Brought into the Light: part 1: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

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#3 of Sheath fictions

Alex and Will for Sheath and Knife are arrested for involvement in cub pornography and involvement with a cub molester. But there's a back story to the main story.

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction

by Dan 1966

Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end.

Saturday Morning, May 14, 2018 10am Ocean Pass Public Park skate pit

18 year old Will Gray bounced between watching Alex trick off the edges of the skateboard bowl and teaxting on his smart phone...

"So where you at right now?" Came in a text from Alex, a dog whom Will was having a homosexual fling with.

"With little brother at the Ocean Pass Skate Park." Will replied.

"Cool....I might drop by later on and see you." Alex replied.

"See you later then." Will replied texting, then he slipped his phone back into his jacket and sat quietly watching Alex as he sat to readjust his knee protectors. Their relationship with each other had been under a little strain for the past few months. Strain nothing, call it tense. Since the little near discovery frakus with Alex and his own boyfriend Kimba, Will decided to back off "playing" around with Alex...playing around meaning screwing him when their parents weren't home. To Alex, who had up too this time been very close to Will, which meant to the younger wolf a lot, it felt like sort of a betrail. A "dump" and it showed in his behavior.

Alex took a break from skating to sit on the park bench next to his brother after getting a soda from the soda machine...

"I'm really getting better on those cuts. Thanks for the tips about shifting weight Will, it helped a lot." Alex said cheerfully.

"You did very good." Will replied, short and simple.

The 13 year old wolf huffed. "And that's it?"

Will replied..."You did very good. You should enter the park tournament Alex, I think you have the stuff to score pretty high."

Alex groaned and crossed his arms..."You used to skate with me to actually see how I was doing. Like everything else, that's changed."

"Now what does that mean?" Will replied. "I came with you to the park, I've been watching you the whole time."

"Yeah....from a distance. Thanks a lot." Alex huffed as he got up. "Like I said... everything changed. When's the last time you even gave me a little hug big brother?" Alex snorted as he turned from Will and went back to the skating bowl.

Will sat back exasperated...."Ugh...he's acting like a guy who's not getting a drug fix. Sheesh can't that kid just be happy with Kimba? Fuck me...."

Saturday Morning, May 14, 2018 10am Western Estates Communities Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Gordon Gray, a broad shoulder 6 foot tall Gray Timber Wolf, stood on a ladder in the front yard reparing the rain gutters of the one story house. His wife Grace came walking out with a bottle of water and a large bone shapped doggie bisquit...

"Hey. You want a break there my big furry stud?" Grace said as she wiggled the water in her hand.

Gordon came down and gave her a lick on the cheek. "Where's the boys?"

"You know Alex? Saturday so he has to drag Will to the park." Grace replied.

Gordon took a swig of the water and pursed his lips. "I'm going to have another talk with William about his future again."

"Gordon?" Grace said. "You are not going to make a Navy man out of our son, Will's his own person, let him chose."

"It's just a good option for him baby, it will give him direction and besides...we talked that we would save to send Alex to college." Gordon said as he sat on the grass.

Grace sighed and sat next to her husband. "I'm a little concerned about Alex, Gordon. He's developing an attitude I've never seen with William before. He gets snappy at him sometimes and he always seems to look.....well......look like he wants a fight with him."

Gordon shook his head. "It's typical seperation anxiety Grace. Will's getting ready to move on, he's 19 now...he has his own life, he can't be Alex's snuggle teddy for the rest of his life. Tell you what? I'll get a pizza tonight, we'll sit with the boys and we'll try to work out Alex's worries. Besides the kitchen is nice and I don't feel we should mess it up for dinner."

Just then....a car came to a stop in front of the house. Gordon watched as a German Shepherd popped out of the drivers seat....

"Oh my gawd...." Gordon said as he stood up. "Oh my gawd could it be...."

Gordon started to run towards the Shepherd. "Brent? Lieutanant Cavenaugh?"

The German Shepherd waved. "Hey Gordie." He said calmly.

Gordon came up and took the dog in a tight hug. "Oh my gawd "El Tee" how long have you been around and you never bothered to call me?" Gordon wrapped an arm around the shepherd's shoulders and noogied his head...."Grace?!"

Gordon walked with Cavennaugh up to Grace..."Grace? This is Lieutenant Brent Cavenaugh from the old Vulcan, my favorite division officer! Well son of a bitch, let me look at you El Tee?"

"Oh come on Gordie, it's just Brent now." The German Shepherd replied. "You knew I wasn't staying in the service long but it's very good to see you looking the same there Chief. You're retired, let the shit go." Brent said as he poked Gordon's six pack military abbs.

"The diver leaves the Navy man but the Navy never leaves the diver." Gordon said. "So what are you doing now?" He asked Brent.

"I'm working for the state police. Told you I'd follow my dad and grandfather into the state force."Brent said. Then he looked at Grace. "Gordie? Can I talk to you alone?"

"Sure Brent." Gordon replied. "Grace? Make some coffee for us will you please?"

As Grace walked into the house....Gordon draped an arm over Brent's shoulder. "What's up "El......" sorry....what's up Brent?"

The German Shepherd's face turned serious and for a moment he could say anything.

"Brent?" Gordon asked.

"Gordon? I'm not here on a social call. I was....sent here because we served together and it was thought best that I talk to you because of our shared background."

Gordon leaned against the side of his house. "Go on..."

Brent pulled a picture out of an envelope. "You ever seen this guy around your house?

Gordon took a look at the picture of the white dog with blue ears and blue spots around his snoot and shook his head....

"No Sir. Never been here." Gordon replied.

Brent asked. "You're sure? Never been here once?"

"No." Gordon replied.

Brent paused for a little then asked again. "What about your son William? He ever spoke of this guy to you? Said he was hanging around a dog from school?"

"No." Gordon replied.

"Your sons? William and Alexander? Have they ever spent a lot of time away from home? Maybe told you there were going places for a few days together?" Brent asked.

"Well there's the occasional things, sleep over with friends, late night at friends homes...typical things kids do." Gordon started to frown. "Brent? You're starting to make me nervious, what the hell is going on?"

Brent went quiet for a moment..."Gordie.....Gordie.....I think you should get Grace, stop talking to me and just go over to my car. Don't go in the house, just call your wife to come out....."

Brent reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "This is a state search warrant for your property Gordon....I need to know how many computers you have in the house and I need you and your wife to turn over any cell phones in your posession."

Gordon stood shocked......"Are you? Are you placing us? Are you arresting us?"

Brent closed his eyes...."No Gordon.....we're arresting your boys. Alex Gray and William Gray. Just.....just call your wife to come out of the house.....please?"

Gordon turned his head to see two state police cars pull up in front of the house.

Saturday Morning, May 14, 2018 10:15am Ocean Pass Public Park skate pit

Alex popped up over the lip of the skate bowl and caught his skateboard off his toe as two large rotty dogs walked up to him...

"Alexander Gray?" One asked.

"Yeah?" Alex replied.

One of the rotties flashed a police badge...."Officer Manix of the State Police, you're under arrest, drop the skate board."

Alex started to run but one of the rotties caught him by an arm and slammed him into the concrete! "WILL! WILL! GET OFF ME! GET OFF ME!"

Will jumped from the park bench screaming..."HEY YOU MOTHER FUCKERS! LEAVE MY LITTLE BROTHER ALONE!" Just as he got close, a German Shepherd state trooper blind tackled him on the side and drove him into the ground!

"William Gray! You are under arrest!" The Shepherd said as he threw all his weight atop Will's back and slapped hand cuffs on his wrists!

Alex was screaming and crying as the rotties dragged him to a waiting police cruiser. While Will was pulled to his feet....

"William Gray? You're hearby charged with multiple counts of felony cub rape and the posession / creation of cub pornograpy with attempt to distribute same. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up your right to remain silent anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attourny. If you can not afford an attourny, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them?"

"Please! Don't hurt my little brother.....please.....please...." Will begged the trooper.

"Mister Gray? Do you understand your rights? Yes or no?" The officer asked Will.

Will nodded. "Yes.....yes I do."

Another German Shepherd came up and together they dragged Will and threw him into the back of a cruiser.

Saturday Morning, May 14, 2018 10:37am Western Estates Communities Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

The curious around the neighborhood were standing around watching the activity around the Gray house as Gordon sat with his wife Grace inside Brent's car in the back seats. Grace was sobbing as Gordon pulled her close to his side....

"But....what did they do?" Gace asked. "Gordon? Did you see anything strange about our sons?"

Gordon shook his head. "The only thing I saw strange was months ago when all three of them were naked in the house. But they told me a reasonable excuse for it. I had no cause to think differently."

Gordon saw a female lion get out of a car and talk to Brent who gestured back to his car as he handed her a folder full of papers. She walked to the back of Brent's car and slowly opened the back door...

"Mister and Mrs. Gray?" The lioness said. "I am Detective Lieutenant Darnosky. Right now you both are not under arrest, you're not being detained but I have to read you your rights before we proceed further."

Gordon pointed to the house. "Our house?"

"We will respect your property as much as possible but you must both understand that this is a police investigation under a warrant. Every part of the house has to be searched. We're going to put you both up in a hotel tonight....Police guard of course."

Grace was shivering...."My children? Why did you arrest my children? I have a right to know why...."

Darnosky pursed he lips. "Allow me to read you your rights first." She marandized Gordon and Grace then gestured them to follow her to a police van in the family drive way.....

"Can I....get you both anything? Coffee? Water?"Darnosky asked as she opened the folder in her hands...

"Mister and Mrs. Gray? This......this is going to be very difficult for you both...Several days ago we arrested a serial cub molester from an on-line sting who lives in ( ) named Alex Binx. Your older son William was involved in a homosexual relationship with Binx. And....apparently....William had been molesting your younger son Alex for some time and introduced Alex to Binx and another cub who was also a friend of Alex. They.....were making pornographic videos with Binx who'd been posting them on the internet."

Grace....lost it. Gordon wrapped his arms around her as she kicked and screamed and cried....then cryed Hysterically in Gordon's chest...

Saturday Morning, May 14, 2018 10:38am State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Alex walked in front of a single Rotty trooper who led him to a desk where a German Shepherd police dog in plain clothes sat at his computer....

"Full name?" He asked Alex.

Alex was cringing...rubbing his mouth with a hand which the officer snatched and pulled away...

"I asked you a question son? Full name?" He asked Alex again...

"Alexander Martin Gray." Alex replied. "Can I see my brother? Where's my parents?"

The German Shepherd gave a light displeasurable growl. "Kid? Right now I ask the questions and you answer it?" The officer snorted. "What's your age?"

"Thirteen" Alex replied. Suddenly, Will came through the front doors being manhandled by two German Shepherd State troopers and Alex tried to fly off his seat but was quickly snatched up by a Rotty police dog....

"WILL! WILL! LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKEN ASS HOLES! WILL!" Alex screamed and cried out as Will tried to fight the police holding him only to get a trenchion strike to the stomach by a third before being dragged through a door like a rag doll.

Alex sat being held down by the Rotty until he answered all the questions, then he was walked to another desk where an officer guided him to stand before a background of body height designators and gave him a mug shot sign to hold while pictures were taken. Then he passed Alex off to another officer who stood putting on a pair of surgical gloves....

"Take your clothes off kid." The officer demanded.

Alex cowarded and the officer replied with a little more force. "Kid? Do not test our patience? Take the clothes off."

Alex slowly stripped down...and out of fear....pissed over his own legs.

"That was expected." The officer said as he gestured to another officer. "Get the kid here some cleaning materials, he wet himself good."

Ten minutes later....Alex was wearing only a pair of paper shorts and was put into a room by himself.

Saturday Morning, May 14, 2018 11:35 am State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

John Brubaker, a white pitbull, walked through the station and met his partner Barry McKnight, a bassett hound, who was standing by one of the two way mirrors at the interogation rooms...

"Morning Barry." John said as he grabbed a cup of kibble bits and a coffee, "So what do we have on the fun room kit this morning?"

Barry passed John a folder. "Two catches from Operation Dark to Light. One timber wolf age 13 and his brother age 19. No priors, given their school performance they were two rather exceptional and very strait kids....on the outside. The older one? Fucked the younger one up the tailhole for years. Turns out he meets our main guy of interest, they get into a gay relationship. Older brother decides to introduce younger brother and then younger brother and a friend start making pornos for Alex the blue earred mutt."

John looked through the glass at Will as he sat at the interogation table. "This one's going to sing like a bird. I'll take him. You should let Nala take younger one, she's the specialist with young cubs.

Barry nodded and then said.." The public defender's office is sending a lawyer for the older brother, Juvie's going to send one for the other one."

John Brubaker finished his coffe and tapped the folder in his hand before he entered the interogation room that will was sitting in. The Timber Wolf Twink shrank from him, his ears drooped down and he turned his face away in shame. John placed the folder on the table and cleared his throat...

"William? Son....look at me. I'm not going to bite your head off." John said. "Do you want something to drink? Water? Have you eaten at all?"

The young wolf started to cry...

"William?" John said as he reached out a hand. "Son....don't clam up on me or you'll make this a lot worse now come on and look at me, I'm not here to rip your head off but you'll only makes things worse for yourself and your little brother by loosing it, do you understand?"

