Myu Years Resolution

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Myu has a resolution this new year, take over the world! Kind of.

This story is the story of the month on my Patreon. Join now to read the story before it's released to the public! Higher tiers can even vote on what they want for future months!

The largest mall in the United States was often busy, busy even more so the day after New Year's. In this mall were a multitude of people, anthros, and animals alike. In this particular world, all three got along quite well. Sure, animals still had animal rights, but anthros had the same rights as humans, even if it took a little convincing.

One of these anthros stepped inside the mall with a casual look on her face, Myu. Myu was an anthro horse, one that stood at precisely six feet. She was largely covered with brown hide, but she also had white splotches on her hands, her muzzle that stuck out just a bit, and her belly, hidden by a purple kimono with purple dragons. Of course Myu often wore the same outfit in public, for her it was that, or nothing. She sometimes decided to wear nothing in public of course, but today? She was dressed. Myu's most particularly important aspect was, of course being a horse anthro, her equine cock that measured large on her frame, and she was more than eager to put that to use today. She was a sorceress after all, quite a powerful one at that.

Myu glanced around with her emerald eyes at the various people and anthros, all of whom ignored her. She was just another face in the crowd to them after all. Oh, to just lay a blanket spell over the mall to make everyone her slave, but that wasn't her style. Myu had made a New Year's resolution to finally start taking over the world with her magic, and she wanted to start with one person at a time, one person that could cause a chain reaction that would make the planet hers at some point. Sure, world domination was pretty cliché as far as villain plots went, but Myu actually had a world in mind she would be more than happy to have. A world where everyone was happy under her rule, if only because she didn't want to rule over every single individual, but to merely...fix some issues she disliked. It might not have been the best resolution to go with, but Myu had no goal in life, and she just had to fix that.

Myu glanced around from store to store at the mall entrance. There was a kiosk desk, an ice cream stand, some water world exploration place, and a place that looked like it was designed to be a gas station, but it was inside a mall, so it couldn't offer any gas to sell. "Eh...I have to start SOMEWHERE..." she made her way to the ice cream store. It was a pretty standard store, a person stood behind the counter and made the ice cream, while the customer selected toppings for that ice cream. Myu stood patiently in line and waited for her turn to come up.

It didn't take too long at all. The person at the stand was a man, a man who didn't seem very excited about his job as he wore an old fashioned uniform consisting of a white uniform with pink vertical stripes, and a very small hat on top of his head that had the same design. "Welcome to Basket Robs, the happiest ice cream shop on Earth, how can I help you?" he spoke with a bland, disinterested tone with a face that showed anything but happy.

"You certainly don't seem like the happy type." Myu leaned onto the counter and pushed her large chest against the glass. "Perhaps we can mix that up a bit. What's your favorite animal?"

"Ma'am, please don't press your boobs up against the glass." The man spoke with a monotone voice and eyes half raised.

"Good fucking lord you sound like a damn robot." Myu pulled back and walked over to the side where she was able to lift a bar and get behind the counter with him. "And while I don't mind turning people into robots," she casually walked over behind him, and wrapped her arms around him with her shoulders at his belly, and her hands at his chest. "I think we can do FAR better than that. We can change things up a bit so you're the best damn ice cream maker around who absolutely loves their job."

The man now finally began to pay more attention, not that when Myu came back behind the counter that it was a large deal, which he didn't care. It was when she grabbed him from behind that his heart began to beat faster and his eyes widened. "Please let go ma'am and return to the other side of the...of the counter." He still had to be polite about it. He could feel her chest up against his back, he could smell the hay from her breath, and the equine scent from her body. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was unusual.

"Sugar, you need to calm down and relax." Myu's hands gently moved up and down the front of his chest. "Repeat after me, I serve ice cream."

The man wanted to turn to Myu and push her away at this point, but when her hide covered hands moved up and down, it just felt like his entire body began to relax, plus she wasn't hurting him or threatening his life, even if this was still fairly uncomfortable. "I serve ice cream." He said, quietly.

"I'm happy to serve ice cream." Myu spoke in a hushed tone.

"I'm...happy to serve ice cream." The man's face slowly smirked. It felt as if his mind pushed dark clouds out of the way to make room for a shining happy sun and rainbows. His job wasn't too bad, in fact, he enjoyed it. Sure the wages were terrible, but maybe he could become manager one day and make a decent amount of money.

"I have red canine ears, and a red canine tail." Myu's tone shifted suddenly. While she still spoke in a hushed quiet tone, it was clear she grinned from behind him when she said that.

"I...have red canine ears, and a red canine tail?" The man wasn't sure why he said that, but he blinked a few times in confusion. His ears shifted slowly to the top of his head and became red, furry, and triangular shaped. It was a fairly quick process. The other process that was quick was that a bulge appeared just above his rear. His spine extended and pulled his skin with it. Red fur grew out from that new extension, and he formed a red canine tail. He blinked rapidly again with confusion.

"I have canine paws for feet." Myu reached up her hands to the man's shoulders, and gently massaged them.

"I have...canine paws for feet." The man wondered what exactly Myu was doing. Of course he had canine paws. It also wasn't as if it was a big deal in this world where anthros were common, and anthros breeding with humans was a thing. He was a mixture of a dog anthro and a human. He could feel his big toe vanish, while his other toes grew into four canine paws. His toenails shifted forward and turned black to form dog paws. His shoes were downright uncomfortable at this point, but they were part of the uniform so he had to wear them regardless.

Myu reached down between the man's legs, and right into his pants. "I have fur all over my body, I'm a canine anthro."

