to them.

"Alright, let's see who I'll fry first."

End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 15

Seeing the vampires being unsure on how to approach their opponent, Mickey takes advantages to charge up his body. Each second that passes, his body slowly turns to a tint of cyan blue, his wings retracting in his body. Surprisingly, he does not need...

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End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 13

Mickey lands near the camp in the plains and sits down thoughtfully. 'What the hell is happening? What happened while I was sleeping? It's hard to catch up on all the events.' He scratches his head, looking up to the moon and sigh. From sleeping in a...

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End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 12

The group turns to see the young man. "Who are you, young man?" Daisy asks carefully "I haven't seen you before." "My name is Riku." He says as he walks to the group "I'm currently investigating what's going on behind the enemies' lines. It's getting...

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