Truck Ride

Story by Zrathie on SoFurry

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#2 of Omorashi

Two furs are bound and loaded into the back of a truck on the way to serve in a community service program. They are under the control of their bio-suits. Dante and Jamie are in for surprise if they think they can arrive at their destination still dry.

An omorashi and bondage-themed story with a bit of milking thrown in. This is a story that I've been working on for a while. I just love how the bio-suits taunt their victims until they lose control. Having the bio-suit describe how it's going to make Dante lose control to Jamie is just so erotic.

Truck Ride

By Zrathie

Dante, a grey wolf was being placed into his seat on a truck by an Australian Shepherd attendant. The attendant strapped Dante into a harness seatbelt. A tube was attached to the wolf's muzzle gag. The clear tubing connected up to the roof of the vehicle.

Dante was dressed in a rubberised smart clothing project a black and yellow bio suit. The skin-tight garment looked as if it had been painted onto the wolf's body. It was a full body rubber bodysuit with integrated boots and gloves. Leaving only Dante's muzzle exposed. He also wore a muzzle with an integrated gag strapped around his head.

When the attendant left Dante looked across from himself. He saw a cute red fox. The red fox was also wearing a bio suit that left nothing to the imagination. Dante didn't mind because he liked guys especially cute ones like this fox. The fox had his arms crossed over his chest just like himself. It was as if he was wearing a straightjacket but it was just the bio-suit locking his arms there.

The door on the back of the truck was closed. Dante's ears twitched as he heard the engine come to life. Dante was in this predicament because of the parking fines he had forgotten to pay. When the offer of community service came up he took it. It was better than paying his debt in cash. He thought that keeping his money was better than giving bureaucrats more cash to shuffle papers.

"Hello, Dante I'm your bio suit. I am designed to help new convicts with orientation." said the suit.

Dante jumped slightly in surprise.

"I am equipped to be worn for an extended period of time as such I can look after my wearer's sanitation needs if required. I am designed to process my wearer's urine into biofuel if access to a toilet is unavailable." said the suit.

Dante had no intention of wetting himself in a rubberised bio suit. If he had an accident his urine would surely slosh down to his foot paws. The suit was watertight and he didn't fancy sitting in a pool of his own piss. He would just have to hold it until they arrived at their destination. It would be disgusting to get urine all over himself. He was going to use the toilet like a normal fur when he was allowed.

"I am equipped to monitor the medical needs of my users. My records indicate that you refused to drink the offered water before the start of our travelling. I will monitor your hydration levels and intervene as required." said the suit.

Dante had refused the water because he wasn't thirsty at the time and the journey ahead was more on his mind. No one had told him where they were going or how long it would take to get there. The truck drove on from time to time Dante would look up at the fox and his lithe form. While the truck had no windows at least he had something to look at.

Dante eyed the fox. He looked so sexy in the black and yellow rubber suit. He had a plump sheath and with round balls. The vulpine form was a thing of beauty. He needed to be snuggled and petted. The soft curves of his trim body were quite alluring. Dante turned his gaze away not wanting to ogle him too much.

"My instructions call for me to take complete control of your bladder functions. We'll begin with a forced feeding of water. Double the quantity because you refused the earlier drink." said the suit.

The air inside of Dante's gag shifted then water filled his muzzle. Gulping quickly in a panic Dante downed the water. His frantic gulping slowed to a comfortable pace when he realized that the flow wasn't too high. He gulped down the sweet tasting water gulp after gulp. He must have been thirsty after all because he had no issue finishing all the water.

Across from him, he could see the fox tense up. Soon Dante could see why. Water was flowing down the transparent piping into his muzzle gag. The vulpine looked uneasy as the water entered his gag. He swiftly picked up the rhythm and his throat began to convulse at an even pace keeping up with the flow. They must have been feeding him too.

This talk of bladder control was worrying him. He was locked inside a truck with a machine in charge. This wasn't what he had in mind when he signed up for community service.

"Now for your extra dose of fluid. I've made this one especially for you." said the suit.

