A wolf in the frat - 4 - Wring it with the bros

Story by Reaping on SoFurry

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#5 of A wolf in the frat

Synopsis: Michael's friends don't recognize him anymore. Jason and Kevin grow distant with him while he integrates a new group of guys by breaking his previous boring routine.

Hello guys! This is the fourth chapter! FINALLY! I'm sure some of you have been aching for some gay sex! There it is! DISCLAIMER: Don't do as them and be safe while having sex!

Make sure you read the previous chapters, starting with the Prologue, before reading any further! Or do as you wish! Like I said before, I'm not your parent!

Although I already planned the whole direction of this series, I'm inclined to suggestions from you regarding the evolutions of the characters, my beloved readers! Or simply comment and let me know wether you like it or not!

A wolf in the frat - Chapter 4 - Wring it with the bros

By Reaping

Rumours of a beast around the campus roamed already on social media. By the time Officer Charles McCoy arrived on campus, there was already a few police cars checking the perimeter for the disappeared beast. Barely awake, Michael was the first to jump out of the car, hitting his head on the roof as he desperately longed to reunite with his bed. Not waiting for his friend, Michael walked in direction of his room, the only thing processing through his mind being exhaustion.

"Yo! Wait fer me!" Kevin exclaimed his absentminded friend.

"Kevin, wait!" The police officer called him.

The student turned around to the policeman who held out a card at him.

"If you notice anything strange going on, wether it's an attack of the beast or simply its trace, here's my phone number. I might reach you out faster than if you call at the station."

Kevin grabbed the card of the officer.

"Ain't ya not supposed to gimme that?"

"Well, I thought I'd also help you out if you need any help to integrate the police force. Or for which courses you should take. Feel free to ask me questions. I've been there."

"Thanks, bro! Yer the coolest cop evar!" Kevin exclaimed and went for a bro-fist with the young cop, who amusedly went for it.

"Stay safe, now." The officer concluded before parting ways with a smile across his lips.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Despite the late hours past midnight, the moment Michael entered his room, he was surprised to see the lights opened and Jason sitting on his bed, talking on the phone. The bassist was definitely shocked seeing his friend enter at such a late hour: 3 AM.

"Uh... I'll call you back." Jason said to whoever he was talking to before cutting the line.

Jason, only wearing a t-shirt and boxer-briefs, looked at Michael with concerned eyes, a look the taller man clearly apprehended what it was up to.

"Where were you?" Jason asked, each of his words heavy.

"Club. Tired. Talk to you later." Michael blurted out simplistically without even looking at him.

"Bullshit you were at the club!" Jason retorted with worry, jumping out of his bed. "Everyone came back hours ago!"

Michael glared at him. He didn't want to talk about it, but he somehow felt compelled to tell the truth. Perhaps he was just too tired to really care.

"I was dragged to the police station. I don't want to talk about it." He grumbled, taking off his shirt.

"Po... Police?"

As he did so, the worried student gasped at the sight. In front of him, Michael was jacked. The pectorals that made his chest stand out were covered in a forest of hair so deep Jason couldn't see any skin from where he stood. The thick covering descended on his abs where the middle line was completely obscured in hair. Michael's frame was considerably larger, with shoulders pushing out on either sides of his torso like same-pole magnets.

"What? Ever seen a shirtless guy before?" Michael thought out loud, tired.

"What... the... hell... Michael! What happened to you?!"

Michael turned his gaze at his roommate, an unsure frown drawn on his face.

"What are you talking about, now?"

"You weren't jacked like this yesterday!" Jason pointed out.

Literally, Jason was pointing at the bulging muscles on Michael's body. Irritated by his friend's odd behaviour and his need for sleep, Michael shook his head in carelessness.

"Does it fucking matter? Why do you care anyway? Have you been checking me out?"

"Wha... what? No! I mean... it's not like I am..."

In front of Jason, Michael dropped down the sweatpants revealing he wasn't wearing any underwear underneath. After all, the ones Officer McCoy handed him at the station were too small and confining. Jason was at loss for word upon seeing the long half hard appendage swinging between his roommate's thick hairy thighs.

"Wha... what the... M- M- Michael!" Jason stuttered, his face turning crimson red and turning away not to stare.

"What? Can't I even get comfortable home? I pay for the rent here too!" Michael retorted.

"What is WRONG with you?! Ever since we went at the club Wednesday you've been... weird!"

Michael let Jason throw his rage at him this time. While his new impulsive self would have talked back normally, a thin thought at the back of his mind reminded him he needed sleep.

"And how did you get so big in such little time! Are you taking drugs or steroids?! Is that what you were doing in the bathroom Wednesday night?!"

Dizzy, Michael's head spun and the guy brought his hands to his face with a loud annoyed growl.

"And now you were with the police?! What's going..."

"Will you just... SHUT... UP!? You're NOT my dad! I don't have to tell you ANYTHING!"

Jason petrified. His eyes watered upon the animalistic scold he's received, so much that he stepped back in fear. Michael's face was twisted in a spiteful wrath. His facial muscles were tensed. Along with the brown-amber colour of his eyes all the thick hair of his beard made him almost look like a monster rather than a man.

