Dystopian Sky Scrapers

Story by TGRummy on SoFurry

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I had a dream this morning that I decided to share with you guys. Figured people might like it.

This is a dream I had... and it went a little like this...

It was in the distant future. Where cities took most of the earth's land. Pollution and over population forced humanity to build Sky scrapers as high as the clouds. Away from the smog and the low life that lives below. The higher you go up these buildings, the richer it gets. Skyscrapers like these often become home of turf wars. Gangs, criminals and even corporations would fight for certain floors and rooms. Cops don't really reinforcing these "lost Skyscrapers" since some of them die in duty when responding to a call. The police rather defend the skyscrapers from corrupted member of society and contain them within their slums. For short, it's a dystopian future. Where the rich rule and the poor suffer.

I start my dream with taking an elevator ride with friends. We all had smile on our faces. We where all excited to be so high up a building, we knew we where in for a treat. We reached our floor. Not nearly close to the top but we where high enough to look out the window to see the smog a few floor below us. The reason why we went up is because we went out for lunch! We had coupons for this 60's diner style featuring hard to get food such as milk shakes and hamburgers. Hamburgers made with REAL beef! It's rare to have good quality meat or milk in the future since all the fields and the farms have been overwhelmed by the city. It was a treat for all 3 of my friends and I to have! The restaurant was lively and full. Girls on roller skates, jukebox playing rock and roll, checker patterned floors and old cars. It looked exactly like a 60's diner, except for one thing...

At the side of every booth, there was this rail system... Sorta like a roller coaster or a ski lift. It doesn't have any seat, but you could stand on it and hold on with straps. The waitress rolls in. "Hello boys, a both for 4?!" We gave her our tickets and lead us to our table. The coupon came with a free milk shake and a meal of our choice. Without hesitation, we all ordered the most expensive burger. The fancy all beef burger with fries. After all, this place is known for the burgers. The waitress smiles and rolls away with our order. We where all having a great time. The atmosphere felt energetic, but felt artificial. Like if they covering up for something. Something about those rails... It was just out of place. It didn't make sense. But hey, people seemed to have fun riding it. And speaking of people... everyone here seemed a bit... poor. Everyone coming in seemed to have coupons too. How would a business like this would be able to run if there is no paying customers?

Once our hot delicious food was delivered by our beautiful waitress we couldn't help to dig in. My mind was too focused on the food to care. The Milk shake tasted so sweet and fresh! The burgers are juicy and the fries are deep fried just right! This food was way better than the boiled, spiced rats we had before. This was REAL food. The meal finally came to an end. We would have left a tip, but we need the money. Just as we where about to leave, the waitress rolls in once again. "You guys wanna have a complementary tour? You get to see behind the scene of out fine establishments and get to enjoy this neat ride along the way!" The gate open to the ski lift thing. My friend pushing me into it. All four of us standing and holding on to the cage like ride. Strapping in tight so we don't slip out. The waitress pushes a button and we where on our way.

We where sliding in between the walls. Our friends giggling as we where slowly taken to the kitchen. The music slowly start to fade as the rails didn't seem to be leading to the kitchen... We kept going and going, the light became dim and red. Slowly climbing upwards until we where left with us four strapped into this cage, with nothing to see but girders supporting the Sky Scraper and strange mist. The smell of burgers being replaced with the smell of chemicals. Industrial noise can be heard as we where taken to a different floor, up within the walls of the massive skyscraper. We eventually entered a chamber. The gate shut behind us and made a hissing sound. It sounded as if the room was getting air sealed. The room is pitched black. Nothing to see, my friends and I are scared. I knew this was a bad idea! But I had no chance to protest. Suddenly, a old CRT TV lights up in the corner of the room. Giving us the only light source in the room. It looked like a the inside of a submarine. The TV was playing the tour guide pre-recorded video. It seemed glitchy and old, keeping the 60's theme of a black and white projector, the video played... "Whwhwwoikoyhelhellhellhell...He.. Hello! And welcome to SkyTower #A152, Danny's fancy diner's, behinds the scene tour ride! Where all the cool kid hang! Please stay buckled in at all times and keep all limbs inside the moving vehicle. Keep all question till the end of the ride! And don't forget to have fun!!"