It took a few moments for Will to calm down enough to even look at the police officer...."Alex....I just want to see Alex."

"I think you know by now that's not going to happen Son." John said. "You're facing some serious stuff here. A lawyers coming but there are some immediate things you need to come to lamb and mutton chops about and you better not bull shit on the details."

John slid a piece of paper on the desk with a pencil. "I want a list of your sexual contacts besides Alex Binx and the two cubs you've been having sex with."

Will wiped his face. "There's been just Alex."

"You're sure?" John snorted.

"Yes." Will replied.

"Only one?" John pressed. " understand why I'm asking for a list?"

Will started to sob...."I didn't mean to hurt Alex..."

"Well.....a little late for that revelation William. I'm asking that information from you to make sure you didn't give your little brother a gift like an STD or AIDS. Did that ever enter into your mind while you fucked your little brother up the tail hole? You're in some serious shit William so my advice to you is you better sing like crazy if you want to avoid being some big bull dogs' cunt in prison. A cute Lupis like you won't last a day in general pop. Are you getting this clear enough William?"

In the other room. Alex couldn't sit, he paced the room back and forth rubbing his arms and looking blankly at the mirror glass, which he knew was a one way mirror. He wondered if Will was behind that glass or Mom and Dad or if the police were getting their jollies off a young wolf who'd pissed all over himself and was scared absoluetly shitless. The opening of the room door cause Alex to walk to the chair and quickly sit.

A tan lioness came in dressed in a grey business suit with a folder in her hand and sat on the other side of the table. At least the television was giving the truth in Alex's mind, this was the part on CSI where they chewed the face off bad guys; only they sent a female lion? Alex was expecting some ten foot tall Doe-bee or other aggressive dog cop.

"Hello Alex. I'm Nala." The lioness said as she opened the folder. "Is there anything you need? Water? Soda? You hungry?"

Alex sat quiet for a moment till he sniffed a bit...."They're gonna kill my brother, aren't they?"

"No...last time I checked we still had something called "Due process." Nala replied.

"Yeah....." Alex replied sarcastically. "First they process and then they execute him. That's what happens when you fuck your little brother in the ass."

Nala replied. "Might I remind you, young man, that you're also in very hot water here so I would be careful what you say?" She pased Alex a paper and pencil. "Now....first I want all the name of the people you've had sex with...excluding Alex Binx , Your brother and Kimba Kinison."

Alex snapped. "You arrested Kimba too?!"

"That's what usually happens when you have sex with another cub and an adult and all your naked butts get plastered on the internet for perverts to masterbate too...yeah, we arrested him too. Now this is standard procedure and a required one so....who else?"

Alex frowned. "I want to see my brother."

"Not going to happen kid." Nala replied. "We need the list so we can be sure you didn't get an STD or HIV or passed it on to anyone you've had sex with."

"Well.....Will, Alex and Kimba were the only people." Alex said.

"Are you sure?" Nala asked.

"I think I'd know who was putting their dicks in my tail hole?" Alex snapped back. "I'm not saying anything else until I see a lawyer or I get to see my brother, I watch CSI, I know the drill."

Nala leaned forwards...."Then you should chew this fat in your head for a while Alex. Your brother is in deep trouble. Right now he could be facing 40 years in prison. Your treatment as a juvinile won't even stack up to the hell Will's facing. Imagine him in a big prison lock up? They will use him like a pass around pin cushion and by the time they're done ripping him open? They'll kill him. If you value him as much as I think you do? You're going to do the right thing and help us nail this Alex dirt bag to the dinner bell pole instead of you brother.....think on it kid."

Nala pointed to the paper again. "Now....are you absolutely sure there was only Will, Alex and Kimba?"

Alex replied as he started to cry again....."Yes....."

Nala took her folder and walked out.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 12:17pm Western Estates Communities Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Gordon was still hugging Grace as she sat quiet for a moment in his arms before he helped her to lay on a cot and gently kissed her on the cheek as the calming pill he gave her took affect...

Behind him, a young German Shepherd male dog dressed in civilian clothes came up. "Mister Gray?"

Gordon nodded in reply. "Yes...."

"Sir, I'm Louis a crisis response representitive sent by the department. Call me part shrink / part Guidance councelor...especially in things such as this." The Shepherd said as he shook Gordon's hand. "I'm not a legally deputized law enforcement officer and everything between us is confidential and beyond judicial perview. I'm just here to help you understand and try to help you cope and respond in a way that helps yourself, your sons and this whole situation."

Gordon nodded. "I don't think my wife...."

"Right now, she's best where she's at. It's you I'm concerned with. As a father, the anger is going to be pretty hot." Louis said.

"Yeah....." Gordon replied. "I'm hot enough to crack a few heads....put some high velocity rounds into a dirtbag....yeah, I guess I'm a little pissed off. My older boy's been fucking the shit out of my younger boy, my younger boy's been making faggot porn with some ass hole mutt?.....yeah I'm red hot fucken pissed."

Louis sighed in reply. "Which is why we took all the guns and amo from the house."

"There's always steak knives?" Gordon huffed.

"We took them too." Louis replied.

Gordon replied..."Of course you did. So what am I supposed to do Louis? Be happy that my boys are cock sucking faggots?"

"I'm not implying you should be happy about anything Gordon." Louis replied. "I'm trying to explain to you how you should act to help your sons, not kill them. How you interact with them from here on out could salvage something possitive from this or worse, they might see nothing left but suicide. We're trying to stay away from the latter."

Gordon growled a little, then sat down and took a moment to calm down..."So what are we looking at here? Honestly?"

Louis replied. "Since Alexander's a juvinile, depending on how things shape out you might get him back or he might do some time in a detention center. With William? It could be up to 40 years in prison."

Gordon shook his fists..."I don't understand this? Ok? I.......where did we go wrong? I....I look at everything we did with our boys...where did we fuck up with them? My gawd they're both good in school....Will graduated 2nd in his class, Alexander's grades were always excellent. They never gave us any trouble, Where did we fuck up?"

Louis waved a hand. "There's too many different variables to go through Gordon. Some times it's environment, sometimes it's external influences...the first mistake parents make is to say they didn't do anything right and in families like yours where there's absolutely no history of problems....blaming yourself can be self-destructive. It ends up putting the parents against each other; don't let it devolve to that, your wife needs you."

Louis patted Gordon's shoulder. "Now as hard as you think this will be? You have to put thoughts about what they did behind you when you get to see them again and that's not going to be easy...especially with William because you are going to see him as the offender, it's a natural behavior in these cases of incest and William's going to be pretty messed up having to have all this come out into the open. For now? You want to keep your son safe not drive him to kill himself, you don't need to compound this into a worse tragedy....especially for Grace. No matter what they did, they're still her children and a mother is going to do what a mother does and that might make you more upset."

Louis pulled an envelope out of his coat. "This is a hotel reservation at the Marriot for the next three days so you and the wife can have time alone. The processing of the house should be completed by tomorrow. I'll call you but here's my number so you can call me when you need me. In fact? Why don't we go out for a coffee or lunch? I'll buy."

Gordon nodded then he lost it. Louis wrapping his arms around the big Timber Wolf as he balled and sobbed...."That's good Gordon.....that's good, let it come out."

Saturday Afternoon May 14, 2018 12:16 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

John Brubaker came back into the room with a cup of coffee and a soda. "I thought you might want one or the other."

Will couldn't drink...he hung his head low and cried..."I wanna die. I wanna fucken die...."

John leaned across the table. "And then what? You turn your little brother into something worse? You hurt your parents? Will? Suicide answers nothing, it won't reverse time and it won't heal wounds. Don't make us have to resort to a doggie collar and a leash teather?

"I'm nothing but shit!" William snapped. "Just fucking kill me and end it!"

"Sorry...." John replied. "Not going to happen. You need to be an adult and suck up William. At least salavage something out of this messed up situation. Now I'm going to ask you specifically about Alex Binx and you need to be honest with me. Some of it's to check his answers and some of it's to clarify your actions. You have the right not to tell me anything but I hope for your sake that you'll be honest with me ok?"

"I used my little brother like a fucken cum rag." Will sobbed.

"I'm not interested in your sex life right now William except between you and that blue eared cub fucking you understand?" John asked. "Stop crying and buck up."

John handed Will a handkerchief. "Come on to me. How did you meet this guy?"

Will took a deep breath. "At school track meets."

" started having a relationship with him when? What age were you?"

"In the summer...two years ago. I was 17." Will replied.

"Did you know he was into cubs then? Was it something you found out right off or did it start to come up a little later?" John asked. Will went silent for a moment. "Will? Was it something you found out right off or did it start to come up a little later?"

"It was later." Will replied.

"How did you find out?" John asked.

"He.....he was making comments about......about my little brother. Calling him cute, that sort of stuff." Will said as he started to cry again.

John placed his hands on Will's shoulders...."Will? Look at me Son....look at me."

Will raised his head...." I can't do this....I can't....I wanna die....."

"Stop it." John said calmly. "Stop it right now. You have to face this William, you're not going to run from it and we're not going to let you kill yourself. If you help us put this Alex bastard away for a long time, it's only going to help you out of this mess you're in. If you love your little brother and you want to help him then you have to stiffen up and help us. Your life isn't over and we don't think you're wasted flesh so don't you quit on yourself..." John sat back and allowed Will to compose himself.

"Now.....did Alex ask you to bring your little brother over to his house the first time?" John asked.

"No." Will replied. "I took him with me."

John pursed his lips. "Are you sure? He didn't ask? You took Alex with you, you decided to put Alex in your car and took him to Alex's house?"

Will nodded. "Yes...."

John wrote on a paper tablet. "And how old were you?"

"17...." Will replied.

"17? You're sure?" John asked. "Tell me you are sure."

Will answered. " was two months before my birthday."

Nala came back into the room Where Alex was being kept to find the Happy Meal from McDonald's uneaten and Alex sitting quietly playing his fingers over his lips as she took a seat...

"You're not hungry?" She asked the shaky young wolf.

"I feel like I might throw up." Alex replied.

I have some questions I have to ask you regarding how you ended up meeting this Alex guy. Obviously they're not going to be nice questions but for you and your brother's sake....they're important so you need to answer them the best you can.

Alex looked at Nala..."How's my brother?" He asked.

"Right now? Obviously not doing well emotionally. How are you feeling?" Nala asked.

"Like dirty shit." Alex replied.

Nala reached out and gently rubbed Alex's hand...."You have to be strong Alex. You have to face this and be brave ok?"

Alex nodded slowly and wiped his eyes then grabbed his stomach...."Ugh.....I'm gonna throw up!"

Nala jumped up and helped Alex to the sink where the young wolf upchucked his stomach and sank to his knees...."I feel dizzy."

Nala laid him on the floor and propped up his feet with a nearby pillow as a police officer came into the room...."Detective Sargent? Do you need EMT?"

"No." Nala Said. "The kid's just having a panic attack, get me a cloth to put on his forehead..."

"Will.....I wanna see Will....." Alex said softly sobbing. "I wanna see my brother."

Nala turned to the officer..."Tell John Brubaker to bring the older one in here just for a few minutes?"

Brubaker stood at the door glancing at Will as the officer told him what Nala asked. "If she thinks it would be helpful? All right." He said as he gestured to Will to stand up.

"I'm going to let you see your little brother for just a few minutes William but you make any stupid moves or think of going kamikaze by cop? I will beat your fucken ass till you can't hold onto the floor.....understand?"

Will nodded as Brubaker took him into the next room and Will pulled Alex off the floor and into his arms....

"Alex? I am so sorry for everything I've done to you." Will said crying. He cupped Alex's face with his hands and petted his head tuft..."You tell them everything you understand? You tell them every fucken thing you know. Fuck whatever happens to me, you understand?"

Alex sobbed...."I don't want you to go to prison! I don't want you to die!"

"I don't care what happens to me now, do you understand? Mom and Dad are what's important and they need you..."

Alex pulled back. "Need me?! I need you! I need you Will gawd damn it! I need you!"

Brubaker snatched Will by an arm. "That's enough William."

Will stretched a hand and grabbed Alex's hand...."You tell them everything ok? Tell them all of it!"

Alex snapped back. "If you kill yourself, if you fucken die on me, I'll hate you Will! I'll hate you with my fucken guts! Don't you sell yourself into a fucken prison!"

Alex fell backwards into a wall and sat sobbing was Will vanished out of the room.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 12:39 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

"Good morning everybody." The grey tabby cat with black stripes wearing a blue suit with white shirt and red neck tie said as he walked and waved through the station. "Smitty? How's the grand-baby doing you old flea bag Grizzly you?"

"You want to be her first solid meal sand-crapper?" The Bear replied with a paw bump. "How's Chanelle?"

"Fantastic." Fritz Katts replied. "It is great to be a grandfather....then again it's just a sada confirmation that my days of dick rodeo are over. I'm the appointed attourney for this William Gray. You guys have him in holding I suppose?"

The grizzly replied. "He's with John Brubaker in interogations."

"Giving the poor guy the vulcan mind fuck huh?" Fritz said waving a hand. "I better get in there before John turns my cliants' brain to a pile of goo."

The grizzley replied. "John's keeping to specific questions about the blue eared baby raper mutt, just so you know?"

