Bump in the Night 2 - Side Hustle

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#2 of Bump in the Night

Madoka was a quiet, kept-to-himself type of fellow. A lot of programmers were like that when they worked in a corporate setting. As it happened, he wasn't one of the high level coders, so he didn't paid just an especially large amount of money. Just as he was trying to figure out what to do about making more money, thinking a second job was in order, an email appeared in his inbox giving him an alternative. And it didn't require him to work any extra hours. It just meant he would have to be a surrogate mother. Even though he was a guy.

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Madoka sat quietly in his cubical. He hated how dull things got at work. He just sat there tapping away, bug fixing, testing, uploading, re-uploading, and more bug fixing. He could feel his soul being pulled right out of him and it was driving him mad. The smallish red panda couldn't think of anything else he could do about his boredom other than to listen to music. The apps he was working on weren't terribly high profile. He was relegated to the small side programs that were only used by specific departments, not the whole company.

And as such, he didn't make just a great deal for his trouble. It was rather depressing. Every day, he would come to work, program, eat his lunch, program some more, then go home. Once there, he would watch some TV, look after what few potted plants he had, and eat some dinner before going to bed. Occasionally, he would do laundry or go grocery shopping. It wasn't terribly exciting. But then he couldn't really afford much else.

He didn't even have a car. He took the train to work. And he was lamenting not having anything left over after his bills and expenses. He needed a side job, but he couldn't think of what he might want to do. He didn't really have much he was terribly good at. Or at least he didn't think he was terribly good at anything else. The job was sucking the self-esteem right out of him too.

Just as he was about to push the idea of a second job back into the recesses of his mind where it likely belonged, an email notification popped up on his computer. The red and brown striped fellow tilted his head as he read the subject line.

He liked the prospect of more money. But likely it was some project he wasn't qualified for or he would find it terribly unpleasant. He opened the email anyway just to see what they were trying to con people into. What he read was quite unusual, certainly not at all within the realm of possibility for him usually, but the message assured that they were taking all comers.

It said to respond with any interest, so he did, asking to learn more. The response was prompt. It was also encouraging. Madoka decided to sign up for an interview on the matter. If he decided he didn't like it, he could just opt out and walk away. He was scheduled for a meeting later that day and he penciled it into his schedule. Lunch came and went, then more coding, then the time for his interview arrived. The red panda locked his computer, left his cubical, and made his way to the conference room in question. When he arrived, it was just about time for his appointment.

No one else was in line, likely because the meetings were spaced out half an hour at a time. No point in waiting that long when there was work to be done. He stepped into the room and found they had already commandeered it for the use of the procedure. There was equipment present he wasn't at all familiar with. It was rather intimidating to look at, reminding him of an old science fiction horror film. But he didn't let it bother him. If he didn't like what they had to say, he would just decline.

"Hello Madoka, thank you for coming," a tall elk said, then paused as he tilted his head at the red panda, "Oh... I'm sorry. Judging by your name, I thought you were a woman."

"Yeah, I get that a lot. It's okay. You can just call me Maddie. So, how does this all work?" the shorter fellow asked.

"Well, Maddie, I'm Frank. Pleased to meet you. And it's pretty simple. We've developed an artificial ovary and testis we can implant in a subject. Then we can wirelessly transmit the genetic code for a subject to it. It produces the egg and sperm cells, they join, and implant. It's a new form of surrogacy that cuts out needing to use any form of harvesting from either parent other than a blood sample. The system also accelerates gestation so you only carry for three months rather than nine." the elk explained.

"Okay, sure, sounds neat and all, but there's still the matter of me being male. How does that figure into it?" Maddie asked.

"The implants can actually adjust your body to accommodate. If you're lacking the necessary 'hardware', it just tweaks your genetic makeup and hormone levels and in a day or so, you're ready to go. In fact, the procedure can be done right here, right now in only five minutes. We make sure the implants take hold and are accepted, upload the DNA from the parents wanting to conceive, and you go back to work. It gets the process started once your body is completely ready to begin." Frank said with a smile.

"That sounds more like science fiction than fact if you ask me. I didn't think we'd gotten so far along in that kind of tech. Has it been tested on anyone or anything else?" the red panda sounded somewhat deadpan, not putting much in the way of emotion into his voice.

He was pretty fried from his day at work after all. He was ready to go home and relax. But if he could make a little extra money, and not have to do a second job to get it, then that sounded pretty good. He was still a little hesitant about the whole idea of pregnancy, but it was for a good cause, and he would get paid for the use of his... hospitality.

"It's a pretty amazing advance, I'll grant you. We've run tests on computer models rather extensively. We've also had a few beta testers try out the hardware on some test subjects, no actual parents seeking to conceive were involved. And then we had our first run of trials. They've been very successful and we're looking to expand." Frank answered.

"Okay... then... those beta testers, how did you know if it worked or not? You can't get pregnant unless you have a mommy and a daddy after all." Maddie said, not entirely convinced that he should take the plunge.

"We used a baseline concept, egg production. They were all quite sterile, useless as far as conception goes. But from our test results, we were able to determine they were viable for culinary use. We've begun patenting that process for egg producing farms." the elk said, having that answer ready to deliver right away.

"Okay, so, can I maybe do that instead?" the red panda asked.

"I'm afraid we've already got all available slots for that program filled. We're needing to expand into surrogacy at the moment. If you decide you're not interested, that's perfectly fine." Frank dipped his head slightly as a sign of understanding.

"I dunno, this is all still a little weird to me. I mean, first off, I'm giving up being a guy. Then I'm getting pregnant for someone I've never met. Isn't it just a little... I dunno... strange?" the red panda's voice shrank a little, feeling like he could have offended the elk with the response, and he didn't want to make waves.

"Sure, I admit it might seem odd on the face of it. But look at it this way. You'd be helping out a couple who's been having trouble conceiving on their own. And you'd be breaking gender role norms! We've been checking public opinion on matters like this and there is an overwhelmingly positive response in our polls. You could be part of a group that changes the face of society and how it views reproduction! Think of all the meaningful conversations we'll be able to have and the progress we could make! It can force discussion of gender equality, pay equality, civil rights for disaffected groups! You could be a societal pioneer!" Frank was putting on the hard sell, and he was good at it. It was a little frightening how good he was.

Even though the pitch smacked of the old 'for the good of the company' line, Maddie was actually starting to feel a little guilty for not actually jumping in immediately. But then he was also a little bit of a doormat. His job's ability to suck the will out of him helped put him there. So, without giving it too much additional thought, at the behest of an insistent technician wanting to prove his breakthrough technology worked, he began to consider the idea.

"Well, I mean... how bad could it be? I get paid extra to help a couple have a kid. How much does it pay?" Maddie asked.