A gate in front of us opened. Air blew into our faces as we are reviled something that we where not expecting at all. We are now hanging from the rails, above 30 feet off the ground. Below us are machines and pipes, containers holding colorful chemicals and workers wearing hazmat suits. Laboratories and scientist working, all protected within their gear from the harmful odor given off by some strange vent, dishing out purple fumes. We where fully exposed to the mist, since it would raise up to the ceiling for us to breath in. We couldn't help to caught at the strange odor overpowered our senses. We would slowly move to the next area, where scientists are taking notes.

The workers removed our clothes and all our belonging. Taking away everything, and slowly leaving us naked. During this process,another CRT TV turns on. "TSk, tkt, Wwwhwhw, tktkttt In this step, the worker evaluate the product. Removing any obstruction that could potentially harm or slow down production. These workers also inject a home made family secret formula into that said products to guaranties freshness and juicy flavors that Danny's fancy diner is well known for! This formula grants us the key to our success and the key to our customers hearts." As the video said, the workers put a injector guns to our necks, and injecting us with a vial of blue liquid. My eyes grew wide!! A instant burning sensation suddenly spread out into my veins!! It was like they injected lava in me. Spreading across my body. I couldn't help to twitch and groan. The cart start to move forward again as the pain slowly diverse within my body. Feeling it making changes inside me. My friends felt the same. We got into the purple mist again. It was so dank that we couldn't see past our chest. Breathing in those fumes made my head light weight, on the plus side I felt buzzed so the pain dramatically become less noticeable. But I could still feel a numbness to my feet. I wanted to scratch it but it I couldn't move from the restraints. We kept moving down the rails, still hung 30 feet off the ground. The sound of my foot kicking the metal ski lift sounded hard and loud. I was worried I was hitting my toe nail hard against the railing. These fumes really made it hard to feel pain or see... As the cart kept moving. I looked down in horror to see that my feet are now a pair of hooves!! With brown fur spreading up my already digitigrade legs!

Looking at my friends in horror, and they too have cow like legs. One of my friend was turning into a white with black spot cow while the rest of us where turning brown. The changed continued to creep up on us as we entered another section of this "factory". We are taken to this weird, wedged, wall like area where there is this weird screen in front of us and in a back. The screen suddenly turns on with a bright yellow light exposed to our naked body. A buzzing noise can be heard, feeling a warmth sensation as if this was a giant tanning bed. The CRT TV can be heard from a distance. "NININnnninifdfhdfs In... In this area, the product is evaluated and scanned for potential errors or unwanted side effects. Fur is growing rapidly as the bone and muscles within the product's legs is now modified to support the newly weight that will be gained within this step. If everything is alright, the worker will turn on the machine, modifying the body further using controlled radiation to alter the product's body down to a molecular level to change the product's DNA. Becoming more cow than anything else! Healthy, tender and fat! HHhmmm! Now that's cooking with science!! TSSkkt..." The video ended, but we where left there in the heat of these light. I feel my belly growling and bulging outwards... shifting and changing. While being drugged it feels like my body is tinkling. Fur has reached my hips, and I feel fat and muscles gathering up there too. They've grown a LOT. Making me look all girly with a thick plumb ass. I look to my friends and I notice they suffer too. I see a little nub growing out of their spine. A cow tail slowly start sprout and wave. I look at their faces, and I see their ears are long and flat, just like a cow. Their nose turning into a muzzle, taking shape of a cow! I cross my eyes to see my own nose widen up and pushing out into a muzzle too. I freaked out! Shaking the cage as the radiation changes me. I look down at myself and I see my belly, now fat and bulging and strangely feminine. Despite being bloated out, hunger strikes as I feel my new stomachs forming inside me becoming a herbivore in a matter of minutes. Demanding grass and herbs to fill it's needs.

The fur now covering all my body. A chest tuff majestically fluffs out. My tail fully grown, and my head now fully cow like. Feeling the new weight of my muzzle every time I turn to look at my friends, who looked nothing like they used to moments ago. My belly covering the vision of my groin and feet. feeling frighten that they'll actually change me all the way to a cow for their fucked up diner. The lights turns off. the carts keeps moving to the next area...

