The Lion King: Tale Of Two Worlds

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#1 of The Lion King Tale Of Two Worlds

Scar is looking to dethrone his brother and he is looking to the Hyena clan to help him... Will he succeed or is he doomed to fail? Will there be anyone to get in his way or will he succeed?

The sun rose on a new day within the Pridelands, and the pride of lions were up to greet the new day happily. Hunting parties had already left to seek out lunch, while breakfast consisted of the remnants of the zebra caught the night prior; one cub in particular very proud of this meal as she watched the various pride members enjoy the still fresh meat. The small cream colored cub had played a pivotal role in it's eventual death. Nala, the young lioness betrothed to the prince had joined the hunting party the day prior, not as an active participant but to learn how one is to hunt when she became of age. It was sheer happenstance that one of the older yet still inexperienced huntress had spooked the equine and caused it to flee directly into the small one's path, and out of a mixture of both fear and surprise she lashed out at the oncoming hooves, her small yet sharp claw nicking the beast on a tendon causing it to tumble head over heels allowing the adult lioness to finish the deed.

Amidst the happiness the pride seemed to enjoy there was one soul that didn't share in their revelry, the black maned gaunt figure of Taka, otherwise known as Scar, sat a fair distance from the others taking in the scene with a mixture of envy and jealousy. He was the brother to their king, Mufasa, and until not too long ago was next in line to inherit the throne, until the birth of Mufasa's son Simba a few months prior changed all that. The golden furred male lion cub showed great promise in leading, taught by his wise father, and had even garnered a few others his own age to take up the mantle of "The Lion Guard", swearing to protect their home from the various dangers that threatened the Pridelands. The king knew better than to let these youths actually go on patrols or anything that could endanger them, but for Simba it was fun to imagine he was with his loyal group of friends.

It was this young cub whom Scar now watched tromp around his mother's legs chattering about things that only seemed relevant to cubs; his mother Queen Sarabi listened happily as her son prattled on. Scar always had a bit of disdain for his elder and far stronger brother, but this addition to the pride filled his heart with hate, knowing that so long as the youth lived he'd never gain the throne he deserved. Before long the spiteful male slunk off unnoticed, heading for the one place within all of Africa where he felt others actually understood how great he was, The Elephant Graveyard; outside the borders of his brother's realm and home to a vicious yet dimwitted pack of scavenging hyena.

Ancient bones snapped under Scar's weight as he traversed the rather bleak and dreary landscape of the graveyard, a far cry from the bright and sunny fields of the Pridelands, but it felt more like home to him here. Fissures around him seeped a noxious green plume of gas that rose hauntingly into the strangely darkened sky, and it was through this haze he found the pack of hyena milling about. Upon his arrival a few gave him a nod of respect, further inflating his ego, but he paid them no mind nor did he even glance at them in return; he was king here after all. 
Before long Scar slipped into the inner sanctum of the graveyard, and within he found the three that spoke for the pack, their leader being Shenzi; a larger and far more vicious hyena than Scar had ever before encountered and her two consorts. The first one was a dullard by the simple name of Ed, who for reasons no one knew never learned how to speak as everyone else; instead communicating through mostly cackling laughter. Though what he lacked in basic intelligence his size and loyalty to the pack more than made up the difference, securing his place among the lead males. 

The second male was a smaller yet crafty canine by the name of Banzai that rounded out the trio. Though not as physically imposing as his kin, his silver tongue and sharp mind allowed him to be at Shenzi's side; credited with helping the pack survive hard times by finding ways into Mufasa's territory unseen to hunt when food ran scarce. However his talents weren't being put to use as of late, the alliance the pack had forged with Scar had brought with it meat straight from the lion's den, which was one reason the hyena had submitted to the lion's rule over them. 

"Scar, my king." Shenzi said as the lion approached the three, the two males quickly lowering their heads submissively before the lion as she approached the large feline. "How may we be of service today?" She inquired, showing him the reverence as befitting one of royal blood.

"You can start by telling me if you idiots have made any progress on finding a way to unseat my loathsome brother and his little hairball of a son." He retorted, causing her to lower her head, her unspoken answer being all the lion needed to hear causing his scowl to deepen further. "As I thought. Still, expect zebra come nightfall; the hairball's betrothed actually managed to help bring one down last night." He replied, his voice stern and uncaring as he spoke but it was the words of a meal that interested them more than the way he spoke to them. "But you must earn such a treat, as always." He continued, his emerald green orbs glancing from the female to the other's gathered about, as the lion's entrance had caused many pack members to gather within the sanctum.

"Of course my liege, if it is companionship you desire I'd be more than happy to lift my tail." Shenzi offered, a pleasant and hopeful grin forming upon her muzzle as her tail began swaying behind her, but Scar snorted in response; causing her and a few of those gathered to recoil somewhat.

"Your offer is noted, but today I'm not in the mood to hear your screeching bark." Scar replied, having taken Shenzi more than enough times to know how it would end, and today he was looking for something different. It was then that Scar's gaze would wander around the collected group of hyena, before settling upon the smaller form of Banzai a short distance away trying to slink into the background. Scar had never really held any sort of attraction to male hyena, hell he'd take an ancient and ugly lioness over Shenzi any day of the week, but with his brother in power they all flocked to him during their heat, leaving Scar alone and in need; which prompted him to seek out other avenues that led him to where he is now. But today he wanted to feel powerful, he wanted those beneath him to know the power he held, he was in the mood to dominate. "Banzai!" He roared, the hyena in question froze upon hearing his name as several of his pack quickly parted to not be in the way of their chosen king's unexpected quarry.

"M-my king?" He stammered, worry and confusion evident in his voice as he hastily offered Scar a bow of respect. Scar snickered at his response, smelling fear he began to slowly stalk forward towards the hyena, his devious smile turning rather cruel as he closed the distance at a slow pace; further unnerving the canine in his sights.

"You haven't been doing much to help the pack these days, and yet you still sit by Shenzi's side. I think it's time you served your king as she so willingly does." He stated, his tone filled with desire and lust as the distance between them was finally closed. "Now present yourself." He ordered, already his dirty golden sheath had begun to swell as the pointed tip of his shaft poked into the musty air beneath him.

"My King, I am honored, I truly am...." Banzai stated, his mind racing to find the right words to get himself out of this sudden and unwelcomed scenario that was forced upon him. "But I'm not a worthy vessel for your desires, surely there are others more deserving of your attentions. As you wisely stated I've not been doing all I can for the pack, perhaps Ed or Anja could better serve you in this manner? And then I can go hunting, and I'll bring back an entire antelope for us to feast upon!" He said, though despite the quick and seemingly smooth way in which he spoke the lion could sense the fear and unwillingness in his voice despite his best efforts to hide it. And that only made Scar's hunger for him all the more palpable.

"You dare defy my orders!?" Scar roared in response, ignoring the suggestions offered, causing those nearest to him to scramble further away for fear of being caught in Scar's apparent rage. "I am king, I can do whatever I want here. If you don't feel the need to do as I say willingly, well so be it, my will shall be done regardless." He spat in response, and with a simple flick of his paw those hyena that moments prior scrambled away lunged forward, claws and teeth of his brethern digging into Banzai's flesh causing him to yelp painfully; the hyena not really known for their gentleness as he was quickly overpowered and forced down before their king. Those not holding down the now struggling hyena were now cackling with devious delight at the show they were about to witness.

To Be Continued....????

Let me know in the comments below if you'd like this story to be continued.

Written By Aviose Commissioned By Me