Desert Promise

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#7 of Desert

David and Jessica return in a date night that shows that maybe they can be normal people after all without the baggage hanging over their heads.

Jessica smiled at herself in the mirror. She saw herself there for what she was. Her boobs were losing the perkiness she'd once had and her body and born her two beautiful children but it was pulled and pushed back into place her hand went along her sides for a moment. She used to frown at herself in the mirror, hating her body as it changed and got older but it was worth it for her daughter and their baby boy.

David smiled at his wife from behind her. She could see him in the mirror, his eyes going up her form that started at her dark fur and ended up at her lace panties. She shook her ass at him with a hint of a blush in her cheeks. Even after all these years, he could still make her blush like that. She still burned with embarrassment at the way he seemed to look at her like he was a piece of meat but also that he was the most wonderful thing he'd ever seen.

"Goddamn," he said. The shepherd moved closer to his wife. Strong hands moved up over her thigh and she sighed into his neck. Her face was pressed to his collar bone and she bit his ear. Jessica's body molded to his in an instant. He was there for her as sure as anything and it was exactly what she wanted day in a day out.

His hand tugged at her waistband once before she pulled his hand away.

David's face was a smile but his ears were drooped which made him look like a pup caught where he shouldn't be. Jessica pulled him against her with a tug on his hips.

"Believe me, I want that too. But if we do that now, we won't get to go out to eat."

David shrugged and tugged at her hips again.

"My parents have the kids," he said. "We could always spend half the night fucking like teenagers and order Chinese."

She nipped his neck and David's breath caught. "Don't tempt me. I want to just go out like we used to, honey."

David kissed his wife's forehead and smiled at her. Jessica was always so happy to see that look. It made her feel so warm and perfect. She was his perfect wife and it made her press back to him with a sigh.

"I love you, Jess," he said. His hand went up her back and then back down. She smiled and let her tail give a lazy way for his efforts.

"I love you too, David. So much."

"Good girl."

Jessica laughed and smacked his chest. He flinched when her hand raised again and she smacked him again.

"One time! I did that one time with you!"

"Then it left an impression!" he beamed at her and she shook her head and flipped him off.

"I need to get ready."

"I can watch," he said.

Jessica smirked up at him, pushing him away.

"Oh no. You need to get ready too. If I'm getting all dressed up, then you can get dressed up too!"

"You're not helping your case you know."

The collie shook her head and stepped into their closet, closing the door behind her.

It took a little bit of looking for her to decide on the dress she wanted to wear. She pulled hangers aside until she found a navy dress she really loved with a red belt to go with it. She pulled it out and slipped into it. It hugged her hips more than it used to and when she glanced down at herself, she couldn't help but feel a little gross. She sighed out, her ears drooping.

"What's that sigh for?" David said through the door.

"Oh, nothing..."

"Babe, c'mon."

"I just feel old and decidedly not sexy in this dress."

"Can I see it?"

Jessica opened up the door to see her husband there. He was leaning back against the wall and his ears perked up right away. His face turned into a grin that spread even wider the more he looked at her. She had to admit, she felt pretty special being stared at by him.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?"

Jessica shrugged at him.

"I don't know, hun. I mean, look at me. Look at how this hugs my stomach. I don't feel-- "

"You look amazing, Jess. I mean it. You look absolutely stunning in that dress."

She kept her eyes on him, glancing down at the dress and smoothing it out over herself.

"Do you really think so?"

"I do," he said. "I absolutely mean it."

The collie's tail gave a slow wag, her cheeks flushed hot but David kissed her forehead again and she leaned into his touch.

"If you're done with the closet, I need to get dressed now."

Jessica watched her husband close the door behind him and leaned against the wall. She stared at the door for a moment, wondering how she'd ever been so lucky as to marry her shepherd.


There were a few places in the Valley which the pair loved to go to. But the one they chose to go that night was down south in Glendale. There was a large shopping area close to the football stadium but that night it was the restaurant just outside of the mall they'd stopped at.

