Dog Days of Summer

Story by ben243 on SoFurry

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A man is hung out to dry by his company and forced to find a way out of repaying a huge debt

It was a warm summer night, and I was sitting on the porch with my best friend Bryan. What might seem like two friends out enjoying the warm summer air can look quite different when you get a little closer in.

Bryan is sitting with his legs dangling off the porch wearing a tank top and shorts, and like most country boys is barefoot. I always loved the way his legs looked in his shorts, and the tank top shows off his nicely toned arms.

What makes the picture a little different is me. I am seated next to him completely naked. No, that's not quite true. I have a dog collar around my neck. I sit there on my haunches like any other dog, looking back and forth between my master and the sunset enjoying the beautiful night and cool air against my skin.

How I got into this situation is quite a tale, let me tell you. It all started when I was younger. Bryan and I had met in college and we hit it off instantly. We became fast friends, eventually moving in together.

As we finished out our college courses, we developed a strong attraction for each other, and began dating. Our parents weren't thrilled at first, but they came to accept us, and even promised to attend the wedding. I kept trying to get Bryan to set a date, but he never was good with commitment.

Once we got our diplomas, we moved out to the city to try and find work. Bryan was too much of a country boy, and had trouble fitting in. He always wanted to move back home to the farm his parents owned.

I on the other hand, loved the city, and quickly found, what I thought at the time, was a great job. Reality had other plans for me. It turned out that the company I was working for was a shell corporation for an overseas group and was into a lot of fraudulent activities.

Every thing went well for a year or two, and I quickly moved up the ranks. Until one day, the offices were raided by the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, heck probably even NASA and the BBB. I can't remember, there were so many letters swirling around it could have been anyone really.

As I soon came to find out, the company had defrauded dozens of people, and I was the only one that could be found. It seems everyone else just suddenly ceased to exist. I gave them all the contact information I had, but all the numbers were disconnected, and all the emails bounced back as unknown recipients. The only one they could find to blame was me.

I was starting to think that the government was in on all this, seeing as it was awfully convenient that everyone I had been working with knew to up and disappear right before the raid. Except for me.

I was arrested and tried. Of course, since I was the designated scape goat, I had no idea what was going on, and couldn't defend myself. I was ordered to pay restitution to all the people that were hurt. This amounted to a hefty some of money, and I had no idea how I was going to pay it all.

A compromise had to be worked out. After a few weeks of arbitration, it was decided that I would have to repay all the money that was owed within 5 years. I had to start by selling everything I owned. That included the house Bryan and I shared, my car, even all of my clothes. Even the ones I was wearing! It didn't even come close to cover what was owed.

For once I was glad that Bryan had been such a slacker, and we hadn't been married, because then his property would have had to have been sold too. As it was, he was given only a couple of days to move everything he owned back to his parents farm. It was quite a task, and I couldn't help much past unloading boxes, since I couldn't exactly go back to the city in the nude.

I had no money to buy anything, and anything I might be given would be considered an asset and automatically forfeit, so I couldn't even borrow a set of clothing from him. Looked like I was going to be spending a lot of time naked lurking around the farm. I'll be honest, I was a little surprised at how quickly I got used to being naked. Most of the time I hardly even noticed I wasn't wearing any clothes. I'm sure Bryan loved the view.

After we thought everything was settled, Bryan and I sat down to discuss our next steps. There seemed to be little we could do. The lawyers had set up a pretty air tight set of rules. It looked like I would be spending my days depending on other people to support me, while I did odd jobs to try and earn what little I could. Apparently the ruling allowed for me to be given food, and shelter, but nothing tangible that any kind of value.

My parents lived to far away to get to easily, so the only people I knew who would understand what was going on were Bryan and his parents. I moved onto the farm with them. It took Bryan's parents a while to get used to seeing their sons boyfriend running around nude, but it soon became routine, and no mention was made of it.

For the first few weeks after the ruling, I helped out as best I could around the farm. Bryan's parents were more than generous, but even with what they could pay it would have taken me hundreds of years to pay back what was taken. It took Bryan's parents a while to get used to seeing their sons boyfriend running around nude, but it soon became routine, and no mention was made of it.

I will admit, being naked had it's advantages, as it was hot as heck over the summer, it was a great way to stay cool. Bryan would often strip down to just his shorts, or if his Dad wasn't around, just his boxer briefs in an effort to beat the heat.

One evening, after we were done with our chores for the day, and were cleaning up from dinner, there was a knock on the door. There was frequently an officer who would visit to make sure I was following the agreement, but he never came this late at night. I was intrigued and walked into the living room to see who was here.

It turned out to be one of Bryan's father's friends, Bob, who he had just moved back to the area after having been out on the coast for years. As I walked into the room, I heard Bryan's father explaining my recent troubles to his friend. Turns out, he was a big time corporate lawyer.

As the night wore on, we poured over the agreement from the courts, and tried to come up with a solution that would let me live some kind of normal life. I couldn't stay in this limbo forever.

Unfortunately, little progress was made. My lawyer was a public defender, who I later found out had been fired the very next day for gross incompetence. Due to his ineptitude, the prosecutors had managed to get a fairly airtight way to punish me for something I hadn't even done. Gee, Lucky me.

