Whispering Twins (Part 22)

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#22 of Whispering Twins

I know I'm late as hell, writers block has been a bitch, but I forced my way through it and have gotten this done (already started on the next part)

As always fill free to comment, fave, or vote, I love hearing from you guys.

Zayra flicked an ear as she woke to the sound of birds through her window. Face pressed to the pillow she groaned and turned. Morning already? Thank god it's Saturday... Her arm rose and she hugged her pillow, eyes blinking open for only a moment. It's hot under this blanket... She used her tail to push it off the bed, feet kicking it down with a huff.

The room was lit up through her window that looked out over the back yard. The green grass with dandelions that swayed like dots of snow. Huh, wonder when we're going to have to mow the lawn. Usually thats Zays summer chore. She turned and pad over to her door, pushing it open as she rubbed her eyes with her other paw.

Her ears flicked around, but she only heard the soft snoring of Henry in the bedroom. Down the steps she went and round the fridge for the milk. Another weekend to spend doing.... Nothing. Yard work if we're unlucky... She set the milk on the counter and opened a cabnet, eyes up on the colorful boxes of cereal. "Why do we always put em on the top shelf..." She put her paws on the bottom shelf of the cabinet and rose a knee up. Careful to pull herself up to stand on her knees on the counter as she grabbed the red fruit loop box and shook it. "Awe it's almost empty..."

"Well if you wouldn't eat so much of it," Zay commented as he round the fridge.

A blush crossed her face as she turned to face him. Eyes locking for a moment on his bare chest, and the steel grey crotch of his gym shorts. Oh god... I...is that his morning wood?! No that can't be it, it'd be bigger, I mean... He's not small.

His throat cleared, "Yah gonna get down or stare all day?"

She squeaked and jumped, her knee slipping off the counter from her half turned position. Her hands flailed for the cabinet but she tipped back toward the floor. She flinched but two strong arms caught her, one on her back the other under her legs.

"Yah know if I was dad, I wouldn't have been able to catch you..." He stated as he pulled her close to his chest.

She blinked and looked up at him, knees pressed together as she gulped, "M-my bad..." Her heart fluttered as she caught his gaze, his hair down loosely over her face. Her lips mused together as she chewed the inner side and he tenderly set her feet down on the floor.

"You need to be more careful sis," he straightened and stepped over to the counter, reaching up and pulling out a blue box. "So, cartoons in the living room?"

I am such a klutz... Distracted staring at my brothers bulge and just... falling off the counter. God I'm hopeless, no wonder no guys ever interested in me... She splayed her ears as he pet her head.

"Dun worry about it, just be more careful," he then grabbed two bowls out of the strainer, and two spoons. He stepped past her to the table, "Come eat sis."

She turned and watched him, paws wound into the fabric of her shirt as she pulled down on it. But... Zay wanted me as his girlfriend... He's called me his girlfriend... And he rubbed on me until I came... He's covered me in cum twice! That means he's interested.... Right? She was pulled from her thoughts as large hands grabbed her hips and a chest pressed to her back. She stumbled a couple steps to the counter and put her paws on it with a gasp.

He ground his shorts to hers and his nose licked along her bare neck, "You're so cute when you space out like that." His whispers were gentle even to her sensitive ears, lips kissing at her shoulder.

"I...I'm not cute..."

He snickered and his large paws ran forward and wrapped around her waist. "Yer right," he kissed against her ear, "You're just plain gorgeous."

Her heart fluttered as she shivered in his grasp, "Z-Zay..." Her tail shifted and curled with his as he pressed a firm bulge against her shorts.

"Shh," his lips trailed across the fur of her neck and he nipped tenderly with rough kisses. He slipped his hand down her front and groped her crotch hard, fingers against her bud. The other rose to her breasts and groped one rather hard. "So glad we moved practice to fridays, saturday practice with the football team sucks... Love having my weekends."

She bit her lip as she gripped the counter. Each nibble sent a shudder through her body, the hand between her legs making her feet dance on the floor and squirm her hips. We're in the kitchen! Mom and Dad could see us, they could be up any minute! But... ohh god he's so good...

Her knees rattled as he inhaled heavily, her folds now soaked and twitching under his hand. She hooked a canine on her lip as she closed her eyes and rose her left hand to grip the fur of his neck just behind his ear.

"You smell so good sis," his hushed growl vibrated through her body. "Still haven't gotten to eat you out... I bet you're delicious."

Her tongue fell past her teeth as he ground up under her tail, "Zay... " She shuddered as she felt a smile pull at his lips, a breath of a laugh on her neck.

"You're too easy ZeeZee," he said with another kiss. "Maybe later today you and me can go monkey around in the tree. I bet there's a great view of the clouds on the far side of the treehouse roof."

Her hips pressed back against him, "M-maybe..."