What? More water flowed through the gag. Dante drank down his water not that he had a choice otherwise he would choke on the fluid. The wolf didn't want more water but now that he was a captive he had to play along. Dante tried to relax as he swallowed gulp after gulp. He was starting to feel full now and wondered when the flow would stop. Just as he thought he couldn't take another drop the flow finally stopped. Dante now felt quite bloated with all the fluid he had been made to drink.

"That will do for now. Your dose of fluid should keep your bladder nice and busy. If not I can always give you more." said the suit.

Dante felt the water in his stomach sloshing around as the truck turned a corner. It was uncomfortable to drink so much so soon. It was strange that this bio suit had made him drink so much. It must be programmed to follow cues of some sort. Somehow it must have thought he was thirsty and fed him a massive amount of liquid.

Time dragged slowly after what felt like an hour Dante felt a tinge in his bladder as the water started to filter through his system. The bloated discomfit in his stomach was slowly being replaced by a growing need in his bladder. Soon they would arrive he could hold onto his needs until then. At least he was feeling more comfortable now with less pressure in his stomach.

Dante wondered what would happen if he needed to use the bathroom. Would they stop the truck somewhere? How would he signal the driver? He began to feel a little anxious about the question because he had drunk quite a lot of water. He had a quick look around the cabin of the truck.

"Dante is something the matter?" asked the suit.

Dante nodded his head. Hopefully, this machine could interpret his motions.

"Do you need to urinate?"

Dante nodded his head vigorously. Now they would stop for a toilet break.

"That isn't surprising with the amount of fluid I forced you to drink." said the suit.

Dante whined into his gag. Yes, that's why he needed a rest stop.

"It will be alright. The first time wetting yourself is always the hardest." said the suit.

Dante trashed in his bounds but he couldn't get loose. He could barely move.

"I don't know why you're struggling. I've already given you your dose of bladder stimulating fluids. I have even added a dose of diuretic into your second drink. No doubt you will feel its effects soon." said the bio suit.

Dante wasn't happy at all with this talk of bladder stimulating fluids but with this suit holding him prisoner, he would just have to hold out until they arrived. They had another thing coming if they thought he was going to sit in a pool of his own piss for hours. He would just have to hold his bladder he was an adult he could do it. He was master of his own bodily functions.

As more time passed Dante was starting to grow concerned by his growing need to urinate. It was getting worse rapidly. The truck didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. With all that water he had drunk it was only a matter of time before he would need to relieve himself. The diuretic they drugged him with was going to fill his bladder even more. He just had to bear down that's all.

"Dante while I'm impressed with your bladder capacity you will end up wetting yourself. I calculated just the right amount of water and the right dose of diuretic to give you to ensure uncontrolled urination." said the suit.

He wondered how he could communicate his need to piss when they did stop with his muzzle gagged. There wasn't much the wolf could do with this suit ignoring his requests. Dante looked around the cargo section of the truck hoping to see a camera or hatch near the front of the vehicle. His restlessness only drew the attention of his fellow passenger the fox. He looked up at him studying him with keen vulpine eyes.

Dante wondered how the fox's bladder was feeling. Surely he would start to feel the need to urinate as well. There was no way of telling at least for now. The fox was just sitting there looking comfortable. They didn't seem to be treating him the same way. Dante had been made to drink more fluids than the fox. Was all this bladder stimulation just for him and if so why?

As more time passed his bladder was starting to get even more annoying. He could hold it but for how long? With all that water in his system, it was only a matter of time before he would have to go. He had to show this machine who was the boss. He would not wet himself on purpose. The thought of wetting himself was too degrading for him.

"Dante, by now your need to urinate must be getting quite severe. Enforced bladder accidents will make you accustomed to wetting your bio suit." said his suit.

As his urge to urinate grew stronger he brought his legs together to get a better hold on his bladder. He wanted to bring his hand paws down to get better control but they wouldn't budge. There were held against his chest by the strong suit. There was no way to move his arms from their locked position. He didn't need to urinate this badly since he could remember.

