Mesozoic Park (Part 13)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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#14 of Mesozoic Park

Only a month or so after the pair of Indominus Rexs hatched, they had to be moved to their permanent enclosure, the male grew to be rather dominate over the female, becoming the alpha and hogging much of the food, stunting the females growth, at about a years of age, the male grew tired of the female and wanted her out of his territory.

I happened to be watching when the male decided to make his move. He hunched his back, his spikes and quills stood on end making him look much bigger and threatening, the female didn't stand in protest, she tried to step backwards only to find her tail against a wall.

Opening it's mouth wide with a loud roar, the male charged at the female, the impact took the smaller female off it's feet and easily drew blood.

I grabbed a tranquilizer rifle that was kept here in case of emergency and ran to the roof and took aim.

As the large male thrashed it's head like a shark, the little female called out in pain, he was just asserting his dominance, an act that for most animals does little damage, but he clearly doesn't know his strength and could kill the runt.

I didn't have a clear shot, but I had to try. I pulled the trigger and the dart flew towards the male's neck, only to hit his armor and ricochet off over the wall.

The runt pushed away and ran at the wall ahead of it, with a jump it began to try to claw it's way out of the enclosure as the male closed in for another attack, I took another shot and this one stuck in the soft underside of it's neck. It only distracted him momentary as he let a horrifying roar out that ended in a hiss as he reached up and tore the dart out.

The runt fell on her back and the male took this opportunity to pounce and grabbed her right arm in his powerful jaws, with what was just a tug to him tore the runts arm off.

As the male was distracted by eating the females arm, she jumped on the males back and was able to use the extra height to climb over the wall.

I was shocked by what I just saw, it took me a moment to take my radio and state "we have an Indominus out of it's enclosure" before the fact really hit me and I started after it with the tranquilizer rifle.

As soon as I got on her trail, she was already out of sight, my radio cut back in "do you need the Emergency Escape Team?"

I was running on the trail of smashed trees and branches as I said through my deep breaths "yes... We need the Emergency Escape Team!" before I asked "I'm on a trail that leads to the middle of nowhere, how will they find me?"

The voice replied quickly "you have a tranquilizer gun , right?" the voice asked before continuing "well we very carefully track those things... Some G.P.S. and satellite overlay, But we even track the darts, so if you get a shot on the Indominus we could track her!"

"thats fantastic, I'll try!" I shouted "and how long will it take for them to get here?" I asked as I approached a clearing.

A few papers rustled "five minutes or so"

"Very well!" I said as I slowed to a jog. "Jake out!" I said and the slight radio static ended. I walked along the thinning blood trail, I was getting close and her blood was clotting.

I saw the runt, she was laying in the field and gently licking the stump of it's arm.

I quickly checked to see if the gun was loaded before taking aim, I wasn't going to be picky, I would take any shot that we could track her with.

The dart flew through the air, a soft thump and the bright red fletching indicated a hit.

She flinched and spun to face me, she roared a deafening roar before she started to charge as I turned and ran back towards the enclosure.

I don't think I've ever ran so fast, but the thumps on the ground from the charging runt told me she was closing in on me. I ran until I nearly tripped on the Emergency Escape team. "Shes coming this way!"

Mesozoic Park (Part 14)

I took this opportunity to catch my breath as the team aimed their guns down the trail I just ran down, but I didn't get very long to breath before the runt came running down the trail full speed, snapping trees as thick as my arm like they where...

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Mesozoic Park (Part 12)

I'm not exactly a big fan of Dr. Karingson, I get along great with just about all of my employees, but he's pushed his luck time and time again and for once, I'll be letting him have the fun he wants. Walking down the hall to his lab reminds me of our...

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Reoccurring bad dream

I've had this bad dream at least twice now, and it's really bothering me. So my dream starts out amazingly, I get to meet the famous paleontologist Jack Horner and we really hit it off and become good friends, he invited me to his house and his...

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