Their ears twisted at the sudden lack of snores in the distance, and Zay pulled away, "Bet dads gonna tell me to mow the lawn." He stepped clear and plopped at the table.

She stood there for a moment, the heat waves still rolled through her body, followed by chill spells that caused her to shiver and tremble. Her eyes squeezed shut as her imagination replayed his hand against her groin. Then yesterday's fingers against her soaked underwear. I want it... So badly. Tired of this teasing, I just want bent over and to feel him in me. I bet it feels amazing!

His throat cleared, "Sis you bringin the cereal or going to keep exploring space?"

She jerked and turned to face him for a moment before she picked up both boxes and set them on the table. I wonder if he'll make me suck his dick later too... Could go for another taste of his cum. As she thought of the salty sweet mixture in her mouth her tongue tingled and itched. She sat in her regular seat beside Zay, back to the living room. Mouth beginning to water as she poured milk on her cereal.

Footsteps came down the hall and stairs, a heavy sniff and the rough clear of their throat was all she needed to hear to know it was Henry. He stepped around the kitchen in nothing but a bathrobe, loosely tied and started to mess with the coffee pot. "Morning kids..."

Zay shoved a heavy spoonful in his mouth, a drip of milk on the fur of his chin.

"Morning dad," Zayra replied idly stirring her marshmallow cereal. "Are we doing anything today?"

"Lawn should probably be mowed today," Henry stated, "Chance of rain tomorrow evening sometime. Wait too long and we'll have to bail it." He turned and picked up a bowl and spoon before padding over toward the table with a yawn.

Zayras ears darkened, spying Henrys plain grey boxers that bore a small bulge in the front. She faced her cereal with a gulp and shoved a spoonful in her mouth. Great, dad has morning wood too!

Zay swallowed a little noisily, "We got enough gas in the garage for it? Can't imagine there'd be much from last year."

He shrugged as he poured the sugary squares into his bowl, "Dunno, if you need some raid your mothers purse. Or maybe she'll get it while she's out. Said something last night about wanting to do some grocery shopping. It's been about a week or so."

She took another bite of her cereal and sighed.

"Zayra hun, could you pick up sticks in the backyard before your brother mows," Henry asked just before stuffing cereal in his mouth.

"Y-yeah, I can do that," she replied.

Zayra wore a pair of jeans shorts and a grey tee, her left arm full of sticks that she cradled against her like a baby. She bent down and picked up a few in the grass, a little tangled within the blades. Her ears flicked, able to hear Zay in the front yard with the loud lawn mower. She was sure he had his headphones in to help drown out the awful sounds of the motor.

With her decent pile she started around the house and past the driveway, looking over at Zay who wore a pair of khaki shorts and a grey shirt. He was almost done with the front yard, perhaps a few more passes in his square. She dumped the sticks on the grass by the curb, dusted herself off and started back for the tree.

Wonder if Zays going to use the weed wacker today on the edges. The mower does only get so close to the front beds and stairs. She was doing a last glance over when she noticed Zay starting on the edges of the back yard. It didn't take long before the heavy smell of the fresh cut grass filled her nose.

She padded around the house to dump her armload before deciding to check again. However her eyes strayed over to Zay, a few rounds in he had shifted directions to blow the grass out toward the already mowed grass than mow over it again. She noticed his shirt was dark on his back, fur prickled with sweat.

It is a little warm today, no breeze and no clouds. And he did do the whole front yard which is in direct sunlight. He's probably hot... Don't guys usually have higher body temperatures anyway? Might be some stress too, knowing it's suppose to rain tomorrow. Wonder if I can talk mom and dad into letting me stay home. She pad into the cool shade of the indoors and shut the door.

She galloped up the steps and into the kitchen, "Morning mom."

Mary was sat at the table with a cup of steaming coffee, "Morning dear. How's the yard work?"

"Pretty good, Zays working on the back yard."

Henry called from the bathroom, "Zayra, can you sweep floors?"

"Okay dad," she replied and sighed a bit. "Well at least I don't have to do dishes..." She walked back down the steps to the little laundry room and dug in the closet for the vacuum. Hefting it back up the steps she could wheel it into the living room where she climbed over a recliner to plug it in.

It was nearly noon before Zay came in, shirtless, and Zayra had her paws stuck in dish water. She perked and turned to him as he grabbed a glass from her strainer and ran cold water over her already washed but suddy dishes in the other sink.

A blush crossed her face as she felt heat radiate off his sweaty form and dark fur. "H-hows the yard?"

He didn't reply at first, glass to his lips as he gulped heavily. He finished the water before he let out a breath and began to fill it again, "Done... And what needed the weed wacker. Where's mom and dad?"

"Grocery shopping, and dad said they might bring something back with them for dinner tonight. Mom hinted at chicken since she doesn't wanna cook if she doesn't have to." She turned back to the sink and drug the rag around the rim of the cup and then stuffed it in.