"I love causing bladder accidents. I especially enjoy making wolves like you submit. Every time they try to hold it and every time it just leads to a bigger flood. Crossing your legs will only buy you a short about of time. It's part of your punishment to be taught to respect authority." said the suit.

Dante was now starting to get desperate. His crossed legs weren't cutting it anymore. He trembled at his ever-growing need. He looked at the fox opposite him. He wasn't paying him any attention. His bladder was quite full and his urethra was starting to burn in its efforts to hold back the flow. His legs were crossed tightly clamping down on his bursting bladder.

"Time for another drink. Most furs wet themselves when it's this urgent. Feel free to let go." said the suit.

Dante cringed as more water hit his muzzle. As he gulped his bladder screamed for release. The flow of water was urging his urethra to relax and let all his urine flow. Water sloshed over Dante's tongue as he fought for control. It was getting too hard to ignore his desperate need to urinate. Just as he thought he would lose control the water flow stopped.

"Still dry I see. We'll just have to work on your bladder shyness." said the suit.

The truck rumbled down the road. Inside Jamie, the fox was wondering if signing up for this alternative sentencing program was the right idea. Even though it would save him a one thousand and one hundred dollars in fines. It was dubbed a community service labour program but he was starting to have doubts it was only that. He was supposed to be picking up trash until he made up his fine out of a portion of his wages in the program.

Jamie was strapped in a seat on a truck. Opposite him was a grey wolf. The wolf was wearing a skin-tight bio suit like that of his own. He could see all the details of the wolf's form from his muscles of his arms to his sheath and balls. They both wore muzzles with integrated gags. Attached to the gag was a tube that snaked up into the roof of the vehicle.

The bio suit was very revealing he looked like he was naked. It was too late to back out. He had second thoughts when they strapped a gag into his muzzle. He was already wrapped in the rubberised bio suit that he couldn't remove until the people running the program let him out. When he was loaded into the truck the attendant had attached a clear tube to his gag.

Apparently, the tubes supplied water because Jamie was made to drink some earlier. He had seen the tube connected to the wolf's gag fill with water too. Water which the wolf seemed to have hurriedly swallowed down. The wolf's throat had convulsed as he swallowed down his drink. He must have been thirsty because it was the third time Jamie has seen the wolf drink so far. Jamie had only been made to drink once.

"Hello, Jamie you seem to have an interest in our wolf friend. We have been giving him some special attention." said Jamie's suit.

Jamie watched the wolf. The rubber-suited wolf looked uncomfortable. He was hunched over his legs were crossed tightly and he was getting quite fidgety and he trembled slightly. He kept tapping his foot paws on the floor of the transport as he kept shifting around.

"Wearing a bio suit takes some getting used to. Part of this process is the new bathroom arrangements. We are equipped to capture and process our user's urinary emissions via a bio still process. First-time users are often reluctant to use our functionality." said the suit.

No way. They didn't expect him to wet himself?

"The first time user often avoids drinking fluids and will hold onto their urine. We don't want that. The solution to this problem is to subject our users to our bladder incontinence therapy." said the suit.

That explained why the Wolf had his legs crossed so tightly. He must have been holding his full bladder keeping a hold on its urgent payload.

"Our wolf friend is undergoing this treatment. His need to urinate has been growing quite rapidly as we have been on our trip. His bladder is now full. He now has an urgent need to relieve himself. He is quite the stubborn wolf who needs extra attention." said the suit.

Jamie started to get a little hot at the sight of the wolf struggling to hold on. It was a weird kink of his that he had never told anyone about. The fox's secret was he enjoyed watching others get desperate to urinate. It really turned him on.

"Our bladder incontinence therapy is quite effective. It's designed to defeat even the most resistant subject. The subject is given a large amount of water mixed with an electrolyte solution. The electrolytes force the uptake of the water into the body. With the body completely hydrated the excess fluid is processed by the renal system. This results in increased urine production. Filling the user's bladder rapidly ensures they won't damage their renal system by holding over a long period of time. " said the suit.

The fox's groin began to heat up as the bio-suit described it's bladder incontinence therapy. Jamie really hoped he could keep his lust under control.