Fifteen minutes later, the red panda was walking his way back to his cubical. His stomach was a little sore from the injection. It had been a pretty large needle, and it had taken a little while to get it to target the safest region in his abdomen to attempt. But he was on his way to it. The implants self-assembled once they were in place. They showed up on an ultrasound, revealing that he had two new organs, though they were a mixture of biological and technological components. He was a cyborg now! He thought that part was kind of cool.

The DNA for the mother and the father were already uploaded. He didn't even know what they looked like, or what their names were. He'd get a packet of information about them once there was confirmation that the process was successful and he was indeed pregnant. It was still a strange idea to think about it. But he wasn't going to knock any additional money. It was an extra thousand per surrogacy. That wasn't anything to sneeze at.

Work finished up quickly, his stomach doing little distract him. It was still rather sore, but he didn't mind it that much. Before too long, he had forgotten about it for great swaths of time. The trip home was uneventful save for one key difference. He was considerably hungrier than he usually was by that time of day. Rather than cook leftovers or a microwavable meal at home, Maddie decided to splurge a little and picked up take out from his favorite hole in the wall restaurant.

Food in hand, he plopped down on his couch once he got home and flipped on the television to watch while he ate. And he certainly did eat. It surprised him how much he consumed. After all, his body was going through a pretty significant change. With so much underway, he was surprised he wasn't feeling sick or any more sore than he already was. Once the evening had grown late enough, fatigue began to spread through the whole of Maddie's petite form.

He wasn't going to intimidate anyone, being just shy of a meter and a half tall, and skinny enough that anyone could just pick him up and carry him around like a rag doll. It was an aspect of his life he had gotten used to. It made the space issue in his little apartment less of a problem. He turned the television off, threw away the now empty containers, and folded the couch away to pull out his bedding. The fact that he wasn't going to have any leftovers troubled him slightly. But he would deal with it.

The simple efficiency apartment went dark once he turned the lights out, and Maddie curled up under his blanket. His thoughts turned to what was going on in his abdomen. It wasn't sore any longer. Even immunization shots left a person sore for days. This had healed in no time. He collected his phone and tapped it to his tummy. The app Frank had told him to download ran its usual connection check, sensing the implants within close proximity. Then they ran a diagnostic to make sure everything was in order.

All was well. There were no signs of rejection. And the process of reconfiguring the red panda's body was well underway. From what the elk told him, by the time he woke up, he wouldn't be entirely male anymore. Something about that scared him a little, but it was for a good cause. And he had really had a hard time saying no to things lately. Only now, when he looked at the diagram of what was going on in his stomach, hours after it had been started, did he start to question what he had gotten himself into.

At least he would have the weekend to work his way through it. As he began to drift off, Maddie tried to think of more pleasant things, like how he intended to spend his extra thousand dollars. He could use it to start saving up, maybe afford a slightly bigger apartment, or just eat out a little more often.

Morning found the red panda sprawled across the floor, half of him no longer on the bed mat, and much of the blanket kicked off him. That wasn't normal. It happened, but only on extremely rare occasions. Maddie didn't find it terribly troubling, so he thought little of it as he roused and stumbled sleepily into the bathroom. He took a shower to wake himself up and sighed under the warm spray. For a the moment, he had forgotten about the changes he was undergoing and lathered up. When he moved to clean the 'undercarriage', he was surprised by a rather sudden and sharp tickle that race up his spine.

"What the hell?" he muttered to himself.

It should not have been a surprise, but he was still waking up. He had forgotten briefly about the procedure yesterday, and what it was intended to bring about. When it returned to the forefront of his mind what exactly was happening, he traced his fingers over the new cleft. It made him shiver once again as a curious warmth passed through him.

In but a few moments, a silly little grin crossed his muzzle and he plopped himself down on the floor of the shower, legs spread, hands now occupied with his groin.

"Oh yeah, that's right. It's supposed to be there. Let's have a better look at it." Maddie said to himself.

He hoisted his scrotum out of the way and tried to angle himself one way, then another to get a good vantage. It wasn't ideal, but he did manage to catch a glimpse of the new feature. His short stature made it a little awkward trying to view himself without a mirror. So, a more tactile solution was conjured. He slowly ran his fingers along the new lips, gasping quietly as the act brought a powerful wave of stimulation up through him. Immediately, he was brought completely awake, and his length was made to stand at full attention. He couldn't help himself but melt under the lovely experience.

Again he traced across the petals that had not been there only a few hours ago. Any thoughts he had about making the shower a quick one were suddenly out the window. The red panda carefully tugged on either side, tenderly parting the womanly region. It didn't have quite the sensation as stroking himself, but it was still pleasant. Any contact came with a subtle electric charge that raced across his skin. It was remarkable how little effort was required. He remembered having times where it took a fair bit of work just to get himself panting. But that was before he was equipped as he was now.

The manual he had been told to read as part of the app had stated quite clearly that there was to be no sex whatsoever with another person. There were rules and such stating that they would not be held responsible for any sexually transmitted infections that might come as a result of promiscuity. It also had a vague mention of the implants being untested when it came to foreign genetic contributions. Maddie wasn't in any danger of that. He didn't know any boys who would be willing to indulge with him. And he wasn't exactly interested in that himself. Besides, the manual said nothing about manual stimulation.

With a careful, experimental mindset in mind, the red panda slowly eased a single finger into his new passage. The result was a powerful jolt that forced him to arch his back and gasp sharply. He jerked his hand away from the warm tunnel if only to compose himself. That alone had been fairly strong. He wondered what would happen or how mighty the rush would be if he delved further. His curiosity brought him to want to find out. The finger returned, and he held to the exploration for as long as he might be able to handle.

Maddie's breath was quickly stolen away in only a few seconds as he caressed along the walls within, finding the silken texture to be quite appealing. After only half a minute, he pulled his hand away and slumped against the tile wall. He was already struggling for breath and a light dizziness had claimed him. Was it like this for all ladies? Or was he just 'recalibrating' like the app said would be happening? He didn't exactly understand what that meant, recalibrating. But the manual said it had to do with the nerves in the affected area learning their new jobs. Perhaps that meant tactile sensation as well.

He hoped it wouldn't end up dulled. This was far too lovely to see toned down. And once he was feeling up to further examination once more, the red panda decided to go for broke. He took a few deep breaths, then shoved his finger back in, roughly and suddenly. A yelp was forced past his lips as he was claimed by a mighty wave of electricity. He bit back a yowl as he fiddled about, finding it impossible to sit still as he worked over his new canal. Being as new as he was to the whole matter, he didn't have much in the way of understanding just how close to climax he was, or how quickly he had pushed himself there.

