Behind the door...

Story by gabbybear on SoFurry

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#2 of my stories

art done by

had a lot of fun writing this story! i hope you enjoy it :)!

Summary: Invited to a game show with your friends you reluctantly go.... until your seat is called to the stage, you must beat the task at hand.... can you handle whatever is behind the door?

Lights flash in your eyes you can't see your friends, the audience, or really anything for the matter. You look down at your ticket "714" and back up to the jumbotron flashing and confetti flying everywhere. You can't see them, but you can most definitely hear your friends shouting, screaming at you how lucky you are. Your eyes are finally adjusting and there stands a tall cat standing 6" 2' a big fellow, mostly white, with yellow hair tied back, and a brown spot on his eye, wearing a well-dressed suit. "Congratulations 714! You are the winner and our next participator for this next game!" he fixes his bowtie. "Now all you have to do is pick your door, and face whatever is behind it!" the show's host winks in the camera, "Anything can happen and remember you can't win until you conquer the task in front of you!" He beams and gestures his hand, "Now what door will it be?"

Each door had a giant number hanging in front of them each standing 10 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Going from 1 through 5 each door had a type of pattern, one was silver with red polka dots, two had vertical stripes that were pink and gold, three was just black with a single brown heart on it, four was zig-zagged with blue and green, and finally five was just splashes of color everywhere. You think as you look at each door, and finally you stand in front of door number three. You seem to notice that the brown heart actually was not paint, but a patch of fur, you rub it, turn to the host and point to the door. "Door number three huh? Boy this will be an exciting go! As we watch on the jumbo we will see if you can conquer this room!" You stop for a moment, take a deep breath, grab the nob, and open the door.

As soon as you enter you notice the room is really dark, it's taking a while to adjust as you were just in such a bright room. You feel a presence of some sort in the room. You stop, close your eyes, and slowly open them again. In front of you is a female bear, her arms tied, ball strapped to her mouth, completely nude just standing in a daze. You take a step closer and she notices you and begins to walk toward you. Shocked you fall to the ground flustered and can't really keep yourself up, well, except your dick that is really pushing up your shorts. The bear seems to have noticed and looks at you very gently, and makes what you feel is a smile. She flumps down and sits next to you, and with her feet she slowly goes for your shorts. With her toes she seems to get a grip, and begins to try to pull them down. Shocked you grab your shorts and try to hold them up, because of this the bear seems to be looking as if she is pouting. You notice it seems she has an idea and she wiggles her way up again, walks to the front of you and sits on your face.

Shocked having to react you try to calm down and figure the situation. You close your eyes and realize you don't have time to figure this out, you need to conquer it. You open your eyes and begin to just lick. Not having any idea where anything really is you move your muzzle around until you feel a small bump and hole. You bring one of your paws and insert it inside of her, and with your muzzle you press it against her what you think is clit, trying to reach it with your mouth. You hear her making muffled moans and her footing is beginning to loosen up, so you grab on her legs and push her down on top of you. Shocked she comes down swiftly and you adjust her to where she is on her belly on the floor and her ass is in the air. She blushes, you feel this urge and slap her ass making her shiver. She gives you these eyes, she is pleading for you, lusting only staring at your bulge so you decide it is time. You take off your shorts adjust yourself, grab her by the hips, and slowly insert yourself inside her. You feel she is warm and tight, she is clinging on to you as if you had fused as one. You moan as you decide to start moving, thrusting inside of her you grab her tits, and a clapping noise can be heard as your bodies smack together. You are starting to sweat and pant, it feels so good as she tightens up on you even more. Smacking her ass and grabbing her tits when you can you just can't really control yourself. Her leg is beginning to twitch, her back is arched, and she is squeezed as tight as she can on you as you clench your face with one final thrust she squirts. The twitching and sucking motion that is around your penis makes you moan as you unload inside of her. Slowly pulling out your semen drips to the floor overflowing her. Confetti floats down, you hear cheering of your name, a realization came to you, fuck, I did that in front of everyone.

The host comes storming in, "Nice job kid wasn't expecting quite the show, heh but are you gonna take responsibility for her? She's a hassle that one is." he says untying the bear and removing the gag. "You ok Hazel?"

"More than ok, he beat me," she says with a smirk, "What are you doing after the game? Wanna go for a round 2 at my place?" she says her tail swishing still dripping from your fluids. "Don't think because you beat me once means that I am gonna forfeit," she puts her finger on your chest, "You don't win the game until you make me submit, and sweetie I can still go."

"Well you heard it here folks she's not done with her meal yet! However that's all the time we have on the show, so next time we will have to see if he can really conquer the beast until then the rest of you have a great safe night! And remember anything can be behind that door!"