"Our wolf friend was initially given two litres of water in quick succession. His dose of bladder stimulating fluids was calibrated by his body weight. The right dose ensures he has an urgent need to urinate that is impossible to resist." said the suit

Jamie's cock was starting to grow hard as the fox felt the beginnings of an erection. He couldn't believe that the machine was going to force the wolf to wet himself. It was his sexual fantasy made real.

"In addition, our wolf friend has even been given a dose of diuretic. This was to make sure that he would wet himself before you do. He will show you how it's done. A demonstration of our bladder incontinence therapy often helps new users such as yourself adjust." said the suit.

Jamie's tapered cock had started to peek out from his sheath. It was too much for Jamie. He was getting a hardon.

"For the next part of the therapy, the bio-suit will monitor its users need to urinate. When the user has a severe need to urinate an additional dose of fluid is given. The flow of additional water into the user's muzzle prompts an accidental release of urine. In most cases, the user will wet themselves as they are forced to drink more water. Our wolf friend has resisted this procedure and needs the next step." said the suit.

Jamie kept watching the fidgeting wolf. Suddenly the wolf's legs opened wide. This seemed to cause the wolf great distress as the fox heard him moan through his gag. The fox looked down to the wolf's rubber coated thighs he could see the outlines of his muscles as they were straining as if he wanted to close his legs. The wolf's sheath and balls were on full display like he was completely naked except that they were covered with a thin layer of black rubber.

"Here is the next step our wolf friend has now been placed into the bladder stress position. This position is designed to combat a user who is holding their urine. It encourages the user to urinate. Such a naughty wolf needs this extra attention. This position will put maximum stress on his urethra. The muscles of his urethra will eventually fail. This results in a forced release of urine." said Jamie's suit.

Blood shot down to Jamie's cock. The wolf must be feeling so desperate to piss. His thick hard muscles were no match for his bio-suit. The wolf's muscles strained against the bio-suit but his legs wouldn't budge. The wolf was trapped and desperate.

"The wolf's bio suit will hold his legs open until he helplessly wets himself. He wants to close his legs, desperately so but his suit is stronger. With his suit's help, his bladder will collapse and he will become a very wet wolf indeed." said the suit.

Jamie was struggling to control his arousal seeing the wolf in trouble was just pushing his buttons. Thankfully the wolf had his own problems and hadn't noticed the fox's erection. His erection couldn't be hidden at all because the skin-tight rubber bio suit showed off his tapered fox cock.

The wolf grunted and strained and trashed back and forth as much as he could. His rubber coated foot paws splayed open and balled up tightly closed. He twisted left and right trying to break the suit's grip on his body. He huffed and puffed into his gag as he struggled. Despite all this movement, the wolf's legs were kept wide open.

After about three minutes Jamie noticed the wolf ball up his foot paws urgently. They squeaked against the floor. This didn't help the wolf close his legs but the movement captured Jamie's attention. The fox then noticed more movement at the wolf's crotch a small bubble had appeared in the rubber at the tip of the wolf's penis. This caused the wolf's muscles to clamp down on his crotch area. Jamie watched in awe as the small bubble moved sideways until it was out of view behind the wolf's back.

"Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle. Our wolf friend just had a little leak. He was able to regain control but he won't be able to hold out much longer. His suit has detected his swollen bladder so soon he will have an accident. Most likely a large one judging by his bladder capacity." said the suit.

The wolf was sucking in air through his gag in urgent breaths almost like he was chewing his gag. Jamie was still studying the wolf unable to turn away when the wolf let out a groan. The fox saw a much larger bubble begin to form at the tip of his penis. The wolf was pissing himself.

"Our wolf friend has just lost control of his bladder. He had no chance to hold out we've made sure of it. I hope you see how futile it is to resist your need to urinate." said the suit.

The wolf must have needed to go quite badly because Jamie noticed that taught bulge of the wolf's bladder above his crotch twitch as he continued to wet himself. The wolf was making muffled noises of relief as he continued to urinate. The ball of what must be his urine was encased in rubber. It was growing quite quickly. Jamie just stared transfixed by the sight of the expanding ball.

