Chapter II "Under the Rain"

Story by Baltos Eyes on SoFurry

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Hi everyone!!..Here I bring the second chapter of my series...I haven't been able to come up with a title yet...but I will soon...*giggles*....Ok...but before anything....I would like to name someone from here that has become one of the most important people in my life and my best friend.... Carbon know I'm talking about you...right???..Thank you so much for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ch II: Under the Rain

"Detention Mr. Lawrence...for both you and Mr Rivers."

"But please....Mr. Richards...If you would just let me explain" I said sheepishly.

"No excuses. You arrived 10 minutes late!! And What about your unsuccesfully furtive attempt of getting in? No matter what you say, you two are staying one more hour after classes are finished, and I shall phone your respective families in order to inform them about this."

Keith and I shared a worried look. We both know we were in serious trouble, and I was the one specially scared. My mum had warned me about this and as soon as she got the call she would hit the ceiling...Only thinking about it made my hair stand on end..

"Now, I want you two out of my sight" The headmister grunted. "Off to classes!"

"Yes Mr. Richards" Keith and I answered in unison.

We got out of the principal's office and headed to our own classrooms.

"See you later dude....." Keith said half worried, half depressed.

"Yeah, yeah".

All right, before going on, let me tell you everything that happened after I accidentally (and painfully) came across with K'. When I realized that we'd been talking for a really long time, I immediately went pail, and of course, he noticed it.

"What's wrong now? Are you feeling Ok?"

"No...not at all...Actually I feel as if I'm gonna faint....Dear Lord!! How could I have forgotten school.......

The only mention of the word made Keith's expression change.

"Don't you tell me that..." I started.

"Oh God...I think.."

"Enough said...I can guess it"

Now I could see he was as worried as me and even more...

"Ohh...What am I gonna do now??. He asked to himself....but with a tone that indicated he wanted my answer as well. At that moment, I looked up and glimpsed at his eyes, worry was glinting in them...I needed to come up with something and quickly......

For some strange reason, I had the idea that he was probably going to the same place as me... It was ridiculous, Why would he go to the very same school??...I immediately ruled out that possibility....but right after...It came to my head again. I began feeling annoyed...

"It's just a hunch Dusty...You need to get it out of your head and think of something."

A lot of crazy ideas popped out and invaded my mind. It was like a huge twister of thoughts and feelings, making my brain boil like water, and on top of that, the little inkling was becoming stronger and more powerful as minutes went by....

I finally gave up to it.

"Ahhh...I just don't know what I'm doing....but let's hope I'm right....".

I grabbed his hand and started running, we couldn't lose any other second, there would be time for stories later. Then, my biggest concern was how on earth we were going to get to school in time........ Actually, it was already late but I had a plan, and hopefully it would be succesful........

When we finally stood in front of the main gate, my suspicions became true. The gate was already closed and everyone was inside as well. Normally, we would have to ring the bell and wait till the janitor came to open it and then...straight to the headmister's office. I didn't want to handle with that situation so I told Keith what I'd been thinking of.

"Hey...Listen I've got an idea for us not to get caught"

"I'm listening" He replied, a bit hesitant though.

"I'm gonna climb up the gate and then jump to the other you think you can do it too?

"Sure. No problem"

I walked up to the old, rusty gate and started climbing. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, and once I got to the upper part, I took a look around to see if the cost was clear.... When I got sure of that, I jumped.

"There" I said as I got to the floor. "Your turn now Keith..or are you scared? I asked while giggling.

"Yes I know...Here I go" He mumbled.

As he went up, I couldn't stop staring at him. The light from the morning sun on his fur made him look so great, and when he got to the top and took a seconds before jumping to look at me, his deep-blue eyes were sparkling so beautifully that I just couldn't help but admire.

"Watch out Dusty...."He said as he jumped off the gate.

As soon as he did so, I realized he had done it wrong. I didn't want him to get hurt, so I ran over to the spot I had calculated he would land, and stretched my arms to catch him.