Jessica leaned into David with his hand around her waist. She sighed into his chest and allowed him to pull her closer to him. His hand was around her waist. He was dressed in a gray suit with a black tie. But it was the way he seemed so transfixed on her and the little things like holding her hand the entire time their waiter was talking. His thumb ran over her knuckles and after their waiter left with their drinks, David changed seats to be separated only by a corner from her, rather than a whole table.

"You're adorable," Jessica smiled at him. He shrugged at her and kissed her hand, still captive in his own.

"It's been so long since we've had time to the two of us, to just be husband and wife and not Mom and Dad. I want to enjoy it."

"You act like we don't get the nights together!"

"We do, until Peter starts crying."

"I know," she said, brushing hair from his forehead, making him look as magnificent as she always knew he was. "But you can always get him right back to bed. You see how much he lights up when you're around."

"I know," he said. "And I love them so much. You know that. I just want some time with you too, Jess."

Jessica leaned over and kissed him, a sly grin across her face.

"Well, you're very lucky that your parents are always able to help us then, aren't you?"

"Yeah," David's cheeks burned hot. He itched his chin, looking back through his memories and past her completely. "They also walked in on us that one time when we'd just moved into our first apartment."

"Oh God!" she shook her head. "Why did you have to remind me of that?"

David laughed. "I don't know. It was terrible! I didn't think they'd ever talk to us again."

"You should have locked that door!"

David raised his hands in the air, not looking at her.

"I was preoccupied with a half-dressed wife on the bed."

Jessica straightened in her seat the moment she saw their waiter come back, placing down two glasses and pouring the rose into the glass. David's foot brushed past hers when he ordered, taking the order for them both and then giving her his full attention once the ferret had left.

Raising his glass, he smiled at his wife.

"To every moment we get to spend together."

Jessica clinked her glass with his.

"To having the cheesiest husband ever."

Jessica felt herself smile at David's wink right before he sipped.


Jessica jumped in the air, her dress flapping down beneath her. She turned around in her rental shoes and pointed to David. Her eyes were aglow and she grinned at the crestfallen shepherd as she scored a third spare, cleaning house with her husband at the bowling alley. David shook his head and offered his wife her glass which she accepted with a few happy gulps of the draught beer. She set it down and sat down on top of David's lap, giving him a soft kiss.

"You make it difficult to bowl," David mused, hand on her back.

"You're just too busy staring at my ass to be any good at bowling."

"Don't have such a great ass then!" David said, pushing her off to the seat beside him.

He stood up and grabbed his ball. He looked down at the lane, pins being set down by the machine. He took a step to the left, just outside of the middle line. His arm came swinging down when his walk forward came to its midpoint. Arm swung down and he sent the ball sailing down the lane. It careened down, and spun around towards the gutter, staying there all the way until it crashed into the last pin, taking two out with it.

"Oh c'mon!" he grouched, throwing arms in the air. "That's not fair."

Jessica was giggling, covering her face to try and stop the sound from getting to him.

He turned on her and furrowed his brow, going to her and tickling her sides with digging fingers. The pain and laughter that filled her ears just made her laugh more. She swatted him, kicking her legs and trying to get him off of her.


"Now why would I do a thing like that?" he laughed. The shepherd's tails grazed her cheek and he picked up his ball, fresh from the return. He hoisted it up and stared down the line. He threw the ball, watching it roll down the lane. It streaked down the center, moving until it crashed into the front pin, cascading the rest of them down into the wood. He jumped in the air, his loose tie flapping. The shepherd's tail wagged, moving in a blur. He went back to the seat and sat down next to Jessica, an arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him, resting her cheek on his chest.

It was her turn but she ran a hand over his stomach, up to his chest. The collie's ears could hear his heart beating, a steady pulse in her ear. She kissed his cheek, feeling his arm wrapping around his hip.

"Are you sure this is the right time to get all cuddly? We're in a public place."

Jessica pouted and pushed at his chest. She stood up, her tail whacking David in the face. He was about to say something when she picked up her ball and rolled it down the lanes, hitting the pins. Nine of them came down immediately, leaving the last one to wobble.

"comeoncomeoncomeon..." she whispered to herself. She stood on her tip toes, staring intently.

"Had to ruin your streak sometime, Jess!" David said from the seat.

As if to personally insult David's gloat, the final pin came down, spinning around in a fast circle.

