Caroo's Lucky Night (Gift story for Caroo on FA)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a gift story that I made for Caroo on FA. It involves one male kangaroo with two females, a dingo and an otter. There is a lot of flirting, teasing, and tickling, touching, and affection. I hope you all enjoy it. Age warnings apply.

There are days when one feel like the unluckiest man in the world, and days when one feels like their life can't get any better. Usually, such days are few and far apart, but for years, a common joke between Mike and Caroo revolved around a certain night three years ago. That night, the two of them had both had one of those days. The lusty and hopeful Mike, unfortunately, was stuck with the former kind of day, unlucky as usual with all that he tried.

For Caroo, however...for him, it was the luckiest day of his life, and still held that honor in his mind. Just thinking about it made him smile, as he let himself sink back into the wonderful memory of that night...


The kangaroo had been planning to spend a quiet night working on some art. There was a lot of it piling up, after all, and the quiet times were difficult to get, considering how much his husky roommate kept inviting others over. Half of the time, they were partiers, and they were louder than Caroo could believe. There was only so loud a person should be able to get, after all, yet these party-goers that Mike picked up were noisy enough to make him wonder if their bodies enhanced with stereos.

For a change, however, the house was quiet. Mike was out at a party, and for a change, the husky had said that he would be out there for most of the night. Of course, he said that every time, and usually came home with some girls on his arms that he hoped to get laid with, but Caroo was sure that he would stay away for a change.

After all, the party was halfway across town, and the husky wouldn't be getting back for another hour, even if he left the party right at that moment.

Just as he reached for the pile of references and requests that he needed to get done, however, the telltale sound of the door slamming announced the arrival of the husky, and some titillated laughter announced that he had brought friends along. How he had found girls so fast, Caroo didn't know, and he didn't want to know. There had been enough failed attempts on the husky's part that he might very well have resorted to prostitutes, but so long as he didn't think about it, he wasn't obliged to get out of the room and check on it.

For a change, after the door slamming, the house was pretty quiet. The television was on, of course, but it was at a reasonable volume, and Mike wasn't shouting and laughing at the top of his lungs like he usually was with the girls he brought back. Maybe there would be a productive evening, after all.

The kangaroo reached for the pile of art materials again, and sighed softly to himself. "Tickling, with a bound male, and two females 'torturing' him," the kangaroo muttered to himself as he read the request that was given to him. "Requested species: kangaroo for the male, and a dingo and an otter for the females. Well, at least he has good taste," Caroo muttered to himself with a small smile.

Pulling a couple sheets of paper out of another pile, he set to his sketching. Pencil flew over the paper in a few attempts at a bit of concept art for the final product, but it was surprisingly difficult to get a dingo and an otter correct in the art. He hadn't really looked at either species all that much, and he was surprised at how little he remembered of their biology and their anatomy. For a moment, he looked over at the computer desk on the other side of the room, considering opening up a few folders of things in there. Doubtless, there were a few posing pictures of dingoes and otters on the internet, but that was something that he didn't want to have to use.

Sighing softly to himself, Caroo pushed the papers off to the side for the moment. Art just wasn't going to happen tonight, he could already tell. The inspiration for some of the pictures was sliding away, and he wasn't going to get them back for a while.

Putting the papers back into a neat stack, the kangaroo stood up and stepped out of his room. With the door open, he expected the noise from downstairs to grow much stronger, like it usually did, and braced himself for the wave of sonic energy.

Surprisingly, there wasn't anything booming through the air. It was like the girls Mike had brought home were being...quiet. That seemed almost impossible, considering his roommate's idea of a good time and his ideal company, but there had to be a first time for everything, Caroo thought to himself, shaking his head as he walked down the hall and then downstairs.

He paused halfway down the stairs, seeing just who was there. They wouldn't be able to see him, since the stairs were at the back of the room and the television was at the opposite end of the room, but he could see what kind of people that Mike had brought along.

Mike was sitting in between the two women, like he usually did if he brought home more than one. His tail swished from side to side, making the girls giggle a bit as the fuzzy appendage brushed against their arms and their sides. Even from the stairway, the kangaroo could tell that the husky was a little bit drunk, and was getting more and more drunk by the minute, considering that he was slurping down beer by the bottle.

Caroo shook his head at his roommate's behavior, and turned his gaze to the pair of females surrounding the husky. They were rather cute, from what he could see from where he was. A moment of thought told him their species, an otter and a dingo, both with nicely tanned fur. The dingo's fur was a little more speckled, spotted, but it was a nice effect, a good look.

He paused for a moment, recalling the little art project waiting upstairs, and blushed as he had a little thought of what exactly might happen if he were brave enough. The thought only lasted for a few seconds before the kangaroo quashed it, but the blush continued to cover his face as he walked down the stairs the rest of the way, taking a quick right and heading to the kitchen for a drink. Water, he reminded himself. He did not want to get drunk, not tonight.

