Glamorous Incantations - August Rule 34 Story #1

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#76 of Patreon

When a massive beast that resembles something out of a Fable comes crashing into town, it's up to Bigby Wolf to determine if he is a threat; turns out that the dinosaur from another dimension is all-too friendly!

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"Glamorous Incantations"

The district of Fabletown at night was a sea of faces from the back of the cab as Bigby Wolf reclined in the plush-faux-leather seats; actually, it wasn't even all that plush, and he had no real reason for remaining calm as he sat, watching the city's lights blink from one to the next to the next; filling the cabin with brief flashes of light.

Snow had fallen asleep and was resting against him; unintentionally, of course. If she knew, she would probably deny ever using the sheriff as her own personal pillow, hot off the latest case of a witch who was supplying a good deal of Fabletown residence with false glamours for ridiculous prices. After their pursuit ended with the sudden explosion of her cover shop and the mundy authorities were called in, both he and Snow figured it would be best to have Crane their own authorities attempt to push the papers and cover up the incident.

As they turned down the road leading to the Woodlands, the taxi driver gruffly gazed at the pair of them through his rearview mirror. "Why is it whenever there's trouble in this town, I'm the one that's gotta pick you up, sheriff?" He asked.

"Beats me." Bigby replied, rolling his window down a crack and reaching into his jacket pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes. As he tapped a stick between his lips, the driver cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I don't allow smoking in my cab." He said. "It stinks up the seats, and your brand in particular is the worst--"

"Just shut up and drive, would ya?"

The sheriff's beat cut the driver's words off and he fell silent again, returning to the drive as Bigby lit up; blowing his first puff of smoke out the window. It was the first moment all day he'd had the chance to relax, and he wasn't about to let some random driver tell him he couldn't--

As if struck by a blow from karma, there was a sudden collision with the taxi that whipped Bigby's entire body to one side; the screaming of metal and the shattering of glass was only accompanied by Snow's scream of terror as she was jarred awake by the twisting of the cab's entire body and the car was thrown clear to the side of the road. Bigby grabbed Snow and held her so the weight of the impact would fall on him; and when it did, the man let out a roar of pain; jagged shards of glass and metal shot into his arm, dislodging his shoulder with ease as he did his best to cushion the blow. When the wreckage settled, he checked Snow; she was almost unconscious, moaning in pain as she put her hand onto her head. Glancing to his left, he could see that the driver was dead; his neck snapping cleanly and his head now drooping off to one side as the wolf tried to move. He grunted in pain; he could feel the pull of his transformation, but fought to pull it back. This was the kind of wreck that made the fur on his arms stand on end, but the first thing he needed to do was to get Snow to safety. He could smell gas leaking from the car and he saw that the pole they were thrown into had dropped its wires and they were dangling dangerously close. He grunted and got to his feet; he tried to open the door; but to no avail, the twisting crash had jammed it. He slammed into it again, howling in pain as his shoulder reacted to the strike. "Nnnnn---fuck!" He grunted as he pushed up with his good arm; his growling intensified as he could feel his body undergo its transformation. His muscles popped outward as his expanding body began to tear through his shirt, his growing claws scratched into the door's frame and he forced his body upward.

"Big---by?" He looked down to see Snow lying under him, her head falling to a gentle rest on the ground under her, which was already beginning to soak itself in the vehicle's fluids.He grunted and grasped his arm; bracing himself he pulled hard, grunting as he felt his shoulder pop back into place.

With a forceful punch, the werewolf easily forced the door ajar, sending the plank of metal flying off into the night, he quickly grabbed Snow by the arm and lifted her up before vaulting the cab's frame and leaping out onto the street; he ran across just as the vehicle suddenly exploded, hurling him to the other side with ease. With the danger past; he looked down at Snow and felt his body shift back into its human form again. The pain in his arm feeling very real as it shifted, but he would live. He would deal with the agony in the morning. "Snow? Are you alright?" He asked.