"I..." the man hesitated this time. Something just didn't feel quite right. Sure, he had the ears of a dog, and a tail, even feet. He wasn't a complete anthro though, wasn't he? His mother was a full anthro dog, but his father...what was his father again? He couldn't even fully recall.

"I have fur all over my body." Myu repeated, quietly and sensually stated. With both of her hide covered hands, she held the base of his cock with one hand, while the other stroked his shaft up and down. Her fingers circled around the length and traced it slowly.

The man knew this wasn't right, he knew something was off. He wondered why nobody had even tried to stop her, but at the same time, he didn't want it to stop. "I have fur all over my body." He said in a drone like voice. Red fur began to sprout all over his body from head to toe. He still had his short hair on top of his head, it was just a darker red than the rest of the fur. He also had some white on his hands, his face, and the front of his chest, but outside of that, it was head to toe in short canine fur that was a few inches in length. His father...he was...mostly canine, wasn't he?

"I am a canine anthro." Myu said, and she gently held onto that cock, that cock that remained largely the same, but she could feel it in her hands that it was beginning to slowly shift. She could feel the knot at the base, and those balls become fuzzy as a sheath enveloped the bottom of his shaft.

"I am...a canine anthro." The man's father was a canine anthro. His mother was a canine anthro, he was one. His face pushed out into a muzzle, and his nose blackened. Two more nipples appeared on his chest below his first pair, though they were completely flat and hidden by the fur on the rest of his body. From head to toe, he was a canine, and he knew it, and right now he was being pleasured greatly. He closed his eyes happily, caring less and less whoever watched, or however this woman was doing this without getting anyone to even say anything.

"I am female." Myu didn't let up, even after changing the man's entire life to be an anthro instead of human, now she had every intention of changing his gender. One of her hands reached at his fuzzy balls, and gently pushed them into his body. While normally, testicles would simply go back into place, now the ones he had did not.

"I am...male..." the man replied. He could feel the pressure in those balls though, even the one Myu pushed back inside of him, he could feel the pressure begin to build, and hints of pre escape from his pants. At the same time, he could feel his tits expand with every breath he took in, and his body develop more curves, while his facial features softened. He was...male wasn't he? But then why did he remember being called a she, so many times? "How are you...changing me much..." he muttered as he clung to the last of his humanity, and the last of what kept him male.

"I am FEmale." Myu said again, with a tighter grip on his cock. She pushed the other testicle in and, like the first, it didn't descent, and yet they were still there and part of the man, but it was only a matter of time before that man gave in, and she could feel that cock pulse in synch perfectly with his heartbeat, and that it beat intensively too.

The man breathed heavily and deeply. His chest supported B cup tits, and they just kept growing. The second set of his nipples also began to develop boobs, as did the rest of them. "I am...I am...female!" he moaned deeply as his cock pulsed and pumped wave after wave of his seed then and there. As he came in his pants and in Myu's hands, he could feel his cock shrink bit by bit as he would cum far more than he normally did. His face softened into that of a woman's, his hair grew down to his shoulders, his chest pushed out into firm D cups for the top pair, while each pair below that was one size smaller. His cock went inside of him bit by bit until, by the time he finished his orgasm, there was no cock, but a feminine slit, and his voice went higher in pitch as his Adams apple vanished. He was no longer a he, but a she, and she very well remembered being a she her whole life, even if she still felt like something was off about the whole thing.

Myu moved her hands away during the now woman's orgasm, and wiped her hands on the woman's chest. "Good girl." She said quietly, and nuzzles her neck. "My name is Macy."

"T-that's not name..." the woman knew her name began with M, but Macy didn't sound right. She tried to remember anything about her life, her parents when she was young, school, her driver's license, anything that had to do with her name. She had human parents at one time, didn't she? That should have made her human, unless she was adopted...but she couldn't recall anything about those human parents, just two canine ones. "My hurts."

"It's quite alright Macy." Myu chuckled and gently stroked her hair. "Just relax and let it come to you naturally, don't even try to focus your thoughts on it."

The woman knew it wasn't right, but when she eased her mind, she could feel those thoughts rush in, those thoughts about her life. She had canine parents, she lived life as an anthro, and her name, her name... "I am Macy..." she replied in a hushed tone.

"What is your name?" Myu's hands reached up and hugged her chest.

"I am Macy." The woman said again, in a much more normal voice and tone. Yes, her driver's license, her social security card, her parents, her school, everyone had called her Macy. She was never a male either, she was always a female, and always a canine anthro. She might have known someone with human parents at one point, but all of that was a blur to her now.

"One more time." Myu kissed her fuzzy cheek lightly. "Say it now, loud and proud." She took those top tits and gave them a firm squeeze.

"Macy! I am Macy!" Macy said with a loud howl moan when she felt her tits hugged like that. She couldn't deny the pleasure she felt from Myu, and how much she loved this job. Why was Myu even back here? She didn't know, and she didn't care, she very much loved her company now, even if where Myu fit in her history was a bit of a blur.

"Good girl." Myu kissed Macy once more. "Just one more thing to do here..." Myu hugged Macy's tits again before she let go and went back to the front of the counter, as if nothing had happened between the pair. Nobody had even stopped to watch, much less order anything, likely thanks to some of Myu's magic. "Now that we've settled that, I'd like a Vanilla ice cream with sprinkles and whipped cream."