The collision was even more harder than I had thougth and of course it made us both strike down to the solid ground and onto MY back........Him above me.

"Ahhh Dammit!!...I said as I tried to rub my head.

"You Ok Dusty???" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah" I said while looking up.

"Don't you wor..."...I suddenly stopped. His eyes were so full of concern that I thought he was about to cry. I wanted to talk, but realized that I couldn't take mine eyes off his: That glorious blue eyes, like an ocean, were staring at me and all I was able to do was the same. I couldn't breathe and my heart was beating almost at the speed of mind then started wandering about a lot of things, and every one had Keith in them....That of course made me feel happy...but confused at the same time.

All of a sudden, a really odd, but comforting warmth began spreading all over my body, an absolutely new feeling for me, and it was pushing me into doing something:

_"Come on..kiss him.......he's waiting for you to do it..and this is the best opportunity"......._I didn't know what to think, or say. The idea had actually struck me even harder than a ligthning and I wasn't sure about why it had turned up in my mind.

Meanwhile, Keith just remained still, with his muzzle closed and a expectant look.

At that moment, all I wanted to do was wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him deeply....

It was a really ackward situation: Both of us silent, staring at each other and just lying on the floor. We would have remained that way the whole day if it hadn't been because of the voice we then heard. Without watching where it came from, I knew the main question was already answered: WHO it came from........

"Hey you two!!..Get up right now!!"

I didn't even want to look, we'd been caught, and in a really strange situation (and position)..but that wasn't the worse thing.

The enormous headmister's body was walking up right to where we were, so we quickly got up and waited for the *carnage* to take place.................

Ok then, you already know the rest of the story: We were almost dragged (and effortlessly I must say) by the huge principal's hand to his office and then the-Why are you so late??? and What were you trying to attempt?? Speech began....

Now that I think about it, it indeed was a really stupid idea, and now thanks to it, Keith was in trouble too.... I needed to apologize.........

I found the best opportunity to do so....right before football practice. However, while in the lockers, I saw myself in a mess..and the mess had a name: Keith.

Whilst getting ready, I couldn't help but stare at him...He had put a tight sleeveless practice shirt on, giving me a nice view of his arms but also showing a glance of his torso, for it kinda wrapped around it............In spite of having wondered off admiring him, I quickly realized and returned to my sense, just in time to hear him calling me:

"Hey, Aren't you ready yet?

"Yes, I'm coming" I replied.

"Guess this is not the time. Maybe later after school or at....the detention"..

During the practice, it was proved that Keith had been bornt to play soccer. We just couldn't keep up with him, and must've scored like 4 times.... I've got to admit that this game is one of my strong points, but still he surpassed us all.

When the class was over, he came to where I was sitting, panting and with my tongue out because of the hard training we'd just had, and said:

"Really good day, eh?....Pity it's over already"

I didn't believe what I had just heard. I looked up at him, and saw that he was panting as heavily as me and was covered in sweat , which made his fur gleam nicely.

"You can't be serious K'....I can't even get onto my paws and you still have energy to keep on running????

"Yeah...It's really fun..."


He was about to reply, when we noticed the coach heading to us. He first asked Keith's name and then:

"So Keith, since I've never seen you here before, I guess you're new here right?

"Yes sir. I moved here just a couple of days ago".

"All right, well I don't usually ask this to the new students but since you're a rea..." Anything you need Mr. Lawrence? Practice is over if you don't know.."

I, of course, immediately understood that he wanted me to leave them alone, so I laboriously got up (my legs were killing me!) and before walking away I said to Keith:

"I'll be at the showers, meet me there when you're finished".

After an endless, hot and heavenly easeful shower I was ready to go, but there were no signs of Keith yet...

"What is it that is taking so long??" I started wondering.

I wanted to leave, but had told K' to meet me there after he was done with the couch, so I sat down and decided to wait a bit more.........5 minutes...10 minutes....

"All right, I'm sorry K' but I'm not waiting any longer!!!"

