Jeremy 072; Games Must Have Rules

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Things begin to return to normal after Eric's ostracism.

Please allow me a soapbox moment here before getting back to the story;

A surprising and not so interesting thing happened on the way to this point in the story. Seems we lost half the readership about two weeks ago. It was a sudden very noticeable drop off and it has stayed about half of what it had been. It took me a while to notice and a bit longer to realize why that might have been. Yes, I have a theory on why that I'll keep to myself other than to say; I'm not writing this to appease anyone. If someone gets offended about how one of the characters acts toward another and stops following the story, then no big loss.

This is fiction, and what is said within the confines of a story is not necessarily the views of an author. I had always thought that to be understood, but I guess some people can't make that distinction. One last time; I don't need readers like that. This is after all just a hobby for me.

Anyway, the point of speaking out about the sudden loss of half the readership is to thank you lot for staying with me. You lot are appreciated all the more for staying in there.


Finishing with his workout the next morning he went back up to the apartment to clean up. Sam was sitting watching the television as he came in. He showered and dressed, taking his time. He was mentally trying to find a way to bring up their situation with the building management without burdening his brother with any added expenses. On the other paw he needed to be careful to also not be condescending toward him. Sam wasn't anywhere near the clueless idiot Eric had become.

Standing in the kitchen as the microwave heated up some leftovers Jeremy saw his brother get up and move to sit at the breakfast bar. Sam set his arms on the small bar and clearly had something to say. With Sam sitting watching him Jeremy waited for the microwave.

"Whats up?" Jeremy asked.

"I was thinking of looking for another apartment, but with what I make now I'd still need a room-mate." The microwave beeped stopping him.

"Go on." Jeremy said as he pulled out the dish.

"Well, a two bedroom would be cheaper for the both of us. That is, if you still want to share an apartment with me." Sam finished. His eyes were looking hopeful.

"I was thinking along the same lines. We're probably going to be asked to leave after that fight with Eric in the hallway."

Sam perked up and said "Really, you'd be okay with me staying with you?"

Jeremy stared at him. He'd just overlooked the reminder of his brother's fight and subsequent ostracism. He shoveled a bite of food in his mouth and nodded to cover his astonishment. Jeremy wondered if he was taking Eric's banishment harder than he should. Swallowing he said "Sure. I was thinking about looking for an apartment we could share too."

"We don't really need anything luxurious, right? Just something this size with maybe another bathroom, right?" Sam asked.

Jeremy nodded. "Actually, I was thinking about upgrading. I'm making a good deal more than when we got this place. Somewhere fairly close to here, but not overly expensive. Separate bathrooms would be a plus." He added with what he hoped was a disarming smile.

His brother laughed. Jeremy could hear the relief in his expression of humor. "I could make some time this afternoon after work. I could start looking then." He said, the inflection he used almost making it a question.

"Good. Even if we don't get thrown out, if you find something nicer with two bedrooms it would be a big improvement."

"Yeah. I could start looking today." Sam repeated. The happiness on his face made Jeremy smile in return.

"So, the other thing I wanted to talk to you about is the job." Sam said, his face losing it's humor.

"What's wrong? I thought everything was going well with it."

"Oh, it is, its fine. Its just that Jake offered me a place on The Floor." he replied looking at Jeremy expecting a strong reaction.

"Um, okay, I have to admit I'm a bit surprised." Jeremy said. Jake had the ability to hire anyone he wanted. He didn't think his brother would have been interested. It had been his understanding that Jenna and Jake usually hired males with larger endowments. He was still trying to think of something more to say when Sam interrupted his thoughts.

"On the West Side." Sam added clearly apprehensive.

"Oh." The West Side of The Floor was the same sex section. "Okay, that's up to you. I um, don't really know what to say." Jeremy admitted. He cleared his throat to fill the time he needed to try and examine his lack of reaction. "As long as its what you want to do. I don't ever intend to influence anyone into doing anything they're not comfortable with."

"You're sure you're okay with this? I can turn Jake's offer down if you want."

"Me? You don't need my approval, do what you want. Its your decision." Jeremy said. He saw Sam's studied lack of reaction on his face and added "I'm not anything like Eric. I never intend to pressure anyone over their personal choices."

His brother finally smiled even if it did look tentative. Jeremy asked "So, just out of curiosity, how did Jake know you, um, I mean when did he find out you were, you know, that way?"

