Rugrats chapter 1 part 2

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#2 of The Tower of the Guardian

An hour had past and Sam slowly began to awake from his nap looking around noticing that Tommy and Angelica were still peacefully sleeping but with the blanket falling off of Tommy oh good no pee stains or poop stains so that is a good sign, Sam moved his free hand over to Angelica's pants to make sure she didn't have an accident oh good still dry and both are still breathing good signs, I have use the restroom Sam said to himself but that would mean having to move the kids without waking them up, Sam carefully picked up Tommy and laid him next to the other side of the couch good still asleep like a rock and now for Angelica Sam slowly moved her up a bit so she was slowly leaning towards the couch arm and gently places her head onto the couch arm to use it as a pillow now with Sam free to get up he stretched I should probably put a diaper on him just in case someone walks in and sees some baby balls hanging out on display for all to see, Sam grabs a diaper and carefully puts in on Tommy, I hope he will understand once he wakes up I will take it off once I get back from taking a leak 3:00 Stu said their friends should be here at either 3 or 4, Sam walks by the window to make sure if they are here yet, Sam looked to the left and right no car or anyone walking up and down the street yet, OK Sam walked into the bathroom UN fastened his belt and whipped out his penis and aimed as if it were a tree, I don't have these things from where I am from but the concept seems pretty easy Sam did have a bathroom from where he is from but it was usually just a large hole in the ground with a piece of wood to sit on in case the person in question didn't just have to pee, Sam relaxed and started to pee and was thinking of how much fun he is having this weekend that so far he never thought of doing anything sexual with children since it was frowned apon in his village with a child unless it was another child having sex with another child but since that rarely happened much for children their age since they weren't sexually active I have a strange feeling I am on the right path I wish to revisit this world once I am done with the tower, Sam was slowly getting done draining the lizard he pulled up his pants and made his way back down stairs still no sign of them but Sam did notice that it was starting to rain Sam walked over to the couch and the sleeping Tommy and took his diaper off since he was back and wanted to let Tommy wake up the same way he fell asleep naked and happy being able to feel free for as long as he can, Sam put the pillow under his head and then put the blanket over him and Angelica so as to not arouse suspicion, I should let the dog outside to do its thing but where is it, I could whistle but would that wake the kids up, Sam paused when he heard the sound of a door closing the sound was coming from outside Sam looks outside the window to see a man with red hair wearing glasses, blue pants with suspenders with an Umbrella in one hand and a child holding his other hand with red hair and dressed in somewhat the same clothing just smaller both walking to the front door I am guessing they are one of their friends, a knock came from the door, Sam made his way to the door and opened the door please come in get out of the rain it is really coming down now, ty said the mysterious man as he closed his umbrella , My name is Sam, my name is chazz as he held out his hand to give a hand shake, Sam grabs his hand and shakes it and this is my son Chucky, the boy hid a bit behind his fathers leg, don't be shy, so you are the babysitter? yes well a last minute babysitter from what I heard the babysitter your friends Stu, Didi and Drew the one they asked didn't show up, I was just passing by looking for a place to settle down to call my own when I happen to come across this job, Sam said quietly sorry I almost forgot about Tommy and Angelica being asleep over their on the couch napping, I wore them out from playing , I see said Chazz, Chazz took a big back pack and placed it on the floor their is a few pairs of clothes in here and a few pairs of underwear Chucky is potty trained so no worries about about changing diapers on him, phil, lil and Tommy is all you would have to worry about for diaper changes, I think I will change chucky in a bit just to get him out of the warm clothing since I don't want him to get sick under my care, that is fine I would change him right now but I am in a hurry to get to the place that I am meeting the others at I am just waiting on Betty so I can give her a ride but I can see Betty isn't here yet, her husband went on a head of Stu and the others with Drew's wife, a knock on the door came to both of our ears that must be who I think it might be as Sam opened the door to a lady that is soaking wet holding 2 babies in her arms hurry come right in Sam said quietly to the woman oh dear said Chazz are you alright Betty? ya I will live but Phil and Lil will have to be changed since they are completely soaked through that they could get really sick, Betty put her backpack down and opened her backpack oh no Betty said in a loud voice both Sam and Chazz said quietly Tommy and Angelica are napping on the couch oh sorry said, Betty but what can we do about the clothes? isn't their a thing to dry clothes that we can put the wet clothes into for a bit just to dry all the clothes that you brought, Yes their is such a thing in the house said Chazz it is over their in that room how does it work Sam asked where I come from they don't have any of this stuff, oh said Chazz you open this door and put the clothes in that was all that was in the back pack what about the clothes that they are wearing should we through them in as well so that way their clothes are all dry, good idea said Betty as she started pulling off phils pants, sock and shirt and then did the same for Lil and turn that dial and then you push that button that says on, the machine started up it will be ready in 30 minutes, I am glad that will be one thing out of the way said Sam you and me both said Betty, so Chazz who is this smart and good looking kid? that is Sam the babysitter Stu and Didi could find on short notice the other person that we approved of didn't show up, howdy my name is Betty and you are Sam, ya that was the whole story of it except this is my first time babysitting, looks like you are doing a great job so far as Betty pointed to the passed out children on the couch, what is your secret on that one, honestly all I did was play with them and wore them out, Betty quietly laughed so once the clothes are dry I will put them onto them both and I will put a dry diaper on both of their bums oh ya I am pretty sure you will, well Chazz we should start heading out to meet the others before it gets to late you are right Chazz said Betty, Phil and lil were fed before we left and I changed them as well they should be OK for an hour or so no guarantees now you 2 be good for Sam both shook their heads in a way to say they will, Chucky it will be alright Sam is not that scary trust me as he picked up Chucky and placed him in Sams arms hi their said Sam don't be shy Chucky said Sam, Chucky start to cry a little, Sam brought Chucky closer it is OK I won't hurt you and Tommy is still sleeping Chucky shook his head in understanding and calmed down wow said Chazz in surprise, man you are wet Chucky said Sam I should have thrown your clothes in with Phil's and Lil's i guess, but I will have to wake up Tommy and Angelica pretty soon you guys can help me wake them up OK asked Sam all 3 shook their heads you kids are in good hands both Chazz and Betty said as they opened the door to make their way to Chazz's car you you guys on Tuesday, I didn't see spike anywhere said Betty, I heard they sent him he is in the basement and that will be good for Sam with him being new to the job but he is doing a great job so far as Chazz and Betty enter the car and drives off would it be OK if we stopped by my house so I can get a quick change and get my bag? asked Betty sure fine with me said Chazz.

