Submission: Estrasa Tower

Story by MrWoofles on SoFurry

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#9 of Requested Stories

A story I wrote for a group story for someone named Tik Tik.

Abby Tor's black scales glimmered in the crystal light of the common room of that she shared with her best friend, she paced the carpeted floors of the room. The sounds of clacking nails on the stone work just a single room away brought pulled Abby out of her own thoughts. A pink nose poked into the hallway, the nose was followed by a massive canine head. A wolf strode into the common room, the wolf was so large that Abby could fit in her mouth and still have room to bring a friend. Abby dropped to her knees and bowed to the wolf, a gesture that she knew was unwanted but felt so right.

"You do know that doesn't carry the same meaning with me, right?" The booming yet feminine voice that echoed around the wall.

"Yes but it's still important to me. I give respect the same as you do to the Mistress."

The wolf snorted before leaning in to sniff at the black kobold, Abby allowed herself to be sniffed even raising her tail to accommodate the wolf's habits. Once the wolf was done with her inspection. She felt the three feet of tongue slap her chest and rise to her chin, no matter what others might say about her friend. Tervalia was a very doting companion and friend, she gently wiped the saliva from her chin but ignored the rest. Abby had something she wanted to show off and her guest of honor had just appeared.

"So I want to show you something that I think would impress you." Abby grinned showing a row of sharp teeth.

"Oh? Is it another regenerating bone?" Tervalia tail wagged hard enough to knock down a few paintings. "I really love those, I can chew on them all day and never run out."

"It's times like these where I'm impressed that we are both capable of magic. Do you ever study summoning or the druidic arts that you use? Terva, I'm serious, this is going to blow your mind."

"Well stop talking and show it."

"I need someone to trigger it, it's a trap style monster."

Tervalia nodded before reaching a paw to her mouth, she tore into her paw pad and allowed the blood to splatter on the ground. The blood moved of it's own accord, it tailed into a complex shape of a summoning circle before a midnight wolf pulled its way out of the blood. The creature turned to Trevalia then looked at Abby with an expression that could melt stone. Most of Trevalia's summoned creatures hated or loved Abby depending on what inventions she tested on them. This creature was closer to the 'hate her' camp.

"Greetings beloved friend of my Summoner. Are you going to accidentally dump me in an acidic creature den again or let me guess, you need to see if this trap dilates my sphincter to fatal levels? I'm dying to see how badly you are going to hurt me, you black scaled little sh-"

A deep growl silenced the complaining of the summoned creature, the familiar sighed and lowered his head.

"Nothing like that. This trap should have you feeling happy, you don't have a of tight spaces do you?"

"I'm not going to like this am I?"

"Would it make you feel better if I allowed you in my playroom afterward?"

"It's a start let us begin."

Abby snapped her clawed fingers and her latest creature fell from the ceiling without making a sound. The creature was built like a canine but large enough that it rival Tervalia's size. Shimmering skin of some strange amphibian covered it's body while it's arms were that of some subspecies of drake, six similar limbs ended in human-like hands with suckers at the tip. The creatures head resembled one of the many tropical lizards that could be found all over the world. It's eyes were segmented with many different eyes of many different species. Four long equine-like penises bobbed from its crotch.

"I wanna go home." The familiar whimpered, "This is going to hurt."

"Bibble! Get the little doggy and show him your special hug."

The familiar only had a chance to open his mouth before a tongue lashed around his neck, the abomination split in half from the upper jaw to lower jaw. In the massive gaping mouth was thousands of tongues. The familiar allowed himself to be dragged in without a fight. He had been through enough of these 'tests' to know what was going to happen next and what was expected of him.

"I can feel my magic being drained, the tongues are... surprisingly pleasant. I can feel on going... Oh ho. That's a pretty nice feeling..." The familiar's tongue lolled to the side of his muzzle, "It's slowly going inside of me, it's swirling like mad and starting to drain my energy faster. I don't think I'll be able to maintain form much longer. This tongue is very long, If I was mortal I'd probably be panicking but as it stands I just feel a bit-"

The familiar simply winked out of existence with only the lingering buzz of active magic in the air. Bibble dropped to all six limbs and shifted his skin to match the carpeting. Abby walked around the creature to show that it would reflect objects on the opposite side, long as the creature remained motionless it was nearly invisible. Tervalia sniffed the creature and noticed that it only smelled damp, it wouldn't smell out of place in most section of the tower.