Macy panted heavily, although panting was normal for her, she was a dog after all. "R-right..." she said a bit out of breath. She took off her top and tossed it aside. She wondered briefly why she even wore such a thing. With a small shrug, and her many tits exposed, Macy then pulled down her pants and underwear, and tossed them aside. She was left in nothing but that ice cream hat at the top of her head. "One scoop?" she asked, as she grabbed an ice cream cone.

"Just one will do plenty." Myu reached into her kimono and pulled out the money to pay for it. She also left a dollar in the tip jar for her.

Bit by bit, Macy's stamina recovered. Rather than move that ice cream cone to the machine however, she held it under her cunt. Her body shivered, and a small lump appeared inside of her vagina, one that grew and grew. With a quiet moan, her vagina expanded, and she pushed an ice cream scoop directly out of it, vanilla flavored of course. With little hesitation after, with only a blush on her face, Macy then squeezed one of her tits and let loose whip cream out of it, and made a little top for the ice cream, before she grabbed her other tit, and squeezed it to make sprinkles come out of it, and then she handed it to Myu. "Enjoy." She was still out of breath, but she couldn't help but grin at Myu. Macy was, quite literally, made for this job. The only thing she couldn't make was a swirl of vanilla and chocolate together, and that irritated her when people asked for it.

Myu took the ice cream with a smirk, and nodded at her. "I will. Go ahead and keep the change." Myu left the stand happily, and gave that ice cream a lick. "A little sweet, but it is ice cream." She told herself. With a snap of her fingers, the spell around the stand was lifted...well...except one particular spell that made everyone think an anthro dog that literally orgasmed ice cream, and squeezed toppings from her tits, was perfectly normal. The ice cream even had a secret ingredient, one that didn't affect anthros such as Myu, but...she'd see the fruit of her labor of that in the mall soon enough. For now, she had a vitamin shop to visit.

The vitamin shop was located right next to a candy store. Myu thought it would have been worse had the candy store been located right next to the dentist, but the mall didn't have that, at least not yet. The vitamin shop was largely white and pristine, with bottles assorted by what the product was supposed to do. Of course there was more than just vitamins, there was a ton of weight loss products, and a few weight gain products. Myu walked inside the store and glanced around. Aside from the employee dressed in full white at the counter, there was nobody else in this store. Myu knew vitamins were largely a rip off. Sure, some had good effects. Myu remembered taking one pill that was supposedly good for eye health, but in reality what it really did was make her cock cum more, which wasn't a bad thing, but it still wasn't something the pill was actually supposed to do.

The woman at the counter had long blonde hair and good sized DD tits. Her frame was slim, but her rear was also huge, she was by any definition of the word beautiful, and that white shirt with skirt that went down to just her knees made her show off quite a bit of her body. "Hello there, can I help you find something you're looking for? Do you have a hoof infection that needs healing? We have plenty of herbal remedies for that."

Myu mentally let out an annoyed sigh. While the woman did look absolutely beautiful by so many standards, Myu cared very little about what a person on the outside looked like, and this woman clearly tried way too hard. Based on the position of this woman's boobs, Myu could already tell the woman had implants. She probably had to look pretty in order to advertise how many vitamins and pills worked, when in reality she likely used a different method entirely to retain her beauty. At the comment of a hoof infection, Myu knew it was true that hoof infections came in many different forms, but if she actually had an infection, she'd go to the damn doctors, not a vitamin shop that sells pills that makes a cock larger, Myu had magic for that stuff if she REALLY wanted something like that. "No. I'm browsing." Myu stated, plainly.

"Well, maybe I can help offer suggestions? What kind of body are you trying to achieve, or what are you trying to heal?" The woman offered. "Do you want to have a bigger bust? Do you want..." she paused briefly. "Well, to be more fertile as a woman? Perhaps some more muscle? Or perhaps you just want to have a healthier digestive system? We have all sorts of supplies in this shop to help you live a healthier, happier life. If you really like something, we can sign you up for a plan to have the product shipped directly to your house too, all for a low monthly fee, just so you don't have to keep coming back here for it."

Now, the woman started to annoy her. Magic was what Myu needed for that sort of thing, granted even magic had limitations, but pills in a vitamin shop were worse than magic, so many of them were just flat out placebos. Sure, pills doctors would prescribe worked wonders, but very rarely did others outside of them. Myu glanced around briefly at the various pills, and she picked out one bottle that was advertised to help a person reduce gassiness. It wasn't one that Myu needed, but she smirked at it. "Care to demonstrate how this works?" Myu offered, with a simple wave of her free hand. She glanced down at the woman's nametag. "Janet?" she added, after reading the woman's name.

The woman, Janet, took the bottle, and nodded at Myu. "Certainly, it's actually quite simple, the ingredients within these pills help absorb the gas from your digestive system that reduce the amount of gassiness you have, both top, AND bottom if you know what I mean. If you'd like a demonstration..." Janet opened up the bottle and broke the seal with little hesitation. She took a pill, and popped it straight into her mouth with little thought. "Because I'm not really that gassy, you can't expect to see it have much of an effect on me though." Just as Janet finished speaking that, she let out a soft belch. She couldn't even tell it was coming, she didn't get the time to cover her mouth to hide it. "Oh dear, erm...sometimes it takes a moment to actually start its charm. Was there anything else you were looking at?"

Myu smirked at her before she glanced around a little bit more. "There are all sorts of different pills that claim to do so many different things, do they all actually work?" she asked. Of course she was skeptical, and she knew Janet had a weighed opinion, but she might as well have some fun watching Janet. And in this case, also hear her.