Snow's eyes fluttered for a moment as she regained consciousness and realized she was embraced in Bigby's arms. "Bigby? What--what happened?" She asked as she pushed herself free. She sat up and looked at the wreckage; now in towering flames on the other side of the street. "What the hell hit us?"

"No clue." Bigby replied. "But whatever it was, it was big, and it was strong." He said.

"Sounds like you've got some work to do." She said. "We can't have something like that running around the city; what if it's a Fable?"

"I'm not sure what it was." The sheriff shook his head. "But I guess I'm gonna need to find out."

Bigby returned later that night; after seeing Snow White home and gathering a new shirt and tie to replace the ones he'd lost in the fire. Almost all signs of the crew that handled the towing of the accident had gone; and the area was littered in police tape, which Bigby discretely ducked under to investigate the area. He had a cigarette between his lips and crouched down to observe the charred remains of the sidewalk that had been obliterated when the taxi exploded. He took a final puff of the cigarette before tossing it to the ground and quaffing it out with his shoe. He could smell the remains of the taxi driver; though his body had long-since been moved to the morgue of the local hospital, the scent couldn't escape the wolf. The tattered car had been moved off to the side and was unrecognizable as it sat crumpled up in the corner. Bigby ran his hand along the frame, spying the very spot that it had been crushed in by the impact. He wasn't familiar with the scent he detected from it; though his senses weren't nearly as sharp in this form, he knew that whatever had hit them wasn't human. His finger felt something fairly rough within the indent, and on closer investigation, he could see shards of a white substance. Scraping at it with his fingers, he determined it was a bit more solid than bone; but with minute amounts of blood attached, he figured that whatever hit the cab had to have been going at least ten miles per hour and the remains were... that of a horn or similar.

"What the hell could have caused damage like this?" He wondered aloud just as a ringing caught his attention, and he noticed a payphone nearby was ringing. He walked cautiously up to it, and picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Sheriff, issat you?"

The sharp cockneyed accent drilled into Bigby's brain as he instantly recognized it; not to mention the jazzy music playing somewhere in the background muffled. Bigby rolled his eyes. "Georgie; what is this? How'd you know I'd be here?"

"Mr. Crane told me you were investigatin' the accident that almost killed you and Ms. White." He answered. "I knew the number, so I thought I'd give it a try."

"I don't even want to know how you know the payphone number--what do you want?"

"So... I wanted to call and tell ya, I think I know who or---what caused your accident. He's here now."

Bigby rolled his eyes; trying to determine if Georgie was pulling his leg. "Well? What fable is it?"

"That's the thing... I don't recognize 'im... I don't think he's a Fable, but... 'ee definitely ain't a mundy either, that's for sure."

"Listen, Georgie. It might not be the smartest thing to pull this wolf's tail; if he ain't a mundy, and he ain't a fable...then what is he?"

"Heeeey!" He could hear a voice shouting in the background. "I need another glass of that beer! Barkeep!"

"He's tearing up my place, sheriff." Georgie stammered angrily. "Just get down here, would you?"

The Puddin' & Pie was Georgie's club, and it wasn't two miles from the accident; thinking about it, Bigby thought maybe a place catering to Fables would be a good place for one to go to, but this didn't sound like an ordinary client of his. Georgie burst through the door as Bigby approached the bar, his head sweating and a panicked look on his face. "You gotta help me, Bigby. Th' guy's insane!"

"Alright, alright. Calm down." Bigby growled. "What am I dealing with here?"

"What can I say? He's huge, he's blue, he's a feckin' dinosaur!"

Bigby stared at Georgie for a moment. "Say that again?"

"A dinosaur! He's a fuckin' dinosaur!"

Bigby rolled his eyes. "Okay, what the fuck?" He said. "You're just playing me like a fiddle, is that it?"

"No! No! Honest! Go have a look for yaself! I need him gone, sheriff. I closed up an hour ago because of 'im and I'm losin' business because he won't fuckin' leave."

