Some cleaning to do (commission for Okamis)

Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

Hey there! This is another commission Okamis in FA asked me to write for him. It features this paw loving lynx and his friend Reccane after they come to their flat and find everything upsidedown.

Hope you'll all like it!

Usednapkins piled up right onthe only part of the wooden table that wasn't covered by the colorful paper tablecloth. Plastic cups spread randomly throughout the whole room. Some of them on the same table, others under the chairs, and some even knocked over on the floor. Stains of soda,coffeeand chocolate milkshake were everywhere: the furniture, the walls, even the windows. There wasn't a single cushion in its place. The lamp on the coffee table was upside down.

Someone had left his pants on the couch.

"Well, thank God this was an alcohol-free party," Issy observed, trying to look on the bright side.

"...this is a disaster," said the lion that stood by his side. He was obviously much more worried about the state of the room than the other feline.

"Well, yeah! So much coffee spilled that I can't drink. Wait. Can I?" the lynx got closer to the table and picked up one of the plastic cups, looking at it critically.

"That's the least of our worries right now! How can you be so calm when our deposit depends on... Oh." The lion stopped there, frowning and looking at Issy with resignation. "You're doing it again, aren't you?"

"Again? Doing what?" asked the lynx, throwing the plastic cup over his shoulder. "Recco, I have no idea what you're talking about."

The plastic cup fell on the other side of the room and the lion was about to let out a scream until he realized it had been empty all the while. He moved around the room, trying to calculate the damages. When he understood that they were way beyond dangerous levels, he slumped on the sofa and let out a long sigh.

"It's impossible," he concluded. "We'll never have the flat ready for tomorrow. We're losing that money."

"Ah, come on, don't be so pessimistic!" the lynx said, looking at the inverted lamp now. "Maybe she'll like the change of decoration."

"The only ones that are going to like this change are cockroaches and I really wish I won't see one of those here before tomorrow," Recco hoped.

Issy sat by his side, chuckling a bit. The lion couldn't really understand how he could keep his spirits up under those circumstances, but he secretly envied the lynx for that. He let out another sigh, disheartened, as he looked around and realized again that they had too much to clean, too much to tidy up. Maybe he had been a bit pessimistic: they technically could have the flat ready for the next day, but it was already 2 AM and he was too tired to start doing that just then.

He turned to Issy again, trying to find the words to tell the lynx that they'd better start tidying up soon, only to find that he had picked up the forgotten pants and was looking at them with a frown.

"Who do you think they belong to?" he asked, curious.

"No idea. I'd say all of us walked outside pants on if you ask me..."

"But then, how did they get here?" Issy asked again. Recco groaned. The lynx had that tone again. "What kind of magic brought those pants to our flat?"

"Rented flat," the lion reminded him. "But..."

"When we got out, did you hear if anyone was... panting?" Issy asked, turning his face to Recco with that kind of smilehe did when he had just made the worst of jokes.

The lion left his silence speak for him. He also manage to glare at the lynx the best way he could, given the circumstances.

"Sorry, I had to do it," Issy said, shrugging and then putting the pants back where he had found them. "Oh, here's another one, why don't we..."

"Oh, shut up!" the lion complained, running out of patience. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to bear his friends' terrible puns for much longer, he placed one of his paws on his mouth without even looking at him.

Silence was way more rewarding than he had expected and he enjoyed it for a few seconds as he closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. Issy also seemed to have calmed down a bit; or at least, he didn't try to talk or push away his paw. Not even to make another stupid joke.Now, that's something different, for a change, Recco thought, as he smiled.

After a few seconds, however, he turned to look at the lynx again. His friend had never been so quiet or for so long, and that worried him for some unknown reason, maybe because he wasn't used to it. The lynx didn't look like he had died, fortunately, but he seemed a bit tense and Recco would have sworn that there was a bit of red in his cheeks. The vision of the blabbermouth he had known for so long being so suddenly quiet and still made him feel a bit uneasy.

"What is it?" he asked, puzzled.

