Little Town Big Magic

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Various stories of magic happenings in a little town.

This was the monthly story people on Patreon voted for.

This month's voting is over, but you can sign up now for next month voting!

The town of Myena was a town remote from cities. It was a town with multiple houses, a single gas station and pizza place, a very tiny grocery store, and little else. Most people worked outside of the town, taking a long drive through corn fields in one way or another. While the town was anything but big and famous, many people who lived in the town knew it for the odd magic that permeated the air, vanishing once one left the town itself. While many dismissed the magic as nothing but a rubbish story, ancient times spoke of a sorceress that once lived there. While the sorceress was long gone, her magic lingered in the air and had strange effects on people. For some, nothing happened, but for those weak enough to succumb to the magic, they were changed in fantastic, unimaginable ways.

Gina's first day at the zoo was a fantastic one. The zoo itself housed all sorts of oddity creatures. Not just the regular animals, but mythical ones as well. It was a wonder how a remote town was able to have such a bustling zoo. Unfortunately the zoo wasn't very popular, many animals broke free at one point, and while there were no injuries, it still gave the zoo a bad reputation. No matter how secure the animals were locked up, they always found a way free.

Gina was in the middle of walking around the zoo wearing a light brown shirt with matching shorts. Her short dark brown hair tied up in a ponytail. It was a hot day out, and most animals were inside, not that it was much cooler inside than it was out. Each exhibit had a small building attached to it where the zookeepers could care for the animals, and the animals could go to cool off, or in some cases privacy.

There was a sudden sound of a metal door slamming shut, and Gina glanced toward where the noise came from. The zoo was empty of people today, and she was the only zookeeper out doing a patrol. The noise came from the direction of the monkey exhibit, and as she glanced over to the building next to the large bubble dome that was the monkey exhibit, Gina noticed the door swung back open, and then shut again. Gina knew the doors were reinforced, so to see it swinging the way it was now was an odd sight. Gina walked over to the door and grabbed onto it as it swung open. She looked into the small building curiously. "Hello?" she called out.

No response came from the building. Only sunlight from both the exhibit, and the open door lit the room inside. The room had a refrigerator and a crate both filled with food that monkeys ate, although both were full as the monkeys were gone for quite some time. The door in the building that led into the monkey exhibit though was also open, but not swinging wildly.

Gina walked into the small building and closed the door behind her. She locked it, and then turned her attention to the dome. "Hello?" she asked again as she walked slowly into the dome.

The dome was hot, but it was also humid. The dome was designed to act like a forest, though with an open top so people could see the monkeys inside. The dome was roughly 20 feet high with a few trees that allowed monkeys to even climb up to the edge of the glass dome to get close up to visitors.

The moment she walked inside, the door slammed shut behind her. Unfortunately, as the exhibit was made for monkeys, the door couldn't be opened from the inside, and automatically locked on the outside.

Gina jumped at the sudden slam. While it wasn't a heavy metal door, she still heard the door shut, and she rushed to try to pry it open, but to no luck. The door on her end was smooth as the heavy glass it was made out of. "Crap..." she mumbled. She didn't have her cell phone on her unfortunately, and with no visitors out and about, and no other employee was out and about checking the animals, and they weren't going to be until it came time for the zoo to close.

Gina walked to the middle of the dome where there was a clearing next to running water. She sat down in the center, and let out a sigh. She was stuck in the monkey exhibit until someone saw her. It was hot, it was humid, and she felt uncomfortable, though not unbearable. She was feeling so hot that her skin was getting itchy.

Gina idly scratched her arm and chest over her clothing. The heat made her feel worse, and what's more, her shoes were feeling tight around her toes. She glanced up through the glass dome at the sky, and then around the area where visitors would look inside to see the monkeys. "I can't believe I'm thinking about doing this...but it's too hot not to." She mumbled to herself. She started by taking off her shoes. It just felt incredibly uncomfortable to wear them. She stretched her toes, and sighed happily. Unaware to her, her toes were stretched out farther than they should have been able to stretch, and the very feet themselves had shrank down in size. It wasn't enough for her to notice it while she still had socks on, but even her socks were a little uncomfortable.

With a frustrated sigh, Gina laid back against the grass. She didn't want to walk around the exhibit with only socks on. Sure the grass was trimmed and there were no animals in the exhibit, but she didn't want to step on anything sharp. "Someone will find me here eventually. It's not like I've gone missing in the forest like all those other people, I'm just stuck in a zoo exhibit."