"You were saying?" Jessica said, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Shut up," David said, taking her waist and kissing her and letting the moment slip away into the sweet embrace of each other. It was perfect. She felt her whole being seem to swell with love for the man she'd bound herself to.


Jessica moved her hands down David's body. His chest was hard and firm and her body was soon wrapped up in his arms and she felt him pull her against his form. She mumbled assent, pressing close to him and letting lips move against his in a staccato of kisses. Each one was punctuated by a squeeze and a kiss and touch. They were one and the same in that moment, her lips moving with his, tongue danced in a battle for the sake of battle. She just needed him. Deep in the core of herself, she needed her husband.

"David," she sighed out into his neck.

Hands ran up her thighs under her dress. She was pressed up against the table in their landing. It wasn't a table meant for that touch but her leg moved up around his hip. She shivered at the feeling his breath flowing down her neck.

"You smell so good," he grunted. His claws flared out and tugged at her panties. She wiggled her hips, helping him remove them from her form.

"That's because I'm being felt up by some stud. It's pretty hot!"

David shot her a smile and his fingers came away with their prize, panties slipping free and gliding down her thighs. She pulled them down and giggled at her husband. Hair fell into her eyes, looking at him with a sheepish grin.

"I love you."

"I love you."

David's hand trailed back up her thighs. She shivered, body glowing at his touch. She felt bubbly and glowing at his touch. Maybe it was just the repeated vodka tonics she had or maybe it was the feeling of her husband's lips on his neck. She moaned into his neck, clinging to him and sighing into his face. She ran her hands down his back, holding his ass.

"You know," she grinned. "I think it's about time that you get down on your knees, David."

The shepherd smirked, hand moving up to squeeze her full breast.

"You naughty little slut," he laughed and dropped to his knees. His cheek brushed against her thighs and his muzzle moved closer to her sex until his cold nose touched her folds.


"Sorry, I know it's c--"

Her hand grabbed his head and shoved it down. He laughed and his tongue ran over her lips, gliding and easing into her. She leaned back and rolled her hips. Her claws dug in, keeping him there so she could bask in the feeling of his tongue.

Her head leaned back to the wall, sighing and resting her feet on his back. The dog's tongue didn't slow down in the slightest. It slid up, running up from the bottom of her lips to her clit. She shivered, claws poking his head and rolling her hips. She pushed him back down, trying to get him off of her clit; the action of his tongue was too much, almost hurting but not quite. Its intensity was not to be understated but it just made her want him more. She was so in love with this man buried between her thighs.

"Down boy," she managed. "Go deeper..."

He obeyed. His tongue was a slow, steady and it almost tickled. It was so beyond words and she was panting the harder his tongue went. The smooth, flat muscle moved with expert precision. Each flick of it and guided her gasps higher in pitch. The collie's tail wagged as best it could with the wall behind her. She rocked her hips forward and whimpered at the sharp spike of pleasure that danced through her when his tongue glanced past her g-spot. It was teasing though. It was a touch when she wanted a hold, a stick when she needed a log. It was just enough and not enough all at once and her growl left her throat.

"Oh God... Fuck... Get off. I need it."

David stood up, the cocky grin on his face was matched by the mess she'd made of his muzzle. She grabbed him and pulled him down into a kiss. The messy, slick kiss was a mess of tongue and lips, her mess moving from his face to hers as they enjoyed the sticky, slimy endeavor that brought them closer to each other so often.

"You need it, huh?" he smiled between kisses.

"Yeah," she grabbed his cock through his slacks, prodding her stomach and making her giggle up at her husband. "I need this to be out of your pants already so I can take what I want from you!"

"Take it, huh?"

There was a roll of eyes before Jessica grabbed tie and dragged him behind her. She left her panties in the landing, moving upstairs with her husband. She reached back to undo her dress but David's hand on her back. She froze and blushed at her husband, letting his hand move the zipper down. She didn't let the time go by without acting though. Her hands undid his belt, pulling it down, followed by his zipper. She was in his pants, grabbing his cock through his underwear. It pulsed at her touch and she pressed her nose into his chest.

"You smell so good."