Issy made some muffled noises, as if Recco's paw actually prevented him from talking. The lion rolled his eyes and removed his paw from thelynx's mouth.

"What?" he repeated, impatiently.

"Oh. Huh," the lynx seemed to think about it for a few seconds, then grinned sheepishly. "I forgot!"

"You did what?" Recco asked. He could smell something fishy in that answer.

"I forgot! I don't know what I was going to say!"

The lion raised an eyebrow, suspiciously. Issy wasn't much of a 'normal' person most of the time, but he was starting to act much weirder than usual. He kept staring at the lynx inquisitively, trying to force him to confess. The other feline seemed to be getting more and more nervous with each passing second, and he squirmed a bit under Recco's gaze, looking away.

The lion definitely had never seen him like that.

"It's just that..." Issy began, after a few seconds. "... never mind."

"No! Just tell me!" Recco insisted, now curious. He wanted to know what was going on.

"It's just..." the lynx said quietly, turning to look at him. "...your paws. I had never realized how big and fluffy they are!"

Recco blinked a few times. The lionhad been expecting a hundred different answers, but not that one. He raised one of his paws and looked at it, bewildered.

"My...paws?" he repeated. He still wasn't sure he understood what the lynx meant.

"Yeah. I mean, look at them!"

"I am looking, but I just think they're normal paws,"Recco complained, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"No, they aren't," Issy said then. "I like them... a lot."

Right after saying those words, the lynx blushed and looked down. Then, a split second later, he raised his head and chuckled a bit, almost as if he was trying to conceal his embarrassment.

"Then again, I like a lot of things!" he said, grinning. "Don't let that go to your head, it's not so important. They're just paws after all!"

"I... I see," was all that Recco said, in response.

The lion, too, looked down. His paws were resting now on his lap and for some reason he couldn't help but looking at them. He felt as if he hadn't really looked at them before, or maybe as if he could see them in a completely different way then. An uncomfortable, tense silence fell between both of them as they just stayed there, waiting for the time to pass by. The flat around them was as messy and chaotic as before, but at that time, none of them seemed to notice.

Finally, after what seemed hours, Issy cleared his throat to start speaking again, probably willing to break the ice with one of his terrible puns. But before Recco knew what he was doing, one of his paws left his lap and landed on the lynx's mouth again, keeping it shut. Not tightly and maybe more hesitantly than the previous time... but he left it there now. He waited for a few seconds, breathing in deeply, and then turned to look at Issy, only to find that the other feline's cheeks had turned red again.

They exchanged a quick glance, both trying to evaluate the situation in any way they could. Recco had obviously taken the control of the situation now, but he was as lost as Issy, maybe even more so. The lynx looked back at him with big, hesitant eyes, as if trying to decide whether he should make another move or not. However, the lion didn't remove thepaw from his mouth and that seemed to give him the clue he needed.

Even with all that anticipation, Recco couldn't help but let out a soft gasp when he felt the lynx's rough tongue shyly leaving his mouth and caressing his paw cautiously. Even though there was only one way things could go at that point, the lion hadn't really expected that to happen.

But underneath the confusion and bewilderment, he could feel himself enjoying it. It felt rather nice to have the other feline's tongue moving through his pads, the warmth and moisture spreading through his whole paw as Issy licked it over and over. When the lynx put one of Recco's digits into his mouth and sucked it slowly, as if trying to make sure he wasn't making a mistake, the lion knew he was really enjoying that.

It would have been difficult to say for how long they stayed like that. Recco knew it felt too good to stop it, and Issy was paying too much attention to the paw in front of him as to say anything else. None of them spoke for a long time and, when after a few minutes the lynx gently pushed Recco's paw away from his mouth, both remained staring at each other, blushing and unable to say anything to break the silence. Almost as if there was nothing they could really say at the moment.

However, when Issy took his paw again and guided it to his mouth, willing to resume the licking and sucking, Recco felt an impulse and decided to go with it.

"I... I have two other paws down there, you know?" he said, shyly.

Issy blushed when he heard those words, but quickly seemed to pull himself together.