"So long as he sticks to that only? I'm fine with letting him go on without me in the room. I suppose I can hook up a phone to the wall bug as always right?" Fritz asked.

"Of course." The grizzley replied. "I haven't seen D.A. "T.C." just yet (T.C. Is Top Cat from the Top Cat Cartoons of the 1960's. His Assistant D.A. Is Chu Chu McGurn) but McGurn is here.

Fritz walked through the station and came to the interogation room space where Chu Chu McGurn was standing at one of the windows...

"Afternoon Chooch." Fritz said as he walked up. "So what's the short skinny on this mess?" He said as he looked through a window at Will. "That's my client?"

"Yeah." Chu Chu replied. "That's him and the one with Nala is his little brother. Incest with a twist of cub porn related to the blue eared baby rapper."

Fritz huffed a breath. "is it just me or are we seeing more and more of this sick shit with our kids these days? Did you hear about Selectman Augie's kid yesterday?"

"What about him?" Chu Chu asked.

"His kid came into his office, his pup Dawgee? The kid comes in pulling this corgie behind him from elementary school and says "Hey Dear old Dad? This is my boyfriend of mine, just so you don't have a panic in case you walk in my room." Fucken pup's only 8 years old and tells Augie he's a homosexual and he's got a boyfriend; can you believe that crazy shit?"

"As if I'm shocked these days." Chu Chu snorted. "Please don't tell me you're going to pull that shit?"

"Depends if we can reach an agreement after we've had time with these two. We'll see how this rolls. The way society is going right now its' getting tougher and tougher to justify the law books.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 12:39 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Alex was sipping his drink like crazy, a good sign...

"Slow down Alex or you'll get sick again." Nala said. "Are you feeling better?" She asked.

"A little better now." Alex said as he turned his head. "I'm really worried about my brother? You guys will make sure he doesn't pull anything stupid right?"

"As best we can." Nala replied. "Now...we have to face those difficult questions ok?"

Alex nodded and pursed his lips. "Ok...."

"When did this all start? When's the first time you had sex with Will?" Nala asked.

"When I was ten." Alex replied.

"How old was Will?" Nala asked.

"Sixteen." Alex replied.

"So the first time you met this Alex, the blue eared dog? When was that?" Nala asked.

"When I was 11." Alex replied.

"And how old was Will at that time?" Nala asked.

"17." Alex replied.

"And how did you meet Alex Blinx?" Nala asked.

"Will took me to his house." Alex said.

"And you had sex with him and Will?" Nala asked.

"Yup." Alex replied.

"How many times did Will take you to see Alex?" Nala asked.

"Just that once." Alex replied.

"Once?" Nala asked. "Just one time? You're sure?"

"Yeah." Alex replied. "I wanted to go more but Will said one time was too many for him so...."

" kept seeing Alex?" Nala asked.

"Well yeah....I liked him." Alex replied. "So I had Kimba cover for me if Will called him and I met Alex to pick me up."

Nala wrote on her note pad. "And you didn't tell Will?"

"Nope." Alex said.

"Alex never told Will?" Nala asked.

"No." Alex said. "I just thought he didn't need to know. I was having a lot of fun."

" kept on seeing him?" Nala said. "And did you pose for pictures?"

"Yup." Alex said.

"And you made videos?" Nala asked.

"Uh huh." Alex replied.

"And then you involved Kimba Kinison into it and you two made videos and had pictures taken with and by Alex?" Nala asked.

"Yup." Alex replied.

Nala finished writing and got up. "I'm done for now Alex. Is there anything I can get you?"

Alex scratched his head. "Can I take a nap?"

"Yes....I'll have them bring a cot in here for you. A legal person from Juvenile Division should be here soon." Nala said as she walked out.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 12:39 pm A Benny's Restaurant Ocean Pass

"Thank you for leaving the police woman with my wife Louis." Gordon said as he bit a piece of steak off his fork. "I'm surprised I can even eat, I feel so messed up."

Louis nodded back. "You're what? 43? Retired Furnation Navy?"

"44." Gordon replied. "You're....I would guess 30?"

"No....27." Louis said as he supped his coffee. "I bet things to you feel crazy at 44 as they do to me at 27."

"Yeah..." Gordon replied. "If I was caught by my father doing what my boys did? I'd be dead. Now we got these kids claiming their homosexuals in primary school and people are approving of it? Fucken sick."

"Trust me." Louis replied. "I have a lesbian sister...I'm not comfortable with any of it."

Gordon looked around...."I mean? I know you said factors are complex and all but how does a 16 year old who looks normal as you think normal is? How does a 16 year old suddenly desire to fuck the ass hole of his ten year old little brother? How does this shit start? Are you going to tell me it's just all "bolt out of the blue"...."mmmm, Alex has a cute behind, I'm goinna fuck him?:"

Louis shook his head. "Your composure talking about it so bluntly surprises me."

"I was a navy SAR swimmer, I lived with blunt truth all the time." Gordon groaned. "I caught one of my Sailors...a Red Rhune Deer, a 3rd class....I hear this noise coming from a fan room, I open the door and there he is pushing a young sheep fresh from school into the steel deck just ramming his ass hard, raping the shit out of the poor newbie. I tore the bastard up."

Louis was surprised. "Was it rape?"

"Yeah..." Gordon snorted. "He punched the shit out of the kid before he raped him. We tried to put a watch on the poor kid? Next day we found he escaped the watch and stretched his neck off the number three gun turret. We courts marshalled that deer and dropped that faggot off the fan tail by firing squad."

Gordon paused....."I mean.....I mean.....if it was just this Alex guy? And he raped my Alex? I'd fucken kill him. If this Alex guy? Raped my William? He'd be dead. If I walked on on Will...and he was fucking Alex up the ass? I would probably have beaten my own son near to death. But this? I'm wife and I? We don't know how to handle this? We don't know how it got started! The boys were showing nothing wrong, at least as we could see."

Louis pursed his lips..."The first time I knew my sister was doing anything? By accident. She was 14 at the time and left her cell phone on the kitchen table and I accidently turned the screen on and right there in my face was a 13 year old Gazelle spreading her pussy lips as big as you please. I couldn't tell my parents, oh I fricken went off on my sister too. Couldn't change her mind. I haven't spoken to her since and I don't invite her and my house. Trust me, my case load is full up backlog of reported incest cases, cubs getting caught nuding on phones, cubs posting to the internet their junk....fucken crazy."

Gordon sighed...."What do I do Louis? What do I do if one of them pulls this "Well I'm queer so there....fuck you." crap in my face after all this?"....Gordon sighed as he rested his head on a hand...."What the fuck do I do?"

"I can't advise you on that Gordon. Only that you should love your kids, they're still your kids but that doesn't mean you have to agree or accept what they think is a lifestyle. I love my sister, I tell her that but I'm not endorsing her behavior...that's me, I don't care what anyone else says. Homosexuality is homosexuality, it's not normal, it's deviant behavior and nothing good comes from it. Don't abandon your kids though, that's the worst thing you coul do to them."

Gordon sighed and looked out the window..."Sometimes I think the world's just not getting any better. I'm going to need time with Grace to prepare her for all this."

Louis replied. "Take your time."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 1:30 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Alex sturred from the pushing on his shoulder..."Mmmwaah?"

"Alex? I need to ask another round of questions." Nala asked.

The young wolf slipped out of the cot and stretched as he yawned. "Oh...kay..... Gee, you're much nicer than the people on CSI. I thought I'd get raked over coals and have a bright light in my face?"

The Wolf cub sat down and went for the coke Nala had put on the table. "Thanks."

Nala took out her paper pad...."Alex Blix said that your brother repeatedly fix it up so he could have you for sex."

"He's a fucken liar." Alex snorted. "Will only took me once to the house because I wanted to go because Alex looked hot and I liked his dick and he treated me nice."

Nala nodded. "You fixed these visits up? Not your brother? You're sure?"

Alex nodded back....."Yeah....well I had to use Will's phone sometimes and sent dates by text and they should be in there. My phones got the rest for like six months."

"And your brother didn't take you back or arrange anything? No visits?" Nala asked.

"I did all of it." Alex said. "Because I loved his big dog dick in my tight little ass hole."

Nala waved a hand. "Now let's not be too graphic Alex."

"But you want the whole story right?" Alex said. "Well I'm a flaming queer, been one since like seven and I seduced my brother because he's got a thick cock with a hot knot."

Nala yelped. "Alex! That's enough for now alright?"

"You cops want the truth don't you?" Alex asked.

"All I'm asking right now is specific questions pertaining to Alex Blix so hold anything else to yourself for a moment. Now how did you meet Kimba Kinison?

Alex replied. "I beat up two creeps who were bullying him because he was gay."

"And then you had sex with him?" Nala asked.

"Yeah." Alex replied.

"And then you and him had sex with Will?" Nala asked.

"Once." Alex said. "Then Will got all pissy because Kimba had a nude picture of me on his cell phone and Will slapped me for it."

"Then you introduced Kimba to Alex Blix?" Nala asked.

"Yeah." Alex replied.

"And you two had sex with Alex?" Nala asked.

"Gee...the fucken porno's aren't proof enough for you?" Alex snorted. "Duh...yeah?"

"Don't start getting smart with me Alex." Nala warned.

"But what's not easy to understand here?" Alex asked. "I'm fucken gay alright? I seduced my brother to fuck me, I have a boyfriend, I liked Alex Blinx for his dick... sheesh get a clue?"

"It doesn't matter what "you" think Alex. The law is the law. These statements of yours are going to get you into trouble....

"Good! Better me than Will! I wanted my brother to fucken tear my ass hole up because I loved his fucken dick! I'm a dick sucking, dick taking little faggot who loves adults in his tail hole.....a lot!" Alex said holding his arms out wide. "I'm a homosexual and I feel oppressed. I'm done talking."

Nala said nothing back as she walked out.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 1:47 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

"Will?" John Brubaker asked as he woke Will after he fell asleep on the table...

"Mmmm....?" Will sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes..."More questions?"

"You alright?" John asked.

"Yeah....." Will replied. "I'm feeling a little better."

"How many times did you have sex with Kimba Kinison?" John asked.

"Once." Will replied. "I let my little brother bring him over because they were....well I thought if I let Alex and around with each other then....Alex wouldn't be interested in me any more."

"But you ended up sexing them both?" John asked.

"Yeah." Will replied.

"And that was the last time?" John asked.

"Yes....see I caught....well Kimba admitted.....Kimba admitted that he took a couple of photos of Alex naked and I lost it and I slapped Alex hard and we had a falling out if you wanna call it that. That was the last time I had sex with Alex."

John nodded. "Did you know about the text messages Alex was sending to Alex Blinx?" John asked.

"No." Will replied. "They were addressed to Kimba, at least that's how they appeared. I even called Kimba twice and he said Alex was over his place."

"And you had no idea Alex nor Kimba were going over to Alex Blinx's house?" John asked.

"No." Will replied.

John said. "Alex says he seduced you into having sex with him at ten."

"He's lying his ass off." Will replied. "I wanted to fuck his little tail hole since he was seven years old. I used to stand over him when he was sleeping at 13 and masturbate. I was planning all the time, that's why I left my computer on cub porn sites so he'd find it."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 2:18 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

The small female mouse scurried from place to place, finally finding a cop who'd carry her in his paws to where Nala stood looking at Alex through the mirror glass....

"Hi Nala." Denise Brisbey said with a wave. "You can put me down on the window sill officer." Denise asked with a pat of the Shepherd's fur.

"Hi Denise." Nala replied. "You really must find a way to make things safer for yourself girl, the whole world's a hazzard. How's Tom?" (Mrs. brisbey is living with Tom from Tom and Jerry)

"Oh fine." Denise replied. "I absolutely bizaro relationship but he's been so loving since Jerry passed away. He's so devoted to us, he truly thinks he's at fault for Jerry having fallen into the processor at work."

The two females paused briefly....

"Sigh." Denise sounded...."So? incest case?"

"Yeah....and fair warning. I think the kid is acting out to save his older brother."

"Hmmm...." Denise replied. "Well....we'll see. I read the background...he and his brother are like problems, good home life, strong parents, fantastic school grades, it might take a whole to get to the real truth. Want to bring me in?"

Nala picked up Denise and carried her into the room where Alex sat pouting....

"Came back to get more of the truth?" The young wolf snorted.

"No." Nala replied. "I'm done. This here is Mrs Denise Brisbey, she's from the Juvenile justice division."

Alex snickered. "A small mouse for small kids? Nice joke."

"You need to curb your lips kid and be smart." Nala said as she put Denise on the table.

"You need to stop with the homophobia." Alex snorted. He watched Nala leave and then gave Mrs. Brisbey the look over. "Hi." He said with a wave.

"Hello Alex." Denise replied as she sat down. "I'm Denise. I'm here to represent you in the legal side of the house so to speak. You've never been in any trouble before at all, have you?"

"Uh uh..." Alex replied.

"And no problems at home? Parents don't fight? No violence?" Denise asked.

"I think I have the best parents anywhere." Alex replied. "But they work a lot a way from home."

"So William sort of raised you, didn't he?" Denise asked.

Alex nodded. "Yeah...that's why I'm so good in school and I never gave our parents grief. I think I feared Will spanking me than mom or dad."

"But he never had to spank you did he?" Denise asked.