Janet nodded. "O-oh yes, while you won't notice any effects of these pills immediately, after a week or so, you'll..." she paused and grunted a bit before she let out a fart then and there. She didn't even notice it was coming, just like the belch before it. She hoped that gassiness pill would be put to work soon, she was having quite an episode. "Ahem, you'll notice the effects after that, although if you stop taking the pills, you might be worse off. For instance, if you're taking weight loss pills, if you stop taking them, you might regain the weight."

"Well, I do weigh a bit more than the normal horse." Myu grabbed a weight loss pill bottle, she wasn't picky, and there were a TON of those weight loss pills around. "Perhaps you'd care to demonstrate these pills as well?"

"I don't see why not..." Janet was a bit confused as she took one of the pills out of the bottle, and took it right into her mouth. Just as she let out another belch, she felt her belly jiggle a little. She glanced down at it and noticed her belly stuck out a bit more, as if she had just suddenly put on a bit more weight then and there. "I ah...I don't quite understand what's going on, but..."

"But it's just those pills doing their job." Myu replied with a casual shrug. "Maybe they're just working a bit faster than usual. Now, perhaps you'd like to show off another kind of pill?" Myu glanced around at her selections. "Hrm...what do you think of the hair-b-gone" Myu picked up a bottle and showed it to Janet. While it looked fairly plain, it advertised that it prevented body hair from growing, except the hair on their head of course. It was marketed towards women mostly, but men could use it to in order to help them with shaving.

"I..." Janet took the bottle with confusion. She felt her stomach rumble, and then she could feel her body grow again. Not just her belly, but also her rear and her thighs, she wasn't just getting fat, she was getting fat in various places. "I don't really have body hair, so that's not necessary." She backed up against one of the shelves. She turned around and noticed that the various pill bottles were all designed the exact same way, which was each bottle was colored white and had a tiny twist top. "All the bottles here were marked differently before..." she mumbled.

"Do you really have no body hair?" Myu asked, questionably. "Perhaps you need to show me, and let me see your nude body as proof, but first, make sure you take a pill, oh, and keep taking the other pills too."

Janet wasn't sure why she was doing what she was doing. It was as if Myu was her mistress, and she just had to comply, no matter what she thought. Janet set down the bottle, and unbuttoned her top, and then lowered her skirt. In less than a minute, she stood naked in front of Myu. She was rather plain looking, but she had a bit of a chubby look about her now. Indeed, she had no body hair, but once she took a pill that removed body hair, she could feel her armpits and crotch tingle as black hair sprouted and grew like grass set to fast motion.

"Looks like that pill isn't working either," Myu said with a small frown, but on the inside she was more than happy. "Let's try some more." She turned to the wall and pulled out a bottle. "Here are pills that help your eyesight. Take these ones too." She tossed Janet pill bottle after pill bottle. "Keep on sampling them until I tell you to stop." She spoke casually, yet with a tone that sounded like it was an order.

Janet found herself obeying Myu. She took each pill that Myu offered, and each time she took one, she felt her body shift progressively towards the opposite of what the pill SHOULD have done. She could feel her belly and ass bulge out more and more, along with her tits growing with fat. Janet's thighs and arms, her body slowly blubbered up with jiggling flesh. Hair continued growing out from her crotch and armpits and began forming a trail in front of her chest, and up to her belly button. She let out a loud crass belch, and a thundering fart. Her eyesight worsened when she took a pill that should have otherwise helped her see, but Myu came prepared and gave Janet glasses. "S-stop...I'm becoming...a big...urp...fat pig." Janet groaned. She swore she weighed well into the 300 pounds by now, far more than she used to weigh.

"No no...I don't think a pig is right for you." Myu commented as she tossed a bottle aside. "Big fat pigs are just TOO obvious, you know? We can do about a big fat bunny? I like big huge bunnies for some reason, I can't explain why." Myu tossed a bottle that advertised it would help control the bunny in a person. It was meant for anthros actually, anthro bunnies that had problems controlling their horniness because rabbits were stereotyped with that issue, so there was a pill to help control said issue. "Take three of those and call me in the morning." She said, jokingly. "Seriously, just take three of those. Don't call me."

"I-I don't want to. I won't, I..." Despite what Janet said, she found her hands shakily, yet slowly, going against her very words. She opened up the bottle, put three gummy bunny pills in her other hand, and popped them in her mouth. Once she swallowed them, she whimpered as she felt her feet swell in length and get covered in white fur with black padding on her toes as they became bunny feet. Fur sprouted all over her legs and her crotch, while the pubic hair she had turned a white color and blended in well with her fur. A tiny cotton white tail sprouted from just above her rear, and Janet couldn't even turn to see it, but she could feel it. The rest of her body became covered in that white rabbit fur quickly. The hair on her head stayed the same color, but her ears were tugged on top of her head and pulled out to be three feet in length with pink insides- oversized bunny ears. Her two front teeth bucked out in front of her so big that they reached the bottom of her lower lip when her mouth was at rest, and whiskers sprouted from her nose that turned pink and tiny. It was a quick process, but no longer was she a regular woman, but an oversized fat, hairy, gassy, bunny. "Eek! Don't! I'm human! I'm...ah..." she paused as she let out a belch. "Human." She finished shortly after, as if that belch was a distraction on her very mind. "T-turn me back."

"You just need one more change." Myu smirked at Janet's new, fatter body. She picked out one more bottle, opened it up herself, and she took out one pill. Myu then closed the bottle, and tossed her the entire bottle. "Take the rest of the bottle." Myu tossed the single pill behind her back. "And then you'll need this..." She pulled out a thick silver collar from behind her back. The collar had a back clasp, and on the front it had a faint red light.