He set the glass on the counter past the strainer and his heat pressed against her back. His jaw rested on her head with a heavy sigh, arms around her waist. His hips then pressed against her while he coiled their tails together.

Her ears darkened as they flicked back, "Z-Zay..." She felt a shudder race up her back as his bulge pressed to her tail.

He grumbled and sighed, standing rather still behind her. His arms rested on the counter, wrapped in front of her stomach.

After a few moments she gulped and continued dishes. He must be really tired. Been a while since he's had to mow the lawn, and with all that heat he's letting off... Bet he could use a nap. As she thought about it her mouth opened and she yawned widely. Doesn't sound half bad. Curled up with a freshly showered Zay sounds rather nice.

She finished what there was to wash and began to rinse, taking a single step to the side to reach the strainer.

Zays arms clung to her with a jerk, pulling her two steps away from the sink before her feet could touch the ground again. He sighed as he pulled his arms away, "Sorry sis..."

She turned with her ears back, "W-what was that about?"

He took a couple steps back and plopped on a chair at the table, "You startled me... I thought I'd been had." He laid his head on the table with a huff, "Think I dozed off on my feet."

She returned to the sink and picked up dishes to rinse, "That tired?"

He groaned, "I slept like crap last night. Kept thinking of that damn snake... Swear to god it was a hundred feet long in my dream. Don't ask me how the hell it fit in the locker."

She giggled a bit, "Little Rose?" She placed a couple cups in the strainer upside down. "She was barely a foot long from what I saw."

"She wasn't even that," he huffed, "Maybe maybe eight inches, but even that's probably pushing it."

Zayra drained her dish water and then dried her paws on a dishcloth, "Well at least she wasn't venomous."

He was quiet a moment, a hand on his hair fluff between his ears. He pouted and turned to her, "My back hurts... will you walk on it?"

"Uh okay," she stated and followed him into the living room. She watched as he slipped to all fours and crawled out onto the floor. She hesitated as she came up beside him an put a foot on his back. Gosh it's been a long while since I've had to do this... Her foot pressed against his lower spine and pressed along it. Rubbing in small circles she heard him breathe a sigh.

After a bit he turned his head, "Come on sis..."

She sighed and stepped up onto his back, ears back as she heard a soft pop and he groaned. "That one?"

"Huh uh... But one of em..." He took a soft breath and let it out, ears splayed to the side.

She balanced along his spine, pushing her foot into his back and up with a couple more pops. She then stood on his shoulders and padded in place till he grunted, an she took a step back to the middle of his back. The rippled crack sent a shudder under her feet and he slumped against the floor.

"Thanks sis," he whimpered happily, head on his arms.

She straddled him and sat on his lower back, pressing the heels of her hands up and then down. "Hows this?"

"Yer hired," he groaned with a purr.

A smile pulled at her lips and she slid her fingers through his silky but damp fur. The heat scent had faded and left her inhaling the smell of his sweat and musk instead. It was salty but sweet, with the touch of grape she was use to.

The hard muscles of his back gave very little under her hands, exploring the very hills and valleys she'd always known were there but never really had time to be so thorough with. Wow... He really is built, way more than Gerald. And this is my brother... My boyfriend. That's right, we're dating he's... my boyfriend. She leaned over and pressed herself to his back, paws following his arms and to his to lace fingers with him.

He gruffed a bit as he turned his head to rest his chin on her snout. His eyes barely open as he yawned.

She stared at him as he started to drift off again. A hand lifting to pet over his hair and ears, My boyfriend and my brother. He's strong, kind, popular, and good looking. So many girls in school would kill just to be with him, and he's abandoned all of them to be with me. I'm just a nerdy dork with no future... I'll never amount to anything special, but he could... He's got so much potential...

Her hips squirmed in discomfort, shifting a knee to rest easier, but her crotch pressed against his back. A soft tickle of pleasure in her folds as she laid there. She chewed on her lip as thoughts of arousal flooded her mind. Her hips began a soft grind against the small of his back. God I wanna feel him touch me again, he's so good at it. Touches me better than I've ever touched myself. Just a little touching...

His eyes opened and a smirk crossed his lips, "Yah got an issue miss wiggle butt?"

Her ears darkened, Crap... I didn't wanna wake him! She stammered a bit, "N-no I was just... uh..."

"Wiggling," he questioned playfully. "I've got a better place for you to sit and wiggle."

She put her paws on his back, "I'm good. I was just... thinking..."

"What were you thinking about that had you wiggling?"


He chuckled and rolled over to push her to the floor and then rolled again to loom over her. "Come on sis, you can just ask for attention. What's on your mind," he asked gently as he lowered himself over her, hot bulge to her heated crotch.

She shuddered and bit her lip, paws up and wound together under her breasts. "I...Um..." She rose her eyes to his, seeing her reflection in the soft pupils of his eyes. "I was.. th-thinking about um..." She picked at her claws with a gulp.