The 3 children just stood their looking at Sam being a bit nervous would you 3 like to help me wake up Tommy the 3 shook their heads and walked over to where Tommy was napping, Sam helped Phil and Lil up onto the couch and the picked up Chucky all 4 slowly rocked Tommy back and forth Tommy it is time to wake up said Sam don't be afraid to help me guys I can understand what you say said Sam all 3 babies faces looked at Sam in surprised really? asked Phil yes said Sam cool said Lil, very helpful said Chucky, Tommy started to slowly open his eyes and looked around and saw Sam first Sam said Tommy, did you have a good nap? ya as Tommy sat up and the blanket slipped off as Phil and Lil came into view, Phil, Lil you are finally here said Tommy as Tommy stood up with his naked but showing Tommy said Phil and Lil, Tommy gives them a naked hug, why are you nakey asked Chucky, Tommy looked at Chucky, Chucky as Tommy gave Chucky a naked hug because it is fun to be naked, what is wrong with it? asked Tommy won't you get in trouble? No cause Sam doesn't have a problem with it but what if you have to pee asked Phil and poop asked Lil well that problem is easy as Tommy smiled and looked at Sam, I use Sam it is so fun to go potty on someone said Tommy really asked Phil and Lil we never thought about it said the twins but we won't have to go for a while, Angelica will have to go soon and she wants a turn she still seems dry but I don't know when the last time she went the only one that I know of is Tommy said Sam, don't knock it until you try it guys said Tommy well it does look fun said, Phil and Lil, I think I will be going nakey to this time since we aren't expecting any more visitors for the night let me just close the curtains so no one views in are you 2 going to need some help getting your diaper off? asked Sam no but we will wait till you get back Sam awesome I love watching Tommy becoming nakey, who are we going to go potty on asked Phil and how asked Lil well it is like um to stand over him and oh I guess it would be easier if I showed you but, as Sam got back are you 2 nervous asked Sam sort of said Phil, Lil and Chucky I can help you if you need the help with your diapers since they are wet from the rain I was planning to take off your wet diapers so you 3 don't get sick, Sam went over to phil and picked him up to put him behind the couch with Chucky, Tommy slowly climbed down off of the couch and helped Lil down, both ran around to the back of the couch to see Sam helping chucky with his shirt and pants, lets get these shoes and socks off, Lil would you like to help phil take his diaper off and he can help take yours off as Sam was working his way to Chuckys underwear pulling them down seeing an intact penis, so you have foreskin said Sam and Tommy doesn't, Sam looked over to see Phil and Lil arguing on who will go first so Sam reached over and pulled both off at the same time with both of them facing each other phil and Lil look down both act surprised Lillian? Phillip? what is wrong asked Tommy and Chucky, the twins turned towards us, um Lil can I ask you a question asked Tommy, where is your pee pee asked Chucky idk this how it has always been on me said Lil but what about yours ask lil, Sam looked at phils penis his has no foreskin either, Lil standing their with her vagina her small folds looking very cute, I have the answer but I can tell you in a bit let me wake up Angelica first since I promised that she would have the next turn and she has been asleep for a bit to long for a nap and it wouldn't be good if she pees or poops onto the couch, ok said the babies after she gets her turn it will be based on who ever has to go potty after that point sounds good to me said Tommy and it is only fair since it was originally her idea to try that fun game we will go over to the box I will start trying to show them what to do said Tommy OK said Sam just make sure their is no accidents pee is a bit easier to clean up than poop is Sam laughed all the kids laughed even Chucky was laughing at the joke, Sam moved over to Angelica and checked to see if she had any accidents or not still dry but she has to be close to having to go and if I let her sleep any more she might have trouble sleeping later tonight when it is time for bed, Sam rocks Angelica back and forth slowly waking her up, Angelica it is time to wake up said Sam Angelica opened her eyes looking at Sam, Sam how was it with Tommy Angelica asked sam laughed how about you ask him yourself once you get up you were asleep for 3 hours, I woke you up thinking might have to use the bathroom since I don't want you to have an accident by mistake and I also promised you the next turn after Tommy, oh ya said Angelica starting to feel the pressure on her bladder, I haven't gone potty since I arrived here with my daddy which was before you came, I will be ready to be everyone's potty once I am nakey with everyone else said Sam, everyone else Angelica question yes look over their near the blocks, Angelica sat up and turned around to look to see 4 naked babies with Tommy standing on one of the blocks with 4 pairs of butt cheeks facing her and Sams direction, I feel a bit out of place Angelica said looking at her clothes, Sam can you help me get undressed? I still have trouble getting dressed and undressed on my own, sure said Sam as Sam started with her shirt pulling it up over her head and now the sleeves freeing her arms, little did they know the babies were watching especially the boys they must be curious about Lil, Sam was done with Angelica's Shirt and is now on his way to her shoes and socks pulling the shoes off first and then both socks revealing her feet, 2 more to go Sam said as Angelica smiled are you sure you want to go through with peeing on me? Sam asked it doesn't feel like I just have to pee as Angelica laughed as she got a reminder from her body, Sam started pulling down Angelica's pants with her help despite her legs doing the pee dance, one more to go your underwear said Sam that I can do on my own said Angelica as she stood up off the couch and purposely faced Sam with a smile pulling her underwear off and revealing her small vagina a slight bigger than Lils but the thought of pee pouring out of it on to him the thought started to feel aroused, the babies all in aw are angelica's butt but then turned around, Sam then pulled his pants and underwear kind of clothes revealing his penis and now not feeling a slight out of place of being the only one that was wearing clothes, Angelica eyes went wide and her jaw dropped I am guessing this is the first time she has seen a penis, well right we best get to it, another reminder hit Angelica with a stomach cramp, right I don't know how much more I can hold it, as Sam approached the the blocks and laid his head down between the blocks with Tommy standing on one of the blocks, how did it go Tommy? asked Sam no I forgot how I did it said Tommy as Tommy and the other looked at Angelica getting onto the other standing naked, tall and proud with Tommy, Phil and Chucky all staring at her vagina, I really have to go said Angelica, you would just have to put the other foot on the other block being above my head or face with either your pee pee facing me or away said Sam, Angelica put the right foot on the other block, now what, Phil walked up next to the top of my head with Tommy on the block moving in front of where Angelica was standing, what are you 2 doing asked Angelica, we just wanted to get a good view, hey Chucky get onto that block with Lil this is the first time that I have seen someone pee before said Tommy, chucky and Phil and we were wondering if we could see what pee feels like, oh I didn't think of that said Angelica, how about you all put your hands under her pee pee said Sam, the babies looked at each other and put one hand in a line under her pee pee while being above Sams face, Angelica bend your legs and knees a bit, ok Angelica said like this? asked Angelica, you got it right, may I turn around if needed? yes you may, once she pees on your hands you may either move it or you can keep them their said Sam to the babies waiting naked and patiently for the magic to happen, OK we are ready when ever you are, OK said Angelica with her vagina stretching out a bit, Sam notices a nervous look on her face don't worry if you miss my face a bit feel free to adjust your self to aim it is a bit harder for girls to aim than boys, so just relax and you will be fine as Sam smiles to Angelica who was looking down on the person she was about to soak in her pee and poop since she felt the urge to poop since she hasn't pooped since she got up from bed, I will turn around after I get done peeing so the others can see my poop come out of my butt she thought to herself, Angelica breathed in and out to relax herself it was hard the first time having so many people watching her, a few seconds later she was able to relax completely she could feel it coming, it is coming I can feel it! (Angelica) a few seconds later pee droplets started to come out some of it onto one of the babies hands which it appeared to have touched Chucky's hand and Tommy's, Angelica pee started to pick up and soon what was droplets turned into a small stream Angelica noticed that Chucky and Tommy still had their hands out, wow said Chucky it is so warm, ya it is said Tommy in surprise and shock, really? asked the twins, it felt like she has so much to push out and she wanted Phil and Lil to be able to feel what her pee feels like so she took Sams words of advice to heart and leaned back a bit but almost lost her balance, Sam noticed that and placed his hands on her back to support her from falling over, Angelica's pee was passing over Chuckys hand, then onto Tommy's hand, onto Lillian's Hand and finally onto Phillip hand all the babies faces lit up even on Chucky's face who was scared about this whole thing, Angelica figured that would be enough for now and slowly aimed her way back to Sams face to the babysitter who has been so nice to her and her family as she made her way back to Sams face passing each hand one by one each one pulled their hands back giving her some room while watching her in amazement on their eyes while having big smiles on their face, as the her stream hit Chuckys hand for one last time Chucky giggles in laughter you were right guys this is fun (as he removed his hand) I wouldn't mind doing this again said Chucky while watching Angelica pee stream starting to pick up speed as it started to hit Sams face as her pee started to run down all over his face, Tommy noticed that Sam has his mouth open, Angelica noticed he had his mouth open and wasn't sure what he was wanting, Tommy leaned over to whisper the answer into her ears, Angelica he is waiting for you to pee into his mouth, Angelica shook her head in understanding Angelica started to aim towards Sams open mouth her pee started to fill up Sams mouth to so much that Sam started to swallow Angelica's pee, Angelica watched and started to laugh while trying to hold in her poop so she can turn around after, the babies were all on their backs laughing at the sight of seeing someone drinking pee even though Tommy knew about it, each baby saying that they are looking forward to their turn, after a few minutes Angelica's pee stream started to slow down a bit, does anyone want another turn in touching my pee before I run out put your hand under my pee stream as Angelica felt more pee coming out she had so much built up from her nap, I want to try something else said Philip as he climbed up on to the big block and laid down while opening his mouth, I see said Angelica, the others took note, we didn't think about that, Angelica moved her pee stream towards Philips face and mouth a few seconds later she met her mark and hit Phillips tongue in his toothless mouth, Phillip moaned at the taste and smell at the same time surprised Sam, Tommy stepped up right behind Phillip getting ready to follow his lead, looks like their is only room for 2 on the blocks, that is ok said Chucky and Lillian we will have our turn next time that Angelica has to pee everyone agreed, we have all weekend to enjoy this kind of fun said Sam so their will be plenty of time to use me as a potty but if you want to use each other feel free to try it, Angelica's pee tastes just as sweet as Tommy's even though it is a bit salty, ok Sam as Lillian started looking at Phil's pee pee, his pee pee is pointing up wards, Tommy laid down on the other block next to Phils face opening his mouth, Angelica moved from phil to Tommy's mouth, Tommy's moaned out of pleasure just like phil was while enjoying his cousins pee, Chucky walked up to Tommy's legs looking down at Tommy's penis as it starts to point up like phils, Lillian wondered what would happen if she put her mouth on it, I have to pee said Phil, Phil felt a strange feeling on his pee pee phil looked up and saw Lil licking it while it is pointing straight up each lick his pee pee moves, I wonder what it tastes like said Lillian as she put it into her mouth and started to suck on it like a passive fire, oh that feels so good said phil as he moaned, phil's body started to act on his own as he started to thrust his pee pee into his sisters mouth and then he pulled out, Chucky was watching the twins and found it fascinating but then he looked down at his best friends pee pee and started copying Lillian by putting his mouth over the hard member and Tommy's body started acting on its owns like phils did, Angelica pee stream was starting to slow down as Angelica gave a sigh of relief she put a hold on her pee stream, Chucky and Lil would you like a taste as they pulled both of their mouths off of their friends penises and said sure, I am almost out of pee said Angelica both chucky and lil climbed on top of their friends laying on top of them, Angelica released her pee onto Lil and Chuckys face and moved it towards Lils mouth first ladies first said Angelica, Lil felt the golden liquid touch her tongue as she started drinking what Angelica had to give not as much as she gave to Sam but considering that she is almost done peeing Lil figured their would always be another chance to enjoy this treat, Angelica moved to Chucky who was waiting for his turn to taste her pee, but unaware to the children and Sam that someone was watching from a crack in the window's shades, someone the babies knew well watching Angelica standing on some blocks naked peeing on her friends while all of them were naked she was so curious on what was going on with those blocks, Chucky felt the salty taste of pee hit his tongue he thought it would taste bad but it tastes a bit like apple juice, Angelica could feel hurt butt telling her that she is close to having to poop so she decided to use up the rest of her pee on Chucky, as it poured into his mouth filling it up to the point that he was forced to gulp it all down, Angelica's pee stream slowed down to a small stream turning into droplets again dripping as Angelica stood up, Lil and Chucky got off of their naked friends, that was awesome all 4 babies said at once as Tommy and Phil got up, I would like a turn said Phil, well it is still my turn said Angelica I am not done going potty said Angelica said with a smile as Angelica turned around and took the same position but with one adjust she put her hands on the block to help her balance but Angelica stopped for a minute after hearing a strange noise.