Janet couldn't disobey Myu's orders. With little more than a whimper, she opened up the bottle, and took every single one of those pills. She then glanced at the bottle, and let out a shriek. It was a pill designed to increase the brain's nerve connections. In short, it was advertised to make one smarter. Janet wanted to shout at Myu, she wanted to scream, but she opened her bunny mouth with her buck teeth, and she found herself chirping and making loud bunny noises, and bit by bit, she found herself getting less and less angry. What was she so upset about again? Something about being a bunny girl...right? But she always was was getting confusing.

Myu reached over for Janet, and put the collar around her neck. "There, a bunny to English translator. You'll need that for your job." Myu chuckled and gave the bunny girl a quick kiss. Now, keep on working and doing your job. Make sure to tell everyone you've been on the weight loss pills for years!" with that, Myu turned around, and walked away.

Janet wanted to speak out against Myu, but her mind was foggy. She was mad at Myu, wasn't she? The big fat hairy anthro bunny girl couldn't remember why though. The bunny anthro spoke, and her collar beeped a few times before a robotized "Okay, will do!" came from her collar. She was a big dumb bunny now, one that took weight loss pills. They did wonders for her after all. Why, just ten minutes ago she was a completely different weight entirely before she took those pills, so surely they worked. She couldn't help but think to herself...300 pounds was less than 120, wasn't it? Yes, it must have been.

Myu left the store happily. Anyone that took any of those pills in the store would definitely have some sort of life changing effects, just not quite the ones they might have wanted. As Myu walked along, she noticed that there were some more canine anthros around the mall than usual. Not a particularly huge difference, but more than what she had seen when she was first in that mall, and it just made her smile.

Myu walked into a pet store this time. She was amazed that a giant mall like this even had a pet store, but then again, this was the mall of all trades. The pet store was on the second floor of the mall no less. Myu bothered not asking herself how the animals were delivered, and just took a glance around at the various puppies and cats.

The pet store was fairly small. It had rabbits, turtles, fish, and frogs and the ilk in the center of the store, while protected by glass, puppies were displayed at the front entrance, with kittens in the back. Each of the dogs and cats were ludicrously overpriced, with the dogs ranging in the 2k, while the cats were in the 1k. At the back not too far from the kittens, was a man behind the counter. He was casually reading a newspaper, and he now and then glanced up at the people that looked at the pets. Of course, the pets were far too expensive for most to consider buying, but puppies and kittens were always worth a look at.

Not even Myu could resist but look at the puppies and kittens. She would never adopt one herself, but it was fun to watch them and think about them. She saw the kittens in the back, and she watched a black one with a white stripe down their chest. "Interesting..." she said quietly. Myu, being a sorceress, had the uncanny ability to pick up traces of magic, and she could pick up magic from this particular kitten. To Myu, it looked like a pink aura surrounded this kitten. Normally, such a spell on a kitten would likely be that of a transformation, a human changed into a kitten, but Myu couldn't sense that spell on the kitten. "I see...well...I'll give you what you want then." Myu nodded to the kitten, and the kitten mewed happily back at her. Myu then walked up to the counter, and cleared her throat.

The man lowered his newspaper and gave Myu a bit of an annoyed look, as if she was the one disturbing him. "Can I help you ma'am?" he asked. Despite the fact he lowered his newspaper, he kept his eyes focused on it, rather than up at Myu.

Myu rolled her eyes. She doubted the man would even know what Myu's species was if she asked him. "I want to see one of the kittens. You know, if you're not busy or anything." She added. Oh, the things she wanted to do to this human. Right now she was more tempted to turn him into a parrot and make him use that newspaper as his toilet, but she promised a kitten.

The man put down his newspaper and opened up part of the counter. "Follow me. I'll take you to the back room." He spoke with a disinterested voice.

The back room was only a little wider than a hallway. There wasn't much back there either besides a large variety of empty cages against the far back wall, with the animals on display on the other side. There wasn't a key to the animals either, but there was a key required to get into the back room. Of course the animals were about as well fed as any pet store fed them, that being just barely enough to get by.

Myu followed the man into the back room, and she pointed at the black and white kitten. "Open up his up." After a short pause, she added. "Don't pick him up though."

The man shrugged and opened up the back panel of the kitten as Myu commanded. He was about to reach in and pick him up, but upon hearing Myu's command, he pulled back and raised a brow to her. "You want to be the one to pick him up?"

Myu shrugged. "In a moment, I have to take care of something before I pick him up." Myu smiled at the kitten, and then turned back to the man. "What's your name?" She noticed the man didn't even have a nametag. She wasn't sure if the store gave them to employees, but it wouldn't surprise her if the store did, and he just didn't want to wear one.

"Devin." The man replied, plainly.

"Right, Devin. I don't blame you for not knowing anything about animals, but that kitten is special. More special than you are, so I think it's only right that the kitten be free to go, and you be his replacement, agreed?" Myu stood on one side of the back room, while her arm rested up against the other side of the room.

"Look lady, I don't know what you're talking about. If you want the cat, then I can show you the cat. If not, then say you don't want it and let's just get on with our lives." Devin had no idea what Myu meant by what she said. It almost sounded like a threat, but the tone she spoke it in, and the words she said exactly, it was just a bit confusing.

Myu sighed heavily. "We can do this the easy way or the fun way." Myu pulled out a zipper. The zipper didn't seem to be attached to anything, and she just looked at Devin with her eyes half open. "The easy way is you get in the display now and I make some adjustments so it's easier for you to get in, the fun way is...well I'd be spoiling it if I talked about it now, wouldn't I?"