Jason's breathing stopped for a few seconds. When Michael turned away to drop his heavy body on his bed, Jason exhaled and gulped down a sob.

"Close the lights, now, will you?" Michael said lazily.

Jason executed the order without a complaint, then slipped back under the blankets of his bed. As much as he was saddened by his roommate's behaviour, he couldn't help but feel angry at himself for being so insisting and questioning.

"Sorry for being worried." Jason muttered apologetically.

"Whatever." Michael mumbled before he drifted to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

With autumn turning in two days, the mornings were growing chillier. The colouration of the trees had already started and a share of the dying leaves was already sprawled across the campus. The rumours of the beast had long made its roll around campus and soon turned into a joke. Nobody had found the said beast as if its trace evaporated in thin air. While the exterior activities were suspended on Saturday morning, they resumed not later than by Monday morning.

The sun was still hidden by the horizon but the sky was a lighter blue already. While only a few students walked around the campus at these early hours, it was then the football recruits reunited with the coach for the morning training routine. While the coach made a clear statement he didn't want any teammate to arrive late, it was sadly the case for the inseparable buffoons.

"C'mon, mate! We can't have coach scolding at us for being late again!" Leon chirped at Eric.

"Hey! I couldn't leave without saving!" Eric replied.

"Aye! Why did you turned on your console anyway, mate!"

"I thought I had some time!"

"You could have just PAUSED the game, Gee!"

"No! The console turns off if I leave it opened for more than an hour!"

"Whatever, mate..."

The goofing pair finally made it to the field. While they were late by two minutes, they weren't the only ones that were late. Coach Alvin Ernest, a man well in his thirties, stood straight and wide. While not exceptionally tall, the width of his shoulders was something to admire. The man had a naturally toned skin, possibly mediterranean. The short stubble he had on his cheeks was dark and so were his eyes. While the man displayed wide hips, he maintained his body without succumbing to the vices of a sedentarily lifestyle, gluttony or beer.

"Lester! Miles!" The coach called out to the two late students. "I expect you two have a good reason to be late again!"

"Actually..." Leon started.

"I was in the middle of a big fight with Salazar! I couldn't just quit! Ashley's life depended on me!" Eric exclaimed dramatically.

"I beg your pardon?" The older man asked with his hoarse voice.

A few students laughed at Eric.

"Who's that Salazar?"

"They're video game characters!" One teammate denounced with a mocking laugh.

"Is that true, Miles?"

"Huh... yeah, but..."

"On the tracks! Ten laps! NOW!"

Under everyone's laughs, Eric threw a pouty face at the teammate who denounced him and jogged for the tracks under the coach's orders.

"You too, Lester! Ten laps!"

"A... Aye! Yes, coach!" Leon said, jogging to catch up with Eric. "You're going to pay for that, fatass!"

"EVERYONE ELSE, five laps!" The coach commanded.

As the students went on for the morning jog, a guy that was not on the team came by. A little on the tall side, the student wore a tank top that wrapped nicely around his developed torso. Without breaking his jog, he approached the coach.

"Who are you? Can't you see my team's already using the tracks?" The older man said, bitter.

"I'm sorry, mind if I run on the tracks a little as well?" The youngster asked.

"Sure, whatever, just don't bother my players."

"I promise."

Coach Ernest stood aback, looking at the new recruits running on the tracks. Already, he could tell wether a guy was going to stay on the team or if he were dead weight. As much as that Miles kid was the laughingstock of the team, the guy knew well his position and his bulk made him a precious asset for the team.

"Damn, this one's running fast." Alvin noticed, looking at the guy who was already catching up with his players and who didn't look phased out at all.

The coach's attention turned at Lester, who seemed fazed by the non-player catching up with him. Lester was a tall lad with a good built and was a good runner, but he looked eclipsed by the bigger man outrunning him.

"Is he with the cross-country squad?" The man pondered. "He's a damn fine runner. Pretty big, too."

Silently, the coach's stare focused on the unknown runner. He outmatched the guys from his team and still, he jogged relentlessly, unfazed. After the few laps he ordered his players to do, he watched with the recruits as the guy kept running along with Leon. Eric, while slower, still kept jogging. Before they completed the 10 laps order, the coach blew through his whistle, gesturing to the last two players to come back. The free runner kept going and while the coach wanted to keep on with the plan, he shouted at the guy that wasn't part of the team. The student's fleeting steps slowed down as his attention turned to teacher. With a calling gesture, the young man jogged to the coach.

"Say, you're a pretty good runner there, kid. Are you part of the running squad?"

"No, sir. I'm not part of any teams or squads."

"And you're a student here too, right? Full-time?"

"Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Why?"

"I'd like having you on my football team, if you'd like to. You've got the size, the endurance and the speed."

"I admit... I'd like that."

"What's your name, kid?"

