Oh! You Monster! Her Too?!

Story by Jessi Snow on SoFurry

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This story is a commission, fully paid for. Site messes up the proper formatting. Sorry!

Gatomon shakes her head, attempting to shake off the grogginess the strange blue liquid gave her. She looks to her shoulder, a small, red dot focusing into view. That's the injection sight, and it itches a little. Gatomon attempts to scratch at the itch only to find her wrists bound once again. She sighs in irritation, attempting to stand up to look for a way out of these new bindings, only to trip and fall to the floor, landing on her left side. Her ankles are bound as well, this time.

Damn it... not again. What is that stuff he injected? It's making me feel weird. It must have made me fall asleep, but I still feel so... strange. My hips are warm and my chest feels... really sensitive. Gatomon looks up from herself and sees a yellow blur slowly coming into focus. Wait... is that... oh my God! It is!

Renamon sits rather slumped over in a chair, tied around her torso with her hands bound behind the back of the chair. Her legs are strapped as well, holding them wide apart. As Gatomon focuses a bit more, detail becomes clear; Renamon is covered in sticky-looking liquid, dripping off of her as she looks rather sleepy. Her fur is mussed and her breathing is very rapid, as if she had finished running too hard.

"R-Renamon?" Gatomon calls, "What's... what happened?!" she struggles, attempting to inch her way toward her friend.

"I wouldn't move too quickly if I were you," Impmon sneers, emerging from the shadows behind Renamon, "The drugs are still fresh inside you. Grinding your tits across the floor like that would only make you react faster..."

"D-Drugs?!" Gatomon says, struggling to sit up, managing to sit a bit more comfortably. Her tail flops to the ground, allowing the ring to clang against the floor.

Renamon lifts her head, panting, "M-mo-ore..."

"What's that, Darling? You want even more?" Impmon grins, stepping out toward Gatomon a bit more, flaunting his still-erect cock, dripping with cum.

"Don't you touch her!" Gatomon hisses, struggling to release her wrists to no avail.

"Now, now... didn't you hear her? She wants it," Impmon laughs, "And I intend to give it to her! Don't worry... you'll want it just as much very soon."

"Wh-what do you..." Gatomon looks over to Renamon again, seeing a spot on her right leg, a bit shaved and swollen with the same red mark as on Gatomon's shoulder, "The... drugs make us... want it?!"

"That's right, my little kitten. Soon, you'll be as insatiable as my little fuck doll, here," Impmon laughs, "Can you believe I've already fucked her three times?"

"Imp...mon... p-please..." Renamon groans longingly, "I'm... I'm so horny."

"I think I could use a bit more pussy," Impmon grins, flashing a sly, perverted wink to Gatomon, "This'd be a great time for you to watch and learn - this'll be your job, too very soon."

"Job?! Let us go, you disgusting piece of..."

"Ah, ah, ah..." Impmon interrupts, popping his cock into Gatomon's mouth to shut her up. He thrusts a few times, laughing.

Gatomon tastes Renamon's cum, and just the act of being forced into a blowjob is enough for the drugs inside her to react. She feels her face become warm, and soon, her pupils become dilated and dim. No... I can't be... enjoying this... I can't... want this... oh... God... it's so... good.

Impmon pets Gatomon's head and grins, "Very good," he thrusts a bit slower, "Now... you just watch and learn how to be a good fuck toy, got it?" he rips his cock out of Gatomon's mouth, turning away from her, leaving her panting as her arousal slowly grows.

"N-no... please! I mean... no I don't... want..." Gatomon groans, trying to keep control of her mind, "I...w-want...c-c...cock..."

Renamon pants as Impmon approaches her, stroking his cock. He smiles as he leans down, opening Renamon's tightly closed pussy. Using his index finger and thumb, he delicately opens Renamon's folds, revealing a rather large, swollen clit. With no hesitation, Impmon begins to lick and suckle on Renamon's clit.

"Mmgh... yes... agh, M-Master..." Renamon moans, laying her head back, panting, "My pussy is aching... I need to cum... please, let me cum for you!"

She's serious! The drugs... really do make her want to... to fuck! Gatomon watches in horror and arousal as she begins to squirm to the sound of Renamon's moaning.