As the kangaroo pulled down a glass from the cupboard, though, he heard his roommate near-shouting, "Hey, I'm gonna-hic-gonna get another beer," the husky said, walking out of the living room and then into the kitchen. He spotted Caroo before the kangaroo had the slightest chance to get away, and grinned as he walked over to him.

"Hey, man!" Mike said with a grin, walking past the kangaroo, swaying back and forth with each step. "Man, I think I hit the jackpot tonight! I mean, did you see those babes out there? They're so hot! With a capital 'H'" the husky said with a grin.

As he took another step, he suddenly veered away from the fridge to the sink. Gripping the shining rim, he almost shoved his head into the deep sink, and started puking his guts out.

Caroo shook his head a little bit at the way that the husky was suffering, and walked over. Patting Mike's back lightly, he said, "Do you try and drink yourself this way, or is it just a consistent mistake you like making whenever you pick up girls?"

"Can't help it," the husky said, his body lurching in a dry heave. He sucked in several gulps of air, panting softly before he was able to speak again. "Besides, makes me not so nervous with them, you know?" he added with a chuckle, turning to look at the kangaroo. "You should try it, man. I mean, maybe you'd get laid if you weren't so nervous around the ladies..."

Despite not being the drunk one here, Caroo couldn't help blushing at that. It was true that he didn't have the greatest luck with the ladies. Mostly because he was too shy to really approach them, most of the time. Most of them travelled in groups, too. How the heck was a male supposed to say anything to a female when she always had friends around her?

Shaking his head, dismissing that thought, the kangaroo reached down and helped the still heaving husky to an upright position. "Regardless, Mike, I think you need to get to bed," he said. "You're not going to impress anyone if you puke on them."


"No buts, Mike," Caroo said with a shake of his head. Reaching out and grabbing the husky by the scruff of his neck, he pulled him along. On the way out of the kitchen, he grabbed a bowl just in case the husky lost it again as he walked up the stairs.

However, he had forgotten about the girls on the couch.

As he walked out of the kitchen, the dingo and otter turned to look at him. They were blue eyed and green eyed, respectively, and they both looked more than a little bored. Both looked at him, he fancied with some interest, and then looked down at the husky he was dragging along.

Caroo couldn't help blushing again, helping his roommate to his feet, and pulling him along a bit. "Sorry about this," he muttered under his breath. "My roommate had a little too much to drink. Um, if you need a ride home, I'll...I'll, uh...I'll call you a cab," he muttered as he hustled to the stairs as fast as he could, not wanting to make more of a fool of himself than he already had. The quiet giggles from the females that chased him up the stairs didn't really help, either.

"Mike, sometimes I don't know why I ever thought being roommates was a good idea," he muttered to the husky. He looked down at the husky as he reached the top step, and sighed. He had fallen asleep, somehow. Caroo sighed to himself, and dragged the canine into his room. "Predictable as always," he muttered, closing the door and getting the husky ready for bed.


The dingo smiled as the two males went upstairs, shaking her head at the kangaroo's blush. "That kangaroo seems like a pretty good guy, doesn't he, Jam?"

Jam shrugged her shoulders, and turned back to the television. "Better than the husky, that's for sure. I can't believe he brought us here, and then drank himself sick. Last time I let him take me home," the otter said with a shake of her head. "Seriously, PJ, what made you think he'd be a good guy to hang out with?"

Shaking her head, the dingo turned back to the television as well. "I'm not sure. He was charming enough, you know," PJ said with a shrug of her shoulders. "He wasn't quite so drunk back at the club, either, you know. If he'd stopped then, maybe-"

"He'd be the same cocky, horny pup that he was when his roommate came down," the otter said with a shake of her head. "You know it, I know it, so don't deny it. He was groping at our boobs every chance he got, and the only reason I didn't slap his head off for it was because he was too drunk to really feel it."

PJ shrugged her shoulders a bit at that. It was true enough that the husky had been a little too grabby, and much too groping for her tastes. Still, with a total lack in male company for over a month, she needed to get some company. Jam wasn't much better, and she got cranky when she didn't get a good time now and then. If the husky wasn't going to be available, then they needed to find another guy, and fast. This time, they'd find one that wasn't so much of a jerk, though.

She jerked a bit in her seat as she got an idea, feeling a bit like a light bulb had lit up over her head. Giggling a bit, the dingo turned to her friend. "Hey, what do you think about having a little fun with the kangaroo, hmm?"

It was encouraging that Jam didn't bite her head off, but the otter's eyes didn't quite show understanding of her idea just yet. Really, it looked more like she just wanted to get home and use some of the toys that she had stored there. She sighed as she asked, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? I mean," she whispered, leaning in so that her lips were almost pressed against the otter's ear, "that the kangaroo is a cute guy. He looks really, really shy, though. How about we try our luck with him, and see how long he takes to figure out we're not just staying here for the movies and food?"

PJ grinned at the way her friend's eyes lit up. It was more than true that otters loved playing jokes, and Jam was no exception there. The green eyes glittered as Jam said, "I'm game. Let's see how much we can tease him."