"Michael. Michael Singleton."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Leon and Eric couldn't believe their eyes. Gone was the average Michael guy they met at the beginning of September. This new guy was a beast. Leon had always been one of the taller guys at six feet two, but after what could only be an incredible growth spurt, Michael stood even taller than him by a few inches. Not only did he grow a lot muscle-wise, but the bushy beard on his cheeks would have normally taken several months if not years to fill in, not weeks.

"I still can't believe he's the same Michael!" Eric denied at Leon. "That's not one growth spurt! That's ONE HELL of a growth spurt!"

One week have passed since Michael joined the football team. Three times a week, the team reunited for practice with the coach and despite being a late addition, Michael was already his favourite. He was a fast runner, had quick reflexes and had the size to top it off. His strength was formidable and, to coach Ernest, he was never late on the field.

"You're just jealous cause you're small, mate!" Leon teased.

"I'm not small! I'm just short!" Eric punched him on the shoulder.

"Whatever. Same thing." Leon shrugged.

"Hey, guys!" Michael called.

The crazy pair turned at their new teammate. The six-foot-five student had just removed the shirt he's been given to by the coach. As if being one of the tallest players wasn't enough, the thick pelt of hair that covered his squared chest that travelled downward into his new jockstrap made him look undeniably manly for a teen even for a man. The clothing that hugged his junk left little to the imagination regarding its size. Even the straps that clung to his firm thighs were almost lost in the jungle of dark hair.

"Morning practice feels great! I don't know why I haven't joined the team before!"

"Glad to have ya with us, mate!" Leon cheered.

A jaded smile crossed Michael's lips. The teen dropped his sweaty jockstrap and threw it in his locker. As he stepped toward the showers, Leon couldn't help but glance again at the sight of the junk flopping to and fro between Michael's trunk-like quads. The thing was at least six, if not seven, inches. Soft. The hair surrounding the area was a lighter brown, contrasting with the darker body hair all over him. Even the way his footsteps thudded loudly under his impressive bulk.

Leon and Eric undressed and went for the showers as well. A mist elevated from the blue tiled showers. Several members of the team were already washing the sweat off their bodies after this long practice. A few of the guys asked Michael for tips for running and for the gym, but the guy was at loss for words.

"Can't really help you out, bro. I guess I just have it naturally."

Again, he was asked a few questions. A guy how much he could lift at the gym now since the weights seemed to increase with every practice. Another teammate asked how big his muscles were by now. One asked him to remind him how tall he was. There was even a guy asking what size of shoes he wore and how big his dick exactly was.

"Well, just come here and find out yourself, bro!" Michael guffawed, shaking his fat salami at the guy.

The curious teammate blushed and said it was only a question, not a demonstration.

"Aww... too bad! I thought you were cute!" Michael smirked.

The blushing guy hurriedly walked out of the shower, stating he had a class starting soon and that he needed to get ready.

"Are you gay, mate?" Leon asked Michael, noticing for the first time his behaviour toward another guy.

"I'd rather say bi." The towering player replied with pride. "You?"

"That's cool. It's fun to have diversity on the team." He chuckled.

"You didn't answer my question."

"A'm into girls, mate."

Leon turned away with a confident smirk, resuming to scrub his smooth body with the soap. Michael glanced at him with a smirk, already chubbing a little glancing at the guy. Hardily and without a care in the world, Michael's hand went at his stiffening rod and started rubbing it under the warm shower stream, letting the hot streams wash his cares away.

"Eww... Dude! Don't do that here!" Eric blurted out in disdain. "That's gross!"

"So what? I don't force you to look." Michael shrugged.

"I don't wanna walk in your spunk either!" Eric bitterly replied.

"Then just watch your step or fuck off."

Eric looked at Leon for support, but his roommate simply shrugged with a goofy smirk. The chubby player threw one last glance at the masturbator whose eyes were furtively glancing over the guys... then at him.

"Dude, stop starring! That's gay!"

Revolted, Eric walked further away with his body-wash bottle. Michael's lips curled into a rictus looking at the homophobe. He looked at Leon who washed his body like he didn't want to look back at him. Michael's body flushed with heat and a slight tingle hit his body. The morning practice had felt so good. He could feel the burning muscles in his things squeezing, stretching, growing under the taut skin of his meaty thighs. More so, his calves mimicked the upper leg muscles, feeling like they would tear the flesh under their expansion. Michael groaned and rose his head, eyes closed. His toes curled on the shower tiles. His hands tightened his grip on his ten inches pole. His egg-sized balls contracted.

"Ughh... fuck yeah..." He bellowed in a deep grunt as cum splattered on the shower wall tiles.

Breathing with his mouth opened, Michael's unfocused eyes looked down as his junk inside his hands, noticing his nails were grown too long again despite he cut them the previous day. They looked just a little bit darker and were oddly growing in point... again. Michael also noticed the tip of his dick and it seemed a bit narrower with everyday. Almost like that stranger's dick in the club. A shiver ran down his spine and he forced himself to think about something else or he'd bone up again... Michael turned toward Leon by his side who was quickly stepping out of the shower.

"See ya later, mate!" He said.