"Gay?" Sam asked, suddenly showing some humor at his brother's inability to express himself. "You can say it. I doubt anything you say can offend me after the things Eric said."

Jeremy sighed. Sam's statement explained how he could move past Eric so quickly. He realized he'd dipped his head in a submissive gesture. He hadn't meant to do it but the change in his brother was dramatic. He was sitting up straighter and had a genuine smile on his face.

"So, you are okay with everything? Sharing a workplace and an apartment with me?"

"We already do ya knucklehead."

Sam laughed with his brother. It felt good for both of them.

"To answer your question, I was talking with some of the males that work West. I wasn't looking for a job, just kind of, I guess you could say I was comparing notes. It must have gotten around to Jake and he asked me flat out if I wanted to join the crew. I guess you could say I just fell into the job."

"Huh." Jeremy started. "So, wait, did you have to, like interview or anything?" Jeremy asked before he thought ahead to the possible answer.

"Of course."

"With Jake?" Jeremy asked. He was getting in uncomfortable territory but his curiosity drove him onward.

"Well, yeah. Didn't you know?"

Jeremy shrugged and brought his paws up in a display to admit defeat. "No. I always thought Jake had female clients." His confusion was clear in his response.

"Oh, he does. He works both sides of The Floor."

"Oh." Jeremy said. He smiled at the realization.

Sam saw the reaction and said, "Yeah, he's really popular on both sides of The Floor too. He's actually a bit larger than you, and he has these ridges along the top of his shaft-"

"Okay. That's enough for me." Jeremy interrupted. "Getting a little too much information." he added.

After a second he looked back at Sam and asked "Wait, how would you know how big I am?"

His brother stared back with a surprised look for a moment. "What? After all the times you've fallen asleep on the couch in just your fur, did you think no one would notice what size cock you're packing?"

"Oh, sorry about that."

"It's alright. At least you satisfied my curiosity." Sam replied with a smirk.

"So, this interview with Jake, was it, um. No, never-mind." Jeremy stopped realizing there was no direction the conversation would go from there that wouldn't become too personal.

"Yes, it was a bit intimate. He said you had a similar 'interview' with Jenna." He said putting his elbow on the breakfast bar and cupping his chin in a paw. He was clearly enjoying his brother's growing discomfort. "Of course I had to show I had enough experience to earn a spot on the team, unlike you."

"What's that mean?" Jeremy asked wondering what was being said about him.

"I'm sure its an advantage having a cock the size of god's own on you to get on your side of The Floor." His brother replied with a leer.

Jeremy sighed his exasperation.

Sam smiled. "Okay. Stopping now." His brother said while staying in his seat and continued to watch as Jeremy slowly finished his meal.

"Okay, what is it?" Jeremy asked after a few awkward seconds of staring.

"Well, Jake explained about the ridges on his cock."

Jeremy rolled his eyes. Having gotten the conversation onto the subject he knew his brother wasn't going to let this go. "And?"

Sam smiled and with his elbows on the bar leaned forward "He said all dominants grow them."


"And, so? You have them too?" He almost leered at his brother as he asked.

Jeremy set the plate in the sink and put both paws on the countertop. "Yes. Finished?"

"Yes." Sam replied with a smile. He continued watching Jeremy even as he finished and rinsed the plate off.

"Is there more you want to ask?" Jeremy asked almost dreading the answer.

"Well, I feel a bit better knowing about you dominants."

"Better? How's that?"

"Well, fuck yeah. All this time I compared myself against you. I thought I was somewhere on the small end of the scale."

Jeremy stood in front of his curious brother and despite the awkwardness of the conversation asked "And, you're, what? I mean I really have no idea about other males." He lied. He knew his brother was well endowed from his PATOMES enabled experiments but couldn't let on.

"Well, yeah. Damn near everyone would look small compared to you." Sam accused. He took a breath and continued "In talking with Jake, I'm actually well up on the large end of the scale for a weasel." he said with a bit of pride.

Jeremy was happy for his brother but he still wished he'd stop the conversation. He didn't want to end it himself. It might seem an indication that things were about to go back to being confrontational. It was the last thing he wanted after witnessing the extent of Eric's abuse. He'd just have to stick it out until Sam was satisfied. "Okay, so then, they have the same policy of only hiring on the large side on the West Side?"

Sam grinned as he replied. "Jake thinks I'm probably an alpha."