Caroo sighed softly as he closed the door to his roommate's bedroom. It was always difficult to get the husky undressed and put into bed, but at least he hadn't been conscious that time. The last time, he'd been drunk enough to be hallucinating, and that had been one experience that he had never wanted to repeat. Groping was something eh only wanted from females, thank you very much.

The kangaroo looked back at his room, wanting to get back to his art, and finish up the commissions that he had left to do, but there was something else he had to do first. After all, it would be rude, and more than a little callous, to leave the girls downstairs when he said he'd call them a cab.

"Just get the phonebook, call the cab, and run back up here. They can't make you blush anymore than they already have," Caroo muttered to himself as he walked towards the stairway. Unfortunately for him, the phone was downstairs, and he'd have to talk with the girls for a little bit before he actually was able to call for the cab.

The kangaroo managed to keep his blush off of his face as he walked down the stairs. Keeping his eyes on his feet and on the stairs, telling himself that he didn't need to look at the girls, just where he was going, he walked towards the phone on the wall near the kitchen door.

His luck wasn't with him tonight, as the females giggled a bit. "Hey, cutie," one of them said, he wasn't sure which one as he didn't dare lift his eyes from the ground. "You don't have to call the cab just yet, you know. I mean, the movie's still on, and we might as well watch it all the way through. Mike's using the pay per view thing, so we might as well get our money's worth."

Caroo jerked his head up at that. "He made you pay for the show?" he asked. That was just rude, if it was true.

"Oh, don't worry about it," the dingo said, waving a paw dismissively. "It was only a couple of dollars from each of us, really. Nothing much," she explained. "But still, we might as well enjoy what we can, right? And it's no fun to watch a movie alone. Why don't you join us?"

The otter turned around in her seat, next to the dingo. "Yeah, why don't you? It's a pretty good movie, after all, and I think it stops being available after tonight," she said, her eyes glinting softly.

Caroo looked from the females to the phone. It wouldn't be that much of a loss, really. And maybe he could get over a bit of his shyness if he spent a little more time with these girls. They were being friendly enough, so far, and besides, it would be rude to send them away when Mike had invited them over. They should have some fun over here they were sent home.

Hesitantly, he walked towards the couch, leaning over the top of it. "What's the movie?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Con Air," the dingo responded, her statement followed by a few gunshots in the movie. "Ever seen it before?"

"Yep," Caroo said with a smile. That was a great movie, and he was surprised that he hadn't seen in before on the pay per view channel. Hopping over the back of the couch, he sat down. Before he knew it, he was sitting right between the females, just like Mike had been doing a little while ago, and he wanted to blush again. Barely, he suppressed that urge, but it was a struggle.

The dingo held out a paw, daintily. "I'm PJ, and the otter to your right is Jam," she said, introducing herself. "And you must be Mike's roommate, Caroo. He doesn't talk about you much, but he did say that you were an artist."

And just like that, his blush was back. His cheeks glowed bright red from the little revelation that the husky had called him an artist, and he hoped to heaven that neither of them-

"What do you draw?" Jam asked.

Asked the fatal question of what he drew. He chuckled a bit, nervously, looking straight at the television and pretending that he hadn't heard the question.

Of course, that didn't work for long. PJ and Jam were both staring at him, and he could feel the stares poking at him as if they were physical things. The stares proven ineffective, they moved a little closer, sliding along the couch until they were closer to him, and pressed a hand to his arms. They stroked his arms, like they were moving in tandem. A brief glance to each side showed that they were looking up at his face, almost laying their heads on his arms.

"Come on," Jam whispered, gently stroking a finger down his arm until it reached his hand. She clasped his hand in hers, intertwining her fingers with his.

PJ was doing the same on her side, gently squeezing his hand while smiling at him. "You can tell us, you know. We won't laugh at you," she whispered.

He just couldn't stop blushing, and the little touches that were tickling his arms and his hands were making him blush further and further, almost glowing with his embarrassment. The kangaroo felt like he was blushing everywhere, and it was both a good feeling and a silly one.

But he kept himself quiet. It wasn't something that he really liked talking about, except with those that actually commissioned him to do their art. After all, who really liked talking about their art when it turned out to be ninety percent sex, or at least sexual?

The females were getting more and more eager to make him talk, though. It was like they considered him a challenge or something. Surely they couldn't really be interested in him, not with someone so boring, so ordinary. One of them even kissed him on the cheek, followed directly by the other one, pressing at him from both sides in gentle insistence.

"I, uh, I draw...I draw anatomy pictures...posing pictures," he said, hedging his answers a little bit. "People seeing what they would...would look like in different...different, um, um, poses," he said, stuttering and stammering.

Their giggles at his answer didn't help anything, but they were good natured giggles, something that sisters might do to tease their brother, or lovers with their-

No, no no no. They wouldn't be treating him like that. He was overstepping his limits here, if he was considering them anywhere near the status of possible girlfriends. Shaking his head a little, he tried to stand up, offering the excuse of needing to get a few drinks.