Renamon squirms a bit more, feeling Impmon lick harder and faster. Her pussy throbs a bit as her juices run freely, flowing over Impmon's lips. He slowly kisses her inner thigh, trailing his kisses down her leg and over her calf where the drug was injected. Finally, Impmon reaches Renamon's toes, kissing them slowly and lightly running his tongue over them.

Her feet are a bit musky and warm, but soft as Impmon drags his tongue over her feet. He can taste a slight saltiness on Renamon's flesh as he pops the larger toe into his mouth, suckling gently. Renamon moans as she struggles, trying to free her arms.

"Mmgh... I... I want to touch it... I need to rub my clit!" Renamon groans, arching her back the best she can.

Impmon only grins, licking her toes and rubbing her footpads. As he takes his mouth away, a large string of saliva snaps, detaching Impmon from Renamon's feet. As Impmon leans back down to her toes, he licks Renamon from those toes, up to her ankle, dragging his tongue slowly, making Renamon squirm and moan with impatience.

"N...n-no... s-stop doing that!" Gatomon says from behind Impmon, squirming with anticipation. Impmon ignores her and continues licking up Renamon's thigh. Oh, God... I wish that was me tied up in that chair! Ugh... this... drug. It's really kicking in. I... I can't take anymore!

Impmon licks up into Renamon's pussy, massaging her clit with his hot, warm tongue. He widens his mouth, taking in her entire clit, sucking slowly as he drags his mouth off and away from her folds, making Renamon blush rather hard. He slowly stands up, his erection moving with his movements, walking around the chair and untying Renamon.

"Get on the floor, Cumslut," Impmon grins, "on your back."

"Renamon nods and immediately does as she's told, unable to control her hips with all the arousal stimulating her. She sways her hips and lifts them a bit while on her back, unable to keep still. Raising and lowering her hips, she's unaware that Gatomon is quite close by, inhaling the scent of her musk and only making her situation much worse.

She's soaking! Agh, I want... to... feel her pussy! I want to feel my pussy, too... I... I want to... rub mine against hers... and feel her hot pussy grind against mine! "Agh! I can't... take it any... w-what?"

Gatomon watches in shock as Impmon sits on Renamon's face, sighing and closing his eyes as he moans in pleasure. Is she... licking his asshole?

Renamon places her hands on Impmon's hips, gliding her tongue firmly across Impmon's asshole, feeling the tightness of his slowly puckering asshole begin to hug around her tongue as she gently begins to push it inside. Tasting his hot, smooth asshole, Renamon moans at the very thought of pleasing him. In no time, her licking and suckling only get faster and a little harder.

"Aagh, yeah... make sure you lick as deep as you can, my little toy," Impmon groans in pleasure, "Aah... and as for these big, beautiful tits..." Impmon grabs Renamon's large, firm breasts and presses them together. He rubs his index fingers over Renamon's hard, sensitive nipples as he begins to squeeze his cock firmly between her breasts. He moans as he tips his head back, "Aagh... wow... this is almost as good as your pussy!"

Renamon moans deeply, licking faster inside and around Impmon's asshole. She can feel her pussy growing wetter and more slippery. As she lifts and lowers her knees, she can feel her folds slipping and sliding, stimulating her clit a bit, but not enough to satisfy her aching needs. Soon, before either of them can really get into what they're doing, Renamon feels hot liquid splash out over her tummy.

"Aagh!" Impmon moans, looking down at his cum, "Damn it! Renamon... if you weren't such a horny slut, I wouldn't have cum so early!" Impmon groans in anger, slapping one of Renamon's tits as he stands, walking over her, leaving her hot and wet on the floor. "Bitch... making me cum too early. If you won't let me use your tits, Renamon, I guess you'll have to use your mouth!"

Renamon sits up, hesitating to rub her fingers along her slit. As she manages to get to her knees, she bites her bottom lip, watching as Impmon takes a seat in the chair where Renamon was tied.

Gatomon blushes, watching as Renamon looks to her, licking her lips and winking. Gah! I'm getting too wet! And Impmon... what... is he doing?!

"Cumslut... crawl on over to the other slut and take her ropes off," Impmon commands, relaxing in the chair, leaning back, "Then both of you... come over here and have a seat."

Renamon obeys diligently, crawling over to Gatomon and reaching her arms around her. As she reaches for Gatomon's ropes, the girls' breasts firmly press together, making them moan softly near each other. Renamon unties the ropes and slowly slides her hands down Gatomon's sides, reaching the ropes at her ankles, untying them, keeping their breasts pressed together.