"As you can see we are designed to handle heavy wetters like our wolf friend." said the suit.

Seeing the wolf lose control of himself kept his fox cock rock hard. The wolf was pissing himself without control his full bladder giving in. It didn't help matters when the suit called the wolf a heavy wetter. Jamie felt his needy erection that he wasn't able to do anything about. He had to nip that in the bud before the wolf noticed.

Jamie could even hear the powerful stream as the wolf pissed himself. He must have been holding it for so long because he was pissing like a racehorse. His bladder bulge was growing smaller as the bubble at the tip of his penis just kept growing. After about another minute it stopped growing and the bubble was brought up and behind the wolf's back.

"Users are subjected to bladder incontinence therapy until they are used to urinating in their suit. Some users need enhanced therapy with maximum fluid intake, diuretic doses and the bladder stress position while others put up less resistance and require less intervention." said the suit.

Jamie's tapered penis was begging for attention. He wanted to play with himself but he couldn't do that trapped in the truck. He thought about unpleasant things to make himself go flaccid again. Soon his penis retreated back into its sheath. The fox checked the wolf to see if he had noticed his earlier arousal. The wolf must have been more concerned about his accident and didn't seem to pay the fox any attention.

Surely they would let him out of his suit at their destination. They wouldn't make him urinate in the bio-suit for the whole time thought Jamie. It must just be for transport they have been driving the truck for some time surely they would be there soon. The wolf looked much calmer now that the bio-suit had stopped toying with him.

"Jamie we have been driving for awhile how is your bladder feeling? Do you need to urinate?" asked the suit.

Jamie shook his head. He was, in fact, beginning to feel the familiar feeling in his bladder. He didn't want his bio suit to know.

"You have shown more cooperation than our wolf friend so your bladder incontinence therapy will be less harsh. We didn't give the diuretic that we gave to the wolf. You may be able to hold out for longer but you will still wet yourself eventually." said the suit.

The truck drove on Jamie felt that his own urge to urinate was slowly growing. Maybe that bottle of water they had offered him before they put on his suit wasn't a good idea. The urge wasn't too bad he could certainly hold it for a while hoping they were almost there. They didn't tell them how long it would take to get to wherever it was they were going.

"Jamie it's time to start your bladder incontinence therapy. A drink of cool water will do for now. I want you to have a nice full bladder for me." said the suit.

No! He didn't want a drink. There was nothing to stop it as his gag came to life as water was forced into Jamie muzzle. They were feeding him water like the wolf. Drinking was easy because the water flowed at a comfortable pace. He still had to drink otherwise he would choke on the stream. He could still take breaths in between gulping. There must have been about a litre of water that he was made to drink.

"Jamie I trust that you enjoyed your electrolyte drink. It will work through your system shortly." said the suit.

Jamie was thinking about the wolf and how much water he had seen him drink. That taut bulge of his bladder and how he just kept pissing. He hoped that his bladder could hold out otherwise he would be a heavy wetter himself. He pushed the thoughts of what was going to happen if he didn't get to a toilet in time out of his mind. He could hold it until then.

It was about an hour later. The fox very slowly brought his slender legs together as his bladder sent another twinge up his spine. He did this slowly not wanting to let the wolf opposite him know of his growing need. He felt bad for the wolf it must have been embarrassing to piss himself in front of a stranger like that.

"Hello Jamie. I trust you wouldn't hold onto your bladder because you saw how well that worked out for our wolf friend." said the suit.

Jamie was indeed holding on. Could the suit tell? The water from earlier was now starting to make itself known. Jamie shivered as his bladder complained about how much it was expected to hold. Thankful having his legs together was helping sedate his urge to urinate.

"Don't worry if you do hold on I am programmed in ways to make you wet yourself uncontrollably. A nice full bladder makes for a big accident and bigger relief as well." said the suit.