"Okay, I am going to go deal with the real world, Georgie, I suggest you--" There was a sudden, explosive crash from inside the club; one that made Georgie cringe and spin around to look at the club and the ground rumble under their feet. "What the fuck?"

"I'm tellin' ya the truth!" Georgie insisted.

Without another word, Bigby ran past the man and shoved his way into the joint, the door slamming open so hard that he could hear the wall behind its swing crack at the impact; jumping the velvet rope and throwing himself through the door into the main hall, Bigby stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening at what he was watching:

On the stage was a giant blue dinosaur; his head was shaped like a triceratops, but his mouth was full of sharp teeth. His body was human-like and heavily muscled. Wearing nothing but a pair of camouflage cargo shorts, that had already been partially pulled down on one hip. As soon as his eyes fell on the beast, Bigby felt a sudden pulse hit his brain that nearly sent him to the floor. He took a moment to recover as the sounds of the strange monster crooning badly to the sound of Le Freak playing from Georgie's jukebox; he wasn't sure what was stranger, the fact that a dinosaur was trying to sing, or the fact that Georgie actually had that music in his jukebox. He staggered onto the stage and clamped his hand onto the dinosaur's shoulder.

"Hey! What the fuck are you--"

"Leave me alone!" The dinosaur yelled as he smacked Bigby's hand away. "We're just getting to the best part!"

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist!" Bigby replied angrily as he responded with a shove. "You're causing a massive disturbance, you don't have a glamour; and oh yeah, you're under arrest for that cab you immolated earlier."

"So what, are you the law around these parts? Maybe you can explain why I'm suddenly in the eighties too? Or why I had to find this place called the Pudding and Pie run by a dude named Georgie? What is his last name Porgie or something?"

"Good call. And I'm the Big, Bad Wolf sheriff, and you're coming with m--"

Bigby didn't have a chance to respond before the dinosaur grabbed his wrist and suddenly; effortlessly flung him across the room. He hit the jukebox; causing the record to squawk loudly and go silent as his back bounced off the top of it and he vanished on the other side. "Awww come on! You ruined my tunes!" The dinosaur complained. As he hopped down from the stage though, his demeanor sounded a bit more concerned. "Uhm... dude, are you okay?" He asked as he approached the music box. "I don't know what came over me, I was just suddenly... so mad. Look, I'm just...confused"

Bigby's arm came over the jukebox as he recovered, his eyes were glowing an eerie yellow, which made the dinosaur take a step back. "Georgie's about to open this place to the public, and I don't want a public scene." He snarled. "So we're gonna go in the back, and you're going to--calmly explain who or... what you are."

"Is...this an appropriate time to say what big eyes you have?"

Bigby's eyes narrowed. "NOW!" He pointed toward the stage door; his voice booming so loudly that it made the dinosaur jump.

"Now who are you? What the fuck are you doin' here?" Bigby asked, following the triceratops to the back and slamming the door behind them.

"Dude. Relax, I'm called Spike."

"Spike?" Bigby scoffed. "Are you some sort of a Fable we've never heard of?"

"Fable?" Spike scratched his head. " what?"

"A fairy tale." Bigby rolled his eyes. "Are you from a fairy tale?"

"Oh hell no. I'm from the nineties though, so it's a little weird I'm in the eighties, right?"

"You're kidding me. A time traveling dinosaur from the future?" Bigby rolled his eyes and furrowed them with his fingers. "Everyone's pulling my leg tonight. What kind of a glam--" He turned to look at the dinosaur again and another wave of dizziness hit him. "Ooof."

"You...okay?" Spike's voice sounded almost distorted for a moment before the flashes of pink and red cleared from Bigby's vision. "Sheriff?"

Bigby looked at the dinosaur again; this time the yellowing of his eyes stayed. "Yeah I'm fine." He insisted, tugging down hard at his shirt that felt as though it were getting tighter. "You've gotta understand that for Fables, glamours from witches are used to hide our identities from mundys; regular humans who don't know we exist. So you--hrmpph..." He growled as his headache seemed to get worse. "You making yourself so well known is going to give the rest of us problems, do you understand that?"