I angrily stood up, picked up my things, and left the locker room. I hadn't been walking for two minutes when I realized I had forgotten something inside my locker, so I turned round and headed back....When I got there, I heard someone the showers to be precise, turning one of them on.

I slowly came in and saw Keith taking off his trainers, in order to have that fully deserved shower. Since I saw him from behind he didn't notice me...............

I was about to call him, but I suddenly went speechless when he started getting completely naked.................

First, his shirt. He slowly removed it revealing his furry body to me, his chest gleaming with a cover of sweat. I couldn't help but just stare as he continued pulling it up and off, as if he was doing it in purpose, as if he knew I was right there behind him watching the "spectacle" and almost drooling.

"Boy is he hot...!!!!"

As soon as he got rid of the shirt, he took off his shorts....I knew he was wearing nothing beneath them, so I got a fantastic view of his cute ass while walking straight to the spray of water......

He stepped in, letting the water run through his fur. He grabbed a soap and started to rub it on his fur, beggining at his arms, then slowly moving to his chest, down to his belly and finally........his crotch.

While all this was happening, I was hidden behind a locker, being witness of it, enjoying every second and minute. The same warmth from that morning, invaded me again, but stronger this time, and I could already feel my cock hardening just by watching him.

"I can't believe this..."

He started rubbing his cock, gently first and then faster and faster, making him moan pleasurably. The hot water, and all the steam floating around him, made the whole situation even more pleasant. His fur, gleaming....and since I could already heard him uttering moans louder, I knew that he was reaching his climax...............

Seconds before he cummed, I caught the only two words he said during the whole time...


I gasped and immediately opened my eyes widely...

"He said...what?.......Did he say my name!!??

Despite this, I remained silent, I didn't want to interrumpt him....

In that moment, it was all done...He made a rather loud groan as releasing his load......cumming all over the shower wall.

He took a few seconds to get his breath back and then quickly cleaned everything up and turned out the water. He got dressed in one motion then left.

When he was already out, I sat down...still with the picture of him jerking off in my mind. I couldn't believe what I had just saw and took me about 3 minutes to fully understand the situation and snap out of that state.

I opened my locker, grabbed what I had forgotten and headed back to classes.

I noticed how a group of blacks clouds started gathering................

"This is the last thing I need today....."

I had no news from Keith until classes were finished. We had arranged to meet each other at the door of the headmister's office. As I got there, I saw him leaning against the wall and waiting for me.

"Hi there Dusty...Why did you take so long??" He asked with a smile.

"Emm, Yeah..Hi Keith...I was just...doing something else." I replied hesitant.

The shower issue was still settled in my thoughts, and had me a bit confused...something he noticed, 'cause suddenly, the smile turned to worry...

"Are you"...He tried to ask , but I rudely interrumpted him...

"Shouldn't we enter already, he must be waiting for us, and we don't want to make him even angrier.. Do we??

"Emm, yes sure." He replied.

Mr. Richards was already waiting for us, as I had supposed. He told us to sit down, and gave us a 20 minutes-speech, about the disadvantages of being late, and trying to sneak off instead of facing our responsibilities...and blah, blah, blah......He said a lot of things and I heard nothing, I couldn't pay attention to him, I had something more important to think of.

"Why did he say my name??...Of course it could be another Dusty, but still...."

Then, he took us to a classroom, where we were told to sit and remain silent, as waited for the rest of the hour to go by. He then left, assuring us he would come back in a few minutes.....

We sat next to each other, but no words came out of my muzzle.

"Is something wrong" He concernedly asked.

"'s just that I want to go already. That's all" I sharply replied.

After that, no more talking....We both were quiet....uncomfortably quiet....The atmosphere was getting more and more tense, and it got even worse..when I noticed that he had his eyes on me, and he wouldn't take them off.

I spent the last 15 minutes, trying to ask him about what happened, but I didn't want to sound impolite, and what's more, I absolutely couldn't let him know that I had been spying on him while showering...and jerking.