Tommy looked around after hearing some weird noises coming from one of the windows like some plants being moved, do you guys hear a noise, then Tommy heard a farting noise and noticed it was Angelica then broke out in laughter and fell over forcing herself to hold her poop in a bit longer, Tommy stopped laughing no I hear some noise coming from outside somewhere near one of the windows really said Sam, having an idea that Angelica has more to give from that fart he just smelled, I have this feeling like we are being watched said Sam, Angelica would you mind if I go check it out real quick? I know you have some more stuff to do for your turn as he takes a whiff of her pucker that was pressed up against his nose, sure give me a minute to get back onto one of the blocks, Angelica climbed onto the block, I won't be long said, Sam, as he quickly crawled over to the couch and quickly put on his pants as not to scare away the person in question that might be watching, Sam grabbed the diaper he put on Tommy earlier would you like to give me a hand Tommy? my instincts are telling me that it might not be a grown-up I will go check it out as Sam made his way to the back door, it is still pouring as he summoned up his courage it is just rain I will dry off he said to himself, Sam peeked out he looked to the right and then looked to the left no one on those windows, Sam shut the door behind him as to keep the house warm for whatever amount of heat there was in the house, I think I will go this way as Sam quietly made his way to the corner of the house and peeked around the corner he saw a little girl with dark skin close to the same size as Angelica so focused on trying to see what is going on, Sam walked around as to come up behind her as not to scare her away, Sam quietly decided to speak now that he was close enough to ask her and was close enough to stop her from running off can I help you? asked Sam the girl turned around in shock that she had been caught, don't be afraid, are you friends with Tommy and the other babies? you know Tommy? asked the little girl, Sam picked her up into his arms shall we get out of this rain? before we start talking you look soaked and we can't have you getting sick said Sam as he made his way back to the back door and quickly got back into the house and brought her to the couch and placed her down not to far from the blocks, I am Sam and you are, Susie screamed out Tommy and Angelica while Angelica was having stomach cramps from holding in her poop, oh dear said Sam we best get back to what I was doing if you would like to come near the blocks Susie as Sam laid himself down onto the blocks, Tommy and Chucky could you explain to your Susie on what is going on while I am busy with Angelica's poop, we would be glad to fill her in wait what she has to poop, we will try but we don't want to miss a thing as they turned their head while hugging the blocks covering their pee pees so all Susie could see was their butt-cheeks, Angelica got back into the position she was in before she fell from the laughter from her farting, what is that asked Susie as she was looking at Angelica's butt hole, that would be my poop hole Angelica said to Susie as Angelica made another big fart and you aren't going to go on the potty upstairs? asked Susie I would but that sounds so boring said, Angelica, as she lifted up her butt and farted into Susie's direction Susie backed away a bit and where are the grown-ups and why is everyone naked? our Mommies and Daddies went away for the weekend said Chucky and as for why we are naked it is part of the game that we are playing that Angelica made the only grown up in this house is Sam, this game is a lot of fun said Chucky, why don't you join us asked Tommy? does your mommy and daddy know that you are over here? asked Sam yes I asked them if I could come over but their was no cars and all of the shades were closed except for the one that had a crack I couldn't see much, I don't know if I should get Naked said Susie, it would be healthier than sitting in that wet clothing that can and will get you sick and if you came over to play with the kids you may as well join in the fun and don't worry no one here has gotten hurt the only thing that has happened is a bunch of laughter, so what is the point of the game asked Susie, to pee or poop on to Sams face but the person peeing or pooping can also allow other people touch her pee, not to sure about poop since Angelica is the first one to poop, ok I will try this game, oh an important rule of the game Susie is that what we do here will stay between us said Tommy as he was looking at Susie who took off her shirt and shoes already, her socks and pants came flying off and now for this underwear she said, she pulled it down slowly revealing to the babies the same kind of pee pee That Angelica and Lil has for some reason, way to go Susie said the babies who turned their gaze back to the poop hole that made their eyes spread open as Angelica s hole started to slowly open causing everyone to be more surprised with a wow, Susie Angelica called out grunting I dare you to put your hands and face in front of my poop hole as I am pooping!, do you except my challenge? I was never one to back down from a challenge but this challenge was new, you are on said Susie but how am I going to do that she wondered, she moved closer to her pooping hole I am sorry Sam but I am going to have to sit on your forehead a bit to get close enough as Angelica grunted and pushed more and more of the log out Susie put her hands under the log as it was sliding along her hands Susie laughed I thought this would feel gross at first but poop doesn't feel that bad said Susie with her black skin vagina dripping wet a bit, as Angelica's poop was making its way towards Susie face in staid of Sams, how long do I have to hold it asked Susie until the other end of this poop finally comes out of my bum said Angelica when that will be grunted Angelica I have no clue as Angelica laughed causing remaining pee drops to drip onto Sams face, the log of poop kept coming out with no end insight with the log a few inches away from her chest I might have problems from keeping it straight as Tommy reached out to help her and Phil reached out from the other side wow said the babies this feels awesome as both of their penis got harder as, angelica grunted a bit more and her poop touched Susie chest and the end of that log popped out of Angelica's poop hole, wow that is one long poop the babies said, Angelica sighed a bit but feeling like their is more poop in her but she was ready for a break since it was just that poop that was causing her to cramp up she decided to stand up and get off the block she found a nice seat on Sams chest on the other side of the blocks, I guess you are a record holder ATM Sam said to Angelica, I didn't know poop could get that long, some can be longer said Sam, really everyone said as they let the poop fall onto Sams face the next poop will surely land on you Sam I just know it will come straight from the butt of one of us as soon as we have to poop, no it is OK said Sam we should all be able to have fun and if holding the first log is fun then go for it said Sam as long as this experience if fun for all of you then I am happy as your babysitter, Susie got up off of Sams head that was so fun said Susie I didn't think poop could be fun, what happens next asked Susie, it depends on if anyone else needs to go potty or not, I still have to go potty said Phil, I don't have to go at this time said Tommy and Chucky, neither do I said Lil and neither do I said Susie but I look forward to my turn, Phil tried climbing onto the block but was having a bit of trouble Susie got behind him and helped him up after watching Angelica he knew what to do, Sam readies his arms and hands near Phil ready to catch him if he lost his balance, as he out one leg on the other block and looked down at Sam but figured since Angelica was nice enough to share with the others that he might do the same, but this time their is one extra person in on the fun, Susie was speechless looking directly at Phil's pee pee what is that she asked as she sat back onto Sams head with the other babies finding ways to enjoy the feel of pee again they all were itching for more fun, may I touch your pee pee Phil? asked Sam, sure but I still have to pee said Phil that is OK you can start when ever you are ready I want to show you a cool trick that Tommy and Chucky could learn also at the same time to teach you and the others about each others pee pees since all of you seem to be curious about them as Susie looked down at Sam showing interest, Sam grabbed Phil's penis with his right hand and then Sam started pointing it in different directions while waiting for the golden rain to begin sprinkling down on his face, what is this thing asked Susie asking Sam, as he raised his free hand to use as a pointer, I can hold it a bit longer said Phil if you would like me to wait, no worries said Sam I can speak as you are busy peeing, oh OK cool said Phil as he started to let lose his golden liquid as Sam pointed it down on to his own face Phil giggled that tickles a bit, what are you doing with my pee pee asked Phil, I am aiming it where your pee is able to go it is one of the many wonderful things about being a boy is that we boys can chose where we want the pee to land it tends to be a bit harder for girls Sam explained, neat said Angelica and Susie and the other babies as he was getting soaked by Phil's pee, would you like to give it a try Phil? asked Sam oh yes I would, take one of your hands and touch your pee pee where my fingers are, Phil uses his right hand and grabs hold of his penis, I feel a funny sensation at the bottom of my pee pee as Phil laughed that would be the pee that is coming out of you said Sam, you can bend and point your pee pee and your pee will come out of your pee hole and land where ever you are pointing so if you want to pee on Susie said Sam you would just have to bend it up like this as Sam was still holding Phil's penis while Phil had his hand on it to help him learn oh cool, Susie was lost in the moment getting a front row seat watching all of that pee come out of Phil's pee pee that she didn't notice that she was starting to get peed on, oh cool said Tommy and Chucky as Phil's pee was hitting Susie pee pee and running down her body as Phil noticed that her mouth was open and wanted to try peeing into someones mouth and decided to go for it as he bent his pee pee up more till his pee started to hit her tongue which caused Susie to come back to reality as she tasted something sweat and salty at the same time to realize that Phil was peeing into her mouth as she started to swallow it as Phil's pee stream started to die down a bit Phil decided to aim for her chest as Susie saw all of that pee running down her chest as she moaned out of happiness oh my word that feels so good I never knew pee felt this good and warm before said Susie her dark skin becoming nice and shiny, Phil's pee stream came down to pee drops as he let go of his penis that was a neat trick said Phil, would you like to lick that drop for me Susie asked Sam, sure I guess so said Susie as she nervously licked the tip of Phil's penis, who's turn is it next? asked Sam I don't have to go potty said, Tommy, I don't have to go said Chucky and neither do I said, Lil, I don't have to pee either said Susie, OK looks like I get to have a break from laying here and I need to put Angelica's poop that she made a bit ago somewhere so as to not get the floor dirty said Sam, how about this bucket asked Tommy that will work said, Sam, as he placed her poop into the bucket it doesn't smell too bad said Sam but maybe I should put a lid on it so it doesn't stink up the house, Angelica got off of Sams' chest and Susie got off of his forehead, Sam started to get up and grabbed a hold of Phil as he started to stand causing the naked baby to have his penis touching his nose lets go sit on the couch Sam said with a smile as he turned Phil around so he can see where he was going, hmm I have an idea of what to do with these 2 couches for when it is time for bed.

Sam pushed the couches together into some sort of bed for him to lay on later or for us all to lay on while we relaxed while Sam was finally getting ready to answer the babies questions they had asked about themselves since so many things got in the way, Sam put Phil onto the couch, then he helped Tommy, Chucky and Lil up and then Susie, hmm as he stopped at Angelica pausing thinking he might have to wipe her butt hole as not to get any poop stains on the couches if her butt isn't clean and he also wondered if Susie's parents know that she is over here but he must answer the questions and figured he could do that right after he check her butt hole, Angelica I will have to make sure your poop hole is clean before you are completely on the couch we wouldn't want anyone to be curious on what we have been doing here this evening the smell of poop is already strong enough to arouse suspicion and I don't want to get into trouble since I would love to be able to babysit you guys again said Sam with a smile, Sam picked up Angelica and then laid her on her back as if he was changing a diaper with one slight difference he slowly pushed her legs like she has them when she pooped so he could have a clear view of that hole which had slight remains of poop around the hole what to do Sam thinking out loud as the babies were watching wondering what Sam would do, an idea finally popped into his head, he bent down and let his tongue out and licked his tongue across her hole licking up the left over poop as he did it everyone started to laugh even Angelica, Angelica laughed a bit harder since Sams tongue was tickling her poop hole Sam stopped to check if it was clean, it was looking good so he stood up and picked up Angelica again so he could sit down on the couch with her in his lap, ah so good to relax for a bit said Sam, did you guys and gals have fun with this game? yes all 4 of them said as they walked towards Sam, what about you Susie? I did a bit even though I have never been peed on before today and was kind of weird, at first when I came into the house and I am still curious on what that is between the boys legs, before I answer that, I have a question for you do your parents know that you are here? asked Sam, no I didn't tell them that I was coming over here, if you would like you could give them a call to let them know that you are OK so that way they don't have to be worried and also that maybe they could bring you some dry clothing for later if you decide to sleep over for the weekend if you don't want to sleep naked, even though I would be fine if anyone here wanted to sleep naked if they didn't want to wear pj's, sleeping naked sounds like a dream come true to me said Tommy you did take a nap naked, OK said Susie I will give my parents a call and ask them if they could bring over some dry clothing and if I could stay the weekend to play with Tommy and the others, when they come over we will have to have you put something on to cover you up and maybe have angelica and the babies sitting under the blankets together after this is taken care of then we will get back to playing games and you can go back to being naked if you would like, OK said Susie I just don't want your parents to think that you were kidnapped said Sam, I understand said Susie as she saw a dry diaper big enough to fit her I will put this diaper on for a bit said Susie.