"Didn't I already say that, more than once?." Jeremy said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah. I think I'm going to take the job. I mean, if Jake thinks I'm good enough to make an offer maybe it's something I want to try. I'm thinking that it can't be that hard."

"Well, with me, Jenna only schedules a client less than once a day, usually every other day. For now anyway."

Sam smiled and said "Well, you also have the handicap of only using your cock. Those of us on The West Side have a bit more to offer our clients."

"Okay, 'nuff said." Jeremy said gesturing his surrender. He really wanted the conversation to be over with at that point.

"Okay, I'll drop it." Sam declared. He was still smiling. Jeremy shook his head at him. He was acting much like he had years ago before all the family turmoil started. Sam hopped off the barstool and walked over to the couch.

Jeremy sat next to him and started watching also. He had hours before he needed to go to The Floor. It was Sam's phone that rang first. He watched his brother answer the call and as the reason for the call became clear Jeremy almost held his breath in dread. Sam gave several short replies before ending the call. His brother looked at him and said "We've got thirty days."

Jeremy sighed and nodded. "We have more time than I thought they'd give us."

Sam stood from the couch. "Its time for me to head in to work." He said as he crossed to his bedroom.

Jeremy stood as well and went to his own room for his backpack. As he came back out Sam was at the door looking back at him.

"You still have that thing?"

"What?" Jeremy asked following his brother's stare. "My pack? Its still perfectly good." He answered defending his backpack.

Sam only rolled his eyes and opened the door. As they walked toward the elevator he observed "You say you make enough for a larger apartment but you keep that ratty thing."

"Take it easy with the slurs." Jeremy said reflexively. It was only after correcting his brother did he think on the comment. His time spent in the body of Dominic just might have made him a little sensitive to the comment denigrating rats.

"Its just a pack, you've been carrying that thing around since before you graduated. Anyone else would have replaced it years ago." Sam replied seemingly misinterpreted his correction.

Jeremy chose to let it pass. "Maybe someday." he answered Sam's comment.

They bantered back and forth on the way to The Floor. Once inside they parted ways only after entering the maze of hallways the staff called Backstage. He spent the time before his appointment checking up on Bureau business on his tablet. Once he finished and closed the tablet Jeremy set it aside and smiled at the feel of the chair he'd purchased for the studio. It finally felt broken in and comfortable.

His session that evening was with a ferret barely half his size. Once inside his studio and the female on the massage table he asked if she was sure about wanting to lay with a male his size. He did everything he could to talk her out of the session without seeming condescending. Jeremy made it clear he wasn't reluctant, but at his size they were close to being incompatible. Even after all his efforts to dissuade her she insisted.

It was the first time he'd had a client he had such a size advantage over. She moaned and chirred the entire time he massaged her small body. His paws covered far more of her than he was used to. For his part he was hard the entire time and she knew it. Hellen constantly glanced back at him and often stared in almost shock at the apparent size of his cock tenting the front of his robe.

With the ferret's full body massage complete they moved to the bed where she demanded to be the one on top. Jeremy started with tonguing her sex. He knew he'd need to prepare the female carefully. Again she moaned and squirmed at the treatment he was giving her. She insisted he not make her cum, she wanted him to satisfy her with his cock. He worked on her for more than ten minutes bringing her to the edge and slowing. He all but stopped his performance letting her heat recede back from the inevitable eruption. It was with lingering reservations that he finally positioned her over himself allowing the ferret to see his full size.

His cock reached out longer and thicker than the meaty part of her forearm. Even seeing him she still wished to have him inside her. He said nothing more to dissuade the female. Placing both of his hands on her hips he gently guided her to rest his tapered head at her entrance. Jeremy could tell she feared his size but also wanted to continue.

Even as she gripped his thick forearms pushing back against him his strength maintained control and he slowly entered the ferret.

Her head was lowered watching with fascination as he slowly entered her. She looked up as he paused. He was of course familiar with his own anatomy. His tip quickly grew thicker for his two inches until almost the full thickness of his shaft came into play. The still visible part of his shaft pressed up against her entrance was inches thick and still spread her wide despite the fact he still had more before his full size entered her.

Jeremy watched as he carefully delved within the smaller female. He was amazed at the appearance of her flesh stretching to accommodate his vast size. His first cock chevron neared her entrance. She too was watching as his member slowly reentered her. He leaned close to her and licked the bridge of her muzzle. She only looked up to meet his eyes for a brief second before turning to again watch his entry.