Michael grinned. Even though he couldn't take the time to properly see it, he caught a glimpse of Leon's chubbing dick... and his aroused scent. There were a few guys still in the showers, but most of the team was already gone, like Eric. Michael idly rubbed his still aching cock, but he figured he should stop or else he'd be late for class.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kevin looked around the room for Michael, but the guy was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he was sick or something? It wasn't him to miss class, especially two weeks in a row. Perhaps he was just late today. Last week, he said he had slept in too late. Calculus class had already started for twenty minutes and, still, there was no sign of the Physics student. Kevin shrugged and instead focused on the teacher's discourse. He really thought of joining the Crime Scene Investigation team after chatting with Charles. They texted a few times since then, most of the time only for idle chat. To Charles' opinion, he'd complete his first year in Informatics and perhaps change afterwards.

The phone buzzed on the desk and Kevin looked at it, thinking it was finally Michael responding to his messages. However, he misread the name. It was Michelle, a cute girl whose family originated from France. He had met her at the club the night of the incident and grew close to her. It was too soon to call her his girlfriend, but he doubted it was heading for that. Kevin's face illuminated seeing her message, asking him wether he was doing something this afternoon since her class was canceled. While he thought of going to the gym, if his gym-partner was going to be absent, he might just spend some time with her.

'Nothing this PM'

'Gym bud ain't there today and no news'


'U mind coming at my place?'

'Netflix n chill?'

Kevin smirked.

'Sounds like a plan'

'Later beautiful :* :*'

Kevin put down his phone before he gets too distracted and put his attention back to the class. After it was done, Kevin filled his bag with his notes and walked out of the amphitheater when his phone buzzed off inside his pocket. Smiling and thinking of his girl, he noticed it was finally Michael replying to him.

'Yo, Kev, U comin at the gym?'

'Where were U bro'

'U missed a big class today'

'Gym pumpin iron'

'Didn't feel goin to class today'

'U comin?'

Disconcerted, Kevin stopped walking and moved over to the wall to let pass the students walking out of the large room. That was definitely not Michael's temper to miss classes... especially for the gym. Ever since they came back from the police station, Michael had been acting strange. No, it did go back to before than the club incident. Perhaps it was when they went together with Timothy and Jason? Puzzled, he didn't answer straightaway. He shoved his cellphone in his pocket and resumed his walk. He'd talk to Michael before meeting with Michelle.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The clunking noise of weights being put back down felt like a satisfactory achievement. Just then, Michael had been working on his quadriceps, pumping three hundred pounds for twelve reps. The tearing of his growing muscles filled him with euphoria and bliss like nothing else did, on a similar level to a long needed orgasm.

Standing up from the machine, he had to fondle his junk a little to place it comfortably inside his mesh shorts. While they used to be a bit long on his previous five-foot-ten frame, the hem didn't cover his knees anymore and the stretchy waist was getting a little snug. The grey tank top he wore showcased the cement-block-like pecs, definitely taut and soaked with sweat. By the gym entrance, he's noticed his short gym partner enter with a concerned look painted on his face, probably looking for him.

"Hey, Kev! Right here!" Michael called out.

The little man turned toward the person who just called him and startled. This was not how he remembered Michael. Michael had couple inches on him and had only started working out. However, this guy towered over him by easily a foot and looked like an adept of steroids. Plus, he didn't remember his friend having a bushy mane for a beard.

"What the hell, bro! Is tha' really ya, Michael?! What happened to ya, bro!"

"Right! You didn't see me last week, huh? Just having a growth spurt, bro!"

"Growth spurt, my ass! Not judging ya, but... ya look on heavy steroid shit, bro."

"Just ask the football coach if you don't believe me! This body's drugs-free!"

"Whaaat? Ya're on the football team now too, bro?!"

"Yup! The coach recruited me himself! Can't you believe it!"

"I'm... Imma a happy guy for ya, dawg."

"Wait... you're not wearing your gym clothes! And where's your towel? You know you can't bring in your backpack here too, bro!"

"Huh, listen, Michael... I ain't comin' to the gym today, bro."

"What? Why? I need my partner to bench! I can't leave those big boys unsatisfied!" He emphasized his arms by flexing.

Without a doubt, the seventeen inches around his arms he used to show off at the club was history. They clearly looked closer to twenty inches around now.

"I thought ya were sick o' somethin' today, bro... so I made plans."

"What plans are more important than benching with your bro?" Michael asked, hurt.

"I told that girl I woulda see her later, ya know? Can't really disappointe her after mah word."

"And what about me?" Michael pouted, his proud shoulders dropping in disappointment.

"Just aska someone else, bro. Imma sure ya'll find someone tah help yah out."

"Ugh... See you around then, I guess." Michael grumbled, ditched out.

As Michael went back at the machines, Kevin looked at him with worry. He wondered for a moment wether if he should contact Officer McCoy for his friend's sudden change of behaviour as everything seemed to turn around that night at the club. Troubled, Kevin left the gym thinking back about the beautiful afternoon he would spend with Michelle.