A knock came from the front door, Susie quickly put on the diaper since she didn't want to get Sam into trouble, Angelica and the babies quickly sat down and pretended to be watching TV while throwing a blanket all over themselves to hide the fact that they was naked and they wanted Sam to be able to babysit them again in the future, Sam was busy picking up Susie's cloths with Angelica's and Chucky's clothing, Susie would you be able to get that for me while I am putting your clothes into the dryer, Susie opened the door to find her mother and father were the ones waiting at the door, hi mommy and daddy said Susie, so this is where you were at said them both, we were both a bit worried about you and where are your clothes? asked Susie's Mother oh they got soaking wet from the rain so the babysitter offered to put them into the dryer including my underwear and all he had for me to cover up with was towels or a dry diaper until my clothes are dry for me to wear again said Susie, babysitter? asked Susie's father, yes said Sam as he walked around the corner I am a last minute pick before they went away for the weekend said Sam, my name is Sam, Lucy said with her hand out and I am Randy said Susie's parents, I am sorry I saw her outside the house window getting soaked on by the down pouring rain that I had her come in so that she didn't get sick, I didn't have anything else for her to cover up with so I gave her a diaper to wear until her clothes dry every thing was just soaked through, no don't be sorry said Lucy you took charge and did the right thing and we both thank you for doing the right thing, I just asked about you to see if she could give you a call and to let you know where she was, oh I love what I am hearing a man that is not afraid to take charge in doing the right thing and you are just babysitting, this is his first time babysitting said Angelica proudly wow both Susie parents said this is your first time and you are making great decisions as if you were their parent, I am impressed would you be alright with taking on one more little one? asked Lucy, me and Randy could really use some time to ourselves as Lucy winked to Randy, I wouldn't mind watching one more it gives me more experience said Sam, way to think positive we will bring by some clothing for her sometime tomorrow, Mr and Mrs. Pickles won't be home till Monday night or Tuesday, I haven't thought about babysitting again as of yet, I was just passing through, I might get my own home or house in this neighborhood, I am pretty sure that I am not going to be the only one that will be happy to have you in the neighborhood said Lucy, I feel the same way said Randy just look at all those kids sitting peacefully under that blanket watching TV and Angelica is happy for once, well we will need to be heading back to our home we will see you on Sunday maybe a bit later, you be good and listen to Sam said Lucy I will be good said Susie as they left out the door as it closed, it is 5:30 pm.

Susie grabbed the diaper and pulled them down and stepped out of them, this diaper was uncomfortable I was really enjoying being naked the freedom it gave me was wonderful said Susie, well I am going back to relaxing on the couch said Sam and then in a bit I am going to get dinner ready since all of you will most likely be hungry but for now I have to tell you the answer to your question Sam said to Susie, Sam sat down into the same place he was a bit ago the children made room for Sam with Susie climbing up onto the couch along side Sam well in order to answer your question I will need some assistance from 2 of the boys that have a different pee pee than you said Sam to Susie and I will need a girl to help me said Sam, Angelica volunteered, I will need Chucky as one of the boys and the other boy that can help me? Tommy stood up I will be glad to help you said Tommy, OK cool, come stand on this side of me, Chucky can you come stand next to Tommy and as for Angelica you can stand on this side, Susie could you go sit by Phil and Lil please, sure thing, Ty said Sam, Susie Sat down her and the twins got close enough to hear and see better like as if in a circle waiting for a story book, in answering this question I will have to touch your pee pees with my hands said Sam is this OK with you? ask Sam sure said his volunteers, Sam thought on where to start, this pee pee is called a penis said Sam as he pointed and touched Tommie's and Chucky's pee pees they are one in the same, but me and Chucky's does look different as Phil stood up and looked at his mine has this round part where my pee came out from, you just don't have the extra skin over your pee pees head said Sam as he moved Chucky in front of him so everyone can be able to see as he grabbed Chucky's foreskin as he slowly pulled the skin back to reveal the round head Phil's eyes lit up wow it now does look the same as mine except for my pee pee pointing straight earlier your pee pee was just excited from being peed on, so that is what happened said Tommy but nothing happened to Chucky's maybe because Chucky didn't drink as much pee as you and Phil did I guess that makes sense said Chucky but why does Angelica's pee pee look different asked Tommy, Susie began to explore Tommy's penis by touching it and feeling it, as she stood up with her pussy feeling wet with all of this knowledge being thrown into her brain I can answer the questions about my pee pee said Susie since me and Angelica have the same kind that I am used to the pee comes out of this hole Susie pointed to after she spread her folds apart a bit wow said Angelica their is one more hole bellow that one that is where babies come out of and one more thing can happen their a boys pee pee can be fit into that hole when it was pointy like Phil's and Tommy's were a bit ago wow said the babies, Lil should have these 2 holes on her as well and the 3rd hole is the poop hole, wow each of them said as they started to look at each others pee pees and their own, Sams stomach began to growl I am getting hungry said Sam, the babies stopped a bit ya so are we.

Let me go and see if I can find something for you guys to eat and drink, OK said the group of kids Sam got up off of the couch carefully went to make 4 bottles of milk and some baby food, Sam saw some cheese in the fridge with juice boxes, Sam grabbed both items, oh some bread and a flat pan I can make some grilled cheese but will that be enough to feed 2 hungry girls that will probably have bigger appetites than the babies, Sam looked around the fridge to find some ham in a package from the deli this should do in giving them the nutrition they need to grow, Sam fired up the stove and started to make the grilled cheese with slices of ham on hit, while Sam was gone the children were busy exploring their private area's Susie was exploring Angelica's poop hole and Angelica was exploring Susie pee pee Phil and Lil were exploring each others and Tommy and Chucky were touching each others penis and started looking for each others poop holes around their testicles, the smell of dinner was starting to reach Angelica's nose that smells so good I can't wait to poop that out, what smell asked Susie all I can smell is your butt as Susie laughed, Sam found some milk and a few boxes of mac n cheese thinking this will be good for the babies even for the ones that don't have any teeth since it will be soft for them to swallow for the same reasons Sam added Ham onto the grilled cheese and it will be better than giving them mush in those baby food jars, the children stopped exploring each other since they all started to feel hungry but they all knew Sam was on the job in the kitchen they all sat in Sams spot sitting next to each other but they sat in a strange order Phil, next to Angelica, followed by Tommy then Susie and then Chucky and then at the end Lil, they grabbed the pillow and the big blanket and laid back and watch TV together while still being able to play with each others privates while waiting for dinner, I didn't know boys pee pees were so stretchy or flexible said Lil as she played with her brothers, Phil laughed that tickles, I am looking forward to playing more of that game later said Chucky and I am usually scared of doing anything but for some reason I am not when I got peed on for the first time that I want to give it a try when I do have to go potty said Chucky but I want Sam to be my first said Chucky since it is the best way that I know of to pay him back for his kindness, same here said Lil I want him to be my first potty to, same here said Susie I never thought I would be spending a night with you guys like this as she looks down at her pee pee spreading it with her fingers feeling both holes, what was it like holding Angelica's poop asked Tommy, ya that is what I was going to ask said Phil because it looked like a lot of fun even though it did smell, it did smell said Susie and it was wet and sticky, I wonder what it would taste like said Chucky maybe sweet like pee, maybe one could poop into Sams mouth later said Angelica we have a few more days with him it is still Friday we will still have full days to play and after that we will have to say by to Sam as Angelica face went from happy to sad, followed by more sad faces, he has become one of my best friends said Tommy as a tear ran down his cheek, Susie quietly comforted her friends as each one had a few tears I heard Sam might move in next door and I hope that he does so he can babysit us more often I for one would love to keep playing these kinds of games than what I usually end up playing which just seems to be boring, everyone wiped away their tears and smiles began to form, Sam is almost down making the food and was wondering where will they eat from only one booster seat for Tommy but that won't do a whole lot maybe they can eat on the couch after the food has had a chance to cool down a bit, I just hope I can come in and out of this world as I please becoming a guardian sounds like a fun job but he will also have to earn the immortality so that he can remain a guardian forever after he becomes a guardian, it is feeling like as if I became younger after drinking all of that pee, I wonder if the same think will happen if I eat poop, Sam just kept on brain storming while getting the meals ready I will get the drinks ready last since it looks like all of the food is ready as he put the sandwiches on to a plate one for Angelica he said in his head, one for Susie and the last one is for himself, he took a butter knife and cut each one in half into a triangle shape, he then grabbed some bowls and filled them with the mac n cheese their was plenty for the 4 babies and the 2 girls, he grabbed some juice boxes for the girls and Chucky and then he grabbed 3 bottles of milk for Tommy and the Twins.