It didn't work in the least. The two girls grabbed him by the arms, and pulled him back down to the couch. "Don't leave us without company, Caroo," PJ said, stroking a finger down his arm. "Jam wouldn't mind grabbing a few drinks, I think. This is your house, after all. You're entertaining us, so we'll get what you need, okay?" the dingo whispered, gently laying her head on his arm like it was a pillow for her.

The otter on his other side smiled as she stood up, and gestured at the kitchen. "Besides, I was going to get myself a drink anyway. I can grab some for the rest of us too," she said. "What would you two like?"

"Um, I'd like some water, I think," Caroo said, his eyes a little glued to the female that was lying on his arm. This was completely foreign territory for him, foreign, unknown, and however many other words that described something never experienced. "I think water would be the best thing for all of us."

"Coming right up," the otter said, walking away with a swish of her hips that pulled Caroo's eyes away from the dingo. He didn't know how she managed to do that little swish that managed to make her hips and buttocks sway so well, but it was definitely attention grabbing, if nothing else. He could no more move his eyes from the otter as she swayed away than he could stop breathing.

As she walked out of his sight, though, he remembered the canine at his arm, and turned with a blush and apologies on his lips. Before he could mutter a word of them, however, PJ pressed a finger to his lips, holding them shut, and chuckled. "Don't worry about watching her like that. If you hadn't stared, I would have thought you were gay or something...and then where would this evening go?" she said with a small chuckle. She licked her lips in a way that had to be an accident, to Caroo, but it still was highly erotic.

The words were nearly as hard to ignore. Where would the evening go if he were gay? It would go a hell of a lot easier on him, that was for sure. He had a growing feeling of warmth near his groin, and it was taking all of his willpower to keep from popping an embarrassing stiffness down there. The more they teased, the more they touched, the harder it got to resist.

He almost wondered if they wanted some of that attention, but the kangaroo cut off that little line of thought before it could go anywhere. It was presumptuous, for one, and besides, it was completely ridiculous. He was just keeping the girls company while they waited for the movie to be over.

Still, he almost jumped up with relief as he heard the little footsteps of the otter returning with the drinks. He reached up for his glass, and for PJ's, and immediately gulped down a few large gulps of water. It was like a cold shower, and boy did he need that at the moment. However, he nearly choked on one of the larger gulps, and the giggles and back pats from the girls didn't help him feel much better.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jam muttered, rubbing his back lightly, stroking her fingers between his shoulder blades. "Was the water too cold? I let the water run to make sure it was chilled, but maybe I let it get a little too cold," she whispered.

"No, no," Caroo said, shaking his head. "It's fine. I just drank it a little too fast. Um...if you...if you will excuse...I need to...Um..." he blushed a bit, wiggling free of the two of them. "If you'll give me a minute, I need to get to the bathroom," he said.

They nodded, and he ran. Ran up the stairs, ran into the bathroom, and locked the door.

The kangaroo leaned against the bathroom counter, staring at himself in the mirror. "What the heck do they see in me?" he muttered, looking over himself. He wasn't out of shape, or a slob, or overweight, but he wasn't good looking, or muscled, or all that attractive either. He was more or less quite average looking in physique, and he was pushing it a little bit at that. He didn't have an engaging personality. That had been proved at who knew how many clubs before he gave up on them. He didn't have anything in the house that would show he was well off or anything. So what the hell did the girls see in him?! It was driving him crazy!

Shaking his head a few times, the kangaroo leaned down and turned on the cold water from the faucet. He splashed his face with it a few times, and shook the water off before patting his face dry. There, maybe that would let himself think a little bit clearer. Maybe, but considering how much the girls were filling his thoughts, he doubted it.

Sighing softly, he dried the last of the water from his face, and set the towel into the laundry basket that was sitting beside the door. He gathered himself together, and unlocked the door, intending to go downstairs and call a cab, send the girl home now before thing went too far.

He fully intended to do that, but as he opened the door, Jam was waiting for him. Her top was soaked with water, apparently from a spill from her drink. Normally, that wouldn't have been so bad, but the top was white in color, and there wasn't a male on the face of the planet that didn't know what a white top combined with water meant. Worst of all, the top clung to her well enough to show that she wasn't wearing a bra, and it was only through hastily averted eyes that Caroo managed to not get an eyeful of her breasts.

The otter had the decency to blush, and cover her chest with her arms. "I spilled my drink when I was walking upstairs to check on you," she said. "I don't suppose I could have a towel, or another shirt, or something?" She had a pleading sort of look in her eyes, and she looked embarrassed enough about this that the kangaroo didn't really question her explanation.

Guiding her from the doorway of the bathroom, he walked her into his room. "Just hang on a minute," he said as he walked over to the closet. He pulled it open, checked a few shirts, and shook his head at them. They were all smaller, tighter shirts than what he was currently wearing, button up ones that would be awkward, not to mention uncomfortable for the otter.