Gina stretched her body again. She felt hotter and hotter the longer she sat in the sun. "Man, is this what monkeys have to put up with? They're a lot like us, they can't handle this heat." She made a mental note to inform her boss about how hot the exhibit felt. It was so hot, that she reached underneath and scratched herself. Her fingers froze as she felt more than skin underneath her outfit. It didn't feel quite like hair underneath. " chest isn't supposed to be..." she took off her top without a second thought, and she soon found herself staring at her torso covered in brown fur.

Gina let out a shriek that sounded almost exactly like a monkey's own. She slapped her hands over her mouth once she heard herself, and glanced down at her body. Her heart pounded and she breathed rapidly as she saw the fur cover her torso, even her own breast, which her tits were shrinking down into She also saw how different her feet looked in her socks. She squeezed her toes together, and it almost looked as if she was making a fist underneath her fabric. "No no...This can't be real. I'm not turning into a monkey, I'm just stuck in the exhibit."

Gina took off her socks, and stared down at her feet. Indeed, her feet had shifted underneath her socks. Her toes were stretched out, and her arches now resembled the very palms of her hands. She had not two human feet, but two feet of a monkey, one that looked very much like normal hands, although more muscular. Gina's legs also began to felt itchy, and she felt pressure as her spine extended. "No-oh oh oh!" She jumped up as she heard herself make even more monkey noises and landed on her new feet with the 'toes' stretched out. She found her body hunched over naturally, and her pants fell from her as her legs and ass thinned out.

Gina stared down at her body covered with fur. Her frame became more and thinner like a monkey's own, although she didn't lose, or gain any height. She scratched the top of her head with a single finger in confusion. Her nose tilted upwards and pushed back while more fur sprouted on her chin. "Who oh oh?" She frowned. She couldn't even speak a spec of English, she both looked, and sounded almost completely like a monkey. She still had her human hair and build, though her breast was a mere A cup and just barely poked out of her new fur.

Gina jumped up and down in a panic. She was naked, furry, and more monkey than human. She glanced up at the dome over her head and noticed a figure. Someone was actually looking down at her. The figure was blocking the sun which made it hard to see the figure's face. Gina looked down at her clothes sprawled haphazardly on the grass beneath her, and then back up at the figure. She opened up her palms and waved her hands to attract the figure's attention. If she could maybe prove to this figure that she was human then maybe she'd be freed.

Gina looked over at the trees and noticed that a few of them were so tall that they were near the figure. She thought that was her best bet to get her attention. With a monkey "Hoh, hoh," she jumped onto the closest tree and wrapped one palm around it. As if by instinct, what was once her foot also wrapped around the tree to increase her grip. She didn't think twice about it. She swung her body to face the tree, and climbed up palm by palm, foot by foot. She climbed up to the top of the tree until she was able to get up to the glass dome.

When she got up to the top and glanced back to where the figure was, she noticed the figure had vanished. Her green eyes widened as she saw nothing. No sight of any human. There was nothing blocking her view outside the dome now, and she knew no human could possibly walk that far away that fast. She stared out the glass into another exhibit, an exhibit that she couldn't quite see what animal it was, and she just saw the top of the exhibit.

Gina blinked a few times to take herself out of her brief trance. She glanced down at her clothes, and then back outside the dome. It was at that point she saw the figure again, but the sudden reappearance was frightening enough to make her jump. Unfortunately, she failed to realize where she jumped from, and fell towards the ground for a ten foot drop to the floor beneath, enough to knock Gina unconscious as she landed on her back with a heavy thud.

Gina let out a soft monkey "oooh." as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked around briefly and noticed that she hadn't been moved, though her clothing that was once on the floor was now gone. She ignored her throbbing head, and jumped up onto her 'feet' while her hands supported the upper half of her body. She looked to the left, and then to the right. Her long monkey tail swayed and twitched slowly behind her. She then looked down and saw a banana, a yellow, ripe, banana. Gina wasn't sure where the banana came from, but she was kind of hungry, and she knew monkeys were famous for eating the fruit.

With one of her palm feet, she grabbed the banana. She unpeeled it with one of her front hands, and then took a bite of the banana. She loved the sweet sugary taste of the mushy banana. As she ate, her mind became clouded, though she continued to eat the banana anyways. Her foot held the banana bottom firmly while her hand unpeeled it. She soon ate the entire banana, and tossed the peel away. She then thought to herself what she was so worried about before. She was a monkey, she belonged in an exhibit, and she was much safer that way.