Sam peaked over to see how the kids were doing, Angelica and Susie said Sam would you 2 like to help me with bringing the food and drinks over to the couch, sure said the girls, Sam found something he could use as a sort of table on the couch so it won't burn anything on the couch, Sam carried it over to the couches, the babies saw it and had an idea on what Sam wanted to do with it so the made room for Sam to place it in the middle leaving plenty of room to sit, before you girls grab anything put on some oven mittens said Sam so as not to burn your hands some of the food is still hot, while we bring the food over pick a spot to sit at as if it was a table said Sam to the babies that were standing waiting for directions they all smiles and looked around and found some spots this one will be good for Sam said Tommy, I think you and Angelica should sit next to him said the Twins, it was you and angelica who came up with the idea for that game earlier, In the kitchen Susie was putting on her mittens and Angelica was grabbing the bowls of mac n cheese, this smells so good said Angelica as she went to the couch and found the babies sitting in certain spots, don't start eating until we all sit down OK, they all shook their heads in understanding, Angelica put one in Chucky's spot and Tommy's, Susie came up behind her and put the ones meant for the twins, Sam came behind carrying the plates of Sandwiches where are Susie and Angelica sitting/ asked Sam Tommy pointed to the left of him, I see as Sam placed the plate their and he placed the other to the right where Phil was sitting this one is Angelica's, both set of bowls for the babies have been place all that was left for bowls was the girls and his plate and then the drinks, Angelica came over carrying 2 more bowls, ah said Sam, that is all of the bowls and Susie came with a plate and a bottle of milk, the last plate was placed, Susie put the first bottle on Tommy's spot, Sam grabbed the the last 2 bottles and 3 juice boxes, Sam gave Angelica and Susie some spoons to use for the bowls, they made their way to the couch the girls passed out the spoons and Sam passed out the drinks, Phil passed a bottle to Lil and they both passed a juice box to Chucky, Tommy put one box where Susie was sitting and the last one was placed in Angelica's spot as Angelica sat down taking off the mittens, I am guessing this is my spot said Sam, Sam sat down with plenty of room, the food might still be a bit hot so please be careful if you have to just blow on it a bit before each bite, I have never gotten to eat this stuff said Phil and Lil it would usually be all this liquid stuff that didn't look like food, I figured this food would be good for you with it being soft enough to swallow or some what chewy with what ever teeth you might have, you are so smart said Susie no wonder they all love you to death and that game you made up brilliant, I didn't come up with the idea said Sam, Angelica came up with the idea from watching her mom and dad while they were peeing and pooping on each other, but does it matter who came up with it I have found it to be fun and I could be happy just being a potty even though I wonder what poop would taste like but we all will have plenty of time to play and try new things before we have to go to bed said Sam that means plenty of chances for us to try said Tommy as he laughed and started eating his dinner slowly blowing on it and trying to chew it down and swallowing out of enjoyment, with the thoughts of peeing on Sam again today but he wanted to let his friends have a turn first before he pees again today even if it he feels like he has to pee he will just hold it in so he will have more to pee out later on Tommy thought to himself, saying Mm-mm mm as he ate his dinner and a few more Mmes as each one enjoyed their meals and then ended it with their drinks, a few minutes later each child was on their backs feeling full especially the babies who have had their first experience eating real food while all wearing their dinner on their faces Sam laid on his back resting his head on the couch arm like a pillow letting his dinner digest.

Tommy and Angelica laid next to Sam rearranging themselves so their butts were in his face Tommy and Angelica had their legs spread out with the idea of just showing off their peckers, Sam playfully said oh no it is the attack of the baby butt's, Tommy laughed and accidentally farted in Sams face, I think your dinner is saying hi Sam said with a laugh as he tickled Tommy and Angelica both started to laugh and giggle for a bit, Sam stopped after a bit as to not cause any accidents on the couch Susie came over to enjoy the fun, Chucky came over to sit on his face and Phil and Lil each aiming their butts at Sam waiting for a fart to build up from their meals being digested, Sams nose and mouth were being blocked, Tommy noticed, Chucky, can you move your but up a bit to his nose please? other wise Sam won't be able to breath Said Tommy, a sudden shock from Chucky as he stood up and looked down at Sam, I am sorry I didn't know said Chucky as he started to tear up, it is OK I didn't die just remember to leave either my mouth or nose and that goes for anyone that wants to sit on my face said Sam, Chucky sat back down as to carefully position his self in the right position so as not to hurt Sam but this time Chucky squatted down as to leave his poop hole a few inches off of his nose as Chucky felt his first fart coming out, oh boy that is a good one, that is a good idea said Sam to Chucky, this allows me to see everyone's butt holes if wanted to as he blew some air on to Chucky's butt hole tickling him and making him giggle, Susie tickled Sams face making him turn to her butt hole as he saw it open up to push out some hot air into his face this is the first time I have seen someone like yours with a butt hole that has dark skin said Sam, cool Susie said as she was happy with farting in someones face but she did start to feel like she will have to go potty soon but not any time soon, Tommy farted again and then Angelica like as if they are both set to go off with a fart around the same time, Tommy could feel some poop building up but not ready to come out so he will be waiting for his turn but he is set on his plan to go last, Angelica felt some more poop move a bit inside of her but she wanted to let the others have a turn first before she ended up having to go again she thought to herself and she wanted to give Susie, Lil and Chucky a turn first since they haven't had the chance to have a turn at using him as a potty and this time she wanted to find out what pee tasted like since everyone seemed to enjoy drinking hers for some reason it made her curious but she knew she wanted to drink from Susie the most next to Lil.

Lil let out another fart, Sam sniffed it in and it smelled like she was getting closer as if her farts were saying that it won't be to long now, Sam reached over and licked her pee pee in a way to tickle her vagina a bit causing more laughter, Chucky let out a big fart, then at last everyone decided to lay back a bit I am ready to be a potty again said Sam as he saw that it was 7:00, trying to figure out what time to put these children to bed at or by since the parents didn't give a specific time they wanted them in bed and Sam still has to give them baths, I can give them baths before bed even though I will have to give them one for the next few nights if they want to keep playing this game in which wouldn't bother me said Sam to himself in his head maybe 10:00 would be enough time for them to use him and be able to give them a bath, Is anyone in the mood to play the potty game said Sam? I am ready when ever the others are said Chucky and Lil, lets see who hasn't had a turn yet that would like to have theirs? hmm no hands hmm, Sam looked around at each one and noticed that Chucky looks like he is getting close and Lil is doing farting a lot, Susie no signs yet, Chucky raised his hand, I have to go potty but I am starting to feel nervous about having people watch me said Chucky, Tommy and Angelica may I get up? Tommy and Angelica go off so Sam can sit up, Sam moved Chucky to his lap and looked into his eyes and hugged him, I know it can be scared to try things for the first time, I am pretty sure your friends were nervous or scared a bit even Angelica was nervous if you don't want to do it I won't force you to OK, OK I will be brave and give it a try said Chucky, before we start I want to add a rule if it is OK with Angelica, that if you have to pee you say the number 1 and if you have to poop after you pee say 1 and 2 so that way I have a heads up of what to expect so it will be easier to clean up later said Sam with a smile, I approve after not giving you a heads up of my own makes me feel bad but your surprise of making a big piece of poop made up for it, Sam walked up to go to the blocks and prepared to lay down, Chucky gulped a bit, his bladder was full to the brim and he was farting a bit more and the feeling of having to poop came quite sudden but he was able to hold it in, Chucky climbed up onto the blocks I have to 1 and 2 but I would like to copy what Angelica did earlier, OK give it a try Sam said with encouragement when you are ready to poop let me know before hand I would like to try something with poop, OK said Chucky still feeling nervous can I drink your pee asked Susie, I would like to go on Sam for my first try since it is my first time doing this, that is OK said Susie, Chucky felt a hand press up against his back as he took the position Phil was in earlier it was Sams he was slowly rubbing his back that helped Chucky relax a bit Tommy and the rest of the group came over to watch, you can do it Chucky said Tommy who came up to help Sam calm Chucky down, once Tommy took over Sam lowered his hand so he could focus on the task at hand, don't feel alone in being scared said Sam this whole thing of being a toilet for all of you is new to me before today I have never done something like this before and something later I will be trying something I have never done before but I believe that you can do it, I know it may be hard to go potty with people watching just pretend that they are not their if you have to close your eyes if it helps you focus and I will be right below you if you need to barrow my courage, Sam reached his hands out and grabbed hold of Chucky's hands, with that he started to feel some courage, Chucky relaxed and Sam pointed his eyes towards the end of the foreskin on his penis as droplets of pee started to hit his nose a few seconds later a small stream started to flow as if the sink was on Chucky's pee was hitting its mark and his pee started to flow down Sams cheeks, Chucky opened his eyes to the sight of his pee hitting Sams face, your doing it said his friends in excitement, Chucky's pee stream seemed light in color and it seems like it is picking up speed, I am feeling a bit thirsty Sam said would you like some pee sir said Chucky in a playful voice oh yes sir said Sam as he opened his mouth wide Chucky pushed a bit harder and was missing his mouth a bit Chucky then thought about trying that thing he taught Phil he grabbed his penis and pushed it back a bit and saw some improvement of all of his pee making it into Sams mouth, his mouth almost overflowed the others started to laugh because of it but before it could overflow Sam swallowed all of Chucky's pee some of his pee flowed down the side before he opened his mouth again to take in some more pee but this was to be the last of what Chucky had for the time being as his pee stream began to run dry until it came to the last of the drop lets dripping from his foreskin, Tommy and the others smiled in pride at how much he over came in that last minute, few that felt so good to let go said Chucky as he stood up for a minute to stretch his legs a but as he watched the last of his pee get cover by a mouth just to be swallowed, Chucky stepped back a bit Sam sat up with some of Chucky's pee still in his mouth, Sam locked his lips with Chucky and pushed what he didn't swallow into Chucky's mouth and Chucky swallowed right away and then Sam gave him another hug and whispered into his ear you did great Chucky hugged back and whispered back into his ear you are one of my best friends and that I am glad that you came into my life, Tommy and the others shed tears of happiness, well are you ready to poop on me whispered Sam, Yes I am said Chucky but I want to do what Angelica did Chucky whispered, OK I want to try something to once I open my mouth you will know what to do Sam smile yes sir, as Sam laid back down Chucky turned around and bent down so all could see his poop hole work its magic, I wonder if it will be small said Lil or big like Angelica's was, mine was long than big and it was bit black and brown, it is bigger than what I usually make in my diaper said Phil, well it is also either usually not solid or it is crushed flat from your butt angelica laughed I have watched your mom change you quite often she doesn't mind since she says it is training for when i am older, Chucky started to grunt, his poop hole started to open a little and then 1 of his poop started to come out it was big but a bit round and a piece of it broke off and landed on to Sams faces and then Sam opened his mouth Chucky was waiting for that sign and bent a bit farther down since his friends go to see his hole open and release a piece of poop but he was aiming to get it right above Sams mouth, Chucky has an idea of what Sam was wanting so once it was over he grunted again and more poop started to come out, wait what is Chucky doing you guys I don't know lets find out all of his friends got down onto their knees as if they were crawling and got so close as to get a good view of his poop hole again as it was starting to push out the other piece of poop that one that landed on Sams head, Tommy's and the others respected his wishes as to not interfere in any way to let his first time with Sam be between him and Sam and the next time he has to go potty that they will be able to play with his pee or poop, they all saw his poop start to go down they were so focused on what Chucky was doing to notice what Sam was doing, they were watching Chucky's poop hole stretch and open as it pushed out the end of the last chunk and the started of another right after it was about to close, wow how much poop does Chucky have in him said Angelica, good question said Tommy, he appears to have a lot inside of him, Susie was the first to follow the tip of that poop as it hit Sams Tongue and Sam Started to chew the last piece that Susie was speechless for a few minutes, Sam's first time tasting poop it is a bit strong and a tad spicy, with some oats in it probably from his breakfast, Sam was almost done chewing on this first piece, having a bit of trouble to get the rest of his mouth to work with him, Susie just kept watching Sam eat Chucky's poop while the others watched it come out of his butt, that is so much poop good thing you are potty trained said Lil or else i don't think a diaper would hold that much with out the straps breaking off, Susie kept watching Sam just start to swallow that poop Chucky slowed down a bit so as to let Sam finish swallowing that piece before he drops the other right into it Chucky stomach grumbled a bit like he had a few more in him, I hope Sam is ready for the next bunch cause it feels like my butt is loading up a cannon at the circus, Susie's eyes almost popped out of her head as her jaw just dropped as she saw Sam completely eat that poop, Angelica broke away from looking at Chucky's poop hole after the poop started to slowly come out and noticed Susie was surprised somehow, Susie Angelica called out are you OK, Susie broke away from what she was looking at, towards Angelica, still lost for words Susie pointed towards the end of the poop as Sam opened his mouth for the next meal, Angelica said so as she looked at the poop dangling and then watched as Chucky started to push more as his poop came rushing out and into Sams mouth as Angelica watched it drop down on to his tongue and into Sams mouth, WOW Angelica screamed that is so cool as the babies looked at Angelica what where at Sam he is eating Chucky's poop all of the babies finally turned their gaze to Sam as he got the last of that poop in his mouth as he started chewing it, EWWWW as they all fell onto the ground laughing that is so gross but cool at the same time said Phil, Susie felt this urge to go potty but she decided to hold it in because it was still Chucky's turn, Chucky, tried to see if he had anymore but all he can must out is a fart, well I think my turn is done it doe not feel like I have anything left in me at this point in time, that was so cool he said and so much more fun than he thought as Sam was getting done on that piece of poop he grabbed the one on his head and quickly swallowed that, Wow that was spicy said Sam as he sat up for a minute trying to get his stomach to accept the meal he was just given, Chucky hugged Sam with his penis poking into his mouth as his tongue brushed up against Chucky's penis, Chucky stepped back a bit and laughed that tickles, Sam Turn Chucky around and noticed his poop hole was covered in poop so Sam started licking around his pucker getting each site of poop that was a bit in and around his hole so as not to leave a mess if he was to sit down, Susie climbed up onto the block behind him, Lil tried to climb up as well, doing the potty dance I need to pee Lil says watching Chucky do all that has caused me to have the need to do number 1 and I have to do 1 and 2 said Susie, hmm said Sam as he was listening in, how about you and Lil pee on me together? asked Sam and then you can do what ever you like while peeing, that is fine, we both can have a turn.