"It's a very nice chimera. I'm quite proud of you." Another canine tongue slapped against Abby's chest.

Abby nodded, "I'm going to need a bath, you know for all your licking. You never lick me where it counts."

Tervalia gave a dismissive snort but snorted, "I don't care for female partners in my bed chamber but so many of my summons have found themselves between your scaly legs so you should not be so greedy. Let us take a bath, I'll tell you story that I've never told any other person in the tower."

Abby skipped back to her room, the only room on the whole floor that had a door made like meat. Tervalia followed and watched as the excited Kobold grabbed a two balls of quivering meat, she skimmed through the half dozen Terrariums until she found what she was looking for. The being in the cage was a gnoll but no bigger than a child's doll. Abby enjoyed making living toys out of the enemies of the tower, this Gnoll was a barbarian that managed to kill several of Tervalia's wolves.

"Oh. You've gotten a little pudgy haven't you, well you need a bath as well."

"I still don't understand why you pamper that one over the others. You've had him for years but the other only last a few months before you eat them." Tervalia said while glaring at the Gnoll, the creature gave her a rude guesture that she lacked fingers to return.

"Because he has given up, he doesn't want to leave. Even when I let him out of his pen he simply tries to go into another pen to rut with the others. I was going to eat him then he just asked for a few minutes in the human pen so he could be and I quote : 'I want to be cornholing a man while his wench watches on last time before I die.'"

The Gnoll was placed between her horns, he gripped the horns and began dowing an exercise by pulling his body up. Even though he was only seven inches tall he was just as muscular as the day he was capture. He was obviously spoiled by the Kobold from luster of his coat and the sheer smell of sex wafting from his small crotch. Tervalia snorted, she held little animosity toward the creature and was curious to see him in action at some later date.

The trio made there way through the large corridors and small monster dens. Many of the canine guards would occassionally follow the pair, they would immediately return to their posts when Tervalia looked over her shoulder at them. Abby snickered as they kept a wide berth from her, she was equal parts feared and loved on their floor. She was second in command of they floor, she worked equal parts as a doctor, a trainer, a trap master and a source of rewards. She answered to Tervalia and Tervalia answered to Estrasa, this made her main job of keeping the big dire wolf happy. Her attention was pulled toward a canine dragging a human by the collar, the human was bound in one of the many rope traps that dotted the outside of the keep.

"Abby, I got one. I got one! Can I please have a toy now?" This canine wasn't a wolf like many of the other but rather a half-breed with fur patterns that looked like a cow. She couldn't remember her real name but she remember giving her a nickname: Dairy.

"Sure,Dairy. How big?"

"I want one like the one you made for Gelda but I want one a bit smaller. Pleeeease?" The canine asked, she didn't even register that her floor leader was sniffing her body.

"That won't take long I'll do it here and you can carry it back to your room." Abby petted the canine, she loved how relaxed her floor was. Even fear wouldn't keep the little canine from asking her for treats.

Abby bit into the man, her modified teeth pumping strong drugs into his system. His eyes dialated and rolled into the back of his head as he slacked enough for her to remove the trap safely. Arcane magic flowed from her fingers as she thought of the shape she needed, his hair vanished from every part of his body but his crotch. The flesh on his arm opened up as she carved a small regeneration rune into the bone. It would feed off the user to keep the toy ready for action at any time. The bone moved through the skin as she fused muscles together and shaped many of the organs into much smaller version of themselves, she shaped the human cock into a canine like shape. She even pull a few strands of fur from the canine to affix the toy to its primary owner, she replaced much of the normal penile chamber with muscles and increased the number of nerves for the now canine looking shaft. It was still a human biologically but astetcially it was a canine penis with a swollen knot and always hard. She finished it by adding a third testicle-like growth between the normal testicles, this would be were all the organs would be housed and how she kept these toys both alive and aware.

Dairy bayed happily looking over the eight inches of canine-like cock with a solid bone base, "Niiice."

"Now remember submerge the base in sweet water to feed it if you are going to be away for a while, if you just play with it weekly that enough to keep it functioning for a whole humans lifespan. Keep up the good work, Dairy." Abby gave the hound another scratch behind the ears as the canine gently picked up the living toy by its base and trotted off.