Jamie kept his legs together as the truck drove down the road. Every so often his bladder would send a twinge reminding him he had to urinate. He just had to hold it that's all. They had been driving for awhile surely they would stop just to let them out to stretch their legs. Then he could take care of his bladder.

The wolf opened his legs the movement caught Jamie's eye. Soon he could even hear a stream of wolf piss came out into the waiting bio suit. It sounded less urgent this time. The wolf seemed much calmer as a smaller bubble grew at the tip of the wolf's penis. The wolf may have been calmer be seeing the wolf wet himself again caused Jamie to really squirm. He trembled as the sound of the wolf pissing himself reached his ears.

"Our wolf friend has just relieved himself again. He is getting better at cooperating with us." said the suit.

The suit could be on to his holding plans. It was right his bladder did need attention. The sensation in his bladder was now making the fox fidget he slowly pressed one foot paw on top of the other. The water from earlier must be filtering into his system.

Jamie didn't want to wet his suit. Years of toilet training told him it was wrong to wet himself so he kept holding. More time passed. He was thinking of the most discreet way of holding onto his bladder so that his audience wouldn't know. He had to be a good fox and hold out.

As more time passed Jamie felt more of the water he was made to drink filter down to his already full bladder. The bio suit was in control and it was determined to make him wet himself. He had to hold out and show this thing he was in charge.

"Hello, Jamie I have detected that you need to urinate and quite badly in fact. You are authorised to have a bathroom break. So feel free to empty your bladder. I will recycle your body waste. It will not come into contact with your fur or skin." said the suit.

His fidgeting increasing as the urge slowly built. The fox's crossed legs were helping him stay in control. He clamped down on his bursting bladder. His bladder felt taut in the rubber of the bio suit. He balled up his foot paws. He looked up and saw the wolf send his a sympathetic look. He couldn't hide his need to urinate from the wolf anymore. This sent heat of embarrassment up to his cheeks.

"Jamie your wolf friend has noticed that you're holding. Don't be shy think about your poor bladder. It's so full and needs relief." said the bio suit.

The urgency of his need to urinate filled his thoughts. His bladder really needed to empty its contents. The fox squirmed and rocked back and forth trying to keep himself dry. The water he was made to drink was still working its way through his system adding to his need.

"Time for another drink. I wonder if you have the same amount of self-control our wolf friend did?" said the suit.

His gag came to life again more water was forced into Jamie muzzle. They were feeding him more water. Drinking was making him focus on his full bladder. His urinary sphincter began to spasm. The sloshing water in his mouth was making him lose control.

Three squirts of piss left his urethra. No, he had to stop himself. Jamie resisted clamping down despite his burning urethra. He felt the crotch of his suit collect the first leak of his urine. His first leak was wicked away leaving him completely dry. He was drinking much slower but it still caused his bladder to let out some more squirts of urine. He felt the bubble of urine form at the tip of his penis. The bubble shifted down and away and trailed up to the small of his back.

He kept gulping water as a small jet of hot fox piss left his overtaxed bladder. He still felt bladder shy. It was so good to let it go through but still weird to wet himself. The slosh of water over his flexible tongue was just too much to ignore. He could tell from the last spasm that his bladder had only begun to empty itself. The water flow to his gag had stopped but this was it the floodgates were open.

The fox let his bladder flow. He let out a moan of relief into his gag. He opened his legs and relaxed as he began to wet himself. The pissed in a strong stream. His urine flowed out urgently as his bladder shuddered finally free to empty itself. He was wetting himself as badly as the wolf had done. It felt so good to let go.

True to its word he felt the bio-suit collected all his urine into a ball of rubber. Jamie felt the weight of the rubber ball that encased his urine shift as it grew larger the more he pissed. When his stream finally stopped the ball was moved around to Jamie's back. The wolf gave the fox a look of comfort as much as he could. Jamie felt relieved that he didn't have to hold on anymore.

"You're such a good fox. you had a big accident for me. Doesn't it feel so much better now you have an empty bladder?" said the suit.

"Now that your therapy session is over I think you have earned a reward. I noticed that during our demonstration of the wolf's bladder incontinence therapy you had an arousal response Jamie." said Jamie's suit.