Sam checked the time 8:00 oh good timing that will help me out said Sam after your turns I will have to give you all baths so that way you all don't smell to bad from Angelica's pee since it can start to stink after awhile, just to make it interesting does anyone else have to pee or would like to try peeing before I have to give you all baths? asked Sam I have to go potty as well said Tommy, ah makes sense it has been a few hours since you last went, I want to try as well said Phil but it doesn't feel like I have to poop so I will try to pee, I would like to try someones pee said Angelica, I was kind enough to let you all have a taste of mine except for Susie said Angelica true said Sam it is only fair Tommy and Phil would you like to pee on me or Angelica, we wanted to go on you but we can always pee on you tomorrow said them both, Angelica come here for a minute as she came close, Sam whispered an idea into her ears, Angelica smiled at the thought from what he said, Sam started to lay down and take his position that is a good idea but i think we will wait until Susie and Lil are done I promised myself that I would take a 2nd turn after everyone had a turn, I can hold it for a good while said Tommy, good to know you are so strong willed said Phillip I don't think I will be able to hold it for that long well you could always use me, I wouldn't mind drinking some pee said Tommy, but how do we do what Sam suggested, it is easy you put his pee pee into your mouth and then you close your lips around it to keep the pee in and then you start to drink it ah that sounds easy, Tommy put Phil's penis into his mouth this feels weird said Phil, but here goes nothing Phil's penis was hard and straight and Tommy felt something strange he could feel Phil's pee starting to flow down his pee pee as it was vibrating and then he felt that it hit his tongue and the back of his throat Tommy started drinking it down as if it was one of his bottles of milk, Phil could feel him sucking as he peed and started to moan from the weird touch causing him to fall back with Tommy now sitting on his butt his eyes started to close and he started to breath and some strange sensation causing him to pee more and faster but Tommy was able to keep up after watching Sam for so long but he hasn't started with Susie or Lil since they were trying to figure out they are going to to it, why not have Susie over here on the outside facing them and you can stand over here Sam said to Lil, hmm I want to get in on this fun as well said Angelica as she laid her self next to Sam ready to get peed on by Susie and Lil, a black vagina with a white pointed down on us both, Lil really has to pee she wasn't thinking on who to pee on just the fact that she wanted some relief a big and powerful pee stream came shooting out of the baby girl with so much force that is hit Angelica's face like a brick wall as if it was pouring rain, holy smokes Susie says you really do have to pee as she turned around to watch and then took her position I best get to it, I feel so full ATM that it could come out like that, as Susie relaxed she took 2 fingers to help with spreading open her folds so that the hole her pee came out of was showing, Lil watched in amazement as Susie started to pee out of that dark skinned vagina a sigh of relief came from her as she started to pick up speed with her pee aimed at Sams face she then decided to redirect the flow by putting her hand in front of it cause it to go straight down to Sams forehead and then she went back to 2 fingers and changed it so it would go farther hitting Lil's vagina getting her all wet lets go all out said Susie since we are going to be taking a bath after this anyway may as well ditch the turn rule for now suggested Susie, Phil held his pee in that is enough of a drink for you he said as he grabbed Tommy's hand let go finish up on Sam said Phil with a smile that we both end up peeing on Sam suggested Phil to Tommy, that sounds fun as some grumbling came from Tommy's stomach as he let out a small fart, Phil farted in Tommy's face as he was climbing onto the blocks Phil stood on the edge with his penis bending down aimed right for Sam, Angelica Opened her mouth ready for a drink she said I am thirsty, as she left her mouth wide open, Lil happily responded trying to land her pee into her mouth into her mouth but only managed to get half of it in as Angelica started to swallow, Sam managed to get a word in while getting peed on make sure to take it slow as not to choke said Sam, Angelica started following Sams advice and with that Sam opened his mouth as Susie redirected her stream to Angelica's mouth, Sam waited patiently for his turn Phil still standing over waiting for Tommy to stand on the edge of the other one, hey Chucky said Tommy do you have any more pee inside of you? kind of said Chucky I think it is from the juice boxes, cool would you like to join us in peeing on Sam and Angelica? sure don't mind if I do Chucky said with a smile getting up right next to Phil, on 3 said Phil with a big smile, 1, 2!, 3! goo said Phil as he started to pee again and then Chucky started to pee and then finally Tommy started to pee and all 3 boys were laughing, don't cross my pee stream said Phil in laughter oh I will said Chucky and I just did, Angelica was drinking a bit more of Lil's pee this is so good she thought in back of her head it takes just like apple juice just a bit salty she wonders what Susie's tastes like and the boys flavors Lil decided to give Sam a turn as she moved a bit forward as she was peeing until she got to his mouth Susie decided to give Angelica a taste, Tommy lets give Angelica a drink said Susie with a smile Tommy started to bend his penis like Phil was earlier and hit his target on Angelica's tongue, so much was pouring in that she started to swallow, Lil's pee stream finally started to slow down that the signs that she was getting to the end, as she made a big fart and the sign that she has more than just pee to get rid of, oh oh she said as it felt like she was about to burst she then backed up and the squatted more in a feedle position above Angelica's head, Angelica is wondering what is happening right now, I am sorry Sam and Angelica said Lil it felt like I just had to pee but my body seems to have a mind of its own right now with its own plans as she started to push and grunt Angelica's eyes widened, Susie's, pee stream finally died down, Tommy was still peeing so he changed his aim to Sam if you want to get out and not be pooped on said Lil now is your chance Angelica, I only wanted to be peed on as she climbed out from under her, Angelica felt the need to pee and poop again but their is no room up their for her to go at this moment in time so she told herself their is no choice but to hold it and wait for a chance to arrive, Tommy's I feel the urge to poop as well said Tommy but I will wait till their is room I can hold it for awhile, Sam smiled in comfort to Tommy, Susie was bone dry on pee now, well time for the rest of what I got to give she said as she got into the same position above Sam but she made some room for Tommy, you may as well join us their seems to be plenty of room on this block for 3 since you are small, Lil's pecker started to stretch and then poop started to shoot right out of her butt wet and muddy, Tommy, joined in and took his position, Susie grabbed on to Tommy to help keep him balanced, then Lil grabbed his hands, I got so much in me pushing to come out said Lil, Sam was so excited as he felt Lil's, poop splatter over his neck and that he had 3 poop holes above him ready to all poop with one already starting I saws Susie's pecker start to stretch at the same time as Susie's as what appeared to be a big piece of poop as wide as Angelica's was, OH MY God said Susie as she was pushing a light yellow green poop was becoming wide like that has to hurt a bit as it was coming out and Tommy's pucker was starting to push out a slim brown piece of turd, I can't eat from all 3 at once so I will just have to pick one so he decided to go for Tommy's it looked easy enough to eat and swallow pretty quickly and then maybe I can get to Susie before it breaks off, Sam opened his mouth as Tommy's poop hit his tongue and started to curl into a ring it broke off of a piece allowing Sam to have some time to chew and swallow, looks like it will take a few for the rest of that long to come down Sam thought in his head as Susie was still pushing out hers, he looked at Lil;s and noticed small balls were getting ready to come out but those were coming out to quick to catch in time so Sam decided to stick with eating from these 2 holes as much as he would love to eat from all 3 he had to pick his battles I just hope she isn't going to be disappointed, Sam grabbed onto the next turd that Tommy's was pushing that came out faster than the one Susie was still pushing out which was very thick it had to be bigger than his nose, Tommy grunted more and his turds increased in speed that it all started to come right out as what Chucky did earlier filling Sams mouth up to his lips, Sam chewed and chewed and chewed until it looked like chocolate milk or a melted chocolate bar and with a strong gulp swallowed it all down, Tommy was panting, with a fart escaping his butt hole, with a sigh of relief hitting Tommy it feels like I am out for now he said with a smile as he stood up, and moved off of the block and went behind Susie to watch the show with Angelica, Tommy was surprised do you think that is bigger than yours asked Tommy, I looks like it will be close but we will have to wait and see, Sam heard them talking and decided not to eat this turd since he wanted to see as well as she was still grunting and fighting to push out that poop, Phil stepped up are you still hungry Sam asked Phil sorry I am in the same boat as Lil like sister like brother Phil said as he took to position and started to grunt and push as his pecker started to stretch out balls of poop with a few wet logs, Lil was up to pushing our more logs Sam managed to open his mouth just in time as Phil's poop dropped into his mouth, I think Sam is going to need a bath more than us said Tommy, as he started to hold his nose while laughing, but we won't all be able to fit into the tub all at once Angelica said if it is alright with Sam I will take my bath last with Susie, Sam finished swallowing Phil's turd and Susie's was finally touching his forehead she kept pushing to the point that she had to stand up a bit to make room to push out more as her butt hole was so wide open that Sam could see a bit inside her dark skinned butt hole but he noticed that she was very close to the end and it might be as long as Angelica's, Lil sighed and felt empty inside she sighed and got up and off of the blocks her pucker was still dirty but having it cleaned wasn't on her mind she just stood next to Tommy and Angelica, Angelica felt like she had to go but the feeling suddenly vanished for now maybe later tonight she thought I can have a one on one with Sam while he sleeps if she feels like she has to go then Susie's poop finally came free with and end in sight as it fell down across Sams face.