In but only a few moments, the red panda found himself crying out, his voice echoing off the hard surface of the shower walls. He could scarcely keep a thought in his head as the wave of orgasm washed over him. He sprawled out on the floor of the stall, one hand still buried between his thighs, the other gripping at his almost painful stiff length. It had begun to spasm, threatening to explode as well. A few well timed strokes helped urge it on to its moment of glory and Maddie shivered in radiant, orgasmic delight.

When it all finally was washed away, he sighed and relaxed, unable to find any reason to be unhappy with his current state. He could find himself growing rather fond of this whole matter if it was to be like this from now on. From what he understood, the implants could be taken out, but the changes they put in place would remain. It seemed like a shame to not put it all to use, so why bother removing them?

It took a few moments, but Maddie found strength enough to sit himself up, then get back to his paws. The shower spray felt refreshing now that he had gotten back to a point where he was sober and clear-headed. He resumed bathing, thinking it had been a successful round of experimentation. But wasting water was something he wasn't interesting in seeing show up on his next bill. If he was going to indulge again, he would need to find a less resource-wasting method. He didn't last very long trying to keep that mindset. Twice more the red panda found himself on the floor of the shower, teasing and stroking and exploring until he was on the verge of screaming.

It had never felt so good tending to the male half. Something about working the female side over at the same time added something to it. Together, they worked like two harmonious notes in a chord. And Maddie was deeply interested in playing that tune as often as he could.

Twenty minutes more than his usual shower time passed before he emerged and stumbled over to get a towel. He began drying himself off and made his way over to the couch. He folded it out and flopped down on it, struggling to come to grips with what was going on. He was worried he was becoming an addict. He had been part female for only so short a while, and he was already doing this, and doing it as much as he could get away with.

Maybe the manual had something he could look up about the matter. Maddie collected his phone and began perusing the notes on the project he had signed up for, swiping through the table of contents, the glossary, even the index. They had been thorough enough to make it fairly easy to reference specific details throughout the document. That was helpful. When he found what he was looking for, the red panda sat up and began reading, trying his best to ignore the desire to drop his paw back down between his legs. Without realizing he was doing it, he began to read aloud.

"Once organ development is complete, genetic combination will occur. The resulting zygote will then be moved into position to embed. Development during the program is accelerated so that the single new cell will begin reproducing immediately and enter the next few stages far more rapidly than normal. The uteral lining will accept the developing embryo within half an hour of confirmation that a zygote has been successfully created. This will be the beginning stage of pregnancy. Hormone levels will begin to adjust to prepare your body for the development of the fetus. Side effects may include increased sex drive. Masturbation will not result in harm to the fetus, however it is advised to avoid sexual intercourse with another partner." Maddie said.

If it happened that fast, it would explain his sudden burning need to fondle the new parts of himself, as well as the older, 'classic' bits. He tapped his phone against his stomach and the app chimed, taking a reading of what was happening inside him. A readout of technical information passed quickly across the screen. That made him frown. Whoever programmed the app had not bothered to conceal the background processes. It left it relatively unsecure. He would have to make a point to tell the developers. When the scrolling text passed, it showed a diagram of his interior and zeroed in on one particular area, highlighting something he couldn't see while zoomed out.

"Embryo detected, confirmed embedded in uteral lining. Implantation occurred at 3:37 am. Tap here to check event log for more details." Maddie read out loud, then swiped away.

As soon as he did, a new splash popped up, bright and colorful and very baby-oriented in its graphic design. It congratulated him on the fact that he was now pregnant. Maddie's expression fell a little, realizing it had happened so quickly, and while he was asleep. He felt a little like he had been violated somehow. He had not been given the option to start the process himself, no little button in the app to tell it 'Let's make a baby!' or anything like that. It had just gone about its business without his need to give the order. That was something else he was going to need to discuss with the developers.

He was pregnant. Not even a full day into the program and he was already supporting his first surrogate baby. He didn't know anything about the child, or its parents. He wasn't even sure what species it was. Hopefully it wasn't belonging to anyone terribly tall. A shudder passed through him as he imagined carrying the child of a rather large couple; horse, wolf, or even an orca. He was tiny in comparison to what he imagined the parents being like. And that worried him.

There was only one way to find out what was happening, and that was to see it through. After all, he was being paid good money to do this. Maddie's stomach growled as he sat there thinking about it and frowned. He was absolutely starving, and for good reason. He had just finished growing a womb--as well as the various other accoutrements--and now he was needing to support a rather rapidly growing baby. Not to mention the fact that he had just enjoyed a rather tiring round of self-exploration in the shower. Breakfast sounded like a fine idea.

With a big bowl of cereal in hand, Maddie plopped back down on the sofa and opened his laptop. His first thought was he could perhaps get some coding done on the project he had been working on at the office, but then a thought occurred to him. He slowed his chewing as it rolled around in the back of his mind. Initially, he tried to dismiss it as unnecessary and inappropriate. But as the 'side effects' continued to press in on him, he decided a little shopping around couldn't hurt. After all, he wasn't actually going to buy anything.

The red panda opened a browser and began searching through certain notorious websites, regions of the internet he would never have explored before. He assumed everything would be far too expensive to even consider. Then he found there was one particular location that was putting on a clearance sale and they had some bargains that were shockingly reasonable, well within Maddie's budget.

"Huh... who would have thought? Free shipping too. Well, what harm could it do? I mean, if I've got to have the 'equipment' to get the job done, I might as well enjoy having it." he said to himself.

Then he clicked further through the site and his eyes grew wide at what he saw. Before lunch time that day, the red panda had a package the size of a large shoebox waiting for him down at the front desk of his building, discretely labeled and lacking much in the way of identifying markings. No one would have to know he had just bought himself a small collection of sex toys, being terribly unsure what size he would need. Or be able to handle. Or would desire.

Being pregnant turned out to have its perks and its drawbacks. Madoka quickly found a few of the perks. He couldn't help but love the experience of stimulating his new feminine side. He started to notice more changes in his body, the most obvious one being his chest. Within a week, he had noticed his shirts were fitting a bit tighter. By the next week, he was sure of what was happening. He could have referred to the app's manual but he didn't need to. Not when he started seeing a few droplets of milk seeping out of his nipples. He was growing breasts. And they were rather tender to the touch. Experimentation--as with the remarkably intense experience that first morning--was careful initially, then thrown into with reckless abandon.

The drawbacks came just as quickly. Makoda's appetite was considerably larger than before, making his cost of food skyrocket. He was eating roughly twice as much as normal. That made sense given he was growing a baby in roughly a third the time it normally took. But he was putting on weight in other areas he wasn't hoping to gain in. His hips had broadened, and while his tummy had begun to show signs of his progress, he had taken on a slightly doughy shape. He began working out regularly, starting with basic routines at home. The internet was replete with videos for expectant moms looking to stay in shape. But eventually, he came to realize he would need professional help. He wasn't ready to make that leap yet.