Zay smiled and kissed her lips, "You have the cutest blush."

She turned her nose away, "I'm not cute..." Her paws rose and she pulled her tall ears in front of her face to hide.

He snickered and lounged over her, mouth in her neck, "Sure you are." He nibbled into her fur, pressing into her while his hands stroked along her ribs and sides.

Zayra whimpered a bit, then let out a squeal as his claws dug into her fur just under her ribs. Her hands flew to push at his hands as she kicked her feet and cackled, "Zay! No fair!"

He wiggled his tail and pressed their chests together to keep her pinned, "All is fair in love and war."

She rolled a little, head against his to try and push him away. "Zay! Stop I'm gonna pee!" She snickered and began to snortle, her paws pushed at his chest as her legs pressed against his hips. "Zaaaaay!!"

He paused and ran his hands up under her shirt through the fur of her back, "Alright sis."

Her head fell back as she panted, "Yer a jerk..." She closed her eyes as she attempted to catch her breath. Then she felt him lift his head and his warm tongue along her neck and jaw. It sent shivers through her body and her hands gripped his shoulders.

His hot breath passed her whiskers and he shifted up, groin against her shorts as his lips found hers. "But you love me anyway."

Zayra felt their tails curl and she rose her head to peck his lips before laying back down and chewing her inner lip. Maybe I could just ask... I am kinda horny...

His head tilted, "Whats that look for?"

"What look," she asked as she rose her eyes.

He put his nose to hers, whiskers against hers as he spoke, "That one." The back of his tongue traced her lips a bit. "Come on sis, no need to be shy. I'm your brother, you can tell me anything."

Her body fell into hot shakes, lips trembling as she breathed in her excitement, "Zay..." Her paws rose and gripped the fur of his sides. I want it... I want him to touch me but god I feel stupid even wanting to ask! She pushed her lips up into his while her paws gripped his back.

Zay tilted his head, whiskers parting with hers and he pressed his tongue into her mouth.

A shudder raced through her, knees lifting to where she could hold his hips and better grind up against him. Her claws raked the valleys and hills of his back, lungs full of his breath and made the room begin to fade away. This... This is what I want... To be here.

He rocked into her and dropped his hands to push up her shirt. Up to her bra where he slid his hands around and lifted her lightly. "Oh fuck sis..." His hips rose and then pressed against her, the hot fabric gave a soft pulse. His claws then ran down her back with a groan, hips mashed against hers.

She gasped and let out a soft cry, back arched up. His claws left behind a tingle of pain that shot through her and made her hips tighten. Why was that so good? She laid her head back and panted, claws raking his back, "Zay... More."

He dropped a hand to her hip and rested his weight on her. Breasts squished up against him as he groans into her neck, "Thats it sis... Beg for more." He slipped his hand between her legs and pressed against her heat.

Zayra gasped and humped into his hand, "Oh god Zay..."

He snickered and shifted to the side a bit, over one of her legs to better rest at her side. His lips on hers, and his hand on her mound as he ground his fingers against her shorts. His tail quick to coil around hers and tighten.

She rose her right hand that was half trapped between them and cupped his cheek. Her fingers wound in the soft fur of his jaw line as she panted into his mouth. The other pulled at his belt, grasping the two rings on the cloth belt and pulling up to slip it loose. I bet he's hard as a rock... He sure seems to be when he starts grinding. He sure feels hard on my leg.

Her thumb pulled at his pants while her tongue slid over his, an ear twisting as the button popped free. She hooked a claw on his zipper and pushed it down before cupping his boxers. Yup, he's hard.

He ground into her paw, "Fuck sis..." His hand picked at her shorts, pushing the button free and unceremoniously crammed his hand down between the tight crotch of her jeans and her wet underwear. The zipper tore down out of the way as his knuckles dipped deep and his claws grazed along the edge of her underwear.

Zayra panted, tongue pressed to his. Her hips rose as she moaned against his lips, her teeth grazing his whiskers while he suckled her lip. Carefully she rose her paw and pushed at the elastic of his boxers, fingers quick to find his slick and warm flesh.

It throbbed under her pads, each hard pulse of his heart felt in a vein. Its so weird... Like a rock in a warm wet leather. Her paw wrapped around it as she pulled it up out of his boxers. Up and down she stroked, soft down just to squeeze up.

He moaned almost patheticly as he humped toward her, "Thats it sis... Ohhh fuck don't stop." His hand slipped to the right and his fingers caught under the hem of her underwear and slipped over her folds.

The two gasped a bit, Zayras squeaked as she squeezed her thighs together and humped into his hand, "Z-Zay..." Her hand struggled to keep pace as his fingers danced across her velvety flesh. Her heat, slickened with her fluids made soft squishing sounds. Weak moans panted into Zays smiling maw between squeaks, while her slit twitched and quivered under his hand. "Zay... Zay I'm gonna come-!"