"Well, I'm not sure that I have anything that you can wear," he said as he turned around, closing the closet door. He paused, seeing that she was actually in his room now, rather than in the doorway. She sat down on the bed, looking up at him, and it provided him with an even better view of her chest than before. Shivering a bit, Caroo was forced to close his eyes for a moment to get control of himself again before continuing to speak. "About the only thing I have would be a towel or something..." he broke off, knowing how bad that sounded, but not sure what else he could really offer.

Jam looked at him with a small smile, and gestured to the shirt that he was wearing. It was more of a sweater, but it was warm enough that it was all that he really needed to wear. "Um, you could let me wear that...I can't wear this top and a towel. It wouldn't dry out well. I would have to wear just the shirt, or just the towel...unless you don't want to let me have that shirt?"

All it took was a second of a thought of the otter with just a towel on, covering her chest, or wearing that soaked shirt that exposed everything, to make Caroo decide. Yanking the sweater off, he tossed it over to her, and turned his back, giving her some privacy to change.

"Oh, so courteous," Jam said, giggling a bit. It made him blush a bit, knowing that there was a topless girl in his room, and he didn't dare turn around to look at her. How he wanted to, oh, how he wanted to, but he didn't dare. That would be the worst thing to do, to be seen as a pervert by two guests.

The wet shirt landed by his feet, and he slowly knelt down to pick it up. He held it for a moment, planning to turn and take it to the laundry, and only barely caught himself before turning around. The kangaroo blushed a bit, because even though he stopped himself, he still caught a hint of breast before he made himself turn around again. The otter definitely had a healthy bust, from what he saw.

The few seconds it took for the otter to pull the sweater on comfortably were some of the longest in the kangaroo's life. He wanted to turn, but he was held in by manners and shyness from turning and looking, and unless Jam told him that it was alright to look around, he wouldn't know when it was safe. The seconds seemed to stretch into minutes before he finally heard that it was okay to look.

Jam looked back at him, the looser sweater hanging from her shoulders and hiding the light bulge of her breasts from him now. The sweater was a dark color too, so there was the bonus that, even if it got wet, she wouldn't be showing her breasts again.

She pointed at the pile of papers on his desk on the other side of the room. "Is that the art that you were talking about earlier?" the otter asked. "Could you show me what it's like?"

That question snapped him back to reality. If she saw that, there was no way that he would stop blushing before next year. He shook his head frantically, and gently grabbed her by the arms, pushing her out of the room gently but insistently. "No!" he muttered insistently. "No way. That's private. Now, please go downstairs, and I'll be down in a minute, after I get another shirt," he said, pushing the otter out of the room and shutting the door tightly.


Despite how quickly she had been pushed out of the kangaroo's room, Jam couldn't help giggling just a little bit. She wasn't blind, and she knew the urges that Caroo was starting to feel. It would be so simple to let him have a little fun with her and PJ, but where was the play in that? She wanted to tease him for a while, see how long the two of them could tease him.

And boy, did she have some fresh material for that, after having the time in the kangaroo's room. She just needed to share it with PJ.

Rushing down the stairs with a grin plastered to her face and a giggle slipping from her throat, Jam almost leaped onto the couch again, making both herself and PJ bounce a bit before the piece of furniture settled down. She adjusted her breasts just a little bit in the roomy sweater, making herself comfortable. The little confused look from the dingo only made her giggle more.

"You wouldn't believe what I found up in the kangaroo's room," the otter said with a grin.

"What?" PJ asked, her head cocked to the side in the way that had made so many males swoon at the sheer cuteness of it.

"I saw what kind of art that our little friend draws. It looks like he gets paid to draw commissions of the naughty variety," Jam said with a little giggle. "And you'd never guess just what his next little commission is, from what I saw on his list."

The dingo was leaning a little closer now, smiling at the information. Jam could tell that her friend was more than a little interested in this, and was already starting to plan little ways to use this information to tease their friend. "What might it be, Jam?"

Giggling, the otter leaned in and whispered. She told her of the tickling, bondage, and pampering bit of art that the kangaroo had been commissioned to do, things that they enjoyed doing with the boys that they were able to spend time with. However, the kicker was the species involved, and by the time that Jam was done describing it, PJ was grinning just as wide as she was, if not more.

"Oh, Jam, that's perfect!" PJ whispered, holding her hand to her mouth, barely holding back her own laughter. "You're sure about this? Really sure?"

"Of course," the otter said. She flicked her eyes to the staircase. "He's going to be coming down again soon, PJ. Any ideas?"

The moderately evil grin that crossed the dingo's face was all the answer that the otter needed.


Caroo sighed softly as he locked his bedroom door behind him, making sure that the art piles inside would be safe. With all the interest the girls downstairs were showing in them, he couldn't really be too careful, and considering that Jam was soaked, and still needed to dry her shirt, he couldn't very well send them home. He would just have to wait, and hope things didn't degenerate further.