As the red panda's chest grew, it became obvious he was going to need to purchase a bra. Several in fact. But he had no experience in such matters. Just the idea of going into a store to shop for such a thing made him blush terribly brightly. Buying online seemed like a reasonable idea, except he had to contend with the matter of leakage. They wouldn't take returns if he soaked them in breast milk. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he needed to visit a physical store and actually talk to someone who could help him.

There was a maternity wear shop not far from home according to the map online. He could get there and back in twenty minutes if he was lucky. Granted shopping would take longer than that, but the foot traffic was his primary concern. The red panda wrapped himself up, compressing his chest to hide it a bit better. It also helped keep him from leaking through his shirts. Once he was dressed, he left his little apartment and headed down to the store in question.

He stood out in front of it, looking in the window for a few minutes, unbelievably nervous about the whole matter. He ran one of his paws over his stomach, showing just barely enough curve to possibly suggest what was happening inside. He needed to do something. Just staring through the glass wasn't going to fix his problem, so Maddie sighed and worked up what nerve he could, then pushed the door open.

"Hello! Good afternoon! How can I help you?" a very helpful mouse lady said as she approached.

"Hi... um... I uh... well... I've got an interesting situation." Maddie said.

"Well, tell me what's going on. I'll help out however I can." the mouse said brightly, smiling as broadly as her mouth would let her.

Maddie took a breath and steeled himself. Beating around the bush or trying to fabricate a story would just make things more awkward and nerve-racking. Best to just come right out with it, he thought.

"I'm a guy. Or at least I was. I signed up for this program at work to be a surrogate. Now I'm not as much of a guy as I used to be, and I'm pregnant. I'm a little over a month in, but it's an accelerated program so I'm effectively four months along." he explained.

"Wow! That's pretty fast! I know some ladies who would kill to be able to move that quick. And a bunch more who would be really upset if it was so short a term!" the mouse lady said, "I'm Gloria, and I'm guessing this is your first?"

She wasn't fazed at all by the fact that he had just said he used to be a male. It shocked him, and then he felt more at ease, then he was hit with confusion. The rollercoaster his mind was taking him on was starting to be a little exhausting.

"Wait... I just said I'm a guy and I'm pregnant, and that's no never mind to you?" the red panda asked.

"You'd be surprised how often we get pregnant boys in here. I think it's terribly cute, honestly. So, what's your name? Is this your first?" Gloria replied, pressing on with business, keeping it more professional than the boy thought he might have had to deal with.

"Maddie, and yeah, it's my first. Seriously? Pregnant boys is a common thing?" he was stunned by that revelation.

"Yeah. Some do it because they wanna be a surrogate, like you. Some do it because they're into that sort of thing, they get off on it. But most of the boys we get in here are the ones who do it because they actually want to have kids of their own, but they're gay, and they want to carry the baby rather than go through a surrogate. I'm guessing that program you mentioned about was to help folks who can't conceive on their own?" the mouse began walking the red panda deeper into the store, finding a place for them to sit and talk rather than stand at the entrance.

"Y-yeah... at least, that's what I was told. I just thought the extra money would be a nice addition." Maddie said.

"Depends on the program. Some pay more than others. If you're going through an accelerated program, then they probably pay you less, thinking the time is all that matters. You're spending a lot more on food than usual, huh?" Gloria asked.

"Yeah! It sucks! It's eating up almost all of the added cash I'm getting! It's ridiculous! I might as well not have done it! And now I need to buy a bunch of maternity stuff which is going to end up costing me more than the bonus!" Maddie frowned and lowered his gaze, finally saying out loud what he had been thinking for a while.

"Thought so. Well don't worry. We run a special discount for surrogates working for cheapskate corporate bastards like that. So, you're four months in, effectively. What's got you coming down here? Anything in particular?" Gloria asked.

"I um... well... I need-" the red panda began to blush once again, unable to help his reaction in spite of how nice this mouse lady had been, "I've never bought a bra before."

"Ahhh, yeah. Classic. About half the guys who come in find they need the extra support during their first baby. Lemme guess, you were thinking about buying online, but you're leaking, and they won't take returns if you get milk all over them?" Gloria asked with a bit of a grin.

Maddie's eyes widened as he brought them back to look at the mouse. It was like she was reading his mind, or his browser history. She really must have had quite a few boys come shopping with her.

"Y-yeah... that's it exactly." the red panda said quietly in awe.

"No, I can't read your mind. It's just a common thing boys tend to have to deal with. C'mon. I'll help you pick out something. How are your pants fitting? Any issues with the hips or waist?" the mouse asked.

"Come to think of it, yeah, a little bit. I'm not gonna hafta buy a whole new wardrobe, am I? Maddie whined, feeling his wallet already starting to cry.

"Maybe not a whole new wardrobe, but there are a few key things you'll need to do something about up front. Then, as you move along, we can help you bit by bit. And look at it this way, this is your initial investment. You won't have to buy a lotta this stuff on your second, third, or fourth pregnancy, if you choose to keep going. C'mon, let's get you sized for a bra. I can get you to a changing room where you can unwrap." Gloria said.

"H-how did you know I wr-"

"Half of the guys who come in here end up growing breasts. Half of those are embarrassed about it so they wrap. Most of them get over it eventually. A few don't. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You chose to be a surrogate and your body decided you should end up looking more motherly to cope with it. I say don't run from it, lean into it. Enjoy it. Have you played with yourself at all?" the mouse asked.

Maddie bit his lower lip as they walked deeper into the store, finding an empty changing room where he could have some privacy. Gloria walked in with him, making him tremble nervously.

"I... what!?" he asked, his voice quivering.

"You know... played with yourself. Everyone gets curious about it. Have you tried it out for yourself? It's okay if you haven't, and it's okay if you have." the mouse took a very clinical approach to the whole matter.

"I... yeah... I... I have." Maddie answered quietly.

"Good! Don't give that up. It's a great way to relieve tension. Just try not to get carried away with it. It's easy for a boy to get overwhelmed by it and go a little nuts. Now, here, try these on after you unwrap. They'll help keep you from soaking the bras you try on." Gloria handed the red panda a plastic-wrapped package of small, white cup-shaped objects, clearly meant to fit on one's bust.

Maddie eyed them and looked back to the mouse. She had turned around to not watch, giving her new customer a chance to tend to the matter. The red panda slipped out of his shirt, then began unwrapping his chest carefully, finding it had soaked up a fair bit of moisture that had seeped out of him. It would need to get added to the wash when he got home. The little flexible cups clapped on over his nipples and remained attached by some mysterious means he couldn't figure out, but he was relieved to see they refused to let him leak through them.

"Okay... there we go. Got'em on." Maddie said.

"Good," Gloria said as she turned around to have a look, "Now let's get you measured and I'll bring back some items for you to try. The faster we work, the better. Those things are great, but they only last for so long, especially if you're really nervous, really angry, or just really productive."