"Yeah. I get it." Spike admitted. "I'm not sure why I had to get here, I think I was blinded by some weird instinct; I just... I just had to get here. Are you okay? You don't look so well."

Bigby could feel his fangs growing in his mouth; he couldn't understand it, he was normally in perfect control of his human form and normally only transformed when he was under serious strain. "The fuck are you looking at?!" He snarled, feeling the fur under his shirt suddenly start sprouting from every pore.

It was as if the sheriff's attitude snapped something in Spike's mind; his eyeball twitched and he grabbed Bigby by the collar of his shirt. "Don't you take that attitude with me, wolf. I can still squash you into tomorrow!"

"Oh yeah?" Bigby felt the urge to punch the dinosaur and as he brought the back of his arm across Spike's face, he could feel his other form suddenly take over. "I'd like to see you TRRRRRRYYYYY!"

That was it; his transformation was beyond his control and Spike responded aggressively as well. The two locked arms for a moment before the dinosaur butted his large head into Bigby's face. Bigby snarled in response, his head rearing back for a moment before his knee raised up and he kicked the dinosaur in the gut, sending the two of them toppling back. Bigby's shirt shredded away as his muscle outgrew it, his fur darkening to its first stage of brownish and tan as it exploded through his top. He hit the ground first and Spike landed on top of him. Bigby wrestled with Spike's massive strength until his own body grew large enough to turn the dinosaur over onto his back. He punched Spike's head, immediately regretting it as its solid nature about broke his hand. Spike grappled with the wolf and managed to kick Bigby off of him, sending him flying back several feet and colliding with several storage lockers, sending them crashing to the ground. Instantly, he was back on his feet and he charged at the dinosaur, their muscles slammed hard into one another, and neither wolf nor dino gave an inch.

Bigby could feel his heart pounding hard as he looked over Spike's muscled frame; a strange feeling washed over him, and it wasn't so much anger as it was...another feeling. He felt Spike grasp the tightened waistline of his trousers and throw him hard to the ground. Bigby rolled back and his pants ripped due to the size and the strain on his belt. He forcibly tackled Spike and they both slammed against the wall, causing it to crack and to crumble behind them. Spike growled and his hands wrapped tight around Bigby's shoulders before he whirled around and threw Bigby through the weakened plaster. Bigby exploded out into the main hall of the strip club while everyone in attendance screamed and began to re-clear the room as Georgie stared on with his mouth hanging agape. The muscular beasts writhing around on his stage providing an unexpected entertainment.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Bigby roared at Georgie, who then took the clue and rushed out the door with the rest of the patrons.

Spike was pushed hard against Bigby's body, pinning his legs upward and attempting to lock the wolf in this position. Bigby felt the strange pulses flash through his head again, and with the flashes, he began to grow a bit more and more antsy. He punched Spike's neck and knocked the dinosaur off of him as he stood up, Spike rushed Bigby again, slamming him into a sturdy column just off the stage, and the two stood chest-to-chest, breathing heavily. Bigby was hard as a rock, and Spike noticed this; it was almost a moment of instinct as Spike grabbed Bigby's cock and squeezed down on it hard.

"Wh-what...the fuck is this?" Spike asked, his head spinning. "I c-can't... control..."

"Me either." Bigby growled as he kicked Spike away, making him tumble across the stage as the werewolf leaped through the air, landing practically on top of his victim. He grabbed the massive bulge in the dinosaur's crotch. "Must--..." He couldn't even finish his sentence before grabbing the front of Spike's shorts and abruptly tearing them free without any effort on his part, causing the thick mound of flesh to come spilling out and bouncing back to life.

Bigby wrapped his mouth around the dinosaur's cock, feeling it throb in between his lips as he about broke his jaw, shoving it deep into his maw. His form shifted even more, the gray fur now completely overtaking his body, his frame reaching the extent of its humanoid form as his jaw allowed him to engulf the thick dinosaur cock easily. He could feel precum pulsing into his throat, and Bigby only felt more turned on by the injection of the dino's musk as his talons dug hard against the dinosaur's thick skin; barely leaving a scratch as he dragged his claw down Spike's torso. Spike was moaning loudly and his fists were pounding so hard into the stage that they left holes behind every single punch.