"No....never." Alex replied. Slowly the young wolf poked out a paw finger and tickled Denise on the stomach..." You're very nice."

"Giggles"...."Thank you." Denise replied.

Alex then took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. "Mrs Brisbey? I'm gay...I seduced my brother Will to have sex with me and then I made him drive me to Alex Blix's house because I like him and then I took my boyfriend Kimba to his house and we had sex and I enjoyed making porno videos with him and Kimba. My brother Will is totally innocent. All this is my fault and I want to write a confession."

Denise almost smirked. "You've been watching CSI.

"Well it's true?" Alex said. "Every word. I did seduce my brother."

Denise looked at some notes Nala gave her. "But your brother said he wanted to molest you since you were seven. That he used to stand over you as you slept and masturbated."

"Only because I enjoyed sleeping naked with my tail in the air." Alex replied. "I had fantasies of being tail raped by my brother and father. Got all my ideas off of cub porn and Japanese yaoi manga."

Denise sat with her head resting in her hand...."I'm not that sure that you're telling me everything truthfully Alex."

"I'll sign a confession right now!" Alex huffed. "I'm gay, I like big male cock in my cubby cunnie, I wanna get fucken used up by a line of big hungry furs....I seduced my fucken brother!"

Denise stayed calm, watching as Alex almost went into another panic attack and flopped back into his seat....."Ugh! brother's gonna get thrown in prison and raped to death! Don't you understand Mrs Brisbey? I love my brother! He's everything to me, I don't want Will to go to prison and die! I did it! I confess! I don't want Will raped to death! I want it ok? I want to take his place!" Alex flopped down in the chair and gasped for breath.

Denise ran up to him, climbed on his shoulder and stroked his cheek. "Alex? Put your head down by your knees...relax.....

"Oh gawd....oh gawd I hurt my own brother....I'm gonna get Will killed.....I couldn't live if he dies....I can't....I wanna confess....." Alex was raining tears as Denise whispered in his ear....

" breath Alex.....breath.....shhhhhhh......breath......."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 2:30 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Fritz entered the interrogation room where Will sat at the table. "Good afternoon Will, I'm Fritz Katt your appointed lawyer."

Will replied. "Good....I want to sign a confession."

"You do?" Fritz replied.

"Yeah.....I raped my little brother. I seduced him and then I raped his fucken ass hole. I used him, I didn't care how I used him. I got him thinking he was a faggot. I took him for sex with Alex Blinx. I didn't care about my little brother, I didn't give a shit about the little fucker at all, I just wanted to rip that cute little cub's ass hole like a train tunnel." Will snorted.

Fritz smiled as he sat...."Almost convincing...if it wasn't for all these pictures of you giving him so much attention growing up."

Fritz laid a few pictures from the family album of Will and Alex together through the years and Will sobbed...."What have I done...."

Fritz nodded back. "Now?....can we come back from OZ and tell the truth kid to see if we can keep you from being ass raped to death in a lock up? Right now your little brother is trying to convince the Juvie rep with the same deal. We're going to try to save the two of you because you both don't give any cause to lose you both to the system. Alex Binx? Yeah.....fuck that dirt bag."

Will replied...."But it would be best for Alex if I took all the blame."

" would not." Fritz replied. "Your little brother's fragile, I can tell that by looking through the glass, he's a bridge diver candidate, he couldn't handle losing you to the system; it will kill him."

Will rubbed his hair tuft..."I don't see how you can do anything."

Fritz smirked. "I'm a lawyer, try me." Fritz leaned in..."Two things, first to find a way to "fuck" that blue eared mutt worse than you and two...get you a light sentence and probation. Something D.A. "T.C." would buy, which of course will involve your complete some skillful "technicality" plays."

Fritz took out a pocket MP3 recorder. "First...the basics. You've had sex with how many underage cubs?"

Will replied. "Two."

"Just two?" Fritz asked. "Be honest now.....two? Their names and ages when you started and when you finished?"

Will took a deep breath....."Alexander Gray....started at ten, ended at 13. Kimba Kinison....started and ended at 12."

Fritz asked. "And your age when you started and ended with both?"

"Sixteen when it started.....eighteen when it ended." Will replied.

"And what kind of sex acts did you perform on them?" Fritz asked.

"Anal and oral sex on both. They did oral sex to me and Alex fucked me once with a strap on dildo." Will started to shake......."Fuck......"

"Take your time Will, not like this is some earth shaking shit I haven't heard before. And remember to breath?" Fritz said as he lit a cigarette...

"My chest is starting to hurt." Will said.

"You're going into a panic attack...bend down and put your head by your knees for a'll pass." Fritz said as he walked over and rubbed Will's back. After a moment, Will sat up and rubbed his face....

"Oh......fuck....." He said as he felt the soaking hot wetness in his seat and running down his legs.....

"Severe anxiety will do that." Fritz said as he walked to a phone on the wall. "This is Fritz? I need some cleaning client had an accident."

Will broke out laughing..."Tell em I need diapers....I prefer cartoon softies!"

"'s at least a good sign that you have some sense of humor back." Fritz said as he passed Will a towel.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 2:30 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Alex was feeling much better after Diane had him lay on the cot and she spent time sitting on his chest and running her hand claws over his neck and under his chin.....

"How did you know that would calm me down?" Alex asked as Diane stopped and stood on his chest.

"I'm trained to know an animals vulnerable spots. All canine's become docile when massaged under their chin to the Adam's apple." Diane said with a warm smile.

"I'm a wolf, not a canine. I don't do collars." Alex said frowning.

"Now? Perhaps you'll feel more at ease to explain about your situation more rationally than trying to be a martyr of the cause?" Diane said as she sat down. "When did it start between you and Will? The incest?"

Alex thought for a moment and sighed...."See....that's......that's.....the thing....Will told me that it started when we were skinny dipping in the lake during summer break. That I grabbed Will' know....grabbed his junk? We tired ourselves out swimming and we slept naked on the shore and.....I grabbed his my sleep. Well....Will said he tried to wake me up but I sleep like a rock. I grabbed him again! And.....I got him hard. And.....he got turned on by it and then he threw me off and cussed the heck out of me."

Diane took notes. "Did you have any previous contacts with Will that might have been sexual?"

"No." Alex replied. "No.....and no, I didn't sleep naked with my tail in the air. I never slept naked before.....the lake thing. I lied."

Diane tapped Alex's chest. "And Will didn't do anything at all that you can remember farther back than ten?"

"No." Alex replied. "We didn't sleep together and we didn't bath together. My parents were kinda strict and prunish on that. I didn't even walk around naked with them in the house."

Diane thought..."Did you go around the house naked?"

Alex giggled...."Yeah....I started getting "strippy" at like 8, losing my underwear in the middle of the night or just going buff after taking a shower in the morning and not caring? Will just played it off, threw pillows at me or ordered me to put my clothes on."

Diane thought as she wrote....." I see."

Alex tilted his head. "You think my being naked caused it?"

Diane waved her pen around. "There's many things. Can you remember acting... well.....acting out.....being precocious?"

"Pre-wazza?" Alex questioned.

"Well? Being......being sort of sexual....dancing, copying the television, movies, music?" Diane asked.

Alex thought...."I remember I liked Justin Beaver at 9. I used to go around singing "Baby, bay oh." So much that Will got irritated? There was like twice I was naked in the morning and I'd sing and copy all the moves and I was holding a wooden spoon like a hand microphone and Will came out and saw me shaking my butt, wiping myself and "air fucking" like Michael Jackson and he lost it!"

Diane kept writing....."Keep talking."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 2:50 pm Gordon and Grace driving to State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Grace held on tightly to the stuffed "Toothless" doll Alexander always treasured and blew a nervous breath...."Oh gawd Gordon, I don't know if I can do this..."

"Well we can't avoid it Grace. Sooner or later we have to see the boys." Gordon replied as he held his wife tightly.

Louis looked at them from his mirror up front. "You both have to remember, they're your kids, they need to know you still love them no matter what and that you're going to be there to the end. For now you have to keep any anger in check. Let them talk if they want to, be empathetic. Just know that you might be facing some things that will make your stomach wretch. You have to keep each other up."

Gordon shook his head. "Lou? If I see that Binx guy? I'm....."

"That's why the police are there Gordon. The first feeling you get that you'll snap? Ask a cop to get you out of there, it's for your safety so of they have to manhandle you out of the building? Don't fight them."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 2:30 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Will was calm now...the hot towel around his neck was a big help....

"So?" Fritz asked. "Alex was....jacking you off?"

"No!" Will replied. "His hand was on my penis and I got hard and...well?.......Well.....I got excited and I held his hand there and.....I thrusted myself with his hand under mine and I almost ejaculated. Then I got scared shitless and I threw him off me! I screamed at him, I mean I was pissed at him because I thought he touched me on purpose and he was faking sleeping through it."

"And you were 16?" Fritz asked.

"Yes....I was." Alex replied.

"And you never thought of Alex sexually before that?" Fritz asked.

"Damn it....I've said that like a hundred times already....I NEVER saw Alex as a sex object before that time, not fricken ever."

Fritz wrote in his notes. "How about pornography? Did you look at pornography a lot as a kid?"

Will huffed. "My parents were techno dumb when it came to the internet and computers....yeah, I looked at porn. Looked at it at friend's houses and at home when my parents were gone. In fact that's what I thought would cure this problem I had after what we did on the beach...I went surfing for porn to jack off too and I typed "Cub Porn" in the Google search engine and that's how I found "Kink Bunny".

"But before the incident on the beach you never touched Alex sexually?" Fritz said.

"No! I didn't!" Will replied. "I got fucken pissed at him after that time on the beach, I didn't want to talk to him, I wanted to avoid him...and that night? My gawd....I fucked masturbated to that shit!......FUCK!"

Will stood up and threw the chair across the room, prompting an officer to burst in with a drawn gun...

"Shit! Put that away man, the guy's just upset!" Fritz yelped...."It's all cool. I got it handled ok?"

Fritz turned to Will..."Don't do that again?"

"Sigh....." Will flopped against a wall....

"You? Want to take a break?" Fritz asked.

"No." Will replied. "I need to keep talking about this shit."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 2:30 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Alex held Diane up to the phone in his hand as she listened. "Yes...." She said then she turned to Alex. "Your parents will be here soon to see you and Will."

At first....Alex's tail wagged with excitement and joy....then turned down between his legs with fear....

"I don't know if I can look at them." He said as he wiped his eyes. "I'm a sick freak." Alex looked sideways and grimaced. "That's why I wanted to confess too! I want them to take me to prison so my parents don't have to be ashamed they even had me!"

Diane stood frowning...."Alex? Look at me?"

Alex sobbed....

"Damn it child!" Diane reached out, snatched a lip and yanked hard!

"YIE! YIE! YIE!" Alex cried out loud, she knew exactly where to snatch! "OW! OW!"

"LOOK AT ME!" The mouse demanded. "Now you are NOT going to put your parents through more hell than they're going through, do you hear me? They are your mother and father and you can't just toss them in the trash and disrespect them like this! You're going to face them and beg them for the love you really need right now because if you don't? You're not going to get through all this, I am telling you the damned truth!"

"But I can't!" Alex cried.

Denise might not have been able to slap hard as a mouse but any slap on a snoot would work....

"Stop your crying!" Denise snapped. "Stop it!"

Alex yelped back. "Fucken bitch!"

"Well." Denise snorted back. "I got some balls to pop out. What a miracle."

Alex sighed at first, then laughed...."You slap like a little girl...put some "umph" into it woman!"

"Sheesh...." Denise snorted. "You're the crying little bitch here kid."

Alex shook his head and smiled...."You make me feel better being so tough and all. And a mouse? I didn't expect that."

"You don't know the half of me yet kid." Denise replied with a fist bump to Alex's nose. "Now your parents don't want to see a little bitch, they want to see their grow some balls down there."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 2:36 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Gordon and Grace walked into the station where they met Will's lawyer, Fritz Katt, and John Brubaker....

"Mister and Mrs. Gray? I'm Fritz Katts, public defender for your son Will and this is Detective Sargent John Brubaker in charge of the whole investigation involving your sons."

John shook Gordon's hand. "Navy combat SAR huh? Retired Furnation Marines, 5th Division Recon...Black Viper Brigade myself."

Gordon reacted...."No shit? We backed you guys up on that Madagascar pirate sweep. I was off the Cruiser Vulcan. Small world."

John walked with Gordon. "Now it's important Mister Gray that you handle this very carefully. Both your boys are being talkative which is a good sign in their favor. So far from what we gathered, some of the serious charges might be dropped on William but that depends on what you and Mrs. Gray do in handling your sons. The D.A. Is willing to make a deal if it will put Alex Brinx in the slammer for the rest of his life, he's truly a sick bastard. Just be ready for some things that might be a little sickening."

Gordon grabbed Grace's hand and squeezed it as he pulled her close...."No matter what? I love you." He said tenderly. "That will never change."

Grace look at her husband and they shared a moment of deep tongue swapping love between their maws before they composed themselves at Alex's room door. The young Wolf almost tackled his mother off her feet before she even got inside!

Grace held Alex with his legs wrapped around her waist like a baby...nuzzling him, kissing him and crying as he gripped her tight. For a moment....Gordon just stood aside and rubbed his arms until he couldn't bear the tear filled eyes of his baby boy....