A cloth measuring tape was produced and wrapped around the panda's chest. A number of measurements were taken and a size was decided upon. He was working on making the jump from B to C cup. And according to the manual--which he went ahead and read in spite of knowing what was happening--he might continue to grow. It wasn't at all uncommon for a surrogate to reach rather impressive sizes due to the hormonal changes. The implants that had enabled all of this turned out to be a rather amazing natural breast enlargement therapy. The company was no doubt looking into broadening the application.

In the span of ten minutes, Gloria had Maddie try on at least ten different bras of varying styles and sizes. It was all about comfort at first. They could get into aesthetic later. When at last the red panda found something that felt like it fit very well, the mouse zeroed in on the size and style, fetching him a number of others to try to see how he liked them.

Ten minutes later, he had a collection of bras, only four at the moment since he was sure to keep growing. They had even gotten him to try on a few pairs of pants that worked with his new hips and thighs better. The difference in comfort was night and day. And thankfully, that discount they offered helped put him at ease. The 'milk proof' cups were complimentary.

By the time Maddie got back to his apartment, he had several new articles of clothing to add to his closet, instructions on how to launder bras, a couple of books about health and living while pregnant, and Gloria's phone number. She had insisted on giving it to him so he could reach out to her if he had any more wardrobe issues. He tried not to think about it as anything more than good customer service. He was sure she wasn't interested in him that way. She dealt with pregnant boys all the time, she said. And a notion had slipped out while she was getting him outfitted.

He could pass for a girl if he really wanted to. It wouldn't take much effort, he was already very cute in her opinion. And his chest and stomach would help sell the look. It often worked out easier for a boy who was expecting to just pass for a lady during the process. A lot of folks tended to get confused and confusion often led to anger. Anger never led anywhere good.

Maddie looked over his new clothing for several moments as he processed the idea. He could pass for a girl. That did sound like it would be a lot easier. And it might get his boss to stop talking the way he did about hiring ladies for coding positions. Or it might bring unwanted attention down on him.

The deciding factor was comfort. There was more lady's clothing meant to accommodate the pregnant form. And Maddie was very much interested in being comfortable. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, turning himself one way, then the other, looking over one of the bras he had bought.

"Well, I guess it's going to be Miss Madoka now. At least the name will be less confusing." he said to himself.

Before he even decided to join the surrogacy program, people had gotten confused by his name, assuming he was a girl because of it. He had to explain innumerable times that it was supposed to be a unisex name, but it had just fallen into fashion for it to be used for girls. His parents just wanted to pick something that would have worked for one or the other before he was born.

Now, that explanation could be shelved. At least until after he gave birth. His chest would flatten back out afterwards, right? He consulted the manual and his expression fell. There was a high probability that his breasts were permanent. And that was even taking into consideration the notion of not acting as a surrogate again. It looked like he was going to have to stay Miss Madoka.

The red panda ran his paws up over the slowly growing swells now properly supported. A shiver ran up his spine as he gently squeezed them. They belonged to him. He should enjoy them. That's what Gloria said to do, lean into it. And he wasn't going to deny how good it felt fondling them. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad being a girl after all. He had not felt especially 'manly' as a guy, and it was going towards a good cause.

"Well, mom and dad are going to be surprised, that's for sure. But they didn't seem too upset when mom's brother ended up being her sister. Maybe they'll be cool with it." Maddie said to herself, actually trying out the feminine identification in her head.

It sounded not half bad.

It had been two months since Maddie had the implants added. Things were going along smoothly, if a little annoying at certain times. Sleeping was getting difficult, if only because there wasn't a terribly comfortable posture to be had with bedding meant for the floor. A foam comfort pad underneath helped, but there was still something left to be desired. Clothing had become more of a concern, especially when it came to needing something that was work-appropriate.

And then there was the fact that Maddie had opted to start going by 'she' rather than 'he'. It confused her friends, what few she spent a great deal of time around, and it was a difficult bit of information for her coworkers to successfully assimilate. Frequently, they referred to Maddie as a boy, if only because of habit. It didn't bother her too much. It had been rather sudden compared to the more traditional timelines for such a change. And of course, she might not stay this way. She might decide against continuing to be part of the program. And there was a chance she would go back to normal after opting out.

But there was still a good chance she wouldn't. That bothered her a little, but she tried not to think about it too much. She had been enjoying the changes for the most part, at least when she didn't have to directly deal with the inconveniences. Food was becoming a major cost. All the additional expenditures were killing the bonus she was supposed to get. A thousand dollars per pregnancy wasn't really enough. That broke down to only a little more than three hundred a month. And her appetite had forced her to spend almost all of that just to stay fed.

She sighed as she sat at her desk, quietly pleased that her boss had seen fit to approve the changes she needed to her workstation to be able to keep working in spite of her growing tummy. She had gotten quite big. It looked like she had swallowed a basketball by this point. Her short stature and ordinarily slight build only offered to exaggerate the swell. But then came a few other changes, additions to her frame in the form of a layer of padding. That was where the real problem with her wardrobe came from. Her pants had stopped fitting a while back.

Gloria and the others at the maternity shop worked with her as best they could, but there was only so much that could be done to discount an entirely new batch of clothing. It was rather frustrating, but Maddie tried to think of it the way the mouse had mentioned--any future pregnancies would be less expensive since she wouldn't need to buy clothes all over again. Storing it all was a bit of a trick, but online tips, tutorials, and life hacks had helped quite a lot. Now she just had to get through the first pregnancy and hope for the best.

If she could survive that long. She was eating herself out of house and home every week. It was getting ridiculous. Her lunch had been pretty meager, leaving her belly growling at her as the dome twitched. The first kick from the baby had caught her off guard, stolen her breath away. It gave her reason to sit down and marvel in awe of what was happening inside her. The novelty of it wore off quickly as the reality of her situation weighed in on her. She needed to do something more. This wasn't working out how she had hoped.

"Hey there!" called out a voice from behind the red panda.

She turned around to see a grey-furred lady staring back at her. Her long ears stood tall and straight over her while her conservative clothing hugged comfortably around her swollen tummy. Clearly she had joined the surrogacy program as well in the hopes of making a few extra dollars. Other than that, Maddie knew nothing about her. They had never spoken before, though she had seen the rabbit from afar.

"Hey... can I help you? Something you need bug-fixed?" the shorter of the two ladies asked.

"Nah, I'm good on software. I came over 'cause I couldn't help but noticing you've been growing pretty rapidly over the last couple of weeks. Are you part of the surrogate program?" the bunny asked.

"Yeah, I am. I'd ask if you are too, but it's a pretty safe bet that you are. What's up?" Maddie asked, trying to be as non-committal as possible.