What was happening? Bigby had never felt this kind of impulse before; especially not towards other males, he growled as he engulfed the shaft; putting his canine appetite to its test. After all, he'd swallowed people whole back in his "glory days" why not a cock the size of a small person? The taste was leaving Bigby dripping and he started to stroke himself at this, as if getting some sadistic pleasure out of it.

Suddenly Bigby felt Spike's hands grab his head and the dinosaur let out a long groaning cry; the fluids pulsing down Bigby's throat had increased, but he knew the dinosaur wasn't finished yet. With a forceful shove, Bigby was thrown back against the column behind him again and Spike was again on top of him, throwing Bigby around and slamming the thick tip of his cock against the wolf's ass. Bigby's eyes were almost as round as dinner plates as he felt the dinosaur forcefully cram his thick cock into the wolf's ass. Bigby howled loudly as Spike intruded the muscle of his ass almost all at once. The pain was so unbearable for a minute that the wolf's claws screamed loudly down the metal column, shredding it as his talons sparked against its rough surface. Deeper, he felt Spike plow into him, pulling back and dragging Bigby's body into a more horizontal position; he felt his guts almost push around the deeper Spike went until the dinosaur's torso was flatly slamming into Bigby's back. Bigby howled out loudly as Spike fucked him, his cock was so hard that he could feel the constant trickle of precum pouring from its tip as his body was stretched in all sorts of directions. Howling began to ring in Bigby's ears as the blood rushed to his head, still the strange pulses plagued him, they seemed to be telling him to keep going, to keep fucking...or get fucked as the case may have been. As Bigby's eyes rolled back, he felt Spike pull himself free and suddenly turn the wolf around, slamming him hard into the floor, facing up as the dinosaur spread his legs out and began to pound down into him hard.

Bigby's tongue lolled out of his mouth now, feeling the constant strain on his cock as it was pressed in between his body and Spike's; Spike driving into him like a jackhammer now, he felt the pressure beginning to build up, he watched as the dinosaur's face changed; it flushed darker and his eyes rolled back and suddenly:


Spike began to unleash heavy, copious amounts of cum that very quickly flooded the wolf's ass; as Bigby felt his ass expand and pour over with Spike's seed, he groaned in agony. The dinosaur's cock suddenly popped free from the pressure, sending cum down Bigby's body like a waterfall. Spike eagerly grabbed Bigby's cock and let his body rest partly as he wrapped his lips around it and began to suck on it hungrily. Bigby's hips began to shake uncontrollably as his eruption grew more and more iminent. The wolf's claws dragged on the floor under him and with a feral growl, he began to cum hard into Spike's mouth. Spike responded with a grunt and began to swallow every drop until he pulled his lips back and several streaks shot across his face.

From the entrance to the room; Georgie stood with his camcorder on, staring at the spectacle as he recorded the two. His eyes opened wide as he stared: "Holy fuckin' hell, why do I find that so hot? What the fuck is wrong with me?" He asked himself.

Growling, Bigby pushed the dinosaur's head back and felt his entire body suddenly unleash the torrent of cum as his ass was freed by Spike's cock. "Wh-what...the fuck was that?" He asked. "Some sort of a spell?"

Spike was panting. "Y-you mean...there's a such thing as spells here?"

Bigby groaned and pressed his palms against his face, which was rapidly turning back into his human face. "I keep...keep wanting more I keep seeing..."

"Flashes in my eyes..." Spike admitted, completing Bigby's sentence and making the sheriff look at him oddly. "Is that what's happening to you?"

"I..." Bigby shook his head. "I don't know... whoever's doing this, I ain't even... mad?"

Spike chuckled softly, helping Bigby back to his feet. "You know what? Me neither."