Devin rolled his eyes at her. "I can't fit in that stupid display lady. Stop with the threats, and get out of here now, or I'm calling the cops on you."

"I don't make threats, sugar." Myu said sweetly before her eyes glared, and she grinned. "I make promises." She reached out and grabbed Devin's shoulder with one hand. With a tap of a finger, and a hint of magic, she spun Devin around that small space. She then lifted up his shirt, and slapped the zipper onto the back of his body, just below his neck. "There we go."

Devin didn't even have any time to react. Before he even knew what happened, he was spun, and he had a cold zipper slapped onto him. The moment the zipper was put onto his body though, he felt incredibly strange, as if his senses were altered and toyed with then and there. His hands, his feet, he lost the feeling in every part of his body for a mere fraction of a second before the feelings returned, but he just didn't feel right. He couldn't explain how strange it felt, it felt more like, rather than him controlling his body naturally, it felt like something inside of him was the one calling the shots, granted he was still able to do what he wanted to do, but he reached down and felt his chest briefly, before he stepped away from Myu. "W-what the hell was that, some kind of drug?"

"I don't do drugs, I do magic." Myu put her arm back up against the wall. "Why don't you undo that zipper and see exactly what kind of magic I've done exactly." Myu teased.

Devin put his back up against the displays. His disinterest was quickly replaced with fear. Just what DID Myu do to him? He glanced at his hands, and he flexed his fingers. His body was virtually unchanged, so why did it feel so incredibly different? It felt as if he could make out every single bone in those fingers and how they flexed on the inside, even if he couldn't quite see on the inside.

Just then, the kitten from the display jumped up onto Devin's back. The kitten wasted little time clawing his shirt from behind, and he put his little paws right onto the zipper. He held onto the zipper firmly and slid down Devin's shirt, opening up what was inside.

Devin yelped at the scratch and reached back to pull the kitten free. The kitten's size was little match against Devin, but by the time he managed to get the kitten, the zipper had been pulled down enough for Devin to feel a cool breeze on the inside of him. It was as if his skin was a suit, and the zipper made him naked on the inside. His eyesight also felt incredibly weird, it felt as if he wasn't looking through his eyes, but a telescope that allowed him to see from the top of his head.

Myu reached out into the zipper, and at the same time, she grabbed the kitten that Devin held. From the inside of Devin's suit, Myu pulled out...another kitten. With what could have only been explained by magic, there was now a kitten inside Devin's body that, when Myu pulled out, Devin's body became lifeless, and fell to the ground like nothing more than a suit. There were no bones, no blood, no organs, it was a lifeless skin suit now on the floor, and Myu now held two kittens that looked identical. "Just a kitten in human's clothing, nothing more." Myu replied. She set the kitten that was inside Devin into the display, and the kitten that was once inside the display, into that suit. The skin suit slowly inflated once more and come to life, once again it looked much like Devin.

The kitten that was once Devin, was put in the display mewed constantly. He was confused, he was scared, and he was frightened. He was human moments ago, wasn't he? He knew he wasn't a kitten controlling a body suit, that was just downright impossible, and yet here Myu was, she pulled him out of his body, literally, and tossed him in a display, and put another kitten inside there instead. He wanted to rush out of that display, but Myu had already closed the back on him, and he was stuck there where the previous kitten once was. It looked like nothing had changed, but in reality, it was a brand new kitten now on display for sale, now it was Devin for sale, as nothing more than a young kitten.

As for Devin's old body, once the body re-inflated, the body glanced down at its hands, its belly, everything about it. The clothes oddly didn't even fall off, they fit perfectly. The zipper was still back there of course, but it was zipped up. The body turned to Myu and smiled at her. "Thanks for that. I wasn't exactly human previously, let's just say I was more...demon."

Myu shrugged casually at the new Devin. "You'd think I'd be worried, but your magic is sealed away anyways. I'm guessing...eternal life as a kitten for some strange reason?" Myu had dealt with demons before too, between them and Myu, they often became fast friends. "Anyways, need that zipper removed?" she offered.

"Angry sorceress and apathetic boss equals eternal life as a kitten." The body turned around and exposed that zipper. "If you wouldn't mind, then I suppose I should keep working as this guy and figure out his information and the ilk."

"It's much easier than you think to learn about people just after taking over their bodies." Myu pulled the zipper off of the body and put it away. Now, there was little evidence that Devin's body had undergone any changes at all. Sure, deep down there was a kitten controlling everything, but nobody would have ever guessed that from the outside. "He probably has a wallet and car keys with an alarm on them. You shouldn't have any issues." Myu chuckled at him. "Since you're technically in charge now, mind if I help myself to a collar and leash? I got a pet fox at home that needs a new one. Her old one broke after she tried to fit it around her cock. Spoiler alert, she couldn't."

"Help yourself." The kitten replied with a nod. "I think I'll be fine figuring out this human's former life too, but I should probably get back to his work. Don't worry about the rest of the animals, I'll figure out how to take excellent care of them. I'll also take as good care of Devin as he took good care of me. The guy never did my damn litterbox."

Myu and 'Devin' left the backroom. While Myu took a collar and leash and went on her way, the new Devin took a seat at the register, gave a serious look of dedication to his job, and proceeded to read the newspaper once more.

"At least he'll fit in." Myu said quietly with a smirk as she left. There was only one more stop she wanted to go to in this mall before she would call it a day.