David let her dress drop to the floor and her hands went up his body, undoing button after button. Hands went up his stomach, a sigh leaving her lips.

"I love you..." she said. David didn't bother answering. He kissed her hard and lifted her up. She was just in her bra, her wet mound making a damp spot on his shirt and stomach. She giggled when he dropped her onto the bed.

Her eyes soaked in the view of David's body being revealed when his shirt was pulled free, tie and shirt being dropped away with equal abandon to her dress. His slacks were next to go until they were on the ground in a crumpled mess. His boxers were left on when he climbed on top of her.

Her wrists were pinned down and Jessica wiggled beneath her husband. She grinned up at him. His cock gave her glancing blows to her wet lips. She spread her legs out, ankles meeting on his back, pushing his hips forward. There beneath him, with wrists pinned down she felt wonderful. There was something wonderful about the feel of his hands on her wrists. She wasn't trapped as much as she was held. He was holding her like a prey but his eyes were locked on hers in an intense stare. It felt like he was gazing into her. Her whole body seamed to glow at his affections. Lips moved over her neck, gliding up and moving back down to kiss at her breasts. She wiggled, trying to get his cock to finally push inside of her to fill that ache she had in her deepest recesses.

"What are you waiting foooor!" she squealed. The bastard shoved his whole length into her warm body. She ached for him, leaning up to kiss him. She moaned in the embrace, full of his cock and hazy with the feeling of her husband taking her like he always did. Some part of her mind, deep in the recesses exalted the feeling of being pinned, wanting nothing more than to accept it and more.

"So fucking needy," he smirked at her. His lips moved over hers in their roaming, eager embrace. Each of them was precisely where they needed to be.

She had her mouth still open, stuck in a sentence that would never form, a gasp that kept going and going, stretching out ad infinitum until it disappeared. She'd hold onto him if he'd let her. But she was at his mercy and at least his mercy made her squeal with need. It was wonderful and her whole body shivered for him, legs quaking and eyes glazing over.

"That's it. That's more like it. Just take it, bitch!"

From anyone else that may be a slappable offense but this was David she was talking about. And he had held her through morning sickness and losing her job and all the heartache and pain. This was more than just some man fucking a bitch. She was his. As much as he was hers. This wasn't some ownership like in the days of before where she was his property they were each other's, in a way. And it made her happy. She loved that this was a man whom she could share anything with. Theirs was a connection that had frayed and bounced back and they were still there, smiling and joking around like they were still freshly dating and fucking like newlyweds. She kissed him again and their lips became one.

She wasn't even aware she was close until it hit her all at once. Her whole body quaked, a steady beating pulse of her peak. It made her dizzy and she dropped back to the bed, all but howling for him.

David kept going. His hips moving in slow, even thrusts until her head was spinning. She lost herself in the haze of pleasure and need and want. She was his and she wasn't even aware of herself as she rode out peak after peak. Her body stiffened, arms clutching him and Jessica whimpered into his neck. Her husband was properly fucking her it was true. But he was also treating her with the care and devotion that she expected of him. His hand rubbed her clit as he fucked her. She clutched the back of his head and gasped out when his knot began forming. Her legs felt like jelly and she closed her eyes, willing herself to keep going. She didn't want it to be over even as her third peak hit her and she splayed out to just accept what he was doing to and with her.

His knot finally speared her, stretching her out and she could feel the oh so familiar feeling of seed spilling out into her. It filled her, keeping her satiated and stuck to him in the most primal sense possible. She panted hard, staring at him from over her breasts.

"I love you," she managed."

David smiled and brushed his hand down her cheek.

"I love you."

She laid back onto the bed, panting and lacing their fingers together. She mumbled and nuzzled into his chest. The collie's tail wagged, thumping against the bed with a heavy thud. She kissed his chest a few times, fingers running over his sides and then back down.

"I'm so happy to have you in my life," he said, looking down at his wife, her eyes locked on his, still glazed over with need and happiness.

"I love you, David."

The shepherd held her close to him, still bound by word, and law, and flesh. She was his and it felt so good to be held by him. She sighed, body heavy but heart light.

The shepherd was all hers, after all. No one could take him away from her.