Hot Night at the Junk Shop...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Junk shop


Hot Night at the Junk Shop

The big Wolf smirked down at the three slender little Fox's who were hero worshiping him. The three were football fans, and Kurrgurr was something of star on the defensive side of the ball. As a middle line backer the rangy wolf was fast and tall enough to intercept a lot of balls. And aggressive enough to blitz up the middle to get sacks on the opposing QB. And his stats reflected that... with the result that lots of fans wanted to buy him drinks.

And these three had been very free with their money, so the big Wolf had been putting down liquor shots. Instead of just beer like he normally would be doing. And so he was feeling pretty good... with the world spinning pleasantly around him. The powerful alcohol leaving a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach. And a silly grin on his long Lupine muzzle as the little Fox's bought another round. Kurrgurr turned his glass up taking a long swallow, and then he was looking up from the floor. As the giggling Fox's looked down at him grinning, making the big Wolf guffaw.

Until the frowning muzzle of the huge Bull bouncer intruded into his hazy vision. Dragging him to his feet, as the fast talking Fox's quickly circled around him. Pulling him away from the big Bouncers grip and helping guide him away. Leading him out onto the dark streets... they handed him a bottle. Even as they pulled Kurrgurr along, all the while talking about how strong and masculine he was. The big Wolf staggered along sucking on the bottle, to drunk to really pay attention to what was going on...


Tad strolled over to the small group, which consisted of three Fox's and one big Wolf. The big Lupine was clutching a whiskey bottle, and was obviously barely conscious. As the little Vulpines guided him up to the Exchanger, and quickly began stuffing him into it.

"Hi I'm Tad... can I be of any assistance?" The big fluffy white and black husky asked, as he stepped up to help the suddenly worried looking Fox's with the big Wolf. The Husky smirked in amusement, as he watched the nervous Fox's relax slightly. As he helped them get the big drunken Wolf's pants down, and fit his huge hefty junk into the machine. Tad had seen it all before of course... a bunch of collage guys who bring a drunk buddy in and get his junk removed... or even traded in for a pussy.

"Technically we're not supposed to allow that kinda thing." The big friendly Husky confided to the Fox's in a sneering whisper. "But secretly the company ok's it..." "Becuz these guys gotta come back and buy their junk back... Heheh." The little Fox's relaxed at the Huskie's explanation... and shared a leering grin. "So I take it your big Lupine buddy here wants to sale."

"Exchanging actually..." The leader of the Fox Trio corrected, as he quickly ran down the list of options. Finding what he was looking for under V, the three snickered as he selected it.

"Ohoooo good choice... that belonged to the sweetest little Vixie you ever saw." Tad assured as he checked the setting and then the Husky pressed the big red button. The Machine hummed and the internal fans whirred, as the big Wolf moaned and bucked hard against the plastic side for a moment. "There we go all done..." Tad chuckled as he checked the read out. "Wow your friend had some major junk... your still going to get a refund of hundred and twenty." "And here's your receipt, just take that to the cashier and she'll give you the money." "Of course if money isn't your first... interest." Tad purred, as he watched the little Fox's inspect Kurrgurr's new sex playfully. Rubbing and fingering that hot little hole until it was dribbling excitedly and the big semi conscious Wolf was moaning.

The Fox's looked up at Tad curiously, as the Husky moved up to join them. "Perhaps you'd like to go some place private... and inspect this bitch more... throughly." The big Husky sneered as the Fox's shared his lewd grin.

"Yeah we got plans for this bitch." The leader of the trio growled lustfully as the three Fox's studied the Husky. "Are you a fan of the U?" He asked the big Husky slyly, as tad cupped and squeezed Kurrgurr's firm round ass cheek.

"Nawww... I moved here from just across the state line." Tad answered honestly as the aroused Fox's began rubbing up against the big linebacker. The three shared a look with one another... and then the leader nodded.

"Ok show us this private place..." The Husky smiled and lead them into the back of the store, he pulled them all into a back storage room, and locked the door behind them. Quickly stripping down as he fondled the big Wolf's denuded crotch. The three little Fox's quickly began setting up they play. "Ok Tim get that lap top online..." The leader instructed as he and the other Fox, stripped off Kurrgurr's jersey. And began redressing the big jock pussy boi in a cheerleaders out fit. Once they had Kurrgurr dressed... they positioned the big Wolf butt up on a table. As Tim got the laptop going and then took out a digital video camera. "Ok Jake here ya go..." The small Fox said, handing the camera off the the leader. Who took it and quickly check that it was going, and then grinned.

The big Wolf was position head down and butt up on the table. "Now what have we got here...?" Kneeling the little Fox crept up behind the Wolfs up raised ass... "The boi's and I have found us the sweetest little piece of tail." He did a quick up the skirt peek, before pulling back. "Lift her skirt..." He ordered, so Tad reached over and flipped the short skirt of the cheerleaders uniform up. Revealing a tight set of frilly pink panties cupped tightly around that obvious pubic mound. "Get that tail out of the way." Jake ordered... as he zoomed in on that obviously damp camel toe. Tad pulled the Wolfs long bushy tail up out of the way. As the Fox's gestured for him to pull those damp panties down. So Tad hooked a finger in the waist band and slowly peeled them down.