She didn't like seeming too enthusiastic or excitable. Usually, that meant she came off as underwhelmed, even bland compared to the rest of the office. That wasn't necessarily undesirable. She didn't like going out drinking, which is what they often wanted to do. And now that she was pregnant, that was even more undesirable.

"Well, I wanted ta ask ya somethin'. How many is this for you? Is it your first?" the rabbit asked.

"Yeah, it's my first. Brand new surrogate a month away from being due. They put me on the accelerated plan, three months for a term," Maddie answered, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

She knew that it hadn't been given, but it seemed rude to try and word it a more direct way.

"I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you. I'm on my fifth. After this, I'm gonna hafta take a break. They don't let you do too many back to back to back. It puts too much stress on the body and the implants can't compensate for it," the hare said, then pushed a paw forward for a good shake, "What's your name?"

"Maddie. Nice to meet you too. How long a break do they require you to have before you can resume?" the red panda asked, wrapping her paw around Jenny's and squeezing it lightly.

"Three months minimum. They like you to take a month off between terms, but I usually only wait a couple of weeks before starting on the next one. If you wait the month in between, you can just keep going and going. Doesn't help that I like to go for multiples. I've got a set'a triplets here!" Jenny grinned as she gave her plump, round tummy a gentle pat, clearly proud of what she had accomplished.

"Wow, triplets? They can do that? I didn't know they could program a cell to divide like that before implanting." Maddie lowered her gaze to stare at the bunny's middle.

"Oh, they didn't. They're three completely different genomes. Three separate couples. You get one started, it moves to go implant, the second one starts up. It goes to implant, then the third one gets started. It's usually all done within the space of about two hours. I'm pushing to see how many I can hold. Next term, I'm gonna try for four! I wanna be huge!" Jenny laughed and moved into the red panda's cubical, taking a seat on an empty part of the grey desk.

"That's kinda crazy. Do they pay you per kid? Or just per term?" Maddie found herself genuinely curious.

If she could get twins, maybe that would help her afford the whole matter more easily. But then she would probably need a different wardrobe just to deal with the added size. Not to mention the even greater food costs. But it was worth asking about.

"The bonus they pay for being a surrogate is on a per kid basis. So, I'm getting triple the pay for triple the load. I'm guessing you've only got the one?" the rabbit reached out and pressed a palm gently against Maddie's stomach.

The red panda had given up trying to stop people from touching her belly. It was a common thing for people to want to do when confronted with a pregnant woman. It was a little embarrassing, but at the same time, she kind of enjoyed the attention to her stomach. It had grown fairly sensitive, and any attention to it felt rather nice. She closed her eyes and hummed softly, fighting the urge to squirm in her seat.

"Yeah, just the one. Didn't think multiples was possible. The pay's been kind of a let down. I was hoping it would be less expensive to do this." Maddie said.

"Yeah, first timers usually have it pretty rough trying to deal with the added cost that comes with it. Are you staying under budget or have you gone past what the bonus paid?" Jenny asked, lowering her voice slightly as if to suggest she was about to delve into more private matters.

"I uh... I'm just under breaking even. It's not as good as I was doing before joining the program." Maddie dropped her voice as well, slightly uncomfortable with where the discussion might go.

"Well, sounds like you could use a second job. And it just so happens I've got something that you might enjoy. You wanna meet up after work and I'll show you what you can do to help bolster that pitiful little bonus?" the rabbit asked.

"Well... I dunno. I mean, it'd be nice to have some extra cash, but I'd need to know more about what's involved." the red panda shrunk a little in her chair, worried she was going to get roped into something sordid.

"You'll hafta step a little outside your comfort zone, but it's safe, legal, and trust me, you can make a pretty decent little supplement. Just come see me after work." Jenny hopped to her paws and winked before slipping out of the cubical.

Maddie turned to look back at her twin monitors. She was certainly interested in making more if that were possible. The fact that the rabbit had been so secretive about the job left her uneasy. She had already come this far with stepping out of her comfort zone, what was a little more? And what else was she going to do? Go home and play with her 'toys'? She was starting to get a little sore, no matter how good it felt.

When the workday was over, the red panda left her floor and headed downstairs to the lobby, ready to just walk to the train station and head home. Before she could make it from the elevator to the front doors, she was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Maddie!" Jenny called out from across the lobby.

She hopped lightly on her paws, waving wildly to try and get the red panda's attention. It made the newer surrogate blush. She turned to look around at the people passing by, worried that she would look rude if she didn't respond and approach. So, Maddie did exactly that. She lifted a paw to wave back and wade through the river of workers migrating home. Once she was within earshot for a more private conversation, the bunny grinned and took hold of the red panda's shoulders.

"You ready to make some extra cash?" she asked.

"You still haven't told me what this is we're going to do." Maddie said with a bit of a whimper.

"Trust me, you'll love it. I've been going to this place for over a year. It makes this whole surrogate thing worthwhile. C'mon!" Jenny took hold of the red panda's arm and tugged.

Before Madoka could protest, they were leaving through one of the side entrances. That didn't make much sense to her, unless they were going to walk the whole way, or maybe get a cab. The latter was the case, which Jenny was more than happy to cover, given the new girl's financial situation.

"So, you said this is your first, and you're a month away from being due. How've you been holding up?" Jenny asked as the cab carried them through the busy streets.

"Okay... I guess. It's been tough in some ways, but kinda nice in others." Maddie answered.

"Yeah, feels kinda nice overall, doesn't it?" the rabbit grinned as she pushed her hips forward, gently bumping her tummy against her new friend's.

"It's been interesting, that's for sure. I didn't think it'd be something I would like, but this does have its perks." the red panda said.

"You've been keeping up with everything right? The self-care, exercise, resting when you need to, not stressing out your back, and taking care of... personal matters?" Jenny waggled her eyebrows as she got to the final part of her question.

Maddie knew immediately what she was talking about and blushed brightly. Her personal bedroom activities weren't something she discussed with anyone, but the fact that they were both surrogates suggested that Jenny already something of an idea of what went on. So, really, there was no point in hiding it.

"Yeah... started in on it fairly quick. First weekend after the change, I went and bought a bunch of things to um... to... 'help' with things. I've been using them a lot. Bed is a tricky matter. I can't seem to get comfortable for very long. I think I need to get an actual mattress and stop using bedding on a floor mat." Maddie explained.

"Oh honey... you're sleeping on a mat? Yeah, we gotta get you a proper bed! Tell you what; if tonight doesn't go as well for you as I think it will, I'll spring for a proper memory foam bed. No mother should be without a cloud to sleep on. Not when she's doing such hard work making a new life!" Jenny said, genuinely aghast at the revelation of the red panda's sleeping situation.

"You don't have to do that. It's terribly nice of you but really, it's fine. In a little while, I'll be able to save up enough to buy one on my own and then I won't have to worry about it anymore." Maddie said.

