My Story Ch5

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#5 of My story

NOTICE: Jake and Adrian are my mine, so are the others even though they aren't that important they are still mine.

So, I found out where Alan lives. So, I waited for Summer. Thoose two weeks were some of the worst days of my life. Every day I saw Alan I tried so hard not to beat him where he stood. So at school he comes up to me.

Hey man. Alan said calmly.

Hey, what do you want? I asked trying to restain my self from hitting him

I just wanted to say I'm sorry for all the shit I've caused you. Alan said

Right, its okay man. I said sarcaticly.

Come on man. I really am sorry. Alan said

Bull fucking shit! You attacked my boyfriend and almost caused us to split for good! I yelled then I was about to swing at him but somting had my arm, it was Adrian.

Don't waste your energy on him, he's not worth it. Adrian said as he pulled me up to him. Then we stared to walk away

Hey, I really am sorry. My stupidity is keeping me from my love. Alan said

Yeah, last time I heard Mark is, I said until I was interrupted

Its not Mark, its. Alan couldn't seem to find the words to say.

Its me. We turn around to see Adam wrap his arms around the blushing huskey.

Shit, Alan you lucky bastard. If I wasn't with Adrian I would probably be with Adam. I said

Hell, I'm sorry for being such an ass around you. Adrian said

Me too, being with Adam just makes you feel really safe and loved. Does it not? I said

Yeah, he's just so warm. Alan said as wriggled in Adam's arms.

Yeah, but if you hurt him I'll kick your ass. I said

Don't worry I won't. He's to cute.Alan said

Who is? Mark asked as he and Camron appeared from the hallway next to us.

One of the three people in front of us. Camron said

But there's four peple there. Mark said confused

Alan's talking bout me stupid. Adam said

Oh, now I get it. Mark said. Then the bell rang

Well its offical, school is over what should we do? I asked as we stared to leave

First we go swimming at our place, then a big orgy? Adrian asked

Yeah, but the swinning part, not to sure about. Alan said

Its indoor. Tomorrow , no graduation, Sunday maybe? Me and Adrain already made plans for today .I said

Its cool with us Cam and me have plans to. Mark said

I guess we can make plans. Adam said then Alan shoock his head in approval

Alright see ya guys later. I said

Hey, we don't have plans tonightAdrian said

Now we do. I said as I kissed Adrian and grabbed his ass. Then he realized what I ment because his eyes just lit up so we ran home, luckly no one was home. So we run up stairs and lock the door in case some comes home. Befor he can do any thing I've already pushed him on the bed and I'm kissing him, and we're slowly but unsurely undressing, when I have completly naked I start sucking him, my tounge playing with his cock, when he was fully erect I stop and start shaking my ass in the air.

Come get me if you can. I said but befor I can move Adrian has my ass in his grasp and he slowly puts his cock in my ass I did this little growl. That was cute. Adrian said slowly speeding up. It felt so warm and tight and I loved it but as he was thrusting his knot went into my ass that made it even tighter and it felt even better, his slow thrust with his cock felt amazing. But when he cummed it was even better and when he dlid he licked my face, after a few minuets he was freed and then he started sucking me. His tounge was dancing with my cock befor I cummed he stopped and put his ass in the air. As I stuck my cock in his ass he also did a little gowl too. That was cute. I said Then I slowly started thrusting. Faster and faster I went until I got my knot in side of him. He was so tight and ten minutes later I cummed inside of him and then I licked his face too. A few minutes later I was free when I was all over we were kissing and he was holding me in his arms. Nothing could've ruined that . Every one was friends agian and me and Adrian just had the best sex ever.

End of chapter 5.

Hope you liked it. Chapter six will be the last chapter of this series.I will write more.