Meanwhile, Michael went to work on his hamstrings, putting almost as much weight as he did for his quadriceps. It felt like too much, but he didn't care. He had frustration to ease out... frustration of being left out. His thoughts wandered back at Jason in their room. The shy musician had been more discreet than usual in the past weeks since their few arguments.

Grunting, Michael forced a rep. Perhaps the weight he put on was too great, almost feeling like he wanted to lift the Earth itself, but he didn't care. He pushed more and grunted, feeling the weight move up as his strength enhanced thinking about his previous confrontations with Jason.

Jason was a moron. What was it with always asking him questions? Was he his freaking dad?


That was why he left home. He wanted some fucking freedom. Not to have his parents on his back. To decide whatever he wanted to do, whenever he wanted to, wherever.

Michael kept going.


Another rep. His legs burned. The muscles were tearing out before stitching together again slowly, repairing themselves and increasing their density at an abnormal pace.

Plus, that Jason guy wasn't even at ease with his sexuality. The guy had told him he was straight... but Michael noticed his roommate's boners and arousal when he was around. How fucking pathetic. How would he even assert himself when he says something if he can't even accept who he was...


"Yo, mate! Isn't that a bit heavy for ya?" A voice called at Michael.

Michael turned toward the incoming voice without breaking his rhythm. He saw Leon by his side. Seeing his teammate, he couldn't falter but show how strong he was.


Michael's lips stretched into a smirk. Exerting all this strength... it felt so good. He pushed with all his might again.


"A little. But you know: no pain..." Michael growled as his legs felt like they would tear apart, forcing them to make another rep. "No gain!"


"Gotta say, A' love your spirit, mate!"



"Thanks, bro."

Leon watched breathlessly as Michael kept going until he completed the last reps of his exercise, gawking at the beastly man moving all the weight with such determination.

"Much better than going to Calculus class!" Michael exclaimed as he eased out of the machine slowly, his legs throbbing with strength and size.

"What? You didn't go to class today?" Leon pondered, surprised.

"No, so what? You're not going to do morals with me too, bro?"

"Not judging ya, mate. I hate classes too, but... just be careful not to fail classes or you'll get kicked out of the team."

Michael shrugged it off. He eased himself off the machine and smirked looking down at the guy he remembered was taller than him a few weeks ago.

"Wanna spot me on the bench, bro?" Michael asked with a smirk.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Michael undressed quickly, followed by his new friend. Leon couldn't stop himself from gasping at the tall adonis in front of his. While he was not short at all at six feet two, there was something exuberant about Michael's impressive built. He vaguely remembered the guy from the club on their first day and their brief encounter at the extracurricular activities recruitment table, but the lad didn't look the bit like he was. If anything, Leon looked up at him with a newfound desire, like a pupil admiring his tutor. Perhaps it was all the hair? Or that thick manly beard? Leon couldn't grow facial or body hair much so it was probably just some kind of envy.

"Looking good, mate." Leon complimented with admiration.

Michael turned around and flashed him a cocky smile. He knew he looked good and he loved it.

"Thanks, bro."

Leon blushed a little but his smile did not falter. Michael's face looked stronger and sharper than he remembered and his lips, slightly obscured by his thick mustache, were always curled into this new pawky smile of his. Just like at the few football after-practices they attended together, Michael wrapped his meaty hand around his growing python and started rubbing it fondly like an ode to his ebullient manliness. The way his wet muscles bulged and glistened was accentuated by the crippling jets that fell from above... or right in front of his eyes might actually be a more realistic statement. Michael had sprouted like a weed since the beginning of college. In barely three weeks, he went from a modest stud to a towering musclebeast of hair.

Even the hair that covered his scalp had grown abnormally fast. Just like his eyes' colour, his hair colour had slightly drained of its dark brown tint to a lighter brown. Leon couldn't help but envy the tall runner on the field on morning practices whose mane of hair reflected like bronze. The way his new football gear hugged his frame was bewitching and had made Leon lose focus more than once during practice. He remembered the time a teammate gawked at the big furry feet that supported this fine specimen.

"A size 15. Wide." He remembered Michael cockily say.

At the very present, Leon unconsciously fondled his own hardened penis. Hit by reality, he rose from his deep thoughts and realized how far he'd gone. Right next to him, his teammate was jacking off with a brotherly pace with him. Michael's bright eyes glanced at his fellow-mate with perversion and amusement, noticing how he just came out of his faraway fantasy.

"Not a shabby dick, bro." Michael commented with his new shit-eating grin.

"Aye... Thanks, mate... but yours much bigger."

Michael grinned cockily, his strokes growing longer as he rubbed more of his long pole. His mouth was barely opened, breathing in deep breath. A glimpse of the sharp canines within Michael's confidently opened mouth made Leon's heart flutter in dangerous envy. The bigger guy noticed and nagged for an opening.

"Want a closer look, bro?"

There was an odd icy tone to his hoarse voice that gave Leon shivers.

"Sorry, mate. A'm straight." Leon blurted out with a chuckle.

"Does it matter?"


"Gay or straight, bi or solo... it's just about making us feeling good, right?"