With an "Oooh ooh!" she jumped around happily as the monkey she now was mentally, and while she had some human features physically, such as long hair and a small breast, she was far more of a monkey than she was human, and as such, she would remain, all thanks to the magic the town changed her into.

Often the magic liked to change people into things based off of what they were doing, or things they were near. Other times, people did the thinking for the magic, and all it had to do was work off of those suggestions. Telling people that they ate like a pig would sometimes turn a person into the very swine, while other times being blind as a bat would make one rely on seeing with their new sonar. Other times...

"And finished." A man stated proudly at his computer in his messy room. John was hoping to make it big time on the internet through streaming, but after trying for a week and getting nothing, he figured artwork would be his next best bet. He had just finished drawing a picture of a white rabbit online, one with a large bunny. The white rabbit was drawn with human proportions, though a bit lanky with black gloves wrapped around that three foot long bunny cock, and a bubble text asking "Want to suck on a carrot, doc?" as if imitating a famous bunny, though with a different fur pattern.

"I'll call him Doug." John leaned back in his leather chair and glanced around his room. He noticed how much of a mess he had on the table, multiple empty drinks from spending hours trying to perfect his art. While the rabbit he drew was nowhere near perfect, it was of decent quality. "Now just to upload it and watch the requests and commissions come in." he had heard of so many artists and writers getting paid just to work on drawing. With a few simple clicks, and a description just aptly named 'Doug's Bunny', his picture was online for all to see.

John watched the front page of the screen and refreshed it a few times. His artwork was quickly removed from the front page, not because it was bad, but because of how many people uploaded artwork so incredibly often.

A view here and a favorite there later, and John noticed there was a comment from a user without a picture in their profile. While many profiles had the default picture, this user had no image at all. The comment said "She should have big huge pink ears, ears so big they can bend down to her shoulders."

John rolled his eyes at the comment he scrolled down from the picture to see. He scrolled back up and saw the bunny already had long ears, long enough to her shoulders already. John would know, his pink bunny ears were just like hers. John's ears perked from side to side. He glanced at a nearby mirror at his long pink ears and felt their soft fuzzy length. They were bendable in multiple different ways thanks to lacking bones. He was a little embarrassed for having pink ears, but he based the picture off of his own pink bunny ears so he knew they went down to her shoulder. He scrolled down to reply to the comment, but unfortunately the comment was now gone. "Huh...weird..." John swore there was a comment about the ears, but he figured maybe he was mistaken. With a casual shrug, he just hit refresh.

The comment about John's picture was still there. John noticed the comment had changed though. It talked about the bunny's feet and how they should be ridiculously large rabbit feet, a size 14-15 in terms of shoes, with big oversized paws. He thought the new comment was just as weird as the first. He scrolled back up to the picture and saw those big giant paws. It was just like the ones he had in real life. He looked down at his big pink bunny pads and wiggled the three giant 'toes' he had on them. John froze momentarily as he stared down at his feet, feet so large they were almost two feet in length instead of one. He thought he had shoes just a moment ago with socks, although such a thought was incredibly weird. John couldn't wear shoes with feet so big, but he swore he had purchased pairs before.

John got up off of his computer briefly to check his dresser and near his front door. He found no socks in the dresser, and no shoes near his front door to speak of. "Weird. I swore I had such things." John walked back to his computer, fairly normal for a man with giant pink and white rabbit feet as well as pink rabbit ears. "Oh well." He scrolled back up to the picture, and then down to the comment and noticed it was gone once more. John didn't think of his new feet and ears as weird, but he thought the comment that kept getting erased was the strangest thing going on. Even if the person deleted their comment, it would have indicated that a comment had been deleted, and he would have had to refresh the page in order for the page to say the comment was deleted to begin with.

John refreshed the page again and scrolled down to the comments once more. He noticed that the comment talked about the bunny's teeth, and how she needed two big buck front teeth. John knew the character had big buck teeth in the front, he had drawn it just like his own teeth. He quickly replied to the comment that the character already has pretty big and buck teeth, and then he hit enter to respond. "Got you that time!" he said with confidence.

While the page was refreshing, John looked back in the mirror to see his buck teeth. The teeth were straight and pointed down, right in the center of his mouth too, just like a rabbit. The teeth weren't giant or obscene, just a little larger than the rest of his teeth was all.

Once the page refreshed, John looked back and double checked. The comment was gone again, as was his response. He was beginning to get frustrated. He wondered if the person typing the comment was a mod, and he'd have to wait and see what the next comment said. He had already forgotten the name of the user so he couldn't look it up without seeing a post from them, it wasn't a very memorable name.