"This is why half my females don't breed with the males, you keep giving them these amazing toys. I have three of them and I can't deny how much fun they are after a rough day. I can just sit down and have you sign off on my reports while the toy does all the work. You spoil us so much, I'm so glad I didn't eat you when we met."

Abby nodded but decided against reminding the direwolf that she is extremely poisonous to consume, even a rank fleshcrafter wouldn't forget to prepare themselves to dealing with werewolves, vampires, and dragons. Trevalia words sent shivers down Abby spine, she smiled while rubbing a claw between the crack of the miniature gnoll. She enjoyed his squirming even as she carried him in the wake of the powerful floor leader, they walked through the winding corridors of the inner gates. So great was the power of Estrasa that the tower itself was more like it's own realm filled with sub-realms, Abby looked out of the window at the forest that seemed to stretch on forever. She would never get used to the idea that she was the second in command of the floor, she provided her own claws to help grow the most refined and powerful creatures to ever please her mistresses.

Tervalia guided her into the only room that Abby and Tervalia had exclusive access, She leaned back and allowed her collar to be examined by the enchanted metal eye affixed to the door. The door opened and allowed her through as torches sprang to life around the white stones of the room, water bubbles in the large pool in the middle of the room. Runic carvings kept the water clean through magic, Tervalia stepped into the water and allowed her brown fur to billow in the water as it purified her mind and washed off the days stresses.

"I told I was going to be giving a story." Abby chuckled as she warped her own flesh, she gave herself a pseudo-dick made of her own clit and muscle. The cock was relatively small even for her kobold frame.

The gnoll was quickly pressed against Abby's shaft, he made a submissive squeal as his backside was spread wide. More of the shaft pushed its way into his insides until he was impaled on her cock, his head was just above the waterline. Soapy water was rubbed between his ears as he had to get comfortable with the sudden dilatation of his asshole. At least this time his flesh wasn't meshed with her own.

The massive canine panted at the sudden change in temperature and sighed loudly, "I don't usually talk about this but here is how I met Mistress Estrasa."


Tervalia watched as her father fought her mother with masterful skills, roots and poisons slammed against conjured creatures as her father defeated her mother in a hail of seeds moving like arrows to batter her into a whimpering pile. She was the oldest of six pups and the only to take to her fathers druid arts, her father was a human that kept his form like that of the direwolf. She admired his shimmering red fur when he shifted, she and her brothers would often bite on his ears and attempt to get him to them magic. Her mother was far more stern and emphasized learning summoning to always have a pack ready to attack whenever you needed them.

"Children, there will come a time where you will have to give thanks to the Mistress Estrasa by the service of your lives." Jascar smiled and sat on a log while looking at his children, he was currently in the form of a large direwolf.

"Don't mince words, Jascar, You will be slaves to a cold and unforgiving monster that will use you until you are nothing to her. You will probably be nothing more than animals to be set upon her enemies." Her mother, Snow-Willow, rumbled in displeasure.

The children looked to their parents, each one smelled of a strong tension but the look of affection that passed between them was one that Trevalia hoped to share with her own mate.

"When will we meet her, father?" A sibling asked.

Jascar sniffed the air, "She is coming from the mountains, I can smell her scent but it's faint. She is already aware of you being my children and one of you will be picked to service her, possibly more."

The direwolves began to bury the bones of their kills and scatter the leaves, it was the most polite behavior that they learned from their human father. Jascar suddenly slumped over to the side like a marionette with its strings cut. Snow-Willow approached her mate curiously before an bitter iron smell reached their children. Snow-Willow slumped over just like her mate, a bright red pool growing beneath her. Blood..

"We are being attacked!" A younger brother spoke a human managed to land on him in full plate armor. Tervalia winced at the sound of her brother's spine breaking like a twig, she would not be killed here.

Four of her sister dived into a tree and used their skills to move in the woods, the sudden pressure of their magic being cut off sealed their fate as they suffocated within the tree with only the second oldest getting her muzzle out of the tree in time. The direwolf squeal in agony as a single human dressed in animal fur stepped from the clearing to join his fully plated companion.