Leon's confident smile ebbed a little.

"But... A' don't want people to.... huh..."

Michael's grin stretched, giving a better sight of his pronounced canines.

"That's not a clear no." He teased, turning sideways and jerking off overtly in front of Leon.

"Aye, mate..." Leon sniggered with hesitation, looking away and resuming to scrub his chest.

"It's just you and me, here. It's not like anyone's going to find out." Michael encouraged, softly.

Leon's doubt wasn't breaking off easily. Still, Michael could perceive a slight curiosity in his peer, like he was trying to suppress it. Taking the reins, Michael moved closer to his pal and his unoccupied hand reached for his teammate's boner. Leon didn't take a step back. Apprehensive, he let the bigger guy wrap his mitt-like hand around his seven and a half inches erection.

"You're such a tease, mate." Leon chuckled nervously.

In paranoia, he looked around if he could spot anyone around the locker room. After making sure the coast was clear, he reached for Michael's flag pole. Carefully, he mirrored his buddy, jacking each other off.

"Aye... you've got a fat one, mate. Can't wrap all my hand around it."

A bit clumsily, Leon masturbated his friend's penis under the warm shower rivulets. He closed his eyes slightly, welcoming the feeling of such a strong manly hand playing with his parts.

"A' can't believe this is happening..." Leon shivered with repressed excitation.

"Don't sweat it, bro. I'm bi too."

"A'm straight, mate."

"Not that straight to me, bro." Michael teased, his hand tightening his grasp around Leon's cock.

"Okay, maybe straight-curious..." Leon caved in a little with a smile, opening his eyes again to marvel at his teammate's rod.

"Wanna blow me?" The bigger guy asked, his penis throbbing further within Leon's grasp.

"Aye... A've never done that before..."

"There's a first for everything."

Leon didn't answer rightfully. Michael could feel his buddy's fear like he could apprehend an emotional aura around him. As much as there was a bit of hesitancy, Michael felt the obvious attraction and playfulness Leon bore. The animalistic impulsions within Michael strengthened, trying to take control, but the teen kept his cool, dominating his own needful lust.

"C'mon, I'll go easy on you, bro." Michael insisted with a toothy smirk.

To his greedy satisfaction, Michael watched Leon slowly bend and drop down on his knees. Just jacking off the standing guy, he gazed at the swollen prick with avid curiosity. Maybe it was the hormones in the air. Maybe it was the heat of the steam coming to his head. Maybe he wasn't really straight in the end. Leon didn't know, but just as he went for sucking on the dick, the door to the locker room opened and that was all it took to pull him out of his perverted frenzy.

Rushing back to stand on his legs, Leon's cock softened back down a little. He exchanged one knowing chuckle with Michael as they went back at cleaning themselves. They kept on washing the sweat away without commenting or saying anything. A bunch of loud talkative guys had just entered and was changing in the next room. While Leon's cock had mostly softened down, Michael's one was pending straight as an arrow. Despite his boner predicament, Michael walked out of the showers without a care in the world and headed for his locker.

The three guys in the next room gasped at the six-foot-five hairy hunk displaying a fat ten inches boner. They went back at chatting casually, but the faint silence that preceded made Michael swell with pride. Probably that if he hadn't had this recent growth spurt, they would have teased him for walking around naked with a boner. However, now that he outsized most of the campus students, nobody would annoy him. Right behind him, Leon walked out of the shower and followed. Michael went at undoing the lock of his locker, bothered yet again by those already long nails.

"I thought I did cut them." He muttered under his breath.

"What's the plan for the night, mate?" Leon asked him with a desirous smile, taking him out of his thoughts.

"Roommate's away for a while, so I thought of chilling somewhere."

"Mind if A' come by your place?"

Michael threw a rascal smirk at him, one that Leon eagerly mimicked.

"Eric's probably going to play games all evening, so A' might just get... comfortable at your place and..." Leon got closer to Michael and whispered. "Maybe continue what we've just started in the shower?"

"And maybe more?" Michael challenged.

Leon wasn't really sure. However, looking in the bright eyes of this taller and manlier man, he felt compelled to agree.

"After a couple beers, probably more."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After few beers down their system, thanks to Leon's generosity, the two footballers were making out on a bed in Michael's room. Michael couldn't believe how little tolerant to booze Leon actually was, but he used it to his advantage. Himself a little inebriated, he laid down over the guy he was lewdly french-kissing with, both of their boners wedging one against the other inside their tight garments.

Leon has always hooked up with girls that were smaller than him. He wasn't sure wether it was because they were attracted to his above-average height or if it were the other way around. However, for the first time, he was actually feeling what these girls have been feeling upon looking at him when they made out. Michael was a couple inches taller than himself and who knew how many pounds of muscles. His bearded face and hairy god-like body screamed masculinity to the point where Leon felt like a frail hairless twink making out with this beastly man.

"Aye, mate... A feel like a little girl wit' a' yourself on me like that..." Leon slurred, tipsy.

"You like that, huh?"

"Maybe... fuck, ya're turning me gay, matey."