"T..TH.. THis is thedfasndfsd final..asdafwowaahhhsysa....AAAhh and the process will be complete. If you have any question please feel free to email us at dskfjksfsfsfd.... TTSSSKKK!!" I feel movement happening between my legs. I looked down to my best abilities, but my gut is blocking the view, I'm only able to see a blue... wet cloth coated is some liquid is held up between my legs. I can't see properly to what happening to me. I look to my friend to see what's going on, and I feel the wet cloth now being pulled up in between my ass cheeks to my dick!! Moving around back and forth, like if our crotch was getting flossed by a wet towel. Not too long now, my friend next to me, slowly closing his eyes. Grinding his hips in an opposite motion as the towel. Purposely rubbing his crotch against the wet fabric. I can feel it too... The pleasure starting to build up. I can't see what's happening but it felt nice... then good.... then it really started to feel amazing... I knew this is wrong... I had to escape NOW! I fell the towel dragging some fat near my crotch. Looking at my other friend on the left and now I see why... He now had a lump growing against the fabric. One can only imagine that this treatment is giving them all fours of them an udder. His friend lost in the pleasure that was forced onto them. Letting the cloth flossing his big bovine ass. A moo can be heard from my 4th friend. Seeing his cage bending him over on all fours. On his hands and hind legs now, his fingers now shifting together to form a solid hooves. His bones cracking and rib cage growing. The blue towel kept rubbing his udder as it grew in size. Milk now sprays out of her new tits. Leaking and puddling up. My stupid slow brain now realizing that the reason why this is feeling so good it's because we now had bovine pussies and we're being stimulated. A feeder was attached to my friends muzzle. Eating away hay as her new pussy is being toyed with a cloth soaked with chemicals.

I couldn't stand it! I kept my fingers spread as wide apart as I could! Pushing away the metal bars! I see my friends next to me now forcibly getting pushed on all fours. Taking form of a Feral cow too. I knew is was just a matter of seconds till I was ready. I feel my fingers growing hard... I felt them trying to make a fist but I held onto the bars! They remained fingers but they felt stiff and thick! The motor is trying to push me down on all fours. I put my heavy weight onto the bars. With the help of the machine pushing me down and my new body weight, I was able to break free! The bars broke, releasing me from this railed cage. Unfortunately, I plunder down into a fall. Hitting tall the roof of all machines and containers along the way down. Taking a rough beating as I reached the floor. I was in pain, but not as much pain thanks to being drugged. Workers where running towards me. I could tell this accomplished nothing! My udder is already leaking milk, It's just a matter of time before they finish my process and put me on the menu... I was doomed... Until....

An alarm went off, then cops went bursting through the windows shooting. They scared off all the workers away from the lab. I was just laying on the ground. This lady in a suit ordered the men to take me away by helicopter. The Cops where getting shot back by the companies thugs. They pushed me into this military helicopter while being shot at. The last glimpse I saw before passing out was them checking my vital signs. Amazed and horrified of the creature I've become... Darkness.... Time past, I woke up in bed... all bruised, but also patched. I was in this old home, blue skies and green hills. Looked like I was in Europe... Vineyards in the distance, birds singing... It felt... odd... This shouldn't be... cities where everywhere... This HAD to be some kind of virtual reality... But right now, that was not the main issue I had in mind. I felt pain, and looking at the mirror,I only saw a anthro cow looking back at me. I couldn't help to think what will happen next...

The answer is...Well... Not a whole lot changed actually. Turns out I was in a virtual reality at the hospital. They just wanted to keep me calm while they fix me up and preform tests on me... They somehow figured out who I was and notice I'm poor as dirt like the rest of the world. They payed for my hospital bills in exchange for some tests, I agreed and they patched me up. The tests was pretty simple. Physical tests, mental exercises, puzzles, cardio, DNA samples. The hard part was when they wanted to know what happened inside and to describe them what I saw. I told them exactly what the CRT TV was saying, but it was being played at a shitty quality and giving useless information. They weren't satisfied with my answers. They stopped being nice and became more direct. No one wanted to tell me what's happened to my friends. They said they "lost" them. The cops had to retreat the Sky Scraper. There was too many of them. And even if we did found them, how will we know which cow is your friend? They probably shipped them away by now. Devastated, I didn't know what to do. The police got what they wanted from me, so they Just let me go. Wearing a over sized sweater to hide my look, I stumbled back home. In my shitty apartment... as a female anthro cow... leaking milk ever so often.... I jumped in bed. Trying to think what to do next. How can I find a job like this... Do I need a new I.D? A new name? What about my family? Guess I only eat green now? Question flooded my mind as I slowly drifted to sleep...

And then... I woke up irl and drew this, lol. The end!

Kovu's revenge

Story time! A story about trust and revenge. It all started when Kiara fell in love with Kovu. Those 2 lions spending time together, playing and hanging out. Even if Kiara knew Kovu was an outsider she still loved him. Kovu on the other hand, had...

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