He breathed onto her tongue as he turned his head for a breathless kiss, "Fuck sis you're so wet... Just hold on, try not to come yet."

She groaned and her head fell back, both paws on his cock as she tried to stroke it. "Th-then slow down..." she squeaked.

He snickered and his strong fingers traced around her hole, "Nah... I wanna feel you come on me."

A sharp gasp tore through her throat and turned into a soft squeal. Legs crossed as she squirmed and rose a paw to her mouth as if someone would hear her groan. Holy shit! Ohh god he's in me! He stuck his fingers in me!

Zays two middle fingers were pressed in half way, the fur already soaked. His index and pinky cupped her folds, palm against her bud and mound, while his thumb claw teased the crease of her thigh. His lips rose to her tuft and his rough wet tongue traced the dark purple stripe of her right ear. "Easy sis, I'm barely touchin you..."

She whimpered and rocked her hips into his hand, abandoning his cock as she pressed her hand to the crotch of her jean shorts. "Z-Zay... Don't stop... Please."

His breath ragged, hips pressed against her leg, "Gotta be careful. I don't wanna break your hymen if it's still intact." With a breath his lips found the tip of her ear and he suckled on it. Fingers pushing and pulling in slow sensual movements.

Her ears burned with blush, the tickles mixed in her gut from the tendrils of pleasure from her slid. God its better then I imagined. His fingers aren't that much bigger than mine, but it feels so much more amazing! I can't last much longer like this, he's barely doing anything and I feel like I'm gonna explode! She rose her hips toward his hand, feet on the carpet, "Zay-!"

A pleasured growl echoed from his chest and vibrated down her ear, "Shhh, not yet, don't come yet."

Her fingers pushed on his knuckles, other hand grasping at his mane, "I can't." Her face was hot, ears burning with a heat equal to the one between her legs. She whimpered as she bit her lip, feeling him shift to wrap an arm around her and hold her close to his chest while he continued to be gentle with his fingers.

"Sure you can, just a little more..." His voice was low and gentle, each breath tickling at the fur inside her ear with a sweet coolness. "Just hold on sis." His lips trailed down her ear into her neck, arm wrapping around and under her shirt to grope at her bra. "I wanna see if I can find it..."

She writhed in his grasp, legs squeezed close around his hand. "F-find... what?"

His fingers worked deeper, "Your hymen. If you've fingered yourself then I bet it's pretty deep." The breaths of his voice landed on her neck, soft nips into her silky fur as he held her tightly.

Her toes splayed with a groan, "Z-Zay..." All she could do was twitch and squirm in his grasp, her heat a quivering leaky mess of arousal. So good... I don't want it to stop... Her chest rose and fell with every deep ragged breath. She whimpered as she suddenly felt empty and looked down as his hand slipped from her underwear, "Z-zay what is it?"

He hooked his thumb on her shorts and shoved at them, pushing them down to just above her knees out of his reach, "Can't get the right angle in those things." Without pause he slid his wet fingers back into her underwear and into her warm entrance. "Gotta be close, thing isn't too far in."

She gripped his mane with a groan and a squirm. Watching helplessly as he slid down, hand pushing up her shirt and bra so he rested his whiskers by her breast. He was almost to his scarred knuckle before she felt him pause.

"There it is... Did you feel it? I didn't push on it much," he purred. His face nuzzled up against her breast, tongue licking the fur over her ribs. "Thats gotta be your hymen, it's too low to be your cervix."

Her body shuddered as she felt her hole stretch, legs shaking on the floor, "C-can I come now?"

Zay rose his head and his whiskers trailed up her mound of flesh and kissed the dark purple nipple, "Maybe, but I still have a G-spot to find..." His fingers pulled back a bit, hand arching to push the crotch of her panties out and his broad thumb pressed on her urethra.

Heat shot through her back and gut, moaning as she grasped at his wrist. Her tongue fell over her teeth with a whine as his paw curled and pressed deep up. She let out a cry as her hips rocked and he worked his hand back and forth in her. Her breath ragged as his lips kissed at her chest.

"That's it sis, come for me nice and hard," he rumbled in a low growl. His hard flesh pulsed on her thigh in a thrust.

She purred as her gut started to twist and her body shot with warmth, skin cold aside from where he breathed on her ribs. "Zay," she croaked through a whimper. Her breath caught and she squeezed her legs as tight as she could, pushing on his hand to try and deepen her pleasure.

Zay held fast, but continued to work his hand while she climaxed around his three fingers. His hips pressed to her, leaking pre on her ashy fur. "Good girl," he breathed against her breast, rough and slow. His hand slowed as her climax slowed until she just twitched and quivered in his grasp, "How was that?"

She bit her lip, chest full of cotton, stomach full of butterflies while her legs weakly shook with aftershocks of her orgasim. "Nnn...nnfff..." She let go of his wrist and laid her paws on her stomach.