"Little Jascar thought he could hide away from us forever." The armored man snorted and picked up the limp form the Tervalia younger brother, he simply picked up the creature before wrenching its neck in to end the males suffering.

Tervalia lowered her head and glared at the men, the barely cloaked scent of a third stalker. She coaxed the trees to reveal the third person. The tree shook rapidly, an elf fell down the branches before landing with soundlessly, the crossbow that killed her parents. Tervalia managed to clamp her jaws around the elf's neck, she shook her head quickly until she felt a wet snap. She spat out the remains of the elves throat before his companions.

The direwolf barely had a moment to relish in her kill before an armor gauntlet slammed into her face with enough force to send all two hundred pounds of her crashing to the ground. Magical chains spread up from the ground before looping around her neck and forepaws, a long pillar of earth slammed into stomach and raised her hips in the air. She thrashed against the bonds until she felt the other attacker rubber his hands over her hips.

"We should keep this one. She has good hips, she could probably bear me a few good children."

The other human crouch down just a foot away from Tervalia, "Don't tell me you are going get like Jascar, I'd rather not have to hunt you down because decided to fuck off and play house with a damn dog. We don't need any more traitors, it's weird enough that both of you druids like fucking animals as animals."

Tervalia hair stood on end as the human raised her tail, probing hands explored her body as if she was a fresh kill. Tervalia tugged at her chains as she tried to ignore the fact the druid was pushing his fingers in the wrong hole for making puppies. The other human started piling the bodies of her family members together, she would have time for mourning later. Direwolves were survivors and she was a proud direwolf, she tried to coax nature to her bidding but the chains sucked her power out of her with a painful discharge.

'You father is dead, your mother is dead and your family is probably going to be made into rugs. This greatly displeases me, I was promised a family of direwolves and I got one weak breeder wolf.'

The overwhelming mental force pressed against her, a suffocating and all consuming force. The feminine voice carried more bored than concerned with her plight, Tervalia's mind was exposed to the invading force. Mischievous laughter echoed in Tervalia head, her mind was being violated even as she felt weight of another dire wolf on her back. Her heart felt like hot coal, she would kill them all but she needed to survive. She reached out to the voice with her own mind, she was no psychic but she hoped the other female would hear her.

'You are the mistress?'

'I'm glad Jascar told you about me. Oooh what is this? You seemed to have had a little crush on your brothers and your father. Naughty, Naughty.'

'I enjoy males, my father taught me that expression of my own sexuality is fine. However, I am not sure that this is such a good time for such discussion. I can't exactly focus while my families killers are...'

Tervalia vision returned as she noticed that there were two small dogs barking at her, the smelled the same as her attackers and even their fur and eye color matched that of the other two. Tervalia's chains vanished as a woman stepped into the forest, she was followed by a procession of monsters that seem almost talior made for sexual conquest. Tervalia would know this being that appeared before her in the form of a kobold, it was the being that her father would often praise. The woman glided across the forest floor with no sound as she sent caused both of the canines to hover in the air with a simple gesture.

"Your enemies are hapless before you and your Mistress stands before you. Impress me."

Tervalia rose to her full height, she towered over Estrasa as she approached. She walked past the floating canines to sit inches away from the kobold, her head lowered till she could gaze into the eyes of her father's master. Tervalia didn't move as she willed the roots to pull her family underground, she buried each of her family members without breaking the gaze. She knew from her father that Estrasa killed and changed her enemies, her father even told her that the very reason she was born was to serve this woman. Tervalia's tongue lashed out to lick the reptilian woman, she panted heavily.

"You should visit more, Grandma. All we grew up on was stories on how good of Mistress you were, how dangerous and impressive you were. We all dreamed of following you, especially my brothers. They hoped you would give them an elf to mount, you were family even though only mother and father got to see you."

"Grandma? If you are trying to make a joke, you have severely misunderstanding your role."

Tervalia lowered her head, "Mistress, I mean no disrespect. I just... feel like I know you. I just felt a bit of a family connection. I'm trying to figure out what to do-"

Estrasa placed a hand on her head, "I noticed you didn't kill them even though they freshly killed you family. They have stolen loyal servants from me, how would you deal with them? This will be your test."