Jamie was mortified that his sexual response had been monitored.

"Many convicts experience an arousal response sometimes they enjoy the feeling of being encased in the rubber bio suit. For you, it seems that you enjoyed our wolf friend's struggle for bladder control." said the suit.

Jamie shook his head trying to deny the truth of the suit's observations.

"Such a shy fox. I noticed as I described our bladder incontinence therapy you had an erection also when our wolf friend wet himself his relief was your pleasure. It perfectly alright to feel aroused my fox friend." said the suit.

Jamie didn't like where this one-sided conversation was going.

"A mandatory masturbation session is just what you need." said the suit. The suit started to vibrate in short pulses around the foxes sheath.

Jamie didn't want to get hard. He protested in muffled whines into his gag. The pleasant vibrations pulsed with regularly. The suit was targeting his sheath trying to get him hard. It took all of his willpower but the fox ignored the sensations.

"There's no need to be shy. Your sexual response is natural and nothing to be ashamed of. Changing to random pulse mode." said the suit. The suit started to vibrate at different times and different durations around Jamie's sheath.

The fox shivered at the random pulses around his sensitive sheath. Jamie couldn't ignore the sensations. Heat flowed down to his groin. His taped canine cock started to peak out from his sheath. Jamie shook his head from side to side in an effort to signal to the suit that he didn't want this stimulus. The suit ignored his protest.

"Increased arousal detected. Phase two, stimulate subject's sexual organ until ejaculation. Changing to milking mode." said the suit. The bio suit began clutching and clenched tightly around Jamie's penis.

Jamie struggled to get away from the suit's attention but all he could do was squirm in place. He struggles now alerted the wolf. Who put his attention on the fox. More of Jamie's fox cock splurged out into the open. There was no hiding his state from the wolf. He could see the fox's erection wrapped in the skin tight rubber of the bio suit.

The sensations of the suit milking his penis caused Jamie to moan in pleasure. There was no stopping his erection now. Not even the shame of being on display was enough to dampen the fire in his loins. Jamie felt like a wanton slut getting sexually stimulated in front of another.

The fox's balls churned they needed a release for a little while but all the court drama took up Jamie's focus. Jamie closed his eyes not wanting to see the wolf staring at him as he got stimulated. The fox's mind returned to the recent memory of the wolf. How the wolf pissed himself with an urgent stream unable to stop.

Oh yes, the wolf was a heavy wetter just the kind Jamie loved to see. Such a strong stream of hot wolf piss. Jamie felt himself growing closer to his release. Suddenly the suit squeezed Jamie's balls compressing them forcing his thick fox cum up to his cock for release.

This was enough to bring Jamie over the edge. Thick ropes of fox cream pulsed into his bio suit. The pleasure overwhelmed the fox's senses as he blew his ropey load. The bio suit collected all of his release syphoning it off. Jamie was glad he didn't make a mess everywhere and the suit had contained it.

Jamie opened his eyes instead of the disgusted look he had expected from the wolf he saw one of pleasure. Soon Jamie saw why the wolf's penis was splurging out from his sheath. The wolf was soon at full mast and moaned loudly into his gag. He was being toyed with by his suit.

"Our wolf friend enjoyed watching your mandatory masturbation session. His erection must be annoying him so his suit is helping him out with rubs and squeezes." said Jamie's suit.

It was clear that the wolf was getting the same treatment as Jamie. He squirmed and shook in place as the wolf's suit pleasured his erection. The wolf's knot had popped free from his sheath as well. It took a couple more minutes for the wolf to cream his suit and Jamie had a full view. The fox was glad that he wasn't the only one to ejaculate in front of another.

Their shared ordeal had broken the tension between the pair. For a while, Jamie had forgotten about his imprisonment and just savoured the afterglow of his release.

Jogging Buddies

Jogging Buddies By Zrathie The wolf ran down the dirt track huffing and puffing. He was out on a run staying in shape with the exercise. He wiped his furrowed brow and stopped to catch his breath. He looked down at his grey leotard covering his...

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