"Want to feel like a girl tonight, bro?" Michael teased, dry-humping him with their shorts on.

"That's... hum... a big step for mah first time, mate..." He hesitated with a coy smile, his face red with the alcohol and shyness coming up.

"You're not my first. I'll go easy on you."

Leon wiggled and giggled like an eager girl, trapped under Michael's bulky body. The bigger guy went back at fiercely kissing his new gym partner. Drool stuck to Michael's beard and Leon's smooth cheeks were slightly wet with their mixed saliva. When they broke apart, Leon squirmed excitedly.

"A' wanna do it."

"Do what?" Michael asked with a cunning smile.

"Blow ya, mate."

Michael growled in anticipation and pulled back from his partner. Leon gasped looking up at the towering man irradiating testosterone and manliness. Leon removed his own tank top, showing off his smooth sculpted abs and pecs to his football teammate. Meanwhile, Michael pulled down the shorts at his size fifteen feet, his overly stretched socks barely clinging onto them. Once the shorts came down, his bobbing ten incher flopped up and down like a pendulum. Just like everytime since his last encounter at the club, Michael's foreskin only partly covered the narrow glans smeared with precum.

"Ya're such a beast, Michael matey!" Leon giggled like a yearning virgin.

The word "beast" immediately made Michael stop in his movements. Flashbacks of his nights at the club repeated themselves like an infinite loop inside his mind and he visualized the first night at the club again. Right before his eyes, he witnessed without a doubt the same scene. His oddly shaped and impressive cock, his aching need for release, the undeniable lust-filled eyes of his partner... it was all one and the same event unfolding right under his eyes.

A part of Michael wanted it to stop. The words of the beast tormented and haunted him back again, filling him with dread as he witnessed the inevitable happening. His hands went for Leon's head to push him away. To save him from what awaited him. To save him... from the curse.

Then, it was too late.

As much as Michael wanted to rewind the time just a few minutes and realize his actions and the verity of his curse, it was just impossible. Leon went down on his dick and the world of forbidden pleasures welcomed him again. Instead of pushing Leon away like he first intended, Michael's shaking hands rested on the blower's head. It was like a drug. Giving into lust, he pulled Leon's head closer and shove more of his dick inside his mouth.

Michael felt Leon gag and try pulling off to breath a few times but he didn't let him right then. It felt too good to be true. The way his tight mouth barely gobbled more than half his large dick, it was divine. Michael wanted to push further inside, but the scrapping of Leon's teeth and the tightness of his mouth were getting annoying. The guy had definitely never sucked on a dick and he was making poor attempts at fitting as much as he could. Not that Michael could blame him: he had quite a piece of meat.

Finally Michael let go of Leon's head and, while not immediately, he eventually pulled back by himself.

"Fawwk... ya're big..." Leon gasped, out of breath, drool and precum dripping off his chin in a sticky and sloppy way.

Michael grinned and went down kissing Leon, licking the fluids that dripped off his face. Possessively, the bigger guy's hands rubbed his partner's thighs, slipping them toward his behind. Leon giggled, asking him what he was trying to do innocently. Michael's sole answer was to back away and to lift up Leon's legs to his gasping surprise. Teasingly, Michael pulled the shorts off Leon's trembling thighs.

"Aye, matey... What yo doin'?" Leon asked, awed yet excited.

"Just admiring your birth suit, handsome." Michael replied, corny.

Leon's body shivered once he felt the moist tip of Michael's cock poke between his asscheeks.

"Fawwk, matey... Ya're making me feel all tingly."

By itself, the slightly pointed tip of Michael's dick traced it way to Leon's clenched hole. A surprised yip escaped Leon's lips, his hands tightening their grasp around Michael's strong gorilla-like arms. He looked up at the massive man with the fathomless expression as nervousness filled him. Michael noticed the scare on Leon's face. He placed the man's risen legs onto his bulky shoulders, bulging like boulders out of his snug tank top. Without a complaint, Leon let him do the placing. Michael's right hand then engulfed the laying man's erection within his hand. Leon's head basked in bliss upon the tender ministrations his swollen cock received. Michael took advantage of his partner's momentary bliss to reach out for the lube bottle he readied earlier on the nightstand. He dropped a large amount of its contents on his demanding cock and discarded the bottle away randomly. Slowly, he thrusted his hips forward, burying his bone within Leon's so-called straight ass, inch by inch.

Leon cried out in pain at the sharp intrusion and Michael stopped pushing in. After a few seconds, the bottom shook his head in consent and braced himself to resume the penetration. Michael was too happy to oblige, shoving more of his throbbing erection inside the tight walls of his football teammate. Leon whimpered at the awkwardness of the penetration, but he encouraged his partner to go on, submitting to him. There was just something about giving in to such a manlier and bigger man that Leon craved. Perhaps it was the feeling of imagining what all the girls he slept with were feeling. While it didn't bring him much pleasure in opposition to the pain, he couldn't help but swoon at the big man taking care of him. Almost, he could find comfort within the discomfort.