She's... so warm. So soft... I wish she'd put her hands... th-there! And her chest... so hot... so... big! "We... we can get out of here, right?" Gatomon whispers, shivering under her arousal.

"Why would we?" Renamon purrs seductively, "Come... Master wants to see us." Like a loyal pet, Renamon crawls her way over to Impmon, with Gatomon following behind her. Watching Renamon's ass sway from side to side only made her pussy throb even harder. Looking down a little, Gatomon takes a long, long drink through her eyes at the swollen, thick, dripping pussy just out of reach. Renamon's folds are swollen and shimmering with her juices; as Gatomon inches closer, she can smell Renamon's strong, sensual musk. She leans forward, having caught up to Renamon, sticking out her tongue and just barely sensing the heat of her pussy, attempting to give Renamon a lick, only to miss as Renamon sits down. Gatomon bumps into Renamon's back and quickly shuffles to her right, sitting at Impmon's feet alongside her.

"Good... good little whores," Impmon grins, "Now... you both are down there, horny, leaking precious juice, stinking up this room with your whore-musk... why not clean up after yourselves?" he points to his cock, dripping with precum and pulsating hard.

Renamon nods and reaches forward, grabbing Impmon's cock and beginning to stroke. Gatomon watches as Renamon drags her tongue up the large, purple shaft, her bright yellow fur standing on end as she becomes more and more aroused. Soon, the cock vanishes into her mouth as Renamon begins bobbing her head, suckling and stroking.

"Hey, what're you doing just sitting there?!" Impmon scolds Gatomon, "You get some too, come on! And why not show each other a little love while you're at it?" he sneers, resting his hands behind his head.

Gatomon leans forward, licking at Impmon's balls, tasting his warm, slightly salty flesh. She licks a bit higher, reaching the base; her tongue reaches Renamon's trail of saliva, making her blush while her heart falls into her stomach. Her nerves tense as she runs her tongue into Renamon's, making her moan gently.

What do I do... I... my hand, it's like I can't stop! Gatomon licks a bit more passionately at Impmon's cock while her paw slips further and further toward Renamon's lap. Soon, she can feel a heavy heat on her paw, followed by a very warm dampness. Is that her...pussy?

Gatomon's heart slams against her chest as she begins to sweat, feeling her fingers slowly become engulfed in heat and wetness. Soon, she can feel Renamon's soft, swollen folds over her fingers. Renamon's clitoris throbs under her touch, only making Gatomon want to touch it even more.

Renamon, with a mouthful of cock, reaches her hand over as well, giving Gatomon what she appears to be begging for. Soon, the girls are moaning while sucking and licking a cock together while rubbing each other. Gatomon can't stop blushing as the drugs in her system take over completely; she puts a lot more effort into licking Impmon's balls and shaft as she dingers Renamon quite deeply.

"Yeah, that's it..." Impmon moans, watching the two girls play with each other while they suck and lick him, "Good little pets, haha!" He watches as Gatomon and Renamon begin to fondle each other with one hand, and stroke at his cock with another. They begin to kiss lightly in front of him, but soon the kissing grows more intense. "Oh, hell yeah!"

The girls keep stroking, rubbing one another as they take turns sucking on Impmon's cock before returning to their deep, sensual kiss. The girls begin to moan as their fingering intensifies. They rub each other faster and harder, moaning louder, and soon, Gatomon can't hold herself back anymore.

"Mmmgh...I'm... going to cum..." she moans to Renamon, feeling her clit massaged in small circles. Her juices flow heavily, allowing her slit to become slipperier, helping Renamon finger her even faster.

"Do it," Impmon commands, "Cover Renamon in your juices, you little slut!"

I'm... not a little... s-slut... "I'm... y-your... slut..." Gatomon moans against her will. Stroking Impmon faster and grinding herself against Renamon's paw, she feels the orgasm building. Renamon presses her breasts against Gatomon's, kissing her deeply as she strokes Impmon even faster along with Gatomon.

"Mmgh..." Gatomon moans, the intensity building rapidly, "Mm! Mm-mm-mmgh!" she screams in the moan, allowing her juices to cover Renamon's hand as she cums hard, feeling her pussy throb with arousal and orgasm.