Jenny just grinned, leaning in to nudge the shorter lady with her elbow.

"You just wait and see what happens tonight. You'll probably make enough in one evening to cover it yourself!" she said.

"You really think so?" Maddie asked.

"Yeah, I do! Now, what do you do for exercise? Do you go somewhere?" the rabbit scooted in closer and wrapped an arm around her cab-buddy, pressing the sides of their considerable stomachs together.

The red panda shivered softly at the contact, finding she liked it far more than she had thought she would.

"I... I do yoga. At home. I just play a video from the internet and follow along. It was a little difficult at first, but I think I'm getting the hang of it." Maddie explained.

"Yoga's good. Lemme hook you up with where I go. We can go together, be yoga buddies!" Jenny was terribly enthusiastic about the idea, giving Maddie a soft jostle.

"I... I dunno. Like I said, money's kinda tight." the red panda said quietly.

"Nonsense. I'll cover your first month's membership. Then, if you don't like it, you don't have to come back. Besides, it's not very expensive. They give you a discount if you're a surrogate, even if you're not carrying that month. A whole bunch of mothers go. It's a big belly party." the rabbit said.

It did sound rather nice, being able to receiving instruction from a proper teacher. And having other surrogates in the class would make Maddie feel less awkward. Maybe it was a good idea to at least try it. Before the red panda could answer, the cab came to a stop and Jenny swiped her card to pay the fair. When they got out, Maddie looked up to see a neon sign, not yet on since the sun had not gone down completely yet. Her eyes grew huge and her cheeks flushed powerfully.

"You brought me to a strip club!?" the shorter girl forced herself to not yell.

"Yup! No place better for a mother-to-be to earn a little extra cash than the 'Bump in the Night'! They've got a great track record with surrogates and moms who are only in it for a little while. They're always looking for fresh talent, since it's mostly temps." Jenny said, wrapping an arm around Maddie to walk her around to the side entrance.

"I... I... I can't do this! I... I've never... I dunno how to dance! I can't be sexy! I used to be a guy!" Maddie complained, but found she was having a difficult time resisting Jenny's coaxings.

"You don't have to. The belly does most of the work. And you won't be a dancer. They never put first time moms and surrogates on the stage unless they can prove they can dance. You'll be a waitress. Trust me, you'll make bank. They love the short and stacked ladies. And they don't care if you used to be a guy. Or even if you're still a guy. They just added a pregnant men night a few months ago. The owner participates and he splits his tips up among the dancers. C'mon, lemme introduce you." the rabbit continued on, opening the door and pulling the sputtering red panda in.

Inside, the club was well kempt. Maddie had imagined something dark, dirty, and scary. This was not that at all. Of course, it would be darker out in the main room with lights pointed to the stage, but behind the scenes, it was very well lit. There were several ladies all arriving and getting dressed for their shifts. There was little to be worn, but at least the waitresses were a little more modestly clothed. They had the option of wearing a top rather than only just the bottom that the dancers were clad in, though it all was very much limited to outfits--if they could be called that--that were essentially bikinis.

"Jenny, I really don't think I can do this." Maddie said quietly.

"It's pretty easy. You ever been a waitress before?" the rabbit asked.

"No, I was a guy until about two months ago. And the closest I ever got was working a register at a fast food joint. This is very, very different. And they'll be able to see that... well... I'm packing." the red panda tried to back her way out of the changing room.

The boss, the large horse that had been kind enough to agree to let Maddie try out for a night, had already found a 'uniform' that looked like it would fit her. It was a red sparkly number, one that was sure to leave far too much visible for her comfort. But then the point was to show off in places like this.

"You'll be fine. First off, most of the folks who come here don't care. More than just a few actually like that. Second, it'll be dark enough that they won't know what you've got unless they try ta grab you. And there's none'a that what goes on here. Brice makes sure to let folks know if they get too handsy without a lady saying it's okay, they get the boot. As well as a hoof in the face. Go on, get changed! The customers will start showing up soon!" Jenny pushed softly against Maddie to direct her deeper into the dressing room.

It was all terribly embarrassing for the red panda. She undressed in front of the other ladies, expecting judgment or disdain, and yet she received none. What she did receive was the odd request to access something she was in the way of, or a comment about how good she looked. Apparently her time practicing yoga had been paying off. When she was 'dressed', she wrapped her arms around her chest and stood next to Jenny. The rabbit had decided to forego the top, opting to give the customers more reason to tip.

"So... um... is there a menu to memorize or something? I don't know what this place serves." Maddie said.

"Don't worry too much about it. Most of the tables have those little computerized ordering systems. They come in, sit down, plug in what they want, and the back of the house fills the order. All you do is just take it to'em most of the time. Honestly, it's pretty simple." Jenny said.

"I'm really nervous. I've never done anything like this before." the red panda said.

"What's this? We've got a new girl who's got a little stage fright?" came a new voice belonging to a tall, rather gravid cow lady.

Jenny nodded and looked up at the bovine woman, keeping an arm around the shorter lady.

"Yeah, this is Maddie. It's her first time doing anything like this. Her first round as a surrogate too. Been trying to help ease her down a little. Any recommendations?" the rabbit asked.

"Hi, I'm Elsie," the cow lady said, extending a hand for the red panda to shake, "I'm a veteran, been doing this the longest of all the ladies. Honestly, it's a pretty easy job. The clients all have a pretty wide array of tastes so you're guaranteed to find someone out there who's interested. Since it's a normal night, we'll have a pretty good crowd."

"Yeah? How many normally show up? A couple dozen at a time?" Maddie asked.

"Oh no, more than that. Try fifty to sixty. Just be ready to turn the tables when they get up and head out. The quicker you can get someone else seated, the faster you'll start getting tips again," Elsie turned her gaze to meet Jenny's, "You may wanna help her relax a bit with a little pre-show attention."

"You think that's wise? I mean it's just her first time. In fact, she used to be a boy. I dunno if that'd be the best course of action." the rabbit frowned a little.

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed! You pass for a lady really well, honey!" Elsie smiled at the red panda, "But I think that makes it the best course of action. She'll pop and relax, make the night go more smoothly. I say go for it. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get out on stage. We've got a big opening number we need to rehearse."

The cow disappeared out the door headed for the main room. Meanwhile, Jenny turned to grin down at Maddie.

"Well, you heard the lady. Find yourself a comfy place to sit and I'll help you relax real good!" the rabbit said.

The red panda's eyes grew quite wide as she let her mind run wild with all sorts of ideas as to how Jenny intended to accomplish exactly that. Before she could protest, she was made to sit. She wasn't looking for a chair on her own so the rabbit guided her. When her rump landed in the seat, she began to squirm. This was all going very differently than she had originally anticipated.