"Good to know. Up until now I thought you walked on wooden legs, like a pirate. Arrr!"

"Oh, shut up!" Recco said, chuckling a bit. However, he could see the lynx slowly going down to his knees and blushed again. He tried to take off his shoes clumsily, since from his position it was a bit difficult to do so, and he was too focused on Issy at the moment. He finally managed to remove his footwear, revealing a pair of bigger, even fluffier paws. A bit nervous, the lion moved his digits a few times, as if trying to get used to not wearing shoes anymore.

"Not wooden at all," the lynx observed, winking an eye at him.

"Yeah," Recco said, smiling back.

However, when Issy picked one of his hind paws and gave it a long, wet lick, he almost let out another gasp. Closing his eyes, the lion enjoyed the feeling of the lynx's tongue moving back and forth across his sole, the warm feeling making his whole body tingle as he felt the tension of his feet slowly melting away under the careful attention of his friend. He couldn't believe something so silly would feel so good.

Issy, on the other hand, was enjoying his position too. Going over the slightly rough pads over and over with his tongue, enjoying the perfect combination of the paw's solid parts and the fluffy fur that filled the rest of his mouth easily. When he put one of those thick digits into his mouth he could hear Recco gasping again and he felt just a tiny bit proud, letting his mouth explore his friend's paw just in any way it wanted. The touch, the taste, the caress of the big claw, it all was way beyond all he could have imagined. He pressed the big paw against his face gently as he kept sucking, letting out a soft moan.

After what seemed hours, Recco gently removed his hind paw from Issy's mouth. The lynx still tried to keep it close to his face a bit longer, but when he realized his friend was actually trying to pull it away from his mouth, he let him do so. He still raised his head and looked at the lion, between confused and disappointed. He would have loved to feel that paw in his face for a bit longer.

"Hmph, it's not fair," he complained, using a childish tone.

"You're right. It's not," Recco said. He was grinning at that time, and the lynx realized he had something in mind. "Now, talking about wood..."

He pointed with his hind paw at a certain point between the lynx's legs. Issy looked down and immediately felt his cheeks going completely red. He hadn't noticed until his friend had pointed it out, but there was a noticeable bulge right between his legs. He gulped.

"Hmm... well, I..." he started, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"It's okay. Why don't you take your pants off?"

That suggestion took Issy completely by surprise.

"Huh... what," he managed to say, puzzled.

"I said, you should take your pants off," Recco gave him a playful smile. "You've been making me feel good, I'd say it's time I do the same for you."

That sounded about right, but it still took the lynx a few seconds to get rid of his hesitation and do what the lion had asked him to do, with a deep, crimson red in his cheeks. After a short struggle, he finallyremoved his pants and stoodhalf-naked in front of his friend.

"You really don't need to..." he started, but then Recco's hind paw moved to his crotch and started stroking it gently and he could only let out a soft moan. "Aaaaah... damn."

The lion chuckled softlyand kept moving his paw up and down, making sure the lynx would perfectly feel his pads through the thin clothe of his boxers. His movements caused the intended effect and soon enough Issy was gasping and purring, eyes closed as he felt the paw he'd just been licking stroking his growing erection. Having Recco's paws on his mouth was something, but feeling them down there on his crotch was a completely different thing. The small claws, the rough pads and the soft fur gently stimulating that sensitive area were about to make him crazy, and he could just stay in that position, kneeling before the lion, who remained sitting in the sofa and moving his paw up and down rhythmically.

He, too, was enjoying the feeling of Issy's hardening member right under his feet, the need he could clearly see in the lynx's face. The fact that he was making his friend feel so good for a change was way more rewarding than he could have ever thought. As he looked into the lynx's half-closed eyes, he knew that he'd love to make him feel even better.

The hind paw he was using to stroke Issy's member slowly slipped to the boxer's elastic band and pulled it down. It took the lynx a few seconds to understand what he was trying to do, so focused he was on gasping and purring under the wonderful paw between his legs. However, when he realized what his friend was about to do, Issy blushed a bit again and helped him get rid of his underpants. It took a while, due to the position he was kneeling at, but after a short while he was finally naked from the waist down in front of the lion, who then moved his paw again to the lynx's erect cock, stroking a bit harder.