The big Timber Wolf scooped Alex from his mother's arms, held him up under his legs and slobbered him with tongue kisses until Alex protested...."Dad! I already stink! Don't slobber bath me!"

Gordon sniffed...." do stink? What the heck did you do?"

"Ummm.....when your scared and nervous? You kinda let it go all over the place?" Alex said.

Gordon turned to John...."What the hell Jar head? Don't you let children clean themselves here?"

"He's in stupid Squid." John replied sarcastically.

"Don't call my Dad names you ugly mutt!" Alex snapped. "Dad? Put me down?"

Gordon slid Alex to his feet and hugged him again. "Are you ok?"

"Gee Dad? Ummm....kinda obviously not?" Alex replied.

Grace hugged her son. "We're here for you Alex. Nothing changes my love for you. Nothing....You're still my little baby...."

Alex looked up...."Mom? What about Will?"

Grace and Gordon looked at each other.....

"It's not "all" Will's fault." Alex huffed.

"We didn't say it was." Gordon replied to his son. "We also have a little right to be upset? Don't you think?" Gordon stopped and squeezed his hands. "Right now our concern, your mom and I, is to see you two come home. That's what we care about. We can deal with the extras later on."

Gordon rubbed Alex's shoulders. "Now you do what we taught you and tell everything Alex. All the truth and no lies. Don't disgrace us, be a man and own up to your responsibilities. Me and your mother love you're our sons."

Alex took his Father's head by the cheeks and planted a loving lick kiss on his forehead. "And I love you Dad and I never meant to hurt you or Mom....I love you."

Gordon and Grace waved and walked out of the room and stopped as they looked through the mirror glass at Will....

"I need a little bit Grace." Gordon said as he hugged his wife. "I want to talk to Will alone."

Grace worried...."Gordon?"

" me?" Gordon said as he kissed her on the cheek. "Go ahead."

Grace slowly came through the door and looked at Will as he sat at the table...his head turned away from her...

"Will?" Grace said softly. "Come here?"

Will sobbed as his mother walked closer...."Will? Come here.....please?" Grace gestured...."Baby come here...."

Will slowly got up and started to cry as his mother pulled him in...."Mom....Mom I'm......"

"Shhhhh....." Grace sounded as she stopped to play with Will's thick furry head tuft. "You're a mess...."

Will grimaced and turned his head. "How can you even look at me?"

"You're my Son." Grace said as she cupped Will's chin and turned his head..."You are our Son."

Will looked at the door to the room. "Where's Dad? I must be filth to him."

Grace frowned. "None of that do you hear me? Of course we're upset with you, but you're both good boys and we're going to fight for both of you because We love you Will......we love you. Never forget that."

Grace held her son's hands for a bit then left him with a loving lick on the face. It wasn't a minute before the door opened again and in stepped Gordon and to Will, his old man had doubled in size and his face was empty of any emotion. It caused Will to tuck his tail between his legs and lower his ears and head in fear...

"Stand up strait Will." Gordon said sternly. "I didn't raise a coward."

Gordon closed in and Will backed himself against a wall with a whimper after he saw his father's big fists clenched. He knew his Dad was probably boiling piss in anger inside. The teenage wolf began to whine and whimper....

"Look at me William?" Gordon demanded. "Stop crying like a little bitch."

Will was terrified. He was shaking and sort of silent pleading with a quivering maw....then Gordon stretched out his big hands and wrapped them around his son's shoulders....

"Stop.....crying. Stop sniveling and look at me Son." Gordon asked as he slowly pulled Will to his chest and softly rubbed his head tuft....

"Sniff....I'm nothing but shit." Will said as Gordon took a deep breath, the rise of the pecks Will couldn't miss...."

"I didn't raise shit." Gordon said. "You got yourself into a serious fuck up. The only bad mistake you've ever made so far and I am seriously upset least admit to me that you fucked your brother and you admit you're adult enough to accept the consequences. Show me I have a son with balls and not a pussy ass."

Will wiped his eyes and looked into his father's......"I did....and I will accept the consequences."

Gordon nodded...."Alex begged for you. He worries for you. We'll get through this."

Will replied. "I've ruined our family...I don't feel like your son."

Gordon frowned. "You say that silly shit again and I'll forget I'm your father and punch the shit our of you." Gordon grabbed Wills cheeks and looked at his face. "You are OUR son, You're my son and my oldest son. Tell the truth, take things like a wolf should and don't make me a liar. We will get through this mess and then you'll come home and then we'll fix what's been fucked up. Till then? You make me proud as you always have."

Will started to sob against his Dad's chest...."Ugh.....there you go again..." Gordon snorted. "Give me a hundred push ups you pussy ass."

Gordon backed away and love punched Will in the chest. "Keep the faith Will. Your mother and I will always love you both."

Will watched his father leave and turned to get another good cry out before Fritz returned.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 2:36 pm State Police Headquarters, Coffee break room Ocean Pass

Fritz saw "T.C." come through the door of the break room and offered a seat. "Afternoon Mister District Attorney."

"Hey Fritz." "T.C." replied as he sat down with a coffee in his hands. "They're still working the two wolf brothers?"

"A lot of ground to cover." Fritz replied. "What will states evidence do for them?"

"Plenty." T.C. Replied. "But we can't deal yet without a clear picture of things. How close are we on finishing interrogations?"

Fritz thought. "I don't think we'll have everything ready until Monday at the latest. I can tell you right now that the charges against my client came about when he was 17; therefore they fall under the jurisdiction of the Juvie courts. I'm also looking at other factors coming to light.

T.C. Sat shaking his head. "The guardian of the other cub involved with your client wants charges of rape pressed. Problem for him is....his little brother was sort of promiscuous and self identified himself as a homosexual, claims the younger wolf says he's a homosexual too. We might as well not prosecute Binx then...seems these people don't want any laws to hold a society to a standard.

Fritz snorted. The law is still the law regardless of what these people scream about. These two kids in there are actually really good boys, if we can work out a deal then fine, if we can't then I have options to go with and we go to court win or lose. I'm not here to set precedents or "shatter glass" for some fucking special group of cry babies, I'm here to defend within the boundary of the law, let the people argue over the boundary, if they want to degrade society to animal savagery and let their kids get raped? Their damn fault not mine.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 2:49 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Denise sat on Alex's shoulder as he stood hugging the Toothless stuffie left by his mother....

"How are you feeling?" She asked petting the young wolf's cheek.

"A lot better." Alex said.

"So how did it come about that you wanted sex from your brother the first time?" Denise asked.

Alex walked to a chair and sat down..."After I got him excited on the beach? He tried to stay away from me...acted all weird...treated me like a sort of virus. We've always been super close to each other and I started to feel I really pissed him off. So one day I thought he was playing video games and I wanted to play em and that's when I found Kink Bunny on his computer."

Denise replied. "The cub porn site."

"Yeah." Alex said with a sigh...."I looked at it for a while and thought that if Will liked that stuff and he was looking at it a lot then if I acted like the cubs in the videos did? He'd play with me more and he wouldn't get so angry at me."

Denise said..."Go on."

"Well....." Alex said...."Will found out what I was doing and he walked in on me playing with my tail hole and....he tripped over his feet and he had a hard on and I opened his pants and I sucked his dick....and then I let him fuck me up my ass."

"Alex?" Denise said...."Do you realize it doesn't matter what you thought about what you and Will did? To the law, Will was 100 percent in the wrong. Be honest? Did you resist him the first time he sodomized you?"

"What's sodomize?" Alex asked.

"It's sexual penetration that's not normal to males and females....penis to vagina." Denise said. "Did you protest the first time Will did it?"

Alex frowned. "Well yeah, because it hurt. I told him I didn't think it was going to fit and it really hurt."

Denise crossed her arms. "But he continued?"

"I told him to stop it." Alex replied. "Huh?"

Alex lightly grabbed Denise off his shoulder and placed her on the desk. "You? You trapped me into that!"

Denise stood frowning at Alex. "I told you I need the truth."

"You trapped me into saying my brother fucken raped me!" Alex snapped.

"Your brother did rape you Alex." Denise replied. "He's looking at illegal pornography, he shows behavior that he knew what he was doing was wrong, he tried to avoid contact with you and then he forced himself on you when you were the most vulnerable. You were below the age of consent and you said stop and he kept on going. rape."

Alex shuddered. "'m gay. I'm a homosexual. I love boys and men and I seduced my older brother..."

Denise replied. "Not going to work Alexander. The courts won't recognize that."

Alex kicked the chair over...."I thought you wanted to help me?"

"I thought your parents told you to be honest?" Denise replied. "You're in very serious trouble yourself in going to Alex Blinx and making sex videos and taking Kimba Kinison with you. Like it or not, the law is the law and you could be tried as an accessory with Blinx. And that my little friend is you thrown into general pop in a prison."

Alex wipped a hand over his face. "So what am I supposed to do? Say my brother's a fucken rapist?"

"You must be truthful." Denise replied. "If you turn states evidence against Blinx, they will ask about your sexual history with your brother, you're not escaping that. Kimba's brother has already been making statements that he wants will's hide on a wall for cub rape. It's possible that since William was not the legal age of consent yet at 18 years old, there could be a play in the law that would help him but you have to be truthful to questions."

Alex stood tapping a foot...."So even if we had consensual sex? Even if I said I enjoyed having my rear fucked and sucking dick? That doesn't matter?"

Denise nodded. "The law is the law. Your brother's first actions were self-serving, selfish anal rape for his own pleasure. How did you feel after the first time? Honestly?"

Alex stayed silent for a moment.....

"Alex?" Denise asked. "I asked you a question? How did you feel after the first time? Be honest."

"I......I wasn't happy." Alex replied softly. "Will started fucking me on my back at first....then he picked me up and pushed me against the headboard of my bed and really slammed me...I was fucken crying....I bit into his shoulder and then he came in my ass and....I mean I was confused. I told him I liked it but....I didn't like how he did it too me.....fuck......" Alex smacked a hand on the table and paced around.

"He's gonna go to prison isn't he? No matter what I say, he's going to prison." Alex worried.

"Never say anything's assured." Denise replied.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 3:15 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Fritz came into Will's room and pointed to the desk. "Sit down Will." He said.

Will sat..."I feel better now that I saw my parents." He took a deep breath. "I want to plead guilty to cub rape."

Fritz patted the table...."Those were the questions I wanted to ask. Did you force anal sex on your little brother?"

"Yes." Will replied. "I forced it even when Alex said stop. I took advantage of his emotions and I raped him. I even told him over and over again to keep his mouth shut and not tell anyone."

Fritz played with his lips...."See....this makes you as states evidence against Alex Binx a little dicey. Then were 17 when Alex Binx was 18 and therefore according to the law....Binx raped you. Also....turns out that Kimba Kinison was more promiscuous than we first knew. Not only was he doing your little brother? He was doing three more cubs and two adults and doing porn for money with two more adults and Binx. You raped your brother when you were 16 and he was ten and you had sex with Kinison at 17 not 18....see where this goes?"

Will nodded. "I'm under 18's technically juvie."

"Except taking your little Brother over to Binx house. Can you prove and can Alex back it up that you had no expressed intention of things ending up sexual over there? That you didn't transport Alex for the purpose of sex?"

Will wiped his head tuft..."But we did have and Alex Binx we....we spitted Alex between us."

"An 18 year old known cub molester who's repeatedly raped, filmed and abused over 25 young cubs get's an underage teen cub involved in a homosexual fling and believing things wouldn't end up sexual...sed 17 year old takes his little brother to meet his 18 year old boy friend and it ends up with beer and the sexual abuse of a 12 year old cub who's in an incest relationship with his older brother." Fritz said.

Will sat a little stunned...."Alex could probably back that up."

Fritz nodded....So? How does this play out? From where I can't be charged as an adult. The court has to take Kimba Kinison's activities into account. You would probably be charged with 1st degree violent Cub rape for your little brother. Accessing illegal cub pornography for the expressed purposes of rape of a cub and repeated counts of cub molestation regarding your little brother. were underage according to the law. If you become states evidence against Alex Binx? Jail time might be reduced to probation, therapy and unfortunately you on a sex offender watch list and perhaps you have to live with restrictions in regards to your family."

Will thought for a moment. "If I plead guilty to raping Alex?"

"Well that's part of the process." Fritz replied. "Chances are you will never be allowed to see or talk to your least till he turns 21. There's also the stigma you'll bring down on your whole family for being a registered sex offender."

Will thought quietly...."If I want to throw my case and go to prison so my family won't suffer for my.....for my sickness? Will you do it?"

Fritz leaned forwards...."Will? will cause harm no matter what you do. You should think about what's best for Alexander. If you go to prison? He will kill himself; I've taked to the Juvie rep working with him. Now it can be arranged because you were 17 that the two of you can be in therapy together and despite what your family is going to go through? I think your father is a wolf that every few people want to piss off. Let me write up our options, present them to the prosecutor and see what we come up with?"

Will nodded. "Alright." Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 4 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Fritz walked into Alex's room. "Denise? Alexander? I am Will's lawyer...Fritz Katts." Fritz took a seat and looked at Alex. "I need to know something and Will ent over to Alex Binx's house where you had sex with both of them. I want the honest to gawd truth from you. Did Will intend to take you over there for sex?"