He leaned over with a grin and smirked, "I'll take that as a good." His arm slipped from under her and he sat up, tossing a leg over her and he stared down at her, hand soaked on the carpet. "My turn," he said gently, nose to her cheek. "Yer lucky your moans and squirms drive me nuts, or you'd have to do more than lay there and look sexy."

Zayra rose her ears a little but they splayed with a breath. Her teeth on her lip as he stood over her on his knees. Eyes on the spire of dark purple flesh that dripped thick pre down the length, following his left hand.

His right, soaked with her fluids, rose to his lips where his broad tongue ran up his hand and sucked his fingers into his mouth. A clear pleasured moan followed, with his hand stroking along his shaft. The flesh thobbed in his hand, eyes locked to her body.

With her shirt up over her breasts and shorts down her front was exposed. Her green underwear thoroughly soaked through. Her paws rose and wrapped around him, "B-but I wanna help... It's not fair if you just do stuff to me..."

He pulled his fingers from his mouth and leaned over her, hand on the floor to prop him up as he pressed his lips to hers, "You're paws are a lot softer than mine." The cock pulsed almost in agreement as he humped into her hands.

She twisted her hands independently, up and down the shaft into his soft thrusts. Her right thumb brushing the leaky tip while her left trailed down over his knot. Eyes up on his face as he moaned and shuddered over her, filling her senses with his musk. She purred as his lips found hers again and turned to meet his tongue. A small smile bloomed as he let out a weakened moan, her thumb brushing over his leaky tip.

"Ohh fuck Zayra, yes..." He groaned into her mouth, "Don't stop sis. Gods sake don't stop..." He put his arms on the floor, hips thrusting into her paw.

She grinned as she laid her head against his, twisting her paws a little harder, tongue peeking past her teeth while she focused. I hope he cums on me again. She licked along his ear base and breathed a sigh, "Are you close?"

He didn't reply, just moaned with the thick shafts throbs in her paws. His body hot and musky over top of her, drowning her in his arousal. Claws scratching at the carpet as his body heaved into her and pressed his knot to her pinkie.

Zayra lowered a paw and cupped his knot, teasing veins with her finger pads before stroking up and squeezing the head playfully. Back down his hips pressed into her. He's gotta be so close, throbbing like mad. I can feel his heart beat even!

Zay rose a hand and grabbed one of hers, leading her along the shaft at a much faster pace. His breath over her neck with a rather loud moan, "Zayra... Shit Zayra... Yes!" He almost threw himself up, standing on his knees over her, with hungry eyes that struggled to stay focused in one place or another.

She bit her lip and rose her paws to her breasts, making sure her shirt was up before groping her breasts. I hope I don't sound weird... I've never tried dirty talking before... Her chest rose with a breath, "Come on me Zay..." Her heart was a flutter in her chest, cotton in her gut and ears burning hot.

Not quite on command, he closed his eyes with a groan and whimper, hips bucking into his hand. His swelling knot gaining her attention for just a moment before the first rope shot from his tip.

She squeezed her eyes shut and jumped a bit as the warm substance landed on her face. The first rope landed across her left eye, the second over her snout and on her nose. The third smacked right into her lips while the fourth hit her right cheek. The rest felt like it landed on her breasts, maybe some on her ribs and stomach. Then his thrusting died down and she could hear him pant, while he sat back on his feet.

"Fuck sis... I needed that..."

She opened her right eye and licked a bit at the cum on her lips, "Um... Zay?"

He mused a moment then stifled a laugh, "Sorry sis." His hot musky body loomed over her, a hand steading her head as his tongue licked over her left eye, inner corner out. "There, better?"

With her eyes blinked open she looked up at him, "I hope you didn't get any on the carpet..."

"I don't think I did," he said gently as he kissed her cummy lips. "Thats a good facial though," he commented as his thumb smeared over her cheek. Teeth chewing on his lip while his eyes wandered her now cum glazed body.

Her eyes turned away, "Um... M-maybe I should clean up. Before mom and dad get back. They'll want help with groceries..."

He slumped and pouted, "You're probably right, but we both smell like sex. I just need a rinse but you should probably shampoo your fur with some of moms stuff to help get that cum smell off your face. It hasn't soaked in so it shouldn't be too heavy."

She rose a hand from her breast and licked a little white off her claws, "Cum smells?"

"Yeah, it ain't too strong, but it'll smell like me. Especially if dad gets his nose close enough." He licked her face again and rocked back to his feet, pulling up his shorts. "Come on, they could be home any minute, we better go shower."

She sat up and pulled her shirt down over her breasts, It's already got cum on it anyway... Wait... 'WE'? Her head rose and she took his hand to be helped to her feet, "W-we?"

He smiled, "Don't think about it." Then he hooked an arm around her back and yanked her close, pressing her semen caked whiskers to his. His hands petting along her body, tongue licking along her whiskers and then diving into her mouth.