Michael pulled back then shoved back in. Then repeated the movement. Slowly, he built up momentum. Leon's uncertain groans grew louder... and when the pace steadied, they grew more passionate. Whereas he felt pain and fear at first, a newfound pleasure within him dawned. Michael relished on Leon's acceptance. The top increased his intensity, giving in... to the beast. Leon's pleasure cries could be heard all through the corridor along with the shaking of the bed.

Michael's grin grew wolfish, predatory-like. His hands moved to Leon's hips and started moving the six-foot-two man like a sex doll. He missed the soft cracking of his nails as they sunk deeper into his fingers, darkening and thickening. Just like his fingernails, the toenails morphed and stretched, although taking a sharper look than the ones on his hands. The growing claws punctured his socks as Michael's thrust grew harsher while his fingernails scratched at his partners's tender skin.

While pleasure had filled Leon, he felt a slight discomfort nag him. Inside his ass, it felt like Michael's dick was going in deeper and giving a few quick spasms, like it was cumming and thickening... although Michael was not ready to blow yet. Leon, jacking his cock while looking up at the man plowing him, moaned at the towering beast of a man before his eyes. Michael's eyes brightened, losing some more of their natural brown to adopt an almost yellow hue.

The pecs filled the tank top to the brim, almost threatening to tear the shoulder straps apart. The thick carpet of hair bushed out of his chest proudly, almost spreading to meet his armpit hair. The man's traps bulged, clearly visible from Leon's viewpoint. It looked almost like Michael grew bigger right before his eyes.

"Fawwk, matey... ya look like the fuckin' wolfman..." Leon moaned.

The top growled, somewhat flattered and almost losing it right there.

"If I'm your wolfman, you're going to be my pup." Michael teased with his toothy smile.

"Fawwk yaaah... damn it... do it, Michael!"

"Do what?" Michael grinned.

"Make me feel like a gurl tanight! Fawwk me with a' ya've gat!"

Michael bursted in laughter and unleashed all his pent up suppression, adding speed, intensity and length to his thrusts. Ever since that last night at the club, he's wanted nothing more than to fuck and unfold the endless energy he felt. Leon gasped and groaned at Michael's relentless exertion, worrying he might have spoken too fast. However, he quickly lost himself to the sensations as his prostate suffered the frantic fucking his teammate gave him. For a moment, Leon didn't care anymore wether he was straight or not. All he wanted was Michael to give him the best fuck of his life.

Unbeknownst to them, loud popping and stretching sound came from Michael's back as it flared larger, thicker. The shoulders spread wider, rivalling with a doorframe. The snug tank top was growing tight, reaching maximal capacity. The straps of the cloth looked ridiculously thin on his mountainous pecs, almost lost in the jungle of hair displayed. Michael grunted louder, almost sounding like he was growling. His eyes grew unfocussed as his beard crept upward on his cheekbones, filling more of his face, looking downright hirsute. His mouth hung opened as drool ran down into the tufty beard obscuring his neck.

The unending assault on his prostate had Leon effortlessly cum all over his torso and the contractions of his sphincter almost instantly brought Michael to orgasm.

Pulled tightly against Michael, Leon basked in afterglow as his abused ass filled with copious seed from his football teammate. The bigger guy planted a sloppy kiss on Leon's lips for moments before his unloading came to an end. Still buried inside Leon's ass, Michael kept on french-kissing his partner, joining him on the shaking bed, almost crushing him under his much bigger size. After a few minutes kissing messily, Michael pulled his half-softening boner out of Leon's ass with a loud wet plopping sound. Semen ran out of the overstretched ass on the bed sheets, staining them as the rutting male musk elevated in the room.

Leon looked up at his partner with content eyes. Michael brought a thick hairy hand to his buddy's face, tenderly rubbing at the previously smooth cheeks that already displayed short blond fuzz matching his dirty blond hair. A conflicting sense of pride and dread filled Michael. Thoughts of the beast from the club rushed back into his mind and he understood it all. The cum... it was carrying the power to convert someone into another beast. Michael blamed and hated himself at that very moment but euphoria soothed him like he's accomplished his life purpose. Ever since he encountered that stranger at the club, an unfulfilled energy and an ache for romping and lusting around had filled him. Only now did his mind and body feel finally at rest... with his corrupted seed burrowed inside someone else.

Oddly satisfied, Michael gave a loving pat on Leon's buttocks and stood up from the bed. A feeling of renewal filled him as he looked all around. The room seemed smaller than he remembered. He looked down, noticing that the socks around his feet had seemingly torn at some point, his sharp-nail toes pushing out of the fabric. As much as everything rang a red alarm within the confines of his mind, Michael was too jaded from the afterglow to care. Stretching and yawning, he felt his limbs crack and pop like he's just woken up from a long slumber.

"Sorry for yar bed, matey. Guess ya're gonna have tah change tha sheets." Leon chuckled, recollecting himself in the semen and sweat soaked sheets.

Michael bursted out in laughter. Even his sharper teeth looked more prominent than they were a few hours ago.

"I won't have to. That's Jason's bed, bro."