Susie felt empty and decided to get up, I think I will go start filling up the tub for our baths said Susie so as way to help out Sam so hopefully once Phil is done the tub should be filled and ready, Angelica thought that was a good idea, she decided to walk over to the couch to see what she could do to help out Sam she saw the bowls and dishes from dinner so she decided to start putting the dishes into the sink and moving that wooden thing he used as a table away and she thought about getting some more pillows for them so they have enough for all of us she said to herself, maybe I can barrow the extra blankets that Ant Didi keeps in the closet, Angelica got started and figured she would stop if she feels that feeling again, Sam was still busy with Phil, man i feel like I have so much inside as Phil pushed another army of logs out of his butt hole, Sam was so horny right now with all of this pee and poop that he has been eating that he felt that he needed some sexual relief that he moved his hands while chewing and swallowing that he took his pants and underwear like clothing off, Chucky noticed what is that he said looking at the thing sticking up at the ceiling, Tommy looked over I think that is his pee pee said Tommy, wow it is so big said Lil as she wondered in what it tastes like as the 3 babies walked over and got closer with Sam being unaware of what is going on with the others since Phil was still pushing out poop, Tommy stepped close and closer until he saw the head being as big as his hands, Lil saw the same thing and Chucky, the 3 of them started to lick a side of Sams penis that it tickled a bit to cause him to moan as he shut his eyes, Angelica, returned with pillows and a blanket and saw the 3 of them licking it, what is that she said, Chucky stopped and said it is Sams pee pee as he smiled, as he went back to licking if we can keep him distracted like this then we can make him feel good, we just feel like this is the best way that we can repay him for his kindness, Angelica dropped the pillows and blankets onto the couches and decided to walk over to them, Lil angelica said I have a better idea as Angelica picked up Lil grabbing her legs and opening them, Tommy said angelica come here and start licking her pee pee, sure but what for? asked Tommy I have an idea but we need to have it as wet as can be Chucky can you put it into your mouth? I will try as he put his mouth on the head and started sucking, Sam still had his eyes closed that he was so lost in thought but could still feel pieces of poop hitting his tongue that he chewed on, Phil looked over and wasn't sure what they were planning, feeling like he still had a bit more to poop out but he felt like he was nearing his end, Angelica started to feel pressure in her pee pee and butt, Susie was looking at a bath tub half full and shut off the water, OK now to see what is going on down stairs as she can hear Sams voice sounding weird, She made it down stairs to see that Phil is still pooping, you are still going at it said Susie, yes but not for much longer said Phil, then she saw Chucky sucking on something and walked over is that his, oh ya said Lil as she moaned as Tommy was licking up and down each side of her pee pee, Susie and Angelica, would you mind taking over for me? by holding Lil up so Tommy can get her ready, ready for what? to be put on top of Sams pee pee head but isn't he a bit to big for Lil? asked Susie I think so but who else will do the crazy idea that popped into my head plus Phil has to be nearing his end and we have to keep him unaware for a bit longer so I am going to switch out with Phil, how about I sit on top of that thing asked Susie I am bigger than Lil if you want to said Angelica but you need to be wet oh I am wet alright still wet with remains of my pee, OK Said Angelica, Angelica whispered the directions into her ears, Susie stepped up on to Sams waist and stepped up to his pee pee OK Chucky i am ready as she sat down on it with her pee pee over it and her vagina started to widen around it as it started to sink in wow she said to herself Angelica was right, Chucky was watching it as it was going in and then Susie started to pull it out a bit by standing up and then pushing it back in hey this feels pretty good she said as she started to repeat the process, I want to try that said Chucky but it looks like I would need a girl as he looked over to Lil while his penis started to get hard and his tip starting to poke out of his foreskin, Angelica arrived at the blocks and took a position right in front of Phil but with her butt almost touching his penis head, she started to pee out a large wave of pee on to Sams face, Sam was looking lost in his ecstasy, I am here to take over for when you run out she said to Phil oh OK he said thanks but before I start to poop I would like for you to do something for me said Angelica I would like for you to put that pee pee of yours inside of mine as Angelica smiled and laughed, so please stay near by, as she pushed a bit harder to get done peeing faster but stopped so she could slow it down so I can distract till he shoots out that white stuff that her dad shot into her mothers mouth, I don't know hat stuff is but I think Sam can make that stuff with him being a grown up she said to herself, her pee stream started to shorten she didn't have as much built up from her nap, OK she said to Phil I am almost done peeing, can you lay right here across the the 2 blocks as she points right where he was, Phil laid down facing up at the ceiling, Angelica's pee stream came down to a trickle, Sam hasn't opened his eyes yet since Susie was still going at it but she is starting to sweat for some reason, she looked at Phil as she stood with each leg on the block hmm change of plans a bit as she helped Phil up, she held his hand as she told him her plan, he laid down with each foot, Angelica waved a hand to Lil, Chucky and Tommy, the 3 of them ran over, Tommy hold Phil's foot and Lil hold your brothers other foot, got it, what would you like me to do Angelica, she got down and whispered in her ears looking at Lils pee pee, oh I wanted to do that since i watched Susie said Chucky perfect, Angelica got up onto the blocks and got into position showing her poop hole to the 3 of them as they watched her as she pushed her pee pee on to Phil's and watched as Phil's when in and Angelica Farted and started to both grunt and started to work on Phil's pee pee as her hole started to open up a log dropped onto Sams waiting tongue while he was lost, moaning, Chucky started to do the same to Lil, as she felt something go inside of her Tommy was watching all of this in a smile and thought that this will be the best weekend ever, Angelica released some more brown poop, Susie kept pulling out and pushing in as she started to feel it pulsating inside of her, Sam could feel so much pleasure as he reached his climax, Susie felt something spraying into her pee pee, was he peeing inside of her she wondered as she pulled it out of her and quickly looking around at the tip as it shot this white liquid out into her my mouth while it was wide open wow this salt and reminds me of the dip for chips as Angelica saw it hit her face she felt something come out of her with her pee pee dripping whatever it is on to Phil's little flesh things below his pee pee, Sam feeling relaxed as he opened his eyes to a piece of poop landing on his head that managed to miss his mouth to see some cheeks about him and a poop hole closing as Angelica felt that was the last one she had in her as she felt her self wanting to give way feeling tired, Sam was surprised to see one of the girls trying to have sex with one of the boys, Susie was getting sprayed all over with this stuff landing on her arms and chest, Sam spoke up can someone bring me the bucket in the corner that has a lid on it, Susie grabbed it and brought it to Sam, can someone put these pieces of poop that I didn't eat into that bucket please, I will said Susie as she grabbed the piece that was hers with both hands and put it into the bucket next this other one, then Susie grabbed the one on his head and put it into the bucket with a few others pieces and then closed the lid to keep the smell contained Sam Slid out from underneath who ever was above him to notice his pants were down, Sam stood up to see what was going on, seeing Susie covered in what appeared to be cum and Angelica having sex with Phil and Chucky having sex with Lil or trying to with Sam knowing that neither of them are going to shoot cum but he didn't see much of a reason to stop them since not like they can get pregnant, having not gone through puberty he thought to himself, who needs their but wiped? asked Sam, I think a lot of us does but I think it will be clean once we get into the tub said Susie, well you got me their, but you will def have to be cleaned since that will smell after awhile we will have to clean the floor good at the end so it doesn't smell up the house we must take every action to avoid having your parents from knowing about this otherwise they won't let me babysit you guys ever again, Tommy heard that and started to feel sad, I want to keep being your friend said Tommy, this game has been awesome and I would love to keep playing it but it wouldn't be any fun with out you said Tommy, Sam walked over and picked Tommy up it will be OK I will eventually have to leave this world but I will be able to come back once I have a house in this world to come back to, since the door I used to get her will connect to that home allowing me to come and go as I please, but always remember where their is hello their is also good bye so when the time comes you can be brave while also being sad, as he got ready to start carrying Tommy upstairs for a bath, we best go take a bath, Angelica and Phil you can do that later before bed OK, same with you, Lil and Chucky said Sam yes sir said the children to follow Sam upstairs while the bath water was still warm.