Myu's last stop was at the very top floor of this mall. The moment she got up to the top floor, she looked at her destination, the arcade. The arcade was surrounded by solid glass windows, at least the front of it and one side. Unfortunately many of those glass windows were covered up by the backside of arcade cabinets, but there was an occasional space to make out what exactly was inside of it. Myu hated the food this place offered, even if it SOUNDED good, the chiefs did poorly at it, so much so that Myu turned one of them into a pig a few weeks back. There were multiple decent arcade games though. The good news, and both bad news, was that they used a card system, but Myu whipped out her card, walked up to the door, and...the door was locked. With a grimace, Myu glanced up at the sign that said 'closed for renovations' despite the fact the lights were on, the arcade games were playing their demos, it looked like a fully functional arcade, just empty aside from employees. "Probably changed owners again, something out of a damn revolving door..." Myu muttered. A simple flick of her wrist and she opened up the previously locked doors. It was only a matter of time before this horse anthro was going to be stopped by the people that worked there, but she didn't care. As the door closed behind her, it locked up automatically.

It didn't take long for one of the workers to walk over to Myu. Each worker wore the same thing, a bright green shirt with gray shorts, possibly the uniform that the arcade gave. They also had a bright green hat. Both the shirt, and the hat, had the logo of the arcade on them. "Miss? I'm not sure how you got in, but you're going to have to leave. We're closed for remodeling." The man walked over to the door, grabbed the handle, and he found himself unable to open it. " did..." he muttered.

"Oh, you see, I don't give a crap if the doors are locked or anything, don't think too much on that." Myu said with both a shrug, and a smirk. "I have my card to play the games." She reached into her kimono, and pulled out a game card. "So I should be able to play the games just fine. Feel free to keep renovating and ignore me while I play some of these. Do you have any of those block stacking games? I like those ones."

"No, you don't understand. We're closed and we're in the middle of changing the card system." The man explained. "Some of those games will work with that card, but not all. Other games are going to require a new card that we have, and we're in the middle of changing the systems so all arcades will require our new card. We don't have enough cards to sell to people yet either, so it'd just be best if you left. There's another arcade on the first floor if you really want one that badly." The man thought it was weird a woman wanted to play the games alone, but he didn't judge.

Myu rolled her eyes. "Whatever happened to the old days of the quarter system? A quarter doesn't pay for enough anymore, does it? Have to use a card to play games, and each play costs more than a quarter, some of them cost a good dollar a play. I'm willing to adapt and use a card to play the, you're going to either let me play the games..." Myu walked over to one of the games that used the new cards. With a simple swipe of her card, despite it being the old card, it magically worked. "Or you're going to add to my card balance. Right now I've got about 12835 points."

The man couldn't physically stop Myu, but he watched as she used an old card on a game that required the new card, and it worked. "How did..." he muttered. He shook his head before he put his hand on her shoulder. "Ma'am, I'm giving you one more chance to leave before I'm going to be forced to get my manager, and he's probably going to get the authorities. I don't know how the door opened for you, all I know is you can't stick around."

Myu sighed as her game didn't last long. It was one of those simple games that was meant to give a couple of tickets per play. "You know, magic and electronics don't mix. Unless you know how to fuck about with an electronic device, your magic could screw it up and destroy the system." With the card she pulled out, she pressed it up against the man's head, and pressed it against his forehead firmly. The card stuck onto his head, and the man could feel himself getting pulled upwards into the card. "That's why I just get free points instead."

The man wanted to speak up against her, but it felt as if his very essence was being pulled up into the card she put on his head. It was a strange feeling. Physically speaking, nothing happened at first, it all felt mental. "I don't know what you're" the man's words slowed down. It felt as if his very brain was getting sucked into the card first. His eyes glazed over, and his tongue slightly dropped out of his mouth. "Eh heh...pull-pee."

"See, I kind of know how to add points on the card. It takes away anything worth 'numbers' on a person, at least decent numbers. It takes away their IQ, weight, number of bones inside them, and...well I WANTED to do blood cell counts, but I'd have so many points on the card that it'd just trivialize the whole meaning of earning points. I have to make it meaningful when a person gives me, basically their very existence for some points, am I right?"

"ah..." the man's eyes were wide as he just stood there. When his legs slowly pulled up into his body, he just floated there instead. His arms soon followed, as if he was experiencing an implosion of sorts, though in slow motion.

"Right. The card made you so dumb that the only work you could qualify for now is a government official." Myu crossed her legs and waited patiently as the man's torso pulled upwards into his head, and then his head pulled itself into the card. The man was soon gone, and all that remained was the card Myu put on his head. Even the man's clothing was nowhere to be seen. Myu took the card and checked the new balance. "13405? Man, you were barely worth anything. I could have purchased those points for like...$10." With a frustrated sigh, Myu went back to playing her game. She knew it was a matter of time before someone else tried to stop her, and she could just distract herself with an arcade game until then. As for the man's fate, he was nothing more than points on a card to be expended into arcade machines, and then left as digital data to be erased by the system.

It didn't take long for another man to walk up to Myu and tap her shoulder. This man was definitely older than the first. He had balding white hair and a white mustache. He had black overalls, and a green shirt on with a blue tie. The clothes definitely didn't look professional, but he had a nametag on that stated 'Manager' on it. "Excuse me miss, how did you get in here?" he asked, very sternly at that.

Myu didn't bother answering the man until she finished her game. Only then, she turned around, and casually shrugged. "I used the door, obviously." She actually liked the quietness of this arcade, but the occasional person that kept walking up to her, was getting a bit irritating.