Tervalia didn't even turn to face the two behind, "I want to keep them alive,if your magic can change them so easily I want them as the first of many breeders. I will have them breed you an army of loyal servants. I will take their lives, their dream and their purpose and wolves naturally submit to us but they make great trackers."

Estrasa considered for a moment her clawed finger scratched under Tervalia chin, "I like that plan, you don't seem as blood thirsty as I was brought to expect. Jascar must have grown soft under his lover."

"Father is human." Tervalia lowered her head, "I will miss him but I will not tarnish his memory by behaving like a human in the face of this tragedy."

Estrasa found herself picking sticks out of the extremely fluffy direwolves fur, "So you know what I expect of you and what I would have expected of your kin?"


"No questions? No pleading? You are a dull dog, show a little emotion." Estrasa slapped Trevalia across the face.

"Are you giving me permission to do so?"

"Yes, your dourness is killing any appeal for me to keep you as a pet. Get mad, get sad, do something."

Tervalia screamed and slammed her paws against the ground, she summoned wolves around her and tore them apart in her grief. She was a blur of violence even tearing into her own paws from her own panic. She limped over to Estrasa and pressed her head against the kobold's chest, quiet shuddering breaths left the direwolf in strained bursts. Tervalia couldn't cry, it just wasn't a think direwolves were physically capable of. Her whimpers were muffled by the expensive black robes of the Kobold female. Tervalia felt claws rubbing on her ears her in sympathetic fashion, she peer up at Estrasa with fierce intensity.

"Grandma, I want to have a big family. I want to continue my line and do what my father did for you. I was born because of you and I will do all I can to prove that my training makes me more than a simple animal."

Estrasa tutted at the large wolf, "You called me Grandma again, It's less than flattering but you are young and I hope to see you go far. Let's begin your training."

Tervalia heard the soft snap of her Mistress's fingers before the monsters sprang in action against her.


"After that I was pretty much fondled, groped, licked, bitten and fucked all the way to the tower by her minions. Mistress called it training but I think she was just venting her annoyance at me calling her Grandma." Tervalia turned her head toward Abby, the smell of arousal coming off the kobold was surprising.

"What happened to the people who killed your parents?"

"You've met them, they work on this floor but I don't tell this story because I don't want anyone hurting them. I used to be far more hateful to them but I don't think they want to return to their old lives. They have many puppies here and that is all I ask of them, I have stripped their humanity, their function is simply to push out more puppies to live in the forest."

Abby pulled the mini-gnoll off of her pseudo-cock with a nod, "You are much more benevolent than I would have been, I would have atleast given them six wombs to breed much faster..."

Tervalia nodded, "This is why I keep you around. Our Mistress would have probably not put me in charge of the floor if I didn't have someone who could terrify the intruders."

Abby smell of excitement increased at the compliment, "This is why I wanna just get between those muscular canine legs and spread my tongue all over."

"Ask the Mistress to make you male and maybe we could work something out but for now. I think it's time we get back to work, I can sense a few intruders are entering the western forest."

Abby smiled as she ran out of the room, still naked and growing larger claws as she tried to race her way to the armory. Tervalia noticed the Gnoll still prone on the floor, he was only the size of the children's toy but she would not let him roam around the floor. She sent out a call of the many pixies on the floor,she spoke her command out loud.

"Attention pixies, Abby seems to have left her prized toy in our private baths. Anyone who can return him to his cage can play with him until he is dripping with juices like the rebellious little hyena that he is. I'll be pushing him out in a few moments."

The tiny gnoll got to his feet and rubbed his head, he crossed his arms and looked up at Tervalia with a predator grin that only managed to look adorable for his size.

"Ya think yer little pixies scare me? I'm gonna walk my way to my cage and I'm going to fuck every one of those moth-winged jackasses." Tervalia watched as the Gnoll strolled out of the open door with all the confidence of a warrior.

Tervalia stepped out of the calming water and shook herself, She would be presentable to greet whatever intruders were stupid enough to try to sneak in using the collars of her own pack. She would let Abby Tor figure out what to do with them when she arrived, her heart skipped a beat when she sensed that her intruders were all males. The trickle of information as the bumbling explorers didn't pay much attention to the forest outside of her keep, every creature was her eyes and ears within her floor and she was getting the image of a confused group of hunters rather than a malicious band of hunters. All of them where male.

"This will be fun."