A refresh or two later, John saw the name and another post from the same person. "Finally, I got you now." He barely even read the comment. It was something silly about the character's boobs and how they should have a DD pair, which sounded absolutely ridiculous. He himself had a DD set. He drew the character based off of that. Sure it was weird the rest of his body was masculine, well aside from the pink fur on his ears and feet, but it was just a deformity about him. He was teased for it in school, but these days nobody judged him for it.

Unfortunately, when the new page loaded that John went to check, he noticed that the profile name didn't even exist. The username, simply known as 'The Imp' didn't exist in the database. "Okay, seriously, admins are just screwing with me right now." John closed the website with a grimace.

Once John closed the website he was on, a popup message displayed on his computer. His screen went to a faded black briefly, except for the message. The message on the screen said "It should have short pink hair covering its body, except white on the belly, just like you." There was also a small thing that allowed John to close the text box.

John stared at the text box questionably. "Okay...this is getting freaky..." John closed the text box and scratched at his body. He questioned why he even bought clothes. He looked down at his fuzzy pink arms and let out a sigh. He was getting too hot wearing clothes. He figured since he was alone in his place, he may as well just take them off.

John had a normal build with a slightly chubby belly. He once had skin with human hair, but now he was covered in head to paw in pink fur, with the exception of white on his belly and his breast. His cock shaft wasn't covered in fur, but his balls were. "Much better." He stretched out his legs, and wiggled his big paw pads. "Now to get rid of this stupid virus on the computer." He began to run an antivirus scan.

John unfortunately didn't get far in the scan before another message popped up. The message read "It also shouldn't have a cock...just like you. It should be a woman. Just like you."

"But I..." John froze as he tried to give it some thought. He was a he, wasn't he? He looked down between his legs, and suddenly gasped as a wave of pleasure stroked over his body. A warm feeling started from the top of his bunny ears, and lowered down slowly. As it reached his face, his facial features softened underneath that bunny fur. As the warm feeling continued downward, his hips widened, while his shoulders and gut shrank. His arms became slender, as did his fingertips, and as the warm feeling went down between his legs, it went behind his crotch to his ass. His rear expanded and soon resembled almost a heart with thick thighs, while his legs became as feminine as his arms. He already had a large bust, it didn't need to be altered, the pink nipples on his chest already constantly showed as well. The only manly part about him was his crotch.

That last part began to change as the warm feeling rushed into his balls. John let out a sharp gasp as he felt incredibly pleasured so quickly. His cock didn't even have the time to get fully erect before it suddenly orgasmed. His shaft sprayed cum onto his chair, his thighs, and his seat. He tried to cover it with his hands, but his body felt stiff from the pleasure, which just made it hard to do anything about what he was going through. As he orgasmed, his testicles shrank into his body with his shaft. In mere moments, his cock was gone. All that remained was a feminine slit between his legs, and a clit that was one his shaft.

John panted heavily after his orgasm. He took deep breaths, and then he glanced down at himself, or rather, herself. She almost resembled an infamous female cartoon bunny, although with curves in the chest and butt. John tried to recall what just happened, but all she could remember was her name, 'Jaja' and that she recently posted a picture of herself on the internet. With a confused scratch on her head as to why there was a big sticky white mess in front of her, she just shrugged it off.

"No virus detected, and no errors coming up on the computer anymore." She said with a smirk. She went back to her picture she posted, and she saw plenty of favorites. She knew it was a good idea to post a naked picture of herself online. It was so much easier than drawing. One day, she'd find a way to make money off of posting naked photos of herself for all to see, at least she hoped.

There were people that could use the magic for their own gain. Although magic was sometimes hard to control, those that learned to master the magic that surrounded them could do terrible things to others, or things for just the sheer fun of doing it.

Raven knocked on the house with a clipboard in hand, and a grimace on her face. Her short black dyed hair curled back with a ponytail, but her clothing a red uniform with a blue skirt. She stood in front of a house that, while it was said to be abandoned, there was a tale of a squatter that lived there, and it was Raven's job to investigate, and then inform the police so they could kick the squatter out. She worked in real estate, a job not that glamourous as she didn't make sales much at all, but if they could kick the squatter out, she could try to sell this house. It was a large three story house with at least eight visible rooms from the front with more in the back.

The door opened to reveal a blonde girl with a pink dress, complete with frills. The girl was about knee high compared to Raven, and she looked up at her with innocent blue eyes. "Hello?" the little girl said with a tilt of her head.