Still, that didn't stop him from taking a nervous gulp before walking down the stairs. After all, these girls were starting to make him wonder if his face would ever stop glowing red, and that was just from their normal behavior. If they acted any more friendly...

Geez, the blush was back again, just from the thought of that. Slapping a hand to his reddened, burning cheeks, Caroo forced himself to walk back downstairs as fast as possible. By the sounds from the television, the movie had just ended. It was a relief, he supposed, but a part of him wished that it was still going. Then he'd have some excuse to keep staying close to them, despite how much he blushed at the way they behaved.

He barely reached the bottom step before two blurs leaped off of the couch, rushing at him. He caught a glint of blue and green eyes before he was tackled to the carpeted floor, held down by the combined weight of both dingo and otter. They pressed him down to the carpet, giggling all the while.

As he opened his mouth to ask what the heck was going on, he was surprised again, this time by wiggling fingers squirming over his sides and down the backs of his legs.

They had gotten him in a tickle trap! The kangaroo squirmed and wiggled to get away from the teasing fingers, trying to crawl his way out from underneath the two of them without much success. Already the dingo had managed to get his shirt off of him, and the socks that he was wearing were pulled off not long after, the otter's twitching fingers already at work on the undersides of his feet.

Crying out in laughter, the kangaroo squirmed underneath the two females, but they had him in such a strong grip that there wasn't the slightest chance that he could break free. He could only shiver and shake underneath their bodies, straddled over his legs and over his back, as they tickled him as much as they wanted.

And oh, how they tickled. The dingo tickled his sides, from waist to armpit, and then back down again, her fingertips grazing all the sensitive nerves. The otter was worse, though. Her fingers were wiggling over his toes, and over the pads on his feet, where he had the most trouble protecting them. They seemed to find the places where he was most ticklish, and push against them the hardest, forcing more and more giggles, squeals, and plain guffaws of laughter from him.

It was like they couldn't get enough of doing it, because they were giggling and pushing him harder, tickling him more viciously with each laugh they dragged out of him. Their teasing fingers danced along his sides and his feet, and each time he tried to push upwards a bit to get a little room to wiggle away, they just pushed their bodyweight down on him a little harder, pinning him against the carpet.

The tickling feeling rushed through him, making his body squirm and tighten up on itself in a futile attempt to escape the tickling fingers of the girls on top of him. He twisted this way, and that way. He tried to curl himself up in a ball. He tried every little trick that he could think of that might break the grip and hold that the girls had on him, even trying to turn himself around by rolling over so that his feet, at least, wouldn't be available or easily grabbed.

He was able to turn over, but it was a bit of a mistake. Not only was his stomach and sides now available to the girls, there was another little problem that he had to deal with.

A little known personal kink of his was tickling. It wasn't something that was quite as full blown as in the art he drew, but he did have something of a thing for it, enough for the tickle attack from the two girls to make him hard. Since the rolling over hadn't dislodged the girls in the least, and they were still above him, that meant that his erection pressed right against the crotch of the dingo straddling him.

PJ stopped her tickling almost immediately, freezing in place, while Jam continued tickling at the sides of the kangaroo's feet for a second or two before she noticed that her friend was still. The otter and dingo looked at one another for a moment before slowly slipping off of the kangaroo and looking right at his groin.

Caroo would have blushed brighter, if he had any more blood to rush to his face. The needed material was currently stuck in his penis, creating a bulge in his pants that he would have given just about anything to make disappear. It pulsed, and seemed to harden further under the stares of the two females, each of them staring at it as though they hadn't seen anything like it before.

He reached down to try and cover himself, but his wrists were grabbed before his hands were more than halfway down to his crotch. PJ and Jam didn't even bother taking their eyes away from his groin, merely gripping his wrists to keep them from moving.

The dingo reached down with her free hand, and stroked a finger along the bulge, from the base of it to the tip. "Why, look at this, Jam," she said, giggling a bit. "Looks like our host was holding out on us, hiding this reaction. Think it was our teasing or our tickling that got him this pent up?"

"Oh, the tickling, definitely," Jam said. They were both ignoring his incredulous look at them, somehow. The otter dragged a finger along the same path that the dingo had, and the kangaroo couldn't hold back the moan of pleasure from that touch.

The two females both placed a hand on either side of his erection, pressing it up against his pants a little more. It somehow made the size of his bulge look larger, as the last bits of bagginess from the pants were pushed away by the pressure of their hands. It was bad enough that it was showing so well to them, but then, something worse happened, something he'd hoped that he'd keep from doing for the rest of the night.

His penis started leaking pre-cum, and it was staining the front of his pants with its wetness.

Both females giggled to themselves as they saw this, and they slowly reached their hands around his penis, pressing fingers to base and tip. PJ gently stroked around the head of his member, through the fabric, while Jam was gripping the base of his member through the fabric. They stroked just lightly enough for him to feel it, for him to be unable to go soft, but not nearly enough to let him get more excitement. At this point, he was starting to wonder if more excitement was even possible.

