Hazel's adventure

Story by gabbybear on SoFurry

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#1 of my stories

my first story i wrote I hope you enjoy!

summary: Hazel was excited for her day alone at the house! However plans changed when Shonji called in...

art done by: http://kingdraws.com

One beautiful afternoon a bear is about to wake from her 12 hour slumber. "Today is the day!" She purred as she got out of bed and began to take her morning shower. The Andean bear stretched and yawned jumping in and out of the shower and began to look at herself in the mirror. Her fluffy fur was mostly a light brown, but with a cream color that started around her left eye flowing to her muzzle leading down her neck to make what looked like a spade on her breasts and stomach. She opened her hazel eyes and stared real close. "Yup looking cute today!" She beamed with a smile, since she knew today was going to be peaceful. She finished drying herself and went downstairs to go eat some breakfast. She ran down the stairs taking a sharp left at the last step before she bumped into someone, Shonji.

Shonji is a 6' 3" lion, the best way Hazel would explain how he looks is if Scar and Mufasa had a son it would be Shonji. Tall, skinny, darkish fur, red mane, blue eyes, and his hands and feet had cream on the back or his paws and his fingers. He was yawning in only his boxers, and big bags under his eyes. Slowly he turned his head to see Hazel on the ground, he stares, and blinks then reaches to give her his paw. "Morning" he says yawning again oblivious to the fact there is a naked bear in front of him. "Not going into work as I pulled an all-nighter last night finishing paperwork." Yawning even bigger showing his entire mouth and a little of the inside of his throat. "Need to get sleep.... But.... Coffee..." he began to close his eyes and snore standing up. Hazel got up and slowly walked around the lion got her box of cereal, gallon of milk, and spoon and bowel and ran up the stairs. "Ccccooooffffeeee" could be heard as the lion sleepily roared in the living room. Ok not alone... great, don't worry put some clothes on get him in his room and then the fun will start... after breakfast, she smiles as she pours her honey bunches oats half the milk, and begins to chow down.

Shonji wakes up and remembers what he is doing. "Right coffee," he slightly remembers seeing hazel so he walks up to the room and opens the door, "Hey Hazel ha-" he stops to see Hazel, naked, on the floor with cereal and milk all over her, as she sat there motionless, hoping he wouldn't see her. Seeing the poor bear on the floor cowering he began to laugh "Bear naked are we?" Still frozen Shonji sighs and begins to take of his boxers, making what hazel had left in her mouth go everywhere. "I thought you were a swallower?" he giggled, Hazel began to pout, "Today was my alone day how dare you ruin such a good day!" Shonji smiled walked closer to the bear, his tail swished as he whispered in her ear, " Please we all know you just masturbate all day when you are alone," Hazel flinches, "Why not let me help you today?" he says as his paw runs down her leg. She blushes and turns her head away, "Humph! You think you have what it takes to satisfy my needs?" He spreads her legs apart. "I don't know maybe we should see?"

He gets his paw and licks it as he gently rubs up and down her clit and lips. In a circular motion he twirls around it and teases as if going to put a finger in but just barely grazes between the lips. She bites her lip a little bit, He smiles, and continues to rub her clit and lays her down. As he is rubbing he licks the cereal and milk that she had on her chest off. Enjoying the sweet treat he goes for her breast he begins to lick around her nipple and nip ever so often. Hazel begins to pant a little, embarrassed she tries to hide her face. Shonji notices this and looks up with a smug face "No I want to see your cute face," he says purring his tail swishing side to side with the tip bent. Flushed she turns to him, wraps her arms around him and begins to kiss him. Surprised by the sudden attack his arms pull back and his tail strikes straight. "I shouldn't be the only one having a good time should I?" she looks down to see Shonji was slightly hard, pushes him to sit down, puts one of her hands to support herself, and the other grabbing his sheath. She begins to lick the very tip of his shaft, he lets out a small moan. With a grin she then with the tip of her mouth gently rubs it with her lips, slowly she starts to go down and up again, using her paw to also help jack him. He continues to grow longer, and harder panting raising his head up, "fu-ck" he barely could say out of his mouth as Hazel continues to suck him off. She then goes all the way down on him, and moves her paw to his balls slowly caressing them rolling them ever so gently, and begins to hum. The vibrations are sensed throughout his cock and Shonji can no longer keep his composure anymore. He is flushed panting, tongue out as you can hear him purr. Hazel stops for a moment gets up with a satisfied look on her face, "I thought I was the one supposed to be satisfied?" she says almost gloating. Shonji composes himself, growls, and grabs Hazel pinning her on the bed. "I will show you satisfaction."

He puts his face between her legs and begins to lick her clitoris she immediately flinches and begins to pant as she is still sensitive from when he was rubbing it. She's soaked from enjoying herself with him. He notices this and puts two of his fingers inside of her while he is licking her, moving them around and twisting inside. She deep growls, arches her back, the stimulation is electrifying her body, and she begins to crave more. "Shonji..." she moans "please, more?" she says flushed. Shonji picks up his head panting himself and wipes his face off. "Only for you."

Shonji adjusts himself raising himself to his face is in front of hers. Putting his hands on each side of her head he gives her a kiss, as he slowly inserts himself inside of her. Once he is fully inside both arch, as she is clenching around him, and he just can't stop throbbing. He slowly moves back and forth almost completely taking it out of her, but inserting immediately again. She was so wet making it very easily glide back and forth. He's trying so hard not to lose himself as Hazel is wrapped tight around him, and every time he pulls ever so out she tries to bring him back in. Both of them are panting, the room is getting hotter, and both are getting sweaty. He can't think anymore, it feels too good, he starts to thrust leaning in and biting her neck. Surprised, she arches her head and back, and begins to moan. Shonji grabs Hazel by the lower back and picks her up, turns them around, and now she is on top. Hazel is throbbing so bad she adjusts herself, and begins to move her hips up and down taking everything Shonji had to offer. Shonji sitting up on the wall grabs her breasts, and gives her a kiss every so often. Shonji's dick is beginning to rub against Hazel's soft spot, and she moans even louder, going faster. Shonji stops her, panting really hard, full of sweat. He Picks her up and throws her on the bed, and begins to do doggie style. The speed of which he is thrusting in her is making his balls slap against her, giving a sensation that cannot be described. Feeling even more deep inside her Shonji grabs her waist, and does a few more heavy thrusts. Faster and faster he roars taking his dick out and unloads on her back. Cum goes all over Hazel and the bed as well as Hazel dripping below her from all the times she had climaxed from there interaction. Hazel turns over and lays on her back.

"We just did that" Hazel said breathless.

"Yeah, well you were begging for it" Shonji says now laying on the floor panting.

"Ok better than anything I could have done I will give you that."

"If you ever need to relieve some stress you can always reach out to me," Shonji says turning to the bed, "You know you mean a lot to me right?"

"Just as much as food means to me," Hazel giggles.

"Round 2?" Shonji smiles. Pouncing onto the bed laughing as he falls asleep on her Leaving poor Hazel stuck in a mess.

"Oh don't worry I will get my revenge." She whispers in his ear as she accepts her fate, falling asleep as well.