Oh god, a shiver raced through her as his cum mixed with their saliva. Her tongue tingled while his teased along it, purring deeply into her mouth. Her paws brushing up through the soft fur of his chest.

The kiss broke and he took her hand, "Pull up your shorts, we need to clean up before mom and dad get home."

She lowered a hand and wiggled up her shorts, "Are you sure about this? What if they come home while both of us are in the shower?"

"Well don't jinx it," he said while he pulled her along. "I just need a quick dip, you need to get that cum off you. And I can take a shower in five minutes flat Miss one hour later." He pulled her into the bathroom and gently shut the door.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, he wants to shower with me! He hasn't even seen me naked! Her ears were dark purple with blush, face and ears on fire. Her heart thundered behind her ribs and a lump began to form in her throat. I haven't even seen him naked!! ... Well I guess thats a little bit of a lie, he did strip in front of me but he didn't know I was watching so I don't know if that really counts!

Zay took her face in his paws, "Oi... Chill out, it's a shower. We aren't going to do anything weird. Just a brother and sister taking a shower. Like we use to take baths as kits."

Tears were welling in her eyes, "B-but..."

"Look at it this way, if mom and dad come home and find your room or my room smelling like a whore house, we'll both be in trouble because we smell like each other. At the very least it confines the smell to the bathroom. Trust me Zayra... If we do it one at a time we're at a higher risk of getting caught."

She stared up at his face, chewing on her lip, "B-but... I'll be naked... No ones seen me naked..."

He flicked his ears back, musing with a frown as he stared at her then reached over and turned off the bathroom light. Leaving both of them in a darkness neither could really see through. The poor light from under the door left them with grey outlines of the other. "There, now I can't see you and you can't see me. We can even stand back to back..."

She was quiet a moment and sighed, stepping away from him, "O-okay..." She saw him turn around and did the same. Just don't think about it... He can't see me, and I can't see him. Thats fair... She pulled her shirt over her head, followed by unclipping her bra. Then she wiggled her shorts and underwear down a bit. Her heart was thunder in her chest, beating against her ribs till she was sure it would leap out and run away.

She heard his zipper and belt, then the rush of cloth as it dropped. Oh god! He's naked! Her hands trembled and she slowly pushed her shorts down, eyes squeezed shut. Don't think about... If I don't do this we risk getting caught and I can only imagine how mad mom and dad will be. Just... suck it up Zayra and get in the shower already!

Slowly she stepped from her clothes, an arm over her breasts and a hand on her crotch, noting how wet and gooie it was between her legs. Carefully she climbed into the shower and turned on the water, soaking her fur rather hastily. Her fur puffing as she heard him step in behind her. Paws gripping her arms as she shuddered, "Z-Zay I dunno..."

"You're already in dork, just get wet and switch me places," he said from behind her. "At least pretend there's a wall between us... And remember if we don't we might get in trouble."

"But what if mom and dad come home before one of us is finished?"

"Well don't jinx it," he scolded. "The sooner you're wet, the sooner we can switch places, and the sooner I can get showered and get out..." There was an odd undertone in his voice, and it comforted her a little.

Holy shit... Holy fucking shit! His body wracked with nerves, hot and cold waves crashing over him in levels of fear with his tail tucked between his legs, almost pressing against his balls. I'm in the shower with her... I've never showered with a girl! ... Hell I've only showered in the locker room with a guy! I mean I've bathed with Cassandra but she was clothed and bathing me! This is like totally different ball game.

His paws were down on his thighs, trembling a little as he fought the burning of tears. Why am I so nervous? It's gotta be Zayras emotions, I figured they'd be high but not this high! I'm... shit I'm embarrassed?! Am I actually scared she'll turn around!? She's already seen my cock, and me shirtless, there's not a whole lot extra to see but fur, so why the hell am I so scared! I'm good lookin and I know it!.... Aren't I?

The lump seemed to grow larger in his throat, Fuck! Maybe this was a bad idea, she's right what if we get caught with both of us in the shower! Dad would really put me in boarding school then, away from Zayra, my friends... Hurry up Zayra I wanna get out! I think it would have been better if I just went outside and rolled in lawn clippings!

She cleared her throat, "S-So... How are we suppose to switch?"

Fuck shit, pickles and a basket of bottles of mary sues, what the fuck am I supposed to do?! I didn't think this through near as well as I should have! Just... take a deep breath... He inhaled deeply, "Uh... J-just turn to your left... and... I will too." God I hope she doesn't hear how nervous I am...

She shifted around, and he drew in a sharp breath as their tails touched. Ears back as the water poured over him while she fumbled around for the shampoo.