"No." Alex replied.

"You're sure?" Fritz asked.

"He didn't." Alex replied. "When I found out that Alex Binx was his boyfriend? I told Will he was a chicken because he was hiding Alex from me. I even told Will that he was a chicken because I'd steel that big dicked dog from him. I thought he was fucken hawt because by then I was all into gay sex. But wasn't Will's intention to take me there for sex but it was damn right my intention to get that dog cock. That's why I went to Alex when Will fucken spurned me."

Fritz nodded. "So it was NOT your brother's intention to take you for sexual purposes to Alex Binx? None what so ever?"

"Nope. Will even made it clear....we're going to meet him and then we're going the fuck home. I had other plans." Alex snorted.

Fritz nodded..."I have a way to keep Will from going to prison and you both can go home. But you two have to turn states evidence against Alex Binx."

Alex smiled. "Sure?...I'll do it."

Fritz nodded back. "I'll draft up a paper for T.C. Denise and see what he thinks."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 4 pm Western Estates Communities Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Louis saw the crowd outside the front of the house as he turned the corner. "Maybe I should have briefed you two before we left the station."

Gordon leaned over the driver's seat..."The news reporters? Our neighbors? Ugh......" The big wolf sighed as he sat back in the seat and Grace put arm arm around him.

"We can get through this Gordon. We're not suspects and we're not cowards." Grace snorted. "Let me see that slimy bastard Toucan Sam from Channel Five News out there and he'll have to drink his coffee through a damn straw because his beak will be stuck in his ass."

Gordon's eyes bulged. "Wow mother? Attack!"

Grace kissed her husband. "I'm not afraid of these people."

As louis neared the house, a trooper stopped him short. "Take the Gray's through the side door on the driveway side. Our public affairs officer just arrived to hold the press conference."

Just then, the uniformed officer landed on the podium and tapped on the microphone...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, residents of this location, I am Sargent Zazu (Lion King Zazu) from the state police, I am the public affairs officer...."

"First of all the actions which occurred at this residence this morning were in support of a State Police operation that has been in the works for some time. I wish to point out that the adult occupants of the residence behind me....Are not....I repeat....Are not considered furs of interest or suspects; they have been cleared from this investigation. However, the pair of juviniles who reside at this residence are currently being questioned and detained at State Police Headquarters in connection to our investigation...."

"When we feel it safe and apopriate to release the details of our investigation....we will do so. Until then we ask you to respect this property and the adult occupants. That being said? I will take some questions...and only briefly, I am as you may understand? I am very busy you know."

Gordon watched the African bird's performance from the living room window with an approving smile. "That cop's good, let's invite him in for Coffee Grace." Gordon sad as he turned around and took a seat with Louis.

"Louis?" Gordon asked as he sat rubbing his head. "What do I do if Alex or Will tell me they're homosexual?"

"It's not an exact certainty that they're gay because of all this Gordon. Children who suffer long term sexual abuse often act out, try to normalize their behaviors or turn to people who sound like they have the best interest of the child at heart. A large number of professing homosexuals were abused as children." Louis replied. "It's a very complex situation that in the end you may not be able to influence on your terms."

Gordon sighed and rubbed his head tuft...."And then we go right back to blaming ourselves. You'd think how we raised Will and Alex to be bright and prim and proper, we could avoid pitfalls...You know what terrified us the most? Will knocking up a girl and bringing her full of puppies to the house. That....was our biggest fear. And we left the computers wide open."

"Stop blaming yourself." Louis said. "Perfect parenting is a myth, no child comes out a carbon copy of their parents in the end. The good thing is that the boys are talking and not shutting down, that? Should make you two happy."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 5 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Denise sat nibbling on a block of cheese while Alex ate a hamburger. "Now let's talk about Kimba Kinison." Denise said. "How did you meet him?"

"He was getting beat up in a bathroom." Alex replied. "A couple of brothers, other lion cubs, were beating him up because he had a Gay Pride patch on his jacket."

"And you two started to date?" Denise asked.

"Giggles" Alex replied. "No....we started to fuck."

Denise gave Alex a snort.

"You said you wanted the truth right?" Alex said shrugging.

"His brother didn't know?" Denise asked.

"Not that we didn't try to make it obvious." Alex replied.

"What does that mean?" Denise asked.

"Sometimes? When I slept over the house? We'd be right at the door to his brother's room and while he was sleeping...we'd fuck each other against the door jam. It was for fun you know?" Alex was getting a charge, Denise could see it.

"That's enough of the raw details Alex." Denise warned. "So his brother never knew?"

"Well sometimes?" Alex said. "They'd fight over the cell phone and Kimba's brother would take it away for a few days. We never texted each other but I did send Kimba two naked pictures of me. I guess he might have known but I'm not sure."

Denise scribbled in her notebook. "But you did take Kimba to meet Alex Binx?"

"Yeah." Alex replied.

"And what happened the first time?" Denise asked.

"We drank beer and fucked." Alex replied.

"How many times did you go over Alex Binx's house?" Denise asked.

" least twenty or so." Alex said.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 5:29 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

John Brubaker looked at his cards and dropped one on the table..."So...did you keep any cub porn off Kink Bunny?" He asked Will.

" wasn't that stupid." Will replied. "I didn't need to since you could watch the videos on the site and there were so many of them."

"How many times did you access it per week?" John asked.

"I'd say.....twice a day or three." Will replied.

"But you said you stopped after you got into a fight with Alex?" John asked.

"Yeah." Will replied. "I blocked the site with a pass code I destroyed. I blocked the site with the parental controls and put in a pass code I destroyed. I even screwed up my own computer so I ended up needing a new one. But I didn't get one because this happened."

"So you never saw any videos Alex Binx posted?" John asked.

"If he did, he had a personal channel where he only did private invites and he never shared it with me." Will replied.

John nodded. "You told the truth. Good for you Will."

"Huh?" Will asked.

"Computer Forensics confirms your answers." John said as he saw the relief in Will's face. "So once again...You only had sex with two cubs?"

"Yes...." Will replied. "My brother and Kimba Kinison."

John looked at his watch. "It's almost 6pm and to be honest? You stink. I'm going to end questioning for now but unfortunately you have to remain in holding until they finalize arraignment and charges."

"I know." Will replied. "You know?....I feel like this happy relief that I can talk about all this? I'm not proud of it at all believe me but...I don't have to keep it a secret and...I feel at peace with it no matter what happens."

"Well it's very rare you get people who've done these kinds of things who are able to face up to the problem. Your parents didn't do a wrong thing raising you two...just don't go fucking it all away."

John had to re-cuff Will and as they walked out, another officer was bringing Alex out of his room...

"Wait?" Will asked. "Can I just talk to Alex for a minute? Please?"

John nodded and Will bent down...."Hey? You alright?"

"Yeah." Alex replied. "I got a nice lady from Juvie." Alex said pointing to Denise on his shoulder. "Sniff...sniff....Eeesh, you stink."

"You're no flower yourself you little shit head." Will replied. "You're being honest? You're not hiding anything right?"

"I'm trying not to be too graphic." Alex said shrugging. "But are you ok? You're not gonna do something stupid are you?"

Will shook his head. "All I care about is what I did to you and how sorry I am kid. You're the only thing that matters to me now...I don't care about myself."

"Well you better care enough not to do something fucked up." Alex snorted. "You hurt yourself? I'll never forgive you."

"Ok....that's enough." John said as he pulled Will away and took him through the station and into the jail cell part of the building...

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 6:12 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

"Do you have to stand right over me?" Alex protested as he stood under the shower lathering himself with dog shampoo. " I got weapons or something..."

The female cop, a collie, stood watching Alex bath himself. "Trust me kid, I don't get any pleasure in my job."

Alex thought to himself but kept his mouth shut..."The worst part of me is this bushy tail. I can never keep it clean enough." Alex said as he stood getting the soap out of his tail. Then he looked and saw the cop pulling rubber gloves out of her pocket....

"What?" Alex huffed. "But I'm a kid!"

"Yeah....and I'm a police officer and we have rules in this jail and even kids being held in holding don't get out of this." The Collie said. "Bend down and grab that bar on the wall there and spread your legs wide apart."

Alex cowarded a bit..."But....but I might....I'"

"Gay or not kid, males are going to get hard when their prostates get stroked, nothing to be ashamed over. I have to do this to you, it's regulations." The collie cop said.

Alex whined and pressed his butt against the wall...."Please? I can't....where's Mrs. Denise?"

"She's probably busy with processing documents." The collie cop replied. "I'll get another officer to witness kid but it has to be done."

Alex started to cry...."I want my brother...I want Will.....please?"

Will was already in his cell when an officer opened the door. "You little brother is having a freak out in the shower and he's asking for you?"

Will followed the cop into the shower where Alex was sitting on the floor crying with his hands tucked under his crotch....

"Shhhhhh.....shhhhhh.....Hey?" Will said as he knelt down. Unfortunately with his hands cuffed behind his back, he couldn't touch his little brother..."What's this being a brat for?"

Alex sobbed..."They want to put their fingers up my ass hole."

"Well....duh....we're in jail?" Will replied. "They have to do it Alex, it's regulations, no one escapes and trust me...I'm still alive."

"But I'm a kid!" Alex snapped. "I don't have anything in there! I'll get a hard on!"

"I had a rage'r....shut up and do it Alex. Don't be a little shit about it, just get it over with." Will snorted. "Stand up. Stand up and hold on to my shoulders and look me in the eyes ok? It's just a quick poke and then it's over."

Alex gripped Will's shoulders and then yelped loudly as he felt the cop's fingers plunge through his anal ring and run around inside him....

"There.....quick and over." Will snorted. "Fucken big baby for nothing."

Alex stood up...."Hmph....didn't get a hard on, I got fucken cheated."

The collie threw a towel in Alex's face. "Finish up smart guy."

Will warned as he walked away with another cop. "You better behave yourself."

Alex followed the Collie to a cell. "Can I have my stuffed Toothless doll? I can't sleep good without it."

The collie turned around. "Unfortunately no. Now the rules are sleeping in the nude and no masturbating. There is a camera in the cell."

Alex smiled.

"You little sick bastard." The Collie cop snorted. "I'm warning you kid."

"I promise." Alex sighed. "I won't do anything stupid."

Alex walked into the cell. It had a cot and a toilet and a pillow and blanket. Not cozy but it wasn't terrible.

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 6:30 pm State Police Headquarters Ocean Pass

Fritz Katz sat with Denise Brisbey and Assistant D.A. Chu Chu McGern and studied the collected amount of information from the day's interrogations and the files from Kimba Kinison and Alex Binx...

"What a circus." Chu Chu huffed. "I'm surprised at all we have enough admissable evidence to charge Binx given how and what they teach kids these days."

"Don't choke." Fritz said. "I bet you this causes Bagira's head to explode. "It's his choice to try Will Gray as an adult sex offender. Binx is easy. I have to come up with a sell-able deal to keep Gray out of the big house."

"Is he a case for re-offending?" Chu Chu asked. "You know T.C.'s going to zero in on that."

"I don't think so." Fritz replied. "The guy's been absolutely honest. I think if we scare the shit out of him, he won't re-offend."

Denise sat looking at her notes. "I'm not confident at all with Alex Gray. Though he's been absolutely honest? You can see in his face when he starts getting too descriptive that he's...."emotionally engaged" being in polite company. May have to prepare the parents for the "G bomb" shock wave and how they need to handle it. They're going to blame your client big time there Fritz."

"For obvious reasons." Fritz said as he worked on his lap top. "Chooch? How about this? In exchange for states evidence against Alex Binx. William Gray pleads guilty to one count felony 1st degree cub rape, two counts of multiple cub molestation,one count multiple accessing of cub pornography. 30 years suspended sentence. 10 years probation. Five years sex offender therapy and posting on the sex offender data base to be redacted after ten years of good behavior and positive reports."

Chu chu nodded. "That I think Baggie and T.C. Will approve of."

Denise pointed to her own notes....."So far on Alex Gray I have...."Using technology to transmit sexual images. Engaging in the creation and distribution of cub pornography. Providing a cub for the express purposes of sexual gratification by an adult and involving a cub in the production and distribution of cub pornography. And then...there's his brother and that little trist he brought Kimba Kinison into?"

Fritz snorted. "The one where the kid bagged his older brother with a strap on?"

Chu Chu snorted. "Thanks for destroying my brain Fritzy."

"You have that covered Denise." Fritz said waving his hand. "And you should do to Alex what I did to Will...level the adult book at him and hopefully it will scare the kid right. Or at least make him think more clearly about his future."

Saturday Afternoon, May 14, 2018 9pm Western Estates Communities Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Gordon didn't want to look at the book again, the thought sickened his stomach yet Louis meant well by giving him it. But how could you make reason if this? William or Alex? Where did it start? Gordon didn't accept the "by nature" bull shit. Males were no designed to "fuck" other males in the ass; nothing beneficial comes from it...

Then again he remembered that time in Africa getting tricked by that Tranny Gazzelle and not realizing that the tricky buck had guided his cock into fucking ass and how good it felt till he realized there was a set of balls. But....that was an abnormal situation and all that came from it was Gordon shooting a gob of sperm that nurished.....nothing.