"The door was locked." The man glanced over at the door. "And it still is. You have ten seconds to tell me how you got in, and then another ten seconds to leave, otherwise I'm calling the police." The man spoke with a serious tone, and he took out his cell phone and opened it up.

Myu didn't answer once again. Rather, she just went back to playing her game casually. A few tickets came out of the machine from her most recent play. It was times like these she wished she knew how electronics worked, she swore that some devices were tremendously rigged at times. She glanced over briefly at some of the older arcades in the back, the old game of being a yellow ball and eating pellets, an old game of crossing a road as a frog, and a platforming game, which was surprising to see in an arcade. She'd have to go play those other games. She reached down to grab her tickets, but they were already gone when she tried to grab them.

The man had grabbed her tickets already in one hand, while the other had the cell phone flipped open. "Answer me lady, now." With his thumb, he dialed the nine on his cell phone, and then the remaining one and the last one. His thumb hovered over the 'talk' button as he glared at her.

Myu let out a frustrated sigh. She noticed those arcade machines took quarters out of all things. "You remember the days when all arcade machines took quarters? There was an occasional few that took more, but most just took 25 cents. It feels like inflation, plus home consoles kind of killed most arcades, which is a to give me a few quarters for those old games?"

The man didn't want to even answer that, he wanted to hit talk on his phone, but for some odd reason, he couldn't flex his thumb. He glanced down at his thumb and noticed that it was frozen stiff, and silver. The thumb was also equal in size from top, to bottom. The very top of his thumb was flattened, and had the design of a quarter on it with his birth year as the year of production. It looked like his thumb made a good ten quarters, and one by one, each quarter fell until his thumb was gone, nothing but quarters on the ground. "The hell?" he raised his brow, and he noticed the silver spread along his entire hand.

"Let's be frank, and I don't give a damn if that's your name or not." Myu kept her back turned to the man. "You took my tickets. There are two things you never do in an arcade. You never hog a machine, and you never steal another person's tickets." Myu stood up after that, grabbed the quarters on the floor, and walked her way over to the older machines. She put one of those quarters in, and began to play, smiling the entire time.

One by one, the man's fingers turned stiff, silver and fully cylinder shaped into quarters before they fell to the ground. His other hand soon followed, and then his arms from the wrist up. His skin became an outer layer of quarters, while underneath his skin was just piles of quarters that fell out like a slot machine that had just hit the jackpot. He dropped his phone, and he dropped her tickets. "Whatever you're doing lady, stop this right now."

"Do me a favor, and politely shut up when I'm playing a game." Myu didn't bother to look back at the man when she spoke with that cold tone. Video games, she didn't understand electronics, but the games proved as a good distraction now and then, unless when people were still bugging her, like this man was. "You're nothing but a pile of quarters now anyways." She added.

The man glared at Myu, but he found himself getting...shorter. He could hear the tinkering of quarters at his feet. He glanced down and noticed that a pile of quarters was forming at his legs and covering his shoes. He couldn't wiggle his toes, they just weren't there anymore- his entire feet became quarters piled into the shoe, and now his legs were following. In a matter of moments, his arms and legs were nothing more than quarters, and his torso followed soon after. He changed largely inside of his clothing, which made it difficult to see, but the process for his body was much like his arms. His skin was a layer of quarters face side up, while on the inside was nothing more than piles of quarters that were once blood, bones, and organs. The man wasn't even sure how he was still alive when his chest turned into quarters, and how there was virtually no pain, but he stared up at Myu. As his heart turned into nothing more than quarters worth less than five dollars, his look of anger, became one of worry. "Please lady, I'll give you 24 hour access to the arcade. Free games, free anything, just reverse this."

Myu smiled a bit. Just as her game finished, she circled around to the man on the stool made for the arcade game. "Your behavior has taught me one lesson. You're worth more as a pile of quarters, than you EVER were as a human. If you don't mind, I'll just take this arcade for myself." Myu picked up another quarter from the man and turned back to her game. "Maybe I'll do laundry with you one day too."

The man opened his mouth to speak, but his tongue turned silver and stiff. His lips, his head, his hair, all turned into a silver sheen. Quarters poured out from underneath his neck as the skin on the man's head took on a layer of quarters, with one quarter for each eye. The quarters fell down and formed a large pile, leaving nothing but a pile of quarters, and the man's clothing.

"Shame I never got his name. Oh well." Myu played a few more games before she stood up, and walked away. She walked through the double doors of the arcade entrance, quite literally, as if she was ethereal for a brief moment to walk through the glass doors, before she walked out of the mall.

It had been a long day for Myu. She had changed various people into various things. Of course at her speed, taking over the world was going to take absolutely forever. "Maybe next time I'll just visit a government office or run for president or something." She told herself. It wasn't like she was in any rush though, she had the rest of the year for her new year's resolution, and she was just going to take it one day at a time.


Halloween, like the infamous Christmas, was coming earlier every year. This year, a shop that sold masks for Halloween opened up in early August. While many people just went in there to see the decorations, three women went in, and then those three...

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I Dream Of Insects 2

There was a sound of buzzing as a fly flew through the quiet motel room. The fly was approaching a fly strip, but quickly swerved out of the way. The fly flew into a small hole in the wall, while it's many countless unblinking eyes guided its way. It...



It was slowly approaching midnight, and Jeremy was on his laptop. He waited for his fiancee to get home before he went to bed, but he noticed it was getting quite late, even for her. While his fiancee worked at night, she normally wasn't as late as...

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