"Holy shit," Impmon moans, "That was... amazing... mmgh, but you're not done yet," Impmon stands, "Get on your knees, Cat." Gatomon, shivering, does as she's told. Her cum leaks from her slit and drips to the floor, but still she obeys. "See Renamon's pussy? Lick her... until she cums. Got it?"

"Y-yes..." Gatomon moans, crawling her way to Renamon, who sits and opens her legs, panting in needy lust. She smells so good! Oh, and even though I just came... I still feel so turned on. I'm too sensitive down there to cum again... at least... that way.

As Gatomon leans downward, coming face to face with Renamon's hot, slick pussy, she doesn't hesitate to stick out her tongue and finally have a small lick. Renamon twitches in pleasure beneath her tongue, so Gatomon does it again. She opens her mouth and cups her lips around as much of Renamon's pussy as she can, allowing her tongue to passionately dance with her clit, taking in her juices, her flavor, her heat, and the feel of her soft, swollen flesh.

Renamon moans loudly, laying back as she caresses her chest. "Agh... yes... f-fuck me, Gatomon... mmgh... I want to cum... Master... will see me cum!"

Gatomon has no intentions of stopping. She continues licking and suckling gently, massaging Renamon's thick, throbbing clit with her wet, slightly textured tongue. With no warning at all, she can feel her pussy being stretched open and hands on her ass. Is that Impmon? Oh God... he's going to... fuck me!

"Good girls... what good little pets you two make," Impmon laughs, slamming his cock deeply into Gatomon's tight, slippery pussy. He thrusts himself in as deeply as he can, listening to Gatomon's muffled moans, deep in Renamon's pussy. He moans loudly as he feels her pussy swallowing his cock over and over as he pulls out and thrusts inside over and over.

Renamon moans as she begins to squirm, clutching her fists on the floor and raising her hips, pressing herself harder against Gatomon's lips. She can feel her orgasm approaching as she arches her back, releasing yet another passionate moan.

Likewise, Gatomon's orgasm, to her surprise, rises again. No way! I'm going to cum again? I... have to admit. He feels so good inside me! Renamon... tastes... so good! Impmon thrusts harder and faster, slapping Gatomon's ass. This drives her to the very edge. She screams her moan of orgasm into Renamon's pussy, her tongue lapping and flicking over Renamon's clit, cumming hard over Impmon's cock.

"Aagh... I'm gonna... c-cum... I'm... aaggh!" Renamon groans, her juices spraying onto Gatomon's chin and chest, soaking her fur as it drips onto the floor.

"Holy fuck... agh! Y-yeah! Mmgh... g-get ready... to... take it!" Impmon groans, thrusting madly as he grips Gatomon's ass tightly. He feels his balls tightening as he tips his head back.

Gatomon laps up the juices around Renamon's sensitive, throbbing pussy as she feels a warm liquid filling her. He's... cumming inside me!? No! Wh-what if...oh, but it feels... so good... "Mmgh... yes..."

Impmon pulls out, his cum oozing out of her slit and onto the floor. Her heart beats loudly in her head as she relaxes herself, sitting in the wetness on the floor. Renamon sits up and smirks, looking to Impmon.

"Did we please you, Master?" Renamon smiles.

"As usual, little cum slave. Go on back to your room now... take Gatomon with you," Impmon directs.

Renamon's room is fairly roomy with a single bed and a small rug on the floor. On the floor are three bowls. Two for food that read "Rena" and "Gato", and the third says "Water". As her knees shake a bit, she gently lands herself on Renamon's bed.

"What're you doing on the furniture covered in that mess?" Renamon scolds, almost playfully, "If you want to sit on the bed, we'll have to clean you off."

"Is... there a shower... around here?"

"Shower?" Renamon giggles, "You really are a silly cat... come here." Renamon approaches Gatomon and pulls her to the floor. She begins licking at Gatomon, starting at her neck.

Oh... sh-she's... making me horny again. "How... long will this take? I don't want to get all excited again... I... I think.

"Hold still, little kitty. This won't take long at all," Renamon winks, "Besides... you're so, so messy. Be a nice puss-puss and hold still, won't you?"

Oh! You Monster!

"Please... just let me go!" Gatomon cries out, unable to move her paws or even her tail. "I told you... not until I'm good and ready," Impmon replies, sneering in the shadows of the room. "I'll untie you... if you swear to do everything I...

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