"Ammmm boi's look at that sweet pussy!" Jake breathed excitedly as the other Fox's gathered around. "Yum the slut slit is all wet and ready..." Reaching out to stroke and fondle that quivering oozing pussy. "And what are we gunna do to it bois?"

"Fuck it!" The other two Fox's shouted, quickly stripping those panties the rest of the way off. As Jake did a quick zoom in on that dripping oozing sex...

"I think its time we showed the fateful just who our bitch for the night is..." The big Fox moved around to the front of the Wolf... showing his muzzle. "Yeah thats right State U fan's..." "Our bitch for the night is none other than number fifty five." "Yeah Kurrgurr... that middle linebacker who gave us so much trouble in the civil war game." "We always knew that he was a bitch... where it counts..." "Well tonight we prove it... cuz he's going to be our bitch." "You like that idea... don't ya slut?" He asked the dazed drunken Wolf who could only moan weakly. One of the other Fox's grasped the back of Kurrgurr's head, and forced it to nod yes. "But hey where are my manners?" Jake snickered lewdly as he zoomed in on the big Wolf's new sex again. "We'll let our new friend here have first go on the bitch..." The big Fox offered Tad Kurrgurr's drooling cunt. The handsome husky smiled gratefully, but politely declined.

"Thank you... but I really do prefer the back door." Tad explained lewdly, as he moved up over the drunken jock's big shapely ass. Clutching that big bushy tail to his chest, as he pulled his short canine red rocket down. And aiming it at the Wolf tight pink virgin tail hole. Kurrgurr growled softly, as that wet pre-cum drooling cock tip pierced his weakly clenching anal ring. Making the big pussified athlete's huge powerful body quiver as he was violated. The three Fox's giggled in delight at this, and the smallest Fox quickly slipped into the big jocks tight new pussy. "Ohoooo... Tim's going for the bitch's cunt..." "Yeah thats it... knock her up boi." Jake panted, clearly excited as he watch Larry work his swiftly growing knot into the Wolf.

While the other Fox moved around in front of the drunken Wolf. "Lets fill all three of this bitch's holes..." Larry the middle sized Fox smirked as he quickly moved up to shove his slender hard on into the Wolf's drooling babbling muzzle. As Jake moved slowly around and around the rutting trio. Getting shot after shot of all the action from every angle. Close ups of Tad working his swiftly growing knot into that clenching tail hole. Tight shots of the little Fox's already hard knot locked into that big Wolfs new sex. But most of all wide shots of Larry's hard knot beating against Kurrgurr's suckling lip's. "Ammmm... looks like the bitch is enjoying all the cock in her." "So give it to her good and hard bois."

Jake encouraged lewdly, as he moved around to get more action shots. As the three of them yiffed the big Wolf's erotic holes franticly. Drawing long, loud, snorting moans from Kurrgurr as he was bounced back and forth between those hard cocks. "Wow... its already got fourteen hundred hits... and we've only been streaming for five minutes." Jake laughed as he moved around to the lap top, setting the camera down on a wide view. He began tapping buttons... and snickering as he linked the video to a dozen more sites. "There I've linked it to his team web page..." 'The truth about Kurrgurr...' "Your going to be world famous by the time you sober up in the morning bitch... Hehehe." Jake laughed as the first of many orgasms exploded in the big Wolf's new pussy. Quickly little Tim rolled over butt to butt with Kurrgurr, as he tugged his knot against that tight sex. Jake quickly went back to doing close up shots of that drooling hole. As the little Fox's slowly shrinking knot slowly began to pull of of it. Making the big Wolf moan in pain and pleasure, until at last with a lewd sounding 'Pop' it slipped out. At once Jake handed off the camera and took the small Fox's place. Cramming his much larger cock... knot and all up that well lubed sex... Clearly the big jock was in for a long night...


The big Wolf staggered across the quad with his head cupped in both big paws. Growling softly to himself at all the stares and snickering he was getting. 'What was wrong with these people... hadn't they ever saw a hung over Wolf before?' It wasn't until he'd enter the Frat that... he discovered the truth. There playing on the big screen was a big pussified Wolf getting nailed by a bunch of Foxs... 'WHAT THE FUCK!' Kurrgurr's jaw dropped as he recognized himself... ripping down his jeans the big jock starred at the frilly panties. "Oh my gods!" He choked pulling the waist band out and looking down at his new sex. He could smell the old dried cum and feel the stickness... Just then his team mates came piling into the room grinning lewdly.

"Hey bois lookee here our bitch is back!" Someone shouted... and the team burst into loud lewd laughter...


Power of the Plant

Warning for Sex... Odd... Trickery... Neutering... Nullication... Empty sheath docking... Plant... My little sequel to [![](%5C) charn](%5C) hot tale [](

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In Desperate... not so straights

A young Lion abroad for the first time has some money troubles in a Foreign land and gets taken advantage of by some naughty preds... This is part of a story trade I'm doing with my big sweety Tiger buddy Charn... The original idea for this story...

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The Bad Sport... Konu needs a sparing pardner and a certain big overly proud and confident stallion steps in...

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