For seconds he slowly pistoned into her slowly spreading her wider the deeper he went. His first cock chevron slid under her clitoris causing her to tense her entire body and bring her head up to stare at him. "Oh gods, not yet. Don't make me cum this soon."

Jeremy wondered at her spoken desire to hold off. He weighed that against her body thrusting back against his grip. Her efforts were clearly centered around reaching an orgasm. He slowed knowing she was clearly stretched to the limit sliding her up and down agonizingly slowly on his shaft with just the strength in his arms.

Forced to control the position of her body with both of his paws left her paws free to stroke his lengthy cock as energetically as she wished. She took full advantage and working on him mercilessly. Jeremy was able to slide barely a quarter of his length into the female before feeling a dangerous amount of resistance around his girth shaft. He was only able to employ two of his cock chevrons on the female but that was proving to be more than enough.

Despite all indications that she was almost at the point of climax the ferret moaned "Slower for me. I'm so close. Slow down, not yet, hold on. Please, wait, not yet."

"You're going to bring me over the edge first if you keep that up." Jeremy warned as the female continued to vigorously stroke the exposed length of his shaft. She was able to use both paws and was barely able to bring her fingertips together. The incredible example of his vastly larger size compared to Hellen brought him even closer.

"Yes. Do it, cum for me. Yes, yes." She responded speeding up her paw's rhythm and trying to thrust her pelvis on his shaft against his hold.

Jeremy lowered her position and at the very edge of his own orgasm ground his cock chevrons against the female's clit. She gave a scream of ecstasy even as her paws squeezed the sides of his thick shaft as if gripping a lifeline. Teetering on a fine balance before his own orgasm Jeremy felt her inner muscles also clamp against him. That little extra stimulation sent him over the edge.

Even as he came into her the ferret slumped against his grip forcing him to accept her full weight at the moment of his own orgasm. Sapped of his strength he let her drop while puling her up to avoid ramming his oversized cock inside her. He felt himself pull out still spewing his seed all over her, himself and the sheets. His thoughts were suddenly on the moment he'd have to bring his laundry in for examination by his brother.

Hellen moved her paws away from his crotch and put them on his chest. She still lay were she'd dropped on him. She shifted her head to look him in the eye. Still panting from the experience she nevertheless smiled at him.

"Thank you, thank you for that."

"I'm sorry, that was barely five minutes."

She chuckled and wrapped her hands around the top of his shoulders. Taking a grip on him and puling herself up his body as if climbing a mountain she slid up close enough to almost kiss. Her arms slid up shifting her hands around his neck as she turned her head to nestle her head under his chin.

With a satisfied sigh she answered him. "That's just what I wanted."

"How's that?"

Her head came up and looked into his eyes. She trembled, still recovering from her recent climax. "Now I can say I have what it takes to satisfy a dominant."

"Is that why you're here?" Jeremy asked. He hadn't accused but his puzzlement was clear in his tone.

Again sighing her lingering pleasure she answered. "Yes. My friends challenged me to this." Her grin was one of triumph.

"Why didn't you say so from the beginning. I could have made your experience a lot more enjoyable."

She lifted her head higher to look at him in surprise. "Really? Well, that actually, that was one of the stipulations of the challenge but you can make it even better than that?"

"Yes, even though you're not fully compatible I can give you as many orgasms you want."

Hellen stared at him. "You're serious. Wow, no wonder my friends wanted me to experience a dominant." She answered with a pleased smile.

Jeremy leaned down and licked the ferret's nose and smiled. "You're welcome back for a repeat performance any time." He was actually looking forward to a chance to repeat the performance.

She grinned back at him. "I don't know. Maybe when I stop walking funny."

"I can help with that too." Jeremy said. He placed an arm on her back supporting her against him as he lifted himself up to sit. "Lets get you into the shower. Time for your second massage."

"Oh, that would be excellent." She said as he easily lifted her with him and started making his way to the attached bathroom.

* * * *

Lets talk geography. Much like New York in our world York in Jeremy's world is in the same geographical place. The borders of the state of York however are much larger. The territory of the state nation of York would be bordered by Maine and the atlantic on the east. Our own boarder with Canada would bound York to the north. To the south York holds the portion of New Jersey to the east of Delaware Bay. The border extends west at Back Creek and Elk River and turned north at Susquehanna River and continued in a rough line in the same direction until it meets Lake Erie.

York the state is about average size-wise throughout the world but is one of the more prosperous states. A bit more on the history next week.