Raven looked back down at the girl in surprise. She had expected to see some 20-30 year old bum with a white beard and dirty clothes sleeping in a cardboard box, not a sweet innocent looking girl. "Is your mother or father home?" Raven raised her head back up to look past the girl. While the girl looked sweet and innocent, the rest of the interior of the home, at least the interior that Raven could see, was dark outside of the dirty windows and holes in the walls and roof that showed the interior. Cobwebs littered the ceiling while broken floorboards filled up the floor of the hallway that was visible. There was a staircase at the end of the hallway. Many of the stairs had holes in them while the wooden railing was broken in spots. It looked as if the place had been abandoned for years.

"I'll take you to them!" The girl giggled as she turned around and began to skip in the otherwise eerie hallway. The floorboards creaked loudly as her black shoes touched them briefly before they raised back up for her to keep skipping away.

"Right..." Raven stepped inside and followed the girl behind. She didn't get too far from the door before it suddenly slammed shut behind her and caused her to jump. "Stupid wind." She grumbled before she continued. She peeked down the various rooms the two passed, and she noticed each room was as barren and deserted as the last one with broken floors, walls, and one with a leak from above, which she assumed was the bathroom.

The girl led Raven into a room that was filled to the brim with stuffed animals, a bed, and nothing else for furniture, though it had bright pink walls and was very well lit. It was almost the exact opposite of what the rest of the house was. The many stuffed animals measured at least five feet tall, with others going as much as eight feet tall. Many of them had human proportions, although they all had stuffed round torsos and oversized heads.

Raven couldn't believe how beautiful the room looked. While the rest of the house looked like something straight out of a scary movie, the girl's room was set head to toe in stuffed animals of all sorts. She noticed all of them smiling stupidly with their oversized heads and beady eyes. "While I very much love your room, I wanted to see your parents." Raven said as she turned her head left and right at the various stuffed animals, she counted a good fifty of them just on the floor, and then even more arranged on shelves along the walls.

"My mom and dad are right there." The girl pointed to a giant stuffed panda, as well as a stuffed light brown teddy bear. The two animals had one arm wrapped around each other, and looked as if they were looking down at themselves. "Daddy's the black and white one."

Raven just thought the girl was playing a game with her. She rolled her eyes, and walked up to the two giant plush animals. She slowly put two fingers on the chin of the panda and raised it up. She stared at the panda's face close up, and as she stared, she noticed something strange about the eyes. While from a distance the eyes were black and beady, the closer she looked at it, the more the eye looked almost human. Raven suddenly jumped back as the stuffed panda suddenly blinked at her. "What the hell was that?!"

"It was just daddy blinking." The little girl smiled up at Raven. "Why don't you sit on the shelf and join him?" she spoke innocently and cutely with a happy grin to show off her white teeth.

Raven grimaced at the girl, but she suddenly felt a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach. Her gut growled loudly before it suddenly blew up in size. She wasn't quite getting fat though, rather the inflation was occurring to her entire torso and rounded it out. "W-what's happening?!" Raven shouted in a panic.

"Mommy and daddy didn't like my plush collection." The little girl suddenly said with a chill in the air. "My friends didn't like my plush collection. Mean people that came in here didn't like my plush collection. They all joined my collection. You are the newest member of the family."

Raven wanted to scream, but the transformation to her body occurred swiftly. Her mouth sealed into a dumb single black line smile on her face. Her fingers and toes merged together, her ass and vagina completely vanished, as did the hair on her head. Her blood, bones, and organs swiftly became pure white stuffing, and white fur covered her body. Her ears pulled up to the top of her head and became pointed, and a short stubby tail popped out.

Raven suddenly fell over as her brain became nothing but stuffing. Her entire body was now that of a stuffed animal, a dog at that, though crudely made. Her clothing shed from her body to reveal a bare chest and smoothness between her legs. In a matter of moments, she was another plush, a stuffed animal for the girl.

The girl let out a giggle and gave Raven a hug. She was fully aware of her magical powers for hundreds of years now, and she had taken full advantage of it by making a stuffed animal collection. "Anyone else that tries to harm me or my plush animals will join the collection!" Raven couldn't say anything. She couldn't do anything. She could only sit there with a dumb animal grin on her stuffed face.

Thus concludes but a few tales from the town of Myena. Magic oddities occurred every day though for many people though, and all sorts of various changes took place to those many people. It would not be the first day of changes, nor would it be the last.