"Do you think we should let him have a little more than this, PJ?" the otter asked, stroking her fingers up and down the bottom few inches of the kangaroo's member. "I mean, this seems so teasing, doesn't it? And he's been so nice to us. I think he's earned a little more than this," she said.

"Hmmm," PJ muttered, looking down at Caroo. He was pleading with them, his eyes begging them, though even he wasn't quite sure what he was pleading for. He wanted the teasing to stop, but he wasn't sure if he wanted them to go further or stop and go back to what they were doing before.

"I don't think so, Jam," the dingo said with a shake of her head. Her finger traced a little circle under the tip of the male's penis, stroking it lightly, but pleasurably, causing another little drop of pre to add itself to the growing wet spot on the front of his pants. "He's been trying to hide from us when we tease him, and he wouldn't even share with us what he did with his art. How can we reward him when he won't even tell us that, huh?"

"I suppose you're right, PJ," Jam said with a shake of her head. The two of them continued to tease his shaft lightly, stroking and then rubbing, rubbing and then squeezing, squeezing and then stroking, moving through the motions to pleasure and tease the kangaroo. They were making him want to scream in frustration, wanting more, but they held his arms still, and, as he attempted to move his legs, he realized they were holding them pinned somehow as well.

Each little touch made the kangaroo squirm more and more. He pulled at his arms, trying to free them from the grip of the two females, and he pulled at his legs, trying vainly to try and pull himself free. However, each time he pulled hard enough to get close to freedom, either Jam or PJ would reach their free hand from his cock to his sides, tickling him into submission again.

They tickled and teased him for twenty minutes. It felt like hours, but the clock on the wall that Caroo could barely see from his position told him that it had only been twenty minutes. The sudden stop of the teasing and tickling surprised him enough that he didn't even notice it for a moment, moaning and giggling for a few seconds after the sensation had ceased.

Experimentally, he pulled on his arms, and found that they were free, finally. He opened his eyes, and pushed himself upright, rubbing his head a bit. The dingo and otter were grinning at him, sitting on their legs and holding their hands on their knees. "Looks like you enjoyed being teased like that. I don't suppose you want to admit what you draw to us, yet? We might have mercy on you, if you tell us, honestly, what you do," PJ said with a little giggle.

The kangaroo was tempted, very tempted, to tell her what exactly he drew by this point. Already, just from what had happened, he was so close to climax. It would only take a few light touches to push him over the edge, and the way that the girls were looking at him, they'd give him that. But would he survive the embarrassment of telling them what he drew?

He was silent for too long, it seemed, because Jam and PJ both reached out a hand to 'encourage' him to talk again. The dingo's hand slipped down to his feet, grabbing his right one and tickling gently, while the otter's hand cupped his testicles, holding them in the palm of her hand and stroking them lightly. "Come on, tell us," Jam whispered, smiling up at him.

Shivering, he gave in. "I draw...I draw sex stuff...for people...And the one I've been working was a kangaroo male...with a female dingo, and a female otter...tickling and using bondage stuff on him," he admitted.

His admission drew a chuckle from the two of them, and an increase of tickles from the dingo. It was enough to make him double over in little giggles, and the only reason he didn't curl up further was the grip of the otter around his balls. Any further movement than doubling over would yank them away, and she had enough of a grip on his testicles that he didn't want to risk any damage to them.

"Now, was that so hard, Caroo?" PJ asked, stroking her fingers up and down his foot lightly, teasingly tickling him, all the more teasing because he couldn't move his feet out of her grip. "Now, why don't we move someplace a little more comfy, hmm? I think you're due for a bit of a reward," the dingo said with a playful, almost mischievous grin.

He let them pull him along from the floor by the stairs towards the couch again. With her dexterous tail, Jam reached out and hit the power button on the remote, turning off the television and suddenly driving the room into total silence, other than the three of them.

Pushed down onto the center cushion of the couch, Caroo found himself pushed back and held down on the couch by the dingo. He looked up at PJ's face, and felt a little shiver at the sultry grin that spread across her face. "You've been a very good boy today, Caroo. Just be good for a little longer, and we'll make sure that this will be a night that you'll never forget," she said.

With little choice but to nod and agree with them, the kangaroo settled back on the couch. He just hoped that they didn't have anything too exciting waiting for him. He didn't think that he could take much more without becoming a gibbering wreck.

Yet, the females seemed determined to see just how far they could tease him, and they were enjoying it, that much was clear. He hadn't seen anyone with a grin as wide as the ones the two of them were wearing in his life. They were having the time of their lives, that much was clear.

He stared as they slowly reached down to the bottom of their tops, grasping them and then pulling them up and over their heads. In that one movement, the both of them exposed their breasts to him. The otter's breasts more than lived up to the expectation of the kangaroo, after seeing a glimpse of them just a few minutes ago, round and perky, but PJ's mammaries were a little larger, but yet still seemed to defy gravity.