As we were about to adjourn for the night, Bob looked over at me, and apologized for not being able to do more to help me. I sighed and thanked him for the effort, and commented that I understood. As he was getting ready to leave, I made a comment about how I was starting to feel like I wasn't even worthy of being a pet. Bob looked me up and down for a minuet, then his eyes widened and he got a big grin on his face. I wasn't sure I liked the look of that.

Next thing I knew, Bob was out the door babbling on about how he had an idea, and would be back in a couple of days after he had worked everything out. I got a funny feeling in my gut, but Kept trying to reassure my self that what ever he was talking about, it couldn't be that bad. Boy was I about to find out how wrong I was.

A few days later, Bob returned with his solution. Yep I was right. I didn't like it. As long as the human me exists, the contract will remain in full force. The only way to get around it, is for me, essentially, to become an animal. I would have to live as Bryans pet for the rest of my life, having only the rights of an animal. The sad part is thanks to the agreement that would actually be a step up from where I am now.

As it turned out, the opposing lawyers had slipped a cause into the contract stipulating that I could opt to give up all my human rights and live as an animal as a way for my debt to be cancelled. Should I ever decide to return to humanity, the debt would be restored and doubled. Apparently they had written it in as some kind of twisted joke, not expecting my lawyer to go for it. Not to put too fine a point on it, my lawyer was an idiot, and that's being kind. I really ought to fire him- oh wait.

When Bob presented the option, I almost fainted. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. No way would I agree to such a thing. Still, my current situation was becoming more and more unlivable. I had to find some way out of this. While I had the support of Bryan and his family, I couldn't do much without clothing, and there was more and more pressure for me to repay what was owed. I petitioned the court to have the agreement overturned based on my lawyers negligence, but inexplicably I was refused every time.

I spent the best part of the day discussing this with Bryan, since I would be his pet. He would have the responsibility of taking care of me for the rest of my life. He was willing to go along with whatever I wanted to do. In the end, I didn't see much choice but to go along with it and decided to become my best friends pet. Something inside me told me I was making the right choice, and I could tell Bryan would be a great owner.

Returning to the living room, we told Bob about our decision, and he nodded. I expect he wasn't surprised. He agreed to draw up the papers to get the process started.

Over the next couple of days I attended a variety of hearings to make sure I was competent to make the decision, and to make sure I understood what I was agreeing to. I'm not sure I really did, or if it was really what I wanted, but I was glad to have the specter of the almost endless debt lifted from me.

After the final hearing, I was presented with the last piece of clothing I would ever wear- A blue nylon dog collar. Bryan fastened it around my neck with a click, and I felt a rush of emotions pass through my body.

I looked down and noticed a bone shaped tag with my name engraved on it attached to the collar. Bryan was listed as my owner, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride over it.

Bryan attached a matching leash to my collar and we walked out of the courthouse (through the basement garage of course) to a waiting car. I was loaded into a carrier in the back. It was a little cramped, but we weren't going far.

The first stop was to the local vet. I was given a full exam and poked and prodded all over my body. The vet took copious notes, and seemed satisfied with my health. He then proceeded to give me a variety of shots, including one with a microchip implant. The vet then proceeded to explain what he had done, and what follow-up I would need to Bryan. It was odd to be talked about as if I wasn't in the room, but I knew I would have to get used to it.

After a few more minuets for the final test results, Bryan led me out to the waiting room to settle the bill. When he came back he had a variety of new tags to hang on my collar. They made a pleasant jingling sound whenever I moved.

Bryan took me home after that, and dropped me in the back yard to take care of my business. I was a little embarrassed to do it, but I finally found a nice secluded spot and relieved my self.

Bryan led me back into the house, and I saw that his parents had been busy. They had gone to the pet store and picked up a few things while we were at the vet. I found a couple of large metal bowls for food and water in the kitchen, and a large basket full of toys in the living room. In Bryan's room I found a nice large comfy looking dog bed. I idly wondered wither I would be sleeping in the dog bed or in the bed with him.

The next few weeks were spent establishing a routine and getting used to my new role. I would get up (from the dog bed unfortunately) and be let outside to take care of my business. Then I would be let in to eat my breakfast. I had to eat from the bowl, but the food seemed more like human food than dog food. We would then attend a private obedience class. Later we would return home where I would be let out again, then we could spent most of the evening anyway I wanted, as long as I remained in my dog persona.

Something felt right about taking on the role of Bryan's faithful pet, and I quickly settled into the mindset of a dog. I found myself thinking and acting more and more like a dog everyday. My human thoughts were becoming less and less common, until they were almost completely submerged. By the end of the summer, my behavior was the same as any other dog.

The final step in the process was a new surgery that would alter my body into that of a dog. Once that was completed this would be permanent. Until then I could still back out. Though, the more and more I thought about it, the more I realized I had made the right decision, and would have done this even if I didn't have to.

That brings us back to the beginning of the story. Bryan procrastinated as usual, but he finally made the appointment for me to have the final surgery tomorrow. I will admit I am a little nervous about it, but sitting here on the porch with Bryan petting me is strangely reassuring.

I think I am destined to become a yellow lab, and I couldn't be happier. I know that whatever happens Bryan and I love each other, and were meant to be together. I will be his loyal pet for years to come.