Sam carefully placed Tommy into the bath tub, Susie and Angelica climbed into the tub it looks like we all might be able to fit, as Sam helped, Phil and Lil into the tub and Susie helped Chucky the children started to splash each other and play, Sam got him to get a few face cloths and towels to dry them off after, Sam dipped one into the bath water, who shall be first to be cleaned as he rubbed a bar of soap on the face cloth, Sam stopped to wonder on what he could sit on to get comfortable and what to lay them on so as to have easy access to the areas that need the most attention of all their butt holes that have been pooping out poop on to him that has yet to be wiped and cleaned, Sam came back with the blocks since they are strong enough to hold the children with the things being made out of wood, Sam started with Tommy picking him up and laying him down on the blocks, Sam took the face cloth in one hand and then he spread Tommy's legs as if he was changing his diaper until he saw his poop hole that was covered in poop, Sam went around wiping downwards getting that beautiful thing nice and cleaned, Sam took a whiff oh ya that smells cleaner then Sam picked Tommy back up and put him in the tub soaking the face cloth to get what he cleaned off the face cloth, then Sam started washing the rest of Tommy's body, OK you are clean and are free to go play send Lil over next on your way over asked Sam as Lil walked up, Sam said with laughter your butt def has to be cleaned with all of that wet poop as Sam picked her up and layed her on the block where Tommy was Lil new what to do so she spread her self as if inviting Sam to do what he wanted, Sam washed her vagina first getting one side avoiding the inside to avoid irritating it as Sam took the face cloth down a side he took a moment to stop and lick Lil's butt hole since he didn't get a chance to taste her poop earlier, I am sorry Lil that I didn't get to eat your poop it was hard for me to keep up with 3 of you pooping and plus your poop was coming out pretty fast said Sam, it is OK Sam I understand I am not hurt by it plus we still have a few days left before our parents come home, you are right as Sam bent down to lick her butt clean, purposely tickling her in the process making her laugh and giggle that tastes wonderful said Sam I can't wait to eat it later k, Sam went up to her vagina and licked the inside clean noticing the taste of pee from earlier and some iron taste as if she cummed, Sam then stood her up and washed her up getting her smelling clean OK cool that is 2 done out of 6 kids, next said Sam with a happy voice Chucky came up ready as he lifted his arms, he didn't need his butt cleaned but Sam still checked to make sure nothing was wrong, it was clean down their so he took and washed Chucky down pulling his foreskin back a bit so as to get all of the pee that passed through getting his privates all clean then he washed his chest and back and then his legs and feet and finally his hands and arms, Sam took Chucky's glass's off and put them on the sink for the moment as he picked Chucky up to put him back into the tub he picked up an the neck of the shower head and turned on the shower and started to soak his hair, Sam put in some shampoo into Chucky's hair and then rinsed it out as he leaned Chucky's head back as to not get any of the shampoo in his eyes, their we go Chucky nice and clean, 3 out of 6 Sam said as Phil moved a bit closer to avoid getting splashed by Tommy, gotcha said Sam as Phil kicked his legs a bit out of excitement aw I wanted some revenge, their will be plenty of that in a bit said Sam as he spread open Phil's legs so he can wipe him clean, Lol yours is so dirty but not as dirty as your sisters was said Sam, as he wiped the poop remains off of his butt hole and then he washed the rest of Phil and put him back into the tub their you go now you can have more revenge on Tommy sweet said Phil, all that are left are Susie and Angelica, I best start with Susie he said thinking she needed to be checked with thinking that she was the one riding his dick like a cow girl on a metal bull, he picked up Susie and stood her for a bit spreading her lips wide to see if their was any damage the cum that was on her chest was washed off from playing, no bleeding that is good said Sam but i did take your virginity unwillingly he said, bleeding? said Susie, Sam asked her to lay down with her legs up in the air, I am going to make sure that you didn't hurt yourself on my pee pee he said, with more room to work Sam, checked her vagina pretty tight he then pushed down on her pelvis expelling the come the cum that was inside of her, he picked up some of it with his finger, he reached out his hand to Chucky try some of this he said with a smile OK Chucky said as he put his mouth on Sams finger, that tastes pretty good said Chucky, Sam returned his focus on Susie as he bent down to lick her but hole that has some pieces of poop on it, licking the outside and he went inside a bit with his tongue, while he did that he dipped his finger into the tub to get it wet and then he sat up and put that finger right in front of her anus and then started to push his finger into the dark skinned butt hole his finger slid right in with no problems, Susie could feel his finger in her butt moving around, Angelica and the babies stopped to watch I didn't know that was possible to stick a finger up our butts, I don't feel any tears he said as he pulled his finger out and then grabbed Angelica and pulled out his pee pee I am in the mood to play with you later as Sam said with a smile as he shoved a finger up her butt making her laugh and said in a joke Sam I think my butt just ate your finger, Sam laughed and this feels good she said you think that feels good try this as he rubbed his pee pee across hers, Susie got up and stepped back into the tub and got her hair wet and started to wash her own hair while watching Sam have fun, Sam stopped and moved the block he was sitting on away from the tub with his pee pee point towards the tub, do you think that would be a good idea asked Susie that will get us all dirty again, you are right as he stopped I was going to shoot something special but I can wait till tomorrow said Sam, Angelica started to wash herself after getting back into the tub, Sam brought the blocks down and put them back the way they were just in case it has to be used throughout some part of the night, Sam rushed back up stairs ready to dry them off, OK I know that you are all having fun but it is time for bath time to end said Sam as they stopped and listened and walked towards the end of the tub Angelica you are fine with Susie for a bit Sam said as she continued to wash herself and then she washed Susie back, Sam helped Tommy up and wrapped him up into a towel drying him off and then placing him down onto the floor each one of you that I get done drying start making your way to couches down stairs said Sam, Tommy started walking that way, as Sam was drying Chucky off, Chucky started walking, Chucky held Tommy's hand so he can help him down the stairs, Phil was next on the dry list and once he was dry waited for Lil who was getting dried off with the towel, he grabbed her hand and started the walk to the couch, OK Susie and Angelica you are next he said as they made their way to the switch for the drain so the water could start draining to save Sam some time, Angelica was wrapped in the towel first as Sam wiped everywhere and finally he dried off Susie, Sam put the towel down on the toilet seat and started to make his way down stairs, Sam made it to the couch and took one of the blankets and threw it open across the couch to use as a bed sheet and then he took the pillow and placed it where he sat for dinner and put 2 more pillows next to it thinking the kids might want to sleep with him, last but not least he put a 2nd blanket on top half folded, Sam looked at the bed he made hoping 7 people can fit onto it for the night, Sam helped the children up one by one onto the couch Sam stopped and saw the mess on the floor and then remembered I have to check to see if the dog has to go potty said Sam out loud but I haven't seen him this entire time, I think he is down in the basement said Angelica, as she got off of the couch and opened the basement door, oh spike come here boy as a big dog came out, Sam opened the door as to let the dog out but he didn't move as if he didn't have to go, well I guess I will try later said Sam I do have to go as Spike answered but I would like to use you he said to Sam in which what he said came out as barks to the children, OK said Sam maybe after the children fall asleep said Sam, I still need a way to clean up that rug of the poop stains from the kids said Sam, I can clean that said Spike as trade for you being my tree for the rest of the time that you are here and plus I am a bit hungry and poop sounds good to me said Spike, you can go to sleep for now said spike I will wake you up when I get close to having to poop said spike again which came out as barking to the kids ears, Sam walked over to the front door and back door to make sure they were locked.

Before hopping into the couch, Sam decided to take a quick walk to the bathroom and turned on the shower and decided to get clean so he can smell a bit nicer when he hopped into bed with the kids, a few minutes later Sam stepped out of the shower and took care of some other business, Sam then made his way to the couch since he was tired, Sam put his feet under the big blanket and laid his head down onto the pillow, Tommy laid down on his chest next to Phil with Sam wrapping his arms around both of their still naked bodies, Susie laid down next to Sam on one side and Angelica laid down on the other, Lil laid next to Angelica as she moved over a bit so that they were all next to Sam for the night, Susie saw what Angelica did and offered Chucky the same as she helped take his glasses off and put them on top of the couch so they would not get broken through out the night, the 4 children laid on their sides so as to have their hands over their friends back, Tommy and Phil were already fast asleep alongside Sam , Susie and Angelica sat up to reach for the blanket to cover everyone when they noticed the lights were still on, Susie quickly turned the TV off and went and turned the lights off and then she finally laid back down and covered themselves with the big blanket, Angelica and Chucky started to fall asleep with Lil falling suit and Susie being the last to fall asleep as she kissed Chucky's forehead and said goodnight to the sleeping red head boy, as she drifted off into dream land with silence finally flooding the housed with only the sound of the dog licking up the dirty carpets and eating out of the bucket that had the big turds that came out of Susie and Angelica.

To be Continued.