Issy let out a soft moan and then picked up Recco's other paw a bit anxiously, pressing it against his face and licking it eagerly once again. The lion shivered when he felt the rough, wet tongue moving across his sole one more time and let the lynx do as he wanted with that paw, as he tried to keep moving the one he kept on his friend's crotch. He started stroking his own member too, since Issy's moans and purrs were starting to turn him on, more than he was willing to admit.

After a short while, it became clear that the lynx was practically caressing the edge and Recco slowed down his movements until he stopped. Issy blinked a few times, a bit confused, and pushed the lion's paw away from his face as he stared at him, puzzled.

"What's wrong?" he asked, panting.

"Nothing," the lion replied, smiling sheepishly. "But...sit on the sofa."

"Hmm... really?" the lynx asked. He obviously was comfortable in that position and didn't want to move. "Why?"

"Just do it, there's something I want to do," was all Recco said.

Issy didn't look completely convinced, but after a few seconds did as the lion said. It took him a while to understand what his friend had in mind and he only realized when he saw Recco bringing his head closer to his throbbing, slightly wet feline cock.

"Uh... a-are you sure...?" he asked, gulping a bit.

"Sssh," the lion interrupted him. "It's my turn to lick something."

The lynx was about to answer back, but again the logic behind that argument make him stop. That, and the fact that as soon as Recco started licking his member with his feline tongue he could only let out a soft moan and close his eyes, melting on the sofa as an intense wave of pleasure washed over him. When the lion put his whole member inside his mouth, Issy moaned a bit louder. The memory of the paw that had been stroking between his legs just some instants ago was still fresh in his mind, as was the arousal that had been building inside him.

Just a few seconds passed by before he was again on the edge, feeling Recco's tongue move around his cock as the feline moved his head up and down, stimulating his already sensitive erection until it was difficult to hold back. Issy's moans were getting louder and louder as the lion kept sucking and moving his tongue around his hard length. The lynx placed one of his paws on Recco's head, guiding it almost automatically as he, too, started humping slightly without even thinking about it. Soon, the room was filled with the sucking noises and Issy's moaning.

When the heat and wetness and the pleasure were just so strong that the lynx couldn't hold back anymore, he let out another loud moan of ecstasy. Knowing that he was about to cum, Issy tried to warn his friend somehow, but when he looked down he found out that the lion seemed to be fully aware of what was about to happen, and that in any case he seemed to be sucking and moving his head faster now, more and more intensely. He couldn't help it anymore and started cumming inside Recco's mouth, who swallowed every single drop of the lynx's seed until, with a last shiver, he slumped on the sofa. Then, the lion licked his lips and moved away from Issy's groin, gasping a bit.

Both remained in silence after that, breathing heavily and trying to calm themselves down.

"You... you did that..." Issy observed after a while. It was a silly appreciation and he knew it as soon as he opened his mouth, but he was still surprised.

"Of course. The apartment is already messy enough," the lion replied, with a smile.

Issy grinned. A part of him had been expecting that answer.

"You know, I'm the one who usually jokes around, not you," he said.

"Heh... yeah."

The lynx looked around the flat. After all, they hadn't started tidying up and he didn't know whether they had time or not to fix that. His gaze fell on the easily distinguishable bulge that could be seen between Recco's legs. A question began to take form in his mind.

"What now?" he asked.

The lion turned to him, as if he couldn't really understand what he meant.

"What? Well, we tidy up, of course. I still want that deposit back, you know?"

Issy opened his mouth to answer back, but he closed it again after a few seconds. He hadn't been referring to that and he had hoped Recco would notice it. When they exchanged a new glance, he finally understood that the lion knew what he had meant to say, but had decided to ignore it anyway. He smiled back at the other feline.

They'd have plenty of time to take care of that in the future.

Aftertheyhad cleanedeverything, of course.