Lowell's Cave Adventure.

Story by Leonard Wolfe on SoFurry

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The short story of a weak wolf, who finds out that with a little help, becoming strong is just one magic sword away.

For all his days Lowell resides in his quiet village in the middle of Dachaigh Valley, living the life of a blacksmiths son. He was however by all accounts a disappointment. He was small, weedy, and a sickly child and it lasted all the way to his adulthood. To the chagrin of his father, his mother taught him to use his head, to help with the family finances, the business side of the family trade.

It didn't matter how hard he tried to build muscle or pack on weight, he couldn't seem to do it, like his metabolism was set to conspire against him. One night, after another failed attempt to work the forge with any competency, Lowell decided to drown his sorrows in a pint of beer. It was then that a shady figure slid a glass over the bar table and offered the wolf a drink. "Here, this will make you strong." The rat said with a small smile. Usually the wolf would be more careful than to trust a stranger with a drink he'd never seen before, but he was sad, and he was desperate.

Without a second though he took the drink threw his head back and chugged it down, and that's when the world begun to spin... His head felt light, lights begun to blur as the world did with them. He lost what strength he had in his limbs, barely able to support himself he fell against the table and the world went dark. Weak, vulnerable, the rat knew exactly what to do with a wolf like that...

The wolf woke up with a shiver as a chill wind blew across his half naked body, with a wince he curled up, he knew he was stripped down to a pair of ragged bottoms and instinctively he spat on the ground, his mouth filled with something dry and sticky... it didn't take him long to figure out what happened. He didn't know what to do, he barely knew how to feel, only that he was cold and scared. Curling up, a single tear fell to the snowy ground beneath him as he began to cry alone somewhere on the mountains overlooking his home.

"Worry not my child, for I will help you."

The wolf blinked and looked up, the sky was clear... quickly scrambling to sit up, wiping his eyes and looking around he saw nothing, but he knew what he heard. It was a calm, gentle, loving voice, but the wolf couldn't see where it came from.

"Travel up the mountain, there you will find true strength."

The wolf tried once again to look for the voice, but couldn't find it. He was broken, he didn't know where he was, how he got there or if he'd get home alive, but the guidance of the voice was the best thing he could hope to cling to just now, so he did. Stumbling onto his feet, he steadily climbed the mountain side and eventually he found the mouth of a cave. It had an odd sheen about it's entrance, large icy crystals growing around the rock walls.

When he stepped inside, the cave was relatively warmer than the cold air outside and slowly he ventured inside... One look inside took the wolf's breath away: A cavern of shimmering crystal came into his sight, sprawled out in front of him. Tree branches penetrated the rock walls and intertwined into a labyrinth with shinning crystals and bio-luminescent flowers growing off the trunks. Many of the crystals had sharp, and jagged edges. One misstep and the wolf could find himself hurtling down, skewed on any number of the brilliant crystals. Tentatively, slowly, Lowell journeyed inside, journeying through the winding trees further, and deeper inside.

There, venturing inside he came across a small, relatively featureless room bar a pedestal sat in the middle of the small room... or at least a rock with some sort of blade stuck out of it. The sword was huge, taller than he was and the most beautiful piece of craftsmanship he ever witnessed as though mortal hands could never craft something so beautiful. The jewel fitted in the hilt was the most striking feature however, a jewel that shone more brilliantly than any of the crystals so far. Even from where he stood, he could feel an odd power from it and instinctively he walked toward it... but he couldn't reach the top.

"Climb the rocks, take the sword in hand and realise your potential."

The voice called out again... it spoke to the wolf. More determined than ever before he climbed up the rocks and reached up to take the handle of the sword into his paws. "Nnngggaaahhh--!!" The wolf groaned out, his paws tightening on the handle of the sword as a strange wave washed through his power, like something squeezed his whole body from top to bottom. He didn't want to let go though, he didn't, he couldn't.

The first surge of power ran from his arms and down through his body with the fury of white hot lightening, all at once the sensation focused on the wolf's groin, he could feel his balls swell another two inches wider, his shaft grew another four inches, jumping out his now thickened sheath. "W-What's happening to me?!" He lifted his head to bark and threw it back down as he panted, squeezing the sword's grip more firmly. Then it came, another surge of power that focused on his groin which quickly lengthened out his shaft again as he grew harder and stiffer, but the power spread along his thighs which he could feel swell out, his muscles burned, they hurt as they swelled, but still, he couldn't let go. Like a bolt of lightning he could feel the whole left of his body swell at once, his shoulders broadening, his biceps growing and his thighs and legs thickened as his muscles grew, The sensation struck down his right side and evened out his growth again.