He ran his paws through his fur, swallowing over the lump in his throat. Against his will, his cock hadn't yet softened, even in his embarrassment it was still stiff as a board with a swollen knot. Well at least she doesn't know that... God she'd be freaking out if she knew I still had a hard on... Granted I don't think I'd complain if she just... bent over and let me bury it in her... It throbbed a bit, Oh no you don't! I am not getting a brand new boner now! You just shrink already! I will smother you with an cold wet sloppy rag!

"Zay are you done yet?"

His ears lifted and he took a step back, "Uh, yeah." He turned and faced the wall of the back of the shower, hearing the water move and splash, the heavy scent of apricots and vanilla. ... Shit, my body wash is on the other side... With a breath he cleared his throat, turning a little, "Hey can you hand me my body wash?"

She paused and he saw her silhouette bend over a little and put it back behind her, pressing the bottom of the bottle to his side, "Yeah, here..."

"Thanks sis," he said as he wrapped his paw around it and used a thumb to pop it open. As he lathered himself he bit his lip, careful to close his eyes as he worked the shampoo into his mohawk. Once done he flicked his head, "Yah done?"

"Almost, I wanna wash my face again... Just to be safe..."

"I ment with the water..."

"Oh, yeah... Sorry," she whispered as they switched places again.

He rose his face into the water and rubbed his paws over his hide, careful to insure the suds fell down over his tail fur, the reaching around to work it in a little and rinse. As he finished he took a step back out of the water and bumped into her, "Oops, sorry sis. Didn't know you were standing so close."

She was quick to step further away, "S-sorry..."

He shook himself, spraying water every direction, "Kay, I'ma get out." He stepped a little around her and opened the curtain, snagging a towel off the rack as he closed the curtain behind him. "Don't take too long sis."

"Okay..." she replied softly.

He rubbed himself down and abandoned his clothes in the bathroom, padding nude to his room to dig through his drawers for some clean boxers, and slip on a pair of sleep shorts. Should probably check the carpet... Just to be safe.

Zayra stood under the hot running water, fingers in the fur of her neck as her mind wondered. Her heart was yet to slow down, even though she was truly alone in the bathroom, in the dark. Her red eyes stared with an empty gaze at the shower wall, I just... Took a shower with my brother... My first kiss, first handjob... He even gave me my first facial! The first guys cum I let coat me, I even ate it... God if this keeps up I'm going to end up handing my V-card over to my own twin brother!

As she thought it she felt warmth between her legs, a soft desire filled twitch she lowered a hand to hold. Great now I'm turning myself on thinking about my brother having sex with me... He kinda looks like he could kill me with that thing, so big, long... Thick... She rose her hand away and shook her head, Stop it Zayra.

With a deep breath she turned off the water and shook a little, squeezing the water out of her tail. At least he didn't get handsy with me, bet he peeked though. He always peeked at hide and seek... Out of the tub she rubbed herself down with the second towel, wrapping it around herself tightly, Of course I forgot my clothes.

In the hall she held her dirty clothes to her chest, waves of fear shaking through her. As she went to open her door she looked up and noticed Zay standing in the living room with a can. "W-what are you doing?"

He perked an ear and turned to her, "Oh, uh... got a little on the carpet. Just drowning the scent." He returned to spraying the carpet with the air freshner.

In her room she sunk against the door, taking a few breaths in her sanctuary before she got up and started to rummage through her dresser for clothes. She danced into baby blue panties, wiggled up her orange shorts, and then clipped on a black bra. An ear flicked as she heard a car pull into the drive, pulling out a tank top she turned and started toward her door. Bunching it up to pull it over her head and flatten it around her shorts.

"Kids, come help with groceries," Mary called from outside. Even though she probably hadn't shouted it too loudly, she heard it clear as day.

As she pad down into the living room Zay stepped out of the kitchen, she put her paw on her nose and her eyes started to water, "Ugh... Did you use enough?"

He sniffed and rubbed his nose, taking a forced breath, "Maybe?" He coughed and opened the front door, gasping a little, "Coming mom!"

Zayra followed along and picked up some white grocery bags out of the vans side door, walking behind Henry up the steps.

Mary put her paw over her nose in the living room, "Good lord, who used the mace?"

Zayra pointed at Zay, lifting the bag of chips in her hand, "He did it!"

His ears tipped back, eyes wide, standing in the kitchen by the doorway, "No I didn't! You're the one that farted!"

"Did not! You had refried beans yesterday at lunch," she stuck her tongue out. "And girls don't fart!"

Zay scrunched up his nose and stuck his tongue back out at her, "Yeah they do, girls are stinky!"

Mary snickered and put down the bags, "Alright you two. Henry will you crack a window."

Zayra sighed a little and padded into the kitchen to put up a new box of cereal, on her tippy toes to push it up onto the top shelf. It tilted to topple and a larger hand braced the back, pushing it up into the cabinet for her. She lowered herself and turned to Zay, ears up with a soft blush, Guess that shower wasn't so bad... But maybe next time, he won't get any on the carpet.