I decided to look outside, in order to help me get my mind clear...and I saw that the sky was now completely covered, and that it was already drizzling...

"Perfect!!...the greatest end for the greatest day"

When we were finally released...He came to me and asked:

"Can I walk with you for a while"...he seemed about to cry.

"Of course you can...but tell me what's wrong!..."

"Me!!?...It's you the one who has've been ignoring me since training.!!

I knew that was wasn't because I was angry...just was trying to make my mind up.

"I'm sorry K'...It's just that my head is splitting...Got many thing to think about and...

"And...what??..Come on dude...tell me...It can't be that bad..."....

"Ok...but's let get walking....before the storm finds us still outside."

We began walking. With every step given, my body trembled a little. I wasn't sure of what to say..and the worst part was that I had to come up with something since he was waiting my asnwer.....

I finally said:

"Listen K'...The reason why I've been so indiferent to you that..,I saw what you were doing at the showers!"...I closed my eyes instinctevily.

"YOU DID WHAT??..." He blushed instantaneously. "Oh Jesus...But why didn't you...??!!:..

"I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to. It just that I got tired of waiting from you...and decided to leave. Then..I realized I had forgotten something and went back...that's when I saw you there...stripping, getting into the shower and then...well you know...."

"You saw everything then...right??...He sheepishly asked.

"The whole thing"....

After 2 minutes that seemed two hours he finally added:

"Ok...." He sighed deeply and then said..."Did you like it anyways? What you saw?

I , for sure, wasn't expecting that kind of answer. It caught me so unaware that it made me gasped...and I got to asnwer after some seconds...

"What you do mean"...

"You know...I asked if you liked what you saw me doing"....

The storm finally broke......

"Oh no!!..Can anything else go wrong today????" I furiously yelled.

I was only two blocks from home and now this...It had turned out to be a terrible day...but you know what people say...there's a positive thing in every situation....

I suddenly felt my hand being grabbed by Keith's and then all I remember is us running like crazy...till we finally got to my house. We stood under the door, in order to protect us from the rain:

"Oh dear...I'm soaked to the skin dude...and are you Ok?? I asked while looking to Keith...We were both dripping and really exhausted.

"Yeah, Yeah...I'm fine...

"Emm...thanks K'...for what you did."

"Don't you mention it...but you never answered my question" He said while getting closer to me.

"Now it's the time Dusty...come on!!:.Tell him you loved watching him while stroking his dick up and down....and then getting his rocks off. And also that he gave you the hardest erection ever...and..."

All this was taking place in my was driving me crazy...and because all that pressure all I was able to softly articulate was...

" looked pretty good"

I instantly looked down.....I couldn't watch him in the eyes...I felt so embarrased because of the entire situation..that couldn't even speak....

"Hey...don't you's Ok..." He soothingly said..while wrapping his arms around me.

"What are you...? I said as lifting my head to face him.

He was looking at me...with those charming eyes...making me feel protected and loved.

All of a sudden...he kissed me. A powerful feeling got into my body, something that I can't explain with words...but filled me from the inside with joy.

That feeling was responsible for me putting my arms around Keith's neck...and start rubbing his back while passion grew stronger.

I could feel his tongue wandering inside my muzzle, making the kiss even more intense...but finally after one minute...we unwillingly pulled apart....desperately attempting to get some fresh air.....

"My God...that was the most...." I wasn't even able to talk.

"Don't say it now Dusty.....You surely have a lot to think and I don't want to rush you because of this. Maybe you can give me an answer one of these days...."

He was right...I knew, deeply inside, that I had a crush on him....but I needed to be sure before doing or saying anything.

"You're right......Maybe..."

But he was already walking away....the storm made it difficult to see...So I followed him with my eyes until his figure faded away in the middle of the rain.....

For some mind was now in peace, so I could actually think clearly...but before wondering about nothing...I had to come in and get dry.

I used my key to open the door and found my mum waiting for me at the living room. Sitting on the couch...with a not so friendly look in the eyes...and holding the phone in her left hand.

My problems were just beginning.................