And Will perhaps there could be some understand but what if it was Alex? What if 13?.....Who'd been raped? Who'd been used as a sex object? What if Alex just up and proclaimed he was gay? How does a parent handle that situation? In Gordon's mind, his little cub had been perverted by something and perhaps it didn't start with Will, perhaps it was something Alex wasn't talking about?

Gordon picked up the book again as his wife Grace knocked on the bathroom door. "Gordon? You alright?"

"Yeah...." Gordon replied. "I'm just getting the hair knots out of my tail you know? Damn us for being so blessed with these crazy thick dirt grabbers Grace!"

Grace scratched the door with her paw...."Want me to come in and "free" you of that?"

Gordon sighed..."I'm sorry dear but I'm not in the mood for anything right now."

Grace replied...."Wonder how long that thought might hold?" She said. "I'll be in bed."

Gordon thumbed through the book and found a few pages related to incest and sexual assault..."

"Incest and sexual assault are crimes of un-loving violence upon a child. Night terrors, acting out and believing by the child that they are gay are all conditions and behaviors to be expected from such traumatic experiences. Often theropy will eventually shed light on a base causal condition or event which may or may not explain and prove out that a child was strait and therefore a strait child will respond favorably to treatment and never experience homosexuality. Incest and sexual assault will heighten distaste and hostility towards homosexuals and it can not be denied that the differences between homosexuality and pedophilia are very slim and cloudy, one does not exist without the other. It is important that the strait child understands that there are indeed clearly defined identifiers with sick sexual predators and non-offending homosexuals."

"In the case of a gay child however who has been in incestuous or assault situations, they may aggressively cleave to their gay identity; even expose patterns and acts synonymous with early androgyny or "gay acting out" for which a base starting cause or point can not be determined. A gay child will more often than not become troublesome in therapy even hostile to others and have a "run away" mentality. This is extremely dangerous for the child who might try to run away from home or engage in risky behaviors putting themselves in great danger. At this point, more than ever, the parents must continue to love the child even if it becomes unbearable or repugnant to deal with. Such children are highly vulnerable to suicide, drug addiction, rape or murder."

Gordon dropped the book on the floor and rubbed his head....."Fuck." he sounded to himself.

Sunday Morning State Police Headquarters May 14, 2018 7am Ocean Pass

The police officer shook Alex awake...."Hey! Wake up!"

"Mmmm....." Alex sat up on the cot. "Morning."

"Morning nothing kid. Did you know the rules? No sleeping naked? No masturbating yourself?" The officer said as he pointed down.

Alex looked at his naked self and swore...."Aw...fuck."

"Get dressed kid. You have more questions to answer." The cop replied.

"Can I have breakfast?" Alex asked.

"We'll bring it to you now hurry up." The cop demanded.

Sunday Morning State Police Headquarters May 14, 2018 7:35am Ocean Pass

Denise made Alex watch the copy of the surveillance tape from his holding cell...the stripping off of his jail suit...the slow finger banging he did to himself...and the audio recording was sharp and crisp...and he was asleep!"

Denise clicked off the video...."Want to explain yourself?"

Alex gestured. "Well I said I had a habit of sleeping naked since like seven! I'm gay, what the fuck do you want?"

"It's hard to make out some of the video Alex but you certainly sound very stimulated by whatever was being done to you." Denise said.

"Duh!" Alex huffed. "I was being fucked up the tail hole? I was getting licked out by two grown guys here? Hello? Yeah.....stimulated all to fuck yeah!"

Denise sat scratching her head. "I'm going to have this tape sent for an analysis."

"Oh what for?!" Alex snapped. "So I can be dragged by the horse further around the dirt track? What the fuck?!" The young wolf complained. "This is nothing ok? I can't help it! I strip naked, I have since I was younger, big fucken deal!"


The wolf cub flopped in his seat...."When is this going to end?"

"When we're sure we have a full case to show the Prosecutor and the D.A. That they will sign off on or reject. Which we plan to give them by noon. You and Will, will be formally charged and arraigned by tomorrow morning."

Sunday Morning State Police Headquarters May 14, 2018 7:42am Ocean Pass

John Brubaker walked into Will's interrogation room with a folder and showed him two photos taken from Alex's cell the night before...

"Your brother took his clothes off and masturbated last night. It looks like on the video that he was still sleeping. They have to analyze and clean up the audio. " John said. "I need to know from you again, Will.... did you molest your brother before you claim you did?"

Will shook his head..."I did not."

"But you know he would go naked around the house before that?" John asked.

"Yes." Will replied.

Fritz Katt walked into the room and sat next to Will.

"Fritz is here because I want to ask you to take a polygraph test." John said. "We need to be absolutely sure you are not hiding anything."

Fritz gestured to Will. "It has risks Will. You don't have to do it but it will show some bearing on what we're trying to do for you two."

Will nodded. "I didn't molest my brother younger than ten...I'll take the test."

John nodded...."Will? Some things you've said about Alex can be indicators of earlier sexual abuse."

Will replied sternly..."No! parents didn't fucken molest my brother!"

"Your parents are not in question right now." John replied. "Any earlier issues can be handled in therapy. We just want to absolutely clear you. absolutely honest with us."

Sunday Morning State Police Headquarters May 14, 2018 7:42am Ocean Pass

Alex walked around scratching his head as Denise sat on his shoulder...."I can't fucken think of anything....ok?"

"Nothing?" Denise asked. "Do you remember ever touching yourself during any of these little naked sessions of yours?"

"No!" Alex snapped. "Fuck! Ok? don't think I did ok? If I was finger fucking my tail hole at like seven? Don't you think I might kinds remember my own "Fingers doing the walking?" huh?

Alex dropped back into his seat and felt Denise jump off. "I'm not going to ask any more questions about it alright?" She asked as the young wolf was clearly upset...

"I'm being honest you know." Alex said with a sigh..."When are you going to meet with the prosecutor?"

Denise replied. "This afternoon. I want to go over with you what we're prepared to offer him as a deal as far as you go. Now don't get upset'll plead guilty to adult charges."

"Huh?" Alex replied shocked. "Adult charges? Why?"

Denise opened her notebook....

One count of providing a minor for the sexual gratification of an adult. Multiple counts of creating and distributing cub pornography. Multiple counts of prostitution to adults for sexual gratification.

"The deal is....20 years in prison...suspended. Five years of sexual therapy. Ten years of monitoring by ankle bracelet. If you are caught on the internet alone looking for porn, if you are caught looking for sex, if you are caught trying to prostitute yourself or another underage cub? Instant 20 years in prison with no parole."

Alex thought...."You're basically telling me I can't be gay? I can't even have a boyfriend till I'm 23?"

Denise nodded. "It's as much to protect others as yourself from being stupid.'re the one who decided to go over to Alex Blix's house and do things there and just because you're 13? Doesn't shield you 100 percent from responsibility. This is your best deal to stay out of prison, trust me...Will's not getting a better deal."

"Well it fucken sucks!" Alex snorted.

"Grow up and deal with it." Denise huffed back.

Alex frowned. "I can't even go to Gay Pride?"

"Children your age are excluded from that." Denise replied. "At least by the letter of the law which it seems the gay community is in the habit of breaking......a lot. Don't get caught going there if you don't want to end up in the big slammer. Now....I have to get ready to present the deal to the prosecutor. Do you accept it?"

Alex frowned. "If that's the best deal? I guess I have no choice huh?"

Denise replied. " don't."

Sunday Morning May 14, 2018 7:42am Western Estates Communities Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Gordon came out into the kitchen dressed in his silk "PJ" bottoms while his wife stood at the cooking range dressed in a white robe...

"Good morning." Gordon said as he stopped to lick his wife's ear. "I wasn't being very efficient last night..."

In one smooth motion....Gordon pulled the robe from his wife's body to her shock and stood behind her rubbing his hips against her backside....

"Where do you want to do it girl? The kitchen table? The couch?" Gordon started to breath heavily..."Let me old fashion doggie fuck the shit out of you on the floor and knot your sweet cunt."

For a moment...Gordon slowly massaged his wife's pussy lips....then the spark simply died and he backed off feeling like a jerk....

"Gordon?" Grace said as she turned around and spread her legs a little.... "Mmm..come on....let's get on all fours and get old fashioned animal on each other?"

"It's dead Grace...." Gordon snorted. "Fuck! How could I even think of doing this with what the boys are going through? This isn't right?"

Gordon sat at the kitchen table as Grace got dressed and sat with him, giving him his coffee....."You're right....we were not into anything last night. But you meant well dear, would have been sweet to throw all the worry off for a moment of happiness."

Gordon sighed and took a sip when the front living room window shattered and a brick bounced off the floor and slapped Gordon in the back!

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Gordon snapped as he got up and reached for the brick and saw a piece of paper attached to it with a rubber band....

"What is it?" Grace asked as Gordon crumpled the paper and gently pushed his wife ahead of him...

"Grace? Get in the bedroom and keep the door closed." Gordon said as he stopped by a hall closet, opened the door, reached for a smaller door on a wall, punched in a code and pulled a 45 caliber pistol with magazines out. "Grace? Get in the fucken bedroom, I'm not telling you again."

Gordon closed the bedroom door, walked into the living room and snatched his cell phone...

"Beep." "Good morning Gordon." Louis said from the phone.

"You better come over here and bring two more cops Louis." Gordon snapped. "Things just got way seriously real here."

The door bell rang and Gordon slowly approached the front door with the pistol ready before him and when he whipped open the door, he drew down...

On his neighbor.....Mumbles Happyfeet.

"WOE! WOE! GORDY!" The penguin yelped as he got in front of his wife Gloria. "Woe! Gordy....easy're cool with us?"

Gordon sighed. "Damn....I'm sorry Mumbles, I am really sorry but someone just chucked a brick through my picture window."

"Yeah...." Mumbles replied as he held up the same leaflet. Is this true?

Gordon slowly nodded. "That's why the police were here yesterday. I knew this was coming one way or the other."

"I guess all me and Gloria can offer you guys is some support. We know you two are innocent of anything, we've known you both It's....just a shock....William?"

"Long story Mumbles." Gordon said as he looked up and down the street. "Look, Mumbles, you and Gloria need to get space from our house....just in case things get worse. The cops are already coming."

"Ok." Mumbles replied. "The Wife and I are willing to wait and see how things go with William before we make our own judgments but that doesn't in any way change us as neighbors."

Sunday Morning State Police Headquarters May 14, 2018 8:39am Ocean Pass

"Ok....what is this color?" The police female Puma asked as she watched the lie detector...

"Blue." Will replied with Felix looking on as he sat next to him.

"Deception." The police female replied. "The machine is ready." She then picked up a red colored marker and readied her questions on a clip board....

"What is your name?" She asked Will.

"William Gray." Will replied.

"Did you....William Gray...anally rape your ten year old brother, Alexander Gray?"

"Yes I did." Will replied.

"True." The female officer replied.

"William Gray. Do you have or are hiding any knowledge of any previous sexual encounters with your little brother Alexander Gray by you, prior to his tenth birthday?"

"No." Will answered.

"Truth." The police female replied.

"William Gray. Are you aware of any episodes of a sexual nature perpetrated upon your brother Alexander Gray, prior to his tenth birthday?" She asked.

"No." Will answered.

"Truth." The police female replied.

"William Gray, other than Alexander Gray and Kimba Kinison. Have you had any sexual contact or contacts with any other fur under the legal age of 18?"

"No." Will replied.

"Truth." The female officer replied. "Based on this session. William Gray has answered all questions truthfully with no attempts to evade."

Will sighed with relief and rested his head on the table...."That made my heart pound."

"Well at least we can go on to finalize the charge reports and finish the plea review for Baghira." Fritz looked at his watch. "Me and Denise will meet Baggy and T.C. At 1pm with our final reports. You should be arraigned on formal charges tomorrow. If Baggy approves of the recommendations and the judge responds favorably to our presentation at the arraignment. He might wave the sentencing hearing and finish things up right then."

Just then, John Brubaker came into the room. "There's been some trouble at the Gray house. Someone threw around a bunch of fliers that peg Will Gray as a pedophile."

Will jumped up...."My parents?!"

"We sent some cars. Someone threw a brick through a window, a few of the neighbors are pissed off, we were hoping to keep this all quiet at least until the investigation of Binx was complete. This might complicate matters."

Fritz grabbed Will's hand. "It doesn't change our plans. Do they know who the hell ratted? Some one had to blurt this out?

"We're already looking at Mathius Kinison, Kimba Kinison's older brother. We already know he's pissed off, we had him here in the station for investigation but he turned out clean but he was saying he would rip the throat out of Alex if he got his hands on him. He has a right to be angry but we warned him not to compromise our investigation.

Sunday Morning May 14, 2018 8:39am Housing construction site Ocean Pass

Two Pit Bull police officers stood by their cruiser with Mathius Kinison, the 24 year old White Lion brother of Kimba who had been Alex's lover.

"I've been here the whole morning, my co-workers can vouch for me. And I was warned by the State Police not to screw up their investigation. Yeah....I hate those wolf bastards, I am totally fucken pissed, but I'm not going to screw around with the State Police, I'm not stupid." Mathius said.

"You're sure you didn't make those fliers or got someone else to do it for you?" One of the officers asked.

"I swear I didn't do it." Mathius replied. "What about their parents?"