Tossing their shirts aside, both females gave their chests a gentle, visually teasing grope for the kangaroo to enjoy. Caroo just stared as they blatantly pleasured themselves in front of him, giving him a light show. It only lasted for a minute before they seemed to be bored of it, but it was enough to make him wonder just how much longer his pants could take the strain that his dick was putting on them, pushing against the front in desperation for being freed.

The dingo and the otter noticed it, of course. By this point, Caroo wondered if there was anything they missed at all. They leaned down as one, their breasts swaying lightly from side to side as they kneeled on the cushions beside him. They laid their hands on his crotch, gently squeezing along his cloth-covered shaft, rubbing it lightly, teasingly, squeezing every bit of pleasure and pre-cum they could from it without giving him the pleasure of a full and final orgasm.

He watched them as they teased and stroked along his crotch, but nevertheless was caught by surprise as they suddenly shifted to his waistband. With just a few quick movements, fingers moving around before he could stop them, they managed to yank his pants and underwear down enough to expose his penis.

There was no time to protest, no chance to stop them. As soon as his stiff length was exposed, they laid hands on it, and started stroking him together.

Pre flowed down from the tip of his member fast and strong, giving them enough slick fluid to avoid the need for lube. They stroked slowly, firmly, squeezing his member firmly each time they reached the tip and the base. It was a hand-job that was designed to last, to prolong his pleasure.

He looked at their faces, but they didn't look up at him. They both looked directly at his prick, not taking their eyes from it as they stroked up and down, up and down. Each stroke felt like someone was sucking from a straw that reached all the way down to his testicles, slurping up drop after drop of pre-cum, and demanding more. Their talented hands seemed determined to milk him for all of his cum.

When he reached down to try and help out, or to reciprocate, however, the females immediately pulled back, each of them grabbing him by an arm and shoving his arms firmly back against the couch. Their eyes would shift from his penis to his eyes, and they would glare warningly. The glance was enough of a warning to tell him that they would decide when he came, or even whether he came, and if he interfered, they would only make him wait longer.

Even when he acknowledged that, he couldn't keep his hands from wandering. They reached down with gentle insistence, but they were firmly forced back at least five times. Each time he was forced back, PJ and Jam made sure that they waited a full minute before returning to his member, returning to the pleasurable stroking, pulling his seed up from his testicles.

They kept up the stroking, up and down, up and down, for what seemed like hours. It was worse, far worse, than the gentle teasing of tickling and stroking when he was fully clothed, far worse. The clock seemed to slow whenever he looked at it, desperate for something to happen to end this, one way or the other. The pleasure from the slow, firm hand-job was burning through him, and his entire body cried out for a climax.

And just like that, the girls decided to give it to him.

Moving together as one, they slowly leaned down over the kangaroo's member. He watched them as they moved closer, and closer, their lips less than an inch from his penis tip. They froze, holding themselves above it for a minute...and then leaned down, kissing it, and then licked him, right at the tip.

It was more than enough to set him off. His fingers dug into the couch hard, desperately, and his toes curled as his member spasmed. The girls jerked back just in time as the kangaroo's member erupted with cum, shooting several streams onto his belly and staining, sticking to the fur. It shot a few weaker drops onto his groin, leaving it speckled with white as the dingo was speckled with dark spots.

He panted heavily as the pleasure continued even past the actual cum-shot, rushing through him and making him pant and squirm on the couch for a full minute and a half before the afterglow actually settled down on him, letting him calm down and slowly get his mind back.

By the time that he had himself back to normal, however, PJ and Jam had somehow gotten themselves dressed again, and they had a makeshift set of handcuffs around his wrists. His arms held behind his back, they grabbed him by the upper arms and pulled him up off of the couch. As Jam leaned down, picking up his pants and pulling them back up, covering his groin again, PJ said, "You know, you're a lot of fun, Caroo. I think we'll need to take you home for a while. I'm sure there's a couple other girls at the dorm that would enjoy having their turn with you as well."

More...of this? The kangaroo wasn't sure if he was awake or dreaming by this point, but his grin displayed just how much he hoped that this would continue.

As they smiled back, they walked him to the door. A few clicks later, PJ had her phone out, and called a cab for the three of them. Jam held him tight, in case he would bolt, he supposed. He wouldn't do that. He might be shy, still, but he wasn't going to run.

He did wish that his blush would go away, though, he thought as the taxi drove up, and then drove away with the three of them in it. For a moment, Caroo let himself think about what was waiting for him, and the very thought just knocked him out.

Apparently, there wasn't enough blood left in his body to split between blush and erection, or something like that. As he blacked out, the giggles of the girls at his sides sent him to pleasant dreams, dreams of what had just happened, and what would be waiting for him when he woke up. He spent the entire taxi ride smiling, grinning to himself.

And when he arrived at the dorm of PJ and Jam, it was like arriving in heaven.

~The End