"Okay, now just relax and let me do all the work. I'll get you loosened up in no time." Jenny said.

Maddie felt the waistband of her bikini bottom tugged on as the rabbit vanished behind her swollen stomach. All she could see now were a pair of ears standing up over the horizon of her tummy. The sensation of a pair of lips pressing against the round dome made her shiver. Then fingers began to dance across her groin, teasing her partially stiff length the rest of the way to its peak. Seeing so many beautiful girls had certainly had an impact on her, even though she felt sleazy for enjoying it, and now Jenny was taking advantage of it.

"What are you doing!?" Maddie cried.

"Oh I think you know. Now just lean back and enjoy the show." Jenny replied.

Before the shorter lady could say anything further, the rabbit pressed further down, sealing her lips around the throbbing spire concealed under the great, gravid tummy. Maddie sucked in a sharp intake of breath and fought to keep her eyes from crossing. It was the first time she had ever had someone touch her in such a way, either by hand or tongue. There was little chance of her lasting terribly long, and then that chance was cut sharply in half.

Jenny pressed a paw between the gasping lady's thighs, finding the two orbs that came with such a protrusion, still exploring its length with her tongue. The pair of swells were given a massage, a gentle squeeze that made the red panda arch her back. Then the hare worked her way further back, tracing her fingertips along the steadily moistening petals just behind them, having been aiming for them all along. Maddie was at a loss. She couldn't fight against this, nor did she really want to at this point.

A couple of the other ladies caught sight of what was going on and stopped to watch, grinning and whispering to one another as the rabbit bobbed her head about, showing every last inch of the newcomer's rod the attention she decided it deserved. One or two of the other ladies even began fondling one another to get into the spirit of what they were being entertained with. Maddie saw this, but had a difficult time processing it. She was terribly distracted by the rabbit between her legs. Jenny figured they would draw an audience, and that would delay work, so she tried to move quickly.

The virgin petals belonging to the red panda were teased and stroked, but never parted and explored deeper. She kept her efforts limited to the surface alone, and there was plenty there for her to work with. She concentrated her focus on the small nub of pink at the 'front' end of Maddie's petals, brushing over it, gently pinching it, and even giving it a light twist. The whole activity left the lady writhing and moaning. Clear ooze dribbled from her almost painfully stiff length as the rabbit suckled away, dragging her lips back and forth across it, trying to keep Maddie 'contained' no matter how far back she pulled.

Under such alien assaults, the red panda lost her will to hold back and cried out. Her voice filled the changing room, catching the attention of more of the ladies. Her member bucked about in Jenny's jaws and unleashed a firm blast of thick, gooey essence. The rabbit swallowed heartily, pushing down on the twitching spire until it was practically in the back of her throat. A very warm splash of honey soaked her paw as the petals below quivered, then squeezed tight together, signaling that she had achieved her goal. Maddie had been dragged kicking and screaming to a dual climax, the first she had experienced that wasn't her own doing.

When it appeared all had settled, the rabbit pulled her head back out from under the red panda's tummy and licked her lips, then her fingers, cleaning her paw from the glistening honey coating it. The onlookers applauded as they went about going back to work. A few offered words of encouragement, though dirty sounding they might have been. A couple even suggested that the hare offer them the same treatment.

Maddie huffed as she finally brought her eyes to focus again, holding her stomach as she eased down. It had been a rather intense moment, and a number of notions were swirling through her head now.

"I... I can't... I can't believe... you just... did that." she huffed.

"Mmm, better believe it honey. Now, you should be nice and loose for waiting tables. Maybe after we finish our shift I'll give you another quick lick. I'd say you look like you enjoyed that." Jenny said with a smirk.

"I've... never... oh god," Maddie was gradually catching her breath, "My first time... and it was while I was pregnant."

"Wait, that was your first time? With another person? Ever?" the rabbit raised an eyebrow.

"Y-yeah... does this mean I'm not a virgin anymore?" the red panda asked.

"Well, as far as oral goes, yeah. If you really wanna pop your cherry, we can go back to my place after work and I'll make sure you get done right. But first, we gotta work. C'mon." Jenny said, then took hold of Maddie's paws, pulling her to stand up.

The compromised bikini bottom was tugged back into place, looking rather amusing to the rabbit as it tented and stretched around the still stiff shaft. The two ladies made their way to the main room and began their work tending to the guests as they wandered in and sat down. After an hour or so of the job, Maddie felt more at ease, though there was still a sizable chunk of anxiousness. She could feel the odd guy tug on her waistband, making her freeze, thinking something was wrong. The minute she felt a bill slip in, then the waistband snap back into place, she realized what was happening and settled down again.

Jenny had been proven right. Maddie had been rather popular among the clients. One or two had asked for a private dance, and she had not been sure how to respond. A quick checking in with the rabbit who had gotten her into this taught her that the wait staff didn't do private dances. That was for ladies on stage and the poles. It had been a bit of a let down for what few men asked Maddie for that alone time, and she found that strangely flattering.

When the night finally came to a close for the two, they disappeared backstage and eased down to rest on a sofa. Jenny was used to being on her paws for so long. Maddie was still new to it. And she was new to high heels as well. How she didn't fall over was something of a mystery. It did leave her legs terribly sore though.

"Ahhh, that's better!" Jenny reclined and relaxed, "I'd say that was not a bad night at all."

"Yeah... it was... interesting." Maddie said, tugging the bills out from her waistband as she watched the rabbit start to do the same.

They counted up their take, then subtracted what was the club's fee. That part rubbed the red panda the wrong way, but she didn't fight about it. It was her first night after all. When all was said and done, she had walked away with three hundred dollars of her own to keep for a little over four hours worth of work. It shocked her.

"See? Told you that you'd do well here. Pretty good for a first night and part time. Why don't we go get something to eat, something a little fancy to celebrate?" Jenny asked.

"I made... in a single night... a third of the bonus I'm being paid to be a surrogate." Maddie said, trying to wrap her head around the fact.

"That's right! A couple more nights like this and you'll be able to afford to buy that mattress all on your own!" the rabbit slapped her new friend on the back as she smiled broadly.

"Yeah... I really could," the red panda said, lost in thought for a moment, then looked up at the bunny, "How many nights a week do you come and do this?"

"Usually only three, sometimes four if they're shorthanded. I've been working to see if I can build up the skills to be a dancer. They make serious bank. If you think that's a lot, the ladies on the stage can make double that in a single night, easy." Jenny said.

Maddie chewed harmlessly on her lip as she pondered, then spoke up with a small, squeaky voice.

"Could I... come with you? I don't wanna do this alone, but... the money's really good." she said.

"Hey Mikey, I think she likes it!" Jenny laughed, "I gotta introduce you to my sister and a couple of my friends. You'd fit in real good with us. Belly and all."