"No one has been hurt....yet." One of the Pit Bulls said. "So far. But you better keep your nose clean there lion. Don't give us an excuse. If anyone does get hurt? You will be the first we come for."

As the cops turned to get back in their cruiser, Mathius stopped the driver..."Officer? Let me ask you? If your little brother? If your son? Had an anus as wide as a fucken car tunnel and his white fur between his legs was fucken red? What would you do?"

"Probably kill the fucker who raped him. But then I'd be in prison. Don't do anything stupid....lion. Obey.....the law." The cop replied.

Sunday Morning May 14, 2018 8:59 am Western Estates Communities Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Sargent Sirus Deupont and his fellow fox Patrolman Taddy made their way through the angry crowd of furs in front of the Gray's house and blocked the front door. Taddy spied a short Corgi with a Louisville slugger, which almost made him laugh if the sizes weren't so mismatched....

"You! Corgie! Why don't you put the bat down Sir before you go off balance and fall over? The embarrassment would be too hilarious." Taddy said.

"You keep that cock sucker cub rapist away from my pups! Do your job officer!" The Corgie snapped.

"I am doing my job sir. Keeping you from being stupid." Taddy snapped back.

Sirus waved his arms trying to calm the crowd..."People! The two adults in this house have not been charged with any crime!"

"We don't care!" A reindeer snapped out. "They gave birth to a fucken cub raping shit bag! That mother fucker better not come back to this neighborhood! We'll fucken lynch his ass!"

Sirus snapped as the crowd got more rowdy and threatened to close in on the door. "Pull sidearms!" The two fox cops drew their pistols...."Back off! Back the fuck off now!" Sirus screamed. "Do it right now!"

Louis's car screeched to a stop with two more cruisers behind him and the message that the police weren't going to screw around was made loud and clear as four large bears in riot gear stomped up to make the crowd coward....

Louis stood in front of the Blue Bruin Wall and gestured..."Ladies and gentlemen if you would allow some civility to return? I represent the State Police in this ongoing investigation.....and please people? Drop the Frankenstein monster Olympic chase event?"

Some of the furs dropped the various hand weapons they were carrying as the crowd walked up....

Louis pulled out a copy of the flier and waved it around. "Obviously? This has not a few of you flea bitten and pissed off? Perhaps I can remind you all of something in our land called "Due process of law? That all are entitled to a fair hearing, a fair trial and a fair review by the state? William Gray has not been formally charged, he's not been tried, has not been convicted and is being investigated properly by the system of justice you people put in place.....may I remind you serve everyone equally with fairness."

"The only thing a dirty fucken pedophile needs is a gawd damned rope!" One of the residents screamed out.

"And if you lynch him you dumb bastard? You'll be charged with murder. You're not an appointed judge, last time I checked." Louis replied. "The dumb fur who printed out these fliers has not only violated William Gray's right to due process? They have also endangered a State Police investigation in which Gray is a possible important witness. They have also endangered the Adults in this house who have been cleared of any charges, are not suspects, are not even furs of interest. Any more vandalism against this residence and trust me....the person or persons involved will become intimate with the concrete and then intimate with the Are the warnings clear enough or do my friends behind me have to clear the streets? and trust me? We don't have the honey to make them happy."

The residents wisely chose to clear the street. One of the bruins tapped Louis on the shoulder...

"We'll stay put for an hour." The big grizzly said.

Louis nodded and walked up to the front door where Sirus and his partner stood drinking sodas. "Never a dull moment." Sirus said. "You should have seen this Corgie, Louis? The bat her was trying to wave around was like a fricken tree."

Louis gave Sirus a shoulder punch. "We have bowling coming up remember? We go against Sunnyslope PD for the pre-cut tournament."

Sirus replied. " I will be at my usual beer filled best as always dude."

Louis entered the house to see Gordon sitting alone in a recliner with a pistol holstered to his chest...."Wonderful morning."

"Yeah." Louis replied. "We thought we could keep it low key for a wile longer but I think the locals got the message."

Gordon sighed...."My wife is very upset. She thinks the boys won't come home now."

"I won't sugar coat it Gordon. Will won't be able to go out alone. Some people will get piss stupid." Louis replied.

Gordon pursed his lips..."Then my son's life is over? Who'll hire him? Who will want to....then again I don't know if he's going to tell me he's gay."

Louis replied. "That's why the state invests a lot in recovery planning for furs who show a strong desire to not be ruined by the system. I believe Will won't re-offend, he won't allow it to happen again...Alex? He's.....there's signs showing he's going to be difficult for you. You did read that book somewhat?"

Gordon nodded back. "The wife and I sat up last night trying real hard to think about Alex, about William...if they had been molested when they were younger? We couldn't think of a damned thing."

Louis played with his fingers. "You never saw Alex being naked in the house?"

"We went over that before....He didn't do it while we were home, the wife and I are serious prunes, hell we didn't let the boys bath together when they were younger, we didn't let them sleep together. We're just in a fog."

"Well I think you'll both be alright." Louis said. "I don't think anyone's going to get stupid and attack your house."

Gordon took a deep breath..."Right now? The house is further down my list of priorities to worry over."

Sunday Morning State Police Headquarters May 14, 2018 9:17am Ocean Pass

Denise watched as Alex read the report she was going to give to the Prosecutor and the young wolf frowned as he passed it back...."I still think I get penalized for being gay."

"Sigh.....Alex? You must understand, it's to protect you not hurt you." Denise said as she patted the paperwork.

"But I can't have a boyfriend! At least not in high school! I can't date! I can't even talk to someone without it being screwed as "fucking sex predator" shit....I hate it." Alex snorted.

Denise pointed to the paperwork. "Do you want to go to prison?"

"No...." Alex replied.

"Do you want to hurt your parents?" Denise asked.

"" Alex replied. "I'll......I'll sign...what else can I do?" Alex took the pen. "Can I still masturbate?"

Alex? Don't push your luck?" Denise snorted as she watched the Wolf Cub sign the sheets.

Sunday Morning State Police Headquarters May 14, 2018 9:45am Ocean Pass

Will read through the papers Fritz passed to him and paused..."I can't even drive my car?"

"So long as one of your parents or an approved guardian over 18 is present. Yes you can."

Will sighed...."I couldn't even be close to Alex, could I?"

Fritz replied. "Not alone. And the monitoring bracelets are designed to ping if there's a one on one without another person present."

Will tapped a finger on the sheet. "But....if things work out? I could be home, right?"

"Yes." Fritz replied. "If Babby approves? We'll strike a deal for the areignment. It will probably be Judge Mufasa who does the proceedings and normally depending on the case and the history of the defendant....he'll wave a sentence hearing and do it right there at that time. You stand a good shot at that."

Will signed the sheets and handed them back to Fritz. "It's up to you now. Guess I'll wait and see if any more questions pop up."

Just then...Nala came into Will's room with Denise in her hand. "Thanks Nala." Denise said as he walked on the table. "Will? I've aranged some time between you and Alex because....well he's a little upset and....this thing about him being naked around the house is biting him in the brain. He wants to talk to you but of course an officer will be present as well as myself and Fritz. Maybe we can bring something to light that no one knows?"

Will nodded. "Alright." And followed Fritz and Denise into Alex's room where alex sat doodling a pencil over some paper...

"Hey? You alright?" Will asked as he sat down.

" do I describe it? Confused? Bewildered? Fucked in the head?" Alex replied. "Gasp"....."Will? When did I start walking around the house naked?"

Will thought...."Around six or seven years old. Remember, I was like.....eleven?"

"And I never did it when Mom or Dad were home?" Alex asked.

"No." Will replied. "I don't ever remember you doing it....No wait, only once. You ran in from the pool naked....I think when you And Dad spanked you. I remember that time. You stopped in front of mom and did this crazy Michael Jackson "whoop.....awwwww!" Thing that made her drop the cassarole dish."

Alex flexed his fingers in a sign of frustration. "But I went naked mostly when Mom and Dad were not home? I mean? Isn't that a little strange?"

Will replied...."Alex...I was 11 years old, like I'm gonna care? I kinda thought you were being cute...not....not sexual cute ok? Just....what kids do, innocent naked phase thingy you know?"

Alex groaned...."The crazy thing Will is....I don't remember shit! I don't remember stripping when I slept, I don't remember a damn thing! How the fuck could I not strip when mom and dad were home but I could go buff when you and I were home alone up to fricken ten years old?"

Will sighed...."I wish I could honestly help you answer it Alex. I do!

Alex started to sob...."It's got me so messed up Will."

Will looked at the other people in the room and grabbed Alex's hands...."No Alex...I messed you up. I messed you up and I'll be spending the rest of my life trying to make things right because I failed to do what a big brother should do..."

Alex sobbed back...."Will you shut up and stop blaming yourself?"

"It's the truth Alex!" Will replied. "I hurt you and I should be rotting in fucken prison for it! I mess up our lives! I disgraced Mom and Dad! If I could? I'd fucken kill myself!"


Alex climbed over the table and wrapped his arms around his brother crying and holding him in a death grip...."Don't you ever threaten to fucken leave me alone....Will, I need you.....I need you......"

Will grimaced and looked away...."I'm a piece of shit Alex!"

"I'd rather have a piece of shit than a dead brother!" Alex screamed as he held Will's face. "Don't leave me alone.....please?"

Sunday Morning State Police Headquarters May 14, 2018 1pm Ocean Pass

Bagira Kurumbi, a tall and muscular black panther, sat looking at Fritz Katt and Denise Brisby after the story they told of the morning's emotional upset....

"A very difficult situation." Bagira said. "No priors on either siblings? Nothing?"

Fritz replied a he smoked...."None. They're church mice till this situation. I'm starting to think the younger wolf has something serious going on....given this "nudist" fascination that's upsetting him so much. Denise had the audio from the jail surveillance tape sent to audio improvement. Perhaps something could come from that.'

Baghira took a moment to review the two finished reports and their recommendations . "So they plead guilty and get these sentencing guidelines for turning state evidence against Alex Binx? You're saying the older one won't re-offend but the younger one might have a rough time?"

Denise pursed her lips. "He's going to need some heavy therapy....and he's hard claiming he's gay so....socially things are going to be dangerous for him even with the weight of this on his back."

Baghera turned to "T.C." The District Attorney. "Does this satisfy you?"

"Leaving them in the same home together presents a big risk." .T.C. Said as he rubbed his forehead. "But I imagine that a Foster Home for the younger or some sort of Juvenile living facility to keep them separated or putting the older one in a half way house is not acceptable to you two?"

Fritz replied. "You'll kill them both or worse? Drive one or both to re-offend. The younger one plays off the strength of the older one. I don't expect and I am confident that the older brother will not offend again and if he stays a good example, the younger one will stay on his tail....any other alternative and we'll have a disaster."

Baghira looked at "T.C."...."Mister D.A.? Do you accept the deal of the defense?"

"T.C." nodded. "I can accept this."

Baghira nodded...."Then the prosecutor accepts the plea deal of the defense and will forward the report to the judge. As for remandence....I expect arraignment to happen quickly so until then the defendants will remain in custody on protective basis since they will be states witnesses."

Sunday Morning May 14, 2018 2:38 pm Western Estates Communities Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Gordon walked into the living room to pick up the house phone. "Gray residence?"

"Mister Gray this is Will's lawyer, Fritz Katts. The D.A. and the prosecutor accepted our plea deals for your boys today."

Gordon waved to Grace and squeezed her hand as he talked...."What's next?"

"Arraignment with the judge." Fritz replied. "Now....the judge could accept our pleas or reject them or modify them but with Judge Mufasa I expect he'll go right to sentencing on the spot. If the boys behave well...they could be remanded home. Before then of course we'd have to sit and explain the details and requirements."

Gordon hugged Grace and kissed her forehead...

"How are things at home right now?" Fritz asked.

"Well besides the police car in front of the house and the occasional cuss word, things are fine." Gordon replied. "And no....we're not moving. I own my house and I'm not moving because my sons blundered and tripped over themselves."

"That's a funny way of rounding the seriousness?" Fritz replied.

"Coming up with long winded words to explain simple bull shit is a military custom." Gordon snorted. "You just remind Will to behave himself and pop tall when he meets the judge or so help me I'll whip that boy till he needs a blimp to comfort his ass."

"I'm sure he'll be happy at your show of parental affection." Fritz replied. "Keep the faith Gordon."

As Gordon hung up the phone, Grace squeezed his arm. "The boys are coming home, are they?"

"Not out of the frying pan yet but it looks good." Gordon replied.

Monday Morning, State Police Headquarters May 16, 2018 2am Ocean Pass

"WHUMP!" Alex hit the floor with his snoot and sat gasping hard for breath before realizing he had once again thrown off his jail suit and had his underwear around his knees. Quickly pulling them up, Alex waved frantically to the surveillance camera and got a cop to come to the door...

"What's wrong kid?" The officer asked....

"Uh?.......uh?.......fuck! I.....I was stripping naked again and I don't fucken know why?! Alex yelped as he sat on the cot....."FUCK!"

The cop walked in slowly..."Were you dreaming? Anything quick comes to mind?"

"No!" Alex snorted. "Fuck....." He then looked down as he felt the warm wetness coating him...."Oh great! And I fucken piss myself again? Damn it!"

End of part 1