Panting, drenched in a cold sweat with his bottoms starting to tear the wolf looked up with his cyan eyes to the jeweled embedded in the sword and it shone so beautifully, a flash of light brought the wolf back down as he howled from the force of yet more power coursing through his body: Lowell heard a distinctively loud tear, he knew it, his growth started to tear at his clothing as his body swelled. However, it was the crotch of his clothing that gave up first as his ever growing, completely hard erection tore through the fabric entirely and was left to hang in the open. The wolf looked down to see his manhood and gasped, it looked far bigger than he remembered and it felt so very heavy now and his balls weighed like two iron cantaloupes ... in fact, the whole of his body felt so much heavier and cumbersome, but he felt incredible. He couldn't stop. Whatever voice had led him here surely wanted him to take in this power, and he wouldn't let go until the sword had given him all he's getting!

"M-More... More!" His arms trembled, his tail wagging as he grinned. The smirk was soon wiped from his face as he next wave hit him, shooting up through his arms and to his head. "GGGRRAAAUUUGGGHH!!!" He bellowed, his eyes closing from the agony of what felt like the most intense migraine of his life. He could feel his shoulders jut out as they grew, his head growing in size with him. The intense feeling surged down his body; his arms grew longer and his biceps swelled, his legs grew taller as his thighs thickened, his feet spreading over the ground lengthened. No sooner did the agonising, but agonisingly exciting rush of power course through him then a follow up hit him like a tidal wave: When he could bare to open his eyes again the world seemed smaller, so suddenly the giant sword resting in it's stone didn't seem so monolithic and the small rock room he found himself seemed starkly more compact as a second major growth spurt hit him down the whole of his body and he swelled larger still. Lowell could feel it, he was so close to wrapping but a single paw around the handle of the blade... just a little more, more still and he could do it. His body burned, it was a sensation like no other, but he endured, nothing would stop him letting go of that blade.

"THIS IS IT!! THIS IS IT!! GIMME' ALL YOU GOT!! HOLD NOTHING BACK!!" The wolf bellowed, his head hanging back as he howled... he howled long and hard, with a depth of power so fierce that various crystals around the lucent cavern began to shatter entirely into a wispy, shimmering powder. His body shuddered, jerked and swelled, his size growing so quickly as his manhood swelled with him. He quickly slipped off the rock he stood on to reach the blade at first and stood firmly on the rocky ground entirely in the nude, his clothes so threadbare that they fell around his ankles. His paw grew so much that the other holding onto the handle of the blade slipped off, and as Lowell looked at himself now holding the sword in a single paw he gave it one gentle tug. The rock the sword was lodged in simply shattered with that single tug as the sword came free. Lowell swung the blade up and held it toward the cavern roof, the shining stone giving one last surge of power as the wolf swelled.

By the time the wolf was done, he was physically and mentally exhausted. His head hung low as his tongue hung out to pant. "Huff... y-yes... fuck yes..." He groaned out into the cavern. Lowell now stood at an incredible 19.7 feet tall. The musculature of his body was perfectly sculpted with a large and fluffy tail that waved gently with a small and subtle wag behind him ending with a flick at the tip. His biceps were thick and rock solid as were his pecs and abs. Lowell couldn't help but stand still, looking down at himself to see that he was still fully erect, with a shaft that he estimated it to be about 30 inches long now. Reaching down with his other paw, he gave it a little stroke.

Everything to him felt so much more powerful, and now he could not only wield a sword, but he had one who's beauty and cutting edge was leagues above anything he thought possible before. In the back of his head he knew that raw strength did not equate to the skill he'd need to use said strength to it's full potential... but he knew this new found strength was a start, he did not know who gave it to him or why. Lowell swore there and then however, that he would use his new found prowess for good, there were plenty of people back home that could use a strong arm and of course, he'd have to see to a certain rat, but all things in good time...

Taking the sword he found into his grip he soon found himself far, far too large to weave through the crystalline tree trunks his former body could so easily weave through... however, with his new found strength all it took was one single swing of his blade to carve a path through back out. When the light of the day hit him the cold didn't bother him as it used to with his new found body, the wind gently blowing through his fur and additionally, with his new height he could see his village over the contours of the mountain side and set off to make his way back home.

When he got back to the archway marking the entrance to the village, two figures ran up to Lowell. "S-Son, is that you?!" The man gasped as he looked up, his wife beside him looked just as shocked. "Sure is, might need some new underwear first, then I'll tell ya' all about it.~" He said, moving past his parents with a confident stride in his step, tail swishing behind his two massive, toned ass cheeks.